Heath Ledger's joker is the best Joker and I'm tired of pretending he's not.

Heath Ledger's joker is the best Joker and I'm tired of pretending he's not. Anyone who tries to make the cartoony and stupid jokers sound deeper with moronic explanations that are just explaining the concept of him need to get their heads out of their ass.

The problem comes when morons like you prefer cartoonish trash characters instead of real complex stories. A villain having a tragic past doesn't make him less of a villain. Villains being tragic or morally grey characters have given us one of the best stories in the world. If we followed your ideas, we would be stuck in a forever cycle of mediocrity of shit stories about villain that have no purpose or complexity. And no, a villain being evil because he likes to is not interesting. Or complex.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I like the joker from The Batman cartoon even if he looked stupid.

    • 2 years ago

      I liked that Joker BECAUSE he looked stupid, it made him look more insane

      • 2 years ago

        >Why do you think Ledger's Joker is one of the most iconic villains of all time
        Because underage morons from 2008 like yourself were convinced this shallow piece of garbage is some amazing character since it's your first serious (lol) movie?

        >Ignores everything anon said, nitpick some quotes to cry
        >Gets butthurt and insults lile crazy
        And you wonder why real artists and directors still see comic books as an embarrasing artform? Unlike animation, it never had the balls to do something of value. It still is made fun and mocked, because it's readers live in a perpetual stare of mediocrity, reading over and over the same stories. And if you even try to give them at least 1% of difference, of anything that isn't just a dumb concept and makes it an actual character, they have a meltdown, because they are for kids, right? That gives them the right to be shit. It isn't like some of the greatest stories of all time are for children, or have ridiculous fantasy concepts (Lord of The Rings as example, or animation as whole) and managed to become classics, to have a meaning, to be respected. Nope, I need my Saturday Morning Cartoons.

        • 2 years ago

          You said nothing of value, fart-huffing idiot. Your moronic walls of text are a waste of time for everyone involved so you can spare your ass from shitting out your verbal diarrhea.

          • 2 years ago

            >No rebuttals
            This is the average intelligence of a comic fan.

            • 2 years ago

              Maybe try saying something of actual substance for once in your life instead of going on worthless watery tangents that ultimately say nothing and there will be something worthy of a rebuttal and not just mockery.
              But then again, a nolansubhuman being a pretentious dickwit?
              This has never happened before and yet again.

              • 2 years ago

                There's no substance if you ignore the substance, moron. The problem is that you know I'm right and don't have any actual rebuttals besides impotent seething and coping

              • 2 years ago

                >dude a shitty one-dimensional villain from a shitty capeshit movie for underage idiots is, like, so complex and deep because I said so
                Wow, so much substance and not just worthless tangents of a pretentious idiot.
                Nah, you narcissistic prick. Doesn't work that way. You may impress brainlets like yourself if you make yet another "DARK SHITE IS THE BEST THING EVAH" "analysis" by a sophomore hack.

              • 2 years ago

                >No actual arguments and instead crying into his keyboard with more attempts at soi bants.

              • 2 years ago

                No need for projections, idiot.
                Simply accept that your taste is garbage and you won't embarrass yourself in front of other people.

              • 2 years ago

                I'd say that attempting to defend your shitty comic version of joker is a far bigger admittance to having bad taste. Killing Joke is the only comic where your shitty character was ever anything other than a concept and not an actual character. Cope with it

              • 2 years ago

                No one's defending anything, you fricking moron. Except you being on the defensive for your absolute garbage taste and low intelligence
                >anything other than a concept and not an actual character
                You know who was NEVER anything more than a concept and who was never an actual character?
                That's right, Ledger's Joker, you absolute fricking idiot.
                I beg you, just get cancer. One less nolangay would brighten my day.

              • 2 years ago

                >Absolute garbage taste and low intelligence
                Which you have yet to prove in any way, shape or form.
                >Grrrr internet tough guy please get cancer gaaaaaahhhhh
                Yeah I think I'm done here. You're demented pal.

              • 2 years ago

                >Which you have yet to prove in any way, shape or form.
                Your idiocy is already proven, you're just dumb to understand it.
                >I'm le internet smart guy, please listen to my shallow self-fellating platitudes saying absolutely nothing except "thing I like is le good because I said so"
                Yeah, right. You're the one to talk, moron.
                In fact I'm absolutely impressed how utterly moronic you are that I'm starting to question whether you're a legitimate idiot or a troll.
                You could have started the thread with Joaquin or as the homosexual above brought up Telltale, both of which were actual characters and not just walking vehicles to spout the movie's juvenile and puddle-deep themes that the intended audience of this shit flick (children with learning disabilities and pseudo-intellectual manchildren like yourself) needs to have spelled out for them.
                You may have had a semblance of a point then but you just had to be a dumb homosexual from the start and get uppity when you're mocked for it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Your idiocy is already proven, you're just dumb to understand it.
                By whom? And I don't mean someone on a basket weaving forum either.
                >Complains about empty platitudes
                >Can't go more in depth with his criticism than empty platitudes
                >His posts are continuously getting longer and longer highlighting his sperg rage
                >He can't actually give a single legitimate critique of Heath Ledger's Joker

