How would you have expanded on Adventure Time's lore rather than what we got?

How would you have expanded on Adventure Time's lore rather than what we got?

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  1. 3 months ago

    If Finn got a cute gf (more prominently than with Huntress Wizard) and did some more cool heroic stuff in the final seasons, I think people would've been fine with most of it.

    I wouldn't have brought Betty back for starters.

    • 3 months ago

      Shut up, Finncel

      • 3 months ago

        I am merely saying that there would be fewer complaints if that happened. The fact that we have the term "Finncel" shows that so many people have complained about it that a term was necessary for them. I think most of the complaints about how the show ended up stem from that.

  2. 3 months ago

    I genuinely believe I could control the crown. That’s all I want to say.

    • 3 months ago

      I mean they did show that it IS possible to curse someone ELSE with the madness of the crown, so just put it in some loser and freeze him for eternity and you'd be good.

  3. 3 months ago

    make pseudo-christian religion real and Finn is the next messiah. But Finn rejects God (George Fricking Washington) and we get the arc of the war between God and OOO

  4. 3 months ago

    No lore to begin with. Let it be fragments as intended from the early season.

  5. 3 months ago

    I WOULDN't have. It's too much of a distraction from the core.

  6. 3 months ago

    The lore was already expanded too much and was too full of bullshit. So many things were better left unsaid and instead they just made it more and more bloated with multiverses and reincarnation and cosmic interdimensional nonsense that no one writing for the show actually had the skill to implement in a way that didn't make the show worse.

    • 3 months ago

      >So many things were better left unsaid
      Agreed. While I've enjoyed the bonus stuff that's been made post-CAWM, it does still bug me that Muto keeps trying to pile on more and more. When can we get a definitive ending that closes the door on this franchise for good? I want closure.

      • 3 months ago

        >While I've enjoyed the bonus stuff that's been made post-CAWM, it does still bug me that Muto keeps trying to pile on more and more. When can we get a definitive ending that closes the door on this franchise for good? I want closure.
        Muto said he wants to work on something new but Adventure Time is one of the few cartoon IPs that Max is willing to even consider and it's incredibly difficult in general to produce new or original animation in the current streaming landscape. But Together Again is the closest thing to a definitive ending to Adventure Time.

  7. 3 months ago

    Lore homosexualry is the second worst thing to happen to modern cartoons, right behind ship homosexualry.

  8. 3 months ago

    I would've made an entire special about Canyon's ass. Showing every detail and having Finn explore it inside out. Maybe Jake tags along to help him out but Lady appears out of nowhere so they have to use the Jake suit and the wizard powers to please both girls.

  9. 3 months ago

    More BMO specials

  10. 3 months ago

    Oh that’s easy, I would’ve stopped all the re writing of the past and made people focus on the present and the future. Example instead of all the Betty nonsense and I don’t care if you like it it’s my example, focus on PB losing her kingdom and expand on how the future candy kingdom became a fist opus of the candy people locked away.

  11. 3 months ago

    I would never have gone any deeper than the simon reveal. we didn't need to learn intimate details of simons life before the crown, we didn't need to see where the crown came from, etc.
    maybe some other lore drops that went about as deep, giving some explanations while still teasing some mysteries,but not everything needed the fricking deep dive we got.

    I'd also much prefer the original plan the writers were brainstorming for susan, where she was Finn's older sister who got separated from him at sea, and was found and raised by the hyoomans

    • 3 months ago

      >we didn't need to learn intimate details of simons life before the crown
      We didn't really get any of this until the Fionna and Cake spin off.

    • 3 months ago

      But the dinosaur and elemental shit was cool as hell! Kys!! You could have chosen any other thing to b***h about.

    • 3 months ago

      >I'd also much prefer the original plan the writers were brainstorming for susan, where she was Finn's older sister who got separated from him at sea, and was found and raised by the hyoomans
      Nah, what we got was way better. The Islands miniseries was actually really solid, both for worldbuilding with the Humans and as an story arc for Adventure Time. But I do prefer Patrick Mchale's original pitch for Stakes, where Marceline and Simon helped defend humanity against the vampires in the aftermath of the Mushroom War and the latter lost his sanity by wearing the crown to help the humans escape as a final stand.

      • 3 months ago

        Kys you shill troll tr00n! Just die already! Stop shilling your fricking l0re sl0p! Fricking out of character ass Finn. Fricking pointless zero effort garbage bullshit! DIE YOU SHILL!

  12. 3 months ago

    Just let Finn be a fricking hero instead of a side character to a bunch of crying lesbians and an old senile man.

