Honestly, I was too.

Honestly, I was too. MODOK sucked and the CGI was subpar, but other than that, it was no worse than the previous two Ant-Man movies.

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  1. 8 months ago

    We just had this thread, you narcissistic moron

    • 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    I liked it too. The CGi environment was a little weightless and the the denizens of the Quantum Realm could have been treated more seriously, but Kang was great and Scott's hero moments were great. I really don't think the general audience gave a shit about MODOK and I seriously doubt that the imperfect adaptation of that one character and its effect on comic readers is why the movie failed. More like it was the general audience being over the fad of cape movies.

    • 8 months ago

      It has simply become fashionable to shit on Marvel. It was bound to happen, given its immense popularity. It'll last for a while too before nostalgia loops it back into mainstream popularity.

      • 8 months ago

        The MCU was doing OK until Multiverse of Madness came out and then a witch put a curse on the entire franchise. Lesson: don't be racist against witches.

        But yeah, there's some negative momentum happening. Bad word of mouth for Multiverse of Madness made reception for Thor 4 even worse than it might have been, and by the time Quantumania came out, it was beaming out to a hostile public that had suffered through a lot of MCU mediocrity (counting Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk).

        Black Panther 2 is an exception but it was more competently made, and Quantumania was explicitly being hyped as the next big step in the Multiverse Saga, which people were already bored with even before it came out.

        tl, dr, I said the same thing you did but mine was too long and too contentious.

        • 8 months ago

          i thought black widow was the first one where the reception started going downhill?

          • 8 months ago

            Movies for most of 2021 are almost in a different category because moviegoing was so depressed by the pandemic and restrictions. The smash success of Spider-Man 3 (in the middle of a huge COVID wave) seemed to suggest the MCU had bounced back with the return of moviegoers to theatres. And Doctor Strange 2 had huge presales because of the WandaVision and NWH hype. And then people saw the movie and the MCU has been in trouble ever since.

        • 8 months ago

          Black Panther 2 was mediocre at best.

          The only good movies since Endgame have been Spider-Man and Shang Chi.

          • 8 months ago

            >The only good movie since Endgame has been Spider-Man

        • 8 months ago

          I'd say while that was the straw that broke the camel's back, the public consensus was already frustrated with the amount of TV shows to watch (and feeling like they'd have to watch them all to catch up) and the middling quality of them.

        • 8 months ago

          Thor 4 was fricking dogshit.

        • 8 months ago

          Black Panther 2 left zero impression and do agree that Black Widow was when people started to lose interest, they were way waaayyy too late telling that story

          • 8 months ago

            BW's movie not really being relevant to the story moving forward also didn't help. Hell even Spooderman's recent one implies he's a hidden asset for Strange whatwith no one knowing him (that'll probly go nowhere)
            Has anyone seen NuWidow since BW?

  3. 8 months ago

    Rudd needs someone with better charisma than the current Wasp, his aw shucks good dad routine isn't enough to carry a big budget flick.
    I found Kang kinda dull, High Evolutionary was a better villain in every way.

    • 8 months ago

      It's fricked up how Rudd and Lilly have better chemistry in promos than in the actual movies because she has to play Wasp as a more serious heroine for contrast


  4. 8 months ago

    >Cinemaphile - Comics & Cartoons

  5. 8 months ago

    It's no mystery honestly. The movie was flawed, mostly in part because of the usual marvel quippery (which the Ant Senpai has free access to if you ask me, they're one of the more fun areas of the MCU, but it's still a trip up for people) and the harsher circumstance was that it was mainly set in a nonsense world with nonsense locations and nonsense characters etc etc. There's very little grounding the necessary CGI fest, and the CGI itself was hit or miss. All this leads to an MCU film that doesn't blow your breasts clean off, and these days that's blood in the water. "Comic Fatigue" is something I'll still deny but, a fictional world that expands and changes enough will lose people, either because they don't wanna commit to it or because the necessary change for story to happen gets too far from the compelling origin. Like anon already said it's now popular to shit on the MCU; not as many people pull the OMG YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LATEST ONE song and dance anymore. And if it's funny and popular to shit on it, people will pile on, and get more and more critical. Hell it's happened on this very board, how far exactly did we have to boil down and retread every single issue with Modok. Bad word spreads because it's the popular and engaging word, people lose interest or even entertained people second guess themselves, and the movie fumbles hard. It didn't deserve to fill seats but it also isn't a new type of stain on the history of cinema.
    Oh I will say though it was absolutely worse than the last two ant men.

    • 8 months ago

      this, peer pressure was the only reason the MCU hasn't tanked completely but its slowly and surely sinking as more people dare to tell their annoying trend chasing friend to shut up

      • 8 months ago

        The shows may have done some harm in that sense. Years ago you'd feel forced to watch everything MCU, but now there's a shitload of them and it is very reasonable not to watch them all, and at that point you realize you might as well start skipping movies and eventually only watch the ones you are particularly interested in.

  6. 8 months ago

    Paul Chud will never be an A lister.

  7. 8 months ago

    It was boring. There was no tension at any point, the action was mind numbingly over the top CGI fireworks, and the only character I liked was Paul Rudd as Paul Rudd with Powers.