              • 2 years ago

                >n-n-no I'm not an idiot wahh
                Glad I hurt your worthless narcissistic ego, anything that drives you closer to suicide is good by me.
                >n-n-no u
                >u-u mad
                Holy shit, you're just pathetic.
                Sorry your shit character is not deep enough to analyze it any harder than to call it an edgy teenager's idea of an anarchist and even then has more thought put into it than Nolan did. But keep seething about "muh comics" when it's exactly the same schlock.

              • 2 years ago

                You've done little more than cope this entire thread. You're literally pissing and moaning like a woman that things aren't going your way in the world. The very core of your argument is that filmmakers should cater to your specific needs and not anyone else's. You're the last person ITT who can make a proper judgement on whether someone is dumb or smart.
                Moreover, you're just having a pissing contest and no-uing right now because you're angry that things aren't going your way, much like in real life. Guy, your arguments are PEAK midwit. Textbook midwit.
                You're in a situation where you can't see the forest from the trees.

              • 2 years ago

                >blah blah blah everyone is stupid but me blah blah blah y-you're coping blah blah blah
                You done, little Cinemaphile baby? Need to change your diapers?
                Now frick off back to Cinemaphile, a board that somehow seems smart when compared to you.

              • 2 years ago

                >He's crying so bad he can't even greentext properly anymore. That or his fat arms just got tired.
                >He can't even make a solid argument without assumptions and strawmen, further highlighting his immaturity
                Kek. This has been beautiful to watch. Cinemaphile babies can't handle Nolan's movies and it shows.

              • 2 years ago

                It's hilarious how hard you're crying and trying to save face.

              • 2 years ago

                >He's down to one line of text now
                Concession accepted.

              • 2 years ago

                >p-please give me validation my prostitute mother never gave me
                Nah. Frick off back to Cinemaphile.

              • 2 years ago

                >P-please let me seem superior to Cinemaphile who has BTFO'd me so many times!
                Oh, is that what this is about? Kek.

              • 2 years ago

                So far Cinemaphile has BTFO'd you for being a dumb homosexual and trying the exact same schtick you're doing here and now.
                Good thing you keep ignoring the uncomfortable post

                Holy kek, OP is an actual Cinemaphiletard coming to be a butthurt schizo here because he was repeatedly told he's a homosexual by Cinemaphile
                Even the exact same "arguments" word for word.

                that way you won't have to ackonwledge how much of a failure you are.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nobody in the thread had actually good responses to anything was stated.
                >Every point about Joker just being a concept of a character and that three dimensional characters who are morally grey are better was not refuted either.
                Did you actually read the thread?

              • 2 years ago

                >he keeps coping and denying reality
                Just get cancer already, seriously an existence of a loser like you is offensive.

              • 2 years ago

                >No more arguments now
                Kek. Keep seething.

              • 2 years ago

                Did you like Cinemaphile calling you out on being a dumbfrick the first time around that you keep coming back for more? This is just embarrassing.

              • 2 years ago

                There was no rebuttals posted in that thread, moron. If you had any you would have posted them. Your tantrum was mildly amusing, but now it's getting old.

              • 2 years ago

                >n-no I wasn't utterly humiliated when I tried being a dumbass pseud on Cinemaphile
                I don't care whether you're trying to convince me or yourself, either way your coping doesn't concern me or anyone else for that matter. Shut the frick up already, you inbred moron.
                >you would have posted them
                Again, you moronic dipshit, you've said nothing of any substance throughout your entire piece of garbage thread. You get the exact level of refutals that your "arguments" deserve.
                >Your tantrum was mildly amusing, but now it's getting old.
                Crying wojack wearing a smiling wojack mask. png
                have a nice day.

              • 2 years ago

                >Utterly humiliated
                Fricking kek. Unless you think that zero rebuttals to the points about criminals, three dimensional characters and the joker being nothing more than a concept counts as me getting destroyed, I could see why you think you've been making any good points in this thread. You don't know how to make an argument.
                >Again, you moronic dipshit, you've said nothing of any substance throughout your entire piece of garbage thread.

