How would you have handled post-Endgame Marvel?

How would you have handled post-Endgame Marvel?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Have a big all female movie where at the end they all have a big lesbian orgy

  2. 4 months ago

    I'd have started adapting Annihilation.

  3. 4 months ago

    I think they had the right idea with doing some small scale projects after endgame, but the first thing I would of changed is not having a pandemic frick up scheduling of everything. barring that, try to focus projects more during phase 4, phase 4 was way too meandering, like it wasnt clear where everything was leading. and now we are left with like 3 plot threads left over for phase 5 to follow

  4. 4 months ago

    F4 as the main focus and being one of the first movies released in phase 4. Every phase has smaller mini saga's within them with the through line of Doom's presence. All of this building up to a Hickman Secret Wars adaption. Phase 7 and beyond would be about the X-Men.

    • 4 months ago

      Not the original Secret Wars? Zoomers I swear...

      • 4 months ago

        If Doom is the main villain (which he should've been) then Hickman's version is a more natural story to adapt.

  5. 4 months ago

    More Carol

  6. 4 months ago

    Re-write Endgame so it isn't a dead end.
    Adapting: Mr Fixit storyline/movie for Hulk; Nomad/U.S. Agent storyline for Cap; de-aged Tony Stark; Hawkeye leading Masters of Evil; Thor is the same; Dr. Strange fights Mordo and Dormamu in his sequel, not multiverse bullshit
    Begin: F4 franchise; X-Men franchise; Adam Warlock in GotG; everything moving towards adaptation of Annihilation in climax

    • 4 months ago

      >Re-write Endgame so it isn't a dead end.
      The 5 year time skip does more damage than most will admit

      • 4 months ago

        The snap half decade was absolutely a mistake if they planned to keep going.

  7. 4 months ago

    >leave Phase 4 and Phase 5 as it is
    >maybe add a comic book accurate Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers movie adaptations
    >soft reboot because I assume Secret Wars is going to be a thing
    >re-cast the A-list characters if the main actors won't or can't come back (cuz superheroes don't stay dead)
    >Avengers, F4 and X-Men movies amongst others
    >if a new director comes up with their own ideas for a movie or a show but doesn't fit the shared universe, let them do their thing anyways so the concept of Multiverse is more genuine

  8. 4 months ago

    F4 sets up Negative zone
    Kang is a one movie villain who blames the Avengers and others for some vague bad thing that's coming
    Guardians 3 sets up Nova
    Captain Marvel 2 brings back Ronin (somehow) and sets up Quasar
    Annihilation Happens

  9. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't have made Endgame in the first place that shit was ass

  10. 4 months ago

    Ant-Man Quantumania still happens but instead of Kang is Doom. He still gets bodied by ants.

  11. 4 months ago

    End it

  12. 4 months ago

    I'll just copy my post that I made on Cinemaphile

    I'm trying to make my own MCU second saga as close to real world with some deviations, namely being Chadwick Boseman is still alive and Black Panther 2 (and not titled Wakanda Forever) is all about him. Also Captain Marvel is recast. Sorry, I feel Brie is miscast.

    >Roster is Cap Falcon, Black Panther, Dr Strange, Captain Marvel, Shang-Chi, Kate Bishop, Ant-Girl (Reason why I included Cassie instead of Scott and Hope is that 1) They're too old and I wanted the New Avengers to have a certain dynamics and 2) In my own version of Quantumania which is a road trip movie with MODOK as the main villain and minimal Kang tease it would feature Scott finding his place in the Quantum Realm and stays there alongside Hope to help the place while Cassie becomes Ant-Girl in the real world)

    >The dynamic would be divided into two (or three), there's the 'Veterans but not explicitly Avengers' which are Black Panther, Dr Strange and Captain Marvel and they're the new Big 3 paralleling Iron Man, Cap and Thor. Then another would be 'youngbloods' which are new superheroes Shang-Chi, Hawkeye II and Ant-Girl. The third would be Sam himself as the only actual Avenger veteran.

