How would you personally save/revitalize the Predator film franchise?

How would you personally save/revitalize the Predator film franchise? Prey is at least trying to think outside the box in terms of setting but I'm kind of indifferent to the premise.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Flip the entire thing. Team of space marines hunts a Predator. That predator is actually a bait dog, and his buddies are hunting the hunters.. Other than the intro, whole thing takes place on some jungle world.

    • 2 years ago

      The problem with Predator is that it's just like Terminator, in that there's really only one story you can tell with it so the quality comes down to whoever is behind the camera. You either do the basic Predator plot with a twist like or

      People have suggested this in multiple threads:
      >Streaming series, think like 6 episodes.
      >Every episode features a different historical period.
      >One throughline (maybe an artifact passed down, maybe the same tribe of Predators).
      >E.g. Vikings vs Predator:
      >Vikings go to raid one hot summer.
      >Brutally sack a Monastery in England.
      >Take their spoils.
      >Start getting picked off by the Predator.
      >The Beserker pulls a Billy, staying behind to fight. Stands naked axe in hand, also high on mushrooms (which weirdly let him see through the camo tech).
      Pick a time period and do it.

      Or you do something wild and out of left field that a lot of people would hate, like
      >movie focuses on Predators as the main characters
      >no dialog for the first half, like Wall-E
      >Predators embarking on a blooding ceremony with some juveniles
      >they go hunt some Xenos, it gets out of hand
      >we see young Predators prove themselves after the veteran hunters get chestbursted
      >maybe some Marines show up midway through to shake up the conflict a bit
      >whole thing is basically just a filmmaking exercise to see how much you can get the audience to empathize with a mute space reptile in a paintball mask

      • 2 years ago

        Or just adapt Predator Concrete Jungle
        >prologue in the 20s with Predator hunting Chicago gangsters
        >gets exiled for failing his hunt and revealing the species
        >gets picked up years later because shit is in trouble on Earth
        >mafia have secured Pred tech and used it to make Jetsons shit
        >old Predator with a grudge just systemically dismantling a criminal corporatocracy that was built on the tech he left behind after the frickup that ruined his life
        >third act twist where the mafia have Xenos
        >crime boss genetically crosses his DNA with a Predator and becomes a monster man
        >monster mash has a fist fight with Predator on top of a giant statue
        >Predator rips his skull off and presents it to his daughter
        >"I'M DA BOSS OF THIS CITY!"
        >post credits where mafia daughter is turned into a biological computer and becomes MUTHUR from Alien
        That game unironically had a kino plot

        • 2 years ago

          Wasn't it based on a comic too? To be honest there are a bunch of Predator, Alien and Alien vs Predator comics that would be fine to adapt. It always pisses me off that AVP didn't follow the comic.

      • 2 years ago

        >The problem with Predator is that it's just like Terminator, in that there's really only one story you can tell with it so the quality comes down to whoever is behind the camera.
        You don't know anything about predator. Just stop talking.

        • 2 years ago

          Tell me a Predator story that amounts to more than "characters are hunted by a Predator" or a Terminator story that amounts to more than "a Terminator has to go through time to terminate someone"

          Predator and Terminator are such complex and multilayered characters apparently, let's hear what else they get up to besides trying to kill protagonists

      • 2 years ago

        you can tell just about any story with terminator or predator, its not their fault Hollywood is currently in a moronic feedback loop of writing the same crap over and over again

        robocop vs terminator (it was a game)

        • 2 years ago

          >robocop vs terminator (it was a game)
          >Terminator isn't just about a Terminator going back into time to kill Sarah/John Conner
          >sometimes it's about a Terminator going back in time to kill Robocop too
          It's a great concept but it's the same plot and 100% of the value comes from the crossover appeal of seeing Robocop shoot the Terminator

      • 2 years ago

        >only one story
        You know what the sad thing is? There is only one story you can tell and the c**ts in Hollywood keep getting it wrong anyway. No one wanted a silly story with Olivia Munn and an autistic boy who is a magic moron. I read a bunch of the Alien and Predator comics and most of the good ones contained the same elements of the movies. Even those blueprints are ignored and they keep trying and making slop. It really shouldn't be this fricking hard, both settings are wide enough to still have similar beats/plots but be entertaining.

        It really feels bad when a bunch of anons can throw darts at a dart board and come up with better premises. It should be horror and action and have rough bastards fighting for their lives against an even rougher alien c**t.

