How edgy should Doom be?

How edgy should Doom be?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    his archenemy is a stretchy melvin who named himself "Mr Fantastic"

    • 2 weeks ago

      that's the funniest thing about Doom, he's practically THE Marvel villain but his arch nemesis is some stretchy nerd

    • 2 weeks ago

      Mr Fantastic is nightmare inducing

      • 2 weeks ago

        616 reed cant do this shit

        • 2 weeks ago

          Still creepy. Imagine if he stretched his hand out or another appendage and grabbed your tushy.

          • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            At least we know he can't disguise as your bycicle.

            • 2 weeks ago

              he'll just replace your bicycle with an exact copy that straps you down for a fantastic prorate exam

        • 2 weeks ago

          He wouldn't want to.

          • 2 weeks ago

            his only fan

            >616 reed cant do this shit
            61 6 reed literally inverts his photons by inverting the dimensions of himself and his squad which can bring cells from the dark dimension to this one and a single cell can end all existence and shit.

            damn alright

        • 2 weeks ago

          It makes even less sense that non-616 Sue would dump Reed given the control he has over his body

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's all about Reed's attitude. I doubt Sue actually cares to sleep with a man with a 60 inch penis.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >616 reed cant do this shit
          61 6 reed literally inverts his photons by inverting the dimensions of himself and his squad which can bring cells from the dark dimension to this one and a single cell can end all existence and shit.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Does that mean Reed can theoretically end existence? What would be necessary for that to happen?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >What would be necessary for that to happen?
              If he sneezes during the process.

            • 2 weeks ago

              For most superscientists, inventing a way to end existence is the defining moment of their careers. It's what they base their entire identities on, including costumes, themes, and codenames.

              For Reed, it's Tuesday.

          • 2 weeks ago

            nothing you said makes sense. also what comic

            • 2 weeks ago

              Fantastic Four, whatever the current run is.

        • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        Plas and the Maker are creepy as frick

      • 2 weeks ago

        This and other body horror takes are dumb and just used to appeal to manchildren.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Agreed, they should shove ponies in there as to appeal to adults

  2. 2 weeks ago

    He's just a sadboy trying to hide his tears. Cheer up emo Doom.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    butthole, you've got burn scars. You ain't cthulhu in cosplay armor

    • 2 weeks ago

      Just wait until you realize it's only acne scars

    • 2 weeks ago

      lmao this, does he expect people to go "AAHHH HELP ME Black personMAN I'M GOING INSANE" upon seeing his disfigured face? at worst it'll be "ew"

    • 2 weeks ago

      The biggest irony is that his original disfigurement was just a scar. The burns he did to himself because he was moronic and put his mask on while it was still hot.

      • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        The real scars are psychological. God Emperor Doom still had them.

      • 2 weeks ago


  4. 2 weeks ago

    as edgy as myself because he is just like me fr

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Like right in the middle. He should be a dick but have some kind of honor code, however warped. Like, there should be a reason the heroes let him rule over Latveria despite him being a dickhead. Besides just plot armor, I mean.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    He lives in the Balkans but never shows casual racism towards his neighbours so its obvious Marvel doesnt want him to be actually edgy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Doesn't know that Doom thinks EVERYONE is below him. Even gods.

      • 2 weeks ago

        then why isnt he racist. You cant be racist to people whou think are above you

        • 2 weeks ago

          Because Doom is an egomaniac. He cares not of race, birthplace or religion, he cares that the world is under HIS "loving" rule.

      • 2 weeks ago

        He's a SouthEastern Balkan gypsy, no matter how much of a narcissist one is, he still has aesthetic preferences and historical grudges. Realistically he should be the biggest racist on the planet, but these are books written by burgers and bongs, so they can't into the SOVL ZONE.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >he still has aesthetic preferences
          He lost that card when he tried to hit on Storm.

          >and historical grudges
          His family was at the bottom of the food chain, he gets to hate everyone.

