How will it be?

How will it be Cinemaphile?

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  1. 3 months ago

    How tf would I know, we haven't seen the gameplay yet.

    • 3 months ago


      We don't know, we haven't seen a bit of gameplay yet, but they said it will be single-player, so that puts off any fears of it being potential GaaS crap.

  2. 3 months ago

    I can’t wait for the scene where cap punches out a racist GI. But meh it’s got the right people behind it, I’m just incredibly board of WWII and want us to start looking at it as a historical even again rather than as the foundational myth it’s become

    • 3 months ago

      You need another generation to go by, with most of the greatest gen dead it's entered myth status, Gen z and Alpha will be too disconnected from the boomers for it to be seen with the lenses we have now.

      • 3 months ago

        It entered myth status during, boomers REFUSE to consider WWII as an economic conflict that ALL wars are, only as “good vs evil”

        • 3 months ago

          When side in the war is literally doing genocide of specific groups from areas they’ve conquered as part of the war purely for ideological purposes it is fair to say it was a war against evil.

  3. 3 months ago

    >MCU synergy up the ass
    >No Bucky
    >No Namor
    >No Jim Hammond & Toro
    >The rest of the Invaders and other Timely characters left to be seen
    Complete wasted pontential.
    Could've been great if it was basically Ultimate Alliance 1, but set in WW2.

    • 3 months ago

      we are never gonna get a marvel game as good as ultimate alliance ever again.

      • 3 months ago

        Marvel Heroes.

    • 3 months ago

      It's a pretty big missed opportunity. They could have had the roster be a mix of classic versions of their current main characters and a bunch of forgotten yesteryear superheros. Could even feed it back into the other Marvel shit by reintroducing them to the modern consumer base. But no, it's just the same slop as the last Avengers game, just hasn't had the GaaS shit revealed yet.

    • 3 months ago

      Nobody would buy a game where bunch of nobodies are the team.

  4. 3 months ago

    >this isn't the Cap suit

    • 3 months ago

      What was even the point of the leather underhelmet? Also, just an M1 steel helmet? They could make a soldier that could trade fists with the Hulk, but they couldn't give them something more bulletproof?

  5. 3 months ago

    i trust Amy Hennig's writing, the question is if the gameplay will be any good

  6. 3 months ago

    why are modern game devs trying to rewrite history and make it seem like blacks and women were prominent in white people wars? i know the obvious answer is "muh inclusion" but damn. call of duty. battlefield. now marvel games? aint no damn blacks or women working alongside captain america in 1943.

    • 3 months ago

      that black guy is a pre-existing character from like the 60s, first appeared in the same issue as Nick Fury's first appearance

    • 3 months ago

      Women worked in the war effort, including as spies and resistance fighters. Black people also fought on the front. Americans were segregationists but that doesn’t mean there weren’t black people in the war. They even flew combat missions.

  7. 3 months ago

    So it’s gonna be nazis looking for magic shit in Wakanda right? Weird to use WW2 when the whole deal with Wakanda was isolation

    • 3 months ago

      Considering it's in Paris probably already taken something which is why Black Panther is there.

    • 3 months ago

      there's a couple comics where Nazi Germany tries to get their hands on vibranium from Wakanda (and I think this game is specifically an adaptation of one of them)

  8. 3 months ago


  9. 3 months ago

    >4 playable characters
    Please tell me it isnt the soldier and random lady.

    • 3 months ago

      The soldier is Gabe Jones

      • 3 months ago

        Damn it

        • 3 months ago

          He damn well better somehow use his trumpet in gameplay.

  10. 3 months ago

    I just think the 40s Black Panther is detracting from what people really want; a solo Captain America game. T'challa is already getting a solo game from a different studio sometime in the next few years, so having a former Black Panther appear here just feels detrimental to both games.

    We're kinda leaving a lot on the table here. No Bucky? Only ONE Howling Commando? Cmon now. Don't care for Cap's voice and costume either. The latter isn't "40s" enough, like a poor mans take on the First Avenger suit.

    • 3 months ago

      >I just think the 40s Black Panther is detracting from what people really want; a solo Captain America game.
      I was bummed about that, too. Just as long as he gets respected and not dogged on, I'm fine with that, I don't want schizos using this game as a part of their culture war just because Cap is the only white guy in the main lineup.

      Maybe its me, but if your game is called "Rise of HYDRA" then perhaps your story trailer should feature some HYDRA heads so we know what we're in for
      >Red Skull
      >Baron Zemo
      >Baron Strucker
      >Madame HYDRA
      >Arnim Zola
      Also the name itself is also a misstep marketing wise. "Marvel 1943"? This game has identity issues

      >"Marvel 1943"? This game has identity issues
      Can't call it a Captain America game, he's sharing the title with Black Panther, can't call it a Black Panther game, because he's sharing the title with Captain America, and is not the Black Panther the general public is used to. Calling it Marvel 1943 just makes it clear it takes place during World War 2, and that it's a story revolving around both characters. More people were confused that it was a game rather than an animated feature than the name.

      • 3 months ago

        >More people were confused that it was an animated feature rather than a game than the name.*

  11. 3 months ago

    Maybe its me, but if your game is called "Rise of HYDRA" then perhaps your story trailer should feature some HYDRA heads so we know what we're in for
    >Red Skull
    >Baron Zemo
    >Baron Strucker
    >Madame HYDRA
    >Arnim Zola
    Also the name itself is also a misstep marketing wise. "Marvel 1943"? This game has identity issues

  12. 3 months ago

    Of course it's gotta have 2 extra black characters in it. Why can't it just be Cap and Panther?

  13. 3 months ago

    On one hand I don't realistically expect them to use characters that don't have a MCU tie in, but on the other, seeing how the title isn't Captain America:1943, seeing The Human Torch would have been cool, seeing a pre Weapon X Logan would be cool. Where the frick is Bucky? That's just a no-brainer. Cap and Bucky vs BP and his Dora Milaje. The idea or story whatever it is ( I'm sure it's not something as cliche' as nazi's stole Wakandan tech/vibranium ) that gets the Black Panther to leave his hidden secret isolationist country to come to Germany is going to come off like an ass pull just to have a Black Panther in the game.

    So much of what they're doing looks like every other world war 2 game, or I've seen so much world war 2 shit it's all beginning to blend together. OP's pic looks more promising than the trailer because, maybe it takes place in Wakanda at least partially. Also it looks like you'll have to play as the two characters on the end, which I couldn't be less interested in. Where the frick are the rest of the Howling commandos? That is the dude from Howling Commandos, right.

    And I'm also tired of the we obviously have a common enemy and we are both highly skilled trained soldier and fighter but we can't be patient enough to talk things out before we fight each other and in that fight build a begrudging respect for one another, trope. It never makes the characters look good it just makes them both look like buttholes.

    I'm not really "wowed" by anything but hopefully they do something cool with the gameplay. I'm expecting stealth for BP but hopefully they'll do something cool with Cap's shield and super soldier abilities. I expect nothing from the sidekicks beyond the Spider-Man busy work find these files or take pictures while the hero talks to you over the radio and tell you to be careful shit.

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