>his only crime is the writers fricking hate him.

>his only crime is the writers fricking hate him.

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  1. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Bradward Boimler.

    • 1 week ago

      LITERALLY WHO??????????

  2. 1 week ago

    This whole show is basically a comspiracy thriller pushing pro-establishment ideas, and as a result nothing makes sense.

    I'm not going to watch the new season, is Starlight still mad at him for trying to arm himself against homicidal Superman?

    • 1 week ago

      i can get being annoyed at someone insisting he has to be the strong one or some shit
      but when you keep in mind this entire show has been one entire trauma conga line for him it makes more sense that he'd jump at the opportunity to even the playing field.

      of course he'd worry about starlight, the first episode had him watch his girlfriend get fricking liquified.

      I read him as this traumatized fricking kid and the plot being against him disgusts me.

      • 1 week ago

        I don't detect any thought going inside writers' heads, beside "I must broadcast a disdain for conservatives".
        >Arming yourself is bad (Even though Homelander is plotting your demise)
        >Doubting woman's competence is bad (Even though we show she can't do shit)
        >Not trusting mainstream media is bad (Even though all the mainstream media shown is controlled by the evil corporation)
        >Not hiding at home during a crisis is bad (And people who manufactured the crisis are now inexplicably downplay it)

      • 1 week ago

        This was the most ridiculous plot point ever:
        >Hughie has complete motivation and justification to why he feels like he does.
        >Writers then have to bad mouth him on social media.
        >And the show has to shit on him too.
        You know the basic point of writing is to convey a message, the writers fail at doing that and then have to explain on social media or double down in shitting on a character.

        • 1 week ago

          Damn. What a crock of shit

        • 1 week ago

          Kripke is the next Neil Druckmann. Would be funny to see him get snobbed in some award show.

    • 1 week ago

      >pushing pro-establishment ideas
      I don't think you have the media literacy to distinguish 'pushing' from 'Critiquing.'

      • 1 week ago

        That would imply examining ideas critically, which would make them realize they are not supported by their own worldbuilding, so they most certainly did no critique of any kind.

      • 1 week ago

        NTA, how are they 'Critiquing' it then? Every Christian is either brainwashed or corrupt, every man is an idiot or a rapist, every white person is secretly racist, etc. Help me out here.

        • 1 week ago

          I don't think they're wrong for pointing out a huge substantial percentage of American culture has become beholden to clownfaced motherfrickers like Firecracker or the truthcon nuts, Church of the Collective crazies and corporate Vought psychos. They've wormed their way into people's brain and given them neurotic assrot. Culturally vulgar, juvenile machismo has become the cultural code that The Boys has critiqued with a basic grasp on the insanity that brings.

          The fact you're giving such a shallow 'Why are they saying white people are racist?' seems to follow your inability to capture that phenomenon as media critique, likely because you have that adversarial axe to grind.

          • 1 week ago

            Yeah sorry I can't just watch a fricking show where everyone not pro-establishment is written as a piece of shit and say "Oh no no no they're CRITIQUING that stereotype used in every single fricking film, comic, cartoon and video game. All of those were genuine, but THIS is actually making fun of that trope - by doing the same exact thing as everyone else."

            • 1 week ago

              The series is nihilistic in the same vain as those UK counterculture comics of the 90s. The only characters not not-establishment are buttholes like Butcher and most of the boys are undeniable sociopaths just like the supes and sociopaths they fight. If you need some sort of superhero-esque visionary or idealistic character, you can find plenty of superhero stories that you'd expect for a child or Marvelslop you can clap for.

              And how many series have reused stereotypes of some scheming Democratic politician or nutter Alex Jones-type? This style isn't done nearly as much as you're implying.

              • 1 week ago

                >And how many series have reused stereotypes of some scheming Democratic politician or nutter Alex Jones-type? This style isn't done nearly as much as you're implying.

                Literally Spiderman. First thing that came to mind immediately.

              • 1 week ago

                Im not the guy you're responding too but it sort of sounds like you're celebrating the show for "going there" but I think a lot of people roll their eyes at that because "there" is where the mainstream opinion has been for a long time. Im not personally offended by any of it but I dont know if it's exactly ground breaking stuff. More like preaching to the choir

              • 1 week ago

                I just don't see alot of series doing what The Boys is doing. Maybe I don't watch 'alot' of media. I looked at the trailer for Civil War recently and it was seemed like something several years too late, while weirdly Boys doesn't feel that way. If there were countless others preaching like it I'd feel its overdone, but most series I see coming out are Fantasy series of Scifi trying to avoid modern politics at all costs.
                Maybe lightnight talkshows?