          He's Reed-Richards-phobic, if that makes you feel better.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Storm is wanked, none of it should be taken as proof of anything. Unless you want me to believe that the literal Vlad Teppes from the 15th century would try to woo a negress that goes around calling herself a goddess.
            >His family was at the bottom of the food chain, he gets to hate everyone.
            You people just don't understand the world you live in. You think everything's like your multicultural NY. Balkans are the bottom of the barrel of Europe, and they still hate their neighbor like they were the devil while being racist to everything else. Either you create a character, or a mouthpiece. Doom's a Balkan gyppo who's also an authoritarian dictator. He would 100% be racist regardless of his extreme narcissism, and anything else is just burger nonsense.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Unless you want me to believe that the literal Vlad Teppes from the 15th century would try to woo a negress that goes around calling herself a goddess.
              But he's not supposed to be IRL Vlad Tepes, he's supposed to be Bram Stoker's Dracula. But anyway, that's comics, I'm not even taking modern bullshit into account.

              >Storm is wanked
              Absolutely can't argue with that.

              • 2 weeks ago

                He's supposed to be THE Tepes, there's even an miniseries where he fights Apocalypse. Yes he's the Stoker version, but as time went on and in pop culture we embraced Dracula being THE Tepes, same has happened to all versions. It's why he's got the Kain-esque armour, due to the Coppola film and the whole Order Of The Dragon bit.

                To be fair, if he was anything like a real balkan gypsy, he'd look like a pajeet and have an IQ of 65.

                Fair point, but I headcanon it that his father is a proper Latverian, hence the Von Doom surname, and his tribe are a bunch of Greek nomads since they're called Zefiro (Greek for Sapphire) and his mother's name is Cynthia. It's stupid, but he's being drawn as a German/Med-mix for so long, that it's my best headcanon.

                Either way, I'm more likely to believe a magical gyppoid that is white passing and is smarter than the entire lot of them put together, than to think that the literal authoritarian Balkan dictator has the same values as the New York liberal. It just breaks the setting too much. I don't expect Luthor for example to be racist, but Doom absolutely is and should be.

              • 2 weeks ago

                would you see doom as more ultra nationalistic racist or just more passively

              • 2 weeks ago

                It could go either way tbh. The basic things that are true for every country in the Balkans is
                >they hate every other surrounding country
                >they hate Ottomans/Turks and anything Muslim-related
                Obvious exceptions being Bosnia and Albania, but they're the two Balkan c**ts alongside FYROM everyone jointly hates, so they don't count.
                >they see sub-saharans as the absolute lowest
                Beyond that, it depends on where they're on the German/Slavic/Med sphere of influence/DNA. Doom I see oscillating from casually racist to committing genocides at the drop of a hate. He's not really a stable person, and I think that should translate in everything about him. Whether he's the Latverian version of Nordicists/Hoteps, or he sterilises blacks, or he just hates the Finns because he sees them as Mongolic invaders or whatever, is up for debate. But to think Doom wouldn't be /misc/ and Cinemaphile levels of bigoted is just not in the cards, and whenever they write him that way it reeks from Neawh Yarkh sensibilities.

                >Greek nomads
                Like the Sarakatsani?

                Sure, it works.

                Why do people say Luthor loses to Doom

                He has no defenses for Doom's magics, and even if he whip up some crazy tech, his image is still sullied by him being too Superman-centric. Doom just has too many hacks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It could go either way tbh. The basic things that are true for every country in the Balkans is
                >>they hate every other surrounding country
                >>they hate Ottomans/Turks and anything Muslim-related
                >Obvious exceptions being Bosnia and Albania, but they're the two Balkan c**ts alongside FYROM everyone jointly hates, so they don't count.
                Theres plenty of Muslims who hate other muslims.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Damn those muslims, they ruined islam!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Damn those muslims, they ruined islam!
                Yes this summarizes a lot of sunni vs shia conflict.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Sure, I don't disagree.

