How come?

How come Cinemaphile gives Peter's women shit for being prostitutes but not Peter himself?

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  1. 8 months ago

    A woman that has a high body count reflects poorly in her ability to pick and keep a partner, since men are readily available for sex.
    A man with a high body count shows his level of desirability, given that women are more picky.

    • 8 months ago

      >men are readily available for sex

      • 8 months ago

        >I will have the cheese udon, please.

      • 8 months ago

        Wtf, I would totally frick bottom left, no questions asked

    • 8 months ago

      >reflects poorly in her ability to pick and keep a partner
      Why would this not apply to a man if say, he fricked 10 women and a women fricked 10 men?

      • 8 months ago

        Because a man is spreading his genetic material, a woman is wearing down hers.

        • 8 months ago

          What if he's spreading his genetic material into your wife?

      • 8 months ago

        Because masculine traits in a woman are undesirable to a man. A man wants to, has to believe that when he's partnered with a woman that he's chosen the right one that isn't going to take his children and try to poison them against him or go after is willing to break up the family because she wants a portion of his fortune and the freedom to go abuse it without any ties to him. It's a sign of non-commitment. A relationship builds to marriage which builds to ultimately children and cultivating life, love and a set of positive standards for the next generation with your partner as the two of you build your family and your home. You can't do that without trust. No man wants to give himself to a woman if he doesn't have trust. If a man can't be bothered to judge a woman for having a highbody count then it's because he wants that out of her and doesn't care. She puts out, she'll put out for him as long as he says what she wants to hear even if it culminates in a one night stand because he doesn't want a prostitute either to commit himself too either.

        But for comics, yeah, it's just the power fantasy. It matters for male characters to show that they're also loyal and devoted. Clark Kent doesn't stray from Lois Lane and she doesn't look at other dudes when he's away from the office. It's important to highlight positive heterosexual relationships/romances because that's what men will hold close to their heart. "Looking for my Mary Jane". Men like romance and partnership in that context as well and its important to show that heroes hold morals. Have integrity. Realistically it's the result of long publication histories and editorially mandated break-ups that there are so many ties of heroes to different women over the years. But what that tends to do is draw a loop where a character can/will inevitably cycle back to their first and "true" love. I don't know about the case with Jean/Scott/Emma anymore though.

        • 8 months ago

          I get it from a man's POV. I'm talking about a woman's. Why would a woman want a man's who has fricked around a lot and not also see him as someone who won't be committed?

          • 8 months ago

            Because it demonstrates he's a desirable high value man

            • 8 months ago

              I guess I just don't understand women.

          • 8 months ago

            thats literally what women want anon

          • 8 months ago

            Women don't like other girls flirting with their man, but they also appreciate it on some level because their man being popular with women affirms and validates her choice. If other women like him, then he must be worth her time and thus snatching him up was the smart choice. Women also like making other women jealous, so having a desired man as a boyfriend/husband feeds into that.

        • 8 months ago

          >Because masculine traits in a woman are undesirable to a man
          speak for yourself

          • 8 months ago

            I won't but I'll reiterate. The masculine trait of unchecked promiscuity is grossly unattractive in women. It's unattractive for both sexes as person would desire for a partner who has a higher sexual market value makes the conscious choice to abuse it when they're in a relationship and "taken" as that form of intimacy is typically reserved. No one wants to build a life and commit themselves to someone who can't practice self-discipline and who has no respect for themselves nor for the relationships they enter.

            I get it from a man's POV. I'm talking about a woman's. Why would a woman want a man's who has fricked around a lot and not also see him as someone who won't be committed?

            >Why would a woman want a man's who has fricked around a lot and not also see him as someone who won't be committed?
            No, they do want that. A boyfriend/husband is the most evident a trophy a woman can have. Men will insist that men and women cannot be friends and will consciously remove themselves from relationships because they understand that there (shouldn't) be any obstacle coming between a man and a woman unless both parties are interested in bringing conflict [cheating] to the relationship. Because no man would want another man all up in their woman's grill and a man would ultimately want one woman to call his own.

            Women don't believe in that. Women will express the sentiment that men and women can be friends while consciously keeping orbiters around her and gauging their relationship value again other prospective males. If she has a high value one that can draw alot of positive attention then it makes her feel nice. But other women will target that fricker and actively go at him. Thing is, though, is that anyone who cheated with you will inevitably cheat on you. So going that route is fruitless. Doesn't stop 'em though.

    • 8 months ago

      We live in times where women can disclose a triple digit count as if it is nothing.

