How does Marco do it?

How does Marco do it?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Previous thread:


    • 2 years ago

      Glad to be back here. I still say Garnet x Marco should be teased here

      • 2 years ago

        Save it for later when Steven catches them going out for the night and leaving him pizza money

        • 2 years ago

          >Garnet takes up Marco's offer for an exploratory tour of exploration and spiritual journey around the Neverzone
          >Despite the temporal anachronism of the Neverzone, Garnet still leaves money for pizza for Steven, just in case.
          >Within the Neverzone, Garnet is in her natural element with Adult Marco as her guide and partner
          >Together, they work to achieve a spiritual evolution that will expand their inner blind eyes
          >Focused meditation on the windy, sun kissed deserts, touring impassible crevices on wings of Dragoncycles, and consulting with veterans of psychic wars
          >The bond between Marco and Garnet deepened considerably, enough for Garnet to allow herself to decide to share a moment of passion with adult Marco
          >A decision to which she foresaw an era of good feelings, yet a long fall for a foregone future
          >She shared this with Marco, but both decided to follow through and accept it
          >Meanwhile in the span of an afternoon, Steven spent another night alone with cheap pizza and an expensive soul expenditure of shame and perversion

          • 2 years ago

            >Garnet and Marco had settled into a new routine by the first week they had returned home
            >Garnet had never really enjoyed food rarely eating even with Steven, but she had seemed to make an exception for Marco’s home cooked meals
            >Steven had taken notice but thought nothing of it, just Garnet being polite to their guest of a few months
            >He hadn’t been paying attention to Garnet’s gestures over dinner, the little whispers she would deliver to Marco’s ear as the boy let out a flirty smile and caressed her.
            >All the Gem boy had taken to paying attention to was his late night dinner of junk food and pornography while his mother figure was being wined and dined in the same home
            I like the idea of Steven becoming Garnet’s NEET son Marco has to occasionally interact with

            • 2 years ago

              >Garnet starting to see Steven as a burden on her relationship as he falls deeper into NEETdom

              • 2 years ago

                To be fair, this is how he gets when depressed

          • 2 years ago

            Will be ever find out

        • 2 years ago

          Imagine how much he will have to pay Sasha for it

          • 2 years ago

            He does that, he's basically signed away any and all possible rights he has to recovery after that.

            • 2 years ago

              He’ll still do it anyway. Question is how much will Sasha charge?

              • 2 years ago

                3 months allowance

            • 2 years ago

              Steven was never going to recover, Garnet has no hope left for him

  2. 2 years ago

    still dont understand what is the deal with him. why homosexuals self-insert on him that much?

    • 2 years ago

      Spics, Pajeets and autists are the main demographics of Cinemaphile

      • 2 years ago

        There's a surprising number of hispanics on Cinemaphile and they all self-insert as any noticeably hispanic character

        It's obviously not just spics, just every pathetic virgin incel on here that never experienced teen love

    • 2 years ago

      They don't, it's a reference to the show

      • 2 years ago

        >it's a reference to the show

        • 2 years ago

          My thoughts exactly

    • 2 years ago

      There's a surprising number of hispanics on Cinemaphile and they all self-insert as any noticeably hispanic character

      • 2 years ago

        It's obviously not just spics, just every pathetic virgin incel on here that never experienced teen love

        Or maybe we just lkke the character and want make stories about them?

        • 2 years ago

          No you don't, this is nothing but degenerate self inserting, you don't care for Marco

          • 2 years ago

            Or I just like Marco's character and I like crack-shipping simply for its own sake?

            • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          There is 100% a high level of self-inserting behind shit like this, when it's such an inoffensive and bland character like Marco or Dipper, self-inserters are the driving force.

          • 2 years ago

            >inoffensive and bland
            >Comparing Marco to the manlet.

            >Marco was literally dating his girl Jackie and we never got any confirmation how long it had been, only Star looking back at their dates (this created the theory of them fricking at Diaz house and star covering for them)
            >Has Hekapoo taking him as a shota and apparently turning him into his frickbawd, fandom caught the hint of sexual tension between them and even asked Daron, she gave a yes.
            >Later on is revealed the "hpoo has him dancing on her pinky" was the other way around, all he needs is a "hey baby" and she is shivering and spreading her legs.
            >Meteora "hating" him so much it looked like she was a tsundere.
            >The whole Marco Jr thing that was way too sus.
            >Eclipsa literally wanting to "dance" with him first thing she does after meeting him.
            >Kelly wants him so hard she is ok with them being frickbuds (saddest story of all they broke up after a shortwhile)
            >Star wanted that dick no matter it was sloppy seconds or rather fifths

            Dipper had one episode where he got girls writing down their phone numbers on his arm, in the same episode they were dumping him, even the weak chinese girl was discarding him as "not-manly"

    • 2 years ago

      Do you know what that means?

      • 2 years ago

        >do you know what that means?
        He doesn't.
        "Muh self-insert" is the favorite buzzword of yurigays and similar kinds of homosexuals whos brains are non-functional due to severe shiphomosexualry.

        • 2 years ago

          This! Why are shipgays like this?

          • 2 years ago

            Because autistic shit in my head that's based on pre-existing fictional characters is serious business.

            • 2 years ago

              Pro tip
              You must create an OC first

              • 2 years ago

                Mine is Tyrone, the MILF fricker. My other one is Chang, MILF fricker two.

              • 2 years ago

                I have Jamal the older sister fricker. Not sure if I want him to have a connection to Tyrone.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm pretty sure almost every anon who accuses others of self-inserting, has no idea what self-inserting actually is.

        Didn't Marco's dad was revealed to be sort of a pussy? I mean, Angie got really pissed off when she to explain that whenever something like a break up happens he crumbles worst than a teenager.

        I don't know you guys, but to me that brought a whole new meaning to the "Marco Jr" thing.

        That was pretty confusing because in previous episodes (mostly in S1), Rafael was shown to have pretty good virility and machismo with Angie. Don't know why the Halloween video suddenly degraded him like that.

        • 2 years ago

          She probably made him more of a man

        • 2 years ago

          Probably is one of those things that come and go, so when he is acting like a b***h, Angie gets tired of his ass and leaves him to his antics.

          But when he acts all strong and decided, then she is ok with it.

    • 2 years ago

      stop self inserting

      Have sex

    • 2 years ago

      In one episode, Marco got lost in another universe .

    • 2 years ago

      They see that he had multiple love interests, then choose to ignore that all but one of those relationships crashed and burned, and the one that succeed was with the girl who committed genocide and haphazardly fused two worlds together.

  3. 2 years ago

    stop self inserting

    • 2 years ago

      This is an AU thread, not an Self- Inserted thread

    • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    More to come soon

    • 2 years ago

      Footages of Hilda surprise attack Steven LOL

    • 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago


    Why are there 2 threads for the exact same shit?

    • 2 years ago

      Anon this an AU that we made not that “MUH DIPCHAD” Crap

      • 2 years ago

        What’s the AU like?

        • 2 years ago

          Steven pays Sasha for porn of Marco with girls he likes

    • 2 years ago

      So, new thread. How do we start off here? Treat it like a new save and build ourselves back up again from the beginning with what we've refined by now, and leading back towards the end woth some new routes?
      Because for the girls in order, we got: Connie, Luz, Anne, Sasha, Marcy, and Tulip

      Because they're not the same shit

      • 2 years ago

        >Treat it like a new save and build ourselves back up again from the beginning with what we've refined by now, and leading back towards the end woth some new routes?
        Sure. Lead off

        • 2 years ago

          Well to start back from the beginning, I believe we established that Marco is currently staying at the Gem Beach House with Steven and the Gems. The Amphibia girls and Luz are attending school with them, and Marco is well liked by the gems. Steven is currently pinkng for Luz, but she has a crush on Marco. Marco I believe is currently with Connie, but the harem has not started yet.

          My mind is currently recapping this like the start of an old Digimon episode. The previous thread is over here if we need to look back and refer to previous posts.

          Previous thread: [...]

          • 2 years ago

            Fair enough. How about a get together at Sasha’s house for a friendly game of spin the bottle as a way to start out?

            • 2 years ago

              That'd be a good way to start us off. Maybe as a way to gather everyone together first in the same place. Maybe a case of miraculous Lady Luck shining down on Marco with the bottle landing on him for every girl? And when it finally lands on Steven, one of the girls (likely Sasha) elects to kiss Marco instead.

              • 2 years ago

                Perfect way of playing it out. Just the type of thing to establish Steven’s world here.
                Care to start?

              • 2 years ago

                I started the last couple if times back in the other thread. How about you start this time? It'd be good to share the work.

              • 2 years ago

                For sure
                >Steven could not believe his luck
                >His best friend Luz had invited him to a get together at Sasha’s, and he had been so excited to go.
                >He didn’t have a lot of friends outside girls at his school, so it was only by chance he learned Sasha tended to play a game of Spin the Bottle whenever she boys and girls over.
                >It’s what had kept him giddy as he had and Luz drove to her house.
                >Luz had been in a purple dress he didn’t think he had ever actually seen, and she seemed to be wearing a little more makeup than he usually saw her with.
                >She was beautiful. And as they walked to the practical mansion that was Sasha’s home, Steven’s heart sang with optimism as he had held on to Luz’s hand on the walk to the door.
                >He could have done without Sasha saying there was a weigh limit to her household though, as he looked down at his stomach.
                >He hadn’t been able to hide the look of hurt one his face and he regretted it. Sasha was a bully in his opinion. One who won every time you let her show she got to you.
                >Luckily Luz jumped in, reminding Sasha that she and Steven were friends (and hopefully more soon he thought) and so the blonde girl reluctantly sighed and let him pass through.
                >Luz didn’t seem as willing to defend him this time which had worried him quite a bit. But he had managed to push it down.
                >He just knew he and Luz would make a great couple, even if Luz didn’t know about his real feelings for her, how he wanted to be with her for as long as he could.
                >So he could deal with Sasha’s insults about his weight for now. He knew Luz didn’t care about that kind of thing. She was just the girl of his dreams.
                >Besides, Luz had mentioned to him there probably wouldn’t have been that many guys at this place anyway, most of the girls hung out with other girls.
                >With that he had walked into Sasha’s rather extravagant home, his hand getting rather sweaty but still holding on to Luz’s petite one.
                >So what could go wrong?

              • 2 years ago

                Alright, that's enough of that. Time to get this thread back on track.

                How many guests should be there. Should it just be the main girls and Marco, or some filler? You know, should this be a real party or just a get together? Because I'm having the idea of this being Sasha's own way of welcoming Marco to the area. He's arrived late due to departures, and Sasha wants to make a point of introducing the new cute and handsome boy and making the first move.

              • 2 years ago

                I’m thinking just the main girls and Marco for now as a get together. It was meant to be a way of welcoming the new boy to all her friends. She just didn’t expect Luz to bring an extra guest. Not that it will change anything

              • 2 years ago

                For sure
                >Steven could not believe his luck
                >His best friend Luz had invited him to a get together at Sasha’s, and he had been so excited to go.
                >He didn’t have a lot of friends outside girls at his school, so it was only by chance he learned Sasha tended to play a game of Spin the Bottle whenever she boys and girls over.
                >It’s what had kept him giddy as he had and Luz drove to her house.
                >Luz had been in a purple dress he didn’t think he had ever actually seen, and she seemed to be wearing a little more makeup than he usually saw her with.
                >She was beautiful. And as they walked to the practical mansion that was Sasha’s home, Steven’s heart sang with optimism as he had held on to Luz’s hand on the walk to the door.
                >He could have done without Sasha saying there was a weigh limit to her household though, as he looked down at his stomach.
                >He hadn’t been able to hide the look of hurt one his face and he regretted it. Sasha was a bully in his opinion. One who won every time you let her show she got to you.
                >Luckily Luz jumped in, reminding Sasha that she and Steven were friends (and hopefully more soon he thought) and so the blonde girl reluctantly sighed and let him pass through.
                >Luz didn’t seem as willing to defend him this time which had worried him quite a bit. But he had managed to push it down.
                >He just knew he and Luz would make a great couple, even if Luz didn’t know about his real feelings for her, how he wanted to be with her for as long as he could.
                >So he could deal with Sasha’s insults about his weight for now. He knew Luz didn’t care about that kind of thing. She was just the girl of his dreams.
                >Besides, Luz had mentioned to him there probably wouldn’t have been that many guys at this place anyway, most of the girls hung out with other girls.
                >With that he had walked into Sasha’s rather extravagant home, his hand getting rather sweaty but still holding on to Luz’s petite one.
                >So what could go wrong?

                >If Steven was expecting an extravagant party, the sorts of which he would be seen hand-in-hand with Luz, seen by the eyes of all his peers and thoughts of he and she being together, then he was sorely mistaken
                >Despite being a quite lavish mansion, the foyer was oddly empty. There were no shining lights and loud sounds, but just an looming silence. A still void that only became lonesome once he realized that Luz's hand had escaped his grasp and was ahead of him.
                >Perhaps it was better that none of his peers were there, otherwise they would've noticed how sweaty his palms were getting.
                >As the three proceeded upstairs towards Sasha's room, the sounds of life began to raise and they stepped closer and closer.
                >There was laugher, chatter, and clatter of bottles behind her dorm. Girlish laughter that raised his hopes up of getting to know more of Luz's friend
                >And the invasion of a man's joy violated his peace.
                >The door opened to reveal the rest of Sasha's personal trio, a bespectacled ginger, and two faces he was not expecting to see.
                >The athletic Anne Boonchuy, energetic Thai-American who's always on the move. Whether it's with dancing, tennis, muay thai, or looking after her dear friend.
                >The clumsy but academically, Marcy Wu. Steven had known Marcy for a while, she was actually second on Steven's personal list of girls he yearns for.
                >While habitually inattentive and distracted with her games, she was one of the smartest kids in the school and had worked with Steven a few times.
                >Nothing more than a simple high, quick completion, and then head burried back into whatever game she was playing.
                >Sat beside Marcy with her own console was Tulip Olsen. The odd mix of athletic and nerdy. Tulip had her own aspirations of getting into game design, and was rarely ever seen outside of her own friend group which happened to include Marcy.
                >It was unusual for Tulip to be at a rendez-vu held by Sasha, but this would be a great time to meet.

              • 2 years ago

                >It hadn’t taken long for Luz to find her way to talk to Marcy, engaging the girl in a conversation as the Asian nerd seemed very equipped at multitasking playing her game and engaging in a conversation with Luz about anime.
                >He had been tempted to join on but it seemed that Sasha’s couch was not equipped for adding someone his size with Tulip, Marcy and Luz all sitting down and chatting.
                >He was thinking of talking to Anne but a quick look from Sasha had discouraged that, especially when she and Anne had looked at him and started laughing to themselves.
                >He wasn’t used to seeing Sasha so casually dressed, the girl had seemed more relaxed and judging by the giggling and whispering she was engaging in with Anne in between.
                >Both of the girls had also taken to pulling their phones out every few minutes or so, Sasha growing impatient and more annoyed by the fact he was here by the second.
                >It was only when Marcy and Luz had walked together to another room of the house after Marcy finished her game had he gotten the chance to sit down, though he noticed Marcy mentioning the words “cute boy” which had risen his hope.
                >Things weren’t going as well with Tulip either. She had given him the basic pleasantries but much like the other girls she had seemed lost in her phone constantly checking the time, almost like they were waiting for someone.
                >That left Steven to his own little corner in Sasha’s home, his anxiety building up as he began hoping for Luz to want to leave too. Though judging by her turning red at a joke Marcy seemed to have told, that wouldn’t happen any time soon.
                >It was only once the doorbell began ringing that he felt an unshakable out in his stomach that only went deeper when he saw Sasha smile and welcome what seemed to be the only other boy at this get together.

              • 2 years ago

                We're gonna need to combine these somehow, was still writing before you posted that, lol

                >If Steven was expecting an extravagant party, the sorts of which he would be seen hand-in-hand with Luz, seen by the eyes of all his peers and thoughts of he and she being together, then he was sorely mistaken
                >Despite being a quite lavish mansion, the foyer was oddly empty. There were no shining lights and loud sounds, but just an looming silence. A still void that only became lonesome once he realized that Luz's hand had escaped his grasp and was ahead of him.
                >Perhaps it was better that none of his peers were there, otherwise they would've noticed how sweaty his palms were getting.
                >As the three proceeded upstairs towards Sasha's room, the sounds of life began to raise and they stepped closer and closer.
                >There was laugher, chatter, and clatter of bottles behind her dorm. Girlish laughter that raised his hopes up of getting to know more of Luz's friend
                >And the invasion of a man's joy violated his peace.
                >The door opened to reveal the rest of Sasha's personal trio, a bespectacled ginger, and two faces he was not expecting to see.
                >The athletic Anne Boonchuy, energetic Thai-American who's always on the move. Whether it's with dancing, tennis, muay thai, or looking after her dear friend.
                >The clumsy but academically, Marcy Wu. Steven had known Marcy for a while, she was actually second on Steven's personal list of girls he yearns for.
                >While habitually inattentive and distracted with her games, she was one of the smartest kids in the school and had worked with Steven a few times.
                >Nothing more than a simple high, quick completion, and then head burried back into whatever game she was playing.
                >Sat beside Marcy with her own console was Tulip Olsen. The odd mix of athletic and nerdy. Tulip had her own aspirations of getting into game design, and was rarely ever seen outside of her own friend group which happened to include Marcy.
                >It was unusual for Tulip to be at a rendez-vu held by Sasha, but this would be a great time to meet.

