How long untill spider-man officially becomes a X-book

I think Spider-man will definitely soon be a X-book I suspect the first one will be named Uncanny Spider-Man, anyway here is what I think we see wiil see in it
Uncanny Spider-Man #1
Peter's debut as a X-Men his new skills and abilities get revealed
Uncanny Spider-Man #2
MJ is now a mutant herself due to the events which happened with Moira and Dark Web itself.
Uncanny Spider-Man #3
a revived Gwen retuns and is revealed she is a mutant herself.
Uncanny Spider-Man #4
Norman gets his Sins back and becomes evil again and hates Peter and his mutant GF now more then ever before and decides to eliminate them once and for all.
Uncanny Spider-Man #5
Spidey and his mutant GF Team-Up to take down Norman once and for all, Peter goes to toe to toe with Norman but he gets knocked out unconscious and Norman severly injures Gwen and proceeds to kill her. But MJ stops him before he can do the deed, and angrily rips out his heart screaming he never really had a a heart at all Norman dies Peter and Gwen then recover and their wounds start to heal. Norman then finds himself in hell where a eagerly and smiling Mephisto greets him he then recalls his deal with him and regrets all the evil he ever did.
Uncanny Spider-Man #6
Spidey and his mutant GF first Team-Up with The X-men and after fighting some villains it ends with them having sex with each other. Peter finds he really likes banging Jean, MJ and Gwen together, Emma and MJ start feeling attracted towards each other but suppress ther emotions. Gwen and Jubilee find they have certain things in common, and Nightcrawler finds Gwen hot and would like to bang her many times.

So are you excited that Spider-man will soon be a X-book anons.

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  1. 2 years ago

    gwen autism is real

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      ouch, I pity him

  3. 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    Quit spamming your stupid fanfiction. Nobody replies to you because it's a fricking moronic idea.

    • 2 years ago

      Be ready to cry when they they do turn Spider-Man into a X-book make sure you have your tissues ready then.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't forget to share a link to the stream of your suicide.

      • 2 years ago

        >brand new book with title header unused before
        >legacy numbering
        I don’t even think that the current x books even bother with legacy numbers because of how fricked they are with them

        But did you know that pete was so popular in the late 80s early 90s that one of his taglines was “the most popular non mutant hero”, they’re not gonna drop that to make him a mutant anon

        • 2 years ago

          >But did you know that pete was so popular in the late 80s early 90s that one of his taglines was “the most popular non mutant hero”, they’re not gonna drop that to make him a mutant anon
          The glory days of the 80s and early 90s are now long past Peter, we are talking about the present day situation his is in events like OMD and Sins Past have caused a severe decline in fans to his book. Giving him a X-book and making him a mutant and his GF could well be the only way to save him at this point I say go for it.

          • 2 years ago

            Pete sells just as well as the x books anon, making him a mutant would literally taint the character forever

            • 2 years ago

              >Pete sells just as well as the x books anon, making him a mutant would literally taint the character forever
              he sell less books with each reboot however at this point another reboot may kill the ASM for good since by then they won't be any fans left to buy his book, so why not try something fresh instead it's a worth a shoot at least in my eyes it is.

              • 2 years ago

                >[...] (You)
                >>She won't stay dead if they do turn Spider-Man, into a X-book you can bet your ass on that anon.
                >further proof Gwenschizo doesn't read Spidey comics and just wants a pretty blonde to jerk his Hispanic wiener off to
                If they would turn his book into a X-book they would likely go all way with that approach, they would be no point in them avoiding such a thing or weaseling they way out of it.

                can you please frick off to the X-gay threads? You don't give a shit about Peter or any of his LIVING supporting cast and only want to shill your moronic mutant theories.

              • 2 years ago

                Actually I do give a shit about him and his supporting cast hence the reason why I want his book to become a X-book since I believe this would best for him at this point.

              • 2 years ago

                You're a delusional mothers fricker lmao

              • 2 years ago

                >You're a delusional mothers fricker lmao
                >mothers fricker
                Mexican Gwengay was raised by lesbians, with no father, no male role model, no understanding of masculinity? Is this why he hates Norman so much?

