Heroes who did more harm than good

>Brings the snail to the tree, freeing the lich.
>Aforementioned action almost kills Bubblegum.
>Decides not to listen to Jake and gives the Enchiridion to someone working directly for the Lich.
>Aforementioned action kills Billy.
>Directly helps the Lich reach Prismo, allowing him to wish for the end of all life in existence.
>Wishes that the Lich never existed. But in less than a day after doing this, he sets off the bomb that creates the lich anyway.
>Gets Prismo killed because he wanted to see his deadbeat dad.

Finn really took a lot of Ls over the course of the series.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Jake is acting as this lil homie's parent. Cut him some slack.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Didn't know the sail was in his backpack
    >The IK was the one who drops PB in the well of power
    >Didn't know the bear was working for the Lich
    >Didn't know Billy was dead before it was too late
    >Didn't know destroying the book would create a portal to Prismo
    >Didn't know those chain of events would turn his dog into the Lich
    >Didn't know the Lich would end up killing Prismo

    >OP conflating plot contrives with a character doing harm
    >OP couldn't find a better example for "Heroes who did more harm than good"

    • 8 months ago

      Harm you cause unintentionally is still harm

      • 8 months ago

        >Harm you cause unintentionally is still harm
        What's next? You're going to tell me people die when they're killed? No shit Sherlock.

        No one gives a frick if you are not at fault for said harm. Spider-man, for example, unintentionally snapped Gewn Stacy's neck while trying to save her. No one reading that would think her death was all Spidey's fault. It's the homosexual in the goblin costume who set the stage for that.

        Saying Finn is the one who harmed PB, Billy, and Prismo because he was either unaware of something or tricked is weapons-grade moronation.

        • 8 months ago

          >Saying Finn is the one who harmed PB, Billy, and Prismo because he was either unaware of something or tricked is weapons-grade moronation
          It's factually true unless you believe intent is a necessary component of harm
          Unlike the Gwen Stacy example where she was already going to be a casualty with intervention or not, Billy and Prismo would still be alive. The PB example is just OP taking the piss though since the snail thing is contrived

          • 8 months ago

            The Billy stuff was pretty unfortunate, but it pretty much only happened because Finn, a 12 year old, was entrusted to look after a legendary artifact with incredible power he was seemingly unaware of. The Prismo thing was also not his fault at all, he was told he just had to bring the sleeping Prismo to the timeroom, how could he have known that Prismo would literally let himself die for the sake of some guy he hardly knew?

            • 8 months ago

              Yes, it doesn't need to be said that the harm he caused isn't his fault. Instead we could ask whether or not the good he's done ends up making up for it
              Finn contributed towards freeing the Lich and getting his main adversary iced, but he's also been standing in his way again and again so you could say it balances out

            • 8 months ago

              Actually Prismo didn't let himself die. It was an accident. He even said he changed his mind right when he realised what was going to happen. The only thing he was willing to do was sort of fake die by waking himself up. He would have come back next time he went to sleep if not for the lich.

    • 8 months ago

      Look man I know you're just being a b***h for the keks or something but frick you.
      First of all this
      Second of all Why are you only focusing on like 2 episodes and and only on stuff about the lich, who failed to kill anybody in the whole series besides Billy(speaking of Billy, Finn was also the one to fix the void in Billy's heart and break him out of his depression, turning him once again into a major hero.)? Why ignore all the good things Finn has done in literally every episode?
      >Saves the whole world like seven times.
      >Saves Rattleballs.
      >Frees goblins from the spank king.
      >Saved princesses from being raped by IK about five thousand million times.
      >Also was partly responsible for eventually rehabilitating the Ik.
      >Was the ONLY ONE to love Fern. Even Jake stopped loving Finn the moment he woke up with a grass body.
      >Saved the Fire Kingdom from usurpers and was directly responsible for it's very first non evil leader being non evil.
      >Spends days just helping people with any random crap they need like he's Link or something, so much that he nearly dies from lack of sleep in the horse episode.
      >Figures out how to open the door lord's door.
      >Is even able to make the hard possibly ethically grey decisions like turning that one jerk guy back into a jerk after being rehabilitated in order to save a village from why wolves. And also willing to let Jake kill a different version of himself to help prismo keep his job.
      >Literally goes to the realm of the dead to bring back a flower he accidentally killed for pb, willing to give his life because of honor.
      >So badass that he was able to take control of and partially de-evilise his cursed sword for a time.
      >Goes against JAKE, literally JAKE HIMSELF to try to stop a crook from getting away.
      And I could actually go on for a very very very long time but you get it.

  3. 8 months ago

    You're still ignoring all the good he's done, to truly say he did more harm than good you have to compare both his wins and his loses, if you just consider his mistakes then of course it's gonna seem like he's only ever done bad things.

  4. 8 months ago

    >Brings the snail to the tree, freeing the lich.
    Isn't it technically PB who brought the Snail to the tree? Because it was her that brought Finn, Jake and the Snail up there.
    >Wishes that the Lich never existed. But in less than a day after doing this, he sets off the bomb that creates the lich anyway.
    he didn't an alternative version of him with different life experiences did that was maddened by the crown
    >>Gets Prismo killed because he wanted to see his deadbeat dad.
    Prismo told him to, so that's entirely Prismo's fault.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Aforementioned action almost kills Bubblegum.

    • 8 months ago

      >pb dies
      >candy morons all die and suffer because no one to look after them/protect them
      >All of ooo goes to shit because no good super princess to keep them all in check.
      >Entire world ends because no one stopped Finn from sexing fp.
      >You kys and cry because you know damn well pb is the best character and the world and EVERYTHING would be shit without her.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        It's not PB that keeps the candy people in ignorance.

        • 8 months ago

          Right she just made them that way, she doesn't need to maintain their moronation or anything. But she does need to protect them. If she doesn't they'll hurt themselves or others, or more likely get taken advantage of. Probably some butthole who really likes candy would enslave them as livestock or something, or it would be another king of ooo situation, or something even worse. And that's not to mention all of the other kingdoms. They're pretty moronic too. Not compared to the candy citizens but like still not exceptionally smart. They need a mom too and pb is basically Ooo's mother. Maybe all the kingdoms don't get the same level of care as her own but she does keep them in check and protect them. Her banana guards are even the police in all of ooo, or at least alot of it.

  6. 8 months ago

    This episode was made as a contrast to Mortal Folly, where Finn made few mistakes against the Lich.

  7. 8 months ago

    I've grown annoyed by him.

    • 8 months ago

      I've grown annoyed by you.

  8. 8 months ago

    PB brought Finn (and the snail) to the tree

  9. 8 months ago

    I like incompetent heroes

    • 8 months ago

      How many incompetent heroes are there that you can remember?

  10. 8 months ago

    None of this shit would have happened in the first place if PB hadn't taken them to the Lich

    • 8 months ago

      *Flame Princess existing

      • 8 months ago

        How did that affect anything?

  11. 8 months ago

    Bad thread

    • 8 months ago

      Is it a bad thread?

  12. 8 months ago

    That's not Luz op.

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