How accurate was this in terms of lore from the games? I didn't play them

How accurate was this in terms of lore from the games? I didn't play them

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    It's more accurate that the games. Any contradictions are superseded by the show being more canon than the games.

    • 1 week ago

      It's fine. Even NVgays don't really assert that it's wrong, they just get mad that the show doesn;t revere their precious aspect of the lore as much as they do.

      that doesnt matter
      the games "lore" changes literally every game
      the show itself is complete dogshit besides walton goggins

      Todd Howard and Bethesda were mad that the really popular Fallout was the one they didn't make. They set the show where none of the Todd Howard/Bethesda games are and instead near where the more popular non Howard/Bethesda game is. Then they deleted the largest faction from the popular game in their setting.

      There are other things but yes its moronic and shits all over established lore.

      • 1 week ago

        >Todd Howard and Bethesda were mad that the really popular Fallout was the one they didn't make
        Why do Vegasgays insist on this headcanon?

        • 1 week ago

          You're not going to fool anyone, Todd.

          Somewhat atrocious but that's alright because Fallout 2 shat all over the lore from Fallout, and most lore inconsistencies NMA drones spout about Bethesda are not accurate anyway.

          For the show, the most blatant inaccuracies are the complete avoidance of China as the antagonist; the show just goes with blanket "commies", but the only commie stuff is Soviet (which from the original game, the Soviet Union, while still being communist, had normalised relations with the USA, and the Chinese were the real rivals of the USA).
          That, and the implication that the bombs were dropped because of Vault-Tec or that pre-Enclave cabal type; but that was loosely implied in games previously but most concrete knowledge was China launched nukes first because they found out about FEV and had no counter to it (why the West-Tek facility they believed FEV was at was especially nuked to shit).

          Lesser ones, is Shady Sands, just in general it's location doesn't make any sense, it was established post-war out in the boonies from survivors of vault 15, but in the show it's built up in an old pre-war urban area (as even in the flashbacks when it still stood there were old skyscraper husks in the background, implying Shady Sands was established in a pre-war urban region.

          Not exactly but yeah. It was never know what makes ghouls go feral or not
          Go back to NMA moron.
          T>1>3>NV>4>2 deal with it.
          Also NV is a Bethesda game.

          >above NV

          • 1 week ago

            NV isn't canon, 3 is

            • 1 week ago

              I didn't ask what you think, Todd

          • 1 week ago

            You know, if Marcus replaced Fawkes in FO3 his placement there would be more in line with his FO2 epilogue than his presence in New Vegas is.

            NV isn't canon, 3 is

            They are both fricking canon, the only thing is we don't know what the effects the show imply to what went down in FONV; although

            I didn't ask what you think, Todd

            >wah muh bugfesta
            1 PER 1 INT take

            • 1 week ago

              Lore expert Emil confirmed NV isn't canon

  2. 1 week ago

    It's fine. Even NVgays don't really assert that it's wrong, they just get mad that the show doesn;t revere their precious aspect of the lore as much as they do.

  3. 1 week ago

    As someone who didn't know anything about the games or their story, I really liked it.. Very intriguing concept of a neoliberalist endgame I haven't seen in sci-fi before. Just great sci-fi imo

    • 1 week ago

      I was wondering how people who didn’t play the games wondered about the show not explaining any of the factions (they are all explained in the games).

    • 1 week ago

      Frick off shill homosexual. Should you be stoking up hype for RoP?

      • 1 week ago

        Get fricked homosexual. I'm longer on this website than you are

  4. 1 week ago

    that doesnt matter
    the games "lore" changes literally every game
    the show itself is complete dogshit besides walton goggins

    • 1 week ago

      I only played the original ones (1 and 2), and the show had zero (0) of the vibe that made the games' world compelling. It seemed more like a cheap parody of it.

      >the show itself is complete dogshit besides walton goggins

      • 1 week ago

        >I only played the original ones (1 and 2), and the show had zero (0) of the vibe that made the games' world compelling. It seemed more like a cheap parody of it.
        My thoughts exactly.

        How accurate was this in terms of lore from the games? I didn't play them

        >I didn't play them
        Why do you even care then? I didn't watch this crap because I think that F1 and F2 are still among the best RPGs ever. But even judging by trailers alone, I didn't like the flying power armor, weird cyclops guy and ghouls looking like burn victims, not irradiated monsters.

      • 1 week ago

        well, Bethesda's fallouts feel the same way, maybe that's why

    • 1 week ago

      >the show itself is complete dogshit besides walton goggins
      I fricking love the W-Gog but every time I see the ghoul I wish it had been Jeffrey Donovan in the role instead.

      • 1 week ago

        >when you're a ghoul,

    • 1 week ago

      Not really
      Only because Bethesda decided fallout 3 is set after 200 years when it's clear this was obviously originally going to be only 20 years

  5. 1 week ago

    Show fricking sucked regardless of the lore.

    • 1 week ago

      How so?

      • 1 week ago

        it means he is scared of strong frog-eyed women

        • 1 week ago

          frog waifu is bae
          the writers of the pile of shit show should be dragged out in the street and shot
          all they do is make terrible shows

          • 1 week ago

            Mods, user is underage

  6. 1 week ago

    Season 02 when?

  7. 1 week ago

    Worse than Rings od Power was for LOTR

    • 1 week ago

      Lol OK

      • 1 week ago

        it legitimately is

  8. 1 week ago

    watch Mauler's 2.5h hour rant to find out

    • 1 week ago

      >watch Mauler's 2.5h hour rant

    • 1 week ago

      no thank you i have too much self respect
      >watches 3 hour h"rape apologist"bombergay video about a sound effect.

  9. 1 week ago

    They dont spend more than half the show looting or sorting the inventory, so its not that great in comparison

    • 1 week ago

      Somewhat atrocious but that's alright because Fallout 2 shat all over the lore from Fallout, and most lore inconsistencies NMA drones spout about Bethesda are not accurate anyway.

      For the show, the most blatant inaccuracies are the complete avoidance of China as the antagonist; the show just goes with blanket "commies", but the only commie stuff is Soviet (which from the original game, the Soviet Union, while still being communist, had normalised relations with the USA, and the Chinese were the real rivals of the USA).
      That, and the implication that the bombs were dropped because of Vault-Tec or that pre-Enclave cabal type; but that was loosely implied in games previously but most concrete knowledge was China launched nukes first because they found out about FEV and had no counter to it (why the West-Tek facility they believed FEV was at was especially nuked to shit).

      Lesser ones, is Shady Sands, just in general it's location doesn't make any sense, it was established post-war out in the boonies from survivors of vault 15, but in the show it's built up in an old pre-war urban area (as even in the flashbacks when it still stood there were old skyscraper husks in the background, implying Shady Sands was established in a pre-war urban region.