                >alongside FYROM
                Why does everyone hate them?

                They claim land and history from everyone around them. The biggest rivalry is with Greece, since despite being a bunch of Slavs they claim they wuz Macedonianz n sheiiiiiii.

                If it comes to melee, Doom would absolutely mop the floor with him too, I presume.

                Last I checked on ol' Dracula, he looked like the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night one, I think, but in MMORPG armor.

                >Last I checked on ol' Dracula, he looked like the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night one, I think, but in MMORPG armor.
                Yeah, it's how he appears in Blood Hunt right now. tbh, I don't get why people hate the design so much, I like it. It makes more sense to me than the Lugosi/Lee homage.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Specifically Bulgars.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Aslo bulgaians see them as...bulgarians.

                They're all just Slavs, who cares?

                Macedonians are ethnically Bulgarian (white)

                I'll come to (you), in your house where (you) sleep, and I'm going to slash your throat.

                I like the idea that he's a bishounen with a tiny scar but he's so self conscious and insane he wears an iron mask. Unlike a Doom where his greatest enemy is himself, but he's so caught up in the idea it's Reed. That makes him more sympathetic and can even have him doing heroic things cuz he's really not a bad guy. Hes just kinda emo and for a awhile a bit of an Incel.

                The biggest irony is that his original disfigurement was just a scar. The burns he did to himself because he was moronic and put his mask on while it was still hot.

                I don't like the idea that he burned his own face. Doom's an autist, but he's not moronic. My take is that he seethed and REEEEEEEd when he got scarred, but then he figured that it was the perfect excuse to wear the mask and make a legend for himself. I see Doom as someone with a somewhat fragile ego which hinges on him basically LARPing his whole identity. He knows that he's not a hideous freak, he's just both ticked off and it pisses him off, while also thinking it's for the best to let him cultivate a myth. Making it so that he's literally disfigured beyond repair and/or he's just too legitimately sick in the head, ruins it for me. It makes him too pathologically sick for me to be able to take him seriously.

                But I do like the idea that Mephisto fricked with him too. I can believe Doom made a mistake in his calculations while being strung out, and that he was too arrogant to trust Reed. But if such a machine exploded, it'd burn him completely, no give him a tiny scar. So for me he did frick up his machine so it gave out prematurely, but his scar comes from Mephisto scratching him, and the reason why even though he was caught in an explosion he wasn't burned to death, is because of magical shields. It's the way the story makes sense to me.

              • 2 weeks ago

                ??? They're literally bulgarian you incel

              • 2 weeks ago

                Macedonians are Greeks, you slavBlack folk can go back to the Steppe.

                >I don't like the idea that he burned his own face.
                Everyone can make mistakes

                It's too autistic for me to take him seriously as a competent super-genius. Him fricking up his machine, I can buy. I can even buy him hating the scar and hiding it, even though I think that subconsciously he's doing it to hide under the made up facade. Him legitimately ruining his face beyond repair is too crazy to be consistent with everything else. It's Jokah Baybhee ripping off his own face tier of ridiculousness.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Macedonians are Greeks
                No they're not, they're literally next to Bulgaria and speak a variation of its language.
                >you slavBlack folk can go back to the Steppe.
                I'm not Bulgarian but I've been there. Everyone aside from some turk/gyppo minorities look white and it's one of the oldest countries in Europe. Macedonia in comparison is a much younger country, it has nothing to do with ancient Macedonians.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Everyone aside from some turk/gyppo minorities look white
                My Brat. Every balkanoid(aside from sloveenes and northen croatia) is a Turkish rapebaby especially Serbs

