Helluva Boss

Apology Tour has released. Discuss your thoughts on it.


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  1. 1 week ago

    I don't care.

    • 1 week ago

      Cared enough to reply 😉

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah but I still don't care.

        • 1 week ago

          Cared enough to reply 😉

          • 1 week ago

            True, I guess. You know what. I do care! Everybody in this thread, I LOVE HELLUVA BOSS!!! I love Stolas and Blitzo and Millie, too! Heck, I even love Stella and Striker and all the bad guys! They're like a family to me, I just love Helluva Boss! You opened my eyes, anon, thank you.

        • 1 week ago

          Cared enough to reply a second time.

      • 1 week ago

        Cared enough to reply 😉

        NPC-tier esponse :^)

  2. 1 week ago

    I care more about the side characters in this show than the main ones. Everyone else outside the sad imp gang and the owl shitters have better personalities and designs. I'd probably enjoy more a show about them than these freaks.

    • 1 week ago

      Verosika is the best, it's hardly even a contest

      • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago

        I wish that Verosika would kill Blitz and Stolas and make out with Loona and Millie and the show could be about that instead.

        Right now it’s too often about how big a victim Stolas or Blitzo are and how they did nothing wrong except that with Stolas Blitzo did everything wrong and Stolas is blameless

        It feels like a Reddit AITA post written by ChatGPT to make one person a dindu muffin for redditors to fawn over

      • 1 week ago

        She sounded really off most of this episode.

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah she was phoning it in like crazy. Not sure why "Act drunk" always seems like "Don't act at all"

          • 1 week ago

            I thought she had a new VA until the end talk with blitzo.

          • 1 week ago

            >Yeah she was phoning it in like crazy
            that's the impression i got as well. odd b/c vee is always professional with her VA jobs. idk what happened here

            • 1 week ago

              schizo theory is that she had just gotten done voicing Cerebella for the DLC story modes in Skullgirls (she typically speaks with a more gravelly tone), and she didn't quite let her throat recover before doing Verosika.

              • 1 week ago

                I tried getting her signature for Skullgirls at a convention, but the line was FILLED with Miraculous Ladybug fans. I at least got a signature from Squigly's VA

      • 1 week ago

        S2E8 is actually really fun, it's IMP vs the Cherubs and it's the goofy irreverent fun that got us hooked to begin with
        The newest episode is just drama romance bullshit that doesn't go anywhere, genuinely nothing changes between S2E8's ending and S2E9's ending, it only drags out the same point

        What's the sex appeal of those two?

        • 1 week ago

          Big tiddy succubus pop star.
          Edgy goth furry.

    • 1 week ago

      No, you wouldn't. You think you want that because the appeal of secondary characters is getting your attention when tey show up because the elevate main characters.
      The moment the characters you like are promoted to main character, they're going to go through same design issues main characters have.

      • 1 week ago

        None of the secondary characters elevate the main characters in this show. Verosika doesn't make me like Blitzo or Stolas, neither do Fizzarolli and Ozzie. They just make me wish the show was about them instead

    • 1 week ago

      the show would be better if verosika was the main love interest or if stolas was a woman

  3. 1 week ago

    This felt like a fan fiction episode. Also is it just me or did the animation decline after MAMMON’S MAGNIFICENT MUSICAL MID-SEASON SPECIAL (Ep. 7 from S2)

    • 1 week ago

      Viv said calling her writing fan-fictiony is "homophobic"!

      • 1 week ago

        Jokes on her, she is the homophobic
        But fr tho, all gay characters seems a copy-paste in some activities, probably because they are on hell but like, I'm sure ONE can be different once in a while, right?

  4. 1 week ago

    I need to frick Martha

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Cause she's hot

  5. 1 week ago

    hot imp milfs or cougars?

  6. 1 week ago

    Stolas Did Nothing Wrong.

  7. 1 week ago


  8. 1 week ago

    This was such a bad episode, not even sexy background characters could save it.

  9. 1 week ago

    2/10, full moon was much better

  10. 1 week ago

    Good, even for Stolitz shit.
    And mostly because it's where the character's shit sides get criticism in universe and you can tell it absolutely gets to them.

  11. 1 week ago

    She ended up with the b***h who tried to kill her lol

    • 1 week ago

      Whatever gets the fans to shut up about Viv portraying her female characters/relationships poorly

    • 1 week ago

      That is what i thought, i don't think they realized this falls into the lesbians relationships memes

    • 1 week ago

      It's not that funny or makes any sense

    • 1 week ago

      viv can't write healthy gay relationships

      • 1 week ago

        Chaggie exists but you all call it boring

        • 1 week ago

          >but you all call it boring
          Because it is. Vaggie literally only exists to be Charlie's girlfriend. Name one of her character traits that doesn't include angry and Charlie obsessed.

          • 1 week ago

            It's also not particularly healthy, considering Vaggie lied to Charlie for four years and had no life outside her after leaving heaven.

    • 1 week ago

      This is one of those things that makes Stolas/Blitzo's relationship issues come across as weird/stupid. I know Blitzo said it already in the episode, but he's right, they in HELL, they're basically all objectively horrible people, so why is Blitzo the only one whose getting judged to shit and back for being bad at relationships when he and basically everyone around him are LITERALLY MURDERERS. Its just a baffling situation, unless all this drama simply comes from the fact that as (presumably?) long lived/immortal demons, they get so bored they have to act out telenovela style dramas just to stay sane.

      • 1 week ago

        It’s really been because the narrative hasn’t taken any of the murder or violence seriously, it’s a mix of slapstick comedy or very wacky action adventure as just a set for cool action scenes that are just for fun, while relationships are VERY SERIOUS DRAMA.

        They might change that going forward but so far that’s how it’s been played and it DOES feel weird, especially when it’s all just some giggles but Stella’s violence is the worst thing ever and totally different.

        Tone issues.

  12. 1 week ago

    >no M&M
    >just gay owl drama

    • 1 week ago

      Stolas is just the worst character and they keep bringing him in

      • 1 week ago

        He's the emotional core of the show

      • 1 week ago

        I like him in small bits not a whole fricking season.

      • 1 week ago

        i will take stolas over moxxie any day of the week

      • 1 week ago

        At least he's pretty unlike Blitzo.

      • 1 week ago

        >no M&M
        >just gay owl drama

        >it's a fujo fanfic drama ep

        >watching a gay drama
        >complains about gay drama
        are you masochists or soemthing?

        • 1 week ago

          The premise of the show is a bunch of demonic hitmen killing people they're hired to. It only devolved into a gay drama later on.

          • 1 week ago

            It was that for the non-canon pilot and that's it. The first episode of the series establishes Blitzo's relationship with Stolas and the second episode builds upon that.

            • 1 week ago

              And the third episode lacks their relationship shit. So does the fourth. It's a B plot in the sixth. You're being a disingenuous tool and a Vivzie bootlicker for trying to do this revisionism bullshit.

              • 1 week ago

                Episode 3 focuses on more relationship drama, just with Verosika. And with Loona. Episode 4 lacks it but episode 5 is right back with the relationship drama - centered around Millie and Moxxie this time but with a few noticable Stolitz hints. The season finale, the culmination of it all - is Stolitz drama. I think you just fail at pattern noticing.

      • 1 week ago

        He's starting to feel more like the protagonist than Blitzo. Blitzo has not changed and only goes through sad moments from time to time and snaps right back to status quo while Stolas gets all the actual development and change.

        • 1 week ago

          >while Stolas gets all the actual development and change.
          It's completely shallow and half hearted. He's naive and thinks he and Blitzo have a shot at a serious relationship but he himself doesn't actually put in the effort that Blitzo does to please him.

          • 1 week ago

            Stolas is sack of whiney manbaby shit who can't take responsibility for his actions yet HE'S THE FRICKING VICTIM AGAIN?? This makes no fricking sense.

          • 1 week ago

            Well this episode might make the development stick. We will have to see.

    • 1 week ago

      This show could be called the Blitzo and Stolas show.

      • 1 week ago

        >This show could be called the Blitzo and Stolas show.
        He’s called Stolas because he Stole the show

      • 1 week ago

        guess who's the Boss in Helluva Boss

  13. 1 week ago

    I'll only accept Martha x mayberry, if she's the bottom and gets rough femdom correction for being cheating bawd

  14. 1 week ago

    Where's Woona?

    • 1 week ago

      Gone again

    • 1 week ago

      No loonie toonie

  15. 1 week ago

    it feels like this is what people wanted from full moon just relationship drama without fun/fights because this time there was no B plot at all

  16. 1 week ago


    Where's her butt crack?

    • 1 week ago

      Covered by hair.

    • 1 week ago

      Hidden beneath her fur like all hellhounds I presume

  17. 1 week ago

    I just realized something.
    >blitzo hates having genuine relationships and fricks off the moment someone gets too close
    >but he adopted a daughter because ???
    Why the frick would Blitzo adopt Loona if he's so scared of connection? This show makes no sense.

    • 1 week ago

      because he saw himself reflected on Loona

    • 1 week ago

      Truth seekers sums it up well. Blitzo has problems with proper intimacy, but also craves it at the same time.

    • 1 week ago

      I guess it's because Loona act in the exact same way with him as he act to everybody else, so he feels like he fully understand her and is not afraid he will offend her nor she will leave him. He probably feels like no one will want to be her friend just like happened to him and that he knows she cares as long as he never takes her shit personally.

    • 1 week ago

      Because Vivize can't write for shit. She can't even decide if Hellhounds are 'people' or pets in her own show, considering the main character adopted one like a dog and then has shown to have dated one.

      • 1 week ago

        uh? they are the lowest same with the imp and even below them is just that blitzo considers her a daughter
        Millie is even racist towards her

        • 1 week ago

          So? Are they pets or people? You can't show that HellHounds are treated like normal dogs then turn around and have one of your characters date one, especially one that owns one.

          • 1 week ago

            >Hell hounds are like dogs because they get adopted from a pound

            I’ve been seeing this take, and I don’t really get it. Loona’s orphanage didn’t really strike me as much different from most other classic stereotypical cartoon orphanages, and she seems like a classic stereotypical cartoon orphan, just with some slightly dog themed visual gags.

            • 1 week ago

              >I’ve been seeing this take, and I don’t really get it.
              They are treated like literally dogs.
              >. Loona’s orphanage didn’t really strike me as much different from most other classic stereotypical cartoon orphanages,
              What cartoons have you been watching? She's literally locked in a fricking cage.

              • 1 week ago

                That’s the visual gag I was alluding to.

    • 1 week ago

      because blitzo being loona's "dad" was just meant to be a shallow joke and nothing more.

    • 1 week ago

      Can make a lot of cash whoring out your adopted daughter to strangers and friends

      • 1 week ago

        It's not WHORING it's "I play board games with her and try not to spill spaghetti"

        • 1 week ago

          She only likes wolfchads

    • 1 week ago

      Blitzo mostly just wants his mom back. His dad taught him that everything needs to be earned, even the most basic compassion, and that he will never be good enough. His mom meanwhile was probably the only person to love him completely unconditionally. But then he killed his mom.

      Now he is always chasing after getting that relationship back. He’s combining the lessons he learned from both parents to always be paradoxically trying to meet the correct conditions to achieve unconditional love, to earn love. But whenever he thinks he’s getting close, he fears reliving that trauma of fricking up and losing it, of hurting someone irreparably, so he shuts it down before it can get there. That’s why he broke up with Verosika as soon as she dropped the L word.

      But with Loona, he is still trying to recreate that parent/child relationship, but he flipped the script and put himself in the mother role. He now feels happily obligated to love Loona, no matter what she does. He knows he has to, because he is her dad and a good dad loves his child no matter what. And it really helps that he happened to find a kindred spirit in her because she also has intimacy issues and she totally gets it. She also thinks she’s unlovable, she also is afraid of getting too close to people. But unlike Blitzo, she doesn’t feel the need to actively frick things over or run away, so they can still work.