                >And finally, the last two guests. One instantly recognizable, and the other distinctly unknown
                >But together, they were hand-in-hand and laughing with one another
                >Connie Maheswaran and-
                >"Marco Diaz!"
                >"Luz! Great to finally see you again."
                >In an instant Luz jumped into Marco's arms and embraced him as if seeing a long-lost friend. But surely that couldn't be the case, thought Steven to himself
                >"I haven't seen you since I went on vacation to Echo Creek, what are you doing here?" Luz said while still holding onto him tightly, her chest ever so connected to Marco's.
                >"Well, I'm here on an exchange program, normally I'm the one hosting people but I guess the principal decided it was time for a change."
                >"Oh this is so great! This guy hosted me and my mom when we went to vacation around Echo Creek, but our hotel suprised cancelled our rooms and we had no where else to stay. It was awful."
                >"Fortunately my parents were around at the right time and offered to take them in and help."
                >"Forget help, it was a blessing! Your parents took us out to so many places, your dad made an amazing sculpture of me and my mom, and your mom made us a feast! *gasp* Is Mrs. Diaz here too?"
                >"Luz, he's here for an exchange program, his parents are obviously not going to be here."
                >"She was just asking, Tulip."
                >"I know Marcy, but it was just right there. Speaking of which, how did you get here anyways? All the busses stopped running a few hours ago?
                >"A dragon what?"
                >"Dragoncycle, personal ride of mine. Best partner in the whole universe, wears a special collar and flew me all the way here."
                >"WHERE IS SHE, LET ME SEE!"
                >"Mar-Mar, Luz, No!"
                >As Anne and Tulip struggled to pull the two star-struck fanatics off of him, Steven was stupefied
                You can take the next part here, lol

              • 2 years ago

                >It hadn’t taken long for Luz to find her way to talk to Marcy, engaging the girl in a conversation as the Asian nerd seemed very equipped at multitasking playing her game and engaging in a conversation with Luz about anime.
                >He had been tempted to join on but it seemed that Sasha’s couch was not equipped for adding someone his size with Tulip, Marcy and Luz all sitting down and chatting.
                >He was thinking of talking to Anne but a quick look from Sasha had discouraged that, especially when she and Anne had looked at him and started laughing to themselves.
                >He wasn’t used to seeing Sasha so casually dressed, the girl had seemed more relaxed and judging by the giggling and whispering she was engaging in with Anne in between.
                >Both of the girls had also taken to pulling their phones out every few minutes or so, Sasha growing impatient and more annoyed by the fact he was here by the second.
                >It was only when Marcy and Luz had walked together to another room of the house after Marcy finished her game had he gotten the chance to sit down, though he noticed Marcy mentioning the words “cute boy” which had risen his hope.
                >Things weren’t going as well with Tulip either. She had given him the basic pleasantries but much like the other girls she had seemed lost in her phone constantly checking the time, almost like they were waiting for someone.
                >That left Steven to his own little corner in Sasha’s home, his anxiety building up as he began hoping for Luz to want to leave too. Though judging by her turning red at a joke Marcy seemed to have told, that wouldn’t happen any time soon.
                >It was only once the doorbell began ringing that he felt an unshakable out in his stomach that only went deeper when he saw Sasha smile and welcome what seemed to be the only other boy at this get together.

                At this point, I'm pretty sure that Connie is busy talking wth Sasha and asking why Steven is here as he wasn't invited. Steven overhears this and is hurt that his closest friend does not want him around. With words like, "you promised" and "fat leech" being exchanged between the two of them. A this point, Steven is quickly made into the third wheel to everyone as their busy bombarding Marco with questions about where he's from, what he does, and why he oddly smells really good. All this and more take place before Sasha calms things down and reminds them of part of the reason why their here. To have fun, welcome the new kid, and play some games. And one of the games promised was spin the bottle.

              • 2 years ago

                That does make things interesting. I like the idea of Connie only being willing to open call Steven fat after ditching him. Before she had been polite about it and now she’s got no need to. Connie can go pretty hard at someone when she wants to, like with Lapis and Peridot annoying her. So being friends with Sasha could let her unleash what she really thinks about Steven now

              • 2 years ago

                I like the way you think, but you and Steven have both fallen into my trap of not actually knowing who's saying what. Is it Sasha saying such words or is it Connie? Either way, he knows he's unwanted and is quickly regretting his decision.

              • 2 years ago

                Plot twist. It’s both. He’ll probably wind up looking like a child when he tries to talk to Luz about leaving to go home, only for her to either ignore him or lose patience with him. I wonder which would be worse.

              • 2 years ago

                Now now, we can save losing patience with him for down the line. What we can say however is that, Luz will say if he's not having a good time then he can just leave. It's not good to stay in a place that makes him uncomfortable. Besides, she can catch a ride back home with Marco. She's definitely going to make sure she gets to ride Nachos at least once before the night is over.

              • 2 years ago

                Besides, she was thinking of Marco dropping her off anyway. He lives closer to town so it doesn’t make sense. Plus a Dragoncyle is cooler than a Dondai but he doesn’t need to know that. Regardless, Steven will just reluctantly stay and take up a spot right next to Luz, even if she’s scooting away just a smidge to not give Marco the wrong idea that Steven is with her. He just dropped her offf as a friend

              • 2 years ago

                Would the other girls start insulting him that way?

              • 2 years ago

                I like the way you think, but you and Steven have both fallen into my trap of not actually knowing who's saying what. Is it Sasha saying such words or is it Connie? Either way, he knows he's unwanted and is quickly regretting his decision.

                Plot twist. It’s both. He’ll probably wind up looking like a child when he tries to talk to Luz about leaving to go home, only for her to either ignore him or lose patience with him. I wonder which would be worse.

                Now now, we can save losing patience with him for down the line. What we can say however is that, Luz will say if he's not having a good time then he can just leave. It's not good to stay in a place that makes him uncomfortable. Besides, she can catch a ride back home with Marco. She's definitely going to make sure she gets to ride Nachos at least once before the night is over.

                Besides, she was thinking of Marco dropping her off anyway. He lives closer to town so it doesn’t make sense. Plus a Dragoncyle is cooler than a Dondai but he doesn’t need to know that. Regardless, Steven will just reluctantly stay and take up a spot right next to Luz, even if she’s scooting away just a smidge to not give Marco the wrong idea that Steven is with her. He just dropped her offf as a friend

                With all this said and setup, I think it's time we get the bottle setup. I gotta get some sleep, so you guys can decide on whatever you want for who gets to go first. Only thing to make sure however, is that the sole girl who lands on Steven, chooses to kiss Marco instead. Night for now and good job

              • 2 years ago

                Gladly anon
                Good night

              • 2 years ago

                Whoever goes first or last, we just need to ame sure Steven knows how good their kisses with Marco. Could even have Sasha be the most risque one and slip in some tongue or even getting on his lap. Oh shit, I just realized something great we can use. The Kings Game from Persona 4. Show who's the real ruler here

              • 2 years ago

                I swear, if only we had a pool party. Or maybe we can have one if they choose to take things outside

              • 2 years ago

                Sasha would have a pool. Having everything dress down to their underwear instead of bringing bathing suits seems like something spontaneous she would do

              • 2 years ago

                How does Steven feel about it

              • 2 years ago

                He feels betrayed, maybe?

              • 2 years ago

                Can Marco be shirtless for this one like Yu? Anyways Sasha can be how it starts. She gives Steven the hope first and then switches games like nothing.

                I swear, if only we had a pool party. Or maybe we can have one if they choose to take things outside

                Walk before you run, Anon.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah you're right. Can't go jumping ahead too much and makkng radical changes already

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry about that
                Had work and needed to get to sleep>

                I'd say some casual kisses between the girls are needed, just to had some "HE is staring at us kiss"

                Have them only motive when Steven stares a little too long at Luz kissing Marco

              • 2 years ago

                >Miraculously, every time the girls spin, it lands on Marco
                >Steven has to watch as each girl takes their turn with Marco.
                >Each girl meeting lips with him in a different way, that leaves them satisfied

              • 2 years ago

                I'd say some casual kisses between the girls are needed, just to had some "HE is staring at us kiss"

              • 2 years ago

                Like between who and who?

              • 2 years ago

                Anne and Sasha obviously
                Marcy and Tulip
                Luz and Connie

              • 2 years ago

                Nice, I like it. Have it be the starting opener, and then let the consecutive, luck of the draw, make out sessions with Marco follow after, or be interspersed with them. For example
                >Sasha and Anne kiss each other, but then Sasha brings in Marco to add some flavor and see which who's the better kisser between her and Anne

              • 2 years ago

                You could even have it first hit Steven only for a “subtle” kick from Sasha to point it at Anne. He brings it up but all he gets is everyone agreeing with Sasha she didn’t kick it

              • 2 years ago

                Nice, I like it. Have it be the starting opener, and then let the consecutive, luck of the draw, make out sessions with Marco follow after, or be interspersed with them. For example
                >Sasha and Anne kiss each other, but then Sasha brings in Marco to add some flavor and see which who's the better kisser between her and Anne

                Yeah sounds great.

                I was gonna suggest Marco flipping the bottle first, it lands on Sasha, they kiss, then Sasha flips, it lands on Anne, then do as you please, but whatever.

                Just do as you see fit.

              • 2 years ago

                Nice, I like it. Have it be the starting opener, and then let the consecutive, luck of the draw, make out sessions with Marco follow after, or be interspersed with them. For example
                >Sasha and Anne kiss each other, but then Sasha brings in Marco to add some flavor and see which who's the better kisser between her and Anne

                Got it
                >It was with a flourish that Sasha had chosen to spun the bottle, a wine her parents that had never been opened.
                >She had insisted that as Head cheerleader she should have the first go.
                >He was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t have had his chance with Luz but it all changed when he saw who the bottle had landed on.
                >Steven had thought of protesting, but he was worried he would end up looking like a killjoy so he chose to push down the pain of rejection. It wasn’t like he liked Sasha that much anyway.
                >The strange thing was that Sasha seemed pleased about the hurt look on his face before she turned her head to Anne, pressing her lips on the Thai girl’s like there was previous experience
                >What was even stranger was how Sasha moved Anne’s head just a smidge solely to look at Marco, who had on a smirk Steven was finding more irritating every time he flashed it. If he didn’t know any better, it was like Sasha was putting on a show for Marco
                >Especially when she began moaning through Anne’s lips, almsot deliberately compared to the Thai girl’s subtler gasps.
                >Intentional or not, this passion was making an impression on Steven.
                >He was used to Ruby and Sapphire kissing but this was different.
                >He had always thought Anne was cute whenever he stopped by her parents restaurant with Luz.
                >And even if Sasha could be rude to him, he had to acknowledge she was absolutely pretty.
                >He had been so enraptured in Sasha and Anne kissing, he hadn’t paid attention the other girls taking notice of his leering as disgust took over his eyes.
                >If he could have saw the look of Luz’s face compared to how she viewed Marco, the young hybrid would have started tearing up.
                >But that was nothing compared to what was going to come next from Sasha’s voice
                >”Oh my God, is chubs getting a chubby?”

              • 2 years ago

                Nicely done anon, good opportunity to allow Steven to take an early exit out of embarrassment. But let's keep him here to put him through the wringer and make hum bear witness to everything playing out. Good kissing description as well.

                As for the disgust showing on the faces of the girls, lets use this to showcase a difference between Marco and Steven. Steven watches too intently which gives off vibes of perversion and uncomfortableness. After all, there's a fine line between appreciation, and leering and oggling. Something which Marco does not do.

                Marco instead observes with interested impression and amusement. Probably throwing in a good compliment about how they really enjoyed that kiss. Met with an appreciated rebuttal by Sasha asking if he wants to see more for himself. But not before she and the rest of the girls subtly tell Steven to go cool himself down if he can't behave while watching two people make out.. No one wants an a guy who gets too into it.

              • 2 years ago

                It’s a good way to establish the tone for the series. And it works based off their roles here, Marco’s nature enough to k is not to meet like a horny twelve year old and Steven is not here. Add in the differences between looks and it’s obvious why Marco is the one captivating so much interest. I like the idea of Luz being the most ashamed and maybe even embarrassed for herself she brought him here against her better judgement. As of now though, Steven is just going to end crossing his legs, unable to face anyone as they do their best to ignore him. Just furthering more in how he’s an uncomfortable third wheel as they manage to get things started up again.

              • 2 years ago

                Nicely done anon, good opportunity to allow Steven to take an early exit out of embarrassment. But let's keep him here to put him through the wringer and make hum bear witness to everything playing out. Good kissing description as well.

                As for the disgust showing on the faces of the girls, lets use this to showcase a difference between Marco and Steven. Steven watches too intently which gives off vibes of perversion and uncomfortableness. After all, there's a fine line between appreciation, and leering and oggling. Something which Marco does not do.

                Marco instead observes with interested impression and amusement. Probably throwing in a good compliment about how they really enjoyed that kiss. Met with an appreciated rebuttal by Sasha asking if he wants to see more for himself. But not before she and the rest of the girls subtly tell Steven to go cool himself down if he can't behave while watching two people make out.. No one wants an a guy who gets too into it.

                It’s a good way to establish the tone for the series. And it works based off their roles here, Marco’s nature enough to k is not to meet like a horny twelve year old and Steven is not here. Add in the differences between looks and it’s obvious why Marco is the one captivating so much interest. I like the idea of Luz being the most ashamed and maybe even embarrassed for herself she brought him here against her better judgement. As of now though, Steven is just going to end crossing his legs, unable to face anyone as they do their best to ignore him. Just furthering more in how he’s an uncomfortable third wheel as they manage to get things started up again.

                >"W-what!? No!" Said Steven as he desperately attempted so save face, but the damage was already done.
                >It was one thing for Tulip to slwoly scoot away from Steven, another for Marcy's face to cringe, but they were nothing compared to the embarrassment and disappointment shown by Luz and Connie
                >Connie had shot a dirty look to Steven, as if trying to telepathically communicate, "What the frick are you doing, Steven?"
                >While Luz grew uncomfortable and worried. Steven could tell that he was quickly outstaying his unprecedented 'welcome'.
                >The worst thing Steven could've done was to show weakness and unconfidence in a public situation.
                >Unfortunately, he made the mistake of standing up to quickly and confirming Sasha's already known accusation.
                >"Oh my god!" said Anne who recoiled with shock that Steven would present such an uncouth sight.
                >"Wow chubs, are you seriously that into this? What kind of a boy can't handle two girls making out? Do you do this when your moms make out too?"
                >"As if that wasn't bad enough, the worst came to be when Marco was the only one who spoke out in his defence.
                >"Hold on, Sasha, he's probably just...not used to some casual PDA like this. I've seen it tons of times at concerts, schools, and even with my parents. Ugh. Anyways Steven, I think it'd be best if you just take some time to cool off. You should probably head outside for now."
                >"Yeah, take a load off, just don't come back to fast."
                >"Actually I believe Marco's right. Best option right now is for Steven to leave, but maybe not come back. Connie?" said Tulip
                >"Steven, *sigh* just go for now."
                >"I'll help walk you to your car, I can take Luz home for you."
                >"Wait", said Luz

              • 2 years ago

                Do we send Steven away in shame, or have him stay but has to say outside the room and listen in and peek from outside and watch in secret?

              • 2 years ago

                My take? He stays but while most girls were reluctant to kiss him before now they’re outright going to spin again. I could see him trying to apologize to them but repeatedly being brushed off

              • 2 years ago

                Good idea, each time it lands on him he could try to apologize but they just spin away to Marco. To try and fit in with Steven's nature to try and get along with people, but that won't work this time. Also, anything you think could be improved here?

              • 2 years ago

                I thinks it’s good as is though I would probably have their distaste for him become bolder over the night

              • 2 years ago

                Thank you. Each progressive attempt to apologize only makes things worse as they would rather not hear him try so hard anymore. If he were to just leave things could at least be fine, but he's not helping anymore. Even Luz doesn't want to here it anymore. Do think I'm gonna have to rework Luz saying 'wait' though. Need to come up with a better flowing reason for them to even consider allowing him back in.

