Hank Hill is

THE best autism representation we have, and no quirky teenage girl can compete.

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  1. 11 months ago

    he is? I never watched this show thought he was just conservative southern dad

    • 11 months ago

      It's never mentioned but it's pretty evident.
      Compared to other "retroactively autistic" characters like Luz or Mabel, he's a beacon of sheer unadulterated spaghetti.

    • 11 months ago

      Generally most of the major characters in this show have some kind of mental disorder.

      Hank = Autism
      Peggy = Narcissistic Personality Disorder
      Bobby = ADHD
      Dale = Paranoid Personality Disorder
      Bill = Crippling Depression
      Boomhauer = Some kind of speech disorder
      Kahn = Bipolar Disorder

      • 11 months ago

        Hank is accurate, and Bill and Khan are actually canon. You could even argue as far as Boomhaur, since his is physical and evident, but it could also just be an accent since most people have no problem understanding him.
        Bobby is cleared of ADHD, there was literally an episode showing he doesnt have it. Peggy is a stretch, and Dale doesn't have all the criteria unless you use the new symptoms invented to silence people just like him, ironically enough. Things like PPD or Schizophrenia used to require very clear symptoms like delusions or an altered state of mind, but nowadays they've been simplified down very hard so as to medicate people who question authority a little too much.
        It's easy to diagnose someone if you really want to, that's basically what quacks do, but it doesn't mean they actually have it. Only Hank and Khan have genetic disorders, and Bill had induced depression. The rest are clearly personality traits that don't hinder function.

        • 11 months ago

          >nowadays they've been simplified down very hard so as to medicate people who question authority a little too much
          >t. schizo

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah there we go, see what I mean?

            • 11 months ago

              But seriously what are you trying to say? Did you get sectioned and involuntarily medicated for schizophrenia because you "question authority", or are you claiming this is happening to other people? Or are these authority-questioning persons taking anti-schizo meds voluntarily, one might say unquestioningly?

        • 11 months ago

          >like PPD or Schizophrenia used to require very clear symptoms like delusions or an altered state of mind, but nowadays they've been simplified down very hard so as to medicate people who question authority a little too much.
          That sounds like something dale would say if some told him he had all the markings of a paranoid lol

        • 11 months ago

          >Things like PPD or Schizophrenia used to require very clear symptoms like delusions or an altered state of mind, but nowadays they've been simplified down very hard so as to medicate people who question authority a little too much.
          You know what? I can see that being the case. I feel like people now a days are way too into diagnosis like it somehow makes them special or gives them an excuse.
          But I also agree with

          >like PPD or Schizophrenia used to require very clear symptoms like delusions or an altered state of mind, but nowadays they've been simplified down very hard so as to medicate people who question authority a little too much.
          That sounds like something dale would say if some told him he had all the markings of a paranoid lol

          , it's totally something he would say.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah I think the world became medicalized, people wanna fit every aspect of their character into a diagnosis. My old gf would always say stuff like "I do this bexcause of my OCD" "I do that because of my BPD" instead of just accepting that it's your personality.
            Imo you should only seek diagnosis and medical help if your "condition" is actively harming you or those around you. Otherwise, live with it, if it's not broken don't fix it.

            Modern society definitely trusts the medical industry a little too much so it's very easy to just say anyone who's a threat is crazy and institutionalize them, it's the oldest silencing tactic in the book.
            "He's crazy, and if he says he's not, thats just the crazy talking." Wham bam thank you ma'am problem solved, nice little paradox to catch you on if you cross the line.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah I think the world became medicalized, people wanna fit every aspect of their character into a diagnosis. My old gf would always say stuff like "I do this bexcause of my OCD" "I do that because of my BPD" instead of just accepting that it's your personality.
            Imo you should only seek diagnosis and medical help if your "condition" is actively harming you or those around you. Otherwise, live with it, if it's not broken don't fix it.

            Modern society definitely trusts the medical industry a little too much so it's very easy to just say anyone who's a threat is crazy and institutionalize them, it's the oldest silencing tactic in the book.
            "He's crazy, and if he says he's not, thats just the crazy talking." Wham bam thank you ma'am problem solved, nice little paradox to catch you on if you cross the line.