              • 2 weeks ago

                More like the Turks have become balkan rapebabies willingly due to their Janissary programs where they took European kids and incorporated them into Turkey.
                Hence people looking like pic rel.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Modern Greece is heavily turkish in admixture as well, everyone on the balkans basically.
                It's still predominantly european though.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Frick off you literal white-skinned Black person. Just because your Slavic arse called itself Macedonian doesn’t mean it has literally anything to do with the actual peoples. Go hang out with some Hoteps you disgusting human excrement and sorry excuse for a sentient being. The day of the pole shall come.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >white people are... LE BAD
                Remind me again which country was part of the Axis and which was against it, Mr Greek?
                And modern Macedonians and Greeks have almost nothing in common. Only ancient Macedon was Greek.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >everyone in eastern europe is slav
                why are americans so poorly educated? look up the phenotype map

              • 2 weeks ago

                If they're blonde/blue eyed they pretty much are

              • 2 weeks ago

                It depends because then you have European intermixing as well. A Macedonian may as well be Central European in "composition".

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't thing Easter euros can even agree on who is a slav and who is a product of mongolian raper of just some german lovers

              • 2 weeks ago

                The closer you get to Europe itself and away from the far East, the more likely it is that you're a mutt of various European admixture. That being said, slavs themselves are Caucasian and racially different from Chinese/Japs/Indians etc.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Macedonians are not and never will be Greeks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I don't like the idea that he burned his own face.
                Everyone can make mistakes

              • 2 weeks ago

                >My take is
                Stop. It's not canon and no one cares

              • 2 weeks ago

                >but then he figured that it was the perfect excuse to wear the mask and make a legend for himself
                This right here. This is Doom wank. Yes, obviously, him burning his own face in impatience doesn't seem to fit nowadays. Perfectly acceptable to do something else. But Doom's fricking defining fricking feature is his prideful vanity. He wears the mask cause he's a vain prick. He self sabotages because he'd rather be wrong on his own that right with help. There's literally no acceptable version of the character where it's all a ruse to make himself mythical. That's not Doom anymore. That's just some over wanked supervillain you as a fan never have to deal with having vices that make him look back.

                Come on, man.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Aslo bulgaians see them as...bulgarians.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Macedonians are ethnically Bulgarian (white)

              • 2 weeks ago

                >alongside FYROM
                Why does everyone hate them?

              • 2 weeks ago

                A sad existance that iritates everybody because Tito didn't want to share so he tried to make up a Group of people

              • 2 weeks ago

                Its easy then have Doom hate Albania due to some albanians stealing 2 cows and 5 sheep from his ancestors after some shepperds insulted each other. Would also add irony to him always being beate by Americans. You could honestly have alot of fun by placing storys outside of America. Could have Doom place the "kill Reed Richard by shitting himself so hard his wife leaves him for me before the corpse is even fresh" bomb in Bosnia and after they clobber him into a harmless state and defuse the bomb Doom trys to pull the diplomatic immunity cardonly for it to be revealed that Bosnia hasnt recognized Latverias existence meaning they can imprison him

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Greek nomads
                Like the Sarakatsani?

              • 2 weeks ago

                There is absolutely no way Marvel would ever degypsyfy Doom

              • 2 weeks ago

                Gypsy Doom is the inclusion and diversity that FF needs. Ben is israeli. Reed is probably atheist. There are still gypsy people out in the world.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Idk if atheist would constitute a minority nowadays, atnleast in the western world most people are either indifferent to religion or closeted atheists/agnostics. Reed as an aspie would better fit the quota.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The problem is that calling Reed an aspie would make peopel think like 90% of his character traits are due to being an aspie and not his actual personality, since Reed has frankly always been kind of a sperg.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Now that you mention it, perhaps that's the reason Marvel's been hesitant to officialy acknowledge him as autistic, even if some writers (like North currently) code him as such. I guess they're afraid of the backlash for feeding the "all autistic characters in media are supergeniuses" trope.

            • 2 weeks ago

              To be fair, if he was anything like a real balkan gypsy, he'd look like a pajeet and have an IQ of 65.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >To be fair, if he was anything like a real balkan gypsy, he'd look like a pajeet and have an IQ of 65.