              • 2 years ago

                I could see it as it being pity. Have it be because Steven is still forcing it and bringing it up when he could at least have the decency to let them awkwardly move past it. I see the others silently agreeing with Luz because of Sasha. An unspoken mutually agreed upon (save for Luz and Steven) punishment on Chancho

              • 2 years ago

                >Luz convinces everyone else to allow Steven to stay, but they quickly come to regret it

              • 2 years ago

                He’s gonna have the decency to at least hide it but they’re all gonna know what he has down there

              • 2 years ago

                Could work if she regrets asking him to stay as the night goes on.

              • 2 years ago

                Luz is a saint

              • 2 years ago

                >runs away from home
                >lies to her mom about it
                >becomes lesbian
                The literal demon that took over her life is more saintly than Luz is.

              • 2 years ago

                I meant here since she is okay with Steven having a boner

              • 2 years ago

                >Out of sheer pity and guilt for someone she considered a friend, Luz made a regrettable (but what she felt necessary) decission
                >Steven could still stay, but he really needed to restrain and not embarass himself any further
                >While Sasha would be against this decison, she was persuaded by counting this as a sort of infraction warning, as suggested by Marco and Tulip. Albeit, reluctantly for Tulip.
                >Marcy suppossed that he just got a boner, but so long as he kept to himself he'd be fine.
                >Connie and Sasha were the last to agree
                >Connie really just wanted him to stop embarrasing himself and everyone else, and Sasha suppossed that if he would be staying, she wouldn't be screwed on this deal
                >No one crosses Sasha Waybright and gets away with it.
                >And so the game continued and Steven was allowed to sit in his own spot
                >His own isolated pocket as the other girls moved away from him.
                >But his rejection would not end there. No, his hole still had much further to sknk into the ground
                >For with every spin of the bottle invokving him, three things would happen
                >One: the bottle somehow almost always landed on Marco when the girls would spin
                >Two: any time it dissapointedly landed on Steven, the bottle would be "accidently" be kept in motion by a nudge to someone else or the girls sould purposely skip over to Marco if Steven spun it
                >Three and worst of all: Steven would always apologize to any of the girls when they skipped over or avoided him
                >It's one thing to own up to your mistakes, but it's another thing when you won't shut up about it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Incessant remorse rides a fine line between overcaring, and self-pity. It dilutes whatever you're trying to make up for and causes the problem to be made worse.
                >Saying "I understand why you'd skip me" or apologizing while not unserstanding the current mood really started to get on the nerves of everyone.
                >Marco, while a friendly guy can only tolerate so much before even he starts to get annoyed with an overly bashful and self-condescending attitude
                >He had seen it a couple of times before, and this was starting to remind him why he became less tolerant of certain people and their actions.
                >The girl too were varied, but all shared the same underlying feeling that he was bringing their fun and kissing with Marco down just by being reminded constantly of his apologies
                >Sasha's frustration grew more and more with each bottle spin and a potential migraine and physical assault case was threatning to burst out if he didn't shut it
                >Anne did her best to channel him out, but just as she was disturbed from organizing her collectables or stacking, irritation too built up in spades.
                >Marcy did her best to wait for her turns by paying strict attention to her games. Each spoken word of the universe drew her attention and ire. Shooting dirty glances at him with tired eyes
                >Tulip was surprisingly on the same page as Sasha, only trying harder to keep her cool and not explode to give Steven a brutally verbal dressing-down with her tongue.
                >She had the potential to be just as, if nit more hurtful, than Sasha.
                >Connie is just tired of it all. At this point, whenever it's her turn she skips the bottle all together and just goes all in on Marco. His reassurances and calming prescence were the only things keeping her there.
                >And finally Luz
                >Poor Luz quickly regretted her decision to allow Steven to stay. Had she known the endurance game that would occur, she'd have said nothing when Marco offered to help Steven leave.
                >But because they were friends, she couldn't allow that.

              • 2 years ago

                >Incessant remorse rides a fine line between overcaring, and self-pity. It dilutes whatever you're trying to make up for and causes the problem to be made worse.
                >Saying "I understand why you'd skip me" or apologizing while not unserstanding the current mood really started to get on the nerves of everyone.
                >Marco, while a friendly guy can only tolerate so much before even he starts to get annoyed with an overly bashful and self-condescending attitude
                >He had seen it a couple of times before, and this was starting to remind him why he became less tolerant of certain people and their actions.
                >The girl too were varied, but all shared the same underlying feeling that he was bringing their fun and kissing with Marco down just by being reminded constantly of his apologies
                >Sasha's frustration grew more and more with each bottle spin and a potential migraine and physical assault case was threatning to burst out if he didn't shut it
                >Anne did her best to channel him out, but just as she was disturbed from organizing her collectables or stacking, irritation too built up in spades.
                >Marcy did her best to wait for her turns by paying strict attention to her games. Each spoken word of the universe drew her attention and ire. Shooting dirty glances at him with tired eyes
                >Tulip was surprisingly on the same page as Sasha, only trying harder to keep her cool and not explode to give Steven a brutally verbal dressing-down with her tongue.
                >She had the potential to be just as, if nit more hurtful, than Sasha.
                >Connie is just tired of it all. At this point, whenever it's her turn she skips the bottle all together and just goes all in on Marco. His reassurances and calming prescence were the only things keeping her there.
                >And finally Luz
                >Poor Luz quickly regretted her decision to allow Steven to stay. Had she known the endurance game that would occur, she'd have said nothing when Marco offered to help Steven leave.
                >But because they were friends, she couldn't allow that.

                >It was only around the time Steven had taken a break into the bathroom that things were able to be comfortable again
                >It was like a great big weight had been taken off off each girl in the room, especially Luz and Sasha.
                >Even if Sasha had begun making jokes about having the maid bleach the entire bathroom after Chubs was done with it, with at least everyone in the room getting a good laugh.
                >Marco had been growing tired of the fat kid, he had been reminded of Ferguson with him, but even Ferguson didn’t seem as bad with girls as Steven
                >Sasha’s migraine had somewhat faded enough for her to come up with an attempt to save this hangout and get back to her original goal
                >When it was Luz’s turn, she had taken the opportunity to make up a new rule, no limit to just kissing, you could go as far as you guys want.
                >The other girls were initially confused but were able to pick up on fast. Connie of all seemed to approve of this plan, and so Luz became emboldened. Even if they were upset at Steven, they couldn’t blame Luz. The girl needed a fun time tonight, she didn’t mean to drag a pig who spoiled their fun.
                >Besides, once Luz gets a taste of Marco, she may grow an intolerance to pork.
                >Marco had been a bit confused as well, but he quickly settled into the new rule as well, stroking Luz’s hair as they kissed, massaging her shoulder, he could tell the girl was feeling guilt and knew she needed a way to relax.
                >It was working
                >With a combination of subtle peer pressure, frustration at the night being ruined by that Chancho and of course Marco being an all around cute new boy who cares about her comfort, Luz had not only gone ahead with the makeout session but slowly escalating with stroking of Marco’s toned abs, and nuzzlings into his neck.
                >By the time Steven came back into the room, Luz had moved to kissing Marco on his lap, a hickey fresh on her neck and on Marco’s as the other girls had watched in anticipation of them being next.

              • 2 years ago

                Nice rule addendum anon. Works as a way of taking care of both Steven and some major stress relief

              • 2 years ago

                Thank you. I try. Sasha knows how to deal with creeps like Steven

              • 2 years ago

                >It was like a great big weight had been taken off off each girl in the room
                I see what you did there, clever word play for the story there anon

              • 2 years ago

                Thank you. I enjoy Steven being bullied for being fat

              • 2 years ago

                >Once Luz's time had run up, she was in a state of pure bliss
                >Their hands had explored many reaches of their body, they could've gone farther but the other girls needed their turns too
                >After all, the hands of the many must join as one to push away the freed pig
                >Pulling Luz away, Sasha had beaten Connie to getting up first.
                >Just as Steven was about to bring up her skippkng the bottle, the combined hate glare from the rest of the girls was more than enough to shut him up.
                >"Let me show you girls how you really, kiss a boy"
                >Sasha grabbed Marco by his hoodie and mashed lips with his for a sloppy and wet, full-tongue kiss
                >Only it didn't end there. Not being one to lie down and getting the hint at what Sasha wanted, Marco quickly turned her over and began the struggle for dominance
                >Pulling and turning at each other's clothes, they were going wild
                >Steven's jaw was agape at the sight of such raw passion. She had been holding back this entire time?
                >"Marco, what are you doing!?"
                >"Steven, if I have to another single moment to look at you and not him, I will rip that gem out of your fat jelly rolls and shove it so far up your dickhole, that it breaks through to your ass."
                >That was more than enough to convey the sheer rage welled up within Sasha.
                >In shock and awe, Steven prepared to say he was sorry until
                >"Steven, if you even say your sorry one more time, I WILL call Pearl and tell them about this."
                >"Steven, I know you're a nice guy, but you REALLY need to take a hint and shut up"
                >"Would it KILL you to take the hint already? I don't know how much more any of us can take of your winging and ridiculous prostrations already."
                >"I can stand waiting some time for my turn, what I can't stand is staying with YOU for another second. I feel like my mind is about to break apart and snap!"
                >"Marcy, I'm-"
                >"Steven, don't. I stood up for you because you were my friend, but you've ruined everything! Just please leave you, you..CHANCHO!"

              • 2 years ago

                Oh this was wonderful
                >Although the nickname would spread around school after Sasha’s inquiry later, only three people right now understood Chancho
                >Luz who couldn’t believe she said yet didn’t regret it
                >Marco, who upon reflecting on Steven’s weight, nose and behavior deemed it accurate.
                >And Steven, having picked it up from spending time at her house, whose eyes had begun tearing up at hearing the girl he had a crush on call him that.
                >His nose sniffling, he had taken to wiping it with the sleeve of his jacket before walking forward and asking Luz to give him another chance, another self pitying apology coming out of his mouth as Sasha looked disgusted.
                >Seeing Luz not accept his apology only encouraged Steven to do it more, even reaching for Luz’s hand. They came together, they should leave together.
                >Things tensed as Luz refused and only got worse when Steven wouldn’t take no for an answer, outright attempting to drag her home against her protests and that of the other girls while Marco remained silent and unnoticed.
                >Big mistake, as the next thing Steven knew, punch bad left him aching and letting Luz go.
                >The pain had only started his crying again
                >He had only been wanting a night with Luz, to show her and everyone he was the right person for her
                >Unbeknownst to Steven, Marco had taken on the look his own father would take whenever someone threatened his wife, willing to put all his years of experience in the Neverzone against Steven, Sasha and Anne not far behind.
                >Luz was hiding away from him, in the arms of the boy who had just punched him
                >Connie had pulled out her phone and started texting, surely telling Pearl everything. It was too much.
                >And so Steven had run away from the party, his crying akin to a pig’s squeal.
                >If they had somehow managed to wills themselves to look at him, they might have noticed that Steven had even began turning pink in brief flashes.
                >Not that any of them cared if he was, after all, Marco was

              • 2 years ago

                Marco was what?

              • 2 years ago

                Oh I mean to write there for them. I think I posted too soon

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, I see then. Good writing regardless

              • 2 years ago

                I love his heart breaking and gaining a reputation

              • 2 years ago

                Oh I mean to write there for them. I think I posted too soon

                So, what happens next?

              • 2 years ago

                Oh that was it with my part.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, okay then. Nice work, I'll try to come up with something to continue off for a nice framework.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh thank you

              • 2 years ago

                I think out of common decency, the party is cancelled and everyone goes home. But not before reaffirming things and thanking Marco for the good time. Even though Steven kind of ruined everything, that doesn't nullify the experience they all had with each other, and agree to stick around more. Both out of friendship, curioisity, and the potential to maybe take things further. Marco will help to take Luz back home on Nachos, but also have a heart-to-heart with her about the incident.

                Besides that, we also need to officiate how Marco is staying with the Gems and Steven. Perhaps we could use this event as kindling for that, now that we also have Connie texting Pearl about what Steven did.

              • 2 years ago

                That makes sense. You could have Marco comforting Luz over the incident, maybe even having her ride Nachos holding onto Marco as a way to get her to feel better after the night she had. A cheek kiss could be a sweet thing to end on.
                As for how Marco lives with Steven, I think that would be later on with Marco’s family needing to leave for work related reasons, and the girls and Marco not wanting it. I could the girls able to convince his parents to let Marco board with a classmate. They are open to the idea of children living with other families since they have hosted many exchange students and they are very lax. None of the girls’ parents are quite okay with a boy staying over so when all else fails, and Marco not having many male Earth teens to ask here, they choose Steven. Connie and Pearl would still be close so I could see Pearl accepting it even if Connie isn’t with Steven anymore, she isn’t always intuitive. The girls could tell Steven to do so if he wants any chance of getting in their good graces’ again, especially Luz’s. Most except Luz knows it won’t actually help but they want Marco to stay

              • 2 years ago

                That makes sense. You could have Marco comforting Luz over the incident, maybe even having her ride Nachos holding onto Marco as a way to get her to feel better after the night she had. A cheek kiss could be a sweet thing to end on.
                As for how Marco lives with Steven, I think that would be later on with Marco’s family needing to leave for work related reasons, and the girls and Marco not wanting it. I could the girls able to convince his parents to let Marco board with a classmate. They are open to the idea of children living with other families since they have hosted many exchange students and they are very lax. None of the girls’ parents are quite okay with a boy staying over so when all else fails, and Marco not having many male Earth teens to ask here, they choose Steven. Connie and Pearl would still be close so I could see Pearl accepting it even if Connie isn’t with Steven anymore, she isn’t always intuitive. The girls could tell Steven to do so if he wants any chance of getting in their good graces’ again, especially Luz’s. Most except Luz knows it won’t actually help but they want Marco to stay

                With Marco staying with Steven, that was already covered but not expanded enough here,

                We're gonna need to combine these somehow, was still writing before you posted that, lol
                >And finally, the last two guests. One instantly recognizable, and the other distinctly unknown
                >But together, they were hand-in-hand and laughing with one another
                >Connie Maheswaran and-
                >"Marco Diaz!"
                >"Luz! Great to finally see you again."
                >In an instant Luz jumped into Marco's arms and embraced him as if seeing a long-lost friend. But surely that couldn't be the case, thought Steven to himself
                >"I haven't seen you since I went on vacation to Echo Creek, what are you doing here?" Luz said while still holding onto him tightly, her chest ever so connected to Marco's.
                >"Well, I'm here on an exchange program, normally I'm the one hosting people but I guess the principal decided it was time for a change."
                >"Oh this is so great! This guy hosted me and my mom when we went to vacation around Echo Creek, but our hotel suprised cancelled our rooms and we had no where else to stay. It was awful."
                >"Fortunately my parents were around at the right time and offered to take them in and help."
                >"Forget help, it was a blessing! Your parents took us out to so many places, your dad made an amazing sculpture of me and my mom, and your mom made us a feast! *gasp* Is Mrs. Diaz here too?"
                >"Luz, he's here for an exchange program, his parents are obviously not going to be here."
                >"She was just asking, Tulip."
                >"I know Marcy, but it was just right there. Speaking of which, how did you get here anyways? All the busses stopped running a few hours ago?
                >"A dragon what?"
                >"Dragoncycle, personal ride of mine. Best partner in the whole universe, wears a special collar and flew me all the way here."
                >"WHERE IS SHE, LET ME SEE!"
                >"Mar-Mar, Luz, No!"
                >As Anne and Tulip struggled to pull the two star-struck fanatics off of him, Steven was stupefied
                You can take the next part here, lol

                >"Well, I'm here on an exchange program, normally I'm the one hosting people but I guess the principal decided it was time for a change."
                When writing that part, I was thinking of it being a surprise foreign exchange program. Kind of like with what happened when Star first met Marco. But seeing what you wrote and what's already been written, that seems to need some reorganization. Actually, an idea just came to me for some order.

                >Marco arrives at the town and is currently hosted by Sasha, albeit temporarily due to the previous family needing to cancel
                >Sasha takes advantage of this and invites a small group of friends and associates over to see this new cute and handsome boy.
                >Luz arrives with Steven as an uninvited guest, and everyone is now gathered
                >Spin the bottle and the incidents occur
                >Steven runs away
                >Marco and the girls exchange contacts and look to meet again
                >Marco takes Luz home
                And that's where we are at right now

                I can see a path forming with both my original idea and your own on how Marco lives with Steven and the gems. The school does call each of the girls parents, but they refuse for the reasons you mentioned or otherwise, but the Gems are the first guardians to respond and accept him. Once Steven gets home, he immediately goes to bed and hates himself. Only for him to wake up the next morning with the gems calling, But when he gets downstairs, he's met with a shocking visitor and reveal. The host family Marco's staying with will be them, and will be in his old room. But first, they need to have a chat about the info Connie sent to Pearl last night, and they've already been hearing things from Marco.