      • 1 week ago

        Name a character more sympathetic than either Blitzo or Stolas. No cartoon comes close to their hardships, in my opinion. If anything, the double down making Cinemaphile actually feel sorry for them is making me happy.

        I’m serious when I say no other character has made me cry as much as Stolas, not even Soul Eater had that effect when I watched it as a child. This show is an emotional masterpiece and anyone who disagrees can personally fricking fight me. I’ve never wanted to hug a fictional character more than these two.

        Thanks for changing your views, Cinemaphile. I thought things were getting moronic around here, especially with Summer and trannies. (And yes, I’m still on the fence about Stolitz, and I used to hyperfixate on it.)

        remember when this cartoon was about edgy assassinations and murder instead of gay relationship drama

        No, it never was. The pilot was so shit, even Viv herself hated it. I think I speak for everyone, personally, when I say this show is better than ever.

        • 1 week ago

          Hi stolasbroo! 😀
          Hope youve been doing well

          I can hardly get into stolitz but since ots the shows focus i kind of have to

          • 1 week ago
            Stolas for Mr /co/lympus

            I’m glad Cinemaphile is developing some level of empathy for Blitzo and Stolas. It warms my heart, as I said, they are the most sympathetic characters in animation history. I keep fricking winning, dawgs.

            Yo! I used to love it, but I wonder if these two sweet, innocent guys would be better apart or as friends.

            hey schizo do you consider both stella and stolas victims of the goetia system?

            No, not Stella. She’s far from a victim.

            Good. He's not a cripple or a child or an elderly man. If he was abused by a woman, he deserves it.

            Eat a dick, fricktard.

            • 1 week ago

              >Eat a dick
              Happily. As long as it isn't attached to a self-pitying doormat.

            • 1 week ago

              >I wonder if these two sweet, innocent guys would be better apart or as friends.
              As much as id like to say as friends, they dont seem to have a lot going on together outside of the grimoire thing, but well have to wait.

    • 1 week ago

      He adopted her when she was just about almost 18. He wanted to feel a sense of accomplishment without putting a whole lot in.

  18. 1 week ago

    I’m only two minutes in. Did I miss an episode? It says this is episode 9, but did I miss an episode 8.5?

    This pacing seems ridiculously fast and bad, even for this show.

    • 1 week ago

      Finished. The episode itself evened out, but I stand by that being a really rushed initial start.

  19. 1 week ago

    >Blitzo has an entire party of people he's had sex with
    >Somehow his dick hasn't fallen off or he hasn't died of aids
    Do STDs not exist in hell?

    • 1 week ago

      Blitz is just built different.

    • 1 week ago

      There's some theory that blitzo is part succubus given his size vs other imps. They probably have STD immunity or some shit.

    • 1 week ago

      He has condoms in his van and there are condoms all over the room after he and Chaz frick so he must be pretty good about protection, or yeah std immunity.

    • 1 week ago

      He’s descended from carnies/circus people, so he’s naturally predisposed to be an asymptomatic carrier for everything.

    • 1 week ago

      >Do STDs not exist in hell?
      I hate how Loona secondaries don't even know their sex icon's background

      • 1 week ago

        Loonas STDs got retconned. She can't even talk to guys in the main show without spilling her spaghetti.

  20. 1 week ago

    *cucks you*

    • 1 week ago

      It feels completely out of character that blitzo just sits back and lets this guy cuck him.

      • 1 week ago

        He was going to kick his ass but actually listened when Verosika told him not to, that was character growth right there if anything.

      • 1 week ago

        They're trying to teach that you should be fine with your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, and husband getting fricked right in front of you by a complete stranger.

        • 1 week ago

          they are nothing
          pic related is totally is ok tho

        • 1 week ago

          But they're none of those things, they broke up

      • 1 week ago

        I mean, he was about to put a stop to it but then ‘le just show how much you can improve by letting go’ speech.

    • 1 week ago

      What would actually be unique is if Stolas actually found a better relationship with this imp than Blitzo to show the relationship had a bad foundation and realistically would never work. Blitzo would always wonder if Stolas actually likes him and doesn't just have a fetish for imps while Stolas would always wonder if Blitzo is just using him for his powers and status.

    • 1 week ago

      It feels completely out of character that blitzo just sits back and lets this guy cuck him.

      They're trying to teach that you should be fine with your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, and husband getting fricked right in front of you by a complete stranger.

      It made no sense for Stolas to do it even with alcohol and it was out of character. We wasted all this time on how obsessed he is with Blitzo but it's this easy to just chill the frick out and be with someone else without all the drama. Literally so much time wasted on this for nonsensical bullshit. And if that wasn't bad enough it did weirdly come off as trying to preach cuck shit. Like yeah you should look at someone you still have feelings for fricking someone else and say "good for you". It's one thing to say sucks to suck you deserve it karmas a b***h etc but a whole other thing to say some dumb shit like that.

      • 1 week ago

        Its clearly just vivzies bad writing. The couch conversation hit the point where blitzo was going to have to apologize to stolas, so they just wrote in this random dick head to interrupt the conversation instead.
        I don't mind the stolitz shit, but I'm really tired of the "will they won't they" bullshit. Feels like a fricking harem anime with the amount of blue balling they do.

        • 1 week ago

          stolitz cannot work until both fix their problems. Blitzo legit that no reason to apologize and even if he did he is not searching what Stolas is searching right now

      • 1 week ago

        >how obsessed he is with Blitzo
        no, blitzo for him is an idea of a romantic prince from a romcom so its a good thing he stop being delusional about living about fantasy land
        he just craves someone who cares about him .

        • 1 week ago

          Except they made sure to stress he was a childhood friend and his first friend. Blitzo was never shown as close to a prince and there's countless characters who could fit that role better. Just having someone care about you was obviously never limited to Blitzo.

          • 1 week ago

            >childhood friend
            he was with him one day only and came back to steal his book
            dude legit lives in fantasy land and just want anyone to care about him

            • 1 week ago

              The point is he didn't need blitzo for that fantasy especially when he's obviously such a prick but for whatever reason the show still portrays blitzo as special to him specifically. It just doesn't make sense.

              I feel like the show wants me to ship Stolitz and assumes I do while trying to convince me not to?

              The “I just want ANYONE to care about me” bit tracks with how Blitzo could be a sack of flour who seems to show Stolas interest (although it was faked both times) and the outcome would have been the same because Stolas is so starved of any attention.

              Do they even like each other at all?

              Yeah basically anyone could fill the roll that blitzo supposedly did but we needed so many episodes of gay drama for what then? Anyone could have been infinitely nicer and probably offered better sex. I don't know what the show is trying to do but whatever this is is trash.

              • 1 week ago

                >show still portrays blitzo as special to him specifically
                other than to bait stolitzgays not really
                like there is a contrast in the circus
                for stolas it was the first time he got a ""real friend""
                for blitzo he was bough as an slave
                if something if these two are going to be together they are going to give real reasons to care about each other

          • 1 week ago

            I feel like the show wants me to ship Stolitz and assumes I do while trying to convince me not to?

            The “I just want ANYONE to care about me” bit tracks with how Blitzo could be a sack of flour who seems to show Stolas interest (although it was faked both times) and the outcome would have been the same because Stolas is so starved of any attention.

            Do they even like each other at all?

            • 1 week ago

              >sack of flour

              • 1 week ago

                I just mean they play this as Stolas being like “I just want someone to care” as if the person’s personality doesn’t matter, it feels like you could swap out Blitzo with literally anybody and Blitz only pretending to care for a scam both times makes it worse because that wasn’t even real.

            • 1 week ago

              It’s pretty clear both care about each other. If you ever liked someone you knew was bad for you, and went out with them you might get it. I’ve done it don’t recommend it sometimes you keep forgiving someone or putting up with there shit because you like them and think hey maybe it’ll be different. I’ve also been the butthole and was the shitty person and didn’t care. The point is life and relationships are confusing and it’s easy to frick up. Attraction can often be hard to pin down and one sided. Unrequited love is a b***h and sometimes it’s hard to let go and move on. I dunno I’m pretty drunk I’m gonna go sleep it off or die later.

      • 1 week ago

        Ozzie was right

        • 1 week ago

          he divorced stella so it was worth it even if blitz was not worth in the long run
          Blitz was the wake up call , an experience

          • 1 week ago

            Blitzo is even worse than Stella. He stopped playing pretend with the angry bird wife, fricked with the relationship he had with his daughter, and overall humiliated himself just to play pretend with some moronic imp who can't love him or himself.

  21. 1 week ago

    Frick Dennis though.

  22. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Seems like next episode is gonna be okay. Thanks for the leaks, anon.

    • 1 week ago

      he took out the grimoire at the end, after Stolas took it back. Immersion ruined.

      • 1 week ago

        looks like ghostfrickers was before Full Moon at some point

        • 1 week ago

          ghostfrickers was supposed to be episode 6 but I guess they saw it more fit to put it after apology tour since it gives blitzo a little bit of redemption.

    • 1 week ago

      These are some ridiculously overanimated boards

    • 1 week ago

      The drama between Stolas and his daughter seems so dumb. She's pissed at him for... taking happy pills? Even though she knows what her mother is like? And Stolas saying she's great and that he loves her was actually him miserable and that he doesn't want to be with her?

      I mean sure it's the type of dumb shit a teen irl would probably do but it's still dumb

      • 1 week ago

        Octavia makes a big deal about the pills in the chronologically final scene (which is the second link because they’re out of order), but before that, she sings an entire song all about being done with Stolas’s shit, even before she discovers the pills at the end of that scene. So it’s about more than just the pills. My guess is that Stolas gets kicked out of the Goetia, and Octavia takes this as him leaving her.

  23. 1 week ago

    Just looking for background cutes

  24. 1 week ago

    >it's a fujo fanfic drama ep

    • 1 week ago

      >its a seething headcanon gay

    • 1 week ago

      Having your fanfiction professionally animated and voiced is based though.

    • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          Blitzo fricked that dog btw

        • 1 week ago

          >Tfw Blitzo cucked his own daughter

    • 1 week ago

      >That unsolicited opinion by a self-admitted schizo

  25. 1 week ago

    So this is Stolas half brother right?

    • 1 week ago

      Probably, but we don't know for sure

  26. 1 week ago

    >draw hot woman
    >have her be voiced by a man
    I uh, I hate this trend.

    • 1 week ago

      I love this trend.

      • 1 week ago

        so true bestie

  27. 1 week ago

    >show how much you've improved by letting some guy cuck you
    should have started shooting

    • 1 week ago

      >noo don't let other people be happy
      really? verosika was kinda right this time , hope he gets laid and find happiness

      • 1 week ago

        it's okay for him to get laid and find happiness, as long as blitz also gets to find his own happiness by killing the guy who is cucking him

  28. 1 week ago

    Stollas and Blitzo are fine individually, but god when they are together, i don't understand viv's writting, she puts so much effort on this romance trying to be as realistic as possible surrounded by purely cartoon characterizations, i can't take any of this seriously, i think it is just inmaturitie's fault

    • 1 week ago

      Pretty sure they're supposed to be a trainwreck couple.

  29. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Verosika is sex.
      That is all.

      good for her
      hope she gets laid

    • 1 week ago

      And saved.

  30. 1 week ago

    Verosika is sex.
    That is all.