              • 1 week ago

                >I just don't see alot of series doing what The Boys is doing.
                >inside out 2
                >hazbin hotel
                >star wars
                >marvel universe
                >star trek
                >I'm adding star vtfoe because the mc is a cuck and her love interest is a mexican cross-dresser

              • 1 week ago

                That doesn't sound like a single example of media giving modern institutional critique or making fun of Truthcon/Vought guys. That just sounds like a laundry list of media you hate and cherrypicked. Star vs, what? That's a cartoon for moronic tumblr 12 year olds.

                you're not a very good one

                Boo you. Learn some punctuation first ESL.

              • 1 week ago

                >That doesn't sound like a single example of media giving modern institutional critique or making fun of Truthcon/Vought guys.
                Which the boys aren't doing either, regardless of what you think. This 'Critiquing' is bullshit. This show engages in the same pro-establisment homosexualry as every other mainstream media platform.

              • 1 week ago

                >I make a comic of George Bush lookalike as a monkey throwing feces missiles at the middle east
                >This is not a critique
                >Satire is not critique
                It's a little more personal than some Scary Movie tripe. Like said

                You may be right. It could be satire im taking too seriously but I guess I just prefer the commentary to be more in universe and not so directly autobiographical with the writers. If its satire it didnt come off that way to me. It feels more like airing of greivences from some ultra specific social political niche that writers of big corporate production shows seem to share.

                the writers are obviously airring their greviances, they're not just doing it for laffs or shock value. If you think the writers are centrists or saying you should support pro-establishment shit like Vought you're delusional.

              • 1 week ago

                No one said the writers are centrists, they're obviously leftoids, but they're obviously pro-establishment like all leftoids are.

              • 1 week ago

                They outright show stuff like the LGBT circus show to be a huge corporate charade and made one of the democratic politians a serial killer.

              • 1 week ago

                And before you go "nuh-uh", let's have a simple test: is Starlight not-establishment?

              • 1 week ago

                She's obviously not establishment.
                The last ep literally featured her trying to reach out to Singer to influence congress and it blew up in her face, and the season has told us her grassroots effect is paperthin.

              • 1 week ago

                >She's obviously not establishment.
                >gets mad when Hughie - a man - uses powers to help her
                >becomes famous for being a victim of sexual assault
                >grew up being raised by super-Christians, yet is against their intense hatred for gays
                >has a problem with the 'skimpy' outfits the company wanted her to wear because it's harmful to girls growing up
                >hates murderers but murdered a guy for his car
                >hates hughie for working with a murderer, but she works with murderers
                >got an abortion recently
                Yeah okay anon. Not-establishment whatsoever.

              • 1 week ago

                Well gee. It's almost as if this season her using her imagery as Starlight to grift when it's associated with the Pageant winner, Church starlet, Vought superhero identity that gave her clout and power by attaching herself to the Mainstream is a huge deal for her and she's reluctant to lean on that, or something.

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah just don't address anything I said. I wouldn't want to argue how Hughie was actually a bad person for using super powers to save her either.

              • 1 week ago

                None of that has to do with her being Pro-establishment. Pro-establishment doesn't mean whatever weird culture grievances you have or whether someone gets an abortion you mongoloid.

              • 1 week ago

                >being upset that a man saved you isn't pro-establishment
                >no you bigot, only women can protect other women. When a man does it, it's sexism
                Also see pic

                This was the most ridiculous plot point ever:
                >Hughie has complete motivation and justification to why he feels like he does.
                >Writers then have to bad mouth him on social media.
                >And the show has to shit on him too.
                You know the basic point of writing is to convey a message, the writers fail at doing that and then have to explain on social media or double down in shitting on a character.

              • 1 week ago

                upset that a man saved you isn't pro-establishment
                Are you pretending to be moronic?

              • 1 week ago

                Says the moron who doesn't recognize obvious greentext sarcasm, while disregarding the second line that makes it even more clear, WHILE ignoring the fricking link to the other anon's image that clearly explains this pro-establishment bullshit.

              • 1 week ago

                Not a single word you've said is coherent and your 'establishment' definition is nonsensical.
                If you're that triggered by a screencap of some twitter dumbass rando you shouldn't be online. Social media has rotted your brain beyond repair

              • 1 week ago

                >twitter dumbass rando
                That rando is Eric Kripke the SHOWRUNNER of The Boys

              • 1 week ago

                Them being an idiot doesn't make you not one.