      Mostly accurate although they retconed how ghouls worked and now suddenly all sapient ghouls just so happen to take some drug to not go feral, this was never ever mentioned before and even contradict things, like the kid ghoul in the fridge (although that one also breaks the lore)

      Not exactly but yeah. It was never know what makes ghouls go feral or not

      Todd Howard and Bethesda were mad that the really popular Fallout was the one they didn't make. They set the show where none of the Todd Howard/Bethesda games are and instead near where the more popular non Howard/Bethesda game is. Then they deleted the largest faction from the popular game in their setting.

      There are other things but yes its moronic and shits all over established lore.

      Go back to NMA moron.
      T>1>3>NV>4>2 deal with it.
      Also NV is a Bethesda game.

      • 1 week ago

        rare take.
        what didn't you like about 2?

        • 1 week ago

          It did have solid gameplay improvements to 1 for sure, the party system and the Highwayman especially; but the storyline and almost all of the side arcs were atrocious; it also established the two worst factions in the Fallout Universe: The Enclave and the NCR. Also they added in almost all of the stupid irreverant nonsense that NMA non-stop complaints about Bethesda for, and while I admit some of my negative bias for 2 is meta from outside sources, mainly the constantly b***hing from that ilk about those sort of things. All the Fallout games I've played were pretty solid in general though for different reasons, so even with 2 being last I think it's a solid game (only ones I haven't played are 76 and the one set in Texas). Oh Shelter was ok too but how limited the combat is and the scaling of it can suck.
          Also I think SPECIAL is the best character attribute system so far designed for video games.

          • 1 week ago

            Those are fair complaints. My first Fallout game was 2 and I liked it so much I played the first one after. While being a sequel, there were tonal and directional shifts. Like the first game felt more like a wasteland and 2 felt more like a post-apocalyptic theme park (leading to the Basthesda games which are just that).

          • 1 week ago

            I’m glad you touched on this because most people pass over it. The Enclave is lame as an all powerful, all encompassing boogeyman. The NCR becomes this monolith absorbing smaller settlements that had their own flavor.

            • 1 week ago

              >All powerful
              Technology advanced yeah, but I wouldn't call them all powerful. You don't see them taking over the wasteland by force. They are mostly just scheming and doing small operations which further there plans.

      • 1 week ago

        It did have solid gameplay improvements to 1 for sure, the party system and the Highwayman especially; but the storyline and almost all of the side arcs were atrocious; it also established the two worst factions in the Fallout Universe: The Enclave and the NCR. Also they added in almost all of the stupid irreverant nonsense that NMA non-stop complaints about Bethesda for, and while I admit some of my negative bias for 2 is meta from outside sources, mainly the constantly b***hing from that ilk about those sort of things. All the Fallout games I've played were pretty solid in general though for different reasons, so even with 2 being last I think it's a solid game (only ones I haven't played are 76 and the one set in Texas). Oh Shelter was ok too but how limited the combat is and the scaling of it can suck.
        Also I think SPECIAL is the best character attribute system so far designed for video games.

        this guy is the only person in this thread who will have made his own opinion instead of behaving like cattle. i kneel

      • 1 week ago

        >but the only commie stuff is Soviet (which from the original game, the Soviet Union, while still being communist,
        vatnik union did not exist by the time of the war

        • 1 week ago

          Yes, it did. Natalya's dossier (the potential PC character in my post from the original game) states that outright, with the implication it had normalized relations with the USA.

          More accurate than the bethesda made games with better writing than said studio's games.


          I'm confused.
          In NV, NCR with superior numbers and land ownership beats BoS, despite their tech and training.
          But NCR with their tech and training also somehow beats the superior numbers and land ownership of Caesar's legion?
          Explain this to me without sounding like an NCR fanboy.

          NCR has way more population than Caesar's Legion. Yeah CL controls more land but land is worthless without economy. Also BoS was not technically superior by the time of the BoS-NCR conflict, as even by FO2 other factions were reaching technical standards at their level (while having open growth economies and populations).

      • 1 week ago

        >NV is a Bethesda game.
        >he doesn’t know the difference between a producer and developer
        Opinion automatically discarded for moronation.

      • 1 week ago

        I have no source but I'd bet they avoided referring to China as a bad guy to get more Chinese viewers? they've catered to Chinese audiences before, so why not here?

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah, for sure they did that.


          Same end result though, still soft pandering for Chinese interests.

      • 1 week ago

        this guy is the only person in this thread who will have made his own opinion instead of behaving like cattle. i kneel

        and I'm still not watching. actually, I'm going to not watch it even more now after his post, as my predictions as to why I shouldn't watch the series have been confirmed

  10. 1 week ago

    Mostly accurate although they retconed how ghouls worked and now suddenly all sapient ghouls just so happen to take some drug to not go feral, this was never ever mentioned before and even contradict things, like the kid ghoul in the fridge (although that one also breaks the lore)

  11. 1 week ago

    The best example of how the show is written by people who didn't give a shit is that the BoS is religious for some reason. The writers spent 20 minutes reading about the BoS, saw their monastic titles, concluded that they are religious and then wrote about a religious order. They missed what makes the BoS kind of interesting which is that they are actually secular technocrats just appropriating religious titles and imagery. Their values and their aesthetics contradict eachother and that says something about how strange and alien the wasteland cultures are. Then they make the BoS bumbling fools because LA writers hate militaries and organized religions.

    Basically every one of the show's deviations from the lore follows that same pattern. Dumb cliffnotes research of the source material, shit interpretation that misses out on the interesting nuances, and then a smattering of the typical twitter addict brainworms on top.

    • 1 week ago

      It's not a deviation, since f3 they have been going on and on with how to BOS is in decadence, it's a plot point they talk about in the show too

    • 1 week ago

      BoS was a quasi-religious organisation in Tactics, there was a schism with East and West, and in the show they touch on how BoS has lost it's way etc etc.

  12. 1 week ago

    You spend like three games building NCR so i’m mad it was just destroyed like that in the show.

    • 1 week ago

      The did it on purpose to bring it more in line with Todd's vision of Fallout.
      Their depiction of New Vegas is going to suck.

  13. 1 week ago

    as accurate as a medieval black man in europe

  14. 1 week ago

    It's accurate in that the viewer has to fix it themselves

  15. 1 week ago

    Not accurate at all. Just like the Bethesda games.

  16. 1 week ago

    It changed the villains from communists to capitalists destroying the best part of Fallout Liberty Prime.

    • 1 week ago

      Both of those groups have been dead for 200 years and their conflict is no longer relevant to the Wasteland.