                Stories need to be well written. Complexity is what makes a character iconic. You want simplicity and lazy storytelling because it reminds you of a simple time. You want a villain that says nothing and has no purpose beyond being a plot point. You want an MCU villain. Why do you think Ledger's Joker is one of the most iconic villains of all time? Because it took a childlish concept and gave it a spin, and that's why everyone remembers him, while all you have is your comics and crying people don't take them seriously. And they shouldn't. They are not good entertainment. They are good ideas with lazy and pathetic executions. They are not the kind of good entertainment for children that has a meaning. The best you can do is take their concept and do something of value.

                >Ignores everything anon said, nitpick some quotes to cry
                >Gets butthurt and insults lile crazy
                And you wonder why real artists and directors still see comic books as an embarrasing artform? Unlike animation, it never had the balls to do something of value. It still is made fun and mocked, because it's readers live in a perpetual stare of mediocrity, reading over and over the same stories. And if you even try to give them at least 1% of difference, of anything that isn't just a dumb concept and makes it an actual character, they have a meltdown, because they are for kids, right? That gives them the right to be shit. It isn't like some of the greatest stories of all time are for children, or have ridiculous fantasy concepts (Lord of The Rings as example, or animation as whole) and managed to become classics, to have a meaning, to be respected. Nope, I need my Saturday Morning Cartoons.


                Heath Ledger's joker is the best Joker and I'm tired of pretending he's not. Anyone who tries to make the cartoony and stupid jokers sound deeper with moronic explanations that are just explaining the concept of him need to get their heads out of their ass.

                The problem comes when morons like you prefer cartoonish trash characters instead of real complex stories. A villain having a tragic past doesn't make him less of a villain. Villains being tragic or morally grey characters have given us one of the best stories in the world. If we followed your ideas, we would be stuck in a forever cycle of mediocrity of shit stories about villain that have no purpose or complexity. And no, a villain being evil because he likes to is not interesting. Or complex.

                You ignoring the substance and choosing not to engage with it, doesn't mean that no substance was posted. You're just seething and not wanting to engage and entered a thread to have a tantrum.
                >have a nice day.
                The final cry of a defeated Cinemaphiletard.

              • 2 years ago

                You can stop quoting your verbal vomit over and over. The substance won't magically appear because you keep spamming your dumbass garbage that was already refuted on Cinemaphile.
                >You don't know how to make an argument.
                The irony is palpable.
                >he thinks I'm a dumb annoying homosexual and told me to kill myself, that mean I've defeated him
                You're a gigantic failure.

              • 2 years ago

                >refuted on TV
                Link the posts that did, otherwise I'm not going to continue engaging and just mock you like always.
                >Substanceless word vomit
                Just because you refuse to engage with the substance doesn't mean it's not there. Provide an actual rebuttal.
                >The irony is palpable
                >He's now trying to use bigger words to sound smarter
                >You're a gigantic failure.
                You are gigantic cuck that can't actually make an argument against anything I'm saying out of fear of losing the argument.

              • 2 years ago

                >moron thinks he's mocking anyone
                Dipshit, in case if you failed to notice your shit dead thread is only still alive because I enjoy poking shit with a stick to see what would happen. And, oh my, you are one stinky pile of shit, so you can shove this narcissistic drivel up your ass.
                >he actually thinks "palpable" is a big word
                >projection of "trying to sound smarter" when his entire thread is just his pseud vomit that he desperately tries to convince me has any validity
                Holy fricking shit. That's the level of intelligence I would expect from a moron who thinks Hans Gruber is not 100% one-dimensional and that Ledger's Joker is "complex.

              • 2 years ago

                So I'm guessing that's a no then on showing the posts that disproved me?
                >Dipshit, in case if you failed to notice your shit dead thread is only still alive because I enjoy poking shit with a stick to see what would happen. And, oh my, you are one stinky pile of shit, so you can shove this narcissistic drivel up your ass.
                Your entire prose and typing style reeks of pure soi. The emotive language makes me cringe.
                of "trying to sound smarter" when his entire thread is just his pseud vomit that he desperately tries to convince me has any validity
                It's more like me pointing out that you're moronic and have not actually proven any of my points wrong. Because you can't. The thought of actually trying to engage scares you. Because you know you'll lose immediately. What are you waiting for? Put up or shut up.

              • 2 years ago

                >he's still trying to deny that his dumb act made him a laughingstock on that Cinemaphile thread
                Holy shit, you're an absolute failure.
                >pure soi
                Just get cancer, you absolute idiot.
                >Because you can't.
                Because you don't have any points. You have a moronic
                >The thought of actually trying to engage scares you.
                There is literally nothing to "engage", you moron. The only thing that scares me about you is that I won't get a chance to laugh in your face when you're dying from cancer in some wienerroach-ridden hospice.
                >Because you know you'll lose immediately.
                More narcissistic drivel by a pseud loser.
                > or shut up.
                Right back at you, but you're refusing to shut the frick up because calling you out on thinking "le edgy anarchy man is complex" seems to have hurt your self-esteem. Good, hope it drives you to suicide.

