How is this retard not fired yet?

How is this moron not fired yet?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    All that matters is that the shareholders are happy. Iger's made so much money for the company in the past that they have blinding faith in his continued success.

  2. 12 months ago

    I mean he has been in a lot of their movies and series and they already printed the shape of his head on so many products...

  3. 12 months ago

    He retired twice and both times he was asked to come back.
    There are no more succesful CEOs as him in the movie industry.
    >but it was thanks to the MCU momentum
    bullshit, he was already making money before that and Chapek become CEO when the MCU was at its peak and still managed to make it underperform by bloating the offer.

    • 12 months ago

      No other CEO was around long enough to actually make a difference.

  4. 12 months ago

    those legal battles not looking too good huh DumbSantis? Serves you right for moronically taking on The Mouse

    • 12 months ago

      So how does your stupid ass reconcile being an edgy communist who hates capitalism but worships Disney?

      • 12 months ago

        way off the mark there /misc/tard

        • 12 months ago

          >I've been found out!
          lol groomer

          • 12 months ago

            Polly want a cracker

            You’re clearly a leftoid so I know hating capitalism is part of your religion. Why are you siding with a corporation instead of the State? How can we have a socialist paradise if fricks like you are sabotaging the movement?

            Have you considered maybe I don’t like hypocritical manbabies who scream “FREEDOM” but cry the minute they hear something they doesn’t like, now go back your /misc/tarded hugbox

            • 12 months ago

              > Have you considered maybe I don’t like hypocritical manbabies who scream “FREEDOM” but cry the minute they hear something they doesn’t like

              So your fake anti-capitalist stance is completely dependent on which companies push agendas you like? Nice slacktivism.

              • 12 months ago

                Ironic stance coming from a brainwashed leftist. It’s clear you’re brainwashed since you were unable to correctly reconcile anon’s question with your programming

                Or maybe he isn't anti-capitalism.
                Most people doesn't fit into the neat left vs right, us vs them false dichotomy that you have created in your mind.
                And you have the nerve to call other people brainwashed.

            • 12 months ago

              Ironic stance coming from a brainwashed leftist. It’s clear you’re brainwashed since you were unable to correctly reconcile anon’s question with your programming

              • 12 months ago

                > Have you considered maybe I don’t like hypocritical manbabies who scream “FREEDOM” but cry the minute they hear something they doesn’t like

                So your fake anti-capitalist stance is completely dependent on which companies push agendas you like? Nice slacktivism.

                Iger is in the process of very publicly bending DeSantis over and making him Disney's b***h on a national stage. For that alone, he's the best CEO the company's ever had.
                Do with that information what you will. Personally, I'll be sitting here laughing my ass off at your salty b***h tears.

        • 12 months ago

          You’re clearly a leftoid so I know hating capitalism is part of your religion. Why are you siding with a corporation instead of the State? How can we have a socialist paradise if fricks like you are sabotaging the movement?

      • 12 months ago

        >>Oh, you criticize society, yet you participate in one? Interesting...

        • 12 months ago

          Worshipping Disney isn’t participating in society.

          Also that comic is moronic because if you really wanted to bring change, you would stop participating in said thing you’re criticizing but I guess it’s easier for slacktivists like you to virtue signal if you believe otherwise

    • 12 months ago

      Remember that his intent was to run for President some day, so he has a lot of skill politicians have, and a lot of his moves were very calculated

      He set up Chapek as CEO the moment things were going to go south with COVID, but still ran some things in the background because he wasn't fully gone from the company until the end of 2021

      In 2022 even though he wasn't at the company he was trying to set things up to get Chapek removed (the whole Florida debacle) and then eventually took control again in November. Chapek had already put in a hiring freeze with intent to fire people before he himself was fired, and when Iger came back everyone expected that he'd get rid of Chapek's plan, but instead doubled-down on it

      DeSantis is a fricking idiot but let's not keep pretending Disney is "winning" against him at the moment

      It's dishonest for shills to claim Disney won against him and then a day later it turns out not to be the case

  5. 12 months ago

    Mickey was one of Walt’s original creations so they’d re very hesitant to fire him

  6. 12 months ago

    Because he was a replacement for a bigger moron

  7. 12 months ago

    Incredible, your mental moronations can only see in black and white, amazing how stupidity has progressed

    • 12 months ago

      Too scared to reply directly? Afraid that your brainwashing can’t stand up against the truth? The fact I was able to correctly deduce your worldview from one post just shows you’re nothing but a npc who does what others say and believe what he is told to believe

      • 12 months ago

        >you’re nothing but a NPC who does what others say and believe what he is told to believe
        Like "everyone on one side believes everything everyone else on that side does".
        Pretty sure that applies more to you and

        than it does to him.
        There aren't even sides, not really.
        Just a bunch of people who are forced together due to the shitty two-party system.
        The real NPCs are those who can't see any nuance in political opinions (or any opinions) and see everything as an us vs them war than must be won at all costs.

        • 12 months ago

          He (You) can't even explain why he's simping for Disney other than DeSantis bad

    • 12 months ago
  8. 12 months ago

    put something in your head, OP. CEO's job is to make the shareholders gain more money than the previous years. even at the cost of running everything onto the ground. not to make make a company output good products

  9. 12 months ago

    I can't believe this secret /misc/ thread hasn't been culled yet.

  10. 12 months ago

    i hope Peltz ousts him.

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