      Vault-Tech on ice and the Commie chick are the worst part of the series because it destroys the games theme of Civilization vs Barbarism. They literally cannot think of any conflict that isn't Liberals vs Conservatives.
      I hope the Great Khans come back and wipe everyone out.

      • 1 week ago

        >great khans come back to be wiped out a FOURTH time
        that would be kino of the highest order.

        The best example of how the show is written by people who didn't give a shit is that the BoS is religious for some reason. The writers spent 20 minutes reading about the BoS, saw their monastic titles, concluded that they are religious and then wrote about a religious order. They missed what makes the BoS kind of interesting which is that they are actually secular technocrats just appropriating religious titles and imagery. Their values and their aesthetics contradict eachother and that says something about how strange and alien the wasteland cultures are. Then they make the BoS bumbling fools because LA writers hate militaries and organized religions.

        Basically every one of the show's deviations from the lore follows that same pattern. Dumb cliffnotes research of the source material, shit interpretation that misses out on the interesting nuances, and then a smattering of the typical twitter addict brainworms on top.

        It really is such a surface level view of the factions, even the NCR is just a tiny little republic, instead of the nation that it was. all in the pursuit of creating a setting that is thoroughly apocalyptic instead of post-apocalyptic. the thing is, if that's what they really wanted to do they could have set this show to take place literally anywhere else in the wasteland, even in Bethesda's setting, but they instead chose the area where civilization was beginning to thrive and nuked it. as if that wasn't enough, they brought back the BoS at full strength, and the Enclave (somehow, the Enclave returned). It is so obvious where this show is going, and that predictability will turn normies against it in S2.

    • 1 week ago

      >Vault Tec
      tell me anin what currency do they use in a Vault

      • 1 week ago

        Did you watch the show? They are literally neoliberal corporation striving for -and I quote: "a real monopoly"

        • 1 week ago

          But they're doing so by creating perfect communes, currencyless, egalitarian. It's about power, not capital.

      • 1 week ago

        Good boy points?

  17. 1 week ago

    as another anon said, about as accurate as a bethesda title, ie not very accurate but who even cares at this point.
    personally the dumbest thing to me is the idea that the brotherhood are back to being some pseudo-military when the games had them wiped out down to a single hidden bunker.

    • 1 week ago

      Wasn't that only for the Mojave chapter? I'm pretty sure they were still kicking elsewhere?

  18. 1 week ago

    It fricks up the lore, but it still manages to capture the chaotic dark humor of the video games. Reminds me of the Silent Hill movie where it gets everything right except the story.

  19. 1 week ago

    I've only played FO3 and NV and it seems to mostly be lore accurate i suppose, im not a lore autist though

  20. 1 week ago

    Ghouls now have a magical potion that retains their sanity. Boneyard doesn’t exist anymore? I don’t know they fricked up what LA was in the lore. Other than that, not much lore frickery.
    And no Vault Tec didn’t start the war, the show never contradicts that. Also funnily enough, it is more gritty than F4 and 76

    • 1 week ago

      >No Boneyard
      >No Hub
      >No Dayglow
      >No Shi-Town
      >No New Reno
      It's all very discouraging.

      • 1 week ago

        Well they aren’t mentioned or visited in the show, but one would hope they don’t mess with those places

    • 1 week ago

      >And no Vault Tec didn’t start the war
      Someone pointed out that in the opening scene with all the nukes blowing up there were no rocket trail, just explosions.

      • 1 week ago

        Icbms stop burning in the stratosphere. They come down on their target under gravity and intertia. There would be no trails.

  21. 1 week ago

    It's alright, the thing is that even before Bethesda took over, the lore had already been changed a few times.
    So all the trannies complaining about it saying how "it's ALL Bethesda's fault"(partially is) you shouldn't listen to.

  22. 1 week ago
  23. 1 week ago

    Not even close.

  24. 1 week ago

    Since when fallout has lore ?

    • 1 week ago

      only someone who's only played 4/76 would say something so fatuous

  25. 1 week ago


  26. 1 week ago

    Never anywhere before has it been stated Ghoul needs some vial of crap to keep from going feral.

  27. 1 week ago

    It blends the tones of all the games together pretty well and I would know because I actually played all of them. Yes, Betheslop is not good but the show surprisingly makes the tone of those games work.

  28. 1 week ago

    Did he really need a backstory?

    • 1 week ago

      It was OK. Not like it was a crucial point or something.

    • 1 week ago

      TV and movies have to appeal to female audiences who now make up most of audiences.
      Women need an explanation for everything thing. And backstories for everyone.

      • 1 week ago

        Kek such a random thing to go on an incel rant about women.

        • 1 week ago

          Have you ever watched a movie or show with women?
          Probably not.
          They literally want explanations and backstory for the most moronic shit. And they LOVE sequels.
          They lack the ability to fill in the gaps.

    • 1 week ago

      Yes, it was like when they explained the backstory to han solos name, it's such mature and deep storytelling.

  29. 1 week ago

    I don't know, I haven't watched it or played the games.

  30. 1 week ago

    >tv show got me to replay both fallout 3 and nv
    was a comfy month of watching the show and following that with 2 big playthroughs of the games

    looking forward to season 2 unironically and I'm not a shill because here's me saying Black person.

  31. 1 week ago
  32. 1 week ago

    I unironically miss cowboy characters.

  33. 1 week ago

    dont know or care because the first episode had about 30 too many gay little marvel style quips in it

  34. 1 week ago

    I think they screwed up with the date of the show being like before or immediately after the events of NV or something which seems strange, not sure, and also I think they've maintained a couple tweaks that Bethesda made with Fallout 3 some old fans don't like

    Overall it's a decent show and more of a respect to Fallout than an insult. It does have Black person race mixing propaganda installed though which does it make it reasonable to ignore it.

    • 1 week ago

      It's not a decent show, homosexual. Get better taste.

      • 1 week ago

        Why because it's not Greek tragedy levels of deep? Get fricked

        • 1 week ago

          >Greek tragedy levels of deep
          you have never read any literature. the highest form of art you've ever consumed is probably some Nolan slop.

        • 1 week ago

          its more fricking moronic than any Greek tragedy
          >hello lucy, Im dumb b***h antagonist written by GPT
          >I was in lesbians with your mother
          >thats why I set you and your brother, the only remaining loved ones from the person I loved up to be brutally murdered and kidnap your dad to unlock the macguffin, that I myself designed to need some code to be unlocked because Im a fricking communist moron
          >now let me show up and explain this all to you in the last 5 minutes of runtime of what would be the equivalent of an entire fricking 26 episode series and then act like me dying is some emotional plot point anyone should give 2 fricks about

          • 1 week ago

            the fallout show and it's plot are supremely moronic, but you somehow are even more moronic.
            didn't ask Black person. Don't you have some TheQuartering videos to watch?