              • 2 years ago

                >He still cannot provide a single post that refuted me in that entire thread, or even copy pasted it into the thread itself
                You have nothing. Admit it.
                >Heath Ledger's Joker was good
                Yes. Glad we agree.
                >Because you don't have any points. You have a moronic
                Bahahah he's getting so mad he can't even type properly.
                >There is literally nothing to "engage", you moron.

                Stories need to be well written. Complexity is what makes a character iconic. You want simplicity and lazy storytelling because it reminds you of a simple time. You want a villain that says nothing and has no purpose beyond being a plot point. You want an MCU villain. Why do you think Ledger's Joker is one of the most iconic villains of all time? Because it took a childlish concept and gave it a spin, and that's why everyone remembers him, while all you have is your comics and crying people don't take them seriously. And they shouldn't. They are not good entertainment. They are good ideas with lazy and pathetic executions. They are not the kind of good entertainment for children that has a meaning. The best you can do is take their concept and do something of value.

                >Ignores everything anon said, nitpick some quotes to cry
                >Gets butthurt and insults lile crazy
                And you wonder why real artists and directors still see comic books as an embarrasing artform? Unlike animation, it never had the balls to do something of value. It still is made fun and mocked, because it's readers live in a perpetual stare of mediocrity, reading over and over the same stories. And if you even try to give them at least 1% of difference, of anything that isn't just a dumb concept and makes it an actual character, they have a meltdown, because they are for kids, right? That gives them the right to be shit. It isn't like some of the greatest stories of all time are for children, or have ridiculous fantasy concepts (Lord of The Rings as example, or animation as whole) and managed to become classics, to have a meaning, to be respected. Nope, I need my Saturday Morning Cartoons.


                Heath Ledger's joker is the best Joker and I'm tired of pretending he's not. Anyone who tries to make the cartoony and stupid jokers sound deeper with moronic explanations that are just explaining the concept of him need to get their heads out of their ass.

                The problem comes when morons like you prefer cartoonish trash characters instead of real complex stories. A villain having a tragic past doesn't make him less of a villain. Villains being tragic or morally grey characters have given us one of the best stories in the world. If we followed your ideas, we would be stuck in a forever cycle of mediocrity of shit stories about villain that have no purpose or complexity. And no, a villain being evil because he likes to is not interesting. Or complex.

                >More narcissistic drivel by a pseud loser.
                More like the honest to God truth, which you've continued to demonstrate as this thread has gone on.
                >shut the frick up because calling you out on thinking "le edgy anarchy man is complex" seems to have hurt your self-esteem.
                See, that's the thing, anon. Your opinion doesn't override reality. You really didn't get hugged enough as a kid, did you?

              • 2 years ago

                >p-p-please spoonfeed me
                Just die.
                >Glad we agree.
                Thanks for proving you're a worthless illiterate worm once again. Not that I ever felt any remorse for wishing you and your family cancer before, but now I'm 100% sure I'm justified in doing so. In fact I might actually look up death curses. Don't believe in any of that trash, but if there's even a smallest chance you will suffer it's worth it.
                >wah wah u made mistake le gotcha ;*~~)
                Someone being "mad" at you for being an absolute idiot whose stupidity makes someone wish killing imbeciles like yourself was legal is not le epic gotcha you imagine it is.,
                >he keeps spamming his idiotic drivel thinking it has any substance
                How many times are you gonna spam this garbage, you fricking idiot?
                >it's le truth look I said so
                No, it's narcissistic pseud idiot's garbage
                >Your opinion doesn't override reality
                It's hilarious when you're bending out of shape trying (and absolutely failing) to present your worthless opinions as facts.

              • 2 years ago

                >No arguments
                >No examples
                >Adhoms and insults
                >Constant suicide references
                Mind. Officially. Broken.

              • 2 years ago

                Keep trying to save face, loser.

              • 2 years ago

                >Has a high enough self importance to believe that people should conform to his opinions
                >Calling anyone else a loser.

              • 2 years ago

                Again, incapable of comprehending the irony.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't think you're capable of comprehending anything.

              • 2 years ago

                >I don't think
                First true thing you said this whole day.

              • 2 years ago

                >He goes into every conversation expecting people to lie to him
                Well now I know where the attitude comes from.

              • 2 years ago

                No, I'm expecting YOU to lie because you're a lying sack of shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Point out where I've lied once. Or I'm guessing this'll be just like the rebuttals to my arguments. Nonexistent.

              • 2 years ago

                >Or I'm guessing this'll be just like my arguments. Nonexistent.
                Good you finally admit your problem. You're still a lying moron and a subhuman. May your mother die of cancer soon.