              • 2 years ago

                >Mexican Gwengay was raised by lesbians, with no father, no male role model, no understanding of masculinity? Is this why he hates Norman so much?
                Actually I was raised in europe, I have always been very much into orgies, Threesomes and Gangbangs, traditional ordinary sex has always bored me also I have a huge weakness for blondes, pinks, and redhead girls.

              • 2 years ago

                name a bigger liar

              • 2 years ago

                >lies about not being Mexican
                >edits his own posts
                >posts constant rape fantasies about the character he claims to like
                Gwenschizo is weird

              • 2 years ago

                I never said I was Mexican I said I was a europen guy and you are the one who edited my posts not me.

              • 2 years ago

                you need to stop lying

              • 2 years ago

                You mean yourself right.

              • 2 years ago

                >name a bigger liar
                You are the biggest liar and troll not me

            • 2 years ago

              Even despite how many fans have noped out between Kindred, Beyond, and the current run, ASM is still one of Marvel's best selling books, better than any of the X-books except occasional event minis.

              Dark Web is a crossover clearly aimed at getting the Spider-Man fanbase to buy some X-books and the X-Men fanbase to buy some Spider-Man books, with the hope they'll all get hooked and stick around, but even if it maybe deserves to be selling badly enough to force Marvel to make drastic changes, ASM isn't doing badly right now. If Dark Web works like Marvel want it to, X-Men needs the boost more than ASM does.

    • 2 years ago

      I am sick and tired of seeing Marvel constantly make Peter a loser and breaking up his relationship with MJ besides, The ASM is going more and more downhill all the time. So at this point I would actually welcome such a radical changes besides if done right and with care then maybe it woudn't be that stupid after all, besides step by step they slowly are turning Spider-Man into a X-book. So I believe that in the end this really is inevitable.

  5. 2 years ago

    Slott was right. The X-office would poach your character and turn them into a mutant. Neither Bowie, Mercury, nor Jesus was safe from this.

  6. 2 years ago

    Is this an actual new comic book coming out?

    • 2 years ago

      no, it's just fan art but the artist does work for Marvel (the thing mini and New ant-man comic)

  7. 2 years ago

    Nice costume for PeterxScottxGwen clone

    • 2 years ago

      >no breasts on the costume
      oh no
      she's ftm now

      • 2 years ago

        >no breasts
        she is like a few months old anon.

  8. 2 years ago

    I am excited to hear you commited suicide after #10 shows Gwen is just a MUH GUILT TRIP hallucination and will never be brought back to life again

    • 2 years ago

      Don't forget to share a link to the stream of your suicide.

      They way I heard it you Norman gaygs plan to commit sucide not me make sure you stream it live on youtube now.

      • 2 years ago

        Normanchads are getting their own new comic and a new animated version
        Gwenschizos have to deal with a coomerbait AU version while the original rots in a grave
        cope and seethe

        • 2 years ago

          >Normanchads are getting their own new comic and a new animated version
          Oh joy they made him a faceless character in his own comic does even have a face left under that mask, besides did you even read the synopsis for that book, They want him to be a hero and the fans sure as hell don't want that shit.
          >Gwenschizos have to deal with a coomerbait AU version while the original rots in a grave
          >cope and seethe

          She won't stay dead if they do turn Spider-Man, into a X-book you can bet your ass on that anon.

        • 2 years ago

          No ass whatsoever

    • 2 years ago

      based Goblinchad
      the best villian in all of Marvel

      • 2 years ago

        >the best villian in all of Marvel
        damn straight

        >Normanchads are getting their own new comic and a new animated version
        Oh joy they made him a faceless character in his own comic does even have a face left under that mask, besides did you even read the synopsis for that book, They want him to be a hero and the fans sure as hell don't want that shit.
        >Gwenschizos have to deal with a coomerbait AU version while the original rots in a grave
        >cope and seethe

        She won't stay dead if they do turn Spider-Man, into a X-book you can bet your ass on that anon.

