How did it age? Are TV shows/games shit now or are just complaining?

How did it age? Are TV shows/games shit now or are just complaining?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >everything was always bad in the past you just never noticed
    >things now are as good or better than ever youre just old and wrong shut up shut up
    are both copes made by the people making things worse to force you to stop noticing

    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Fippy bippy

      It's a phase people struggle with in different ways in life in different stages of life, in the end it simply means everything changes and so should you. Grow, find new interests, do new things, go to new places and just better yourself OR just be a miserable little shit nobody wants to be around. Your choice.

      Also relevant, but in this case we literally do live in an era of degredation.

    • 2 weeks ago


      2008 economic crisis destroyed all the industries. There'no more writing schools and animation colleges are a fricking joke where equally young teachers have no idea how to animate a walk cycle let alone draw proper anatomy let alone stylization.

    • 2 weeks ago

      How did it age? Are TV shows/games shit now or are just complaining?

      This is true, I'm young so I don't have an 80s, 90s, early 2000s nostalgia, but I mostly consume old media or that wasn't made in the last 15 years. Because it was actually better back then. Of course sometimes we get some good modern things, but just sometimes

      • 2 weeks ago

        Many people can point to why older media tends to be better but somehow there always seems to be a retort for it no matter what
        >You're young and you like that stuff? Pff, you're stupid, you weren't even born yet back then! What do you know?
        >You're old and you like that stuff? Nostalgia goggles! Your judgement is clouded by emotion!
        >You're old but you never watched that stuff as a kid? Uhhh uhhhhh *sweats nervously* YOU'RE JUST OLD AND WRONG SHUT UP BOOMER SHUT UP BOOMER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

        • 2 weeks ago

          I hate this. It's like the last phase of the obsessive nerd. But again, some people itt are saying how leaving aside media and enjoy other hobbies is a healthy lifestyle. Which is true, not doing that will affect you. But in no way that is an answer to the problem op is asking about, that response can be told to someone who actually enjoys what they consume as well. And is also valid

  2. 2 weeks ago

    It's a phase people struggle with in different ways in life in different stages of life, in the end it simply means everything changes and so should you. Grow, find new interests, do new things, go to new places and just better yourself OR just be a miserable little shit nobody wants to be around. Your choice.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >you know the things you dont like?
      >yea? you know how didnt really choose to dislike them, it just sort of happened?
      >well, just like those things
      >what, why should you like them?
      >so people want to be around you, DUH!
      >that's like the only thing that matters is if other people like you!
      >what, you dont like pretending to like things you dont like so people you dont like want to be around you?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nobody is saying that, what you should do is find things that make you happy and help give your life meaning both for your own sake and other peoples.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The point is that for Stan in that episode, though, *everything* was shit. So to say, "just be happy", "just find meaning", is just vapid and paradoxical.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Right in the context of the episode, sure. But you can't live your life miserable and hating everything all of the time. Despite the doomer meme, there are good things about being alive and enjoyable things out there. You can either try to see that or just wallow in misery. I choose to do the former.

            • 2 weeks ago

              What is this bizarre conspiracy theory you have where people just pretend good and enjoyment don't exist so they can wallow in misery? Is it really inconceivable to you that those feelings could consistently escape someone and yield to constant misery, without them having any control over it?

              • 2 weeks ago

                They actively are if they find literally nothing enjoyable in life and make no effort to find something they do. What else would you call that other than wallowing? Whether conscious or not I never see them make an effort to change things or go to therapy to deal with the issue. They just stay miserable and make everybody else miserable while crying about how much society these days is shit or whatever.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Right in the context of the episode, sure. But you can't live your life miserable and hating everything all of the time. Despite the doomer meme, there are good things about being alive and enjoyable things out there. You can either try to see that or just wallow in misery. I choose to do the former.

                Nobody is saying that, what you should do is find things that make you happy and help give your life meaning both for your own sake and other peoples.

                It's a phase people struggle with in different ways in life in different stages of life, in the end it simply means everything changes and so should you. Grow, find new interests, do new things, go to new places and just better yourself OR just be a miserable little shit nobody wants to be around. Your choice.

                People also could stop making industries worse with the agendas (don't even fricking try to do like they don't exist), endless shilling, pettiness, CEO roulettes that only are there to make quick bux and doom the company further.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anon, you do know there's shit out there other than Velma right? Like I agree with you, but if you don't enjoy anything and are depressed because of modern tv shows or whatever you must have a very closed mind. Read a book, listen to some music, watch the sunset for goodness sake.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You really think people can't enjoy things while also calling out when shit is shit?
                It's not one or the other dumbass. I can do everything you said and still go online to call out when something is poorly made.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Never said that as I do that too. So you're arguing against a strawman here. Don't know why the industry thing was even a reply to my response which was talking about people being doomers in general, not media being fricked. Idiot.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Just ignore it anon
                Nah. That didn't work out for us so we shouldn't let it work out for them.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Never said that

                >thing is bad
                >uh yeah but you could enjoy OTHER THING!

                Keep strawmanning or being a miserable homosexual. Either way works.

                >I never see them make an effort to change things or go to therapy to deal with the issue
                How would you ever see that, though? You can only be talking about someone you know personally in this post.

                No shit I'm talking about my personal experiences here anon. And its several people who fall into the doomer mindset. But I'm sure your particular brand of doomerism is special.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I never said I'm a doomer. I just like to understand why people are, and clearly you don't care. You just want a strawman to tell yourself you're better than.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oh I care, the difference is I just think their miserable and annoying and could try not being so.