    >Plot is about Baron Zemo somehow possessing the Necrosword and was able to resurrect fallen people and/or brainwashes them into his bidding: Killmonger, Wenwu, Scarlet Witch, White Vision, and either Jude Law or that The Marvels villain (maybe Brie could be her, certainly would be better than the actual actress) and his right hand woman is Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman.

    >After Thadeus Ross refuses to do anything (which will be explain in Thunderbolts, these two movies are back to back in some ways), Sam Wilson decides to form a new Avengers, starting with T'Challa who is on board and uses his personal fortune and some Wakandan personel to build and equip the New Avengers HQ.

    • 4 months ago

      >Sam would go on to recruit Dr Strange (who is busy mending the Incursion with Clea and Wong who makes cameos) and temporary leaves them to help Sam save Scarlet Witch and Vision.

      >Scarlet Witch is clearly guilt-ridden because of her actions in MoM, but was forced to do Zemo's bidding because of Necrosword and because he has White Vision on leash. Despite this Spider-Woman would help console her from time to time.

      >The new big 3 have a hard time getting along and there's even a scene homaging the forest battle from the first Avengers, with Dr Strange fighting Captain Marvel (who was bewitched by Scarlet Witch as she and the Masters of Evil get away) and Black Panther has to intervene.

      >The New Avengers would spend their time working with each other and understanding each other better and quicker, as opposed to Avengers where they really only assembled during the climax. Also they all elected Sam to be leader, Sam himself is very hesistant and insecure especially in the shadow of not only Steve Rogers, but also T'Challa, Strange and Carol who are more powerful than him. But T'Challa himself vouches for him, saying it would be an honor for a normal man to lead a king. While Carol jokes that if Sam didn't live up to the task she will take over.

      >Spider-Woman is revealed to be Ross' spy and promptly joins the Avengers during the climax (a bit like Hawkeye).

      >In the climax Zemo put up a very good fight thanks to Necrosword empowering him, but he was sabotaged by Yon Rogg/b***h from Marvels (I can't decide) and they become the final antagonist.

      >Vision sacrifices himself to stop that final villain, while encouraging Wanda to redeem herself (Wanda by this time manages to save civilians and begins her road to redemption) and Wanda finally gets (another) closure about Vision and her past altogether.

      • 4 months ago

        >Movie ends with Zemo incarcerated, T'Challa and Wenwu survives but retreats (they become partners throughout the movie), Wanda and Jessica properly joining the new Avengers.

        >Clint Barton is the only original Avenger to appear and he visits the new team and passes the torch while announcing that he is retiring completely, knowing the world is in good hands.

        >The New Avengers waits for the return of Thor and Hulk, which will be in Avengers Kang Dynasty, but they also ponder how did Zemo came across the Necrosword in the first place.... (and the audience too since the Necrosword is destroyed)

        >Mid credits scene reveals that Kang is behind the Necrosword thing, and he is shown ravaging the Quantum Realm with Scott and Hope barely holding on, and prepares to assault Earth, to be continued in Avengers Kang Dysnasty.

        >End credits would be Wenwu and Killmonger retaking the Ten Rings, setting up Shang-Chi 2 in the future.

    • 4 months ago

      Brie is miscast. You might be onto something there. What role would you have put her in?

      • 4 months ago

        I think she might pull off better (and even have more fun) as a villain. In my rewrite I suggested maybe Brie could be the villain of the Marvels, having a blonde as a villain would make an interesting parallel with the hero.

  13. 4 months ago

    I wouldn’t have. None of the heroes that could potentially be used have anywhere near the pull of the big names like Captain America and Iron Man.

  14. 4 months ago

    Punisher and Ghost Rider

  15. 4 months ago

    Realistically? civil war 2, and have it be on the same scale as the comic event (Civil War 1 would have been trashed as being "too self contained" and "too small" if it lacked Spiderman)

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