        >She won't stay dead if they do turn Spider-Man, into a X-book you can bet your ass on that anon.
        further proof Gwenschizo doesn't read Spidey comics and just wants a pretty blonde to jerk his Hispanic wiener off to

        • 2 years ago


          >Normanchads are getting their own new comic and a new animated version

          Oh joy they made him a faceless character in his own comic does even have a face left under that mask, besides did you even read the synopsis for that book, They want him to be a hero and the fans sure as hell don't want that shit.
          >Gwenschizos have to deal with a coomerbait AU version while the original rots in a grave
          >cope and seethe

          She won't stay dead if they do turn Spider-Man, into a X-book you can bet your ass on that anon. (You)
          >>She won't stay dead if they do turn Spider-Man, into a X-book you can bet your ass on that anon.
          >further proof Gwenschizo doesn't read Spidey comics and just wants a pretty blonde to jerk his Hispanic wiener off to
          If they would turn his book into a X-book they would likely go all way with that approach, they would be no point in them avoiding such a thing or weaseling they way out of it.

        • 2 years ago

          >>the best villian in all of Marvel
          No he is the worst vililan since he was manipulated by Mephisto, spidey real enemy is Mephisto since he destroyed his marriage and is responsable for Gwen's death. If Peter were to to ever find out somehow about the deal Norman made with him then Norman would most likely become a sympathetic character, and he himself would be ashamed of himself of what he did if he ended up remembering the deal he made with him. Mephisto would then become even more a personal enemy of Peter's, thus Norman would bo value whatsover as a villain

          • 2 years ago

            >N-normanchads make me piss and shit my pants, he LITERALLY killed my waifu waaaah

            • 2 years ago

              You are are the one who made a deal with the devil Norman it's your fault your son harry ended up in hell.

  9. 2 years ago

    >still brings up Sins Past when it didn't affect sales nearly as badly as OMD
    >wants to make Peter a mugga because uhhhhhhhhh
    absolutely moronic. Fricking have a nice day

    • 2 years ago

      brings up Sins Past when it didn't affect sales nearly as badly as OMD

      But it did upest fans and therfore left a lasting impact on spider books for all time.
      to make Peter a mugga because uhhhhhhhhh
      >absolutely moronic. Fricking have a nice day

      • 2 years ago

        Nope, no one gave a shit. It served to make an uninteresting garbage character(Gwen) more interesting, and nothing else. It was fine to be ignored by everyone except you moronic gwencucks.

      • 2 years ago

        >But it did upest fans
        the outrage Sins Pasts caused is a drop in the water compared the entire sales of ASM getting sliced in half when they killed the marraige
        lots of spideyfans still go nuclear over OMD while sins past only lives rent free in the heads of Spidergwen bloggers

        • 2 years ago

          What was the bigger drop, clone saga or OMD?

          • 2 years ago

            clone saga didnt have that terrible of an impact on sales and actually created 2 characters Marvel capitalises from to this day ( Ben and Kaine)
            OMD killed off half the readership, gave us Slot for a decade and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GOOD IN RETURN

  10. 2 years ago

    Spider-Man was a member of FF and Avengers. So why not being a member of X-Men? It's not like he can get any shitter

  11. 2 years ago

    it left Gwengays seething and coping. Otherwise, it did the great deed of finally ending the Gwen/Peter vs MJ/Peter drama since Norman did us all a favour and declared MJ the crowning champion of the Peterb owl. And now ofc we have to deal with Gwengays being uppity because she didn't get her hymen torn by Stormin' Norman, though ofc she still remains an irrelevant character no one cares enough about to bring back to life.

  12. 2 years ago

    Uncanny Spider-Man because fans won't be able to recognize Peter anymore after the character assassination

  13. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Utah reverse this event thus it never happened.

      • 2 years ago

        He doesnt reverse anything what the frick are you talking about duimbass

        • 2 years ago

          in another reality the same thing did happen but Utah reversed it there.

          • 2 years ago

            Who's going to Utah?

  14. 2 years ago

    lmao marybawdcucks are so desperate to give any relevance to their failed character

    • 2 years ago

      Why you grab things from porn sites?

  15. 2 years ago

    This is just fanart, anon. Go outside, meet some girls or dudes, have some fun.

    • 2 years ago

      >bumping a thread that was on page 10.

      • 2 years ago

        >complains about thread bump by bumping the thread

  16. 2 years ago

    With all the shitty ideas MARVEL has put in most of it's comics, I'm baffled than an X-Man Spidey hasn't been a thing in all these fricking years.
    You would think that with how good team ups and dynamics he has with them (Logan and friends), this would've been a simple and marketable idea.