              • 1 week ago

                Not even the anon you were arguing with, I simply pointed out it was not some rando, seriously anon eat a dick

              • 1 week ago

                kek btfo

              • 1 week ago

                kek btfo

                Not even the anon you were arguing with, I simply pointed out it was not some rando, seriously anon eat a dick

                Gay samegay

              • 1 week ago

                Well yeah two of those posts are mine, no shit, they were replies?

                >twitter dumbass rando
                That rando is Eric Kripke the SHOWRUNNER of The Boys

                Not even the anon you were arguing with, I simply pointed out it was not some rando, seriously anon eat a dick

                That ain't samegayging, that is responding to someone. Why are you being such a schizo? I simply pointed out it wasn't a rando. Eric is an idiot, you don't think that has any bearing on the show considering he is showrunner? Do you think showrunners do nothing? Are you moronic?

              • 1 week ago

                >That ain't samegayging, that is responding to someone. Why are you being such a schizo? I simply pointed out it wasn't a rando. Eric is an idiot, you don't think that has any bearing on the show considering he is showrunner? Do you think showrunners do nothing? Are you moronic?
                What does any of that have to do with the pro-establishment point? That's what the twitter image was trying to prove.
                The showrunner in that tweet is obviously wrong and off their shit, but however that may effect the show it doesn't say much about Starlighter or staff pro-establishment. Other than the other schizo seething and going "This opinion makes me asshurt so it's just like those blue haired tumblr girls who talk down to me as a man."

              • 1 week ago

                >Other than the other schizo seething and going "This opinion makes me asshurt so it's just like those blue haired tumblr girls who talk down to me as a man."
                Hilarious coming from the moronic schizo that couldn't answer a simple question and cried "DURR I'M NOT TALKING TO U ANYMORE!"

              • 1 week ago

                >Ask their kid about pro-establishment politics in the Oil Industry
                >"My bully tyler said T-REXES AREN'T COOL and won't share his X-BOX WITH ME so he's un-stablishment"
                >Okay clearly this toddler is moronic and doesn't know what basic words mean
                Dumbass-kun plus

              • 1 week ago

                >I still can't answer the question and can't defend starlight so I'm going to sperg out like a schizo and type a bunch of nonsense
                Wow you really nailed me moron-kun. Since you're not able to answer the question I may as well sum it up: Starlight is pro-establishment just by that one example alone (along with all the others) because the pro-establishment line is that it's sexist for men to protect other women, even if they're in a relationship with that woman and want to naturally protect them.

              • 1 week ago

                Jesus stop talking
                You're embarassing yourself

              • 1 week ago

                >I have no counter-argument because I'm a giant homosexual and got called out for my bullshit

              • 1 week ago

                >What does any of that have to do with the pro-establishment point?
                The current political climate in media is towards certain culture wars positions and Eric is firmly one way. Hughie had actual reasons for wanting to get stronger and protect the ones he cares about (do we need to list them? he has been shit on the whole show since his gf was murdered) and yet the showrunner, show and characters seem to think this is wrong. While Kimiko wanting to protect people is perfectly fine. This falls into the pattern of a male character wanting to protect women = patriarchal and bad whilst a female character wanting to protect others = noble and good.

                The problem is these things don't follow proper character motivation factors in the writing, they instead follow a cultural meta textual argument. Man wanting to protect woman = bad. Now that other anon might suggest that it is "establishment" because a lot of mainstream companies (Disney, Amazong) are now are pushing these specific messages.

              • 1 week ago

                I don't know how seriously I can take someone that uses 'cultural meta textual argument' with a straight face, but it sounds like the showrunner just got called out on a really dumb double-standard and doubled down rather than admit they made a sloppy decision with Starlight.

                That might make her character written badly, but outside internet debate culture wars which are meaningless it doesn't really tell us anything about their 'establishment position', which is an entrenched socio-political thing.

                There's more to be said on her resisting being Starlight, past bullying and connecting to the church/Vought than there is chewing out Hughie or whatever damage control the Showrunner was doing for a bad characterization.

                Also, did Starlight even criticize Hughie for taking V for his dad in the show? I don't remember her doing that so why is that twitter slop even being debated, it's very out-of context and seems kind of meaningless.

              • 1 week ago

                Not for his dad,
                they're referring to him taking it to inject into himself last season

              • 1 week ago

                That's a completely different issue then? Starlight was right. She knew Hughie was giving himself ass cancer like Butch got just by taking it and Kimiko suffered no consequences at all for using it so has no negative reprocussions for her because she was already a Supe.

                Again, all of which has anything to do with establishment pro/anti.