        • 2 years ago

          I genuinely wonder if The Predator was just Shane Black fricking around and trying to make the worst movie he could. Like I knew a few consoomer morons who swore it was good because "haha it was so cheesy and so bad it's good just like le heckin 80s!" but no joke, that may have been the worst thing I've ever seen in a theater.
          >Predators want to infect themselves with autism before global warming kills humanity
          >sequel tease of the bad guy from Logan putting on an Iron Man suit to go fight the Predators with
          Like Jesus christ how did that get released?

      • 2 years ago

        Both were made as slashers, with a twist.
        In Terminator the final girl is Sarah Connor and the slasher is the murder-robot which is not known in the biginning that it is a robot. It evolves from 1980s slasher to zombies then robots from the future.
        In Predator the final girl is Arnold, and the jungle is the Predator that after some clues it transforms into an humanoid from the space that hunts as a sport.

        It is a story about the steps of sacrifice and escape.
        It fails everytime it is made as an action movie because it does not include the discovery twist.

  2. 2 years ago

    >le big nig in dumb halloween costume with lazor beeemz

    Im surprised its lasted this long. The only reason it ever kicked off was prime arnold and thats all.

    • 2 years ago

      Hol up. The predator was a racial allegory?

    • 2 years ago

      No Predator was successful because of a solid script, pacing, and the mystery behind the threat.

      What is Prey

      It's a Predator prequel set in North America around the time colonials started settling. The film focuses on a native american chick and her tribe encountering a Predator. Don't feel bad about not knowing, I just found out this past week because the marketing has been complete ass

      • 2 years ago

        just looked it up. sounds like they're doing a less cool version of a Predator fanfilm that was on youtube back in the day where a group of medieval knights battle a Predator in a forest. i'll watch it and hope for the best, but my expectations will be dirt-low. The Predator was one of the worst movies i've ever seen and i still can't believe it's real

        • 2 years ago

          Which is weird because Predators was fricking great.

          • 2 years ago

            it hurt a lot more because shane black was involved. i loved kiss kiss bang bang and the nice guys, my hopes were so high

  3. 2 years ago

    What is Prey

    • 2 years ago

      Michael Crichton book about an out of control nanobot swarm

  4. 2 years ago

    Sequel to AvP with the same cast (the two that aren't dead, anyway). Get Paul W.S. Anderson to direct or at least produce. Go for a fun, pulpy, schlocky tone with just the faintest hint of human/predator sexual tension.

  5. 2 years ago

    A Predator movie that is just a depressing family drama. Divorced office worker plans to reconnect with his son by taking him hunting. But the son thinks hunting is lame and for poser losers and he'd rather hang out with his step-dad. So in the end the main guy basically kills himself, he let's the quarry kill him.
    Like we know the hunters we see are weekend warrior weirdos, they must have an advanced society back home to be an ancient spacefaring species

    • 2 years ago

      You'd have to find a way to shoot it in black and white but still make all the alien stuff brilliant and glimmery

  6. 2 years ago

    I'm a xenogay so I would have a six episode miniseries about a predator hunting different alien hybrids, with the final episode involving him nuking the queen and hive. No talking at all, just six hours of predator and xenomorph fighting & stalking.

    • 2 years ago

      You have my investment of 7 dollars.

  7. 2 years ago

    I was down with Prey until I heard they were making it about the Comanche, the most evil, murderous, torturous, raping, genocidal sick sons of b***hes in the west. Despicable people who should never be painted as sympathetic protagonists

    • 2 years ago

      I'd make historically focused films of the Predator hunting things in various times. Basically what they're doing now.

      Triggered Weenie

    • 2 years ago

      >you know what 'comanche' means? "enemy of everyone"
      >then you know what that makes me?
      >an enemy.
      >no. it makes me comanche.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, nice film. One that didn't make the scoundrel Comanche the protagonists.

      • 2 years ago

        >That's a big bank.
        >That's what she said.

  8. 2 years ago

    People have suggested this in multiple threads:
    >Streaming series, think like 6 episodes.
    >Every episode features a different historical period.
    >One throughline (maybe an artifact passed down, maybe the same tribe of Predators).
    >E.g. Vikings vs Predator:
    >Vikings go to raid one hot summer.
    >Brutally sack a Monastery in England.
    >Take their spoils.
    >Start getting picked off by the Predator.
    >The Beserker pulls a Billy, staying behind to fight. Stands naked axe in hand, also high on mushrooms (which weirdly let him see through the camo tech).
    Pick a time period and do it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Vikings v Predator
      >Knights v Predator
      >Samurai v Predator (includes ninja)
      >Spartan v Predator
      >Centurion v Predator
      >Daniel Boone v Predator
      >Conquistador v Predator (bonus for moral themes)

      • 2 years ago

        >Daniel Boone v Predator
        i could def see a good one with pr or colonial era or early statehood east TN/Appalachia with the Long Hunters in the New World, hunting and being hunted by a predator in the Smokies/Nantahala would be breddy kino

  9. 2 years ago

    vietnam war would be sick

    also pacific in ww2 like iwo jima or guadalcanal

  10. 2 years ago

    They should have a comedy set in the far distant future where predatorkind and mankind have made peace and are fully economically integrated. The movie is about a hapless office worker predator trying to find love in the big city. In a controversial move the love is a human woman. But an ending twist is that we were following a female predator who is a lesbian.