    • 8 months ago

      >A man with a high body count shows his level of desirability, given that women are more picky.
      Peter Parker is 60 years of self insert and now the guy can never settle with one b***h nor marry one, always go in fricking depression when he can't get one or some writer is always pulling a Mephisto card on him over literally any type of relationship

    • 8 months ago

      It's okay when a penis does it.

  2. 8 months ago

    What's his bodycount, if it's below the marvel superhero average it doesn't count

  3. 8 months ago

    >How come Marvel employees posting on Cinemaphile gives Peter's women shit for being prostitutes


  4. 8 months ago

    Peter has to be a literal super hero to be able to be a bawd
    Peter's women only need to be women
    it's might versus hedonism

  5. 8 months ago

    How many b***hes has Peter had?
    >Betty Brant
    >Liz Allen (didn't date but she had a crush on him)
    >Gwen Stacy
    >Mary Jane
    >Black Cat
    >Carly Cooper
    And I must be missing some more

    • 8 months ago

      Silver Sable
      Carol Danvers before they butchified her

      • 8 months ago

        >Carol Danvers before they butchified her
        >Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?

        • 8 months ago

          >AI STILL can't handle hands
          Why bother?

    • 8 months ago

      >Michele Gonzales
      >Anna Maria (not Peter, technically, but it was done using his body)
      Didn't something happen with Lily Hollister too?

    • 8 months ago

      Sue Storm was clearly after his spider dick for some time

    • 8 months ago

      He didn't even "have" most of the women on that list. Betty was just a mix vetween a fun night out and her taking pity on a kid.

      • 8 months ago

        Nah, she was his first actual love interest until her brother got killed, then Peter couldn't bring himself to reveal his secret identity because Betty blamed Spider-Man. And then Ned Leeds appeared, and after "This Be My Destiny" he decided to drive her away for good. THEN in comes Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane and you know the rest.

    • 8 months ago

      Silver Sable
      Carol Danvers before they butchified her

      Those are not many couples he had if you analyze it.

      • 8 months ago

        Mockingbird was. Sable grew feelings for Peter. Carol went on a date with him. Figured the Liz Allen placement was the criteria.

    • 8 months ago

      >Michele Gonzales
      >Anna Maria (not Peter, technically, but it was done using his body)
      Didn't something happen with Lily Hollister too?

      Here ya go.
      Besides these ladies and the ones you listed, I think there's one more one-off woman from a more recent run, but her name is evading me. I think there was also a villainess who was into him more recently??
      Then for alternate universes, Kitty in Ultimate and Sophia in Adventures.

    • 8 months ago

      >A man with a high body count shows his level of desirability, given that women are more picky.
      Peter Parker is 60 years of self insert and now the guy can never settle with one b***h nor marry one, always go in fricking depression when he can't get one or some writer is always pulling a Mephisto card on him over literally any type of relationship

      Here ya go.
      Besides these ladies and the ones you listed, I think there's one more one-off woman from a more recent run, but her name is evading me. I think there was also a villainess who was into him more recently??
      Then for alternate universes, Kitty in Ultimate and Sophia in Adventures.

      It's because every god damn writer of Spider-Man seems to have this need to introduce new characters in his life, and often it is a new girlfriend for him to replace MJ. Only then the new girlfriend is thrown into trash as soon as the writer changes and new OC girlfriend is introduced to replace MJ.

  6. 8 months ago

    Because the comicbook superhero genre is Male Power Fantasy. Having the allure of multiple beautiful women but being loyal to the one devoted to your best interests and is your best friend and who knows you for you are and doesn't pass negative judgment on you is the appeal. You HAVE to have other bombshell women because it introduces a dilemma for Peter and the male reading

    >What if you were on top of your shit and then a sexy b***h came out of no where offering herself?
    >You're Spider-Man, you put on the mask and that's who you truly are with no filters. Because of this its easier to attract people because you're being genuine and honest. You never showed you face but chick is into you. That's the equivalent of someone out of shape never taking off their tops in public but having someone with way higher sexual market value paying then compliments and attention and lingering physical contact that promises more

    It's about the temptation. And sometimes what if MJ is on the rag or being completely unreasonable but you have this super hot available chick who is DTF? That's the appeal. Canonically I doubt Peter has a bodycount that goes beyond first base. Unless it's canon that he fricked Felicia. Because I can believe that.

  7. 8 months ago

    Because he is the main character and they are supporting characters that exist to give him stuff to do.

  8. 8 months ago

    The vast majority of posters don't actually give all that much of a frick about Peter's women, except for a small handful of shitposters who only kick up a fuss about it because it gives them something to do

  9. 8 months ago

    >Marvel is setting up MJ x Felicia because Felicia can never be with Peter fully as she's the poster person for Pride now.

