How do you feel about "rare" characters?

How do you feel about "rare" characters? Characters who should appear more often than they do for one reason or another, but almost never do. Example, Dwight and Cubert are directly related to the main cast of Futurama, but only appear in like 5 episodes or less. Dr Hibbert in the simpsons all the time but to date has never had a single spotlight episode, while characters like Cletus and Reverand Lovejoy have. South Park doesn't even use Dr. Mephisto at all anymore but he had a lot of prominent appearances in the early seasons.

Who are your favorite characters who have almost no role in their series? What could the writers do to include them more?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Interesting question, but I can only really respond with a cheat answer. Blackfire was awesome and pure sex everytime she showed up in Teen Titans. Would've loved to see her get a semi-redemption and become part of the team and constantly be passive aggressively mogging her sister and have a Dinobot-like alignment where she MIGHT possibly betray them with the villain of the week at anytime, and the team is only semi-aware of her scheming behind their backs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >do the evolution.gif

      • 2 weeks ago

        Honestly I thought about doing an AMV to the X-Men evolution intro theme, but it's all cartoon girls dancing (Do the Evolution's Death was gonna be during the Wolverine rift)

    • 2 weeks ago

      They're rare for 2 reasons
      >1. They're too forgettable
      >2. They're too memorable
      On the opposite side of the Dwight and Cubert coin, you have your Blackfire who's presence in the show is a special event despite the fact they could easily return if necessary. Personally I'd like less Dwights and Cuberts and more Blackfires in animation.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Personally I'd like less Dwights and Cuberts and more Blackfires in animation.
        Who wouldn't want more Blackfires in animation?

        • 2 weeks ago

          well i dont particularly care about off model fan art. fat people don't get taller like you think they do

  2. 2 weeks ago

    I don't hate dwight and cubert but I wonder what the writers were thinking when they introduced them.
    Like they were meant to be annoying? or a parody of "kid" characters that sitcoms introduce in later seasons when the regular cast gets too old? but they never used them
    or was it the studio who forced them to introduce the characters "hey bart is popular...futurama needs a kid character" and then the writers basically never wanted to use them?

    • 2 weeks ago

      cubert genuinely sucks and feels forced. hermes has a wife so it makes sense that he could have a kid. thing is, futurama has no framework for kid stories because all of the main characters are mid 20s unmarried losers. the show had no place for human kid characters and they literally never did anything interesting with cubert anyway.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That makes me think that the studio forced the kids on the show because other animated sitcoms had kid characters.
        Family Guy, Simpsons, King of the Hill were basically just family sitcoms but animated. Maybe they thought a kid character would bring in the ratings ?

    • 2 weeks ago

      The idea of Cubert was going to be that he'd point out how the science of the show doesn't actually make sense and is all held together by magic McGuffin terms that explain why something impossible is now possible in the show. Would've loved if they did that a few times, and also point out how inconsistent the show's world is.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >and also point out how inconsistent the show's world is
        that might have actually worked well. if he wasn't voiced by kath soucie or whatever. it's always bothered me that they had heads in jars of people who have already long been dead like abraham lincoln. they've never explained this at all, and saying they're clones doesn't make sense because if that's the case they could just clone the whole person.

      • 2 weeks ago

        From what i recall from the DVD commentaries, Groening basically realised the character was annoying which is why he wasn't part of the cast from day 1 and used only sparingly

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't understand it, but nothing that groening has ever done for any of his three shows has been good. his life in hell comics are great, but that's it. he can't write long form content at all. he can make good calls as a creative consultant, like you say cubert is annoying, but he can't do much more than that.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    for me it's Mr Largo from the Simpsons. Guy has been there since the beginning and always appears teaching the music class in the intro, but we've never actually gotten an episode dedicated to him. Even times where it looks like it might be an episode about him it pivots to being about someone else like Lisa instead.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They at least decided to give him SOMETHING by making him gay. They could have tried pairing him up with some other performer character, like Sideshow Mel, but Mel is canonically married to a woman. They like to do weird continuity shifts though, like when they had Gil marry Ms Hoover.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah they could easily do an episode about his love life, but maybe they just use up all their middle aged gay romance storylines on Smithers instead.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not really, because smithers wasn't openly gay until a few years ago. the rest of the time it was just repressed homosexual jokes.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Smithers has definitely been allowed to be more openly gay in recent years, but you're right early on he was pretty restricted to his crush on mr burns and random occasional gay jokes.
            Patty also fills the middle aged gay character niche, but I still think it'd be cool to focus on Mr Largo for something. With how current Simpsons has a lot of "throw random shit at the wall and see what sticks" to it they don't really have an excuse not to make an episode about him. If they could make an episode about Larry the Barfly.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Cubert has a very low probability of appearing in Hulurama especially what with how rarely Kath Soucie does voicework these days

    • 2 weeks ago

      No love loss there. She should stick to miyazaki films while she's still doing work.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    For whatever reason across the horse show's 9 year run they expanded on all the parents except Rarity's. They never got their own episode. Still felt weird.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Bubble Bass used to be this until they suddenly remembered he was a character 5 years ago and used him as a reoccurring character from there on out

    • 2 weeks ago

      didnt they make him in to a nostalgia critic expie

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Any Bob's Burgers side characters

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