    Can someone tell me why they haven't done this already?

    • 2 years ago

      No one can tell you why. There's no explicit reason for it, they just haven't done it. They did put out a mini where he subbed as a teacher at Logan's academy, but that's the closest it got since he wasn't dealing with the main heroes, just a few of their neglected students who were effectively z-listers at the time.

      Like, thematically, you could say that they're effectively two incompatible franchises at this point. At this point a lot of Spider-Man's stories are about an element of the past coming back to guilt-trip him over one of his countless mistakes, and Spidey eventually refusing to give into that guilt because of his responsibility to make a better present for everyone. The X-men have basically been the opposite since their inception, an allegory about humanity's fears for an uncertain future, and how the X-men are fighting in the present because they know that that any of the countless foreshaowed bad endings for the mutant race will absolutely happen IF they just laid down and did nothing.

      So as it stands, their formulas probably don't mix too well long term. Spidey is too focused on the now to think about high-minded concepts like the future of humanity. And the X-men as a whole are more focused on the future that they overlook the forest for the trees more than once. Individuals like Wolverine work better with Spider-Man since they understand how his guilt drives him better than most, but the X-men as a whole would probably part ways with Spider-Man fast since they'd be convinced he's too small-minded and short-sighted to be willing to do more than chase after petty criminals his whole life instead of fighting for mutant kind while he'd be convinced they're too busy chasing after shadows and feeling sorry for themselves to do their jobs of helping people.

      Still, Spider-Man and the X-men was great, and you should read that.

  17. 2 years ago

    >First schizo theories that MJ will be revealed to be a mutant
    >Then people saying Gwen will be a mutant
    >Now this
    You're all morons trying to force Spider-Man's cast to be something they aren't, which is why you would be perfect fits for comic writers.

    • 2 years ago

      can't be helped, maryprostitutecucks are delusional by default

      • 2 years ago

        huh this post said all of Spidey cast wil be mutants the insult doesn't match the wording. or you moronic ? need to go see mommy because you piss yourself so often. Need to have doctor check for an aanurisim?

        • 2 years ago

          maryprostitutecucks are delusional while gwengays are in the right waiting for her character to get ressed

          • 2 years ago

            >gwenschizoid have gone full mentally ill than marykekprostitute
            Sigh... Such a sad sight

            • 2 years ago

              huh this post said all of Spidey cast wil be mutants the insult doesn't match the wording. or you moronic ? need to go see mommy because you piss yourself so often. Need to have doctor check for an aanurisim?

              Loser. Gwen already won and you'll always live in her shadow.

              • 2 years ago

                Nice projection gwenschizoid

              • 2 years ago

                You'll ALWAYS live in Gwen's shadow.

          • 2 years ago

            >gwenschizoid have gone full mentally ill than marykekprostitute
            Sigh... Such a sad sight

            Nice projection gwenschizoid

            You'll ALWAYS live in Gwen's shadow.

            Gwenchads rise.
            Maryprostitutecucks BTFO again.

            >people prefer Beck’s illusory waifu to the real flesh and blood woman

            • 2 years ago

              >Quentin's p/bussy is so tight and wet Peter and Norman dump the faker (Gwen) for him/her
              Quentinbros, I kneel. Gwengobbedprostitutegays completely btfo

              • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The gwen esl has been going on about gwen being a mutant for months though, way longer than any of this MJ stuff

      • 2 years ago

        When did it start?

  18. 2 years ago

    why didn't you bump the other thread instead?

  19. 2 years ago

    Remember when Spider-Man was called The Non-Mutant Super Hero?

  20. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      who asked?

      • 2 years ago

        Nobody. Gwenschizoid have lost xis mind

    • 2 years ago

      Gwenchads rise.
      Maryprostitutecucks BTFO again.

  21. 2 years ago

    Using the goblin force is mutant Norman Osbore. His girlfriend kidnapped Lizzy goblin babies after discovering and testing their blood. I think that he moved to Krakoa.

  22. 2 years ago

    This is wholesome

    • 2 years ago

      only Peter and Felicia matter there, honestly

  23. 2 years ago

    >not Uncanny Xpider-Man

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