            • 1 week ago

              >No, im actually the cool guy for loving ~~*amazon*~~ slop

      • 1 week ago

        I had fun watching it so it is decent.

  35. 1 week ago

    I'd say its pretty accurate and they clearly put a lot of effort into it. I'm personally not a big fan of the fallout 4 and 76 style designs, but they had a lot from the earlier games too. The story is the only real problem I had with it.

    • 1 week ago

      Delicious Vault Meat.

      • 1 week ago
  36. 1 week ago

    not sure. haven't played the games. haven't watched the show. let's assume it's really close though.

  37. 1 week ago

    The show is not accurate to the lore, but let's be serious here. It's not based on some high-brow literature, but on a thoroughly pulpy sci-fi. It's just for fun. And while I've loved Fallout since I was a kid, the plot and worldbuilding retcons don't really matter to me. Those are effectively just details which don't tarnish the tone or spirit or aesthetic of the story. Fallout's main appeal was always its aesthetic. And the aesthetic kino value of the entire character of The Ghoul alone makes this worth watching. But there's more good besides that. Granted, the other two main characters were annoying quipping reddit turds with nothing compelling or interesting about them. But then you have other good side characters like Norm who help to carry the show. And the set design, costumes and music do the rest of the work to make the whole as entertaining and occasionally delightful as it was. Solid 6.5/10.

    • 1 week ago

      PS I'm aware that those two characters (Ghoul and Norm) were made specifically to pander to a chud like me. It works and I'm happy to be pandered to in my genre slop. Escapism is the whole point here. I really don't understand some of you people who watch slop just so you can critique it, by the way. Obviously I'm not against criticism and trying to raise the standards of the medium, but some of you are clearly just hate-watching. Either watch your slop and do your best to enjoy it and let it fulfill its simple purpose or find something better to do. There is so much masterful literature you haven't read if you're after genuinely great storytelling as opposed to cheap entertainment (almost all cinema and TV).

      • 1 week ago

        >Trying a rather healthy and sane approach with Cinemaphile
        Anon... Most people here are miserable and practically addicted to hating things. They don't come on this board to better themselves, but in most cases even entrench themselves further into their hatred. Lost fricks looking for an anger fix

    • 1 week ago

      The experiment from vault 31 doesn't really explain what happened to vault 32.

      Norm chickens out in the finale, entering the cryo-chambers after spending an entire season of telling Chet not to be a coward.

      • 1 week ago

        Still the bravest one of them all by far. I love the trope of the nerdy homosexual being the only one with a real backbone in the end. Like Samwell from GoT (also a self-insert I know).

  38. 1 week ago

    >plot of fo3
    trying to get one working water purifier
    >plot of fo4
    building as many settlements (with water purifiers) as you can

  39. 1 week ago

    Who cares? It was good TV.

    • 1 week ago

      >It was good TV.
      it was shit lol. I don't care about muh lore but on it's own legs it's total fricking TRASH. You can't even defend it as popcorn action.

  40. 1 week ago

    As much as any of the games are to each other. Its got it where it matters.

  41. 1 week ago

    zero accuracy
    NCR was an entire nation that imported natural resources and had its own independent industries making manufactred goods
    in this show written by fricking nepo baby hacks, its literally just a small tiny town randimly in LA off the 405 and santa monica BLVD
    these homosexuals made NCR a dinky village where japan town is, lol

    • 1 week ago

      They also implied that instead of a flawed oligopoly, it was a communist paradise working towards free energy

    • 1 week ago

      Actually, the show makes a point to say it's shady sands. It doesn't say anything about it being the entire NCR.

      • 1 week ago

        Max mentions he was a kid when the bombs fell, plural. There was more than one nuke. He then speaks of the NCR in past tense, "it didn't work out".
        I don't doubt there will be damage control on this in season 2 but there are zero lines of dialogue from any character that even imply that the NCR is still in control of other parts of California.

      • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago

        You're working from the backwards logic that anything from the games not shown still exists, when in the context of the show only what is shown exists in its canon. if the creators wanted there to be an existing NCR they would have shown it. in the context of the show the NCR no longer exists. the HQ sign and Vault 4 ritual make this abundantly clear that was the creators intention. There is no NCR.

        • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            the show isn't canon to the games so I personally don't give a shit that the shows doing something different. it makes sense to simplify things for a normieslop adaptation.
            >Todd says it's canon!
            he also said Starfield would be a good video game. His word means nothing.

    • 1 week ago

      You're dumb and making rampant assumptions both of the world as before in the games, and from what is depicted in the show.

      They also implied that instead of a flawed oligopoly, it was a communist paradise working towards free energy

      >They also implied that it was a communist paradise working towards free energy
      They did no such thing.

      Max mentions he was a kid when the bombs fell, plural. There was more than one nuke. He then speaks of the NCR in past tense, "it didn't work out".
      I don't doubt there will be damage control on this in season 2 but there are zero lines of dialogue from any character that even imply that the NCR is still in control of other parts of California.

      Max is not a reliable narrator considering he was single digit age at the time, and when asked about "the great war" by Lucy, he literally thought she was talking about when Shady Sands got nuked, because that was the event that drastically affected his own life and he was generally unaware of the Great War because it didn't matter to him. This was shocking to Lucy as in general she was brought up her entire life that the Vault Dwellers would be the ones to restore civilization, and not that it had already happened more than a century ago. She couldn't initially concieve that there would be another civilization developed enough to have such a conflict again (but what's the fricking theme of the entire fricking series?).

      What about it? Some butthurt New Commiefornian Remnants who are essentially Raiders set up their base and put up a sign?

      this guy is the only person in this thread who will have made his own opinion instead of behaving like cattle. i kneel

      Thanks for the consideration but that isn't fully accurate as I lean toward a stereotype of NMA drones, which by this point there will be people of similar leanings regarding Fallout that probably never been on NMA or even heard of it, but had enough information disseminated and memes/conventions read on Cinemaphile about it already.

      Although in general NCRstans are dolts and anyone whose played FONV could see the writing on the wall; even with a Courier-aligned NCR was doomed.

      • 1 week ago

        >but what's the fricking theme of the entire fricking series?).
        idk what?