  31. 1 week ago

    Is Verosika precognitive? How does she know that Stolas and Blitzo just “broke up?” She sends Stolas an invite to the party in a matter of hours after Stolas and Blitzo have a private conversation, and it’s unlikely either of them spoke about it to anyone else, or posted about it on social media. And how does she also know that Blitzo just spent the last several hours apologizing to various people? We don’t see anybody telling her these things.

    • 1 week ago

      god you're so fricking dumb
      also they were loud as shit

    • 1 week ago

      She just stalks Blitzo

    • 1 week ago

      After that conversation, either Blitzo or Stolas could've told her off-screen. Or she could've been flying overhead and heard them.
      its not that big a deal.

      • 1 week ago

        >she could've been flying overhead
        You think she just, flies around through the air overhearing people’s conversations? That they have in their houses or private gardens?

        I get that it’s not a big deal, but it’s still sorta weird. Usually they insert a little line explaining that sort of thing.

    • 1 week ago

      Verosika's unironically pretty smart and Blitzo is really predictable and not at all subtle. She probably saw his and Stolas's many moronic antics from afar and just predicted that he'd frick it up by then.

    • 1 week ago

      Word gets around in hell.

  32. 1 week ago

    Are they finally going back to being demonic hitmen or is it still fujo slop?

  33. 1 week ago

    >An Apology Tour Verosika put together centered on (you) and your exes, minus some of the bitterness

    • 1 week ago

      Blitzo fricked some hot b***hes gah damn

      • 1 week ago

        >Instead of completely hating you, most of your exes instead thank you for giving them some good years together

    • 1 week ago

      >tfw Verosika is the healthy way to act about resentment

    • 1 week ago

      This is some Gary Stu shit. Blitzo can barely get through a conversation without having a panic attack but he's had sex with all these people?

      • 1 week ago

        hes smooth when it comes to talking sexy shit to people though

      • 1 week ago

        Him having a lot of one night stands does not surprise me. Between Stolas, Chaz, and that bouncer at Ozzie’s, it seems like Blitzo regularly strategically tries to seduce people as a con whenever he wants something outta them, like he thinks he’s James Bond or some shit.

        What I don’t get is how there are so many people who have not just fricked him, but have felt they were in some kind of full blown relationship with him and that they now identify as his exes. Now that takes a lot of frickin work.

      • 1 week ago

        blitzo has always been a prostitute, this isn't surprising at all

      • 1 week ago

        A lot of women are awkward but have been with lots of guys, it happens.

      • 1 week ago

        I’m going to be honest, I think that you guys are really overthinking the Blitzo’s Exes Party Shit. It’s just some hyperbolic zany cartoon nonsense that doesn’t make sense to that extreme.

        I will say that roping the exaggerated cover the top comedy cartoon nonsense into the “serious drama” was a TONE PROBLEM with the show, though.

        It’s a lot like how the show has a ton of slapstick violence and comedy murder that we are not supposed to take literally or seriously, but then suddenly Stella does it and oh noes domestic abuse so serious.

        This show constantly tries to mix absurd bullshit that’s just supposed to be a throwaway gag with deadly serious business character drama and I think it does it badly.

        • 1 week ago

          >This show constantly tries to mix absurd bullshit that’s just supposed to be a throwaway gag with deadly serious business character drama and I think it does it badly.
          yeah, this hits the nail on the head
          HB is best when it's just silly violence and action and stuff, and that just makes all this gay relationship drama feel even more awkward and out of place

      • 1 week ago

        A lot of them seem to be succubi/incubi

      • 1 week ago

        Sex is free. You don't have to work for it

        • 1 week ago
          • 1 week ago

            Man, I grew with this movie but his acting makes me cringe.

      • 1 week ago

        Hell has different [IE lower] standards on average, probably further helped along by all the rape and sex slavery.

    • 1 week ago

      I like the shark? girl with the bow

  34. 1 week ago

    That talk blitzo had with verozika was some bullshit, it would have meant way more if Blitzo gave her money to erase that fricking tatoo

    • 1 week ago

      she already has money
      if something this was the closure she needed to move on

      • 1 week ago

        >if you already have money, you cant want more money

        • 1 week ago

          She is a demon of lust, not of greed

          • 1 week ago

            >you can only want money if you're a demon of greed
            anon how sheltered are you
            blitzo isn't a demon of greed but he likes having money

  35. 1 week ago

    >Blitzo is a Gary Stu!
    >Blitzo is being demonized by the narrative!
    Make up your fricking minds.

    • 1 week ago

      I'm not the same guy you idiot.

    • 1 week ago

      Ignoring lazy archetypes used to describe something like those, it is kinda true, Blitzo is represented as someone useless for relationships, but also a master of them, we just have to believe he can just pull any demon to his side, even when what we see is something totally different, bad writting

    • 1 week ago

      Cinemaphile - mostly hate Blitz for being an insufferable piece of shit Gary Stu who always escapes consequences
      Twitter - hate the narrative for demonizing Blitz and "victim blaming" him.

      two hatreds. Just for different reasons.

      • 1 week ago

        >hate the narrative for demonizing Blitz and "victim blaming" him.

  36. 1 week ago

    oh, it's the b***h from the first episode. cool.

    • 1 week ago

      People were asking what was up with her, and this was a nice way to address that.

      • 1 week ago

        It's kinda dumb but I get it. You're already both in hell, no point staying mad at each other.

        • 1 week ago

          Sure, but that rule is clearly ignored most of the time, i mean hell doesn't feel like it most of the time with this much melodrama

  37. 1 week ago

    What a weird waste of the one Halloween episode. There was no good reason to set this party/episode on Earth.

    They even go out of their way to say “hey this is the one day per year where the rules are changed and any demon can go to Earth. With this show’s premise, we could have done a bunch of cooler plots with this. But instead all the characters and extras are gonna waste it by going to a shitty party that they coulda just as easily had in Hell on any other day.”

    • 1 week ago

      how is ghostfricker not the halloween episode

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah, they’re clearly giving that ep all the spooky vibes, and that’s why it’s the one that gets to actually air in October (probably on the day of Halloween itself).

        But this is the one that is canonically set to take place in October 31st. Because. They wanted to have the background extras wear Halloween costumes?

    • 1 week ago

      Yeah it being on earth makes no god damn sense if its supposed to be people blitzo fricked over.

  38. 1 week ago

    >another boring ass HB episode
    *yawns* i want Hazbin hotel season 2

  39. 1 week ago

    Boring. Gay drama being dragged out when in reality, blitz and Stolas shouldn’t talk after this episode

  40. 1 week ago

    Post top 3s:
    >Loo loo land
    >Queen bee

    • 1 week ago

      >Full moon

    • 1 week ago

      The episode before this, the episode where Blitzo and Moxxie sing together, and the one where they go to lust and that fire guy sings

    • 1 week ago

      >Truth Seekers

  41. 1 week ago

    Can somebody explain what is the appeal of Stolitz? What do they even see in each other? From a brief perspective, what I can see is Blitzo just using Stolas as a means/sexual plaything for payment from the book and maybe the crystal now to feel appreciated. It feels annoying watching these two interact when they don’t even know much about one another and it’s all about craving intimacy or sex. I’d like to see them flourish, but I just don’t get the appeal of these two at all…

    • 1 week ago

      The appeal is vivzie is a fujo.

    • 1 week ago

      I know this is obnoxious but I do understand the “fanfic of a show that doesn’t exist” complaint a lot. A lot of episodes are starting to feel like repetitive and indulgent shipper fic that works if you’re already very attached to two characters and a ship from something else and frankly anything with them is good no matter how much it regurgitates and repeats the same overwrought relationship drama fanfic tropes over and over again. But now there is no source just the shipping fanfic with lots of typical fujo appeal so a bunch of references to BDSM kinky yaoi tropes (sans any actual porn though for things that only “work” because people get off to them).

    • 1 week ago

      toxic yaoi

    • 1 week ago

      >Can somebody explain what is the appeal of Stolitz?

    • 1 week ago

      >Can somebody explain what is the appeal of Stolitz?
      toxicity in the first episodes
      broken people that get together and heal each other , problem are these two are in deep stuff and only damage each other so yeah still toxic

  42. 1 week ago

    that was fricking terrible, holy shit. went from one of the best episodes (with the stolitz shit being the worst part) to this.

    • 1 week ago

      I actually liked the last episode because it did feel like movement forward and this episode was okay with maybe doing that too, it’s going to be unbearable though if 200 episodes from now we’re still doing a bunch of “Blitzo fears intimacy” drama bullshit and I do not give a shit if it’s “realistic” that people don’t change, this is fiction not reality and eventually that just gets tedious to watch over and over again.

  43. 1 week ago

    She cute

  44. 1 week ago

    Agents One and Two are a couple. You cannot change my mind.

    • 1 week ago

      and they are into pet play

      • 1 week ago

        With Two as the Dom.

  45. 1 week ago

    Are the last two episodes worth watching or is it still the same Stolitz crywank bullshittery that always goes back and forth with no real resolution?

    • 1 week ago

      if you like the comedy watch only full moon because is cherub part 2

      • 1 week ago

        Episode 8 was genuinely good aside from the Stolitz shit at the end, but 9 is just really bad.

        S2E8 is actually really fun, it's IMP vs the Cherubs and it's the goofy irreverent fun that got us hooked to begin with
        The newest episode is just drama romance bullshit that doesn't go anywhere, genuinely nothing changes between S2E8's ending and S2E9's ending, it only drags out the same point


        Hmm, okay I'll watch Full Moon then. It just gets harder and harder to continue being engaged with the show when the only central conflict is a dysfunctional relationship written by an author who doesn't know how to pace shit. I don't even mind this show being a relationship drama, it just has to be good. I feel like Blitz and Stolas should've figured out if they wanted to get together or not by S2E1, with the rest of the season dealing with the consequences of those choices, but instead of at the very end. It's fricking boring. And don't even get me started on the other characters like Loona and Millie being sidelined nothing characters. It motivates me to write my own story for frick's sake instead of bothering continuing on.

        • 1 week ago

          Not even Homestuck could make me cringe this much.

        • 1 week ago

          Loonie gets a lot of fan service in full moon, its also the only s2 episode that really feels like a s1 episode.

    • 1 week ago

      Episode 8 was genuinely good aside from the Stolitz shit at the end, but 9 is just really bad.

    • 1 week ago

      S2E8 is actually really fun, it's IMP vs the Cherubs and it's the goofy irreverent fun that got us hooked to begin with
      The newest episode is just drama romance bullshit that doesn't go anywhere, genuinely nothing changes between S2E8's ending and S2E9's ending, it only drags out the same point

    • 1 week ago

      The last episode was good and I don’t think this is BAD but very soap opera for sure.

  46. 1 week ago

    incredibly underwhelming episode but i don't think it was the worst
    maybe somewhere bottom 5

  47. 1 week ago

    I have not felt this much second hand cringe since my friend thought he could win over a Mormon chick with facts and logic. Please. How do I force myself to keep watching. Stolas is about to sing and I just KNOW its going to be bad.

    • 1 week ago

      >Stolas is about to sing and I just KNOW its going to be bad
      I muted it and played through the song at 2x speed.

    • 1 week ago

      Have to power through anon. No new episodes until at least October anyways so your cringe meter has a while to cool down.
      The song is pretty bad though, not even stolas' amazing voice saves it.

    • 1 week ago

      the song was great and show how he was in the wrong
      you want second hand embarrassment? watch muscle man wedding

      • 1 week ago

        HEY! The Muscle Man wedding of Starla was FANTASTIC.

        Have to power through anon. No new episodes until at least October anyways so your cringe meter has a while to cool down.
        The song is pretty bad though, not even stolas' amazing voice saves it.

        >Stolas is about to sing and I just KNOW its going to be bad
        I muted it and played through the song at 2x speed.

        I... I must. For the Emperor.

