guy fieri and gordon ramsay linked up

guy fieri and gordon ramsay linked up

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    need it

  2. 1 month ago

    I hate how his last name is "supposed" to be pronounced

    • 1 month ago

      Isn’t it like Fee Eddy? I remember him breaking balls to someone who didn’t say it that way. Like how the frick would anyone know

  3. 1 month ago

    Guy looks so fricking weird. Still has a fat ass head

    • 1 month ago

      He looks decent actually, he lost weight

  4. 1 month ago

    Fieri absolutely dunks on Gordon

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      At least this is marketed as sloppa. Gordon's frozen dinners are marketed as being the real deal

    • 1 month ago

      also Guy has a chicken tendie restaurant that's pretty good

    • 1 month ago

      I want to try these but I can't justify wasting the money. I know I won't like it.

    • 1 month ago

      Lasagna with pepperoni is actually good especially with dry cheese
      T. Manual laborer

  5. 1 month ago

    Guy's been on the ozempic

  6. 1 month ago

    they should do some sketti wrestling for the crown of the culinary king. i think guy would win, though

  7. 1 month ago

    why are they cosplaying as 20 year old black zoomers

  8. 1 month ago

    2 aryan chads

  9. 1 month ago

    >Cinemaphile loves Guy Fieri and hates Anthony Bourdain now

    What the frick happened?

    • 1 month ago

      We grew up.

    • 1 month ago

      fieri was always /ourGuy/
      only election tourists were boredaingays

    • 1 month ago

      guy fieri dropped by my hometown when it was affected by a natural disaster years ago and gave free shit to survivors. i guess bourdain would have had an excuse at the time, he was getting cucked around then

    • 1 month ago

      >Go to shitty local dives
      >Happy and joyous
      >Travel the entire world immersing yourself in the cuisine of countless cultures
      >have a nice day

    • 1 month ago

      Fieri was always a very humble down to earth guy despite his wacky appearance. Bourdain was always an elitist butthole.

    • 1 month ago

      >Cinemaphile likes goofy fun guy more than pretentious suicide victim
      It makes sense

    • 1 month ago

      >loveable self-made dingus from Ohio vs private school elite New York israelite

    • 1 month ago

      >happy go lucky guy vs. dour snarky butthole
      It's called growing up. I'm not an angsty pre-teen anymore.

    • 1 month ago

      bourdain was a pretentious new york hipster israelite who LARPed as some kind of social activist and treated himself was an undeserved sense of importance and authority

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Anyone who gets cucked to death is ngmi on this board

    • 1 month ago

      Anthony was a leftist homosexual that killed himself because of some children loving woman

    • 1 month ago

      It's like when Cinemaphile hated "Christgays" and now everybody here is a ninth degree black belt in chudservatism.

      • 1 month ago

        We matured. You can't be a teenager forever. Well... You can, but not everyone does. I don't watch torture video's anymore either.

        • 1 month ago

          >Became a brain broken desensitized psychopath
          >And Christian
          MANY such cases

          • 1 month ago

            Agreed. It's a fortunate thing that there's light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

      • 1 month ago

        Don't blame me, I still go around telling everyone they should be burned at the stake in abrahamic threads
        Scary, though, that I even have to say that instead of it "just" being christgays. Like fricking ants and far less agreeable

        Agreed. It's a fortunate thing that there's light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

        Actually, not for you :^) Jesus told us when judgement day was and all the good men on earth would be taken to heaven, and it was roughly 2,000 years ago. You're a satanic thrall like the rest of us!

        • 1 month ago

          I've thought about it in the past, and if I went to hell I would still be content with knowing that there was order to the world and meaning to life in Gods existence. I also don't really believe in Hell, it's not really mentioned in The Bible. Anyhow, I don't think too much about the afterlife, more about the peace in this life I am granted through the teachings in The Bible that saved me. They gave me the guidelines for peace in this life, so it's not necessary to fixate on heaven.

          • 1 month ago

            You seem to not understand what a Christian is, or what the bible actually says to do
            You do understand that the internet is literally the tower of babel, right? More than any simple metropolis that the actual authors might have thought of, this is the closest to the biblical ideal of one people united in tongue

            • 1 month ago

              I'm a sinner in many aspects, going on here to discuss movies is among the least of them. I don't think that the internet as a medium is inherently satanic, it is information conveyed. I read books on the internet, I use the internet for school work, for actual work, for too much to name. I live in society, I'm not going to trip over using the internet, that would be overtly neurotic. You seem to have a tendency to think in abstractions, moreso than practicalities.