              • 2 years ago

                You failed

              • 2 years ago

                Of course I failed. You're alive and shitting up this board with your worthless nonsense about how much you want to suck a one-dimensional capeshit flick villain's dick. If that's not failure, I have no idea what is.

              • 2 years ago

                You've failed.

              • 2 years ago

                >muh daddy Deadger save me
                Lmao. You've failed the moment you said gay Deadger was "an actual character" and "complex".

              • 2 years ago

                You've failed.

              • 2 years ago

                Lmao, I broke this moron, Bring me the new one.

              • 2 years ago

                You never even made a scratch. Not the least because you never provided an argument.

              • 2 years ago

                Your emotive speaking reeks of zoomie and insecurity by the way.

                Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that you utter failure. Not like you can defend a garbage character that is Ledger's Joker or pretend that any of the garbage you shat out has any value or substance.
                A post-2016 tourist is not the one to talk. And your attempts at armchair psychoanalysis only further prove you're an idiot.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't even have to defend him. You never made an actual argument against him to start. So I just mocked you for being dumb while you sperged out.

              • 2 years ago

                Your emotive speaking reeks of zoomie and insecurity by the way.

              • 2 years ago

                >Hans Gruber is not 100% one-dimensional
                Anon, not even you believe this.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, I don't believe that a one-note villain like Gruber has anything of value outside of Alan Rickman's acting. Same with Ledger's Joker. They're shit characters salvaged by a good acting.
                In fact Good Day to Die Hard gives you a very good glimpse of what happens when you have a lesser actor try to salvage this kind of character. Remember this guy? Me neither.

    • 2 years ago

      He became one of the best jokers when he started wearing the suit with no shoes it went perfectly with his outsider mocking society thing.


      Heath Ledger's joker is the best Joker and I'm tired of pretending he's not. Anyone who tries to make the cartoony and stupid jokers sound deeper with moronic explanations that are just explaining the concept of him need to get their heads out of their ass.

      The problem comes when morons like you prefer cartoonish trash characters instead of real complex stories. A villain having a tragic past doesn't make him less of a villain. Villains being tragic or morally grey characters have given us one of the best stories in the world. If we followed your ideas, we would be stuck in a forever cycle of mediocrity of shit stories about villain that have no purpose or complexity. And no, a villain being evil because he likes to is not interesting. Or complex.

      see the problem with ledgers joker was he was too straight, the perfect joker has that bugs bunny drag/bisexual vibe while not actually really wanting to frick anyone only frick with people
      Like he dressed as a nurse but for I guy who starred in broke back mountain ledger completely failed to sell that part of the joker's character

  2. 2 years ago

    *tips fedora*

    • 2 years ago

      Stories need to be well written. Complexity is what makes a character iconic. You want simplicity and lazy storytelling because it reminds you of a simple time. You want a villain that says nothing and has no purpose beyond being a plot point. You want an MCU villain. Why do you think Ledger's Joker is one of the most iconic villains of all time? Because it took a childlish concept and gave it a spin, and that's why everyone remembers him, while all you have is your comics and crying people don't take them seriously. And they shouldn't. They are not good entertainment. They are good ideas with lazy and pathetic executions. They are not the kind of good entertainment for children that has a meaning. The best you can do is take their concept and do something of value.

      • 2 years ago

        >Why do you think Ledger's Joker is one of the most iconic villains of all time
        Because underage morons from 2008 like yourself were convinced this shallow piece of garbage is some amazing character since it's your first serious (lol) movie?

  3. 2 years ago

    I actually liked his low-tech edgy weaponry. Guns, knives, bombs, some poison, etc. It makes him a more street level type villain, which matches Batman.
    Everything about Heath is kinda grungy and punky. He doesn't have a giant car or helicopter with his face and logo on it, but he has that hijacked vandalized circus truck. You even see he has limited clown masks, most of his thugs have the masks, but some have to have improvised ones made of paint and stockings
    I prefer bleach to makeup, but other than that I like Heath Joker

    • 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    >is not interesting. Or complex.
    Neither is Ledger's Joker, lel.

  5. 2 years ago

    if you're looking for more interesting takes on Joker, I'd recommend Telltale Batman

  6. 2 years ago

    it's true, but making Joker lack the clown aspect just feels wrong. I'm not talking about cartoonish buffoon, but something like Joker from TBAS or Jack Nicholson's Joker.

  7. 2 years ago

    Holy kek, OP is an actual Cinemaphiletard coming to be a butthurt schizo here because he was repeatedly told he's a homosexual by Cinemaphile
    Even the exact same "arguments" word for word.

  8. 2 years ago

    I’m sure you’ve been under a lot of pressure to pretend you don’t like Heath Ledger’s Joker. We all applaud your bravery in finally speaking out.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a schizo from Cinemaphile.
      As if this shit board doesn't have enough native ones.