                That's after a ten generation of inbreeding after the soviet system forced the travelling roma groups to settle down in cities. we in eastern europe are being fricked by that policy ever since.

                Original "traveler" gypsies were not that bad looking, since they were travelling and when you travel a lot you also frick a lot of westerners, so they didn't have nowhere near as bad blood as they do today. That's not to defend them, but gyppos in the 1950s (basically "entertainer" thieves and prostitutes in travelling circuses) were not the same as gyppos today (basically Romania).

              • 2 weeks ago

                Gyppos are a minority in Romania, not the same as the actual people. They're pajeets like you said, but certain gyppos can be white passing, especially western ones.
                Dr Doom from the comics is based on that kind of "westernized" gyppo.

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah he's pretty much charlie chaplin but buff with a suit of power armor and a god complex

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Doom having a tiny scar or no scar under the mask at all > edgy disfigured Doom
    him thinking his face will make others go mad but it's just a slightly attractive dude is just so funny
    He can still go about being powerful despite his Phantom of the Opera schtick

    • 2 weeks ago

      i like the idea of him disfiguring his face by putting a burning hot mask on just to cover up a tiny scar

      • 2 weeks ago

        "Doom what happened to you car? It's totaled and on fire, how did that all happen in your driveway?"
        "It had a scratch."

        • 2 weeks ago

          100% in character.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Are any of those Cinemaphile recommende images for Doom?
    Or can /you/ reccomend me some?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Oldie but a goldie

      • 2 weeks ago

        Triumph and Torment was indeed kino

      • 2 weeks ago


  9. 2 weeks ago

    About this edgy. But usually, USUALLY, Doom shouldn't be edgy. Doom should be pure seethe and autism.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I do enjoy me some edgy Doom but they shouldn't overdo it, basically what this anon said

    • 2 weeks ago

      I do enjoy me some edgy Doom but they shouldn't overdo it, basically what this anon said

      Nah man. Doom wearing a skin suit of his gf is dumb as hell and 2edgy4me. What was Waid doing? Has he ever explained it?

      • 2 weeks ago

        I like it. Different strokes.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Has he ever explained it?
        Doom looking for an edge over Richards.

      • 2 weeks ago

        basically he hated "Noble Doom" and wanted him back to being "akschually EEEEEEEVILLLL all along"

        Where's this from?

        Cantwell's Doom. it was actually pretty nice until the last stretch

        • 2 weeks ago

          >"akschually EEEEEEEVILLLL all along"
          Doom was always evil you fricking sperg.

          • 2 weeks ago

            sure he is.
            He's also a prick and Reed triggers his inner sperg.

            he still LARPed so long he actually became a better person... and even at his worst he'd never do that to Valeria
            or randomly kill a universe for what's worth.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >"akschually EEEEEEEVILLLL all along"
              Doom was always evil you fricking sperg.

              Isn't doom's whole appeal that he's complex? Stan explained it himself ad nauseum that doom interested him because he was a ruler who treated his people well but was still power hungry, vain, and perhaps harsh in his methods. He says doom just wants control since he thinks he can run everything himself and will run it well. He thinks he can convince everyone to follow his way. And when he gains enough power to eventually reach that point I think that's when his character becomes interesting and the perfect foil to Reed who respects other people's decisions. It's kind of a commentary on Capitalism and Communism as I write this out and realize. Makes sense considering how these characters were formed right in the middle of the Cold War. To Doom charismatic and believable, him wearing a skin suit takes me out of it. It would have been better if Waid made Valeria consent to it or something, where she is so blinded in worship of Victor that she sacrifices herself. I'm not a doomgay and he shouldn't receive too much doomwank but it would fall more in line with the characters and world in my pov.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Isn't doom's whole appeal that he's complex?
                Doom's whole appeal is that he's a fricking aspie.