              • 1 month ago

                There is no practicality in Christanity. There's only what god and jesus say, and sinning. You genuinely do not seem to understand the concept of the Abrahamic god and the bible, which is fine and all but you should really stop going about acting like a total homosexual and saying you're so much smarter for believing a two millennia old fanfiction (of a fanfiction)

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah you seem very insistent that I don't understand it. Why's that? Because I don't fixate (as someone with faith in Jesus) on the same things that you fixate on (someone without faith in Jesus)? You seem to love blanket statements, that's why I said you fixate on abstractions, which you've continued to do. Also, you said I'm smarter, not me. I don't know how intelligent you are, but I think I'm average. Your fixation on intellectual pride is what made you think I insulted your intelligence by not having the same worldview. Your fixation on intellectual pride also makes you come off as a little bit of a fedora tipping gay (not due to atheism or ideology, but due to personality). I hope that your life is not consumed by neuroticism, insecurity, and inaction, because the way you speak is symptomatic of that.

              • 1 month ago

                >Why's that? Because I don't fixate (as someone with faith in Jesus) on the same things that you fixate on (someone without faith in Jesus)?
                Because you say you pick and choose aspects to care about, which is the exact antithesis to what the bible tells you to do, and the basic concept of worshipping an omnipotent god. Either you think you know better than god in some aspects, so you do them despite the bible telling you not to, or you don't think god is omnipotent and all-good and all of that other shit in which case you're not a Christian.
                That you decide not to read or think about the bits of the bible that upset you or tell you that you're a sinner doesn't magically make them not part of the bible. Either the book is true, or it isn't, and if you pick and choose parts of it to believe and follow then all you're doing is hiding being the skirt of other death cultists to... I don't fricking know, actually, since this is the internet and nothing you or I say matters.
                >Also, you said I'm smarter, not me.
                >We matured.
                Do you forget things quickly? Is this why you don't remember what the bible says about repeat sinners?

              • 1 month ago

                When did I pick and choose? I said I don't fixate on heaven, rather the teachings of Jesus as a foundation of peace in this life. The Bible warns of those that attempt a spiritual extortion of God, fixated on serving themself through surface level good deeds to secure a place in Heaven. You've come up with a strawman to speak to in place of me. As for saying that we matured, we did. There's nothing immature about most ideologies inherently, atheism included. Being a finger wagging, ultra-edgy, fedora tipping brand of atheist (I don't know if the edgelord thing applies to you, but the finger wagging fedora thing certainly does) like I used to be was immature. A major part of me maturing was accepting the teachings of a higher power as a foundation for not only discipline, but peace. Many other oldgays who used to be edgelords and are now Christians would presumably relate with what I'm saying. TLDR: Atheists are not inherently immature, but atheists like you are.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm sorry, I didn't know you're not a christian and just think that the bible is a cool book that you took bits from. The bit where you said you're a christian threw me off, you see. In that case I suppose you aren't picking and choosing when you knowingly sin.
                >The Bible warns of those that attempt a spiritual extortion of God, fixated on serving themself through surface level good deeds to secure a place in Heaven.
                Okay? It warns us of a great many things, including people who claim to be christian but who aren't. I don't understand what you're trying to say to me with this, could you expand for me?
                Being a finger wagging, ultra-edgy, fedora tipping brand of atheist [...] like I used to be was immature.
                I'd like you to explain this for me. How, exactly, am I supposed to tell you that your book is bullshit without you whining that I'm being smarmy about it? Is there a way you'll accept being told "this book you've based your whole life around is wrong"?
                >A major part of me maturing was accepting the teachings of a higher power as a foundation for not only discipline, but peace.
                Right, I can't infer your meaning here. Are you saying you matured because you decided to believe (parts of, let's not forget) the bible, or that believing the bible is necessary to be mature? I disagree with both statements, but I need to actually understand what kind of religion you're purporting to, because it's not christianity as the bible or any church teaches it.