  11. 2 years ago

    > Rated "R"
    > Do different historical periods with appropriate warriors and cool settings
    > War of the Rose's, Templars escorting pilgrims in the crusades times, Aztecs vs Spanish, Age of Piracy, Opium Wars, World Wars, Skirmishes in the Cold War, The Middle East Wars etc. etc.

    No dumb modern day cultural political analogy bullshit either or "modern commentary" on whatever the era is. Do it straight faced with the whoever the hunted is trying to survive. Also The Predators actually win sometimes leaving a harmless/crippled survivor or something if you "have" to have someone from the cast survive the story.

    • 2 years ago

      Japanese Pirates in the Philippines

  12. 2 years ago

    a israeli predator hunt 4 foreskins

  13. 2 years ago

    I'd set it in the deserts and mountains of Iran and it'd feature a NATO spook squad trying to recover a drone that the Revolutionary Guard shot down. They break into the secret base and accidentally free the Predator, who goes berserk and kills everyone. Then the spooks have to get back to their exfil while being hunted by the Predator and RevGuard, narrowly escaping and setting up whatever the frick you want to do in the sequel

  14. 2 years ago

    I think predator hunting throughout history is pretty cool. To make it more interesting make predator win in some of the movies.
    That's all I want. Don't try and get all convoluted with fricking Predator, just keep it simple.

  15. 2 years ago

    Predators are the Bird Dog thing from the Prometheus Fresco and are hunting as much for sport as for religious prophecy stopping Xenosuit Engineers' singularity, and culling their hybrid blood lines tainting the Life Seeder Druids' work which turns it into a generalized Terminator rehash. The OG Xenosuit Engineer use for the black goo was a deattenuated nanomachine version of the Life Seeder goo that they could hybridize with, then accelerated life cycle version as a weapon against the Predator species, which was largely successful and reduced the Predators to kiting around the galaxy doing asymmetric war shenanigans against them, mostly based on their own ships. If it wasn't a question of OpSec, they'd probably gift tech and/or collaborate with different human factions if it wasn't for Nephilim 5th column overseers, which is a secondary objective on hunts.

  16. 2 years ago

    I wanna see Predator meets Deathwish.

    >An ancient Predator marooned on ancient Earth after a failed hunt against a great beast is forced to survive it's ordeal while living not far from a tribe of prehistoric protohumans. After many years of exile on the alien world, the Predator begins to bond with the tribe of hunter-gatherers through different interactions, eventually being revered as a god by the elders of the tribe. One day the tribe is attacked by a superior stone age civilization and wiped out. The rest of the movie is the ancient Pred systematically bringing a young pyramid building civilization to the brink of extinction, before eventually being killed by it's own hubris for trying to wipe out a group of savages that consist of insurmountable numbers. The surviving warriors of the civilization form a new creation myth with the Pred as their version of the devil at the end. No dialogue the entire movie. Just primal nature, good practical effects and hopefully some kino.

    • 2 years ago

      i dig it. apocalypto meets predator

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, that's a better breakdown if my idea. Thanks, anon.

  17. 2 years ago

    Just adapt Predator: South China Sea page for page. It's pure kino.

  18. 2 years ago

    Ewok vs. Predator

  19. 2 years ago

    A predator hunting the descendants of the survivors of a nuclear war in the future would be kino

    • 2 years ago

      now i want a Predator mod for Fallout New Vegas lol

  20. 2 years ago

    Make it a pred only story hunting random aliens with an unbloooded learning and coming into proper status or and aged Silverback pred that goes for one last hunt. Human story absolute minimum unless you're doing area 51 shit with dissection

  21. 2 years ago
  22. 2 years ago

    What if we did a Predator bounty hunting story? Like a black sheep that isn't interested in regular hunting, and sells his services across the galaxy to the highest bidder?

  23. 2 years ago

    I'd set it in Israel

  24. 2 years ago

    >a retired predator that no longer hunts agrees to play a predator character in a human directed movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger who is secretly a real T-800

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >will this villainous cast survive their cruel director?