              • 2 years ago

                Now this is an idea I could really work with. Steven not even having the input out into him at all. Marco taking over his old room over night, not even knowing. I still like the idea of him sleeping on the couch. I think Garnet and Pearl would be pretty appalled at his behavior and call him out leaving him even more sad about it. While he goes off and sulk it’s the perfect chance for Marco to bond with his new foster family. Even if he doesn’t want to deal with Chancho. I wanna see how the girls react tbh

              • 2 years ago

                Well for starters, depending on the state of Steven's old room, he'll definietly end up impressing Pearl by cleaning the mess up, if it's anything like

                To be fair, this is how he gets when depressed

                . Also, we sure do leave out Amethyst a lot in all of this. Although I can understand as Amethyst is kind of a shit character and not as important compared to Pearl and Garnet.

                As for the girls, I feel like Marco would tell them in a group chat. They'd be happy that Marco has a place to stay, but not too happy about Steven. That is until one of them (likely Marcy) says that it would be like he's been assigned to him like the parole officer Sasha once duped into thinking she was someone else. With tat said, the girls could have Marco to rely on when visiting him, and not having to worry about Steen so much. Although, some would still be hesitant. Which could then lead back to the original order of appearance the girls came with to be with Marco.
                >Connie, as she's the most familiar
                >Luz, coming in to visit and thank Marco again
                >Anne, for sparring
                >Sasha to record heir spars leeading to the development of the videos
                >Marcy joining as a prop for one of the spars, but coming around to spend more time and study with Marco
                >And finally Tulip, who sort of has the reverse, as Marco visits her house first before she comes over to the beach house.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean I can see the appeal but I like Garnet and Pearl better for discussion as it’s his well mother figures. They just vibe better. The idea of the girls being uncomfortable at first sounds good. I love the idea of Steven showing up and answering the door thinking Luz and Connie are ready to forgive him, them coming first since they’ve been around him the most, only to get the brush off. And Marco dealing with Steven’s messy room is there perfect way to show the (D)iaz’s superiority to Chancho. Also an idea I like, is the other girls using it to talk about Steven behind it his back to the point it becomes a regular nickname for Steven beyond them

              • 2 years ago

                Marco doing that the second he walks into the room will definitely give him major points with Pearl. Alongside Connie, given that she's known Steven the longest and is familiar with the current state of things. I can foresee Connie going to the house and being greeted by Pearl who thanks her for the information sent yesterday, although she'll say she didn't mention that Marco was so neat and organized. It's like a blessing to her. As Connie makes her way to Steven's old room, she and Steven come across each other. Steven wants or tries to say something to her, but she just ignores him and walks straight to Steven's old room. And the way Marco has turned things around is stupendous.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh yeah it’s gotten to the point it resembles the OP pic, not including the more erogenous stuff of course. Machine Hand posters, weight lifting set, little desk for his homework. I could see Pearl easily fascinated by Marco’s work ethic. Not to mention she and Garnet would also develop an interest in anything Marco has from the Neverzone. She’ll start wishing Steven could begin emulating that kinda behavior. As for Connie, I like the idea of her showing off Marco to the Gems a lot. Like a girl showing off her new boyfriend to her older friends she met through the old one. Even Garnet can’t help but like Connie’s chemistry with Marco. Poor Steven is going to be left upset at his couch, eating fry bits as his life starts slipping

              • 2 years ago

                >"So, you think they like me?"
                >"Like you? They think you're a hit!"

              • 2 years ago

                I could see the Gems start getting into family meals with Marco. He does seem like the type to home cook a lot and they’d want to be polite to their guests. And when Connie comes they might even get teasing about their relationship. I think they had distanced a little when Connie ditched Steven so Marco reuniting the group sounds perfect

              • 2 years ago

                Wonder how that went down in the first place. Whatever Marco cooks would help to endear him to Amethyst as well, especially if she falls in love with the idea of a Dragoncycle. What would Marco cook for them?

              • 2 years ago

                I could see him cooking a nice little Italian dish for them, while probably making enough for Steven. But Steven’s refusing to eat out of a childlike mindset. More for them anyways. Marco always seemed good with exchange students and it seems like it could be his way of breaking bread with people he’s living with. Connie could come over too with him. I see her as the one helping them bond. She wants her boyfriend happy after all even if it makes the pig upset

              • 2 years ago

                The first time Connie stays over for the night will be hard on Steven

              • 2 years ago

                It’s a pigsty and he’s a pig so makes sense

              • 2 years ago

                Would Steven keep trying to talk to the girls

              • 2 years ago

                Constantly, but he's not getting the hint and keeps on trying to apologize

              • 2 years ago

                He’s going to try and kiss one of them at this rate

              • 2 years ago

                He tries that and he's a dead man

              • 2 years ago

                He won’t care at that point. He’ll force a kiss on Luz either way. It’s what turns the Gems against him

              • 2 years ago

                Now hold on, like what another anon told me before. "You need to walk before you can run" We're getting ahead of ourselves and skipping oof far. We need to get back to the aftermath of the incident which is around here,

                Oh yeah it’s gotten to the point it resembles the OP pic, not including the more erogenous stuff of course. Machine Hand posters, weight lifting set, little desk for his homework. I could see Pearl easily fascinated by Marco’s work ethic. Not to mention she and Garnet would also develop an interest in anything Marco has from the Neverzone. She’ll start wishing Steven could begin emulating that kinda behavior. As for Connie, I like the idea of her showing off Marco to the Gems a lot. Like a girl showing off her new boyfriend to her older friends she met through the old one. Even Garnet can’t help but like Connie’s chemistry with Marco. Poor Steven is going to be left upset at his couch, eating fry bits as his life starts slipping


                Although, I will say that we can use part of this and try to work on the starting blocks of the gems turning against him.

              • 2 years ago

                Fair enough
                >The dinner was going on splendidly, for beings who didn’t normally eat, the Gems had appear to have very good etiquette
                >They had to for their new roommate of sorts, especially with how he had cooked for them after being given Steven’s mess of a room
                >That boy had lived in such a pigsty and didn’t seem to want to clean it up for Marco’s sake.
                >Which is why Pearl was very impressed to see Marco had completely transformed it. Judging by his physique he was MoS granger to hard work
                >Amethyst as always had been pretty easily placated by the meal in front of her, which was a step far up from the the usual pizza that she and Steven would stuff themselves with.
                >And Garnet had taken an interest in hearing about Marco’s time in the Neverzone, fascinated by the spiritual ascsnesions he had made during his time with the monks.
                >Marco had managed to earn a rare Garnet smile when she brought up the idea of a spar, Steven has never seemed to like training against her
                >And right next sat Connie, giggling as her boyfriend was charming the Gems she had grown so close to, even if she had rejected their son.
                >Though from the looks of Steven sitting on the couch depressed, rudely eating a deep fried calorie ridden mess out of spite for Marco being here, it didn’t seem they would want his company at the moment.
                >Especially when Pearl and Garnet began whispering about how they wished Steven could be more like Marco, hoping he wouldn’t hear.
                >He was their practical son after all, even if how he had acted with his friends was disgusting and inappropriate.
                >Connie couldn’t help but laugh herself at the idea of Steven ever comparing to Marco, but held on to her boyfriend’s hand nonetheless. Chancho was in the past, Marco was her future
                >All Steven could do in the meanwhile was bite down on his fry bits while on the couch, feeling more like an outsider than ever as he heard the Gems compliment the boy Luz and Connie seemed to prefer

              • 2 years ago

                I don't know what it is, but something about the way you wrote and described Steve feels real and accurate to me. Particularly with the actual habits he has in the show, that when done seriously is really quite lame. Pizza and fry bits? Combined with everything we've done so far, it makes me reconsider Steven's actual character in the show and the problems with SU in general. You've inspired me, and I use this RWBY pic because it's fitting and I also lost all of my saved pics.

                >Here he is, Steven Universe, disgraced hero of Beach City sitting munching on fry bits away from his family
                >They were laughing, having fun with each other, telling tales
                >His old crush was practically attached to Marco at the hip.
                >After what he had done last night, why wouldn't she be?
                >His show of weakness corroded away at the good image he had of himself.
                >Who was he truly?
                >In comparison to Marco who was exchanging meditation techniques with Garnet, he was a far cry from who Steven was
                >Responsible, self-respecting, diligent, hard-working, smart, and willing to commit to go past his set horizons.
                >Sure Steven was outgoing as well, but the way he did it had always centered around him, not for tohers.
                >This story Marco was telling, of the time when his first realized he was capable of so much more than he actually was.
                >One built with the strength of others and going above and beyond his own limits.
                >Of punching a hole through an evil man.
                >How can he not feel downtrodden while surrounded by his own deplorable thoughts.
                >Again, here he was in his defeated squalor with greasy fast food and being satisfied with himself at a mediocre level.
                >While Marco proved himself worthy of love and good treaties, to be a real everyman.
                >What was he doing?

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah it’s fun. There’s a scene where he says don’t touch my connie and I like to use the vibes it gave me
                >Steven was struggling to relax on the couch, he could still smell the grease stains he had accidentally gotten on it while eating his dinner.
                >Garnet had admonished him for his rudeness but Steven didn’t care, the Gems hadn’t even asked him whether he was okay with giving up his bed to someone like Marco.
                >Pearl had looked so disappointed in him at his response before shaking her head and heading off to her room, Garnet not far behind.
                >Why should he be punished for refusing to eat with someone like Marco. Someone who made Steven so insecure about everything.
                >He didn’t wanna think about how Marco had deprecated to his room with Connie in tow, the girl having packed a nightgown.
                >Connie hadn’t even looked at him during her time here. No matter how many times he tried to make conversation or say she looked pretty, all her attention was on Marco
                >Connie had completely moved on and even though Steven wanted to, he couldn’t. Even when he tried.
                >He had tried texting Luz but it appears no matter how many apologies he wrote she wouldn’t respond. He could only hope she chose to sleep in tonight rather than deliberately ignore him.
                >He didn’t want to ruin her night, he was just mad at his lack of self control.
                >Not like Marco. Who had kissed his Luz, the one girl who helped him heal after Connie .
                >What had hurt most was being called Chancho. He thought Luz didn’t care about his appearance. That she just enjoyed being with him, he knew she was pretty and he was sure she thought he was handsome.
                >But that ship has sailed. Tears had dropped on his chubby cheeks that night as he closed his eyes and tries to get some rest between today and tomorrow which he had been dreading.
                >He really hoped this whole experience was a bad dream

              • 2 years ago

                >But the experience had not ended, for it had turned into a waking nightmare from which there would be pleasant nor resplendent dreams
                >He would not get any sleep that night, Marco made sure of it but for Connie

              • 2 years ago

                And so began the first of the six conquests of the D(iaz), each successive one will scrape at the borders of the Universe and defragment all that makes it whole.

              • 2 years ago

                Imagine the Sasha one

              • 2 years ago

                >It had started with Steven hearing them talking. Marco asking if Connie was okay with the Chancho right there.
                >He could hear the movement of fabric but his mind only half focused on that as a bigger issue was in his mind. The fact the girls saw him as a pervert.
                >He hated that, he hated how Marco was the one comforting Connie from him. Steven had just never seen two girls around his age kiss like that. He had never been wanted before, he was older than Marco and ashamed to admit he had yet to have his first kiss.
                >He never would have imagined Connie looking at him that way
                >Nor would he have imagined Connie telling Marco not to worry about the fat kid. She was with him now and that’s all that mattered as she pressed her lips against him.
                >He was hoping that would be the end of it. It wasn’t.
                >He kept hearing the kissing, Connie letting out breathy little moans, saying she wants Marco and she loves him
                >He could hear Marco grunt,
                >Steven always thought it would be him doing that to Connie. Making her feel loved
                >The worst part, the fact he was hard, the very thing that turned his date with Luz into a disaster.
                >It appeared every moan Connie let out only worsened it, and his own touch was not enough. He was so pent up but needed to rest.
                >He wouldn’t stop crying all night, even when he fell asleep he was still sobbing as his hard on pressed through his pajama pants under the blanket.

              • 2 years ago

                yellowroom's connie set really does it for me despite my not liking the context of the scenes.

              • 2 years ago

                I’m good with Steven cucking. Just what I enjoy

              • 2 years ago

                I like steven getting cucked, I don't like bawd behavior like gangbangs or free use.

              • 2 years ago

                Fair enough. If it helps I just pretend she’s dating Marco and Steven finds out at the roller rink in canon

              • 2 years ago

                Fortunately with the way things are here, there's no gangbangs going on mor any sort of free use. The girls involved here are with Marco and Marco only. No pimping, slaving, nor any of the sort of giving them out to any others. 1 guy, 6 girls, no Steven

              • 2 years ago

                Just regular old Steven becoming a paypig to Sasha’s recordings

              • 2 years ago

                >He could picture everything going on oh so accurately in his head
                >Oh to have such accursed a picture invading his very thoughts.
                >Further worsened that no matter how hard he tried to use his sleep to block out the woeful sounds, they just didn't stop
                >He could imagine what was happening in his old room
                >Connie and Marco had stripped each other naked, their bodies sticking to each other, wet as the stench of heated sex perneated throughout the room
                >Their tongues licking and lapping the other up, the tender meeting of their lips pressed together, every sensation lighting their synapses alight
                >He could see Connie on her knees in front of Marco, tongue out awaiting his meat.
                >Her mouth eagerly awaiting and swallowing his rod
                >Bobbing up and down, lathering his member as if she were a dog exalting it's precious bone
                >And his mind was right, she was Marco's b***h.
                >As his nightmare raced, the sounds from the room intensified
                >Connie moaned out Marco's name as he penetrated her
                >Pumping in and out, in and out. Plop, plop, plop, in and out as the tortorous noises wouldn't stop.
                >Why wouldn't they stop!?
                >Why wouldn't Marco and Connie cease their reckless copulation already?
                >Did they want to curse him with images of her being bent over in submission? Of Marco eating her out as she blasted his face in ecsstasy?
                >Of Marco looking into her eyes, drool still connecting her and his lips, and telling Connie he loves her?
                >The words Steven wished he could've said oh so long ago to her and Luz?
                >Nay, his final hell would be the mind-blowing climax.
                >Marco held Connie to his toned chest, their arms wrapped together, and the friction intensifying their sexes.
                >They kissed one final time and Connie was coated in white.
                >Everything was white
                >And then Steven woke up, sweat drenched his bed but it was not alone
                >A wet dream of his lover and burgaler
                >But it was no dream
                >His desperation for a return to normalcy was the only pipe dream
                >And he will never achieve it

              • 2 years ago

                >It was early when Steven woke up, him hearing whistling and the sizzle of the stove before he got up to see what it was
                >It appeared Marco liked to wake up early unlike him, but what was even more noticeable was the boy had appeared to be in just his boxers.
                >The Gems had their duties at Little Homeschool today, meaning they couldn’t stay for breakfast with Marco
                >He was almost glad until he had noticed both Garnet and Pearl seemed to smirk at seeing Marco walk around in his underwear while Amethyst had even tossed out a “lookin good” before they departed with a warm goodbye to Marco
                >Steven’s goodby however had seemed to be more last minute
                >Either way, he had to start the day, but judging by the open fridge, it seems Steven couldn’t rely on making himself a sandwich with a lack of ingredients, but he did however have a bag of chips somewhere in the pantry so he made the awakes shuffle around Marco who sprouted off a “Morning” he didn’t want to respond to
                >He knew it wasn’t helping the fact he was getting called Chancho but he didn’t care, he didn’t wanna eat anything Marco made and if that mean he ate chips for breakfast he was fine with that
                >What he wasn’t fine with was Connie walking down the stairs of his house, wearing nothing but Marco’s hoodie and panties, the bottom of the hoodie only barely covering it, before sitting as comfy as she could at the table after being pounded all night
                >Steven’s eyes had met with Connie, even if she had sex with Marco, he still admired her body and it showed
                >Connie however had annoyance in her eyes at the fat boy who couldn’t even make himself a healthy breakfast
                >It soon melted as she gazed at Marco, enjoying the view as the Hispanic boy made her breakfast, his tight ass on display and his boxers displaying his natural bulge.
                >She had even received a good morning kiss from Marco as he served her
                >All while Steven was using a couch cushion to hide the semen stains on his pants

              • 2 years ago

                Wanna have this lead into Luz?