              • 1 month ago

                When I know what's a sin? I don't understand what sin you're even accusing me of. Do you mean using the internet? I don't think it's inherently sinful to use the internet.
                >I'd like you to explain this for me. How, exactly, am I supposed to tell you that your book is bullshit without you whining that I'm being smarmy about it? Is there a way you'll accept being told "this book you've based your whole life around is wrong"?
                Yeah, very much so. You act like I've never talked to an atheist before. Almost all my friends are atheists, alongside literally all of my family. You don't understand a respectful disagreement because of a lack of socialization. You have to be literally autistic to not understand how taunting over different religious views is off-putting and gay. You seem to view conversation as some kind of combative ordeal, and if that translates to how you handle things irl you should change immediately because it'll hinder you in too many ways to name. I can smell the contempt on you. As for how I matured? I could list off a few things, but this could be an essay if I analyzed to the fullest extent. I stopped delighting in the misery of others leading to an understanding of genuine goodwill, realized in an honest and applied way that there is a reason to love everyone, I stopped using politics to fill the God-shaped hole in my heart (making me stop being a political gay that alienated myself over things I can't control), exposed myself to a community interested in the same peace I work towards, I even sometimes volunteer now to help others with charity work my church promotes. I could go on listing out these practical applications, but basically, it helped me know what peace is and that is what absolutely matters.

              • 1 month ago

                >When I know what's a sin? I don't understand what sin you're even accusing me of.
                >I'm a sinner in many aspects, going on here to discuss movies is among the least of them.

                >You don't understand a respectful disagreement because of a lack of socialization.
                It's not a disagreement, though. It's you saying - and I have to assume here, because you're ignoring me when I ask for clarity - that you believe in shit that isn't real, which cannot be real, because of a book which we know is not only wrong but is within itself so contradictory that no one firm fact might be cleaned; and then me saying this bullshit is edgy. I'm having real difficulty wording this in a way that you won't somehow misunderstand: it's not an opinion, any more than saying you're actually made out of pure silver is. And if you don't want people to get mad at you for being smarmy about having grown an inability to read a book and notice how almost everything it says is wrong, don't be smarmy about it.
                As for all the other shit - good on you, but none of it is relevant except for the bit where you explained you need something to worship. I hope you can find something less damaging than third-gen zoroastrianism, maybe even notice that you're still a maniac, or just convince you to read the bible without glossing over every time it says the exact opposite of itself within the same chapter.

                I think you are also talking to someone that isn't there - I feel justified myself because I thought you were a christian, and you actually follow some different version of christianity that you're not specifying, so all my comments about how you're doing it wrong clearly don't apply, but I should probably start by asking people what faith they're actually of before I try and explain why they're wrong and should stop talking about it as if they're enlightened. You're just not answering me when I ask you to explain things, which I feel justified in saying is a homosexual move.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, I believe in shit you do not think is real (due to interaction with The Holy Spirit, not singularly and simply reading The Bible with no other context). Yes, you act like a gay when you taunt over religious views and differences. Like

                Why are you so mad bro? Just smoke some weed lol damn. The " :^)" thing is weird gay energy.

                said, the little emote was especially gay. You have still not said what sin I am guilty of, or how I contradict The Bible, or how The Bible contradicts itself, other than stating that the internet is satanic and I'm going to hell for using it by my ideological standards (without explaining yourself). What is the different version of Christianity I follow? What is it you think I'm doing wrong? How am I not explaining myself? I'm being more than clear, you're the meandering one. As for respectful disagreements, you literally showed you couldn't understand what that means. You didn't even acknowledge it as a disagreement, you just stated what I believe in is not real. I also clarified that I didn't know if you were edgy, I only know that you're a finger wagger and a fedora tipper. You are very much the smarmy one.

              • 1 month ago

                >due to interaction with The Holy Spirit
                Would you please elaborate on that? I'm very interested in this specifically, even if you keep on ignoring me when I ask you what the frick you mean by a bunch of other shit, I'd love to know what this in particular is supposed to mean.
                >You have still not said what sin I am guilty of
                I quoted you saying yourself that you're a sinner, but I suppose that's not good enough?
                >or how I contradict The Bible
                By sinning? The whole "I don't focus on some of it" too, because it's all the good word and absolutely vital to follow, but that's secondary
                >or how The Bible contradicts itself
                Well, the easy answer is how every other thing in John, Matthew, Luke, and Mark disagree with each other - let's have just one: Romans 3:31 vs Romans 6:14.
                > I'm going to hell for using it by my ideological standards (without explaining yourself).
                I thought the story of Babel was a pretty clear explanation of god's view on people coming together from across the lands to speak in one language. I cannot explain your ideological standards for you, because you say you're not following all of christianity, and then don't tell me what shit you do care about - if you meant you just follow the things jesus said about being a nice person (and not the bits about killing everyone later on) then I suppose you're not contradicting yourself except in claiming to be christian.
                >How am I not explaining myself? I'm being more than clear, you're the meandering one.
                Black person I asked you to expand on specific points I didn't understand and you told me about the charity work you do.
                >irrelevant once empirical interaction with The Holy Spirit has taken place.
                Oh frick you're one of those people. Please, I beg you in all honesty, tell me about this empirical interaction you had.