  9. 2 years ago

    people overcomplicate the joker too much. all the stuff about society and mental illness, it's all secondary to what makes Joker a good foe for batman.
    Batman's greatest weapon is fear. Joker is Batman's greatest foe because he is one of the few criminals in Gotham who is truly not afraid of Batman. (Bane also does not fear Batman but that's a different situation.)
    A common misconception about the Joker is that he wants Batman to kill him. This is not the case. Joker just says that because he knows Batman's not actually going to kill him. Joker doesn't give a frick about Batman or his moral code. He just found a line the caped crusader won't cross and is exploiting it. In doing so, he removes any sort of leverage Batman could have over him.
    The Joker is the one who calls Batman's bluff. Fitting, given his association with playing cards.

  10. 2 years ago

    Comics Joker had a tragic past though...? I mean, it's weird you haven't addressed Killing Joke at all. I thought you'd be dismissing it or something, but you just haven't even mentioned it.

    • 2 years ago

      Comic Joker's tragic past has been implied to be a fabrication.

  11. 2 years ago

    >I'm Amanda Mayward
    Wtf? He was a troony?

  12. 2 years ago

    I don't care, I still prefer Romero, Nicholson and Hamill over Ledger.

    • 2 years ago

      But anon muh edgy le chaos sociopath is so complex and interesting!
      I want to think this moron is a troll, but something tells me he's a legitimate idiot nolanshitter.

      • 2 years ago

        Can you actually think of real criticism outside "le" and "edgy" reddit zoomie?

        • 2 years ago

          >wahh wahh
          Post-2016 tourist, stop trying to deflect.

          I don't even have to defend him. You never made an actual argument against him to start. So I just mocked you for being dumb while you sperged out.

          >I don't even have to defend him.
          Correction: because you can't.
          Because he's a shallow non-character with no complexity that you seem to act is oh-so-important and hold in some high esteem. Because he's a walking plot device at his very best, just like the version of him from those nasty comics that you seem to hate so much. Not like an idiot who insists that animation is "taken seriously" has any ability to comprehend that, so just get cancer.
          >You never made an actual argument against him to start.
          Not my fault you're an illiterate idiot.
          >So I just mocked you for being dumb while you sperged out.
          What you actually mean is, you desperately kept crying so I could take your worthless opinionated nonsense seriously but your narcissistic ego doesn't let you admit it.

          • 2 years ago

            >Correction: because you can't.
            Because he's a shallow non-character with no complexity that you seem to act is oh-so-important and hold in some high esteem. Because he's a walking plot device at his very best, just like the version of him from those nasty comics that you seem to hate so much.
            >No substantiation
            >No examples
            And you're wondering why I refuse to take you seriously.
            >Not like an idiot who insists that animation is "taken seriously" has any ability to comprehend that, so just get cancer.
            All art forms should be elevated to get taken seriously, yes. Glad we agree.
            >Not my fault you're an illiterate idiot.
            Not my fault you can't substantiate anything.
            >What you actually mean is, you desperately kept crying so I could take your worthless opinionated nonsense seriously but your narcissistic ego doesn't let you admit it.
            This sentence makes zero sense. Are you getting that mad again? It's been about 4 hours.

            • 2 years ago

              Dipshit, you're not smart (quite the opposite in fact, you're one of the dumbest homosexuals I've ever seen on this shithole site) so stop acting like you are.
              >No substantiation
              >No examples
              What substantiation, moron? That a character with no meaningful backstory or any actual motivation other than to cause chaos just because "MUH ORDER VS CHAOS THEME" or literally anything resembling depth is not complex? That's obvious even to a fricking child but apparent not to a moron too dumb for Cinemaphile..
              Maybe instead of your autofellation you could've made an actual argument other than "look at me I am smart and this character is complex because I said so"
              >And you're wondering
              The only thing I'm wondering about is why an idiot like yourself is not killed yet.
              >ll art forms should be elevated to get taken seriously, yes
              Not what I said, you absolute dumbass, but at this point your stupidity is expected.
              >Not my fault you can't substantiate anything.
              Absolutely ironic because, again, your posts have ZERO FRICKING SUBSTANCE.
              >This sentence makes zero sense.
              Not my fault you're a dumb frick.
              >It's been about 4 hours.
              And you're still whining because a shit character is called a shit character.
              Get. Cancer.

              • 2 years ago

                >He still can't actually provide any substantiation of his points
                >Continues to sperg insults and keeps rehashing out the same conversation.
                Yawn. Can we get something new in here please?

              • 2 years ago

                So you're gonna continue sticking bananas in your ears and hide from objective facts? Might as well have a nice day.
                >Can we get something new in here please?
                You getting cancer would be new, so I wish.