          • 2 weeks ago

            We live in the age of 'morally grey' which means that a villains motivations are more interesting than justice for their victims.
            Malicious revenge is a better fantasy than altrusitic heroism for the average person.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Kino arc by itself and more for making Doomgays seethe

  10. 2 weeks ago

    The type of edgy that practices Satan magic and is okay with killing his enemies but not the sort of edgy that needlessly tortures people and is more inclined to just send people to the dungeon for life and won't kill kids.
    Doom is a deranged naraccist that thinks the world is better off with him as supreme leader. He should be enough of a dick that you don't want him to actually rule the world but endearing enough that you like seeing him try.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Holy shit what a fricking LOSER
    You’re ugly we get it, let me go home

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Love the fact that Conan the Barbarian saw Doom's face and still ate his meal like nothing was wrong.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's perfectly in character for Conan

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Doom should at his core be pathetic, everything you see is just an act hiding a petty dude seething at his college rival you actually got somewhere in life. Everything with Doom should just be a dick measuring contest against a man who does not give a damn

    • 2 weeks ago

      you can't win a dick measuring contest against Reed since he'll just stretch his dick to be longer

      • 2 weeks ago

        This is a fantastic (lol) commentary on their rivalry.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Problem is that he STILL doesn't know that Richards wasn't at fault for the device he created to talk to the dead blowing up and destroying his life.

      He saw it as petty jealousy by an inferior who is living the life that he should be.

      Funny thing is, the device richards said didn't work, worked perfectly and he used it to contact, I think the thing, after he died.

      Mephisto just blew it the frick up and played a trick on Doom to take him off his path of what might have been a noble hero.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Mephisto just blew it the frick up and played a trick on Doom to take him off his path of what might have been a noble hero.
        Doomwanker retcon.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Problem is that he STILL doesn't know that Richards wasn't at fault for the device he created to talk to the dead blowing up and destroying his life.
        Except he does and he did. Doom constantly goes back to the moment of his creation to celebrate it like the egomaniac he obviously is.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Doom intentionally blew himself up. He's just a moron who thinks it made him great.

          that was Fraction's bullshit.

          Doom HATES that moment. It was his first "defeat".

          I blame Richards failing to correctly understanding timetravel and ending up in a parallel dimension where Doom is a failure

        • 2 weeks ago

          Panel 1- So that's the truth. In a world of weathered, rugged men, Doom wears the mask because he doesn't want the world to know that he really looks like Peter Parker.
          >He wants the world to think he looks like a true survivor. Not like a little kid.
          Which fits in with all the rest of the accidental crossovering of Spider Man and FF.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    He shouldn't.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Less than skinning his childhood gf to make edgy demon armour that's worse than what he usually has, more than being the cool uncle to Franklin and Valeria

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Why do people say Luthor loses to Doom

    • 2 weeks ago

      It could go either way tbh. The basic things that are true for every country in the Balkans is
      >they hate every other surrounding country
      >they hate Ottomans/Turks and anything Muslim-related
      Obvious exceptions being Bosnia and Albania, but they're the two Balkan c**ts alongside FYROM everyone jointly hates, so they don't count.
      >they see sub-saharans as the absolute lowest
      Beyond that, it depends on where they're on the German/Slavic/Med sphere of influence/DNA. Doom I see oscillating from casually racist to committing genocides at the drop of a hate. He's not really a stable person, and I think that should translate in everything about him. Whether he's the Latverian version of Nordicists/Hoteps, or he sterilises blacks, or he just hates the Finns because he sees them as Mongolic invaders or whatever, is up for debate. But to think Doom wouldn't be /misc/ and Cinemaphile levels of bigoted is just not in the cards, and whenever they write him that way it reeks from Neawh Yarkh sensibilities.
      Sure, it works.
      He has no defenses for Doom's magics, and even if he whip up some crazy tech, his image is still sullied by him being too Superman-centric. Doom just has too many hacks.