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah but by not liking the ncr, the enclave or fallout 2 you also stand out amongst the NMA drones. It's at least more varied than typical video essay opinions. It's also good to see that unlike a lot of people you're not making a bunch of moronic assumptions about the stuff in the show, like the whole communist paradise nonsense the other guy was talking about. I actually love Fallout 2, so Fallout New Vegas' NCR has always annoyed me. They went from capable pragmatic but amoral and focused on boosting their gains to a bunch of mouthbreathing morons who require the courier's help to wipe their ass. The conflict between the legion and the ncr is so unbelievably stupid it drags down an otherwise great game

        • 1 week ago

          >They went from capable pragmatic but amoral and focused on boosting their gains to a bunch of mouthbreathing morons who require the courier's help to wipe their ass
          Yeah but its pretty realistic for a republic to become corrupt and inept over time.

          • 1 week ago

            Yeah but not when their opponents are guys in football pads. It's just nonsense. If it was written that they were like america in vietnam and the local people didn't like them and they were going through guerilla war that would make a lot more sense

            • 1 week ago

              What the frick does the Fallout universe have to do with the Vietnam War? What the frick are you talking about?

              • 1 week ago

                NTA, but Hoover Dam is meant to be an unpopular war for the NCR, who are basically just barely holding on in the Mojave. The thematic connection to the Vietnam war isn't left field.

              • 1 week ago

                He's not being an butthole. YTA.

              • 1 week ago

                you just outed yourself, m8
                it means "not that anon"

              • 1 week ago

                Idiot newbie. NTA means not the butthole, dumbass.

                I am begging you to go the frick back.

                moron. I'm begging you to kys.

              • 1 week ago

                I am begging you to go the frick back.

      • 1 week ago

        What's the most interesting vault experiment to you?

        • 1 week ago

          I think the idea of the vaults being all whacky experiments is a shit idea myself, but ones I thought were entertaining to recall:
          FONV: the vault where the elected overseer gets executed after their term is over.
          FO4, the one you get Nick Valentine out of, with the rich upper class twats expecting luxuries but getting put into intentionally uncomfortable arrangements and bossed around by a low class nutjob.
          FO3: where you go to find the violin, using subliminal sounds on musically gifted people was dark.

          all of these were in the older games except the anti feralizing drug. cryo tech was common until fallout 3. shady sands moved between fallout 1 and 2, by over 50 miles (it was in nevada in the first game), ghoulification drug is in fallout 4

          Only thing I need to ACKSHUALLY you about is the cryo, early games only references to cryogenics resulted in bad outcomes.

          shut the frick up you homosexual
          they ignored literally everything from the first 2 games
          "canon" my ass
          its literally not even accurate to ~~*bethesda*~~ lore
          cryogenesis went from rare experimental tech thats not fully functional, to literally a thousand people in cryogenic pods just sitting undisturbed with zero problems

          You're dumb.

          • 1 week ago

            There was some good outcomes to cryo - brains were preserved in it and in the design document for the EPA you could use a drug to have pre war cryo frozen people survive it just fine, though they ran out of dev time regarding the epa so

          • 1 week ago

            t. redditor goyslop watcher who not only likes marvels but the utter piece of shit Xmen movies

            • 1 week ago

              I haven't watched any capeshit since The Dark Knight, stop projecting. Burton Batman best, Nolan is trash. Also people who invoke outside sites are migrants from them who overvalue their prior domiciles.

              • 1 week ago

                Holy boomer.

      • 1 week ago

        shut the frick up you homosexual
        they ignored literally everything from the first 2 games
        "canon" my ass
        its literally not even accurate to ~~*bethesda*~~ lore
        cryogenesis went from rare experimental tech thats not fully functional, to literally a thousand people in cryogenic pods just sitting undisturbed with zero problems

  42. 1 week ago

    still waiting on the 3rd part

    • 1 week ago

      First part was good, second part was so dogshit it made me lose respect for him. How do you not understand that the line "I am you, just give it a little time" wasn't supposed to be taken at face value? The Ghoul meant that the Wasteland would eventualy make Lucy as cruel as him not turn her into a literal ghoul.

      • 1 week ago

        Avellone has some neat ideas but he's a dipshit.

  43. 1 week ago

    Chris is just butthurt they took Lonesome Road seriously but didn't give any nods his way.

    • 1 week ago

      There's an easter egg in New Vegas where you find a skeleton with a hat in a fridge, kek.
      Don't remember if you can find it normally or through a special perk though.

      • 1 week ago


        you can't survive multiple nukes by hiding in a fridge with an open fan in the back of it.

  44. 1 week ago

    you can't survive multiple nukes by hiding in a fridge with an open fan in the back of it.

    • 1 week ago

      Were you there? No?! Then shut the frick up

  45. 1 week ago

    not accurate at all.
    >ghouls are now deadpool
    >drugs that keep ghouls from going feral, drugs that somehow make ghouls
    >BoS are now space marines
    >Vault-Tec actually perfected cyro-pods so they just made vault 111 for shits and giggles
    >shady sands moving somehow
    >Enclave still around
    Also how the frick did Lucy's dad blow up shady sands? Genuinely how did he do it

    • 1 week ago

      all of these were in the older games except the anti feralizing drug. cryo tech was common until fallout 3. shady sands moved between fallout 1 and 2, by over 50 miles (it was in nevada in the first game), ghoulification drug is in fallout 4

      • 1 week ago

        >cryo tech was common until fallout 3
        not like how its shown in the show. lack of reliable cyro was the only reason space exploration was not pursued. thats the significance of vault 111, they were testing it out there. for no reason, apparently, since they already had it figured out long before.
        >shady sands moved between fallout 1 and 2, by over 50 miles (it was in nevada in the first game)
        ok and how does this justify them doing it a third time
        >ghoulification drug is in fallout 4
        forgot about that you are right

  46. 1 week ago

    It's not but people liked the show so they excuse it

  47. 1 week ago

    >How accurate was this in terms of lore from the games?
    It completely disregards the lore
    >vault 33 out in the open in southern california, a stone's throw from the Master who was cracking vaults, but somehow Vault 33 escaped his detection
    >Brotherhood of Steel is now a Christian Orthodox movement that recruits trannies and flies the American flag, even though it began as a secessionist movement under Roger Maxson
    >Says that Shady Sands fell in 2277 when there is no mention of Shady Sands falling in any sense in Fallout New Vegas, which starts in 2281
    >Somehow the Brotherhood developed and manufactured a new lightweight version of the T-60 power armor suit with an integrated thruster system
    >Ghouls are now like zombies that can take multiple gun shots and not die
    >Mr. House is now a moron who conspired with other megacorps to kill their customers
    >Vault-tec now started the war and nuked everything even though Fallout 4 explicitly tells you that the Chinese are directly responsible.
    >The Enclave have high-tech turret systems that can't hit a slow-moving man and his pet dog.