              • 2 years ago

                >Objective facts
                I wasn't aware that unsubstantiated claims were facts. That's news to me. If you want to be a better educator, you should probably change up how you talk to people.
                >Stick bananas in your ears
                No, but I'm sure you're gonna put the action figures in your ass much farther.

              • 2 years ago

                >Shitdger Joker not having a backstory, any humanizing qualities or a meaningful motivation is unsubstantiated claims and not an actual fact
                Holy shit, you can't get any more moronic if you tried.
                >talk to people.
                I don't see people here. Just a pile of garbage that keeps answering me for whatever dumbfrick reason.
                >moron's gay fantasies
                I'm sorry you're such a worthless failure.

                >Hey guys look, he BTFO'D an entire thread a second time!
                That's not the own you think it is.

                >more selective reality

              • 2 years ago

                >Having a single humanizing trait
                Being mysterious is bad now?
                >Meaningful motivation
                Repeat the above question
                >Gay fantasies
                Yes, we know you're jerking off to it right now.
                >More selective reality
                Just reality.

              • 2 years ago

                >Being mysterious is bad now?
                If you jerk off to "muh complexity" so much that it's your only criteria of a good character then yes, you fricking mongoloid. There is no complexity in a fricking boogieman no one knows anything about. There is no real motivation just "evil for the sake of evil" except that replace "evil" with "babby's first idea of anarchism"
                So you're mentally ill and hear voices, good to know.
                >you're jerking off to it right now.
                Again, no one is interested in your idiotic gay fantasies. Keep them to yourself, subhuman.
                >Just reality.
                The reality that you got BTFO in each of those threads and left with a tail between your legs? Yes, just reality.

              • 2 years ago

                >There is no complexity
                Mystery is complexity
                >So you're mentally ill and hear voices
                Projection much? You've been arguing with me for five hours because you want to prove yourself right to a stranger on a forum. It's a fruitless endeavor. Major yikes. Get help.
                >Again, no one is interested in your idiotic gay fantasies. Keep them to yourself, subhuman.
                Yeah yeah, your cum is all over your keyboard and you're struggling to get it off. It would explain your typos.
                >The reality that you got BTFO in each of those threads and left with a tail between your legs? Yes, just reality.
                You don't even live in reality in the first place, hence why you can't make any judgements.

              • 2 years ago

                >Mystery is complexity
                This is the single dumbest shit I've read from an idiot on this shitty board. Bravo. I never thought nolansubhumans can get any lower, but voila.
                >because you want to prove yourself right
                Proving yourself right works when you're talking to someone willing to listen and not to an idiot. I'm merely shitting on you.
                >more gay fantasies
                Just admit that you're a worthless homosexual and that's why you're such a b***h.

                The problem with you is that you're so desperate to get someone to concede who's not going to unless you actually substantiate your arguments. Which we both know you're not going to. So I'm willing to go to the bump limit until you learn that reality.

                moron, using the word "substantiate" over and over doesn't make you look smart because you are not and never will be.

              • 2 years ago

                >No argument
                >No argument
                >Y-you are getting destroyed! Me saying so makes it true!
                Lol, lmao even.
                I'm willing to go to the bump limit with you because you need the maturity of knowing when an argument is hopeless.

              • 2 years ago

                >No argument
                If you're too dumb to think that absence of information = complexity, then you're even dumber than I thought. Keep crying about "n-no argument"
                >Y-you are getting destroyed! Me saying so makes it true!
                Literally all your idiotic shitposts.

                Again, I'm willing to go to the bump limit with you because you need the maturity of knowing when a hopeless argument is hopeless.

                I don't give a shit, moron. If your idea of entertainment is "I was pretending to be moronic" then it's not my fault you were born an actual moron.

              • 2 years ago

                You've been arguing with me for five hours. Told me to kill myself, called me names, all because of an opinion. Anyone can see how much of an emotional stake you have in this. You're a massive clown.
                >Absence of information = complexity
                Yes and opens the door up for more.
                >Literally all your idiotic shitposts.
                To which none have been refuted so far.

              • 2 years ago

                >Told me to kill myself, called me names
                Because you absolutely deserve it. In fact you deserve to have your skull smashed into pieces, but I doubt you would give me your home address.
                >how much of an emotional stake you have in this
                Says the moron so defensive over a shitty comic book villain that he keeps repeating the same shit here and on Cinemaphile.
                >opens the door up for more
                Your fanfics and speculation are nothing more than that and interest no one. A character having nothing to him is not even remotely complex or interesting and not attempt to muddy the word "complex" will ever change that.
                >none have been refuted so far.
                Again, moron. Your nonsense is not arguments to refute. They're just your moronic opinions you treat as facts. And even when you get arguments you just ignore them. You're the clown here.