      If it comes to melee, Doom would absolutely mop the floor with him too, I presume.

      He's supposed to be THE Tepes, there's even an miniseries where he fights Apocalypse. Yes he's the Stoker version, but as time went on and in pop culture we embraced Dracula being THE Tepes, same has happened to all versions. It's why he's got the Kain-esque armour, due to the Coppola film and the whole Order Of The Dragon bit.
      Fair point, but I headcanon it that his father is a proper Latverian, hence the Von Doom surname, and his tribe are a bunch of Greek nomads since they're called Zefiro (Greek for Sapphire) and his mother's name is Cynthia. It's stupid, but he's being drawn as a German/Med-mix for so long, that it's my best headcanon.

      Either way, I'm more likely to believe a magical gyppoid that is white passing and is smarter than the entire lot of them put together, than to think that the literal authoritarian Balkan dictator has the same values as the New York liberal. It just breaks the setting too much. I don't expect Luthor for example to be racist, but Doom absolutely is and should be.

      Last I checked on ol' Dracula, he looked like the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night one, I think, but in MMORPG armor.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Luthor would also lose to Tony Stark. Death Battle did a video on it.
      >inb4 not accurate

  17. 2 weeks ago

    I like the idea that he's a bishounen with a tiny scar but he's so self conscious and insane he wears an iron mask. Unlike a Doom where his greatest enemy is himself, but he's so caught up in the idea it's Reed. That makes him more sympathetic and can even have him doing heroic things cuz he's really not a bad guy. Hes just kinda emo and for a awhile a bit of an Incel.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Doom being a delightfully assblasted little sperg.

  19. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Victor Von Doom, ruler of /LULZ/
      Rulermaxxed and still no pussy ;_;

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Doom intentionally blew himself up. He's just a moron who thinks it made him great.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    He should not have destroyed a universe that's for sure

    • 2 weeks ago

      Where's this from?

  22. 2 weeks ago

    No one wants to admit they Doom is at his best when he’s an over the top silly 1960s cartoon villain because Doomgays want to take him as seriously as possible.

    • 2 weeks ago

      well that's the thing, he's not at his best as a 1960s cartoon villain

    • 2 weeks ago

      Doomgay here and I agree 100% with you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      In D&D terms, classic Dr. Doom is a perfect example of high Intelligence and low Wisdom.
      He might set up this perfect brilliant scheme beforehand, but at the last minute you just bring up RICHARDS or something happens out of schedule and he goes full Nicholas Cage.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Doom should be one of the biggest bads on Earth, if not the galaxy, if not the entire Marvelverse.
    He should be a dark reflection of Richards; a brilliant man who has been twisted by his own ego, and instead of helping humankind and expanding our knowledge, he seeks to crush everything into dust and reform it to his pleasure. Doom should have an insatiable thirst for power and control that permeates all aspects of his life to an autistic degree. It should start from being the best in the room, to best in the house, to best in the world. Eventually this ought to erode his humanity to the point he's not even human, and he either ascends to become a celestial or dies trying.
    To achieve this, he should use every trick in the book, and even contradict himself; he's at his core a cowardly, weak man obsessed with assuage his own ego and burying his perceived weakness. He should loudly boast about not only his mental superiority, and his superior character, and yada yada, but then betray his own ideals just to get an iota more power. Rules for thee, not for me.

    Doom should be a self absorbed destructive sociopath who could bring mankind into a golden age, but doesn't because frick you, he doesn't want to. How does that make him more powerful?
    Like, he should kill a child if he thought it would further his goals, and anyone he spares or gives charity to only exists as a pawn for whatever scheme he has that'll give him even more power.
    Everyone is expendable in the eternal quest of Doom's rise to godhood.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Doom makes sure his subjects eat well.
    They have to do the cooking themselves.
    Strength in the kitchen is strength of a nation.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    I like the Doom is a total butthole to people he doesn't like/respect and while "the people of Latveria" are not included in that list he keeps them happy because he takes pride in being an ostensibly good leader. His list of begrudging respect should be just a couple of people like Reed, Strange, Peter etc. His list of people he likes should be pretty much just Valeria.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    As a proud Latverian, I just come here to let everyone appreciate the PHENOMENAL design of our passports.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's pretty good. Now lets see Latverias dermatologists.

