How do you guys go about playing your torrented movies on your TV?

How do you guys go about playing your torrented movies on your TV?
I used to put everything on a USB stick and used the VLC app on my Xbox One, but it bit the dust recently and I have zero alternatives.
Is streaming a PC screen through a Google TV Chromecast any good or is the quality dogshit?
Putting my computer in the living room is out of the question.

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  1. 6 months ago

    What's on your computer, anon?

    • 6 months ago

      I don't keep porn on it, but that wouldn't stop me. I'm just too lazy to take my computer up and down the stairs.

      How old is your tv?
      I just put movies on a portable hard drive and plug it straight in.

      It's a 55" LCD that's over a decade old. I doubt it could decode MKV

  2. 6 months ago

    How old is your tv?
    I just put movies on a portable hard drive and plug it straight in.

  3. 6 months ago

    I think modern tvs have like usb ports that you can put movies in with usb stick

  4. 6 months ago

    you don't have an usb outlet in your tv?

  5. 6 months ago

    I finally got Plex to act right. I gave up on it a couple times. But this last time it worked great. Just install it on your pc, load up your media files in there let it scan it and all that crap and create a catalog and then it's ready to be a server and I used my Roku with the plex app to play them.

    Don't even need to frick with portfowarding.

    • 6 months ago

      What are the storage limits for a free account? I heard people singing it's praises but I saw a flatmate watching a movie with it and it was probably some of the worst quality I had ever seen. I'm guessing it was just a YIFY rip or something.

      • 6 months ago

        I don't think there are storage limits for a free account are there? I didn't notice. I really just tested it and loaded up one drive and I don't think it would have limited how many drives/directories I could load on there?

      • 6 months ago

        There are no limits, it streams shit from your PC up to 4k 60fps if your internet's fast enough. Your flatmate was a complete lackwit.

        I have my PC hooked up to my TV for video games, but I still use Plex to watch movies, it just werks and having Dolby Vision and a remote is nice.

    • 6 months ago

      I just realized today that I was running plex on 32 bit when there is a 64bit version that released in 2022.

  6. 6 months ago

    Chromecast kinda sucks with pirate streams. It does directly stream the source, but sometimes there are weird repeats.
    I just just my laptop and a hdmi cable (which works fine) and frankly, every woman I frick just wants to know how I achieve this magic.

    • 6 months ago

      >every woman I frick just wants to know how I achieve this magic.
      "Oh, you have access to pretty much every series or movie ever made?".
      See. People, using that loosely because including women, some of them are not entirely moronic.
      It's on you for dating the morons.

    • 6 months ago

      Would do this with my Macbook but because it's exclusively USB-C ports my only option is uploading to mega and re-downloading. Even then, the display in the TV isn't exact 1080p. It has this bizarre display resolution that's close but not perfect, and really bothers me.

      It depends on what quality you want. If you just want 1080p rips, then streaming or USB or anything similar will run easily.

      If you want something higher quality, like 4k or anything with a higher bit rate, honestly I just run a 25 foot HDMI cable from my desktop to my TV. You can buy some crazy long HDMI cables for fairly cheap now. Kinda depends on the living situation though. Other ways are streaming via apps or something along the line of Plex, but I always found the quality of the streaming to hit-or-miss depending on file type and bit rate.

      Long HDMI cable would be the best choice, but the flight of stairs makes pausing and loading things such a pain.

      you can stream blue ray remuxes without hiccups with debrid. it's only 3 euro a month.

      Definitely seems interesting. Any more details?

      • 6 months ago

        >Long HDMI cable would be the best choice, but the flight of stairs makes pausing and loading things such a pain.
        Wireless keyboard and mouse, man. I thought it was kinda dumb buying another keyboard/mouse just for wireless shit, but man, laying in bed with full access to my desktop on a 70 inch screen is something else.

        • 6 months ago

          For the bedroom it'd definitely be great, but I'm talking about something that's close to over 30 meters of distance here. I'll consider it if I get a new TV for my room though.

          • 6 months ago

            Plex on your roku and use the Roku controller?

          • 6 months ago

            >close to over 30 meters of distance
            Yeah, that definitely changes things. Think you're kinda stuck with just streaming or getting a cheap laptop.

      • 6 months ago

        They always sell dongles for Mac products you just gotta look

      • 6 months ago

        I use USB-C to HDMI cable. Works fine.

      • 6 months ago

        debrid services download torrents beforehand and stream to your pc, tv when you need it. it even works with torrents with no seeds. you also need a client to use it on your tv. i use stremio.