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I think it would be better if both women are like "merged into one". You know, like Carol Danvers and Rogue were for a long time.

    • 8 months ago

      They could make a Peter/Felicia/Mj canon.
      But that's the wrong kind of bisexual representation. Better to make her indistinguishable from a lesbian.

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          >Marvel is setting up MJ x Felicia because Felicia can never be with Peter fully as she's the poster person for Pride now.

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds awful. Keep your coomer shit to porn comics thanks

        • 8 months ago

          t. fat

      • 8 months ago

        Agreed. This would let them push their lgbt while retaining normal audiences.

        • 8 months ago

          The concept would appeal to straight guys and bisexual girls. Cause that combined group is barely ever given shit.

  10. 8 months ago

    >the Spider-Man self-inserter yearns to be a prostitute
    >the Spider-Man self-inserter does not want to date prostitutes
    The second part is basically universal amongst men who aren't absolutely desperate though.

  11. 8 months ago

    Peter Parker, like almost all comic book superheroes, is an escapist character. He's also the main hero of his franchise. It's not that they have love interests outside of Peter, it's that the book dedicates page time to them. There's no point in wasting the readers' time by devoting panels to Peter's ex and her new boyfriend. If she's not attached to Peter in any way, why is she taking up space in the cast that could go to someone else? MJ, Gwen Stacy, Betty Brant, Liz Allan, Black Cat, they're supporting characters and love interests to the hero. And writers used to treat them as such. Somewhere along the line, some jackasses decided that love interests being love interests was sexist and male gaze-y, so now were stuck with dumbass writers who think MJ and all other superhero girlfriends are main character material and give them stupid pointless plotlines that undercut what Spider-Man was created to be: an escapist character.

    • 8 months ago

      >screeching about characters not just being "love interest a" and "love interest b"
      lol ok kid

      • 8 months ago

        It's not that MJ and others are being written as engaging characters, that's fine. The problem is that the writers think readers care about their relationships outside of Peter, who is the main character. Unless you're dealing with an ensemble, supporting characters serve to make the lead's narrative more engaging. Why is Marvel wasting time on MJ if she and Peter are separated? Why are they wasting time on Black Cat or Gwen Stacy? People liked those characters because of their relationship with Peter. By themselves, they're not enough to carry a franchise.

        • 8 months ago

          >The problem is that the writers think readers care about their relationships outside of Peter, who is the main character.
          That's a female specific problem. The women don't fricking mater, they're not the crux of the story. A Spider-Man book comes down to the action Peter is going to take not "oh and then now lets get some pages of what girls are up to!"

          >By themselves, they're not enough to carry a franchise.
          Certainly not. Maybe they want potential Batgirl sales. I don't know how popular Gwen is these days since even with the allure of spider powers its VERY easy to write an uninteresting character no one gives a frick about.

    • 8 months ago

      >omewhere along the line, some jackasses decided that love interests being love interests was sexist and male gaze-y,
      I will never understand this. The comicbook superhero genre was built by men for men. Men built it, boys enjoyed it, boys grew into men and kept the tradition going by pouring their passion back into the industry. It wasn't magic, and there as no secret. We all know the tropes that are used. They are classic because they work and the goal is selling these fricking pieces of toilet paper with art on them and you have to sell *alot*. So what gets the blood pumping?
      >Heroic men
      >Facing off against corrupt villains
      >While rescuing and being supported and romantically pursued and thanked by very attractive women
      That's the goal. It makes me genuinely laugh when people complain about the "male gaze". It's testosterone. Highlighting the natural beauty of a woman's body. A woman who keeps herself in shape or goes to the gym and cultivates muscle. The physical pinnacle has and will always be celebrated in the genre because that's what sells. Big muscle, big breasts, big arms, big asses, and nice legs. Like--what the frick? If someone has an issue with this then plain and simple the genre/medium just isn't for them. Like hey you can go cry about all that shit all you like but we're not going to entertain your argument and let your bullshit slow down the money train and turn away fans.

      Imagine how ludicrous it would be if bitter sexless men marched over to where a bunch of women were enjoying half-naked men engage with each other and screamed "FEMALE GAZE!" They're not supposed to like biology? Now supposed to be drawn to the allure of physical fitness? It's chemistry. It's nature. A visual medium. Why entertain the people who try to present these arguments as legitimate criticisms of the medium? They're not customers/fans and never will be unless you drive out what kept your product good for DECADES. Why chase this phantom pennyless audience?