  48. 1 week ago

    great joke specially when they are on earth for this

  49. 1 week ago

    What you all need to understand is that Vivzie has stated that the actual plot of Helluva Boss is centered around Blitzo and his relationships with others. The assassin job basis of the series is the plot *device* used to frame how he knows these people in the first place. It is not the plot. Stolas is the most narratively important relationship in Blitzo's life, so the show primarily revolves around them.
    Helluva Boss is Stolitz. Stolitz is not something you can remove from the show, because it is the show. You either like it or you don't, but clamoring for a return to the non-canon pilot is pointless.
    On Twitter, people are cheering this on as the best episode ever. Why? Because it focuses on Blitzo's relationships with Stolas and Verosika with no B plot.
    This is the appeal of the show, this is why people watch it, you are either on board or you aren't, but the gay drama is Helluva Boss and it is not changing.

    • 1 week ago

      damn i ain't reading all that
      summarize it in one word

    • 1 week ago

      >On Twitter
      >best episode ever

      • 1 week ago

        Twitter is the target audience. Cinemaphile is not.
        People not realizing that is the point - Cinemaphile is naive in that it expects this series to go in an entirely different direction than its actual fans and complains when it doesn't.
        The fans like the Stolitz melodrama because it's the plot and it's why they're watching. It's as simple as that.

        • 1 week ago

          >Cinemaphile is naive in that it expects this series to go in an entirely different direction than its actual fans and complains when it doesn't
          Cinemaphile kinda does that alot

        • 1 week ago

          >it's intentionally shit
          Top kek

          • 1 week ago

            >its shit
            to what metric

            I like gay romantic melodrama and still think Stolitz is very poorly written.

            at least they show why stolitz is toxic

          • 1 week ago

            I don't care what you think of the quality. I simply ask anons to manage their genre expectations and not expect a radical change that isn't coming.

    • 1 week ago

      Stop defending badly written slop.

      • 1 week ago

        I simply fail to see the point in complaining after every episode that a romance melodrama is a romance melodrama.

      • 1 week ago

        You'll watch it either way

        • 1 week ago

          I haven't watched the last 5 episodes.

          • 1 week ago

            No need to lie on the internet. Your knees must hurt from crawling back to every thread

    • 1 week ago

      I don’t even hate Stolitz though, I just don’t understand why Stolas has been so heavily whitewashed and slandered at every turn.

      I’m glad he stopped doing his transactional thing with Blitzo last episode but if they had just switched Blitzo really calling him out about it with giving Blitzo the gem it would feel more even.

      Instead you have this whole narrative that seems warped around a character cheating on his wife/family and taking advantage of this world’s Slave Caste and he’s presented more and more as being entirely blameless in every single way.

      It doesn’t fit how Stolas at first WAS shown being condescending and classist to the imps and uncaring and insensitive to his young daughter and wife. The show just acts like none of that ever happened. It’s so weird.

      • 1 week ago

        Meant to type flanderized lol, my autocorrect switched the meaning. I mean Stolas has been flanderized to be totally innocent.

      • 1 week ago

        because season 2 is fujo fanfiction of season 1 where stolas is a good boi who dindu nuffin

      • 1 week ago

        >uncaring and insensitive to his young daughter and wife
        joke post? dude tried with stella didn't work and she still has resentment so she refuses to divorce him
        He is losing his money + daughter at the end of the season for the same reason

        • 1 week ago

          >dude tried with stella didn't work
          Did he? I’ve only ever seen him at best begrudgingly tolerate Stella, and to try to reason with her to begrudgingly tolerate him as well. I don’t think we’ve seen any scenes where he tries to connect with her and meet her on common ground. We see the scene where he first learns about his betrothal as a child and instantly bursts into tears, and everything else takes place after they’ve been stuck together for about two decades and have each grown bitter and resentful. And, I guess also a two second scene where she is asleep.

          I can imagine him trying to make his relationship with her work early on in his marriage because that would be the reasonable thing to do in his position, but I’m not convinced he actually did so.

          • 1 week ago

            >Did he?
            yes for octavia sake and it failed terribly watch s1ep2 again
            they really hate each other now but i don't blame you Viv should made a flashback of how that marriage got broken by more time passed

            • 1 week ago

              she will do no such thing because season 2 has made it clear that she intends stella to be completely irredeemably evil and thus justify stolas cheating on her

        • 1 week ago

          I just mean that when we first see Stolas, he’s not concerned at all with how his fricking an imp might effect his family and is a very frivolous uncaring sort of comedic character, then they went in a different direction but watching the pilot again right after this is really jarring.

          • 1 week ago

            Yeah, I hate to say it, but this feels like a case of taking fan criticism too seriously instead of committing to an initial vision. Viewers have been pointing out since day 1 that Blitzo and Stolas’s relationship is fricked up, and for a long time it’s felt like a turn was made somewhere and the entire show became about displaying why the two characters are sympathetic and how they can redeem themselves, instead of focusing on being entertaining first.

            • 1 week ago

              For me I’m just getting sick of the show navel gazing how terrible the relationship and Blitzo are episode after episode with no change. You can do that in a few short scenes and then either have the characters progress or kill the characters off and move on with new characters you’ve decided are I don’t know “healthy” enough to have an entertaining show about, but just being stuck in a rut wanking your dick about how bad the character and relationship are is so fricking boring.

              I hope that actually will change after this and we can finally move forward but I won’t hold my fricking breath.

      • 1 week ago

        Blitzo addresses Stolas' condescension towards imps in Full Moon. His standing in relation to Blitzo seems like something they intend to explore.The family drama was most likely a retcon.

      • 1 week ago

        I honestly think they're going off of fandom shit like fics and fanart to fill in the gaps.

      • 1 week ago

        >Stolas being Stella victim is a retc..ACK!!

        • 1 week ago
          Stolas for Mr /co/lympus

          He was always abused and crying for help. Stella terrifies me as a character and her fans terrify me more. Honestly, I hate women and I hate men who are attracted to them. It disgusts me because most (not all) lessers are abusers. They're not welcome on Cinemaphile, and neither are men who are attracted to women. Stolas is the mascot of MGTOW.

          (And it’s more than obvious to Cinemaphile that Via will follow her mother and harm her kind and innocent father.)

          • 1 week ago

            hey schizo do you consider both stella and stolas victims of the goetia system?

          • 1 week ago

            Chef’s kiss Poe’s Law Trolling that I cannot tell the difference between the og Stolas Schizo and people who RP as them and can’t recognize which one this namegay us.

    • 1 week ago

      >Pilot is non-canon
      >Cannibal Hillbilly Bimbo Milf shows up in this episode fricking Mayweather.
      What did Viv mean by this.

      • 1 week ago

        that episode 1 is not the pilot?

    • 1 week ago

      >Stolas being Stella victim is a retc..ACK!!

      He was always abused and crying for help. Stella terrifies me as a character and her fans terrify me more. Honestly, I hate women and I hate men who are attracted to them. It disgusts me because most (not all) lessers are abusers. They're not welcome on Cinemaphile, and neither are men who are attracted to women. Stolas is the mascot of MGTOW.

      (And it’s more than obvious to Cinemaphile that Via will follow her mother and harm her kind and innocent father.)

      How does it feel to be outnumbered and to lack empathy for men who are abused, moron?

      Name a character more sympathetic than either Blitzo or Stolas. No cartoon comes close to their hardships, in my opinion. If anything, the double down making Cinemaphile actually feel sorry for them is making me happy.

      I’m serious when I say no other character has made me cry as much as Stolas, not even Soul Eater had that effect when I watched it as a child. This show is an emotional masterpiece and anyone who disagrees can personally fricking fight me. I’ve never wanted to hug a fictional character more than these two.

      Thanks for changing your views, Cinemaphile. I thought things were getting moronic around here, especially with Summer and trannies. (And yes, I’m still on the fence about Stolitz, and I used to hyperfixate on it.)

      No, it never was. The pilot was so shit, even Viv herself hated it. I think I speak for everyone, personally, when I say this show is better than ever.

      • 1 week ago

        The Circus was the single worst thing to happen to this show

  50. 1 week ago

    remember when this cartoon was about edgy assassinations and murder instead of gay relationship drama

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      next episode is a brandon one and those are more comedy focus

    • 1 week ago

      only in the pilot,rewatch and you will see how much emphasis is on blitzo loneliness from episode 1

      • 1 week ago


        And the third episode lacks their relationship shit. So does the fourth. It's a B plot in the sixth. You're being a disingenuous tool and a Vivzie bootlicker for trying to do this revisionism bullshit.

      • 1 week ago

        >Only in the pilot
        So are morons just blatantly ignoring episode 4 now? Is it because it makes fun of pedos that they're trying to memoryhole it so badly?

  51. 1 week ago

    I like gay romantic melodrama and still think Stolitz is very poorly written.

  52. 1 week ago

    I'm about the episode what am I in for?

    • 1 week ago

      A lot of gay, not much else

    • 1 week ago

      another 20 minutes of gay homosexual homosexual relationship drama and crying

    • 1 week ago

      is what people were expecting full moon to be
      there is no b plot

  53. 1 week ago

    >we now have to wait all summer and half of autumn for the next episode

  54. 1 week ago

    How do they do it? How do they constantly make one of the most unlikable characters in animation history worse by the episode. If Blitz actually got killed off the show would thrive, nothing about him is appealing and I don't want to see his "growth". He's a piece of shit who should die alone.

    • 1 week ago

      That's the point though. He's meant to be an unlikable butthole.

      • 1 week ago

        typically you don't make unlikeable buttholes the main protagonist of a cartoon

        • 1 week ago

          Well Helluva Boss sure as frick ain't your typical cartoon in any way, is it now? It's basically Vivziepop's smug declaration to the world that she can make the gaygiest show because she wants to.

          Characters meant to be annoying and grating to watch are still annoying and grating to watch.

          I think the whole point of this episode was to make people realize that Blitz really is an absolute piece of unlikable trash. In case it wasn't clear enough, everyone should get the memo at this point, even his biggest fans.

          • 1 week ago

            >make people realize that Blitz really is an absolute piece of unlikable trash
            It wouldn't be so bad if a) the execution wasn't so shit and b) there was already plenty of examples outside of Stolas: harassing M&M, stealing Verosika's money and not wanting to commit to their relationship, causing the fire that crippled Fizz and lead Barbie to become a junkie (at least until "Oops"retconed that be an accident).

        • 1 week ago

          Characters meant to be annoying and grating to watch are still annoying and grating to watch.

          Please don't write for anything

          • 1 week ago

            you first, vivzie

        • 1 week ago

          Why not? Worked for shit like Rick and Morty, South Park, Family Guy, and American Dad. All these main characters from these should be either be stuck in prison for life or tortured to death.

          • 1 week ago

            He doesn't know shit about writing yet he thinks he's found what doesn't work about these comedies and its some shallow meaningless critique that could be debunked with good shows like South park, Archer, Futurama, etc.

          • 1 week ago

            Honestly it really doesn’t. I think maybe 40 or 50 years ago this was a “fresh” idea but now it’s so old and moldy and leads to jokes more stale than decade old potato chips.

            And EVER FRICKING SHOW is like that now. These are the same characters and the same jokes.

            Seinfeld remembered to actually tell funny jokes, now just navel gaze for hundreds of episodes about what a b***h Elaine was with half assed drama.

          • 1 week ago

            aside from family guy i dont think any of those shows main characters are completely unlikable. And in family guy's case peter was a lot more sympathetic pre-cancellation.

            • 1 week ago

              Family Guy has also been shit for years and one big reason why and common complaint is the characters all being flanderized into boring psychos with nothing but edgy shock value decades after it’s stopped being edgy, shocking, or funny at all. I agree about the other characters not being totally unlikable though and also don’t think Blitzo is nearly that bad, Family Guy is pure dreck and shit.

