How do you create good speedster characters?

How do you create good speedster characters?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Have them get their powers from solving math equations.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    You build most of their stories around things that aren't their speed powers

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Try to add drawbacks to them going MEGAFAST so that they're usually just fast and try to use speed as speed so you need torque and they need to actually build up speed instead of instantly going lightspeed. And when they do go MEGAFAST have there be collateral damage so there's a reason they usually don't go that fast.

    • 2 weeks ago

      On top of this, interacting with the "normal speed" world while lightspeed has penalties. Most objects don't want to move; you can't speed read a book/manual because the pages either won't turn or they'll be destroyed, people end up with life-threatening injuries if carried or even adjusted improperly. The superpower is great against opponents when you're already in motion to enhance dodges and high-speed strikes, but doing little technical things doesn't work.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Why do you spam this thread?

    • 2 weeks ago

      It makes anti-powerscaling homosexuals big mad

  5. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      >Flash lives in the games
      >Flash lives in the comic books
      >Flash inexplicably dies in the movie
      For what purpose?

  6. 2 weeks ago

    every suggestion about improving superspeed is basically "how to make it more useless and ineffective"

    • 2 weeks ago

      Super speed is also inherently overpowered.

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's a fricking reason for that, Flash-type superspeed without any drawbacks or limitations makes a character 100% invincible and that's boring as shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yup. And it's even worse when we, the reader, know a character has a power or a feat that would allow them to easily overcome the current thing and they're just not doing it.
        It makes shows like MAWS unwatchable for me. Seeing Superman struggle with regular people in tech armor is just ridiculous, he can move so fast he can change his entire wardrobe in a blink, be to and from locations halfway across town in less than a second. And I'm supposed to believe he's not effortlessly dodging all these punches and slow-ass laser beams?

        >just don't write superheroes bro
        moronic pseudointellectual.

        Yeah, that shit was a frickton of a cringe, whoever wrote it should go the frick outside lol

  7. 2 weeks ago

    more speedsters each more insane than the last

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >Give them a tight suit and lots of speed effects
    >have them do sweet tricks
    >have them fight cool villains

  9. 2 weeks ago

    super speed is dumb i agree but light would not appear frozen to you. thinking really fast doesn't affect the laws of physics

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >even light would appear frozen to you
    So Flash should be blind, right?

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's what they never tell you about moving faster than light - you can only live in darkness.

      Anyway, glad this thread's here because I've got to get this off my chest: Speedster characters are fricking cringe and it's because of bullshit like the OP. They always turn into the most reality-bustingly OP pieces of shit. It's actually far, far worse than Superman ever was, I don't get how people can say his stories are boring when Barry's stories are always just "I was really fast, but then this bad guy was faster, so then I went EVEN FASTER", like frick the frick off.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >"I was really fast, but then this bad guy was faster, so then I went EVEN FASTER"
        Can Captain Cold or Gorilla Grodd even go that fast?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Captain Cold freezes the streets
          >Flash appears as Captain Cold is sitting on a lubed up sled, about to go downhill
          >"You'll never catch me this time!"

          • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        And then he gets put on the shelf again till the cycle repeats.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >insert omni-man here

  12. 2 weeks ago


  13. 2 weeks ago

    Don't write stories where the primary goal is "beat the bad guy". Be creative. It's not hard for people who read a lot of nonfiction and get lots of experience going outside in the real world. You can't be a good writer if all you've ever experienced is other people's art. It's secondhand living, and you will forever be cursed to poorly plagiarize the things you love, never becoming capable of original thought. Your final fate is to give up and let AI make the art for you, because it offers the same uncreative aggregation of other people's work as you.

    Literally just go outside. Creativity is easy for a healthy mind. It's what our brains were made for. I am published and moderately successful (don't need a real job anymore despite having a personality disorder and formerly chud). If I can do it, so can you. Choose life.

    • 2 weeks ago

      no one is gonna respond to this cuz it hits too close to home kek

    • 2 weeks ago

      Be more ambitious. Stop writing such myopic stories about little characters in little universes with little powers and little villains. Write a fricking story. Reveal a truth. Change someone's mind. Stop settling for escapism like a fricking baby. If you seriously give a frick about the power levels of the Flash, or have serious opinions about speedsters in comics, you actually need to die. You need to die and never undie. You sicken me, and no one will ever read your stories.