              • 1 month ago

                >I quoted you saying yourself that you're a sinner, but I suppose that's not good enough?
                Firstly, what? Have you not heard of repentance? What do you think people are repenting for? You're asking me to literally be Jesus? Sorry, I fall short.
                >Would you please elaborate on that? I'm very interested in this specifically, even if you keep on ignoring me when I ask you what the frick you mean by a bunch of other shit, I'd love to know what this in particular is supposed to mean.
                So I just started writing you a whole fricking blogpost that was me attempting to condense my experiences but just the beginning was too long to fit as a post. I was gonna go way over 2000 words. It feels a little ridiculous to get this deep right now when neither of us are gonna budge. As for the Romans thing, it seems kind of clear to me but interpretations are going to be different. One applies to manmade law, the other applies to holy law that grants grace, and it is also being made clear that the holy law does not inherently contradict manmade law. I wish you the best and for all I know my judgements of you are wrong, and if not I encourage you to practice humility which would in turn relieve the pressure of neurotic intellect driven insecurity fueled narcissism.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, I believe in shit you do not think is real (due to interaction with The Holy Spirit, not singularly and simply reading The Bible with no other context). Yes, you act like a gay when you taunt over religious views and differences. Like [...] said, the little emote was especially gay. You have still not said what sin I am guilty of, or how I contradict The Bible, or how The Bible contradicts itself, other than stating that the internet is satanic and I'm going to hell for using it by my ideological standards (without explaining yourself). What is the different version of Christianity I follow? What is it you think I'm doing wrong? How am I not explaining myself? I'm being more than clear, you're the meandering one. As for respectful disagreements, you literally showed you couldn't understand what that means. You didn't even acknowledge it as a disagreement, you just stated what I believe in is not real. I also clarified that I didn't know if you were edgy, I only know that you're a finger wagger and a fedora tipper. You are very much the smarmy one.

                PS. The anthropological perspective of religion being irrelevant due to similarities between one and the other becomes irrelevant once empirical interaction with The Holy Spirit has taken place. You, as of right now, would never knowingly interact with The Holy Spirit because you're absolutely closed off to the idea and implications.

        • 1 month ago

          You seem to not understand what a Christian is, or what the bible actually says to do
          You do understand that the internet is literally the tower of babel, right? More than any simple metropolis that the actual authors might have thought of, this is the closest to the biblical ideal of one people united in tongue

          Why are you so mad bro? Just smoke some weed lol damn. The " :^)" thing is weird gay energy.

    • 1 month ago

      Anthony Bourdain wants to genocide White people
      Guy Fieri loves White people, especially the type Bourdain hates the most

    • 1 month ago

      Guy learned to cook with soul
      Boudain learned to cook with a spoon and a Bic lighter

    • 1 month ago

      AB is who most anons are but GF is who we aspire to be. I wish I could just naturally radiate positive energy like Guy does.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Permanent tourists.

    • 1 month ago

      the chudufication of Cinemaphile

    • 1 month ago

      >Fieri is just a cook that doesn't take himself seriously
      >Boredain is a pretentious jerk that thinks he is better than everyone else and does heroin and hangs out eating cheap noodles in the gutter and fricking hanged himself lmao lmao lmao lolololol

    • 1 month ago

      One of them tweeted about Trump during 2016 so now all this elaborate scaffolding of contempt has been constructed by people who otherwise wouldn't care about him. Just like Colbert, Oswolt, Baldwin, etc.

  10. 1 month ago


  11. 1 month ago

    >Guy Fieri looks better than Gordon
    Pretty crazy

  12. 1 month ago

    So are they gonna make a new TV show or what?

  13. 1 month ago

    fricking state of gordon. 100% had surgery done to remove neck fat/skin

    • 1 month ago

      Don't forget the hairplugs

  14. 1 month ago

    I think ramsey is fricking cry baby and a pussy.
    I love Guy though, always seemed like a pretty cool and genuine dude.

    • 1 month ago

      Is that you, Marco?

  15. 1 month ago

    He lost a lot of weight. Why’d he do it bros

  16. 1 month ago

    Ay, what's with guy? He's looking mighty thin!
    Where can I watch guy fieri bros?

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