              • 1 week ago

                >I don't know how seriously I can take someone that uses 'cultural meta textual argument' with a straight face
                Anon, why can't you just talk about things without resorting to insults?
                >but it sounds like the showrunner just got called out on a really dumb double-standard and doubled down rather than admit they made a sloppy decision with Starlight.
                But this is an issue inherent in a lot of writing nowadays. Rather than following basic writing tenets with the characters you almost break the fourth wall to use these culture war points. Having legitimate reasons for people to criticise Hughie and his actions would be perfectly fine. Yet the show doesn't properly do that. Explore what is actually on offer in the show instead of reaching out towards those culture war narratives. I don't think Hughie's actions were good anymore than bad, the show did a shit job of handling them.
                >That might make her character written badly
                Because we see this happen again and again. The newest Star Wars show had space witches go "The Galaxy doesn't trust women with power who use the force" when it also shows us that you have female Jedi masters. That is bad writing to make an outside political point rather than an in-universe explanation. All your point boils down to is "it was bad writing nothing more" and I am saying it is a pattern of bad writing in shows where outside influence that doesn't make sense takes precedent. We both agree it is bad writing, so where is that bad writing coming from if it happens a bunch around specific characters? How certain men are written vs how certain women are written.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm not entirely sure what the context of the writing issue is after

                Not for his dad,
                they're referring to him taking it to inject into himself last season

                That's a completely different issue then? Starlight was right. She knew Hughie was giving himself ass cancer like Butch got just by taking it and Kimiko suffered no consequences at all for using it so has no negative reprocussions for her because she was already a Supe.

                Again, all of which has anything to do with establishment pro/anti.

                but Starlight's basic tenant is she's kind of a white savior hypocrite who is trying to do the right thing but obviously 'comes' from the Establishment so she's a little preachy and oft hypocritical. She wants to take down supes but is one, she hates vought but took several seasons to leave them. She doesn't like relying on her popularity and Starlight clout but it's the only thing that gives her any voice. From what I remember she was mostly against the Boys taking Compound-V because it was poison to them and research showed it'd kill them, while it absolutely wouldn't do that to Kimiko since she'd been injected since childhood and was already safe to use it.

                I don't know the deal with Star Wars but I just stay away from most of those Disney+ serials because they all seem inherently bad and nothing good can come from them. They still seem like the type of thing that The Boys is mocking, granted sometimes The Boys might fall into those patterns but more often than not they're not nearly as grating or black and white.

                I mean last ep just had Starlight beat a woman for some petty gossip/reveal and have an emotional breakdown, do you think she's portrayed as right all the time or being in the moral superior? The Boys has alot more nuance than hippity girlpowery Disney streaming crap.

              • 1 week ago

                >From what I remember she was mostly against the Boys taking Compound-V because it was poison to them and research showed it'd kill them, while it absolutely wouldn't do that to Kimiko since she'd been injected since childhood and was already safe to use it.
                They're actually two different formulas. Temporary V gives you 24 hours of powers and you have to re take it constantly; it also gives you super cancer.
                Original Recipe Compound V gives you permanent superpowers, and doesn't seem to have any side effects.

              • 1 week ago

                Right. Kimiko wanted the formula to get her powers back, which she already had before and would restore. Her taking the V wasn't a big deal.
                Temp V was the one that kills you.

              • 1 week ago

                >do you think she's portrayed as right all the time or being in the moral superior?
                Nope but that wasn't the point. In this particular situation she was being portrayed as that way. I think the lack of nuance in those situations really is that they want to make you think about the situation in one way rather than leaving it morally ambigious.
                >I'm not entirely sure what the context of the writing issue is
                When numerous shows make similar mistakes it does begin to feel like a curious mix of culture wars, perpetually online people and the desire for certain views over others. I don't think it is any kind of conspiracy, just bad writers with certain axes to grind and specific company cultures that allow it but a lot of writing ends up flawed in the same way.
                >The Boys has alot more nuance
                Some of the political parallels are on the nose and hitting you over the head with it. Be fair.

              • 1 week ago

                >Also, did Starlight even criticize Hughie for taking V for his dad in the show?
                I don't think she even knows yet. It just happened last episode.

              • 1 week ago

                >Not a single word you've said is coherent and your 'establishment' definition is nonsensical.
                Well since greentext is too advanced for you, let me try again. Explain how she isn't pro-establishment as she's b***hing out Hughie for saving her. Go ahead homosexual.

              • 1 week ago

                Hughie isn't the establishment either.
                Not replying anymore to someone that doesn't know what basic words mean.

              • 1 week ago

                >Hughie isn't the establishment either.
                I didn't say he was homosexual. I asked for something very simple.
                >Explain how she isn't pro-establishment as she's b***hing out Hughie for saving her.
                And you can't do it. Now run off like the gay you are back to the containment zone.