    • 2 weeks ago

      Be more ambitious. Stop writing such myopic stories about little characters in little universes with little powers and little villains. Write a fricking story. Reveal a truth. Change someone's mind. Stop settling for escapism like a fricking baby. If you seriously give a frick about the power levels of the Flash, or have serious opinions about speedsters in comics, you actually need to die. You need to die and never undie. You sicken me, and no one will ever read your stories.

      >just don't write superheroes bro
      moronic pseudointellectual.

      • 2 weeks ago

        British invasion fans, I presume? Take your cringe pretentious garbage and shove it up your asses.

        >"Write better stories."
        >FRICK YOUUU!!
        What's your major malfunction?

      • 2 weeks ago

        British invasion fans, I presume? Take your cringe pretentious garbage and shove it up your asses.

        The world will continue to move on without you. You can choose loneliness and misery, or you can choose life. There is no other option. You fail because you are repulsive, and you will never take accountability. You don't have the will. You don't have the strength.

        • 2 weeks ago

          you sound like a massive jerkoff

          • 2 weeks ago

            What did you hope to accomplish by commenting this? How do you not realize you're just announcing your insecurity and anger? What's the point, man? How much longer can you realistically live like this, when you know the problem is you?

            • 2 weeks ago

              you are taking this way too seriously

              • 2 weeks ago

                There's nothing to take seriously or not. I described a casual truth. You can accept it or deny it. It is what it is. The world moves on with or without you.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nah man, the other anon is right, you're a massive jerkoff and trying this "I'm the serious adult" routine on Cinemaphile of all places is just sad. Now please, respond with some pseud "wisdom".

              • 2 weeks ago

                What did you hope to accomplish by commenting this? How do you not realize you're just announcing your insecurity and anger? What's the point, man? How much longer can you realistically live like this, when you know the problem is you?

              • 2 weeks ago

                NTA, but you're part of the problem, so it's hard for you to see how it actually is.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That's good, and you're even pretending to be someone else. Keep it coming! Teach us more!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you're even pretending to be someone else

    • 2 weeks ago

      Be more ambitious. Stop writing such myopic stories about little characters in little universes with little powers and little villains. Write a fricking story. Reveal a truth. Change someone's mind. Stop settling for escapism like a fricking baby. If you seriously give a frick about the power levels of the Flash, or have serious opinions about speedsters in comics, you actually need to die. You need to die and never undie. You sicken me, and no one will ever read your stories.

      no one is gonna respond to this cuz it hits too close to home kek


      British invasion fans, I presume? Take your cringe pretentious garbage and shove it up your asses.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Be more ambitious. Stop writing such myopic stories about little characters in little universes with little powers and little villains. Write a fricking story. Reveal a truth. Change someone's mind. Stop settling for escapism like a fricking baby. If you seriously give a frick about the power levels of the Flash, or have serious opinions about speedsters in comics, you actually need to die. You need to die and never undie. You sicken me, and no one will ever read your stories.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Don't give them enhanced durability. That way they can't just turn their speed into energy by punching someone unless they want to destroy their arm. Or, allow them to erase the energy that comes from moving really fast when interacting with other things, but it works both ways so they can't just Infinite Mass Punch(tm) people.
    The real problem is that they have the speedforce make it so the writer's vague half-assed recollection of high-school physics always work in whatever way is most favorable to the Flash, no matter what, including mutually contradictory ways at the same time. The Infinite Mass Punch is the most obvious - some writer was all "oh wow I'm going to look like a smarty-pants by having the Flash smugly reveal his superspeed is also a carrier of super momentum." But doing that without destroying his own body and blowing up the neighborhood isn't a matter of speed. It’s now an energy absorption power.

    At a point “peak flash” is not even anymore about speed at all; he’s a time travelling, energy controlling matter phaser with an elercticity theme. might as well just give Flash the ability to deliver as much energy as he wants anywhere he pleases in whatever form he wants, so he can just point at someone and they explode and cut the speed shit out of play all together.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Why are people against good writing?
    Actually baffling.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    The Incredibles (1) did it well, I thought

  18. 2 weeks ago

    The only real way is to make their personality a weakness that can be exploited. Like pic related charging straight into an obviously telegraphed windup attack because he was confident he could outspeed it. If you make them fast in the head too, you can justifiably explain them getting one-upped despite their speed. Superspeed is OP but only if you can calmly think out how to handle situations with it and (ironically) take things slow.

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