  13. 3 months ago

    The only thing I think is lame is Evergreen. Extremely uncool character.

    • 3 months ago

      I know what you are!

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Oh yeah that'll work.

  14. 3 months ago

    Le mushroom war and whatever the frick Lich did before Billy/PB imprisoned him

  15. 3 months ago

    I wouldnt have made gay lore. I would have just sent finn and jake on wacky adventures.

  16. 3 months ago

    I think, for the most part, Adventure Time's actual lore was fine. It wasn't actually super extensive, its all fairly simple. I think what would rather need to be changed is how certain plot points play out, and maybe how some of the lore is communicated.

    • 3 months ago

      I agree, the only lore parts that feel really iffy was the Elementals and Golb being the embodiment of chaos but I think their issues have more to do with how cliche and generic they feel.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, Elements was a fun multi-part event, but it was kind of a stupid concept to begin with. The resolution was def pulled out of their ass.

  17. 3 months ago

    Probably not.

  18. 3 months ago

    Y'know, I was actually fine with most of Adventure Time's overarching story up until maybe the final season with Gumbald. That's when things stopped feeling coherent and the writers could no longer hide that they were making things up on the spot all this time.

    • 3 months ago

      They were definitely writing those final seasons with the idea they'd have more time to tell the story, they weren't expecting the show to be cancelled when it was so rushed everything for the final season.

      I agree, the only lore parts that feel really iffy was the Elementals and Golb being the embodiment of chaos but I think their issues have more to do with how cliche and generic they feel.

      One thing that somewhat bugged me with the elementals arc is that slime was placed on equal importance to Fire, Ice and Candy despite being so irrelevant throughout the series. It seemed more like they just wanted a neat four elemental system so just went with the one that felt closest to being a major element. But it would have been just as out of place if they made the fourth element turtles, or raspberries, or breakfast, etc. At least an elementally transformed Ooo was kinda interesting. That shot of Finn and Jake on the cloud looking down on the continent divided into four was pretty iconic.
      >Golb being the embodiment of chaos
      Golb sucked in general because it had such little set up. When you're having the explanation as to what your final villain is in the final episode you know you messed something up. They needed to set up Golb earlier in the series, more clearly establishing it as the deity the Lich worships so that it has that more personal connection to Finn's fight against evil. And then you know, maybe have him actually do something of value in the second half of the finale instead of just playing spectator.

      • 3 months ago

        >or breakfast
        god, I wish

    • 3 months ago

      Bullshit. Only the very last thing you said was true. And knowing that they were making things up as they go means nothing. It's a useless fricking thing to say because no shit and who cares. Kys.

    • 3 months ago

      My problem with Gumbald is that his character concept was kind of done already in a more interesting character, Lemongrab. Like he's actually quirky, dysfunctional, and better demonstrates some of the shadier aspects of PB's personality since he was essentially her autistic son that she sent away from the rest of her creations or everyone in general. In contrast, Gumbald was just bland and he makes for a terrible final villain.

      • 3 months ago

        >lemongrab and gumbald are the same except that they're not because lemongrab is an autist and gumbald is evil
        How are they the same?????????
        >shadier aspects of pbs personACCCKKCKCK!!!
        Kys you trann1e homosexual! She has no fricking problems, she's perfect! You will never be a woman like her! You can't even fricking attempt to name anything wrong she ever did!
        >sent him aways oh noes!!!
        Yeah he's a major autist who is literally incapable of living with or getting along with other people. He's even potentially dangerous He can't be around other people. So what the frick are you b***hing about? And what THE FRICK does this have to do with Gumbald?
        >Gumbald, the coolest evil villain ever who was great in every way, was bland because... It fits my narrative?
        No. How about you actually watch the show?

  19. 3 months ago

    I wouldn’t and I’d just end the show around season 4 with Finn beating the lich and getting with flame princess

  20. 3 months ago

    Most of it was fine. I would delete Elements since reincarnation is gay.

    • 3 months ago

      You fricking moron! You're a fricking trolling baiter! I will always catch you! You don't even try to sound sane! You're getting paid to shit on EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING GOOD, without exception, all day every fricking day!! Kill your fricking self right now!!!!!
      This frickin insanity you made obvious on purpose. And now you're going to say "ooooh you wike reincarnation???" As if that's what the frick any of this is about! I won't fricking dignifiy you. You already know what the frick I'm talking about! You already know what is wrong with your fricking post! And you're just going to fricking lie about it and say you don't!FRICK

      • 3 months ago

        That's the first time I've said anything like that, I don't know what you're on about.

        • 3 months ago

          >play extra dumb
          No, not working. Sorry.