              • 1 week ago

                you got a weird idea of what the establishment is

              • 1 week ago

                Im guessing he means she represents establishment "values", like Hughie is a cowardly weakling because that's what the establishment teaches men they should be like, while Firecracker is mocked for questioning the elite

              • 1 week ago

                again, you have a really weird idea of what the establishment is

              • 1 week ago

                Not again, that's the first time I explained it to you, if multiple people have tried then you might just be moronic

              • 1 week ago

                or multiple people have a weird idea of what the establishment is

              • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                >one of the two political parties in the US running on banning it nationally

              • 1 week ago

                >one of the two political parties in the US running on banning it nationally
                >and that party just happens to be the bad guy in 99% of media
                >anyone who voted or supported that party is a literal nazi in every show, comic, anything
                >all the super-christians in this show furiously hate gays ... except some are secretly gay and fronting

              • 1 week ago

                >the tv shows my wife's boyfriend watches are the establishment

              • 1 week ago

                >implying anyone on Cinemaphile is married

          • 1 week ago

            why do you write like that

            • 1 week ago

              I'm a writer for a living

              • 1 week ago

                you're not a very good one

              • 1 week ago

                You're a fricking homosexual, dude. Always knew the b***hes invade Cinemaphile to push their shitty ideas and agendas

                Enjoy the cultural change

                Not a very successful one, I'd guess.

                Kys journo homosexual. You'll never contribute anything positive to the world any other way.

                writing SEO clickbait no one actually reads isn't much of a living

                Filename, it's the only way to finish paying your student loans. moron.

                I'm a scifi writer/novelist.
                What's wrong with you assbrains? Do you go projecting your fricked up journo fixation at anything that isn't clickbait?
                Get off the internet, seriously.

              • 1 week ago

                homie thats a really contrived way to say you're single and ugly

              • 1 week ago

                You're a fricking homosexual, dude. Always knew the b***hes invade Cinemaphile to push their shitty ideas and agendas

                Enjoy the cultural change

              • 1 week ago

                Not a very successful one, I'd guess.

                Kys journo homosexual. You'll never contribute anything positive to the world any other way.

              • 1 week ago

                Yes, we both know lefties and incel chuds absolutely hate journos and want their favorite extremist podcaster to be the only source of news. Thank you for reiterating it.

              • 1 week ago

                >he thinks anyone respects paid propagandists
                Nice strawman, but you're still a piece of shit. At least lawyers are upfront and honest about their job being to lie for the highest bidder. You're just a prostitute.

              • 1 week ago

                writing SEO clickbait no one actually reads isn't much of a living

              • 1 week ago

                Filename, it's the only way to finish paying your student loans. moron.

        • 1 week ago

          >NTA, how are they 'Critiquing' it then?
          The Girls Get It Done bit was clearly critiquing corporate girlboss feminism. They just don't do enough things like that.

          • 1 week ago

            >The Girls Get It Done bit was clearly critiquing corporate girlboss feminism
            I'm not sure if it was a jab at corporate feminism or just making fun of the Girlboss scene from Endgame. There doesn't seem to be enough other genuine attacks at modern corporate wokeness - and I mean wokeness in the sense of things like Girlboss feminism and HR emails about Pride Month, that just exist to sell merchandise and pretend like a gigantic international megacorp gives a flying frick about people.

            • 1 week ago

              >I'm not sure if it was a jab at corporate feminism or just making fun of the Girlboss scene from Endgame.
              Why not both?

            • 1 week ago

              >There doesn't seem to be enough other genuine attacks at modern corporate wokeness - and I mean wokeness in the sense of things like Girlboss feminism and HR emails about Pride Month,
              So we're just gonna ignore everything about Maeve from like two seasons? Like how Voughtland sells tacos with her name on them (get it? because veganas). They're still making digs about it with the "Queen Maeve All Gender Inclusive Bathroom".

              The Boys does make fun of neoliberal wokeness. It's just...they're more subtle jokes because that's how neoliberal stuff works. It's not a loud jackass turning red in front of a camera screaming about homosexual frogs. homosexuals here are just mad that their volume is being mirrored correctly.

              • 1 week ago

                Also Alex-Jones crazypants types tend to be way louder and more visibly ridiculous than some intern or ceo who wants to promote Pride pancakes on a billboard.

              • 1 week ago

                >There doesn't seem to be enough other genuine attacks at modern corporate wokeness - and I mean wokeness in the sense of things like Girlboss feminism and HR emails about Pride Month,
                So we're just gonna ignore everything about Maeve from like two seasons? Like how Voughtland sells tacos with her name on them (get it? because veganas). They're still making digs about it with the "Queen Maeve All Gender Inclusive Bathroom".