    • 1 week ago

      >Vault-tec now started the war and nuked everything even though Fallout 4 explicitly tells you that the Chinese are directly responsible.
      Everything else you said could be right, and I'd still give zero shits and disregard it, because you lack the media literacy to understand this highlighted point. Discussing *thing* doesn't mean they did *thing* until you see them do *thing* you double Black person.

      • 1 week ago

        > Le unreliable narrator!
        holy plebbit. have a nice day.

    • 1 week ago

      I unironically can understand why they changed the China thing though. Why pointlessly antagonize a hostile superpower further in this climate. The game's idea was from a different time and place and I think, like many other changes they made, it's an OK one.
      The show clearly doesn't want to be the games one to one. I see it more like a fun artistic representation of their atmosphere, humor and broad stroke ideas.

      • 1 week ago

        >Why pointlessly antagonize a hostile superpower further in this climate.
        God the chinese are such fricking pussies.

    • 1 week ago

      >Enclave apparently has open unmonitored communication with the outside world and incredibly lax security standards

      • 1 week ago

        Does the rest of the world even exist anymore? China and Russia are literally a glowing crater and we never heard anything from Europe.
        Austrialia might as well be like Mad Max now (which would be based).
        Also, if the Enclave is so powerful why did a random guy manage to destroy them?

        • 1 week ago

          >Fallout Kalgoorlie
          >Everything looks exactly the same
          There’s an Australian show called ‘Firebite’ set in Kalgoorlie, watch it if you don’t believe me.

        • 1 week ago

          Find out in "Fallout: Russian Winter"!

  48. 1 week ago

    It's pretty much like the game if you just use fast travel all the time.

    • 1 week ago

      I think the show takes place over a course of 20 miles or something like that. I remember checking and it's about a 6 hour walk from the Santa Monica pier to Griffin observatory. Whole plot makes no sense, Wizlig could have walked there in an afternoon.

  49. 1 week ago

    thaddeus is sexy hot

  50. 1 week ago

    >video game *lore*

  51. 1 week ago

    I'm confused.
    In NV, NCR with superior numbers and land ownership beats BoS, despite their tech and training.
    But NCR with their tech and training also somehow beats the superior numbers and land ownership of Caesar's legion?
    Explain this to me without sounding like an NCR fanboy.

    • 1 week ago

      New Vegas has multiple different endings you dipshit.

  52. 1 week ago


    I'm OP, you fricking moron, I made both comments. Dumb underage tourists I swear

  53. 1 week ago


    don't you mean anoun? kys.

    • 1 week ago

      this. total paki death.
      or I guess it'd be toutal LMAO

  54. 1 week ago

    Frankly, I don't think slavish devotion to lore actually makes for a better show, or games for that matter. So I think you should just watch it regardless.

  55. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      >secret weakspot is center mass on the front plate of the armor
      How did no one else figure this out by now except him?

      • 1 week ago

        Because the mass majority of PA users in the post war are moron cultists bullying surface muties that barely have a magazine for their shitty 300 year old gun.
        The T-60, despite being the newest official mainline PA set before the bombs dropped, was a quick redesign of the earlier T-45, and probably had some corners cut and shitty quality control. A bunch were hastily made and put in storage where the BoS found them much later; so for the most part the BoS are the most prolific users of it, and they wouldn't care or know as much anout such weaknesses.
        Now Cooper, was a veteran before the bombs dropped, fought in an actual conflict, and was a civilized conscientious person who would be aware of such weaknesses in what should protect the lives of his fellow men.

        • 1 week ago


          So the power armors never needed maintenance?

          • 1 week ago

            They do sonewhat but you don't know of such weaknesses from routine shit like that; you need real conflict and danger, unit discipline, and a culture that wants to protect its own with the organization behind that. As relatively advanced as the BoS is, culturally they are simple and cynical (as expected of a global post-nuclear wasteland).

            • 1 week ago

              You definitely would figure out flaws like that while maintaining it

              • 1 week ago

                what no one's mentioning ITT is this moment is payoff to a small plot that'd been mentioned like 4-5 times across the show about Knight Titus' armor having some special lining.
                it's super moronic and I'm not defending it but you're all way over analyzing it because they didn't think about any of this shit when writing it. it's just the payoff the the special lining subplot.

              • 1 week ago

                That makes sense, I remember an earlier Fallout show thread where they were complaining about that scene (

                ) because he didn't take out Maximus that easily in the fight in Filly.

              • 1 week ago

                The bigger problem is Thaddeus just turning it off easily and walking away with zero problems.

              • 1 week ago

                He had a fusion core access key (as his duties as squire require upkeep of his knight's armor), and knew what it did because he took his job seriously, unlike Maximus.

        • 1 week ago

          The BoS was founded by pre-war soldiers and the have a whole caste devoted to reverse-engineering and improving technology, and a whole caste devoted to building and repairing technology.

          • 1 week ago

            Yeah and Roger Maxson's outfit were glorified MPs guarding secret sites, not front-line soldiers, and everything about the pre-war military was about secrets so it's not like the T-45's weakness would be widespread knowledge. Cooper was a front-line veteran, and as I said was a conscientious person in a position to have that knowledge.

            I think the show takes place over a course of 20 miles or something like that. I remember checking and it's about a 6 hour walk from the Santa Monica pier to Griffin observatory. Whole plot makes no sense, Wizlig could have walked there in an afternoon.

            That makes sense to me.

            the show isn't canon to the games so I personally don't give a shit that the shows doing something different. it makes sense to simplify things for a normieslop adaptation.
            >Todd says it's canon!
            he also said Starfield would be a good video game. His word means nothing.

            >wah Todd Fallout not canon wah wah
            Cry more.

            You definitely would figure out flaws like that while maintaining it


        • 1 week ago

          I assume this is an elaborate bait

  56. 1 week ago

    More accurate than the bethesda made games with better writing than said studio's games.

  57. 1 week ago

    like bethesda's games it's specifially made to annoy people who ever got invested in the lore. So treat it as a different take on the setting entirely, Todd calling it canon is irrelevant.

  58. 1 week ago

    A decent homage to everything. They try to incorporate a bit from all the games, even the ones they didn't write. Seems like they've saved NV area for 2nd season, left off with a cliffhanger.

  59. 1 week ago

    The "lore" is that you wake up in a bomb shelter and leave. Blast from the Past is 100% Fallout accurate.

  60. 1 week ago

    It's hard to make Fallout accurate to lore, because various games of the series all have their own twists to it. Best you can do is trying to recreate the atmosphere accurately, and that they did and did well. To me it actually shows how much more potential the games could not tap into, because of technical limitations.

    The main idea is to capture the essence of fallout and they did. They can choose to tell their own story as long as it adheres to the atmosphere. If it feels like this could be the story of an upcoming Fallout game, I'll give it a pass. I can't wait for season 2 and more.