            Again how does this apply to paranoids? "I don't trust the medical industry because of my PPD, now excuse me I must take the pills as the medical industry instructs me to"? Do you have examples in mind or are you just making noises?

            • 11 months ago

              What? Who the hell said theyre taking pills?
              Were having a conversation here anon, keep your headcanons out of it

              • 11 months ago

                >they've been simplified down very hard so as to medicate people who question authority a little too much
                >I can see that being the case.
                >just say anyone who's a threat is crazy and institutionalize them
                Everyone involved. If you're the last anon you can make the excuse that you were talking about two different things, though.

              • 11 months ago

                but all these clearly say they DONT wanna be medicated
                youre implying they dont trust the doctors but they trust the meds
                but thats not whats being said

                ill be honest anon it sound to me like you heard some triggerword that got you riled up but you dont really know what the convo is about and desperately wanna PWN people without knowing whats going on

                its ok to just lurk moar

              • 11 months ago

                It's very simple if you read it anon, but since we're in an autism thread I'll recapitulate it for you. The original poster said that diagnoses of PPD and schizophrenia have been simplified so as to medicate people who question authority. The second anon explicitly agreed, and the third anon implicitly. So per

                But seriously what are you trying to say? Did you get sectioned and involuntarily medicated for schizophrenia because you "question authority", or are you claiming this is happening to other people? Or are these authority-questioning persons taking anti-schizo meds voluntarily, one might say unquestioningly?

                do you have any examples in mind or personal experience or anything beyond a feeling that people are being forcibly medicated for questioning authority a little too much, since the alternative that they are taking meds voluntarily is clearly ridiculous?

              • 11 months ago

                do you really think its impossible for an international powerhouse like the medical and pharmaceutical system to have ulterior motives in controlling people, while simultaneously there existing individuals who want to be medicated?
                both can be, and are, true

              • 11 months ago

                >No, I do not
                OK, thanks.

              • 11 months ago

                I am the second anon in the chain, I read medicated as given a prescription, not necessarily that they take the medication. Also the authority they question may not be the medical authority.
                But my main thing is just what the third anon said, people are too quick to say any abnormal personality trait is some kind of mental disease or disorder.

              • 11 months ago

                >people are too quick to say any abnormal personality trait is some kind of mental disease or disorder.
                On that we agree.

      • 11 months ago

        If there's anyone who's ADHD it's Joseph. And Kahn is manic depressive as evidenced in the very last episode.

        • 11 months ago

          >manic depressive
          ...yeah? That's what bipolar disorder is.

  2. 11 months ago

    Wouldn't Bobby be the autistic one? Hank would probably have ADHD though

    • 11 months ago

      Nope, Bobby is a perfectly normal kid. Hank and Peggy are the ones with problems, they project it onto their son because they don't know what normal looks like.

      • 11 months ago

        Peggy is normative, just overly confident
        Hank is the only one with a disorder
        Some would argue Bill and Dale have one too, but Bill's depression is induced, not genetic, and Dale isn't a 'schizo' as some want to say, hes perfectly lucid and even right in many things, he's just eccentric and a skeptic
        Hank is a textbook example of an aut': Emotionally stunted, comforted by familiarity and routine, has an autistic special interest. Sure you could say he's just texan, traditional or conservative but we met many characters like that and they all found Hank too extreme in that department. Even the most conserved grandad can let loose, but not Hank, not unless it related to something he autistically fixates on. Remember his face when Peggy said she mentions propane when she wants him to pay attention?

    • 11 months ago

      Didn't the pill episode prove Luanne has ADHD? Those quack pills they gave Bobby that made him fricked up actually worked on her.

  3. 11 months ago

    He's not autistic at all, it's just that every Mike Judge character feels autistic and act autistic for comedy sake.

  4. 11 months ago

    What is autistic about him?

    • 11 months ago

      Well he's hyper-competent and hyper-focused on propane and propane accessories. It is a bit intense on his part.

      He also is not a "joiner" and generally tends to see through bullshit that other denizens of Arlen readily fall in love with and go along with. The old meme about autists being immune to propaganda plays out with Hank on more than one occasion.