            • 1 week ago

              Yeah, family guy's early seasons actually had him as a more "loveable idiot" character, it wasn't until later that he became "violently evil moron"

              • 1 week ago

                One problem with Family Guy is that ALL of the characters become “violent evil morons” and then all American comedies started ripping off Family Guy, and now more and more the casts of every new comedy that comes out all seem exactly the same.

          • 1 week ago

            You can make an unlikable butthole as a protagonist as long as they're sympathetic. Blitz is not sympathetic because I dunno what his motives are. The show keeps saying he's a shitty guy. Okay. Why? What's he doing about it? Nothing. Just feeling sorry for himself.

            At least Stolas moved on and that was pretty cool.

            • 1 week ago

              this too
              We've had like 4 episodes now of "blitzo is a fricking butthole" and no resolution to it, it just keeps repeating over and over

              • 1 week ago

                lets hope ghostfrickers is the last one

            • 1 week ago

              The problem is Stolas will NOT move on. You know the creator of this trash is horrid so Stolas will do the cliche of realizing Blitzo is his soul mate. Something like that you know its happening. The bigger plot twist would be if Stolas indeed prefers to burn the bridge and kick Blitzo out of his life. Even if one of the two characters was a girl in the equation its a bad one. This is simply atrocious writing.

          • 1 week ago

            The shit you listed is basically purely comedy or garbage. Family Guy especially has never been consistent and characters do the most ridiculous shit because nothing matters in the universe. Helluva Boss is playing itself too seriously.

      • 1 week ago

        Characters meant to be annoying and grating to watch are still annoying and grating to watch.

    • 1 week ago

      I hate Stolas so much

      • 1 week ago
        Stolas for Mr /co/lympus

        How does it feel to be outnumbered and to lack empathy for men who are abused, moron?

        • 1 week ago

          Good. He's not a cripple or a child or an elderly man. If he was abused by a woman, he deserves it.

    • 1 week ago

      thats how i feel about bojack specially when he never grow as a person. Absolute rinse and repeat slop
      Blitzo? the real wake up call is coming next episode

      • 1 week ago

        I’m honestly starting to get really fricking sick of “adult comedy animation” just jerking off about how awful its protagonists are and how they are buttholes who will never change instead of being entertaining or I don’t know having jokes.

        Blitzo, Rick Sanchez, Bojack Horseman. The same goddamn hackneyed melodramatic badly written bullshit about how fricking awful they are over and over again. Goddamn it, I FRICKING KNOW. And I don’t give a damn.

        At least Bojack Horseman did have something to say though besides wanking the same tedious plot over and fricking over.

        • 1 week ago

          >have nothing to say
          good for him hope he gets laid is a good lesson
          bojack has no real message other than the baboon runner that bojack never listens

  55. 1 week ago

    I want Martha merch

    • 1 week ago

      Too bad, you get the blood splattered tablecloth blitzo was using instead.

      • 1 week ago

        >literally a white blanket with red spots
        >$30 + shipping

      • 1 week ago

        more like blitzo covered in cum blanket

      • 1 week ago

        Nice Japanese flag

  56. 1 week ago

    I am suffering the song.

  57. 1 week ago
  58. 1 week ago

    Honestly did not like the episode because it was all about the homosexual trash. The only good bit in the episode is Verosika calling out that she's not allowed to hate Blitzo for his awful actions. Almost like she knows the creator of this series is trash.

  59. 1 week ago

    Is it me or would the show be better if the cussing was reduce by 90%?

  60. 1 week ago

    Stolas sounded like a whole different character for that song. It’s weird to me, because we’ve heard him sing before, and that’s not usually the voice he sings with.

  61. 1 week ago

    i want to bed teh sad gay owl

    • 1 week ago

      He was admittedly pretty hot in that scene of the circus when he was moaning on the bed

  62. 1 week ago

    >thanks for listening anon your the only guy who didn't just want to frick me it was sweet

    • 1 week ago

      Replace anon with Wally

    • 1 week ago

      I don't know, I feel like a succubus would be offended if you didn't want sex at the end

      • 1 week ago

        Succubi also dont do serious love based relationships but Verosika seemed to want to have one with Blitzo before he fricked off

  63. 1 week ago

    Why are homosexuals literally unable to make a story that isn't solely about how gay they are?

    Fujoshi can't go five fricking seconds without making the plot be related about gay drama, and the exact fricking same goes for yurigays.

    Woman gets the opportunity to make a SECOND cartoon, has a whole concept of edgy demon assassins, one of them voiced by fricking Invader Zim, and instead she choses gay drama.

    • 1 week ago

      why do you blame Viv when this also has to do with Brandon and the other cast?
      the story is already done they got the details and liked it enough to be part of the show

      • 1 week ago

        Because she made the series? She chose the story to be like this. The actors agreeing or not doesn't really matter, they're voice actors.

        • 1 week ago

          she and brandon did it , its a co production between them
          Both are the main writers

  64. 1 week ago

    >she doesn't know I'm only pretending to be listening because I want to frick her

  65. 1 week ago

    that was fast
    didnt ep 8 only come out a month ago?

    • 1 week ago

      They've had them ready for a while, they're just deciding to release them at certain dates for whatever reason.

    • 1 week ago

      We got the release schedule for season 2. Ep. 9 was meant to release in June. Then we'll get three episodes in a row each month starting with October to December.

    • 1 week ago

      well there is going to be 3 months of hiatus with one short per month

    • 1 week ago

      Yes, and now we get a 4 month break.

      • 1 week ago

        THIS is the episode we go on a 4-month hiatus for? Bruh

        • 1 week ago

          Apparently we're getting monthly shorts in between?

          • 1 week ago

            I wish we could have Hazbin shorts instead, this sort of low stakes relationship fluff is something that's kinda missing from Hazbin with its breakneck pace, I want to see Alastor and Mimzy hanging out or Lucifer taking Charlie to Lu Lu world or whatever

  66. 1 week ago

    Never understood why her eye is missing?

    • 1 week ago

      They shot her in it

    • 1 week ago

      Moxie head shotting her as it went through her eye. Sinners take on the forms on how they died, including what remained on them on their final breath.

  67. 1 week ago

    She's just a pure innocent maiden

    • 1 week ago

      Why is her bust smaller?

      Moxie head shotting her as it went through her eye. Sinners take on the forms on how they died, including what remained on them on their final breath.

      But the sinners in Hazbin Hotel don't be seem to be the case.

      • 1 week ago

        >But the sinners in Hazbin Hotel don't be seem to be the case.
        They do to a extent, in HH it more of a twist of their personality to apply with how they died. Alastor probably the most clear cut on why he is what he is. That being is he was killed in the woods being mistaken for a deer while he was burying his last kill in the woods.

      • 1 week ago

        >Why is her bust smaller?
        Women shouldn't be sexualized, anon.

        • 1 week ago

          men should be sexualized.

        • 1 week ago

          She got a breast reduction surgery. Her shoulders were hurting, nothing to see here.

        • 1 week ago

          Her look in this episode was a substantial downgrade.

        • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            Her top has a tight fit that makes her breasts looks smaller in some angles since they're squished?

            • 1 week ago

              >expecting Cinemaphile to realize how clothes and boobs work

        • 1 week ago

          Sucubi have a kind/b***h ratio. The nicer they are, their boobs get smaller. The b***her they are, their breasts get bigger. Same logic applies to Incubi and their dingus.

        • 1 week ago

          Couldnt that be explained with her wearing a tighter top?

          • 1 week ago

            Sure. A tighter top or a different bra changes the way breasts rest. Doesn't change the fact the animators opted to make her less sexy in this appearance though.

        • 1 week ago

          "sexualizing women" is such a moronic term. Women are already sexual creatures by nature, and it is natural for men to desire them sexually.

        • 1 week ago


          i think it depended on who was boarding her, she definitely looked bustier in certain scenes compared to others

    • 1 week ago

      she is the polar opposite of pure and innocent.

    • 1 week ago
      Stolas for Mr /co/lympus

      She’s an abuser, just like Stella. No one likes her.

      • 1 week ago

        Stella was abused and neglected by Stolas, though. Sad.

        • 1 week ago
          Stolas for Mr /co/lympus

          She really, really wasn’t.

          > desperately telling Blitz he doesn't look down on him... as he's looking down at him
          I found it more sad than funny. Stolas is like the kind of white person who says “I’m not racist because I don’t even see color in the first place,” without realizing that exact mentality makes them racist.

          Don’t compare Stolas to a pasty ass white cracker, guy dude.

          • 1 week ago

            She was, though. How come U R ignoring the subtext?

  68. 1 week ago

    guys help im cringing so fricking hard
    11 min in and it's all cringe i cant do it.
    satan give me strength

  69. 1 week ago

    cool it with the antisemitism y'all

    • 1 week ago

      what antisemitism? what are you talking about?

      • 1 week ago

        /misc/ bait

  70. 1 week ago


  71. 1 week ago

    Do you think Blitzo is gonna attempt suicide? The leaks seem to go in that direction too with the whole "you should make everyone happy and finish the job" not to mention how shitty he must feel to be the reason Octavia is turning on Stolas.

    • 1 week ago

      >Thought for sure he was going to stand up in front of everyone and APOLOGIZE like the title suggests
      >Just goes to his car to sulk like a baby
      I have no clue what they are going to do with him at this point.

      • 1 week ago

        He has too much shame and self hatred to do something like that yet. And that's also why I'm asking, high levels of those lead you to want to kill youself because everyone else is better off, as he himself said this episode.

        The might repurpose millie suicide attempt into Blitzo suicide attempt after the leak leaked and everyone called it shit.
        Might be a reason for random ass unrelated Fizz episodes. Buying time for background damage control.

        >repurpose millie suicide attempt into Blitzo suicide attempt
        There was a millie suicide attempt?

        for what viv liked before and brandon said don't be surprised if blitzo is the one dying for his loved ones

        >don't be surprised if blitzo is the one dying for his loved ones
        He does have a tendency to get in front of his loved ones to protect them when they're being threatened, so it wouldn't surprise me if that got him seriously hurt. He thinks he's expendable, or as he said, "small and not as important".

        • 1 week ago

          >There was a millie suicide attempt?
          in the leaked storyboards of future episodes, the very one your screencap is from

          • 1 week ago

            Oh yeah, I wasn't counting that in my mind because she was being influenced by the villain to do it. I don't think Blitz needs that type of influencing to do it.

            >There was a millie suicide attempt?
            It leaked ages ago, Anon. Somewhere before the Fizz episodes which is why they released in the first place to do quick re works of the rough drafts cause alongside that one episode the supposed season finale leaked where octavia has an episode about stolas not loving her because he takes depression pills or whatever.

            I think the suicide one was suppose dto called ghostfrickers? Someone posted the clips in the thread in a catbox i think. Can't be bothere dto scroll up.

            No worries anon, I've already watched both. And I don't think they're gonna be changed that much, it would be a lot of work. My hypothetical was for season 3 considering Blitzo would probably blame himself for what's happening between Stolas and Octavia.

        • 1 week ago

          >There was a millie suicide attempt?
          It leaked ages ago, Anon. Somewhere before the Fizz episodes which is why they released in the first place to do quick re works of the rough drafts cause alongside that one episode the supposed season finale leaked where octavia has an episode about stolas not loving her because he takes depression pills or whatever.

          I think the suicide one was suppose dto called ghostfrickers? Someone posted the clips in the thread in a catbox i think. Can't be bothere dto scroll up.

      • 1 week ago

        >I have no clue what they are going to do with him at this point.