                The Boys does make fun of neoliberal wokeness. It's just...they're more subtle jokes because that's how neoliberal stuff works. It's not a loud jackass turning red in front of a camera screaming about homosexual frogs. homosexuals here are just mad that their volume is being mirrored correctly.

                Those are good points, I agree.

              • 1 week ago

                Naw the gay shit pushed in media is way harder to ignore than that stuff. Just like avoiding YouTube grifters complaining about woke stuff is easier than avoiding woke shit. You're actually a massive homosexual for thinking otherwise.

              • 1 week ago

                >Naw the gay shit pushed in media is way harder to ignore than that stuff
                It's only harder to ignore BECAUSE of all the Alex Jones types that have been screaming about it from the rooftops for the past 8 years lmao. Gay representation was so, so much worse 10 years ago when there was a giant spotlight shone on every single gay character, who were often obnoxiously gay.

              • 1 week ago

                Naw that's wrong. It's in your face regardless of you watch grifters or not. I'm not talking about being reminded this shit is happening. I'm talking about seeing it happen with my own eyes. Commercials, workplaces, social media, movies, tv shows, all more infested with woke shit than Alex jones conspiracy shit ranting about woke shit.

              • 1 week ago

                >all more infested with woke shit
                first off what's woke shit to you, though, we might be talking past each other

              • 1 week ago

                >first off
                >doesn't list a second
                Away with you.

              • 1 week ago

                >doesn't list a second
                The second comes after the answer to the first homosexual

              • 1 week ago

                Having dark skin people, women and gays exist obviously
                And media not being catered to ME

              • 1 week ago

                >Gay representation was so, so much worse 10 years ago when there was a giant spotlight shone on every single gay character, who were often obnoxiously gay.
                Glee immediately came to mind.

              • 1 week ago

                Hell LeFou in the live action Beauty and the Beast. I'm bisexual and even I wanted to beat him up for being such homosexual.

              • 1 week ago

                Specifically whenever people talk about how hamfisted gay characters can get in fiction this scene comes to mind:

              • 1 week ago

                I hate everything about this and want to murder everybody involved in creating it.

              • 1 week ago

                I have never known a gay man in my life to act like a stereotype of a high school spoiled valley girl, I will never understand why this depiction of gay men was so popular. Is it because the people making media have only ever been exposed to Hollywood gays?

              • 1 week ago

                >In this particular situation
                Explain the situation?
                I'm not getting the details or equivalency.
                I understand what you're saying about bad writers but Starlight doesn't really feel like a Rei or Sabrine Ren (Ahsoka) sort of character to me. The show does a surprisingly good job with this.

                On the axe to grind- They aren't very subtle when it portrays people with opposing views as ever sympathetic or nuanced, but when it comes to their own side it's not like anyone on the Boy's team or Starlight are really pampered that much. I cannot remember a single 'please clap' moment for Starlight like half the ones for Rei for example. They seem to mock the Girlboss angle quite abit in the show.

              • 1 week ago

                Meant to reply to

                >do you think she's portrayed as right all the time or being in the moral superior?
                Nope but that wasn't the point. In this particular situation she was being portrayed as that way. I think the lack of nuance in those situations really is that they want to make you think about the situation in one way rather than leaving it morally ambigious.
                >I'm not entirely sure what the context of the writing issue is
                When numerous shows make similar mistakes it does begin to feel like a curious mix of culture wars, perpetually online people and the desire for certain views over others. I don't think it is any kind of conspiracy, just bad writers with certain axes to grind and specific company cultures that allow it but a lot of writing ends up flawed in the same way.
                >The Boys has alot more nuance
                Some of the political parallels are on the nose and hitting you over the head with it. Be fair.

              • 1 week ago

                >Naw the gay shit pushed in media is way harder to ignore than that stuff
                It's only harder to ignore BECAUSE of all the Alex Jones types that have been screaming about it from the rooftops for the past 8 years lmao. Gay representation was so, so much worse 10 years ago when there was a giant spotlight shone on every single gay character, who were often obnoxiously gay.

                People will disagree,
                but South Park was right. It's just an ouroboros feeding itself where Gays and outrage grifters double down because they continually feel out-shouted by the other.

              • 1 week ago

                Now that I definitely agree with. It's baffling to me just how blatantly dishonest everybody is these days. Like you expect politicians to be dishonest, but the way Disney and other companies will openly and obviously blame the poor performance of a shitty show or movie on sexists, homophobes and racists, when there are successful shows featuring female / black / gay characters running at the same time, is mind-boggling to me. Barbie and Fallout being gigantic hits even with male viewers are objective proof that they are wrong, but they still keep beating the same tired drum they've been beating since Ghostbusters 2016.