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                I love that all the girls realized Steven is a loser and even he has

              • 2 years ago

                When you really take a look at things, it's hard not to see why

              • 2 years ago

                Even Luz has
                She would just end up on dates stuffing herself with french fries

              • 2 years ago

                Which it's funny because Luz is also a loser in the show in a good way.
                I mean, I can understand why people Luz had no friends, no one tolerates her bs and Eda and Amity experienced that.

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you think Steven liked her so much? She was a manic pixie dream girl to him. Both of them were losers but Luz was a pretty one

              • 2 years ago

                Still, I don't see Luz and Steven getting together because their interests so far apart to me.
                Steven doesn't have that nerd aura that Amity or Marcy have and yet Luz is very simple with this stuff, you need to be cool, classy and pretty/handsome in order to be her gf which that's why in episode 2 S1, she got her fantasy boy like that.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah but Steven did and that’s why he’s in so much pain. He’s used to Connie who doesn’t mind a fat kid with emotional issues so he doesn’t understand why Luz isn’t turned on by him making her donut dogs and French fries with ketchup in them

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, compare Luz's fantasy perfect boy to Steven, even the guy had abs.
                Do you think that Luz will fall for a fat boy who likes to cry about everything?

              • 2 years ago

                Probably not. But it’s why him getting cucked by Luz works. If she saw Steven shirtless, she would probably avert her eyes out of disgust and ask him to put a shirt on. And that’s not even getting into kissing. Steven would taste like hot dogs

              • 2 years ago

                How would Luz react to Steven proposing to her like he did to Connie?

              • 2 years ago

                Marco and Connie could bring up them coddling Steven as why he did it. It might them to more openly punish him

              • 2 years ago

                You just know Steven is gonna get a crush on Sasha

              • 2 years ago

                >Implying he was ever not the third wheel

              • 2 years ago

                Reading your stuff, yours here could mostly fit after [...] with some adjustments. Mostly with your post taking place after introductions

                Oh just skip mine. You did write this half after all. And not much changes anyway
                Anyways continuing
                >Things had not improved much for Steven following that.
                >It seemed Marco had everyone’s attention on him. Sasha and Anne were talking to Marco like old friends, being regaled by tales of his swordsmanship and survival, all while throwing in commentary about how he had to be the best looking guy at the party, much to the laughter of the others.
                >He had managed to wave a hello to Marco’s girlfriend Connie but it didn’t seem she was interested in him at all.
                >Marcy had actually paused her game right in the middle of a level just to join in with Tulip to feeling Marco’s biceps. Which Marco didn’t seem to pay much attention to besides smiling at the girls
                >And worst of all, it seems Luz had been inseparable from Marco. She had taken to sitting in Marco’s laugh at the moment while Connie was at Marco’s side on the couch, talking with Anne about tennis tryouts.
                >All while Steven had taken to the back of the kitchen. With Sasha throwing amused looks in between chatting up Marco and feeling his biceps
                >It didn’t feel like Steven had anything to bring to the table. Every time he brought up a Gem adventure, Sasha had managed to get Marco to bring up an old adventure of his own, Luz’s eyes practically turning into stars at the thought
                >She had seemed so unashamed to be that close to Marco, wiggling her tight butt in his lap. Steven couldn’t help but wish it was him who had Luz in his lap, if it wasn’t for his weight.
                >He had even brought it up to Marco’s girlfriend Connie and she had only laughed while telling him that she’s used to girls liking Marco.
                >All of this was only made worse when Sasha chose stood up on the table
                >”Okay, boy and girls. And Steven. Who’s up for a game of Spin the Bottle?”
                >And with that, Luz’s smile had been the biggest he had seen all day.

              • 2 years ago

                Reading your stuff, yours here could mostly fit after

                We're gonna need to combine these somehow, was still writing before you posted that, lol
                >And finally, the last two guests. One instantly recognizable, and the other distinctly unknown
                >But together, they were hand-in-hand and laughing with one another
                >Connie Maheswaran and-
                >"Marco Diaz!"
                >"Luz! Great to finally see you again."
                >In an instant Luz jumped into Marco's arms and embraced him as if seeing a long-lost friend. But surely that couldn't be the case, thought Steven to himself
                >"I haven't seen you since I went on vacation to Echo Creek, what are you doing here?" Luz said while still holding onto him tightly, her chest ever so connected to Marco's.
                >"Well, I'm here on an exchange program, normally I'm the one hosting people but I guess the principal decided it was time for a change."
                >"Oh this is so great! This guy hosted me and my mom when we went to vacation around Echo Creek, but our hotel suprised cancelled our rooms and we had no where else to stay. It was awful."
                >"Fortunately my parents were around at the right time and offered to take them in and help."
                >"Forget help, it was a blessing! Your parents took us out to so many places, your dad made an amazing sculpture of me and my mom, and your mom made us a feast! *gasp* Is Mrs. Diaz here too?"
                >"Luz, he's here for an exchange program, his parents are obviously not going to be here."
                >"She was just asking, Tulip."
                >"I know Marcy, but it was just right there. Speaking of which, how did you get here anyways? All the busses stopped running a few hours ago?
                >"A dragon what?"
                >"Dragoncycle, personal ride of mine. Best partner in the whole universe, wears a special collar and flew me all the way here."
                >"WHERE IS SHE, LET ME SEE!"
                >"Mar-Mar, Luz, No!"
                >As Anne and Tulip struggled to pull the two star-struck fanatics off of him, Steven was stupefied
                You can take the next part here, lol

                with some adjustments. Mostly with your post taking place after introductions

          • 2 years ago

            Why can't it be after Future. Steven grew a great character after that, and the travels are interesting settings. Also, he was homeschooled.

            Didn't Marco's dad was revealed to be sort of a pussy? I mean, Angie got really pissed off when she to explain that whenever something like a break up happens he crumbles worst than a teenager.

            I don't know you guys, but to me that brought a whole new meaning to the "Marco Jr" thing.

            Just because he was a plastic artist doesn't mean he was a pussy. He may be sensitive, but rather brave and manly when his wife and family were in trouble. He's probably a dumber and weaker Kenshiro

            • 2 years ago

              That’s why it’s an AU. Anyways this is half Marco harem and half Steven cucking specifically. If it helps I write this a lot and I do like some Steven crossover pairings

              • 2 years ago

                Still, I don't understand how Steven isn't homeschooled. I mean, that's a thing and Gems naturally distrust humans and their institutions

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe Greg changed his mind, maybe he can since he’s a teenager now. Don’t know or care that much, it’s just there

              • 2 years ago

                >Don’t know or care that much, it’s just there
                Of course. But anyways, that doesn't change the fact being homeschooled and have shit parents (of the development negligent type) explains a lot of his temperament.
                Unless he was bullied to no end. And if it's a small town, he still is

              • 2 years ago

                I would just have him only recently start going I guess

              • 2 years ago

                Ok, that also makes sense if he decided going there on his will

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah and he goes there only to find out he’ll be cucked

              • 2 years ago

                What a terrible decision he made

              • 2 years ago

                At least he gets porn from Sasha

              • 2 years ago

                Soon he’ll have the Garnet and Marco video

              • 2 years ago

                Garco or Marnet
                Which is better?

              • 2 years ago

                Garco sounds like Garaco, and that's already taken by an artist. I like Marnet better

              • 2 years ago

                Marnet is pretty good. I could see Garnet sparring with Marco

              • 2 years ago

                Wouldn't that be like a threesome? Or an actual threesome?


                How does Marco do it?

                >The safe kid who would actually provide and protect his families
                There you have it

              • 2 years ago

                Garnet is her own person but becomes Ruby and sapphire for Marco sometimes
                Either way I just like the concept

              • 2 years ago

                I do prefer Ruby and Sapphire than Garnet

              • 2 years ago

                I’m more into Garnet visually and of course for sex and also Marco fricking Steven’s mother figure

              • 2 years ago

                Everyone with their tastes. I'm more with a couple of shortstacks.
                But probably Marco would choose the biggest ass

              • 2 years ago

                Either way he’ll frick her in Steven’s old room

              • 2 years ago

                Among other places.

              • 2 years ago

                Not that couch though

              • 2 years ago

                But pinks mindscape

              • 2 years ago

                Speaking of whom, I've never had a reason to post this before. Although it's kind of out there, even for my crackshipping standards. I mean, I even have one pic for Spinel, but this one is weird

              • 2 years ago

                I like this only in the Steven goes nuts scenario. Where they take out his Gem and rejuvenate it so he can’t go back. Leaving a Pink Diamond with a cute boy. But that’s for way later

              • 2 years ago

                Agreed, and that depends on wherever the hell this all goes.

              • 2 years ago

                I think watching hearing Luz and Marco is how he starts his interest in being Sasha’s paypig. By the time he does it, the Gems don’t notice because they’re frustrated with how he’s living his life and have started checking out. It’s also how Sasha has Steven on his best behavior with the girls. One slip up and she’ll tell everyone she knows the truth about the former hero of beach city

              • 2 years ago

                That sounds good, but that would put Sasha earlier on the list and switching spots with Anne. But with how much focus Sasha has in this, it would make sense. Which also leads me to realize another thing, think we got too much focus on Sasha? I mean, I do greatly enjoy what she's been doing and they are her videos, but we can't solely focus on that for her. Gotta get some things with her and Marco as well.

              • 2 years ago

                That is true but I was thinking the Sasha thing would be after things settled in in Marco’s new room in the harem. And honestly yeah, I would like to see Sasha do more, she just works very well as bottom b***h who protects her girls from Steven. Regardless I also liked the idea of her being the one to get the girls to distance from Steven. Either way, works for me, generally I just like her having a big role in all this.

              • 2 years ago

                Agreed, and yeah let's keep her after Anne. As you said, once things are fully settled in Marco's new room, then it can really begin. Plus, her following after Anne would be better for her introduction to the harem, as she'd have someone to ease her into the story properly, as well as to get her really interested if it's coming form one of her own friends.

                I imagine it as, while Sasha is interested in continuing things with Marco from the party, she's not fully committed due to not knowing him more personally enough, as well as him living with Steven. But after Sasha has a fun time sussing out Anne's dodging of her question about how her time with Marco was, then she becomes fully interested. And wants to accompany her to her next visit. Which then leads into the recording, and figuring out that Steven has been listening in. Which leads us to where we are now.

              • 2 years ago

                Sounds perfect to me. You could hae her hearing about Anne and Marco practicing and then discovering exactly what outfit Anne has been wearing and wanting a first hand view to it. Sasha is pretty charismatic so I’m interest in the idea of her getting along with the Gems once she’s settled in

              • 2 years ago

                Totally perfect, anon. But let's come back to that later and get back to Luz for now. We still haven't finished up on her rendez-vu with Marco yet. Still more to go.

                >He had sat down on the couch soon afterwards, he had a whiff of Luz’ smell to look forward to, a perfume she would only take out on special occasions like the party he had been humiliated it at. But it was ultimately overpowered by Marco’s cologne. Yet another thing he couldn’t enjoy because of the Diaz boy.
                >Steven had just wound sighing and finishing up his breakfast donuts, all chocolate as he didn’t care if any stains on the couch happened
                >Another decision Garnet and Pearl had scolded him for while Marco was on his morning jog, saying he needed to be more mature and take care of himself like Marco.
                >Lately they seemed more ready to scold him than anything, especially whenever he did something Marco himself wouldn’t do. He hadn’t been able to defend himself much against their arguments but he didn’t care. He was hurt by the fact Connie had given up herself to Marco where they used to have sleepovers.
                >Steven was so tempted to see his old room, see the safe space Marco had desecrated but he was terrified of what he would find.
                >For now, he had to listen to Luz and Marco watch anime together, his favorite one too. Sailor Moon, he and Luz were both big fans of it.
                >They had even gone as Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon once for Halloween.
                >And yet Marco had taken that away from him too, as he could listen to Luz sigh in content at snuggling up with Marco, a sound he would never get to make her experience and a closeness he would never have now.
                >Even more when he heard her and Marco making jokes about el chancho

              • 2 years ago

                Oh feel free to continue from that. I generally do like one posts.

              • 2 years ago

                Before we do continue that, I feel like something needs to be addressed. While this is just a crackshipping AU for fun, what about the other settings of the shows each of the girls come from? I mean, it's really just: Amphibia, and TOH that matter for my question. Infinity Train is entirely self-contained with Tulip, so there's no problem there. But the others do raise questions. I remember one anon suggesting they learn swordsman ship skills from Marco due to his long jaunts in The Neverzone, but things like Luz's magic are another matter. A potential and easy answer I see, lies with the dimensional scissors. We know full well that the idea of a crossover between TOH and Amphibia was played around with, but never really came. But the short script during a corssover panel does say that Eda opened a portal to the Amphibia world, which is where they made their script.

                Therefore, the dimensional scissors should be able to help with that. Honestly, among Star vs.'s many faults, the dimensional scissors are not one of them. It's where all of our ideas of crossovers were allowed to come to life.

              • 2 years ago

                Also, I'm just realizing that this planned crossover, would potentially mean there's a lot of crazy shit that's always planning to breach into the boundaries of Earth. Food for thought.

              • 2 years ago

                Also, I'm just realizing that this planned crossover, would potentially mean there's a lot of crazy shit that's always planning to breach into the boundaries of Earth. Food for thought.

                I like the dimensional scissors route. I could see Eda and Marco having fun interactions. Teasing him but not like actually being with him, keeping it to just the girls. Just saying things like Luz has good taste. I would love to see her call out Steven as a creep. She and Sasha would be protective of Luz I could see the girls having their home dimensions like their home bases, Whenever they have go to the BI, they stay with Eda, Plantars for Amphibia. That sort of thing.

              • 2 years ago

                I like the potential of these ideas, it's nice and expansive. Let's explore them more when we get to them. Also, word of warning, if we do get to the BI at any point, I WILL attempt to insert Marco/Amity bullshit the first chance I get into this. I will not allow the opportunity to pass me yet again.

              • 2 years ago

                Hey, every girl is another chance to cuck Steven so I’m always open to expanding. I love the art for it
                For now though the Luz thing

              • 2 years ago

                Also because it allows me to continue using Peter Grill in my head. I already put Sasha in the place of the flat elf, and I believe Sasha and Amity would hate each other as the top clique girls are want to do. Which would then allow me to place Amity as the other clashing elf sister. Helps me imagine things better

              • 2 years ago

                I wanna see them bully Steven together

              • 2 years ago

                If Amity finds out, she will give Steven an abomination enema

              • 2 years ago

                Personally I think she would use the money to spoil Marco, same as Sasha

              • 2 years ago

                Despite my love for the crackship I invented, Amity is stated to be full lesbian while Luz is bi. However, this is a crackship and I reject logic in favor of my own. Let me link you to two green texts an anon was developing for Amity and Marco based off the pics I regularly post, as he developed an interest. They're quite nice and could even help to serve as a framework for us.

              • 2 years ago

                forgot this, lol.

              • 2 years ago

                Despite my love for the crackship I invented, Amity is stated to be full lesbian while Luz is bi. However, this is a crackship and I reject logic in favor of my own. Let me link you to two green texts an anon was developing for Amity and Marco based off the pics I regularly post, as he developed an interest. They're quite nice and could even help to serve as a framework for us.

                This is neat and I would use it as a framework when discussing Amity
                For now I’m on earth though so going to think of working her in later

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >Despite my love for the crackship I invented, Amity is stated to be full lesbian
                When has this ever stopped someone? People are always making straight characters gay in their fan content, it opposite shouldn't be any different.

              • 2 years ago

                He would like it

              • 2 years ago

                At least do you understand what Amity has went through in the show?
                Her progression in magic? The fact that Luz had faith on her? Her insecurities of perfectionism and not trying to disappoint her special ones? Get friends that makes her a better person? Being a hard-work witch? Love drawing and fanfiction? Love reading to kids and working in a Library? Etc. etc.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh absolutely, you can't do a good crackship without good reason nor understanding the characters themselves. I just find them compatible due to their personalities, growth and development, plus I think they look good together.

              • 2 years ago

                >Ocho gets
                >Ocho arm
                Is Marco's arm that of a squid or an octopus?

              • 2 years ago

                I think it’s like a Lovecraft thing

              • 2 years ago

                I prefer them giving it to Sasha

      • 2 years ago

        Really need to nake an edit of this layer for the girls and Marco. Do wish the dwarf was on there sk Tulip could have a placs

      • 2 years ago

        What's this doujins name?

        • 2 years ago

          Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time

          • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Don't care about your shitty harem anime AU. I'm here to ask for those 3 comic pages where Luz and Marco were about to get it on, but Luz comes in dressed as a little girl with 3 braids.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s in the other thread

      Previous thread: [...]

      • 2 years ago

        You could have at least had the courtesy to link the posts.

        • 2 years ago



          Hey anons.

          I heard this was the cuck steven - marco multiverse harem thread, is it still going?