  7. 6 months ago

    portable hard-drive anon
    picrel in 4TB
    will get a new one soon as this one is nearing it's lifecycle and would suck to loose all my movies

  8. 6 months ago

    It depends on what quality you want. If you just want 1080p rips, then streaming or USB or anything similar will run easily.

    If you want something higher quality, like 4k or anything with a higher bit rate, honestly I just run a 25 foot HDMI cable from my desktop to my TV. You can buy some crazy long HDMI cables for fairly cheap now. Kinda depends on the living situation though. Other ways are streaming via apps or something along the line of Plex, but I always found the quality of the streaming to hit-or-miss depending on file type and bit rate.

  9. 6 months ago

    you can stream blue ray remuxes without hiccups with debrid. it's only 3 euro a month.

    • 6 months ago

      Tell me more.
      Yeah, you're their b***h now. Still, you have to tell me more. Usenet is also a thing btw.

    • 6 months ago

      >blue ray remuxes
      still doesn't beat the real thing

      • 6 months ago

        remuxes are lossless. they just drop extras, foreign language audio etc.

        • 6 months ago

          Not him, but sometimes they introduce issues just because of the fact that they're remuxed. Especially depending on the player being able to handle the way it was placed into the container.

          I think it's the fact that they WEREN'T encoded and woven properly that makes it a half assed kind of attempt at re-packaging the media files without a thorough processing.

  10. 6 months ago

    that's an internet-enabled sex toy, isn't it?

    • 6 months ago

      Might as well be. This shit makes b***hes wetter than an otter's pocket.

  11. 6 months ago

    I don't own a tv.

  12. 6 months ago

    it's just hooked up to my PC.
    if I wasn't doing that I'd buy a cheap laptop. playing any format of movies through VLC through a PC is going to be much easier than using some middle man tool or software give me issues with format, or might have an interface that's less than excellent.

  13. 6 months ago

    most tvs just have a usb plug-in now and a lot of them can play mkv files too

  14. 6 months ago

    >used to connect laptop to tv, always felt inconvenient couldn’t find a good spot to place it without the laptop being in view
    >got an xbox series x
    >plug hdd directly
    >shit is in better quality and way more comfortable
    Only problem is that the windows media player doesn’t support every file type.

    • 6 months ago

      It seems like the VLC app is available on the Series consoles? Have you tried that? Because I may honestly just get a Series X as a replacement if the app still works well as it did on my XBO.
      I need a new bluray player regardless and it's a nice bonus that it'll play GTA 6 on launch instead of waiting for a PC release.

      I use USB-C to HDMI cable. Works fine.

      So do I and I paid like $40 for mine. RIP

      debrid services download torrents beforehand and stream to your pc, tv when you need it. it even works with torrents with no seeds. you also need a client to use it on your tv. i use stremio.

      There are no limits, it streams shit from your PC up to 4k 60fps if your internet's fast enough. Your flatmate was a complete lackwit.

      I have my PC hooked up to my TV for video games, but I still use Plex to watch movies, it just werks and having Dolby Vision and a remote is nice.

      Any modern streaming "stick" is going to be fine if all you're doing is watching movies and you aren't autistic about formats and having 20 audio channels. If you want easy adblocking for youtube etc you may have to look into which devices are easiest/possible to sideload shit to. And if you're thinking about game streaming from your PC across the house I think the Nvidia Shield Pro is really the only game in town. It isn't cheap but it's basically a pocket sized laptop plugged into your TV so performance is excellent.

      Thanks for all the clarification. I guess I'll give Plex a shot today and try out Debrid afterwards.

  15. 6 months ago

    >Putting my computer in the living room is out of the question
    Can't jack off in the living room huh?

  16. 6 months ago

    I use plex over multiple Nvidia shields, all wired to a NAS. I also use kodi if plex is being a b***h about subtitles or something

  17. 6 months ago

    Any modern streaming "stick" is going to be fine if all you're doing is watching movies and you aren't autistic about formats and having 20 audio channels. If you want easy adblocking for youtube etc you may have to look into which devices are easiest/possible to sideload shit to. And if you're thinking about game streaming from your PC across the house I think the Nvidia Shield Pro is really the only game in town. It isn't cheap but it's basically a pocket sized laptop plugged into your TV so performance is excellent.

  18. 6 months ago

    Laptop, PS4 and usb storage if those fail. Most good TVs have built in usb media browsers anyways.

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