              • 2 years ago

                >He pretends to have a sane mind while writing these things
                >So emotional about a comic villain
                I've never told anyone to kill themselves
                >I-it is not complex nooooooo
                Yes it is.
                >moronic opinions you treat as fact
                Are we talking about you here?

              • 2 years ago

                >oh noes, I made a post on Cinemaphile and someone called me a moron and a homosexual and told me to kill myself. How could this ever have happened?
                Get over it, drama queen.
                >Yes it is
                So these are "arguments" and "substantiation" you provide, huh? Too bad it doesn't change the simple fact that
                Having no backstory or understandable motivation is not "open doors" it's a closed one.
                >no u

              • 2 years ago

                >Calls me a drama queen when he tells me to kill myself every other post.
                >Noooo it's not complex
                Yes it is.
                >Nooooo substantiation
                You haven't done jack in that field, friend.
                >N-no you!!

              • 2 years ago

                >oh noes, I made a post on Cinemaphile and someone called me a moron and a homosexual and told me to kill myself. How could this ever have happened? x2
                >Yes it is.
                No argument then. Just you being a little anal b***h who's arguing simply for the sake of arguing.
                >You haven't done jack in that field
                Once again "your arguments are not arguments".
                You don't have friends, that's why you're wasting my time by being the world's biggest homosexual. Because no one ever gave you attention.

              • 2 years ago

                >Dude grow up
                >Y-youre not the boss of me!
                >Anal b***h arguing for the sake of it.
                That describes you for the past five hours.
                >No one gave you attention

              • 2 years ago

                >n-no u
                Holy shit, you're pathetic.

                >Once again your arguments are not arguments
                Yes. Because they aren't. They're assertions. Unsubstantiated ones.

                They literally have more substance than whatever the frick you shat out as "an argument".
                Just get cancer, loser.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the one spamming both Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile with the exact same substanceless posts word for word seeking validation, you absolute fricking failure.

                Casual moron and homosexual OP. No one beats Hamill


              • 2 years ago

                >Once again your arguments are not arguments
                Yes. Because they aren't. They're assertions. Unsubstantiated ones.

              • 2 years ago

                The problem with you is that you're so desperate to get someone to concede who's not going to unless you actually substantiate your arguments. Which we both know you're not going to. So I'm willing to go to the bump limit until you learn that reality.

              • 2 years ago

                And yes, dipshit. I know you will ignore any and all arguments and just keep crying how "your arguments are not arguments" all the while your worthless shitposts are nothing but empty platitudes your mentally ill brain thought is intelligent.

              • 2 years ago

                Again, I'm willing to go to the bump limit with you because you need the maturity of knowing when a hopeless argument is hopeless.

              • 2 years ago

                Again, I'm willing to go to the bump limit with you because you need the maturity of knowing when a hopeless argument is hopeless.

                you're as big of an idiot as he is

              • 2 years ago

                No shit, genius. We're all idiots here.

  13. 2 years ago

    I disagree in saying he is the best joker, however, I do think he gets too much flak for being "not funny" and "having a point". If you paid attention to anything that happened in the interrogation scene, you still realize he is doing everything because it is "fun", hence why he keeps batman around. The whole plot with Harvey isn't a grand standing message about society when you get down to it. It's just a long elaborate joke how a man who plays by the law is screwed over by the law and the one who doesn't care about the law is rewarded. Irony. Not to mention he cracks a lot of jokes about whatever situation he is in without a single care, because why does he care? He's joker and he's making the mother of all jokes.

  14. 2 years ago

    Holy kek, found more of this moron's schizo posts. He's honestly mentally ill.

    • 2 years ago

      >Hey guys look, he BTFO'D an entire thread a second time!
      That's not the own you think it is.

  15. 2 years ago

    >this subhuman is a JoJogay
    I never thought a nolangay loser could be any more pathetic yet here we are.

  16. 2 years ago

    he was okay but I wish he didn't die so I can properly judge him. Maybe I'm just an autistic sperg but I can't just accept that he did a good performance because around the time the dark knight was gaining traction, people were already talking about how his death and it gives him immunity to criticism (in my opinion) like everyone refuses to harshly judge his acting because "dude he died!" I don't feel this way to long dead musicians and their songs however, I guess I'm just a spergy tard, I don't hate Heath Ledger but I just can't openly admit he did a good performance

  17. 2 years ago

    Joker originally was super brutal like spamming the gas all the time. If they want him to be g-rated funny rather than mad funny they need to put the gloves on like Adam West style Batman where nobody gets hurt.

    Mark Hamil joker was one of the best it was mad dark.

  18. 2 years ago

    Casual moron and homosexual OP. No one beats Hamill

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