          Because I have some pics here and there.

          Yes it is and feel free

          • 2 years ago

            My time has come.

    • 2 years ago

      Reminder that the harem genre started with Urusei Yatsura, created by a woman, Rumiko Takahashi. If we go even further, Tenchi Muyo was a collaborative effort between producer Masaki Kajishima, director Hiroki Hayashi and writer Naoko Hasegawa, a woman. They all went different paths after the first OVA series but Hasegawa continued working on Tenchi Muyo through 12 LNs in the so-called Hasegawa continuity (Daughter of Darkness is an adaptation of one her novels). She created the character of Kiyone and allegedelly some of her material was used on Tenchi Universe, she even wrote episode 18. Digging further, Hasegawa also wrote the OVA series of Ah My Goddess and she's credited as script supervisor in the first season of the TV anime. If we go historical, the first harem was Genji Monogari written by Murasaki, a woman, in the 11th century.

      The point is Nefcy just followed her biological impulse of writing haremshit

  7. 2 years ago

    Anons, gifts you an Music to listening in your nightly lonely Thursday.

    Just remember your are the best and awesome guys that I have ever know.

    Plus this some Nostalgia shit you probably love

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you

      • 2 years ago
        ESL bro

        No problem Anon, you are the best and hope that you achieved Happiness and love in your Future.

        -An Fellow Anon

  8. 2 years ago

    These threads including Luz always felt weird to me. Like what’s your guys obsession with breaking up happy relationships. But then again I shouldn’t be surprised when shippers are sick in the head.

  9. 2 years ago

    Post best Marco so this moron SEETHE and leaves Cinemaphile , again

    • 2 years ago
  10. 2 years ago

    Hey anons.

    I heard this was the cuck steven - marco multiverse harem thread, is it still going?

    Because I have some pics here and there.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do I love cuckquean so much?

      • 2 years ago

        Because lesbians and people who jerk off to them deserve to suffer.

  11. 2 years ago

    heh heh heh

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Only if Steven has a crush on Johanna

      • 2 years ago

        Why is it always Lincoln? Even that one TOH thread had the stupid filename

        • 2 years ago

          >Why is it always Lincoln?
          I don't know, it seems like Linc has relatively little crossshipping stuff compared to characters like Dipper or Marco or Finn.

        • 2 years ago

          I think one dude commissioned a bunch of Hilda x Lincoln stuff not too long ago. Besides that, I think they're about the same age (like 11 or so?), and I don't think it's impossible that they would get along.

          • 2 years ago

            >Lincoln cucking Steven
            Gonna pray on it

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly Marco should will love his girls not Milf's but maybe even Marco Dad will be the MILF Hunter

        • 2 years ago

          Didn't Marco's dad was revealed to be sort of a pussy? I mean, Angie got really pissed off when she to explain that whenever something like a break up happens he crumbles worst than a teenager.

          I don't know you guys, but to me that brought a whole new meaning to the "Marco Jr" thing.

      • 2 years ago

        >Hilda's see through leggings

        • 2 years ago

          Hilda's got a pic of her and Frida sucking Marco's dick

          • 2 years ago

            How can you say that and not give a sauce?

            • 2 years ago

              Apologies anon

              • 2 years ago

                Poor Steven. Doesn’t even get the stepsister fantasy

    • 2 years ago

      Does Steven have a Baraang account?

      • 2 years ago

        Of course he does

        • 2 years ago

          That must be where he draws and posts his e-girl Gemsonas.

          • 2 years ago

            They are his notably bad drawings
            Sasha ends up CWC-ing him

    • 2 years ago



  12. 2 years ago

    I’m glad this haremshit never crossed over with the Stella au. That would be autism squared.

    • 2 years ago

      That’s a bad attempt at trying to make it a thing

      • 2 years ago

        You’re talking to a bored guy on a couch who doesn’t care what happens as long as it’s entertaining. So yeah bait
        Anyway here’s another Stella character who seems popular. Valentina Turner. A manipulative therapist who likes to control superhumans and abusive mother to her daughter Carol.

        • 2 years ago

          I’ll just use Odalia.

          • 2 years ago

            Fair choice.

            We have no interest in that or any other AU stuff. This thread is it's own thing. Marco Harem 2.0 really.

            Like I said, bored. I’m just here to occasionally throw coal into the bonfire to see if it makes a cool explosion.

        • 2 years ago

          I would like Marco to cuck Steven

          • 2 years ago

            This thread in the nutshell

            • 2 years ago

              I would like Marco to cuck Steven

              You’re talking to a bored guy on a couch who doesn’t care what happens as long as it’s entertaining. So yeah bait
              Anyway here’s another Stella character who seems popular. Valentina Turner. A manipulative therapist who likes to control superhumans and abusive mother to her daughter Carol.

              You guys need bigger brains.
              If Marco is going to be with any blonde dom therapist it would be Sasha who he meets through Steven.

              • 2 years ago

                But that’s the difference between the two. Sasha is a good therapist and Valentina is an evil milf therapist with a Makima like personality.

              • 2 years ago

                That's what Sasha thinks.

                Then Marco shows her his skills as a PhD and has her accepting she wants a Daddy figure because of reasons. Good thing he can be both young and adult.

                All it takes is a little snip-snip

              • 2 years ago

                Only if they have sex in the couch Steven lays down in

              • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >Steven, Marco, Lincoln, Dipper and Randy all of them suitors to be cucked by me.

            • 2 years ago

              A ginger twink?

    • 2 years ago

      That is clearly bait.

      I feel tempted, but I lack information about this Stella

      • 2 years ago

        Not the same guy, but I’ll explain it because I’m annoyed at how people in the threads always over complicate the Stella story and make it more autistic than it is.
        >Robot empire is created and ruled by Chad named Titanium White.
        >one of the leaders named GOLD is narcissistic so he genocides all the other golds except his midget slave
        >one gold flees to Earth with buddies and falls in love with an astronaut who gets crippled.
        >has one kid, and makes other in test tube because medical problems.
        >femboy assassin attacks, fatally wounds daughter and steals test tube
        >Gold uses his body to fix daughter and give her generator Rex powers
        >Stella grows up to be a tomboy, goes to high school, gains BFF in queen bee named Carol and goes on adventures fighting villains like notWario, Carol’s mom, her sister Pyrite, GOLD, and a cyborg Scientologist

        There, summed up pages of lore in like one paragraph.

        • 2 years ago

          No one cares

    • 2 years ago

      We have no interest in that or any other AU stuff. This thread is it's own thing. Marco Harem 2.0 really.

    • 2 years ago

      You need to curb your agressive shilling tactics, mate.

  13. 2 years ago

    This thread sucks

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly Marco should will love his girls not Milf's but maybe even Marco Dad will be the MILF Hunter

      Personally I was thinking Greg could be the MILF guy to contrast his son being a loser

      • 2 years ago

        I could see it
        Steven’s a big boy now. Greg could start spending time with Johanna and Hilda and get a grateful kid

      • 2 years ago

        That could be used for another thread

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah probably. It’s just what I’m picturing him doing in the background.

      • 2 years ago

        I could see it
        Steven’s a big boy now. Greg could start spending time with Johanna and Hilda and get a grateful kid

        That could be used for another thread

        >Double trips and then regular trips
        Confirmed: Greg fricks MILFs in this universe

        • 2 years ago

          Well shit, we can't argue with those gets

  14. 2 years ago

    i can see marco getting pussy but honestly who would frick with steven. lardass israeli mfer from the bronx. only reason connie got the dick was because she's a femcel

    • 2 years ago

      Writer of Steven being cucked here. Personally I like him and have even covered some cross shipping with him. This is just another thing I like. It’s just an interesting idea to me

  15. 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago

    Cause he's a gay. Girls like hanging out with gays.

  17. 2 years ago

    Ew, Anne x Marco is gross
    Marco is for Sasha, Marcy is for Dipper and Anne is for Randy.

    • 2 years ago

      Randy is for Theresa

      • 2 years ago

        Canonically yes, but I like the idea if each girl is getting a crossover boyfriend Anne would get Randy, I'd like to see them interact since they're both pretty dumb.

  18. 2 years ago

    How pathetic

    • 2 years ago
  19. 2 years ago

    Is there still room in the harem?

    • 2 years ago

      Sasha's already in this, she's practically the bottom b***h too

    • 2 years ago

      Sasha's already in this, she's practically the bottom b***h too

      Keeping it limited to these 6 girls is fine enough, one more may be ok but that should be it. Even the '93 X-Men cartoon knew to keep its cast as is, otherwise you'd get bad character bloat. But who did you have in mind? Maggie, Amity, Reggie?

  20. 2 years ago

    When does he divide up the MILF harem?

    • 2 years ago

      He'll offer sloppy seconds to Steven sometimes

  21. 2 years ago

    Do what? Turn them all gay like his first girlfriend?

  22. 2 years ago

    >didn't frick the mean cheerleader
    >didn't frick the dumb blond one
    >didn't frick the ninja
    >didn't frick his girlfriend's mom
    Why was he such a cuck?

    • 2 years ago

      He has a lot to learn from Marco, Dipper, Finn, Steven and Lincoln. Before they can do that, they need to borrow Kim as a price of admission.

      • 2 years ago

        Needless to say, there will be a lot of fluffing and serving snacks on Ron's part. They'll hook him up with Söylent and a Nintendo Switch in the mean time though so it's not all bad.

  23. 2 years ago

    did he frick Mandu too

  24. 2 years ago

    >Tyrone and Sharon were having their date night.
    >Tyrone is dressed in his finest two piece suit while Sharon is wearing a sexy backless dress.
    >It had been two weeks since Sharon was inducted into his harem and after two weeks of mind blowing sex, it was time to celebrate properly.
    >Tonight they would be having dinner prepared by very special people.

    • 2 years ago

      >Pete McGee came rushing out in a waiter’s uniform, carrying two plates of food with him
      >Pete: “So sorry for the delay! Darryl burnt the damn entrees and Molly is still trying to figure out how to steam vegetables.”
      >Sharon: “Maybe if you actually taught your stupid crotch goblins how to cook besides mac and cheese you wouldn’t be having these problems.”
      >Feeling hurt, Pete wordlessly set the dishes down; ribeye steak for Tyrone and grilled salmon for Sharon
      >Tyrone: “This looks fantastic! Thanks Geek!”
      >Pete: “I-It’s Pete sir…”
      >Tyrone: “Whatever Geek. Say, how’s dessert coming along? Sharon needs her sweets before she gets down and dirty, know what I’m saying?”

      • 2 years ago

        >Sharon laughed at Tyrone’s bit of naughtiness.
        >Pete: “Let me go check on that…”
        >As Pete dejectedly turned back to the kitchen, Tyrone stuck his foot out, tripping the redhead.”
        >Tyrone and Sharon were laughing his hysterically as Pete rose up like a newborn gazelle, tried to maintain some dignity.
        >Pete ran to the kitchen, desperately making sure they didn’t see him cry.

        • 2 years ago

          >Back at the kitchen, Darryl, Molly, and Scratch were busy working on the next course, frustration on their faces.
          >Scratch: “I have no idea how we got roped into this.”
          >Molly: “Well you can thank our low T, beta male father for just letting Chad Thunderwiener over there swoop in and steal his girl!”
          >Just then, Pete came into the kitchen, tears streaming down his face.
          >Molly: “Look at this; he’s so low T that he’s crying over their date night! Unbelievable…”
          >Pete: “It’s not because of them! It’s this stupid chastity cage they’re making me wear…it’s pinching my pepper…”
          >Darryl: “Pfft, more like a mini jalapeño.”

  25. 2 years ago

    And who the frick are Tyrone and Alan now?

    • 2 years ago

      Tyrone and Chang take care of the MILFs, Jamal takes over for the older sisters. Not sure who Alan is.

    • 2 years ago

      Tyrone and Chang take care of the MILFs, Jamal takes over for the older sisters. Not sure who Alan is.

      Alan is from that animated series sidekick

  26. 2 years ago

    Pretending you are gay to get into the girls sleepover seems to work pretty well

    • 2 years ago

      It’s Marco’s new room after taking Steven’s bed

      • 2 years ago

        Does he get to hear them

  27. 2 years ago

    This is nice and all but where's the important stuff?

    Where's all the Crossover porn?

    • 2 years ago


  28. 2 years ago

    Monkey’s paw for Steven. He gets to be with Luz but she’s pregnant with Marco’s child and will only have children with Marco. Would he accept it?

    • 2 years ago

      How many kids would Luz have?

      • 2 years ago

        She is latina

        If Marco properly slaps her and fricks her whenever he wants, she can have from 3 to 7

        • 2 years ago

          Poor Steven. He needs to work hard to support his wife and wife’s children

    • 2 years ago

      Please don't add Marco's sons in this.
      One spawn that gets shipped with Marco for incest fetish and you got abominations all over again.

      • 2 years ago

        Alternatively Luz could be his widow

  29. 2 years ago

    I think it’s likely that something like this scene happened in AU, Anon

    What do you think?

    • 2 years ago


  30. 2 years ago

    It's like he's one of the girls.

  31. 2 years ago

    He's really in his thirties, and after a life of adventure, he's more mature than the other socially-acceptable boys for those girls to be interested in.

  32. 2 years ago

    Imagine the STDS.

  33. 2 years ago

    >how/why marco
    Mostly cause his race is not white.
    But Asian and Black aren't as accepted as Spanish i guess.
    But the girls want to "fight against the norms of society" by dating someone "unique and different".
    Which usually means different race.
    The girls are not only trying to make themselves feel different, special, unique. But also rebel against their parents and the leader of their life such as their father.

    But anne is into frogs, kipo is like an animal - is she into anything?, luz is gay, and connie is into a guy who is sort of his own mom? (kinda gay).
    So, i feel like that image doesn't really work, or would make marco seem even worse.
    I mean how do you make 2 animal girls, a gay girl, and a girl into "gay" guys, into you?
    Seems shady.

    • 2 years ago

      I think the theories of girls liking marco cause he's actually gay -aka princess marco, is probably the most likely reason.
      Girls like a guy who they don't have to sex, and can do makeup and wear dresses and shit with.

      • 2 years ago

        Good thing the Princess Marco bs has absolutely nothing to do with anything going on in this thread, nor is there any place for it

  34. 2 years ago

    That's this entire board in one picture (minus Batman).

    • 2 years ago

      Steven would be the Penguin

      • 2 years ago

        And a cuck

  35. 2 years ago

    Because hispanics love to self insert as him and Lincoln Loud.

  36. 2 years ago

    he's a girl too they're all just having a sleepover

  37. 2 years ago

    So is Luz still friends with Chancho?

    • 2 years ago

      At this point, no

      • 2 years ago

        I hope Camila hits him with her chancla when he starts coming by Luz’s house

  38. 2 years ago

    Looks like someone finally got pissed of at the constant haremposting


    • 2 years ago

      It’s Steven. He seems like the type to hide behind a computer to get back at Marco

      • 2 years ago

        Do you think Steven convinced all those moms and teen gays at the park to send in the complaints so that Marco would get kicked out of the park as revenge?

        • 2 years ago

          Probably. He can be annoying. I hope Sasha gets back at him

          • 2 years ago

            >implying Sasha doesn’t have some grand secret plan to usurp Steven and Marco, claiming the girls for herself.

            • 2 years ago

              Nah Sasha sucks Marco wiener and sells it to Steven

              • 2 years ago

                She’s bi and manipulative. And I don’t fully trust the gal who established a dictatorship in another world.

              • 2 years ago

                Marco has a way of breaking girls in

              • 2 years ago

                Considering what we saw in the show, I sincerely doubt that.

        • 2 years ago

          Lol, sounds like a cancelation attempt fron Twitter.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's a "Steven tries to get back at Marco by telling people about his time with the girls in a way that paints him as a cheating gigolo, but it backfires" episode

          • 2 years ago

            >Accidentally outs himself as a cuck when he mentions he would treat Luz better than Marco does

    • 2 years ago

      That thread is pretty funny so far. Wonder if Benson and the Park gang will succeed.

      • 2 years ago

        I think, that the thread will explode into comedy once someone decides to play Marco or Dipper
        Just cause the personality they express in these threads, would probably not be very friendly with Mordecai and Rigby

  39. 2 years ago

    Wait wasn't he a cuck? He didnt frick Star, right? If you dont frick Star, you frick pretty much noone.

    • 2 years ago

      Who would frick Star? Fricking the flying pony head or even the demon twink would be more logical.

  40. 2 years ago

    >you know, I still don’t know why that Star Butterfly paid me to clone all those teenage girls. But whatever the reason, I don’t care. She paid a hefty sum, and that’s all that matters.

  41. 2 years ago

    >everyone forgot about stevens black alt gf

    • 2 years ago

      That’s for another thread. I do like her

      • 2 years ago

        why not now?