        He doesn't actually feel bad about any of the shit he did to his Exes
        He just wanted to prove to Stolas to himself really that he could apologize and say "Sorry" and then proved his apologies are hollow and even when he says "Sorry" he has to add in a diss to further prove how much of an ass he is
        When he goes to apologize to the people he hurt who aren't his Exes it's a quick basket of goodies and then he immediately leaves. When it's time to apologize to his Exes he gives weak non-apologizes while walking past them. He even gives Verosika a hard time despite the fact it's all entirely his fault

        >sometimes being sorry means you'll let someone else frick your significant other
        Yeah, no. I have loved Viv's characters and the world she created for years at this point, and now I feel like a dumbass for ever having bothered with this shit.

        Yea they lost me on that one

        >If you really love someone and you're both having a rough patch then let them go and frick someone else for a little while

        What a weird way of saying "If you love something let it go and if it comes back to you then it's yours"

    • 1 week ago

      Would be funny if he does and he gets sent to Detroit

    • 1 week ago

      The might repurpose millie suicide attempt into Blitzo suicide attempt after the leak leaked and everyone called it shit.
      Might be a reason for random ass unrelated Fizz episodes. Buying time for background damage control.

      • 1 week ago

        >They might repurpose millie suicide attempt into Blitzo suicide attempt

        Don't get my hopes up like that, anon.

      • 1 week ago

        >Blitzo suicide attempt
        that is also in the leak the ghost uses barbie and how he killed his mom i think

    • 1 week ago

      for what viv liked before and brandon said don't be surprised if blitzo is the one dying for his loved ones

    • 1 week ago

      nah you idiot, if the leaks are any indication Blitzo is gonna stop feeling bad about himself after Ghostfrickers then finally try to make up with Stolas, but then things are gonna become sad again because now le bird daughter is upset and suddenly the daddy issues are out in full force. And the cherubs are basically B plot material

    • 1 week ago

      They're leaning into it alright, which makes me think it won't. But he might voice a desire to, to which all his friends will finally let him know they do want him in their life, or something like that. Either way, he's gonna be suicidal for a while.

  72. 1 week ago

    I'm just sick of these characters and their relationships at this point. The main character the show is named after sucks and doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make sense that any one of these exes ever dated him much less were more distraught over breaking up with him than if their own family had died. The shitty character is put on such a pedestal even when they're seemingly getting what they deserve it's disgusting. It would be better for the dumb gay owl to get with even some random demon over Blitzo but that doesn't make sense either. Since they spent the entire rest of the series showing how they're le soulmates and he's been obsessed with just Blitzo since they were kids you would think it would take at least a little more time before he got with someone else if ever but yeah ironically he's hooking up with a random imp after one of their fights this episode. And you know somehow they're going to try bringing it around so these two end up together anyway. It's just so fricking thoroughly trash.

    • 1 week ago

      I don’t know how to put it but I almost feel like fan complaints about what trash show protagonists are led to shows like Bojack Horseman and Helluva Boss spending all of their time deprecating and reiterating what buttholes that protagonists are over and over again but without any strengths or sympathetic qualities to balance them out.

      Despite how much fans complain about how awful characters from their shows and movies are it’s actually pretty rare they were total pieces of shit, that’s just how fandoms meme it.

      Really leaning hard into what irredeemable trash characters are episode after episode just feels like it makes the characters flat. And it feels like part of a cultural conversation about how horrible male protagonists are and how everyone should hate them. So it turns into show after show of the male protagonists being just horrible and then the supporting cast talks about how horrible they are for episode after episode.

      • 1 week ago

        Blitzo can have his moments when he's funny, he runs the assassinations company even if it's with help and like this episode showed he has countless people obsessed with him ages after breaking up as if he was Jesus Christ. His past is actually sad. But the story has him playing stupid like it's not obvious people give a shit. It's just not very enjoyable to watch forced drama.

  73. 1 week ago

    Would you guys actually have sex with any characters from the show?

    • 1 week ago

      Why do you think anyone watches this show?

      • 1 week ago

        Too spite their parents and the church of course.

    • 1 week ago

      Moxxie because he's a fricking cute femboy
      Stolas because birb
      that's about it

    • 1 week ago

      Can't say since none of them are real and only exist on a computer jpg.

    • 1 week ago

      Like half of the cast including background characters, yes.

      • 1 week ago

        Agressive missionary sex with the dalmatian b***h.

        • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        I don't know why I find the dalmatian b***h attractive. I should hate her Disney Dumbo Ears.

        Also how come Loona got shamed in this scene for saying "Bitch!" she's a canine like the rest of them. The equivalent of this scene is a African American not being allowed to say the word Black person among blacks. Or homie if you prefer.

        • 1 week ago

          Loona got called out because she was among petty cliquey b***hes who already didn’t like her and were sniffing around for something to criticize and bully her about, even if it was something minor that they had to do a little hypocritical mental gymnastics to justify being upset about. Which in your example would happen with a black chick getting bullied by a group of petty cliquey black girls.

          It’s also important to note that that scene exists in part just to showcase Bee saying “bitch” two minutes later and nobody caring, because Bee is likable and that makes it okay.

        • 1 week ago

          Dalmatian girl just has a really pretty face.

    • 1 week ago

      I'd have gay loose buttsex with all the hotties from both Helluva and Hazbin.

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      would plap the hooter

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Millie, Octavia, Stella, the teacher.

      • 1 week ago

        oh and Verosika of course

      • 1 week ago

        As a Human or Demon?

        >Becomes the best character in the season.

        How would you convince her to be in a relationship?

        Yeah, isn't that half of the appeal of the show?

        What's the other half?

    • 1 week ago

      Just some of the random background characters.

      It feels really fricking monkeys paw that Im gay, and the show is popular, and yet Im not attracted to any of the main characters.

      • 1 week ago

        It's a real shame Viv only likes twinky guys as main characters.

      • 1 week ago

        That's sorta how I'm feelin with Hazbin.

        I like Angel Dust but I'm not attracted to him
        I like Husk but I'm not attracted to him
        I like Husk/Angel Dust as a guilty 2am fanfic pairing but in canon I feel the song and dance number done in the show was enough. Not interested in seeing Stolitz level drama or pining between those two.

        • 1 week ago

          This I find neither Angel or Husk attractive but I do enjoy them interacting and would watch them like a buddy cop show or something cause they play of one another so well.

          • 1 week ago

            So nobody else got a laugh out of Stolas desperately telling Blitz he doesn't look down on him... as he's looking down at him? It was just me?

            Yeah I like that they are comfortable calling each other out on their bullshit even with the initial drama of how Angel Dust acts towards Husk out of the way.

            It's a different dynamic that doesn't demand romantic drama between the two of them.

            • 1 week ago

              Angel Dust and Husk have actual chemistry and would be fun to watch together even just as friends. I’m not convinced Stolas and Blitzo even find each other attractive, beyond Blitzo needing the book he’ll just frick anybody and Stolas would frick anyone who even feigned attraction to him he’s so pathetic. And that sex built on one person needing something and the other person being desperate is the only thing they even have.

              • 1 week ago

                i mean both stolas and blitzo are disasters , husk acts like angel mentor to a better life

              • 1 week ago

                This Blitzo and Stolas drag one another down at least you had Husk trying to pick Angel up from his shitty situation and in turn Angel helped others because of it got busted Sir Pentious trying to set up cameras in the hotel leading to him seeking redemption and even played his wingman trying to hook him up with Cherri bomb which yeah she'd probably had jumped him either way but he saw him struggling flirting and helped.

            • 1 week ago

              > desperately telling Blitz he doesn't look down on him... as he's looking down at him
              I found it more sad than funny. Stolas is like the kind of white person who says “I’m not racist because I don’t even see color in the first place,” without realizing that exact mentality makes them racist.

              • 1 week ago

                What's important is that I laughed.

            • 1 week ago

              i mean Stolas is tall as shit

    • 1 week ago

      Yeah, isn't that half of the appeal of the show?

    • 1 week ago

      Is that a question you want me to answer?

      Moxxie (Millie can watch/provide moral support)

      • 1 week ago

        Not having Moxxie dad watch.

        • 1 week ago

          Only on Father's Day then it's Crimson's turn.

    • 1 week ago

      >Fizz (Probably the only anon that actually likes him)
      >Millie and her sister
      >Glitz and Glam
      >Moxxie (When dressed as a girl)
      >The Kesha dog
      >and a bunch of background characters

      • 1 week ago

        And Octavia I can't believe I forgot about her

        • 1 week ago

          when she is offically 18.....right?..right?

          • 1 week ago

            Is there age of consent in hell? If it helps to not have Stolas send Blitzo to kill me I'll wait until she's 18 hell years old instead of 17 years and 360 days old

            Abso fricking lutely
            Based fellow Fizzbro

            Fizzchads rise up and I'll say it "Look at This" is my favorite song in the whole show I don't care what anyone says

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Abso fricking lutely

      >Fizz (Probably the only anon that actually likes him)
      >Millie and her sister
      >Glitz and Glam
      >Moxxie (When dressed as a girl)
      >The Kesha dog
      >and a bunch of background characters

      Based fellow Fizzbro

      • 1 week ago

        Can you list them?

        • 1 week ago

          >Sallie Mae
          >Fizzy Frog
          >Glitz and Glam
          >Queen Bee
          >and probably more I'm forgetting

  74. 1 week ago

    >Mayberry ends up with a cheating unloyal prostitute once again!
    It should had been me with her!!!

    • 1 week ago

      Its probably hate sex

  75. 1 week ago

    Stolas is much more attractive when he's sassy and not taking blitzo's bullshit

    Just his poses in the start of the episode... Much more frickable than crybaby lovebird

  76. 1 week ago

    Stolas AND his VA were better in the pilot

    • 1 week ago

      Vizie wanted Stolas sound like the feminine gay variety than the gay bear variety.

  77. 1 week ago

    My wife, Moxxie.

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Ruined character

  78. 1 week ago

    As someone who obsessively like Mayberry it kinda piss me off Viziepop made her up with the b***h that ruin her life and sent her into hell while the entire fanbase eats it without a second thought cause it’s a gay relationship.

    Mayberry could had ended with any other woman and it would be fine.

    • 1 week ago

      I find it more of a ironic punishment turned ironic desire.

    • 1 week ago

      I was hoping to see her being redeem and sent into heaven

  79. 1 week ago

    Stolas really needs to get knocked down a peg, but the show seems hellbent on never making anything actually his fault.

    • 1 week ago

      I’m starting to dislike Stolas just because the show keeps making him never in the wrong. They are full on leaning into Blitzo being the Bad Guy and they already did that with Stella and Stolas.

    • 1 week ago

      The leaks make it look like he gets knocked down more than just a peg. He’s apparently got a whole new rock bottom to sink to.

      Though, I suspect they’re gonna frame it like he’s a poor victim unfairly suffering an injustice, instead of a frickup facing the consequences of his own actions.

      • 1 week ago

        which how they framed stolas/paimon visit to the circus? i don't think so

  80. 1 week ago

    Did they have sex?

    • 1 week ago

      You know they did. When I recognized who it was all I could think was what the frick.

    • 1 week ago

      Already more times than when they got fricked by men in their human lives. Probably their husbands ended up fricking each other at this point too.

    • 1 week ago

      With me

    • 1 week ago

      Could be, they resolved their differences in realizing that the one who wronged them was her husband.
      At least that's the only way I see it resolving. They're in hell so they could have killed each other a few times too to vent their hatred. And that's always been a question that comes up with cheaters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF6Si36OqOY
      good fricking god youtube, I search for family guy suicide hotline scene and they give me that actual hotline tip shit. Hope that didn't put me on a list.

      • 1 week ago

        Wasn't there a comic doing a similar joke?