      • 2 weeks ago

        There are no Latverian dermatologists, for DOOM has found their skills wanting. Instead, dermotological care is conducted by Doombots (alongside other medical professionals) during our mandatory monthly health checkups.

        • 2 weeks ago

          > Forgot pic

        • 2 weeks ago

          > Forgot pic

          Hey is that the flag of Kekistan? Is that why you wear the mask; you're anomalous?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Wherever this Kekistan is, surely neither its splendour, nor the magnificence of its leader, is comparable with that of glorious Latveria!

            • 2 weeks ago

              Not so fast Doom! Kekistan spans all of the world, and it's many glorious leaders have epicly owned their opposition on a daily basis since even before Kekistans inception.
              But you wouldn't get it, you're just a bluepilled normie.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I am not DOOM and do not presume to represent Him. However, if Kekistan is so great, then let me behold its splendour and see for myself whether it lives up to its reputation.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Human skin leather armor Doom? Too edgy.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    more than doombot

  29. 2 weeks ago


  30. 2 weeks ago

    I get a kick out of how Doom's pro-Krakoa stance is to berate 99% of mutantcy.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    I’m all for Doom pettiness like that one cartoon episode where he swaps bodies with Reed and anons like to headcanon he does that every so often to either misplace stuff in Reed’s lab or say something completely heinous on national TV just to give Reed a PR nightmare for a few weeks out of sheer pettiness and I always thought that was super funny.
    Frankly I’m surprised that after all this time where it’s been established he cares so much for Valeria that Doom hasn’t started trying to find a wife to make some kids so he can pair one off with Valeria. Imagine the superiority he would feel that his son married Valeria and brought his superior genes into the Richards Family, and that seems like a super petty thing for him to do and would actually make Valeria apart of his family as well. I think Kang has a few times had ancestry tied to Doom, and this is I think the best way possible to do it. The major issue is Doom is both too autistic to find a wife and Marvel Editorial seems to give him the worst options when they pick established characters instead of just making a new one. Plus though he may be sullying Reed’s genes, he might believe he’s doing the same to his own, but I feel he might make an exception if it was Valeria. I don’t know why the thought popped in my head but it feels like if Doom had a son he’s end up the complete opposite of Damien Wayne, where he’s born normal and Doom turns him into an autist.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Doom probably has children. Babies scattered around the world, or living in caravans on mountains. Doom waits until one of them shows the intelligence he had, waiting until one of them can challenge his throne and survive.
      Doom sending his children around Latveria sounds like something he'd do in one of his more survival of the fittest moments of being written. But remember that the Sentinels from X-Men carry instant-results DNA scanners and that might just be Doom confusing the people trying to track him down.

      As for Doom adopting a child, a ward like the robins, nobody remembers Krystoff.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Lmao not even the writers remember Kristoff, between De Falco's run and Hickman's there was a period of almost 20 years where he was absent, and he's pretty much been replaced by Val.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    Love doom having unparalleled intelligence and abilities that could btfo anyone but he only uses it to do stupid petty shit because he has black manta level autism that stops him from actually being a serious threat everyone has to be concerned about.

  33. 2 weeks ago
  34. 2 weeks ago

    Didn't he het his scars from trying to save his mother from Hell?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Just the little one.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    doom feels like the kind of character that just wants to be the king of the hill
    as long as everyone else know their proper place in society he doesn't need to treat anyone badly because the hierarchy is a thing written in stone rather than a constant struggle unless your name happens to be REED RICHARDS

  36. 2 weeks ago


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