  61. 1 week ago

    I'm currently 4 eps in and it wasn't as much of an "adaptation" but more like another story taking place in the established universe, just in different media. And so it had many liberties in terms of story, but they need to stick to the rules of the universe. And in that sense, it did wonderful. The look, the characters, the mannerisms of the characters, it fits the universe wonderfully, even enriching it. That being said, some moments did feel like memberberries and so in your face, but I'm not complaining

  62. 1 week ago

    >triple parenthesis
    Worthless mutie scum.

    • 1 week ago

      >literal Amazon shill thinks posting random pics will let them fit in

  63. 1 week ago

    There are lore breaks but nerds don't know how to engage with this kind of retcon anymore due to youtube grifters. Instead of waiting to see what the showrunners will do with stuff like Vault-Tec being behind the nukes they are already calling the show trash and saying that the writers don't care about the games. Shit like this will always happen with long running series when creators want to add new things to the story, Tim Cain himself said that and FO2 is guilty of many lore breaks for the same reason, but eventually these lore breaks were absorved into the canon and the fans filled the blanks.

    The first two Star Wars prequels also broke the frick out of the lore but eventually all the stuff they added into the canon worked out. Anyway, you gays need to calm down.

    • 1 week ago

      I am tired of that now banning all grifters from my algorithm. Why can't things just be good bro? Oh yeah 99% of this is great but I AM STILL MAD and also usually its about something that hasn't even resolved yet.

    • 1 week ago

      >all they stuff they added to the canon worked out

    • 1 week ago

      >what the showrunners will do with stuff like Vault-Tec being behind the nukes
      The best they could do, is to elaborate that Vault-Tec was *planning* to nuke everyone themselves, but they *weren't* the ones who actually did it. That were other groups with similar plans (China, Enclave, etc.)

      Otherwise, the whole New Vegas plot-line with Mr. House's 20-hours miscalculation makes zero sense.

  64. 1 week ago

    >tradwife is the only good character in the show
    >ghoul is a coal burner damned to pay the toll for eternity
    >Black person is a despicable coward, liar, traitor, and murderer
    Idk I thought it was pretty good.

    • 1 week ago

      >the ghoul's black wife is revealed as one of the main villains
      >theres an entire scene making fun of criminal rehabilitation programs
      >BOS was turned into based roman larpers

    • 1 week ago

      >the ghoul's black wife is revealed as one of the main villains
      >theres an entire scene making fun of criminal rehabilitation programs
      >BOS was turned into based roman larpers

      >race mixing
      No wonder why Cinemaphile loves this show

  65. 1 week ago

    What happened in vault 32?

    • 1 week ago

      Don't know exactly what happened yet, although it's implied there is subliminal messaging or straight up brainwashing going on from Vault 31, as in the election despite not even being active or campaining Betty wins entirely just from some nonsense axiom implanted in the population.

      and I'm still not watching. actually, I'm going to not watch it even more now after his post, as my predictions as to why I shouldn't watch the series have been confirmed

      Cool, you want a cookie?

      I assume this is an elaborate bait

      Why? The picture was an edit of a Skyrim comic with the same joke, the edits are the "bald and piglike" meme from the PA author's looks. The text is self-explanatory. The BoS are the ones that made the T-60 prolific, and it was well after their major battles with NCR and Enclave, as they found the stocks of T-60s after Lyon's chapter was taken over by Arthur Maxson. Most of their combat is bullying wasteland nobodies, and their culture is cynical enough they wouldn't necessarily know some weakness in their unmodded armors as they haven't had the intense combat the pre-war soldiers like Cooper would've had.

  66. 1 week ago

    >playing video games for the lore

  67. 1 week ago

    >I didn't play them
    Then why do you care?

  68. 1 week ago

    the lore has been a joke since fallout 2 or at beast fallout 3 anyway

    • 1 week ago

      I never got why FO3 got so much hate, it was a reboot for sure, but it was an excellent combination of both FO1 and FO2, with even some nods to Tactics in it's influence; story and main plot wise it's a straight rehash of FO1, and it's open world aspects and side-quests are reminescent of FO2.
      People who say Bethesda killed Fallout because they turned it into a single-scale gamebryo/creation engine game are stupid, Fallout was already dead by then, and gamebryo style suited it decently. It would've been worse otherwise; stayed a dead IP for several more years then reboot as some shitty ass FPS, like the Syndicate treatment, then entirely dead again.
      I do think a Fallout universe game set in the engine and style mechanics of Mount & Blade would be the most ideal however.

      • 1 week ago

        Story wise, Fallout 3 is pretty much Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
        It’s literally just a Brotherhood of Steel spin-off.
        I would say the art direction is close to Fallout 1 but that’s it.
        The game shows what happens to the Enclave after Fallout 2 but that’s it. It doesn’t tell you what happened to Navarro, the NCR, Lost Hills, etc.
        That’s where New Vegas comes in. Story wise, New Vegas is Fallout 3.

        • 1 week ago

          >That’s where New Vegas comes in. Story wise, New Vegas is Fallout 3.
          Didn't get around to this absolute piece of crap statement. Yes, while Van Buren aspects get name-dropped and referenced to shit in FONV, FONV is completely inconsistent to the first two games. The aforementioned location of Las Vegas ruins being present on the FO1 map aside, the implication that such a left-over urban area as The Strip was so close to The Hub and Shady Sands but completely missed until after Tandi's death is downright ridiculous, and even more so the shitty timeline of Caesar's Legion being established, then known, then in an apparently constant frontier war with the NCR, which had paramount supremecy in the region in FO2.

          Now Obsidian got shafted hard with their limitation of not having "a prequel" to FO3, making some of this timeline issues in the first place (as if FONV was set 10-20 years prior, the timelines and conflicts could've worked better (you'd have to make Cass and Arcade younger but other than that FONV would still work as-is).

          >when you're a ghoul,

          >you know smoothskins; bunch of b***hy little girls!

          • 1 week ago

            >FONV is completely inconsistent to the first two games.
            You’re complaining about little map details that weren’t very important to begin with. Im complaining about huge details that were already explained in the classics.
            Shady Sands isn’t in LA.
            The Boneyard is in LA. Hell, it’s called the LA Boneyard.
            >the shitty timeline of Caesar's Legion being established then in an apparently constant frontier war with the NCR which had paramount supremecy in the region in FO2.
            The Legion you see in FNV took 31 years to achieve. I don’t see the problem. They are in a constant frontier war with the NCR because the NCR is spread too thin (all the NPCs complain about that). The NCR is trying to control most of the Mojave which includes the Vegas area. It’s obvious why the NCR is spread too thin.