          • 3 months ago

            >You are X person. If you deny it that proves I'm right.
            And what would prove I'm not that person? Agreeing with you?

            • 3 months ago

              You can't prove someone wrong when they already know what you are. Of course, you're involved with those hivemind drone Black folk so you probably don't even remember what the word "know" even means.

  21. 3 months ago

    Dump all the lore regarding the mushroom war. Especially anything regarding nuclear bomb shit along with Ooo and its inhabitants being the product of a nuclear wasteland.

    • 3 months ago

      >drop one of the main things audiences loved about early adventure time’s worldbuilding

    • 3 months ago

      That never happened in the show and you need to pay more attention. The only bomb we even know about that went off was called a mutagenic weapon, and you could clearly see that the mushroom cloud was made out of like these gaseous green skulls. We know nothing about any nukes. The closest thing to it is that one missile that Finn threw in season 1 which wasn't a nuke. In fact the explosion it made was smaller than a grenade, and it made no flash or radiation. And it had a nuke symbol so clearly that means nothing. But regardless, that's the only weapon with a nuclear symbol that has ever gone off in the show.

      • 3 months ago

        >you need to pay more attention
        No lol

        >The only bomb we even know about that went off was called a mutagenic weapon
        It's basically a nuke who cares what it's called.

        >drop one of the main things audiences loved about early adventure time’s worldbuilding


        • 3 months ago

          >It's basically a nuke who cares what it's called.
          nukes creates fallout
          mutagenic bomb created Lich

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah that's what its called but it functions exactly like a nuke in most post apoc fiction where you have a pre war and post war wasteland full of mutants.

        • 3 months ago

          It's not even close to a nuke in any way other than it had a mushroom shaped cloud and a flash.

    • 3 months ago

      >drop one of the main things audiences loved about early adventure time’s worldbuilding

      That never happened in the show and you need to pay more attention. The only bomb we even know about that went off was called a mutagenic weapon, and you could clearly see that the mushroom cloud was made out of like these gaseous green skulls. We know nothing about any nukes. The closest thing to it is that one missile that Finn threw in season 1 which wasn't a nuke. In fact the explosion it made was smaller than a grenade, and it made no flash or radiation. And it had a nuke symbol so clearly that means nothing. But regardless, that's the only weapon with a nuclear symbol that has ever gone off in the show.

      Adventure Time is like one of the few fantasy works that actually utilized the "post-apocapyptic Earth" aspect of its setting pretty well, compared to stuff like Shannara Chronicles or Wheel of Time where they're so superfluous that you might as well ignore it in those series.

  22. 3 months ago

    >Approach with the "Less is more" strategy, not everything needs to be explained
    >Another thing is to tone down the pseudo-philosophy, the Writers weren't smart enough to pull it off most of the time.
    >Stop trying to take your emotions out on a cartoon character, let Finn keep Flame Princess. It was dumb to break them up and then drop the character after a couple of episodes
    >Tone down PBs Hitler tendencies, they weren't that funny

  23. 3 months ago

    > Cut out Orgalorg, even AT seems to admit it was a bad idea.

    > Limit down the single episode characters. We really didn't need to see Root Beer Guy, Davey or especially Lemonhope.

    > Slime should have been replaced by Grass as an element as it has a stronger set up in the series. You can also do a plotline of Fern going crazy as the grass king in elements.

    > Entire final season should have been reworked. Remove Gumbald as he was a shit character. Place more emphasis on the Lich hand, have it guide Betty and Fern throughout the season to get to the conclusion of the Finns fighting and Betty summoning Golb.

    • 3 months ago

      go away SHILL TROLL TR00N QUEER IDIOT!!!
      You think there are no fricking consequences to your actions? There are! Kill your fricking self!

      • 3 months ago
  24. 3 months ago

    >Trash all of the Ancient Alien/Scientology crap like Evergreen and Warren Ampersand
    >Have a band of humans who want to be the dominant species again
    >Do a far less shallow and more nuanced takes on calling out the Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Evangelism (Because the depiction of all male leaders being stupid or evil in Season 5 onward, Gumbald, and Peace Master felt like poorly executed SJW author tracts)
    >Jake's kids don't insta-grow up and he has to live with Lady Rainicorn for a while instead of being an irresponsible hipster chump
    >Princess Bubblegum stays dethroned for more than a few episodes
    >Flame Princess does more in general
    >Finn does more heroic shit and stays the main character

  25. 3 months ago

    The best place for the lore was always in the background, something that characters simply treat as part of the landscape. Theres should be hints here and there along with some plot points following up on those hints but these should be something you build up to and reveal sparingly to keep the world mysterious.

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