    • 11 months ago

      Of all demographics, autists are the most desperate to project themselves onto fictional characters, and the least accurate in doing so. For the obvious and sympathetic reasons, admittedly.

    • 11 months ago

      >John redcorn is about to have a mental breakdown and try to hug Hank
      >He panics, yells and runs away

  5. 11 months ago

    he's just texan

  6. 11 months ago

    and Beavis and Butthead are the best fetal alcohol syndrome representation we have in Cinemaphile

    • 11 months ago

      im surprised we didnt get a character with FAS yet
      didnt sesame street have a kid with AIDS?

  7. 11 months ago

    Hank is an entertaining example, his autistic behavior is anything from endearing or admirable, to funny, to infuriating
    THAT'S what makes good rep
    All the autistic characters nowadays are perfect little girls who just talk about being autistic or act #different, none of them are entertaining, its insulting because you know not a single one of these "progressive" writers who claim to love and respect autists would ever alott that respect to an actually autistic adult man, with both flaws and virtues
    They only love cute, inoffensive little kids who display no symptoms to make them uncomfortable so that they can relate to them and say 'if SHE'S autistic, then I must be autistic too' and thus feel no dissonance when they proceed to continue bullying actual autistic people like they used to
    Its not representation, its cushioning for their moral conscience

  8. 11 months ago

    Wait how do I make an autistic character and make it actually work?

    • 11 months ago

      Write them to be like yourself.

      • 11 months ago

        this, but also, be actually autistic. not "tiktok autistic".
        if youre on Cinemaphile and were diagnosed before 2010 youre probably good.

        So based on just general autism stuff thanks to writing works I basically made this:
        >semi mute
        >probably emotionally stunted but at least good with themselves with mental shit
        >isn’t stupid
        >Has a good personality, I think

        Does that work?

        • 11 months ago

          Anon you have to remember autism is called a spectrum for a reason
          That reason is that nobody knows how to diagnose it properly kek, but that's besides the point...
          Don't worry about filling a quote, worry about writing a fun character, and then think about how them or their story would benifit from being autistic.

          • 11 months ago

            It's one way, at least. Not all autists are the same lol, it's called a spectrum after all. One of my best friends has autism but he's nowhere near emotionally stunted, he's like the complete opposite.

            The main takeaway when developing a character with a disability or whatever is to remember that their disability is part of their personality, but not their entire personality. Otherwise you'd either make total moron caricatures, or toddler-show tier walking personality traits.

            >Has a good personality, I think
            Autists do not have a good personality. I don't impugn their virtues when I say that likeability is not characteristically one of them.

            Apologies I basically fricked this up but I had something written down for the character;

            A lonesome introvert, is a semi-mute. Tends to be refraining from people here and there when doing his usual, yet makes contact in a minor manner with vocals, gesturing, and expressions; a shy/socially “off” for a person. May have issues with social “sayings”, though can at least understand social sayings if it isn’t complicated for him. Though nonsocial, can make up for with semi-determination and his awareness of things. He at least is finding the full puzzle of realizing compassion and other positives to be better. Sees and has reasonable and/or logical abilities to things, though there may be flaws here and there. Capable of doing right, though with some issues, seeable or not. May be on the spectrum.

            >This is what happens when you get an autistic to make an autistic character

        • 11 months ago

          It's one way, at least. Not all autists are the same lol, it's called a spectrum after all. One of my best friends has autism but he's nowhere near emotionally stunted, he's like the complete opposite.

          The main takeaway when developing a character with a disability or whatever is to remember that their disability is part of their personality, but not their entire personality. Otherwise you'd either make total moron caricatures, or toddler-show tier walking personality traits.

        • 11 months ago

          >Has a good personality, I think
          Autists do not have a good personality. I don't impugn their virtues when I say that likeability is not characteristically one of them.

    • 11 months ago

      Write them to be like yourself.

      this, but also, be actually autistic. not "tiktok autistic".
      if youre on Cinemaphile and were diagnosed before 2010 youre probably good.

  9. 11 months ago

    >Every homosexual nowadays wants to write good transgender representation
    >None of them fare up to my bigga homie Otis
    How does it feel getting BTFOd by a cartoon about a talking cow, California?

  10. 11 months ago

    >There are federal agents ITT
    Not today, boys

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