
>enormously successful and popular video game series about a faceless super soldier gunning down aliens and trying to save the galaxy
>TV show is about feelings and has minimal action
Has any book/video game adaptation missed the mark harder than Halo?

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  1. 7 months ago

    i can't believe this was a thing.
    >we put a plot and story to this thing that's just running around shooting pig monsters and what not

    • 7 months ago

      But it already has a plot and a story. A much better one than the new one they made for the show.

      • 7 months ago

        huh, i only played the first one when i was a kid. i didn't detect a plot and i thought the mc was a robot until like last year

        • 7 months ago

          You must have been a pretty dumb kid

        • 7 months ago

          Jesus dude

        • 7 months ago

          Same. I mean it has A plot but it's a paper thin "save the galaxy from the aliens" excuse plot from what I remember. It does have some haunting cinematic music and the occasional dramatically whispered line, but even dumbass young me was able to tell the difference between that and proper storytelling.
          I understand the later games expanded it quite a bit.

          • 7 months ago

            The game came out in 2001 at that point most games stories were pretty much save the princess from the evil monster, humanity getting hunted to extinction by a galactic collective of religious zealots, worshipping and deifying an extinct race of super advanced aliens that only left behind remnants of their technology which the zealots view as holy relics, but turns out are just weapons made to starve an unstoppable galactic horror trying to consume and hive mind the entire universe is a lot more of a story than any of those. And that’s strictly the information given in the first game.

    • 7 months ago

      >no story
      >pig monsters
      you’re thinking of doom

      • 7 months ago

        nah, it's duke nuke'em

    • 7 months ago

      you have to be 18 to post here

  2. 7 months ago

    Made by fat women for fat women

  3. 7 months ago

    they didn't miss the mark, they intentionally shot away from it.

  4. 7 months ago

    I trust Cinemaphile that it's shit, but I watched the first episode and honestly seemed like they were keeping the vibe of the games pretty well. Not amazing but solid. He shouldn't take off his helmet, sure, but I'm not autistic so I can live with that. Is it worth continuing at all?

    • 7 months ago

      Paraphrased Spoilers ahead

      I didn’t watch it either but master chief touches space aids and gets feelings and despite being chemically and probably but don’t remember, surgically castrated he has sex with some woman who’s a double agent for the covenant (for some reason)

    • 7 months ago

      >Has any book/video game adaptation missed the mark harder than Halo?
      And they had the perfect template too. Forward Unto Dawn was a direct-to-video movie they made as promotial material for Halo 4 and it was a super good adaptation. It tells the story of Halo but doesn't rely on Masterchief to carry it and it's about original characters and a solid plot.

      I had the first impression at first, the first episode is probably the least awful. It's not worth continuing at all, they completely fail to understand John's character, Cortana, the Covenant or the themes or even what made Halo interesting. If you're not afraid of spoilers John's twin sister(?) is the secret religious leader of the Covenant and the show ends with John dying in his suit and Cortana puppeterring him around to finish a battle..

    • 7 months ago

      I didn't hate watching it but it's best to think of it as having very little to do with the actual Halo universe. It is in its own canon for a reason.

    • 7 months ago

      The best Halo adaptation was Forward Unto Dawn.

      The TV show was a dumpster fire. It is a constant downward decline (and accelerates as it goes) after halfway through the first episode.

      • 7 months ago

        >Forward Unto Dawn
        Easily one of the best video game adaptions around, also qt Poppelwell.

  5. 7 months ago

    >When a 2 minute trailer is better than a $200 million dollar series

    It should've just been Band of Brothers in space, a squadron of ODSTs getting brutally whittled down by the end of the season until Master Chief shows up and effortlessly decimates an entire battalion of aliens in front of them. Gives people characters to relate to, reinforces the worldbuilding and setting of the game, and hypes them up to play the games when Chief cathartically saves the day.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeh pretty much forward unto dawn with a bigger budget and not some bad child actors

  6. 7 months ago

    The Halo show hurt me deep. I was a huge Halo nerd up until Halo 4. Wasn't a fan of where they were taking the story. That being said, I was pumped when I heard they were making a show. Kept thinking about all the great things they could do to really introduce people to a lot of great lore and characters. But nope. They had to do what they always fricking do and put their own "spin" on it. I hope the c**ts that wrote the show's story die of AIDs. I finally knew how all the anime nerds felt to have your beloved property butchered by people who never cared about it to begin with.