                I bet you make beanmouth cartoons

                No I can't draw

              • 2 weeks ago

                Well good thing beanmouths don't need skill

              • 2 weeks ago

                Again, your assumption that them ceasing annoying you should be priority #1 shows that you have no interest in actually understanding their situations. It's almost like you're... dare i say... just looking for something to whine about. HMMMMM

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I'll turn it around on you so nyehh!
                Anon, I'm saying if they found something to be happy about it would make their lives better as well as the people around them. So naturally I do care and I get life can suck to put it mildly. All I'm saying is that living life in pure misery isn't good for anybody. But no apparently me saying that is somehow saying nothing sucks and saying shit like Velma don't deserve criticism? And I'm strawmanning?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I'm saying if they found something to be happy about it would make their lives better as well as the people around them
                But you're saying a lot more than that. Am I supposed to just magically forget? You've been whining about how it's annoying and miserable much more than that. And then you turn around, "oh if only they'd just find something to be happy about. it's really quite simple." But that's paradoxical for obvious reasons when the person is consistently failing to find happiness! And if someone who was annoying you followed your advice, it wouldn't work! Do you understand now??

              • 2 weeks ago

                What even is your point here?

              • 2 weeks ago

                I bet you make beanmouth cartoons

              • 2 weeks ago

                >thing is bad
                >uh yeah but you could enjoy OTHER THING!

              • 2 weeks ago

                This is the worst case scenario. Many woke shows at least had a target audience in mind and picked a woke team to write it. Velma didn't even have a fricking target audience, it was made for noone. Its not even following an agenda, I'd argue that shit makes you racist for Velma alone.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I never see them make an effort to change things or go to therapy to deal with the issue
                How would you ever see that, though? You can only be talking about someone you know personally in this post.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Are you moronic? We're specifically talking about the episode here. Keep up.

    • 2 weeks ago

      See, this is true, but it's also true that the bar has been lowered below the Mariana trench and media is just worse.
      So the correct answer is to not be miserable and insufferable constantly, but to call out what hot garbage things are when it's appropriate, rather than making it all you talk about.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    What can be said for sure is there's a noticeable lack of variety compared to 20-30 years ago

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, content in media has 100% gone down hill
    Releasing one gem every several months while shitting out actual turd doesn't help your case

  5. 2 weeks ago

    The rare case we're south park is ahead of culture, this episode predated the black pill

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I think it aged badly AND I jumped out after the experimental Cartman-goes-to-space season. Aging badly is the downside of a show that follows the zeitgeist which doesn't last longer than 2 weeks these days. Also the classic episodes are juvenile and stupid because the creators were juvenile and stupid, so it's not their fault.

    I consider South Park an important piece of pop-culture, or rather THE important piece of pop-culture. Most other adult cartoons, good or not, are toothless and Simpsons killed itself.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Most other adult cartoons, good or not, are toothless
      Drawn Together

      • 2 weeks ago

        Drawn Together is offensive edgelord humor, but doesn't really constructively comment on anything. And everyone who took them seriously is an idiot.

        And I'm a guy who loves the show.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >but doesn't really constructively comment on anything.
          What about the Fat Albert episode, where it comments on how prostitutes use past trauma as an excuse to turn themselves into prostitutes rather than growing up
          Or the Mickey Mouse/FCC episode and how we shouldn't censor past works but learn from them
          How about I.S.R.A.E.L, the only redeeming part of the movie?
          To say South Park is the only show that tackles serious topics would be disheartening and a blatant lie. There are other adult cartoon that make commentaries on topics, sometimes even better than South Park

          • 2 weeks ago

            Thats exactly the worst example of comment I originally wanted to name. The "therapy is bullshit" episode. The censor episode cannibalized itself with the holocaust metaphor.

            Dude, Drawn Together was the only show on TV that had the balls to address Israel directly. Even South Park has to resort to scapegoat and completely stand against the fact that Hollywood is full of israelites. The best they can do is poke general jabs at it from a religious point rather than address its political stance point, which is the entire reason why a small country like them has control over most governments in the west

            Of course Murricans only like it because "MUH ISRAEL" and not the humor itself.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Of course Murricans only like it because "MUH ISRAEL" and not the humor itself.
              Don't try to move the goalpost you homosexual. You're the one who was sucking South Park's dick because of its "messages". You didn't mention anything about the humor when you were jerking it

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Don't try to move the goalpost you homosexual

                I can fricking do it as much as I want, after an anon wasn't ridiculed for telling me a pic I posted wasn't current because it wasn't 16:9, since I cropped it. You're buttholes, I'm an butthole.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >*WAH WAH WAH WAH*
                >*WAH WAH WAH WAH*
                Slit your throat already

        • 2 weeks ago

          Dude, Drawn Together was the only show on TV that had the balls to address Israel directly. Even South Park has to resort to scapegoat and completely stand against the fact that Hollywood is full of israelites. The best they can do is poke general jabs at it from a religious point rather than address its political stance point, which is the entire reason why a small country like them has control over most governments in the west

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I feel like the 80's were peak creativity, but quality and craft was definitely on the learning curve. 90's was more balanced and the global cool/smartass/edgy youth attitude made shows more daring as well. now things are "technically good" but globaly things lots their edges and have nothing to say. tropes are now a thing so people don't really even need to invent the stories, it's just variations of the same shit.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    ? Wasn't this a depression episode?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah. Stan was just losing interest in stuff from his childhood

  9. 2 weeks ago

    I feel like I had gotten too old for South Park when this aired.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Quit being so cynical.

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