              • 1 week ago

                Well they aren't right but nobody is really wrong.
                Do all those grifters and youtube clickbaiters and shitheads complain about muh woke nonstop for Disney? Of course they do.
                They're not the reason those shows suck or don't do well however. But this gives Disney an angle to sort of outrage bait themselves, and both sides just do it for views and clicks so everyone wins. Except for society because that shit sucks.

        • 1 week ago

          >every man is an idiot or a rapist
          Wut? Pretty sure the main characters are potrayed as flawed but not idiots or rapists. Is this about you self-inserting as Homelander again?
          >every white person is secretly racist

      • 1 week ago

        Shut up

        • 1 week ago

          >hahaha the point of storee is hooman good bug bad, we kill bug
          >Won't that make you like the bug?
          Never expect a wojack moron to have anything worth saying.

      • 1 week ago

        >media literacy
        >Right wingers like bad ass action or a villain for the sake of it, because it is fun.
        >Lefties: OMG MEDIA LITERACY MUCH! It is mocking YOU!
        >Meanwhile: lefties act like everything is gay even when there is no themes of that in there.
        >Brothers in Supernatural? GAY TOGETHER. Frodo and Sam in Lord of the Rings? GAY TOGETHER.
        >If you go on tumblr for more than 5 minutes you discover that lefties have no concept of media literacy because 90% of the reason they watch a show is to write smutty fanfic about two characters fricking.
        >No matter what you say to them about how there is nothing in the thing that implies that, they will attack you for it because their ship is valid.

        • 1 week ago

          Sorry for your schizophrenia

          • 1 week ago

            t. moronic tumblr troon
            I'm sorry I insulted your ship

  3. 1 week ago

    He's a cuck on and off camera, so

  4. 1 week ago

    The Boys comic and show are garbage. Without Anthony Starr and Jensen Ackles, it would be a completely worthless property.

    • 1 week ago

      At least the comic has genuine edge

      • 1 week ago

        The thing is comics Huey has a real edge, show Huey is just the perfect Hollywood b***h who has nothing to do or be or say 80mjyr

        • 1 week ago

          that's because the showrunners quickly decided the main character is actually Homelander and the Boys are essentially side characters, and without the perspective of the outsider learning the true nature of the supers, Hughie is no longer a relevant character at all.

    • 1 week ago

      Honestly this, Starr carries the entire show and has been doing it since at least season 2.

  5. 1 week ago

    What happened? Is this about something from the new season?

  6. 1 week ago

    I find it hard to explain my feelings on this show. I like parts of it I think a lot of the acting is really good, the music is good and the setting is interesting.

    I read the comics back when I was a teenager and loved its grotesque edgy humor and violence but I 100% expected the show to be really tame and race bent and wash out all the grimey soul which they did. Par for the course.

    The main thing that keeps me from enjoying it is the ham fisted political stuff. I expect everything to be very liberal but this season stuff like the writers quoting the Rittenhouse trial and having the new female supe Firecracker be based on some right wing politician, having a character like butcher complain about incels, and the "War on Christmas" stuff...its all very blunt and takes me out of it.

    Maybe im just too sensitive to how mainsteam politics is these days but to me its just so braindead.

    • 1 week ago

      It's not exactly subtle. But what does being subtle benefit in satirizing today's political climate?

      • 1 week ago

        You may be right. It could be satire im taking too seriously but I guess I just prefer the commentary to be more in universe and not so directly autobiographical with the writers. If its satire it didnt come off that way to me. It feels more like airing of greivences from some ultra specific social political niche that writers of big corporate production shows seem to share.

  7. 1 week ago

    Him not knowing about the abortion and seeing it on TV could have caused a rift with Starlight and added some nuance to his character, instead he forgave A-Train again.

  8. 1 week ago

    Boys is in a weird spot with political discourse because it's caught between the original themes, which were strongly rooted in War on Terror stuff, and the modern context, in which that stuff isn't really relevant anymore. The series feels like a weird Frankenstein hybrid of two different eras.

    • 1 week ago

      >make TV show based on comic that satirizes the military industrial complex
      >start TV show when the MIC is less relevant and tone down those themes to focus on culture war BS
      >MIC becomes extremely relevant via 2 major proxy wars
      >show doesn't use this as an excuse to return to the original themes, just turns the culture war BS to 11

      • 1 week ago

        You don't think they're criticizing the MIC? They were talking in the most recent ep literally about how to get supes out of the military and police as a whole plotpoint.