        This thot

    • 2 years ago


  42. 2 years ago

    is there a drawgay here?

    • 2 years ago

      One, but he did his deal and left

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      it would also depend for me. I'm extremely unmotivated at the moment. Don't even have the energy to finish the comic. Not a lot of interest in it it seems.

      • 2 years ago

        The Hilda comic? I’m very interested actually, I was just confused whether it was finished or not. I couldn’t tell if you wanted to leave it to the imagination


        Depends on what?

        • 2 years ago

          hmmm it could work on it's own as it is. But I have more in mind for it.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh really? I would love to know.

        • 2 years ago

          The idea

          • 2 years ago

            This with Marco and Luz doing it to Steven

            • 2 years ago

              this almost makes me want to get my drawing glove on. LoL

              • 2 years ago

                I just think it’s funny. And in character. He would just use Big Donut Donuts

          • 2 years ago

            Steven discretely paying Sasha for Marco videos

          • 2 years ago

            you want an idea? ok all the girls holding marco down and seduce him while a tied up in the chair steven watches and cries.

            • 2 years ago

              Let's put that one on the shelve for a later time. That's too hardcore and kind of extreme for what we have right niw.

              • 2 years ago

                idk steven crying in a chair as a shadow orgie happens in front of him is pretty funny

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Sounds funny

          • 2 years ago

            Steven peeking through the door to find Marco and Connie kissing in his bed

          • 2 years ago

            Consider this me cashing in a debt to be repaid at a later date in pizza. But how about doing

            So, new thread. How do we start off here? Treat it like a new save and build ourselves back up again from the beginning with what we've refined by now, and leading back towards the end woth some new routes?
            Because for the girls in order, we got: Connie, Luz, Anne, Sasha, Marcy, and Tulip

            Because they're not the same shit

            ? With Anne and Marcy as the horned girls, Sasha as the elf, Connie as the brown orc girl, and Luz as the Goblin girl at the top?

      • 2 years ago

        Hang in there, drawgay

  43. 2 years ago

    The best part of this is that's Steven's room. Frick that fat troony.

    • 2 years ago

      Connie had a very good reason to ignore him

  44. 2 years ago

    How should the first time Luz comes over to Marco’s new room in Steven’s house go?

    • 2 years ago

      Ignore Steven, hold hands with Marco, watch anime with boy, gush about magic with boy, continue raunchy party stuff with boy, suck dick, get pussy licked, act out hentai, happiness

      • 2 years ago

        Only if Steven keeps nudging the door open to watch Luz. Especially if she strips down

        • 2 years ago

          While I do like this breaking down of Steven, I'd prefer not to stoop down to Superman peeping. Especially one that blatant. At most, he could be passing by but then notices the door slightly adjar and can't help but watch. So much so that he almost didn't notice Pearl passing by and quickly snapped out of it.

          • 2 years ago

            Fair enough, I do like his fall to be slow after all. Not much, just Luz bending over and removing those Jean shortsas Marco takes his hoodie off. Pearl showing up snaps him out of it as she closes Marco’s door, suspicious but not sure as Steven scurries off back to his couch. It’s not the full dose yet but it’s a taste that will be fostered until he reaches the point of Sasha. I do like Steven becoming more perverted over time though

            • 2 years ago

              >To say Steven was going through a rouph patch in his life would be an understatement
              >To say he's been having a tough time would be another understatement.
              >The position he's in right now, watching Marco and Luz prepare for carnal intimacy, is the lowest he's ever been
              >And he will continue to suffer the long fall
              >It had all started after Connie and Marco slept together a couple of days ago
              >Since then, they had continued their coital escapades right inside his old room
              >One of Marco's growing conquests in his life
              >Taking the love the gems had for him, his former old friend, his pride, respect, and his joy
              >These were all feelings Steven repressed downwards into himself, but they would not stop expanding
              >They wluld continue to rise and threaten to spill out once he saw Luz again
              >Why was she here? Perhaps he could finally make peace and apologize, maybe even regain her trust and love
              >To rebuild a burnt bridge and maybe even become more
              >That is if he even had the courage to walk downstairs and actually approach her
              >He should've known much better when Luz walked right past his poisition without ever acknowledging his existance, and over to Marco who had welcomed her with a hug
              >They spoke for a while and would sit on the couch. But upon sitting, they moved to hi-, 'Marco's' room because of a repelling scent of: sweat, grease, and something that smells like sea food
              >Quartz help him if anyone actually discovers the truth
              >But what truth would Steven uncover by going to see what they would do in Marco's room?
              >A shivering truth to which he already knew the answers to

              • 2 years ago

                >He had sat down on the couch soon afterwards, he had a whiff of Luz’ smell to look forward to, a perfume she would only take out on special occasions like the party he had been humiliated it at. But it was ultimately overpowered by Marco’s cologne. Yet another thing he couldn’t enjoy because of the Diaz boy.
                >Steven had just wound sighing and finishing up his breakfast donuts, all chocolate as he didn’t care if any stains on the couch happened
                >Another decision Garnet and Pearl had scolded him for while Marco was on his morning jog, saying he needed to be more mature and take care of himself like Marco.
                >Lately they seemed more ready to scold him than anything, especially whenever he did something Marco himself wouldn’t do. He hadn’t been able to defend himself much against their arguments but he didn’t care. He was hurt by the fact Connie had given up herself to Marco where they used to have sleepovers.
                >Steven was so tempted to see his old room, see the safe space Marco had desecrated but he was terrified of what he would find.
                >For now, he had to listen to Luz and Marco watch anime together, his favorite one too. Sailor Moon, he and Luz were both big fans of it.
                >They had even gone as Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon once for Halloween.
                >And yet Marco had taken that away from him too, as he could listen to Luz sigh in content at snuggling up with Marco, a sound he would never get to make her experience and a closeness he would never have now.
                >Even more when he heard her and Marco making jokes about el chancho

              • 2 years ago

                >What's the difference between El Chancho and a pig? A real pig is actually cute and hardly sweats.

              • 2 years ago

                >It hurt Steven’s heart to hear Luz giggle at Marco’s joke. He didn’t know how she could like someone like Madco, someone she barely knew compared to him who had been friends with her
                >It was that love for Luz that made Steven determined, he hadn’t taken a shower yet in his melancholy but he knew Luz would not care
                >He went up those stairs and approached his old door, his determination not falling.
                >Until he stumbled upon a horrifying sight through a peek in the door.
                >The Sailor Moon ending theme had played as the two teenagers on Steven’s former bed, well used to weight, had chosen to focus on each other instead of the show
                >Marco was shirtless, his abs and toned muscles showing that hade made Steven insecure
                >Luz was on top of him, only topless as well as she had taken off her shirt and was left in only her bra, showing off her perky breasts and slim stomach.
                >It had been a pink bra Luz was wearing, which happened to be Steven’s favorite color. Seeing her moan was so beautiful, he only wish it was him that done that.
                >Instead Luz was making out with Marco, slips of tongue popping out as Steven was shamefully hard
                >He had only snapped out of it when he could hear Pearl humming as she came the hall. Today must have been laundry day, as Steven panicked at the idea of being caught
                >And so like a pig with his curly tail oulled, Steven hurried downstairs his heart beating like a drum as he wished to not get caught and risk losing Luz further.
                >Steven had only found his feeling of safety when he plopped down on the couch, covering himself under his blanket, hoping to hide his shame
                >Pearl didn’t seem to be happy when she came down with a load of Steven’s laundry, thinking he was just being lazy, wasting the day away while Marco was up but he didn’t care
                >He was safe now from seeing Luz with Marco and his heart breaking and that’s all that he cared about.
                >Hearing them however was a different matter judging by the moans upstairs.

              • 2 years ago

                >Neither Marco nor Steven knew of the cute, shrill sounds Luz was capable of while being fingered
                >For Steven, it was a toxic reminder of what he was locked out of for his own failures
                >But for Marco, it presented an opportunity to give Luz the time of her life with a stable level of foreplay and teasing
                >Luz was the type of person who liked to be taken around the world
                >Going around the many different positions possible and being a dynamic lover
                >The cute shireks and playful 'No, stop it' remarks she made would not stop bleeding into Steven's ears
                >Marco currently had Luz lying down on his lap as he continued his erotic ministrations
                >Luz suggested Marco give his kitty some rubbies, as he massaged her nether regions as if playing a harmonicorde
                >Luz meanwhile pawed at Marco's face and chest while moans for mewlings and nyas
                >She was playful like that, strange but engaging and gave Marco a funny show and odd urge to plow her into oblivion
                >Her mewlings scratched at Steven's open eyes, struggling to remain shut yet refusing as if some force would not allow him to ignore
                >But her final rupturous orgasm was mistaken as a legit cry, causing Steven to try and go to Luz
                >But before he could touch the doorknib, he was stopped by the slight crack in the door he dared to gaze into
                >Marco was spooning Luz, raising one leg up as he impacted deeper and deeper into her core as she bit the pillow
                >Neither of them noticed Steven's labored and shallow breathing
                >The gulp in his throat was all Steven could do as he watched their ravenous consumption of each other's mouths
                >He had almost pressed the door further when a voice called out to him
                >"Steven, what are you doing?"
                >It was Garnet who had come to check-up on Steven, yet was greeted to an oddsight with two unknowns
                >What was Steven doing at Marco's door, and why was he watching?

              • 2 years ago

                >The boy could only fumble for an answer, he could still hear Luz moan as Marco went deep inside her, he was hoping to see more of her if he couldn’t be with her.
                >If Garnet could hear Luz’s moans in Spanish too, she didn’t say anything
                >It’s then Steven did something he had not done in weeks, smile.
                >Garnet and Pearl would never allow a houseguest of less than a week to stay here if they knew she was disrespecting their home by bringing multiple girls over.
                >After adjusting himself for his erection to go down, he proudly showed Garnet, certain she would be furious.
                >Boy was he wrong once more.
                >Garnet had looked through the same peephole he had currently been using and to Steven’s surprised, smirked.
                >”It looks like Pearl owes me. She said it would take a week for those two to hook up after finding out they knew each other.” He couldn’t believe his ears.
                >Then Garnet turned to Steven, removing her shades, she had looked at him like the time he had slapped her.
                >”Steven. I know you love Luz, but you need to accept she does not want to be with you. She has a partner in Marco. And I don’t think you would make a better fit for her. You need to work on yourself.” It had been in a tone mixed with concern and cold facts.
                >”I don’t want to catch you doing this again. This is their moment. You can’t be involved even if you want Luz to be with you. I hope you understand.”
                >Steven could only nod teary-eyed, he hadn’t been expecting to be the one punished, he wanted it to be Marco for once.
                >”Oh and Steven?” He paused, hoping for some comfort from his mother figure.
                >”If you want them to stop calling you Chancho, stop acting like one.” And with that, Garnet walked away, closing the door on Luz and Marco’s lovemaking, the pair making the bed squeak hard, and the door only somewhat muffling the noise as Steven slumped his way downstairs, to the couch stained with his failures.

              • 2 years ago

                Route locked: Garnet is now fully aware of Marco's growing harem, as is Pearl. Steven's status as a paypig is now set and can commence without problem

                Nice work anon, even I could feel shame and disaapointment from Garnet talking to Steven. Thinking on it now, Garnet is the most likely to be approving of young live, as well as having multiple partners given the very nature of who she is. But the dissapointment she has in Steven is calm yet stern. Very appropriate and in-character. Too bad the route we got for Steven will have him on road of no return. Especially now that he'll be disregarding her words. Heck, maybe it'll be worse with him not telling Sasha what he knows as she sells him the videos.

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks a lot
                Amethyst would be too just in case you’re wondering, I just didn’t have as very active. And yes, Steven is now the girls’ personal paypiggy bank. And yeah, Garnet is pretty disappointed in Steven right now and super supportive of the harem. She won’t let anyone stand in the way of love even Steven. And him knowing it’s bad for him and doing it anyway is what I’m going for with this Steven. He’s just a pig who goes after girls who don’t want him and eats unhealthy crap due to a lack of control. So him knowing full well how to change but choosing not to is what works best for me. Sasha is going to buy Marco anything he wants at this point. Greg isn’t really involved with Steven besides giving him allowances, and I liked the MILF Hunter idea being used to justify that. He loves Steven obviously, he just has other stuff to worry about which is why he isn’t concerned by Steven taking out money every few weeks or so

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks a lot
                Amethyst would be too just in case you’re wondering, I just didn’t have as very active. And yes, Steven is now the girls’ personal paypiggy bank. And yeah, Garnet is pretty disappointed in Steven right now and super supportive of the harem. She won’t let anyone stand in the way of love even Steven. And him knowing it’s bad for him and doing it anyway is what I’m going for with this Steven. He’s just a pig who goes after girls who don’t want him and eats unhealthy crap due to a lack of control. So him knowing full well how to change but choosing not to is what works best for me. Sasha is going to buy Marco anything he wants at this point. Greg isn’t really involved with Steven besides giving him allowances, and I liked the MILF Hunter idea being used to justify that. He loves Steven obviously, he just has other stuff to worry about which is why he isn’t concerned by Steven taking out money every few weeks or so

                So nkw that it seems we got Luz done, shall we move on to Anne?

              • 2 years ago

                Alrighty then
                >Still reeling from yesterday’s events, Steven had once again wound up lying down on his couch, having woken up at moon today, long after Marco and the Gmems had woken up and started their day, not knowing they had discussed his laziness while he was sleeping.
                >He couldn’t believe the other day, Luz moaning at Marco’s touch when Steven would have been just as willing to love her too. It felt like Marco was taking everything he wanted in life. He had thought he suffered enough. But it appears he couldn’t win.
                >It was just him lying on the couch, eating his breakfast and leftover pizza, the chewing the only sounds of the house until a chime went off.
                >He had heard the doorbell ring, and it was only routine that got him up from his couch, lifting his body up to answer the door, half scared of answering to see Kuz or Connie. But he was pleasantly surprised.
                >It was Anne Boonchuy, she had seemed to be dressed in athletic wear, the kind that had shown off her body, developed from years of playing sports. She also seemed to be carrying a duffel bag, possibly containing a change of clothes. He had enjoyed watching her games with Luz, even if he did sometimes stare too closely. Either way, hope had begun swelling in his heart
                >His tears had started drying as he wiped them, if he worked fast, he could have a chance at fixing his relationship with Anne, even if they hadn’t been close.
                >Anne was the only one of the girls who hadn’t outright insulted him that night or spoke to him negatively. She had seemed a little scared at his erection, but maybe he could get her to see him differently. She had even said he was nice. Maybe he could ask her out to eat at Fish Stew Pizza for a date. He just hoped Sasha wouldn’t get involved.
                >Steven had straighten his clothes before he moved to open the door, giving off his best smile as he greeted Anne.
                Feel free to continue from this point

              • 2 years ago

                >He had enjoyed watching her games with Luz, even if he did sometimes stare too closely.
                So now we have it being a problem that's actually been dormant for a while now. Nice job, I like it. Steven's going to have a reality check quickly if he thinks he has any sort of standing to regain right now

              • 2 years ago

                >Anne had not been looking forward to Steven’s house
                >She would never regret wanting more time with Marco, a guy straight out of one of Marcy’s favorite movies with the addition of being a cute boy her age
                >Especially when he invited her to practice her Muay Thai against his Karate training. Sasha said it was the perfect time to get physical. She had been so excited at the thought, she couldn’t wait to get her thighs between that head.
                >But Steven was a different story. Sure he acted nice a lot of the time but what actually happened was a different story.
                >He would show up to his games and she could feel his eyes on him whenever she jumped a little too high and her panties peeked out
                >He had taken Luz on “dates”” to her parents restaurant and between stuffing himself and talking to Luz he always snuck glances of her.
                >And of course the recent party at Sasha’s where he got gard from watching her kiss.
                >So to be face to face with that pig was a different story.
                >Still, her parents would have wanted her to be polite, so reluctantly she greeted back at the boy and did her best not to squirm when he went in for a hug, her sweat from a day of athletic activity colliding with his of sitting all day.
                >She had even sat down on the couch with him. Doing her best to ignore the smell of grease, sweat and….. some weird thing she couldn’t identify right now
                >He wouldn’t stop talking about how he was really a nice guy and he didn’t mean to do that at her friend’s party. Anne chose to just nod and say “yeah” every now and then, even while knowing he was looking at her breasts
                >But then came him asking her to dinner at a pizza place and Anne’s patience had finally been worn down, especially considering the fact Steven was trying to place his arm around her no matter how far she scooted away
                >Anne had just been on the verge of leaving when Marco FINALLY showed up, dressed in his usual karate outfit.

              • 2 years ago

                Reminder, where's the portal for the Ancient Sky Arena again?