        • 1 week ago

          No idea, but as with that clip it shouldn't be an uncommon thought from everyone that sees those things from the outside.

      • 1 week ago

        >the one who wronged them was her husband
        Bit much to swallow given Martha was a cacklingly evil literal Satanist who was obviously out to cause harm. Not to say the husband was blameless either, but she was malevolent as frick.

        • 1 week ago

          Martha only gave a chance for him to do evil, and likely be ritualistically murdered for giving into temptation later, "biting the apple" was entirely his choice

        • 1 week ago

          Not to mention that Martha herself had no complaints or objections to fricking Mayberry’s husband either and expressed false sympathy for Mayberry at the hospital interview.

          If this is a thing and not just a one-off gag, questions are going to go off

    • 1 week ago

      Probably but only so Viv can say she has lesbian representation

  81. 1 week ago

    There is not fricking way the root of evil or something like Roo isn't an eventual character in Hazbin at this point. There are way too many nods to it through the different Martha scenes, like the roots on the chair in the background, or even aspects of her design here.

    • 1 week ago

      viv literally said roo will be a late character for HH

    • 1 week ago

      Alastor’s shadow is clearly shown fighting with roots in the Alastor vs. Adam scene, I think it’s very clear Alastor made a deal with Roo for his powers, Roo and his soul and his shadow is her influence.

  82. 1 week ago

    Why did they turn this show into gay romantic soap opera shit. Season 1 was pretty good but season 2 is nearly unwatchable now.

  83. 1 week ago

    >sometimes being sorry means you'll let someone else frick your significant other
    Yeah, no. I have loved Viv's characters and the world she created for years at this point, and now I feel like a dumbass for ever having bothered with this shit.

    • 1 week ago

      What's weird is
      >Blitzo has commitment issues and not allowing people to get too close to him
      >Therefore he needs to learn to let go of Stolas and let him get with someone else
      What was the writing time thinking

      • 1 week ago

        That's a great point actually. It's the opposite of what he needed to hear, which is probably something more along the lines of
        >Oh so now you have someone you don't want to let go of? Guess you'd better patch that up once the hangover wears off. Now you know how we felt.
        Unless Verosika's advice is intended to be terrible/a misjudgment of Blitzo's feelings based on her own experiences with him.

      • 1 week ago

        It does seem just slightly weird that the thing with Blitzo is just having casual sex with no feelings and then part of the solution is Stolas having more casual sex with a random imp. But it’s meant to be about Blitz not being selfish and Stolas moving on though it’s only temporary moving on I guess.

        Still Stolas just randomly banging some other imp isn’t changing the idea he just has this sexual fetish for slumming it with kinky sex with “lesser beings” that he mistakes for love or something. Pretty gross.

    • 1 week ago

      Honestly what did you expect from Vivz?

    • 1 week ago

      so what did you want?
      For blitzo to kill the dude and ruin the night for everyone meanwhile he can frick whatever he wants?
      Stolas was having fun and Blitzo was still not ready for it

      • 1 week ago

        >For blitzo to kill the dude and ruin the night for everyone
        See THAT would have been a funny episode, instead of whatever the frick this was.

        • 1 week ago

          that would be funny yeah but that also kills Blitz character making him doubling down as a c**t

      • 1 week ago

        Thats what S1 blitzo would have done, yeah.

    • 1 week ago

      Didn't the show always had shitty messages?

      Honestly what did you expect from Vivz?

      Do we know if Vivze ever lurk here?

    • 1 week ago

      >your significant other
      They were not a thing anymore at that point

      • 1 week ago

        Blitz certainly didn't think so, which was the whole point.

        • 1 week ago

          and what Blitz thinks doesn't changes reality, the whole point was Blitz realizing that his action do affect other, that people cared about him and he frick them up, that it might not be fixable and now he needs to come to terms with it

    • 1 week ago

      >your significant other
      add dennis + the other people at the bee party

  84. 1 week ago

    Why does this show focus so much on stolas crap?

    Also is verosika in the episode? Thats the only reason why ill watch it

  85. 1 week ago

    I can't understand how anyone can tolerate this or Hazbin. You people are mentally ill

    • 1 week ago

      I just watch for the girls.

  86. 1 week ago

    the martha/maydya thing is stupid even for a joke and more a fanbase pleaser
    >haha imagine if after killing her they hate frick each other lol XD!

    • 1 week ago

      It’s jingling keys so the fandom can shut up about Viv portraying her female characters or relationships in a bad way

  87. 1 week ago

    >people saying the incubus chad at the end is a Stella spy

    • 1 week ago

      Stella is way too moronic for a plan like that

      • 1 week ago

        Speaking of Stella being stupid. How come she literally screamed during breakfast in front of Stolas:

        "I want this cheater dead!"

        And Stolas pretends nothing is wrong with his marriage. This was badly written even by Viv standards. Stolas should have known his wife is trying to kill him. The fact he does nothing to defend his own life is idiotic.

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah again the mix of absurd comedy and drama is not working there. Now Stolas is very seriously hurt and offended that Blitzo didn’t screw his daughter over to drop everything and save him when Stolas knew that Stella was hiring Whitman to kill him and did frick all about it.

          • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            >he knew!
            he suspected
            > drop everything and save him
            now this is a good point , he told him everything about loona
            but also blitzo didn't tell him shit that striker was hired by stella

            Typical woman and their fake compliments. Viv hates how Digital Circus overtook Helluva Boss. Digital Circus also has the blessing of being a ONE season long series. It won't overstay its welcome the way Helluva Boss has and will do since its supposed to be four seasons total.

            hello morono , goose and her are friends

            • 1 week ago

              Women are never friends with men and when it comes to gays and trannies women are always blatantly insulting them behind their backs even more so than usual.

              • 1 week ago

                >women are always blatantly insulting them behind their backs even more so than usual.
                You speaking from experience?

            • 1 week ago

              Do you have proof to those statements?
              Pretty sure Blitz doesn't know that Stella hired Striker.

              They show Stella talking to a Striker on the phone about hiring him to kill Stolas RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM AND OLIVIA and it never clicks in Stolas’ head to either say shit about this or ever connect the dots to his fricking bodyguards?!?!?

              • 1 week ago

                all he listened was about stella killing someone , she never mentioned him
                maybe thats normal to the house

                She’s an abuser, just like Stella. No one likes her.

                oh. you are a legit shitposter to the filter you go schizo

              • 1 week ago

                When is Stella not being a raging b***h it must have been a Tuesday for him.

  88. 1 week ago

    >Becomes the best character in the season.

  89. 1 week ago

    >another episode of relationship drama and not the hitman business
    someone post it

    • 1 week ago

      And this is why Digital Circus is more popular. And fun fact Viv hates Digital Circus. She is that jealous.

      • 1 week ago

        don't worry the drama will come to that show too if what the creator has said about the later episodes is any indication

      • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          Typical woman and their fake compliments. Viv hates how Digital Circus overtook Helluva Boss. Digital Circus also has the blessing of being a ONE season long series. It won't overstay its welcome the way Helluva Boss has and will do since its supposed to be four seasons total.

          • 1 week ago
          • 1 week ago

            I can't believe how terrible Viv is. Seriously it offends her that Lackadaisy is getting a series. And lets not forget how Viv threw the original voice actors of Hazbin Hotel to the wolves. This is why I hope that her shows ultimately fail and people refuse to buy the merchandise and that Viv continues eating getting fatter until she gets a heart attack.

            Do you have proof to those statements?

            >he knew!
            he suspected
            > drop everything and save him
            now this is a good point , he told him everything about loona
            but also blitzo didn't tell him shit that striker was hired by stella
            hello morono , goose and her are friends

            Pretty sure Blitz doesn't know that Stella hired Striker.

            • 1 week ago

              yeah thats was one slip by me , he should be aware at least that striker was hired to kill him and connect the dots

      • 1 week ago

        she is jealous that her friend show is doing well , specially when hazbin did fantastic
        goose also worked on the show S1
        you sound so moronic like people trying to say the people behind smiling friends hate vivzie
        she is legit petty about lackedaisy tho

        • 1 week ago

          I can't believe how terrible Viv is. Seriously it offends her that Lackadaisy is getting a series. And lets not forget how Viv threw the original voice actors of Hazbin Hotel to the wolves. This is why I hope that her shows ultimately fail and people refuse to buy the merchandise and that Viv continues eating getting fatter until she gets a heart attack.

  90. 1 week ago

    Anyone find it off that Viv said that Helluva Boss is a show for male audiences yet the main story is shitty homosexual trash. Most men don't want to see that shit. Even the dudes in this thread prefer the non gay content of the show.

    • 1 week ago

      Viv reminds me Thomas Astruc.

    • 1 week ago

      >Helluva Boss is a show for male audiences
      she never said that? she said the show is MALE focused not for male audiences

  91. 1 week ago

    geniunely believe this is what's happening at spindelhorse because there is no way over 100 people would have sex with blitz and let him live rent free in their heads.

    • 1 week ago

      >there is no episode without blitz on in
      he is steven universe lmao

      • 1 week ago

        nah atleast steven did shit. and was funny. all this dumbass twink does is cry for 20 minutes

  92. 1 week ago

    >look at all the background characters at the party
    >realize Blitzo didn't frick any hellhounds
    Wonder why?
    He doesn't seem them like that?

    • 1 week ago

      Is Loona really the only character that's Blitz actually cares?

    • 1 week ago

      What about this homie?

      • 1 week ago

        why is he singing too? did blitz frick this dog????

      • 1 week ago

        he works for Verosika as security

      • 1 week ago

        How butthurt was he about having get fricked by cops to get out of jail?

      • 1 week ago

        Hes Verosika's bodyguard...its why he was at the party.
        Don't think he fricked Blitzo.

        • 1 week ago

          That and he probably is justified in his hate for Blitzo on the fact he hurt Verosika and maybe doesn't want him to hurt Loona the same way he hurt so many others.

        • 1 week ago

          Blitzo has worse taste than I thought.

        • 1 week ago

          How butthurt was he about having get fricked by cops to get out of jail?

          he works for Verosika as security

          why is he singing too? did blitz frick this dog????

          Imagine if Blitzo NTR'd his own daughter

  93. 1 week ago

    It was a great episode, the opposite of what I expected and the song was a banger too, great performance from the VAS and the animation really sells it
    I had some major issues with this show but I have to give them this one

    • 1 week ago

      The expressions were pretty damn good this episode.

  94. 1 week ago

    Stellagays Verosika is basically what you wanted from Stella , lmao

  95. 1 week ago

    >He's back
    Didnt you financially ruin yourself or am I misremembering?

    • 1 week ago

      He did.

      • 1 week ago

        >moronic homosexual who sympathizes with fricking Chris Chan cant do his bills and finances correctly cause he's to busy posting about Stolas 24/7


  96. 1 week ago

    at least with the dumpster fire that is stolitz we got character development for both
    What a angel/husk relationship offer than they didn't have already it will be just pleasing the fans without a narrative reason to be or exist

    • 1 week ago

      I don’t agree at all, obviously Husk’s friendship is helping Angel Dust improve and stand up to Val. I agree that so far it hasn’t done much for Husk but he’s had barely any screen time and it feels like the beginning of a closed off cynic letting someone in.

    • 1 week ago

      >Would be fun to watch together even just as friends
      That's what I'm saying. I prefer the casual chemistry they have. I mean Angel might have a genuine fondness for him after that episode but I like the friends angle with those two.

      Meanwhile the long drawn out melodrama between Stolas and Blitzo makes me WANT to see these two together and find some sort of weirdo happiness with each other. I know most would disagree but that's where I'm at.

  97. 1 week ago

    What is the next OP pic?