      • 8 months ago

        Not quite Cinemaphile related, but I think it's telling that Amazon's most successful show is Reacher, which is really just a tall buff dude walking around beating up bad guys and sleeping with hot chicks. And even the women he sleeps with do action stuff too! Guys don't care if a woman can fight, they're not frothing-at-the-mouth misogynists like some claim they are. All these writers need to do is stop undercutting and subverting their male heroes. That's it. Just stop doing that and people will quit complaining about "woke shit" in an instant.

        • 8 months ago

          And when I say stop subverting the male heroes, I don't even mean for them to be invincible gary stus who never lose. Guys like to watch fight scenes, they like to see the hero overcome obstacles and deal with problems. And those victories are only meaningful if there's a struggle. Women are the ones who like slice of life, easy mode chill stories. Dudes want to see Goku and Frieza kick the shit out of each other. And for Goku, it's a tough fight. He doesn't win instantly and his victory is sweeter because he had to work for it. Frieza was a credible threat and dangerous. But in the end GOKU STILL WON. And it was awesome! It's like writers forgot what gets people to pay money for this shit. They all think their post-modern subversive take is so cool and smart. It's just boring.

          • 8 months ago

            >Guys like to watch fight scenes, they like to see the hero overcome obstacles and deal with problems.
            That's been another issue with the MCU. The fights fricking suck and do the villains. There's supposed to be a rageboner-fueled back and forth. You really, truly cannot polish and allow that relationship to shine if there are supporter characters fricking with the dynamic. Everything about Michelle Pfeiffer's character should have ended up cut from Ant Man's script alongside every single decision short of casting for Cassie's character. Both character's involvement in the story make Kang and his relationship/conversations with Scott come off as lackluster and forced as shit.

        • 8 months ago

          >Guys don't care if a woman can fight, they're not frothing-at-the-mouth misogynists like some claim they are.
          I agree--but also gotta stress that you can't be frivolous with the girl action if there isn't enough being done to highlight them as credible. And it mostly comes down to this: no one wants to women dressed up as electricians [think Black Widow or female Ghostbusters] with zero sexuality or sensuality taken into account for their wardrobes as they eat up all the screentime. I don't appreciate that. Ming Na-Wen from Agents of SHIELD played a CQC expert. She acted deadly and she's also fricking hot. Great body, keeps herself in shape. She's highlighted her deadliness in and out of SHIELD attire. I don't mind seeing her because she proves she earns a slot on the team. We all know women can't physically overcome men without great effort so selling the action takes suspension of disbelief. That's fine. But if she's not hot and cool both in and out of uniform then it's like "why the frick is she here?" Like how you explained that hot chicks get fricked by Reacher and then they do cool shit in the show. That's awesome. One allows for the other, as it should.

          >ll these writers need to do is stop undercutting and subverting their male heroes
          Especially old white ones as if these weren't the characters that boys of ALL AGES and multiple backgrounds and ethnicity were looking toward as a form of guidance or counseling or a role to emulate. Lots, LOTS of old white men have wisdom to share. Why would you Luke Starwalker fricking all of them?

  12. 8 months ago

    Because he usually changes love interests after being dumped and told that his former lover has moved on? And then we're supposed to shit on him when he does the same?

  13. 8 months ago

    Didn't MJ have children with someone else off-screen? Kind of a big step.

  14. 8 months ago


    >I think they're nasty regardless of gender.
    That's because there are. Someone who fricks around doesn't respect themselves or their body and it'll be evident in their personal relationships. I'm FAR from being able to throw stones because my being uncommitted around ended in an abortion. I'll never put that onus/sin on another woman ever again just because I wasn't ready for responsibility. But yeah man venereal disease is another excellent reason. You don't who has something and you don't want to contract it then it back into the home and infect your partner.

  15. 8 months ago

    Peter's a hero who saves lives and protects New York, he deserves to get some pussy.

    • 8 months ago

      He deserves top shelf pussy. He puts himself out there everyday for the benefit of others. He should go home and fall into the arm of the woman who accepts and loves and completes him. The more Peter does for the city is directly proportional to how hot MJ is. Great face, great body, great attire, and loyal/devoted so Peter doesn't have to spend unnecessary time in a comic having to justify their attraction

  16. 8 months ago

    because it's all just shipping wars, and they're using the body counts as points against whichever character's ship is opposing theirs.

  17. 8 months ago

    Let’s be real: men don’t want women to have had many or any other sex partners before them because deep inside they’re afraid that they’d compare poorly and be worse at sex than somebody she dated earlier.

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