    MCU should have ended with Infinity War, Thanos wins and the franchise fricking ends. Unexpected and dark and closed - heroes made bad choices, fricked up, bad end.

    Everything after that point has been merely OK at best.

    • 8 months ago

      >Thanos wins and the franchise fricking ends. Unexpected and dark and closed - heroes made bad choices, fricked up, bad end.
      Cringe edgy moronation aside, MCU definitely should have ended on wither the good guys winning during infinite war or just end with well... Endgame

  8. 8 months ago

    I think that there was a feeling of growing resentment over the last few post-Endgame movies that finally reached the breaking point.

  9. 8 months ago

    It's worse than the first Ant-Man but it's less boring than Ant-Man and The Wasp

  10. 8 months ago

    You hear "the movie takes place in the quantum realm" and you pucker your butthole for some more trippy shit and it just ends up being no different than an alien planet. It's even got mostly humans on it (who for some reason act like our main characters who look exactly like them are freaky and weird). It had exactly one cool trippy scene and it wasn't enough.

    • 8 months ago

      The concept art is full of trippy shit but we end up witn Star Wars rejects

  11. 8 months ago

    I hated how every movie has to amp up the stakes. MoM had "Every dimension is in trouble" and Quantummania had "Every quantum realm is in peril, which is it's own infinite life set of worlds",

    I just want more Ant-Man 1, where it was a heist job to get a suit back, or Iron Man 2 where, while not the highest of highs, was more about Tony trying to rein in his life above all else.

  12. 8 months ago

    It doesn't matter if it was good or not, people just didn't want to see it. Marvel had hit after hit for over a decade because they kept people interested in the overarching plot, people were actually invested in this build up to a massive climax that finally got to happen in Endgame. That's it, that was the end. The story was over, main heroes were gone. A lot of people genuinely checked out. Normal moviegoers are not like comic book readers who are on the ride basically for life, they were always going to leave at the end, and Endgame was the end for most people.
    There's a new story now but it's not the same. People don't care about Kang and the multiverse like they cared about Thanos and the infinity stones. This isn't part of an epic saga that people are invested in, it's just a fricking Ant-Man movie. Nobody cares. It's over. Marvel has to scale down their productions and expectations if they want to keep going, cause they'll never make the same numbers from their golden age again.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not sure I agree that people checked out after Endgame, though Feige and co. sure have done everything they can to encourage it, by making the post-Endgame MCU such a bleak place and constantly referring back to Endgame like it was their greatest moment.

      The overarching story was never really very important except to set up crossover movies. The original premise, before Thanos, was just that we would meet a bunch of characters and then Sam Jackson would sign them up for the Avengers.

      If people like the characters they'll show up and enjoy the movies and shows, but a lot of the projects lately have trashed or wasted characters, or buried them under pointless bullshit like Ant-Man 3 did.

      They should have just stuck to developing the characters we already knew while gradually introducing new ones.

      • 8 months ago

        >>They should have just stuck to developing the characters we already knew while gradually introducing new ones.
        They never should've got M-She-U. That was the catalyst and they're too moronic to walk it back.

  13. 8 months ago

    I think the people who most liked the Ant-Man movies were those who didn't give a shit about Thanos and all the interconnectedness garbage, so they alienated their target audience and fricked with expectations, which is how you get actual anger over a regular mediocre movie.

    I like when a movie is allowed to have its own style and basically be its own movie. Then there's crap like MoM which is both awful on its own and extra annoying because they expected you to watch not just another movie, but a whole series on a crappy streaming service to relate to it. Not every MCU movie hit it out of the park, but once you start getting 3 or 4 duds in a row, the audience starts feeling insulted.

    • 8 months ago

      >I think the people who most liked the Ant-Man movies were those who didn't give a shit about Thanos and all the interconnectedness garbage
      Can confirm somewhat, I liked the Avengers movies but I didn't felt compelled to watch the movie of every single character. I didn't watch anything from Phase 4 but went to see this one because I wanted more Ant-Man

  14. 8 months ago

    >but other than that, it was no worse than the previous two Ant-Man movies
    Except it was

  15. 8 months ago

    Needs more ants

    • 8 months ago

      compared to 1&2 its boring, characters are dicks to Scott and are moronic, cgi is terrible and not many good scenes to show off the size scales besides scott as a giant and Cassie


  16. 8 months ago

    >other than being worse, it wasn't worse

  17. 8 months ago


  18. 8 months ago

    I liked Ant-Man 1 and 2. Unlike the other superhero films about saving the world/galaxy, the Ant-Man ones were about some dude trying to do right by his daughter. Felt smaller scale which was fitting since he's Ant-Man. Humor felt more natural and fitting since Paul Rudd is such a naturally funny guy.
    Didn't see 3, though. I stopped watching MCU with Endgame.

    • 8 months ago

      It's a weird movie that's also generic and mediocre, most good ideas are wasted in it.

  19. 8 months ago

    > MODOK sucked and the CGI was subpar, but other than that, it was no worse than the previous two Ant-Man movies.
    Come on, it's capeshit, the spectacle-value is critical. It's unforgivable to screw it up.

  20. 8 months ago

    They shouldn't have rejected Rudd's ideas
    I knew it'd suck when he wasn't given a writing credit unlike the first two

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