              • 2 years ago

                To get there is with the main warp pad and you end up like right at the front with the Diamond authority symbol

              • 2 years ago

                >"(Oh thank goodness, he's finally here.) Marco, what took you so long?" Anne said as she quickly rushed over to embrace Marco and get away from Steven as quickly as posisble
                >The scent from Marco's own personal grooming helped to alleviate the repugnant odor that may have spread to her from Steven's touch and the couch.
                >"Anne, I was only looking for my gi, plus you just got here."
                >"Ha ha, oh really? Couldn't tell, hey would you look at the time, we're almost late to start. We better get going."
                >"Anne, we're pretty earl-"
                >"Now!" Anne yelled as she grabbed Marco's arm and rushed to the warp pad. Connie had recommended it to her for a good place for Marco and her to spar.
                >Private and alone from everyone else.
                >As for Steven, he had barely any time to try and put in one last word with Anne ans she and Marco rushed away from him.
                >The distant sound of the warp whistle gifted to Marco by Pearl for this moment faded away.
                >now that both Anne and Marco were gone, what was he to do now?
                >Wallow and laze away, or take a look inside the room Marco had no time to lock up before leaving?

              • 2 years ago

                >He rationalized it in his head as he walked up the stairs, not in any fear of being caught as the Gems were gone and so was Marco.
                >He was a little hurt Anne had never answered his question but he supposed it was better than her outright saying no. Worse comes to worse, he could just visit her parents’ restaurant and ask again. But for now he was on a mission
                >It was originally his room after all, it’s not like Marco had any claim to it only within such a short time staying here. Even if the Gems hadn’t asked him.
                >He had stood by the same door he had peeked through to look at Luz, the same one where he was humiliated would date his curiosity
                >His room was so different now, it was organized differently, and much neater than how Steven usually left it, especially with Marco’s workout equipment.
                >He had sat down in the same bed Marco was in with Luz, he could still smell a whiff of her perfume on it. He inhaled deeply before lying down.
                >He wondered what it would have been like to have even the one Luz had been with.
                >Would he be able to elicit those moans from her some day, that same playful attitude? Those airy breaths as she was having fireworks go off in her head? He hoped he could. Once she understood he loved her. He had just had so much to think about.
                >As he rolled over, he could see it. On the very top of Marco’s laundry hamper.
                >A pair of purple panties. He was sure it was Luz’s. He immediately straightened up once he saw for sure.
                >He had gotten hard again, and a million thoughts had passed through his head before he settled on one. Could Steven have them?
                >It wasn’t like it would hurt anyone. Not if they didn’t know. And he planned on being with Luz one day anyway so what difference would it make. He was being driven by lust, not by logic.
                >Before he could even consider going through with it or not, he could hear voices coming from down the stairs.
                Great work from you by the way

              • 2 years ago

                Here's to you as well, Bart. Who could the voices from downstairs be? Pearl and Connie talking to each other after apparently reconciling thanks to the time spent with Marco? Or could it be any of the gems talking with each other about Steven?

              • 2 years ago

                First one seems best in my opinion

              • 2 years ago

                Sure, and then after that we can cut to Marco and Anne as they spar against one another while discussing recent events and other things.

              • 2 years ago

                Sounds good I guess
                Feel free to go ahead
                Will there be enough posts in this thread actually?

              • 2 years ago

                We go as far as we can and then pick off from the next thread if possible

              • 2 years ago

                Alright then
                >Quickly thinking to himself, Steven has grabbed the underwear and scurried off to the nearby closet, as the voices became more clear.
                >It was Connie and Pearl, talking to each others like best friends, about the last thing he wanted.
                “Marco is quite a handsome boy, Connie. He’s so responsible too. I can see why the two of you have gotten together. Though I know Steven was hoping you two would be together.”
                >”You’re not mad about that, are you? We didn’t really talk afterward until Marco and I came over.”
                >Oh, of course not. You’ll always be my student first. And in all honesty, I don’t think Steven would be right for you, even if I do love him.”
                >”Thanks, it’s just with Marco, he makes me feel so much more than I was with Steven.”
                >”Oh yes, Garnet mentioned to me he was very good with young women.”
                >”What’s that smell?” Connie had asked, and Steven paled at maybe being caught.”
                >”Oh, I think it might be still be from Steven, he has been so messy lately.” Pearl complained. “I think he’s depressed ever since the incident.”
                >”He needed to know it wasn’t okay, Pearl. The other girls have a right to feel safe”
                >”I know. Don’t worry, Garnet told me she straightened him out. He will act like a gentleman from now on.” Guilt filled his heart as he kept his hard-on and Luz’s underwear tight in his grip.
                >”Chancho’s not exactly good with self control.”
                >”He is rather heavy lately, especially with being such a shut in.I’ll bring it up with Marco to talk about putting Steven on a diet.
                >”As if he would follow it unless it was deep fried.”
                >And with that the pair had laughed as they walked out, closing the door and leaving Steven alone in his old room.
                >Steven had started getting close to tears again, and was thankful Pearl had left with Connie. He didn’t want either to hear him begin to sob as he tucked Luz’s panties into his pocket and went back to the couch.”

              • 2 years ago

                It’d probably just be something like Popclaw. Wolverine but less blades and maybe a bit more jagged or curved

              • 2 years ago

                Wrong thread?

              • 2 years ago

                Yea but let’s pretend it’s not for the sake of comedy and make a Marco x Popclaw crackship

              • 2 years ago

                lol, well if we want a hero crackship, why not use Bumblebee from DCSHG?

              • 2 years ago

                She’s cool

              • 2 years ago

                Or Kamala

              • 2 years ago

                She’s cool

                I don’t know about Marvel/DC actually

              • 2 years ago

                Thank you, sorry I didn’t get say it before, I was just trying to post it as soon as I could in between Cinemaphile being down. You can just continue from there

              • 2 years ago

                What would happen if Steven actually went in to help Luz

              • 2 years ago

                It'd be a complete incident and would worsen things by a ton.

              • 2 years ago

                Steven would just end up trying to pull Marco off her

              • 2 years ago

                Reminder, Marco did this to a fully grown monster man. Imagine what it'd be like for Steven. Marco'll have to repair a hole in his wall.

              • 2 years ago

                He’ll just end up fapping to the memory of a nake Luz later

    • 2 years ago

      He won’t stop trying to flirt with her

  45. 2 years ago

    This shit was so funny it encouraged morons everywhere to kep pushing this shitty meme.

    • 2 years ago

      I’m sure Steven would promise tot ale care of Luz and her baby

  46. 2 years ago

    Diaz deals

  47. 2 years ago

    is them spaniard conquistador genes, they just happened to flare up quite hard in him

  48. 2 years ago

    There should be more brown on brown relationships.

  49. 2 years ago

    The ironic thing is that I write Steven being cucked and have written Star being cucked but actually like Star and Steven. It’s why I’m into the idea of Steven meeting an alt version of himself with Star and seeing it’s just his personality that’s the issue

    • 2 years ago

      Have it be with Season 2 Star and Season 2 Steven since it’s before they went to shit and it’s a deal

    • 2 years ago

      I always did like Classic Steven clowning on Future

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I can’t tell if he likes her or not

    • 2 years ago

      >So you don’t live with Marco? You live with a magical princess girl?
      >From another dimension! But Marco sounds fun too! Does he really have a dragon motorcycle? And a cool sword?
      >He does but he’s not cool. He’s just, just too much sometimes. I wish I could have lived with a girl instead of him. I wish wr never met him.
      >Are you sure? He sounds pretty cool. But yeah, , Star’s really cool and stuff. We fight monsters all the time, eat hot dogs together, and we both really like magic a lot!
      >You don’t have to fight monsters, you know. Some of them have reasons for being who they are.
      >But they’re attacking us and stuff. It’s why we have to fight them. Star taught me this really cool wrestling move from her dad once.
      >You still shouldn’t. Those monsters have feelings like you and me, you can’t just go around fighting like that.
      >You’re no fun, Old Man Me. Do you at least like parties still?
      >I’m….. not good at parties anymore.
      >But parties are the best! Me and Star go to this cloud one all the time. It was after we beat up this lizard man guy. I think he was a lawyer.
      >You two must be pretty good friends to hang out all the time. I used to have this girl who was my friend. Star kind of reminds me of her.
      >Oh she’s not just my friend, we’re dating.
      >Star’s your girlfriend?
      >I think so. We hang out a lot and kiss a lot so maybe. And this guy who used to be her boyfriend Tom was really mad at me for a while. But Dad said that’s normal with exes. Do you have a girlfriend, Jacket Steven?
      >…. I almost do. Her name is Luz. She’s just confused about her feelings right now. But we’re going to be together when she figures out who’s right for her.
      >If you say so, Old Man Me. I hope she’s as nice as Star. She’s the best.
      >She doesn’t ever call you Chancho or anything like that?
      >What’s that mean?
      >I-it means Pig.
      >Oh, is that what your girlfriend likes to call you when you’re on top too? Why are you crying?

      • 2 years ago

        power Sub vs weak Dom lifestyles.

        • 2 years ago

          It’s with early Steven who wasn’t a midget ahi couldn’t reach the counter and early Star

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              She’ll meet future Steven and do all she can to prevent s her from becoming him. Starting with no letting him become a vegetarian

      • 2 years ago

        Poor Steven, even his past self somehow gets some and likes Marco to boot

      • 2 years ago

        >Star likes to be called wienerroach

    • 2 years ago

      Star is kinda a bawd
      Steven and Connie will cuck each other because long distance ship is stupid

      • 2 years ago

        That’s why I haven’t based on the earlier versions

  50. 2 years ago

    Because he can swing from Chad to Full Femme Mode at a drop of a coin.

  51. 2 years ago

    >Tfw Steven sends you a dick pic

  52. 2 years ago

    I don't get cuck shit. I can't even put myself in the place of the bull, it doesn't do anything for me. The exception is cuckquean, stealing a woman away from a lesbian is hot.

  53. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


  54. 2 years ago

    yes, what a chad that lad marco is
    i hope hell keep heka company in the fanart dimension

  55. 2 years ago

    (Just a small thing I was inspired to do, for this, Luz has magic in Amphibia in that one crossover if I remember right so just roll with it.)
    >All knew of the Marco Diaz, the Dragon Lord, riding a drago cycle taht had seen countless adventures. What they didn’t know was the recently acquired harem he had, that had more him even more of a threat than before.
    >Rumored to have been rescued by the lust of a porcine prince, they were as powerful as they were beautiful.
    >Luz Noceda, The Owl Lady, named after her teacher, her magic able to control nature, petrify men and summon an arm straight out of Hell. She was their mage, and she was always willing to learn whatever magic she could, her wits quick enough to take on an Emperor Warlock.
    >Ann’s Boonchuy, The Blue Calamity. Trained by a swordsman,and grown strong from farm walk, their primary defense other than the Dragon Lord himself. When pushed hard on the battlefield, she will turn as blue as the ocean and unleash a force capable of toppling tyrants.
    >Connie Maheswaran, the Thorned Rose, wielding a sword built for a goddess, yet mastered by a mortal girl. She was the strategist of the team, said to have the knowledge and experience to take on an empire and the skill to battle a millennia old Knight.
    >They we’re the Dragonlord’s harem, his soulmates on the battlefield as well as the bedroom, each one field by their love and list for him whenever they fought together.
    >They would lay down in the same battlefield they had destroyed armies and engaged in carnal acts that could be heard the next town away, the Dragonzord never tiring, his stamina unmatched by any.
    >Many young maidens would look in envy whenever they saw the harem when they passed through their journey, each one usually scurrying off to touch themselves from memories of their moans.
    >The one thing the demonic forces of the Neverzone feared more than Dragonlord and his Brown Harem?
    >The inevitable offspring that would come one day from their love.

  56. 2 years ago

    hey, what happened to kipo?

    • 2 years ago

      She's not exactly in this one, Kipo was added to the OP pic a long time ago for a different thread.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe later

  57. 2 years ago

    So what are the prerequisites for being in the harem?
    Being brown and the same age?

    • 2 years ago

      Sasha and Marcy are in and maybe Amity so I guess not

      • 2 years ago

        So just his age and from a relatively recent show? Or is that not a factor and he's just unstoppable?

        • 2 years ago

          I mean I’m personally keeping it by age and recent stuff
          But that’s just me. I probably wouldn’t write anything outside it

        • 2 years ago

          I mean I’m personally keeping it by age and recent stuff
          But that’s just me. I probably wouldn’t write anything outside it

          As someone who's been with the Marco Harem stuff form the very beginning and had a hand in helping to construct it, my personal feelings were having similar age and from recent shows, as well as brown girls as the brown harem was here things really took off. Although general shipping with other girls has mostly become the norm.

    • 2 years ago

      >Same age
      Same general age range, roughly.
      Marco 14-15
      Luz 14
      Connie 12-13(or 15 in Future)
      Anne 13
      Kipo 13(12 at the beginning of her series)

      • 2 years ago

        >Kipo 13(12 at the beginning of her series)
        but kipo turns 14 years old in the series.

        • 2 years ago

          12-14, then. She celebrates her 13th birthday in Episode 6 - "Ratland".

          • 2 years ago

            Alright that works

  58. 2 years ago

    What the frick is this thread?

    • 2 years ago

      The two lesbians being converted by Marco which is a good thing

  59. 2 years ago

    How about we add a little spice with a racist girl?

  60. 2 years ago

    I wonder how horny this board will be when Luz and Amity canon adult designs will be revealed.

    • 2 years ago

      When that happens, then our plans will truly be one step closer towards completion.

    • 2 years ago


  61. 2 years ago


  62. 2 years ago

    Steven gets one chance to sleep with Luz, how long does he last?

    • 2 years ago

      >"I'm so fricked up"

      • 2 years ago

        Would Marco raise Luz’ rape baby?

        • 2 years ago

          Dale Gribble style until he doesn’t recognize Steven as a father

      • 2 years ago

        Would Marco raise Luz’ rape baby?

        I'm afraid you're misunderstanfing something anon, and I'll use this same Reggie/Marco greentext to emphasize it. Steven isn't getting jack shit to frick. He'll jerk it on to Luz's sleeping face Shinji style, and he'll have to love with the shame that the closest he'll ever get to her pussy, is with her panties. Plus kf Steven ever does sleep rape, he is an ACTUAL dead man. There is no way, he is coming out of that unscathed, and that's just with the Evangelion fap. Anyone finds out about that, Garnet's fists are coming out for the deadliest backhand ever.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah but let’s say it’s an alternate future timeline or something where that did happen and Garnet killed Steven. Would Marco raise the kid?

          • 2 years ago

            I'm sure that he would, Marco's reliable. Besides, given the nature of these threads, I'd imagine it as a Dale Gribble revenge thing. Steven will go to his grave not knowing whatever child he has will never look back at him. That child's name and legacy will be that of a Diaz, while Steven will be a disgraced footnote.

            Does he at least get the ones of the other girls?

            He will be denied. Also, would you really let a pig lick your ass?

            • 2 years ago

              Steven’s not even going to get the chance when they imprison him in Rhombulus’ crystals. I think Luz would be scared until Marco said he would support her

            • 2 years ago

              I meant does he manage to get the panties of the other girls like Sasha’s

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, I see then. That would be interesting, but he'd be playing a very dangerous game. Especially if he's doing that while buying from Sasha. She may sell him videos, but collecting the pamties of the other girls is too far and will result in an immediate cancellation of whatever deal they have. Followed or preceded by a summary kick to the balls and face, and reporting.

                How do the girls punish him after finding out Luz got a facial

                Best we leave that to the imagination. Leaving it up to imagination is better than a definitve answer. All we know, is that there will be pain.

              • 2 years ago

                Eventually the girls will begin noticing their underwear has gone missing after a night at Marco’s. Steven would just end up barely not getting caught by Sasha

            • 2 years ago

              Steven is definitely the type to try to awkwardly invite his son to hang out. He would also keep saying Luz and him should get back together to keep their son a real home

              • 2 years ago

                Real home my ass. This coming from a boy destined to be a beach bum who lives in a car and is not even a millionaire like his dad. In comparission to the good life Marco is practically guaranteed to love with how much he has going for him.

              • 2 years ago

                He’ll still keep bothering for visitation and bothering Luz. Marco is the real dad though obviously. He’s going to make that boy a real man one day.

            • 2 years ago

              I hope he disowns Steven

        • 2 years ago

          Does he at least get the ones of the other girls?

        • 2 years ago

          How do the girls punish him after finding out Luz got a facial

    • 2 years ago

      2 minutes. She didn’t feel it. Passes out on her and she can never get rid of the smell

  63. 2 years ago

    What about Panda?

    • 2 years ago

      He should date the twerking Panda

      • 2 years ago

        Panda is hotter.

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