        • 1 week ago

          That's not the focus of the show though, the last time it was relevant was season 1 with the supe-terrorist.

          Instead they've ignored the major war but had Firecracker look like the bad guy for saying epstein didn't kill himself

          • 1 week ago

            It's largely become a sort of personal drama. Butcher and Homelander can just sort of walk by and have a conversation or even teamup, same with A-train. Sometimes they introduce a villain of the season (Stormfront, Soldier Boy, Sister Sage) but the point of counteracting Supes and the MIC stuff is kind of neither here nor there. You'd think the whole presidential bid and legalizing or outlawing superheroes would be a bigger deal but its prettymuch a background subplot.

      • 1 week ago

        Because Kripke supports the 2 major proxy wars.

  9. 1 week ago

    The frick is this show?
    >Every season the group sorta get together then sorta break up
    >Then they can't kill Homelander as there is someone else they got to get
    Like the standard plot of:
    >Messy team hunt sups
    Is a decent idea and yet the show can't seem to just do this?

    • 1 week ago

      This is my biggest issue with this shitshow. Like the comic is just the boys taking out analogs of famous hero teams, working their way up to the Justice League equivalent, and becoming friends along the way, right?

      • 1 week ago

        the main throughline is Hughie overcoming his trauma and becoming a right lad, while also building a bond with Butcher. This all culminates in the ending, which is honestly the only time the comic is actually "good." The show tossed all of that away.

    • 1 week ago

      >every season
      >everyone hates Butcher

    • 1 week ago

      I can't name others, they are on the tip of my tongue but I swear there are a bunch of shows like this where they just can't have a basic premise play out. Part of the reason for it is because modern tv got around the diversity issue by making everything an ensemble. And when everything is an ensemble we can't just focus on Hughie changing over time and his relationship with Butcher because everyone needs *something*.

  10. 1 week ago

    >it's pro-establishment because... it just is okay!?

    • 1 week ago

      Trips of truth, even your digits know you're bootlickers

    • 1 week ago

      >aligning with the values of the establishment in every way isn't establishment because... I'm moronic, OK?

      • 1 week ago

        >She's obviously not establishment.
        >gets mad when Hughie - a man - uses powers to help her
        >becomes famous for being a victim of sexual assault
        >grew up being raised by super-Christians, yet is against their intense hatred for gays
        >has a problem with the 'skimpy' outfits the company wanted her to wear because it's harmful to girls growing up
        >hates murderers but murdered a guy for his car
        >hates hughie for working with a murderer, but she works with murderers
        >got an abortion recently
        Yeah okay anon. Not-establishment whatsoever.

        >establishment is whatever I see blue hair people on twitter saying it has nothing to do with political and institutional power

        • 1 week ago

          >institutional power
          Get out

        • 1 week ago

          Those blue hair people tend to be the establishments biggest backers

          • 1 week ago

            Blue hair people don't vote, so no, they tend to not be.

    • 1 week ago

      >it walks like a duck
      >quacks like a duck
      >has wings like a duck
      >... but trust me it's not a duck!

    • 1 week ago

      Most fiction ends up falling into neo liberal status quo wankery.

  11. 1 week ago

    >Knows his mom works at Vought and thus knows what Compound V is
    >Instead of taking it with him he leaves it in his jacket
    No excuse for her stealing it and once again taking the choice from him but what the frick did he think was going to happen? He never should've let her off the gallows especially after she tells him about her employment.

  12. 1 week ago

    Here are my problems with the Boys as a newcomer to the thread. I will be listing Seven because… you know, Seven

    >1. Not every supe and Christian outside of the Boys themselves should be evil and it would be far more interesting to show conflict brewing internally
    >2. The super sex has kind of reached the point where it’s just disgusting and not fun anymore
    >3. Colin
    >4. It would’ve been a lot better if Highie didn’t know about the abortion or if it played out on screen
    >5. I don’t like how they’re inconsistent with established lore like the past actions of Soldier Boy or Tek Knight
    >6. It’s not heroic to kill people who are just defending themselves
    >7. Hughie taking the V should’ve been more ambiguous morally. Showing that he is taking it because of a trauma response while Starlight is insecure about him taking it due to the power shift

  13. 1 week ago

    >pajeet woman is his wife
    explains their chemistry

  14. 1 week ago


  15. 1 week ago

    he is a cis straight white male.
    no way they do anything virtuous with this character.

  16. 1 week ago

    tbh it just kinda sounds like you guys are mad you're being quoted damn near verbatim, since you're a bunch of fricking cowards.

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