  98. 1 week ago

    Surprised that they didn't make Verosika into a sad woobie or an evil c**t but instead just made her do jack squat by the end of the day.

    ...oh wait no, I'm not really surprised.

    • 1 week ago

      >her do jack squat
      she used her anger to help others cope and even relate to each other?

    • 1 week ago

      >they didn't make Verosika into a sad woobie
      They revealed Blitzo dumped Verosika for confessing her love to him. That's maybe not solid woobie territory but it does paint him as overwhelmingly in the wrong.
      >but instead just made her do jack squat by the end of the day.
      She did tell Blitzo to resign himself to being a proud cuck and avert what might have been a failed wienerblocking attempt.

      • 1 week ago

        Tell me, is that going to anywhere meaningful?

        • 1 week ago

          I don't think Viv is going to do anything worthwhile with Verosika, no. Best case scenario is she makes another short appearance later on as a semi ally.

        • 1 week ago

          she is also on ghostfrickers so yes also she is already confirmed for s3

    • 1 week ago

      What do you mean jack squat? She got though to Blitzo and his dumbass emotional barriers.

      The party she sets up manages to indirectly get Stolas and Blitzo to honestly talk about their feelings with each other.

  99. 1 week ago

    good song

  100. 1 week ago

    Octavia according to Stolasgay

  101. 1 week ago

    Stolas never should have gotten major/ practically main character-status.
    He should have stayed the team's creepy and powerful nobleman benefactor.

    • 1 week ago

      I agree, the only good thing to come out of that homosexual his hot wife and daughter

      • 1 week ago

        It's a Vivzie show. All her female characters arguably deserve to be in something better.
        Because she certainly has no character arcs planned out for them or important things for them to do.
        >that time she claimed "HB is the male-focused one, HH is the female-focused one!"
        as if. All the most popular Hazbin ships with the mainstream fan base are male x male. Chaggie is just a lifeless husk.

  102. 1 week ago

    Verosika is easiest the best female character written in the entire of the hellaverse rn

    • 1 week ago

      Would you guys date her let alone feel bad for her?

      • 1 week ago

        Well, like Stella, we haven't been allowed to see any Verosika backstory yet.
        But Stella is in dire need of backstory so she's not so one-dimensional.

        • 1 week ago

          I mean unlike Stolas's shit with the pilot, the definitive statement putting all the blame on Blitzo was in an S1 episode, so Viv doesn't exactly have an easy excuse to blame Verosika for everything.

      • 1 week ago

        Verosika seems to be worth it unless you got to the succubus = prostitute route but that is just me

      • 1 week ago

        Assuming it's an actual relationship and not just one so she can say "frick you blitzo I've moved on" yeah
        Probably will take a while for me to get used to her being a succubus and popstar thing

      • 1 week ago

        Sure I'd feel bad. Whether I'd date her depends on if she still has to frick random humans as her day job while we're dating.

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah, that’s going to be a point of contention for you, but if she was willing to keep herself exclusive to Blitz, maybe she could do the same for you?

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah, that’s going to be a point of contention for you, but if she was willing to keep herself exclusive to Blitz, maybe she could do the same for you?

          One could argue that being the sole person she WANTS to frick as opposed to being someone she HAS to frick would make you chad by default. Everyone else pays with money and/or souls but you get all of her to yourself, on demand, free of charge

          • 1 week ago

            That still makes you a cuck I fear

            • 1 week ago

              At the end of the day, you're the one she's snuggled up with after hip shattering beast mode sex session no. 5. No one else gets that experience

  103. 1 week ago

    do we agree?

    • 1 week ago

      Nah there are alot of viv's self inserts in the show but I don't think Stolas is one of them

    • 1 week ago

      these clowns don't get it
      Brandon already said Stolas is like his bf
      Viv self insert is Octavia

      • 1 week ago

        >Brandon already said Stolas is like his bf
        ok yeah we need to get male yoko ono GONE

        • 1 week ago

          I now know what my sleep paralysis demon will look like the next time it shows up. Thanks for that.

      • 1 week ago

        wait, source on this?

        • 1 week ago

          i watched that stream he indeed says that

          • 1 week ago

            any archives of the stream? instead of word of mouth?

        • 1 week ago

          i watched that stream he indeed says that

          any archives of the stream? instead of word of mouth?

          i found it. https://www.youtube.com/live/rybfcztly4E?si=z0whp2Rk0LAeKNXx&t=4189

          • 1 week ago

            you cut the part were he says his bf looks like Stolas too lmao

            • 1 week ago

              my bad.

      • 1 week ago

        I don't know about that. All her characters probably have some aspect or piece of her personality in them, but Charlie might be her idealized form (one she can't achieve because Charlie is skinny and beautiful).
        I could draw more parallels about both coming from privileged backgrounds but I'll leave it at that.

    • 1 week ago

      How is it her self insert?

      • 1 week ago

        >"rich people have it hard too"

    • 1 week ago

      Self insert? No
      Gary Stu? Definitely

    • 1 week ago

      Not self insert exactly, but he's the one she considers most sympathetic. Pretty sure Blitzo is Brandon's SI though.

    • 1 week ago

      Nah Stolas and Blitzo have a couple character traits you see in depressed lonely gay guys

      Speaking from experience of course.

    • 1 week ago

      I thought Vaggie was her self instert? Also Stolas is Brandon Rodger's self instert's fricktoy and a gary stu like him

    • 1 week ago

      Not self insert, but clearly her pet character.

      • 1 week ago

        What's even a pet character?

        • 1 week ago

          you create a character that in your mind is amazing and the public in general hates him

          • 1 week ago

            Think he meant an authors pet which is a character that is clearly favorited by the creator

            >A character that the writer usually adores or relates to personally and devotes an ever-increasing proportion of the story to, often despite vocal dislike from the audience.

            Cool you learn something new everyday. Honestly I didn't knew the fandom disliked Octavia

            • 1 week ago

              Octavia isn't an authors pet cause she is always subjected to misery

            • 1 week ago

              We're talking about stolas dummy

              • 1 week ago

                huh? only brandon and some ultra shippers hate octavia

                Octavia isn't an authors pet cause she is always subjected to misery

                You were talking about Stolas. Oops I don't know why I read it wrong. Yep that makes much more sense.
                I'm glad my british owl cutie isn't hated

              • 1 week ago

                Not yet at least, we will see if opinions turn once she b***hes at her dad over a nothingburger like the leaks suggest.

            • 1 week ago

              huh? only brandon and some ultra shippers hate octavia

        • 1 week ago

          Think he meant an authors pet which is a character that is clearly favorited by the creator

          • 1 week ago

            >A character that the writer usually adores or relates to personally and devotes an ever-increasing proportion of the story to, often despite vocal dislike from the audience.

            This fits him perfectly IMO. Granted he has fans, but so do a lot of author's pets.

        • 1 week ago

          >A character that the writer usually adores or relates to personally and devotes an ever-increasing proportion of the story to, often despite vocal dislike from the audience.

    • 1 week ago

      I also agree that while I a self insert Stolas has strong Creator’s Pet Dindu Muffin vibes. I agree that Blitzo himself has had that vibe at times too but with any Stolas plot Blitzo is definitely being made out as the Bad Guy at this point and as here with all of his exes the narrative does actually sometimes (actually fairly often) acknowledge and even kind of obsessively ruminate on how flawed Blitzo is while Stolas is NEVER EVER in the wrong.

      • 1 week ago

        i mean stolas legit saw he fricked up in his song , he is getting fricked in the next episodes
        if something the biggest mistake i see some people are so dense that they need a big text that says "yes stolas was wrong" in the entire episode

  104. 1 week ago

    By the Emperor what the hell is this.

    • 1 week ago

      Its a pocket dimension made by Magnus to entertain himself for eternity

  105. 1 week ago

    So can we talk about how this is defacto just Millie dressed up as a loose cat.

    • 1 week ago

      No we can't. We should talk about Not Striker, Stroker, sitting next to her.

    • 1 week ago

      >Blitz went and fricked lookalikes to people in his life he wants to frick but didn't for reasons
      >to the point where they became invested enough to wallow in heartbreak when he inevitably fricked off
      Well now I just feel bad. Like, frick, man...

      • 1 week ago

        i don't. they petty as hell. imagine getting bent out of shape because you had a one night stand with some bald moron

  106. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      It was surprising seeing Viv write in the script that the demon asks Stolas for a dance instead of just being like "Hey you tall piece of ass wanna frick in the bathroom". It must have took a lot of restrain from her I'm proud.

  107. 1 week ago

    So Stolas definitely got fricked by the demon guy that night, yes?

    • 1 week ago

      Wouldn't be surprised, he's on the rebound now.

      • 1 week ago

        You know he's thinking about Blitz the whole time.

  108. 1 week ago

    Okay, i don't want to sit through this shitty Stolitz episode to find this out. But since they finally explored the topic of 'Killing Evil People should send them to Hell', exactly how does it work? Is it explained? I remember someone saying Viz said in a stream truely evil souls get destroyed before entering hell. But the tart from episode one was a serial killer. That doesn't count? Then again...if that logic were true initially, Alastor wouldn't be in Hazbin...Frick, does the lore even overlap at this point?

    • 1 week ago

      Vivzie kind of just makes things up as she goes. The redneck b***h from S1 was a cannibal who made furniture out of peoples bones, but that's apparently fine.
      I wouldn't try to seriously dissect this stuff, you'll just give yourself a headache.

      • 1 week ago

        It really does give me a migraine. Also Mayberry and her are a couple. I'm with that other anon in that I low key liked Mayberry. But I forgot everybody in the series is LGBTQ+ at the drop of a hat. Even if its the person who ruined your life and got you sent to hell in the first place. I suppose I should expect Loona and Octavia will end up together to keep up the LGBTQ signaling. Though it really does continue to beg the question why Viv insists on putting all the gays in Hell...Really makes you think.

        • 1 week ago

          Theyre going to keep loona a kissless virgin as long as possible to push more merch.

          • 1 week ago

            Smart...well I guess that means I can keep pushing the Coloona ship...actually, I didn't see the last episode either. Did they kill off the Cherubs?

            • 1 week ago

              No they are still alive just got their ass kicked.

              • 1 week ago

                Good. Not that I give a shit about canon at this point anyway. Let the crack ship set sail!

        • 1 week ago

          Its gotten to a point where its not even a surprise anymore with her characters, its either your gay or bi and if your bi your more gay than straight.

  109. 1 week ago

    I was thinking about full moon for like a week straight after it came out, but I've already lost interest in this episode. It felt like 5 minutes of shit stretched out to 20.

  110. 1 week ago

    >the show is about hell and all the shitty people in it doing shitty things with no qualms about the morality decisions made by anyone
    >anons have a problem with how the characters act and who they're having relationships with

    • 1 week ago

      The show is about gay melodrama. The embodiment of lust cares about consent and is in a serious relationship with a cyborg.

      • 1 week ago

        >lust cares about consent
        that is good tho?
        rape is wrath

        • 1 week ago

          Some rapes are motivated by Lust. Not always of course, but it happens. actually no I'm not having this conversation again.

          • 1 week ago

            the act of rape is wrath you dumbo , the motive can be lust , pride or other sin but the act is wrath

    • 1 week ago

      >show about hell
      >all the characters are just californian teenagers

    • 1 week ago

      The SHOW ITSELF is absolutely doing that, though.

  111. 1 week ago

    Stupid selfish owl man doesn't love or care about his daughter. I see more of his angst and b***hing in the future.

  112. 1 week ago

    Octavia deserves better. Run away from home to Pentagram City and be Charlie and Alastor's daughter figure.

  113. 1 week ago

    >people screaming how Blitz got cucked when Blitz never gave a shit about the relationship until it was too late

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