    • 7 months ago

      halo 4 was kino and started a dope new storyline that was for some reason abandoned and turned into stupid shit in halo 5

      like what else could you do after 3? the covenant was defeated, the flood were pretty much defeated, a plot to resurrect the forerunners is kickass and i'm all there for it.

      • 7 months ago

        >like what else could you do after 3?
        Humans only got together because of the Covenant, Spartans were initially meant as a repression tool against rebels. Restarting the rebel plot, having the convenant races trying to organise after their government and religion was abolished would have been interesting too.

        • 7 months ago

          yeah none of that would make for a halo 4. a spinoff sure but not a direct sequel. besides that all the insurrectionists died from covenant invasions.

          • 7 months ago

            >a spinoff sure but not a direct sequel.
            That would have been a better option anyway, people were still on the high of 3 and Masterchief. ODST and Reach gave good side stories and it would have been good to explore the universe and the lore more instead of jumping right away into a new trilogy especially if they were gonna re-use the same characters.

        • 7 months ago

          Interesting story yea, games tho?
          can’t really go from a galactic war to fighting insurgences and expect players to be stoked on it. Reviving forerunners, exploring precursors or the flood/covenant splinter armies was really the only way to go.

          I dunno wtf they’re doing with halo infinite but the endless might be cool, or stupid

          Personally I think they should’ve done a Reach esque thing but with forerunners, you get to play some forerunner either unnamed or you get to choose presets that get voice acted by the other characters, like splendid dust of eventual redemption or whatever. And you get to first fight humanity and then the flood and then you basically lose and the ending cutscene is obviously the halo array

      • 7 months ago

        Infinites is picking back up with more old school stuff. New Cortana is a qt3.14 cinnamon roll.

    • 7 months ago

      >Halo 4
      >So I have Predator vision now and fight the Protoss on Zendikar.

  7. 7 months ago

    Honestly they should have just made a live action version of the Reach campaign.

  8. 7 months ago

    >throws away dozens of characters and ideas
    >replaces it all with moronic OC shit

    why do they never just work with what they're given?

    • 7 months ago

      Because writers are insecure as frick (because they’re useless) and have to inject themselves into everything they do to leave their mark. A stoic “robot” blasting through alien armies doesn’t let them wank all over the story

    • 7 months ago

      Because writers are insecure as frick (because they’re useless) and have to inject themselves into everything they do to leave their mark. A stoic “robot” blasting through alien armies doesn’t let them wank all over the story

      current writers are convinced they can take existing kino and somehow make a superior story by removing what made that story kino in the first place

      • 7 months ago

        >current writers
        It's not just current writers, when MS started 343 they explicitely hired people who weren't fans of Halo in order to bring new non-Halo ideas to the franchise. Seems a lot of studios value creativity for its own sake over respecting the franchise they're stepping into.

        • 7 months ago

          huh, i thought 343 hired those goons when halo 5 got put into production, cuz 4 was clearly made by people who were familiar with the series. not to mention the plethora of lore they built up in those first few years operating, they gave a lot of backstory to chief and it was pretty solid shit.

          • 7 months ago

            From what I remember reading, MS hired those from the start, also Bungie was tired of Halo they did Reach because of contracts so not sure how many devs were eager to jump ship.
            >not to mention the plethora of lore they built up
            I only remember the awful forerunner trilogy. The entire lore they wrote about the forerunners and the precursors was total shit.

  9. 7 months ago

    Halo should have been a gritty war show like Band of Brothers.

    • 7 months ago

      >ywn get a band of brothers odst show like the live action trailer to the game
      It hurts

  10. 7 months ago

    The showrunners admitted they intentionally strayed as far away from the games as they possibly could to spite fans. Why they keep giving these projects to people who don't respect or even like the source material, I don't know.

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