        • 1 week ago

          >That’s where New Vegas comes in. Story wise, New Vegas is Fallout 3.
          Didn't get around to this absolute piece of crap statement. Yes, while Van Buren aspects get name-dropped and referenced to shit in FONV, FONV is completely inconsistent to the first two games. The aforementioned location of Las Vegas ruins being present on the FO1 map aside, the implication that such a left-over urban area as The Strip was so close to The Hub and Shady Sands but completely missed until after Tandi's death is downright ridiculous, and even more so the shitty timeline of Caesar's Legion being established, then known, then in an apparently constant frontier war with the NCR, which had paramount supremecy in the region in FO2.

          Now Obsidian got shafted hard with their limitation of not having "a prequel" to FO3, making some of this timeline issues in the first place (as if FONV was set 10-20 years prior, the timelines and conflicts could've worked better (you'd have to make Cass and Arcade younger but other than that FONV would still work as-is).

          >you know smoothskins; bunch of b***hy little girls!

          New Vegas is the greatest work in gaming when it comes to the aesthetic and conceptual appeal of its world and characters. The first two games are undisputable classics and worth playing to this very day, but in my opinion they didn't have anything quite as potent as the stories of NV. The strip, Mr House, the tribes, Father Elijah, Big Mountain, Sierra Madre, NCR, the Legion, the survivalist, Joshua Graham, companions like Raul and Cass, etc. It's all so rich and so kino. Endless resources for peak television. New Vegas lives in our collective consciousness much more than any of the other games because it had the most compelling stories by far, and accordingly it's the one that spawned the most memes. It's the most interesting world anyone ever put in a video game.

          • 1 week ago

            Well it was fun discussing Fallout for awhile but I'm going to be gone and without internet for the rest of the day so thread will probably be gone by then.

            For me, it's Randall Clark's story.

            • 1 week ago

              >Randall Clark's story.
              Yeah, he's the survivalist I mentioned. Absolute undiluted Kino.

          • 1 week ago

            sorry chud. but new vegas sucks. fallout is micro transactions, mmo, Black folk, Black person-sex, trannies, super mutants, fortnite, power armor, brotherhood. do u understood?

      • 1 week ago

        >I never got why FO3 got so much hate
        People, behaving as if it were not 200 years, but 20 since the nukes.

        Morons, worshipping a nuke in the center of the city.
        Morons, building huts a top a semi-collapsed 200-year-old bridge.
        Morons, dressing like superheroes in some settlement.
        Well-dressed, well mannered turned-out-to-be cannibals in a house in the middle of nowhere.
        Rich old farts in a skyscraper with all its communications intact.

        The whole game is a collection of unconnected implausible bizarre, random shit, designed solely for a brief "wow"-effect.

        • 1 week ago

          To be fair, Fallout 2 is pretty wacky and influenced the atmosphere of Fallout 3 heavily. I blame Black Isle for why East Coast Fallout is so goofy

  69. 1 week ago

    Not lore accurate. Shady Sands is in LA for some reason even though the LA Boneyard was already there.
    They’re in LA but no mention of the Boneyard. No mention of the Followers of the Apocalypse who had a university there. It’s understandable if there’s little to no NCR presence in a nuked location. So, I wont bring up how the NCR in the show was underwhelming.
    I wont lie. West Coast Fallout lore isn’t simple. You honestly have to play the games (including FO1-FO2) or have to be a veteran fallout developer to truly understand it.
    Most people don’t fit into the criteria above.
    It’s not surprising there are lore inaccuracies and I don’t think there’s a realistic fix for that.

    • 1 week ago

      Boneyard wasn't a single settlement though, but it does appear Shady Sands replaced Adytum (at first when "The Govermint" appeared in the show I was wondering if they were neo-Regulators).
      >I wont lie. West Coast Fallout lore isn’t simple. You honestly have to play the games (including FO1-FO2) or have to be a veteran fallout developer to truly understand it.
      You're pretentious as shit considering FO2 shat all over the first game, NV somewhat shits all over the first game (as the Las Vegas metro ruins are present in the FO world map), and even in the original Fallout there are internal inconsistencies between game text and descriptions and actual map locations (Necropolis being refered to as Bakesfield despite being in a geographical position of Barstow, among other things).

      Story wise, Fallout 3 is pretty much Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
      It’s literally just a Brotherhood of Steel spin-off.
      I would say the art direction is close to Fallout 1 but that’s it.
      The game shows what happens to the Enclave after Fallout 2 but that’s it. It doesn’t tell you what happened to Navarro, the NCR, Lost Hills, etc.
      That’s where New Vegas comes in. Story wise, New Vegas is Fallout 3.

      Vault Dweller is forced to leave their Vault because of a major problem, leaves with a specific task but not exactly sure how to do it; then explores the wasteland a bit, learns the ropes and makes some friends, all the while some ominous threat subtly implies itself but is not really known; when the first task is finally completed, then the ominous threat makes itself known and becomes an even worse problem than the initial one; making use of your new wasteland allies you learn more about this new threat and eventually overcome it, and then for your troubles you become a martyr.

      Am I discussing Fallout or Fallout 3? Yeah.

      >I never got why FO3 got so much hate
      People, behaving as if it were not 200 years, but 20 since the nukes.

      Morons, worshipping a nuke in the center of the city.
      Morons, building huts a top a semi-collapsed 200-year-old bridge.
      Morons, dressing like superheroes in some settlement.
      Well-dressed, well mannered turned-out-to-be cannibals in a house in the middle of nowhere.
      Rich old farts in a skyscraper with all its communications intact.

      The whole game is a collection of unconnected implausible bizarre, random shit, designed solely for a brief "wow"-effect.

      Perhaps the population of the Capital Wasteland was not high at all and it was more toxic and uninhabilitable in the first place? People who presume every region develops (or redevelops) the same way (while berating alleged ignorance) are stupid.

      • 1 week ago

        >Boneyard wasn't a single settlement though
        Never said it was. Why are you putting words in my mouth, you moron? I just said that it was dumb cuz the Boneyard was never mentioned AT ALL in the show along with other lore related to it.
        >You're pretentious considering FO2 shat all over the first game, etc.
        I read everything you typed. And I’m thinking. How does that relate to what I said about having an understanding of the previous games lore?
        You’re one of those morons who just wanna hear themselves talk.
        >Vault Dweller is forced to leave their Vault because of a major problem, leaves with a specific task but not exactly sure how to do it
        I understand what you mean. The direction + design of the Fallout 3 main story was inspired by Fallout 1. But, the overall setting & story itself isn’t a sequel to Fallout 2 and I already explained why

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