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >JCVD throws a hissy-fit on set after he's replaced with a real Predator
      >thinks it's just a guy in a suit and talks shit to him
      >hard cut to JCVD split down the middle and strung up outside his agent's house

  25. 2 years ago

    It can't be done, the action hero is dead and building a cast based on bravado won't work. The main character has to be believable, that said, I see one of two "believable" routes can be take. Cast an actual ripped armed forces operator with minimal characterization outside of getting him and his men out alive as he comes to grips with the reality of his situation. Option two would be to have "a man in tune with nature", a survivalist type, and have the movie revolve around his survivability and instincts helping him or a group of individuals fend off the predator. Frick off with the character drama, get back to the roots. Team the survivalist up with the no bullshit operator for a dynamic duo as the operator has to break his code in order to survive.


  26. 2 years ago

    3 survivormen doing a reality show with their own cameras are caught in the middle of a predator hunting special ops team and have to survive without weapons, using only survivor skills (found footage is a possibility)

  27. 2 years ago

    Capeshit crossover

    • 2 years ago

      I would unironically pay to see the predator kill capeshit superheroes and villains and skin them alive as they nearly break the fourth wall and wonder what is going on

  28. 2 years ago

    While everyone is pitching ideas, mine is, what if the predators aren't all the same species. The one from the first one is part of a group of hunters from different planets so not all of them look the same. So you make a movie with some alien hunting people and when it takes its cloak off it looks like some other crazy alien

  29. 2 years ago

    The comics had judge dread vs predator. I'd love to see the karl urban style judge dread fight a predator

  30. 2 years ago

    Just adapt the comics

    • 2 years ago

      i'd def be down for a Predator tearing through the Riverdale caste/show

  31. 2 years ago

    alien vs predator
    batman vs predator
    alien vs predator vs terminator
    magnus robot fighter vs predator
    judge dread vs predator
    predator vs predator (bad blood)
    archie vs predator
    tarzan vs predator

    • 2 years ago

      howard the duck vs predator

    • 2 years ago

      joe pesci vs predator
      protoss vs predator
      jigsaw vs predator
      george floyd vs predator
      divorce court vs predator

  32. 2 years ago

    jackie chan vs predator

  33. 2 years ago

    Wes Anderson's Predator, where a quaint group of fox hunters find themselves the prey of an alien marksman in a cruel twist of irony.

    • 2 years ago

      Would totally watch it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Wes Anderson tweecore movie
      >Jason Schwartzman's head just gets plasma-caster'd without warning 20 mins in
      I'm kekking irl

  34. 2 years ago

    magnificent 7 remake but the 7 are predators trying to save a human colony from a xenomorph infestation. They all die and the only survivor is a synthetic who gets rebooted by wayland anyway

  35. 2 years ago

    roe vs wade vs predator

  36. 2 years ago

    >Predator film franchise
    it's a franchise?

    • 2 years ago

      >the predator

  37. 2 years ago

    Batman vs Predator. The book was kino.

  38. 2 years ago

    Id set it in Afghanistan 2016 time frame. It would have 2 Predators hunting a US Special forces team that are also hunting down a specialized talbain/al quada team. It would be set in the winter a very very cold winter. The US special forces would uses all its latest weapons and because they know the predator is real from Get the Chopper man incident in south america they will know how to spot them using IR or thermal or whatever. Predators will use small vehicles capabale of flying like motor cycle sized to take down F22/F35. They also fight a specter gun ship. Either the predators or the US will use an EMP bomp wiping out the electronics equipment and most of the predators which causes the US forces to have to team up with the talibans as its a threat to both of them. Good ol fashion booby trap montage. They kill one and wound the other. The other wounded one takes out most of the team or both take out most of the team before one dies. Another round of fighitng agianst the last predator. only one US and one talbians remains as they defeat the wounded predator. Drop ship team of predators arrives to pick up their dead and hand each of the a weapon. One is a Spear from roman times and the other weapons is a Cross bolt from the medivail times. Call it Predator: Cold War. Makes 500 million dollars on a 85 million dollar budget.

    • 2 years ago

      >The US special forces would uses all its latest weapons and because they know the predator is real from Get the Chopper man incident
      This is actually a really neat twist on the formula. Maybe have a journalist tagging along ala Generation Kill who is kept in the dark, but everyone else immediately knows what's up the second things get weird. What happens for the hunters when the prey starts to adapt? Predators like coming to Earth to frick about innawoods, but how do they react once the deer evolve to see the color orange and start avoiding feeders?

    • 2 years ago

      >It would be set in the winter a very very cold winter.
      It's established in the first movie that the Predator only hunts in the hot summer. Also a hot atmosphere adds to the overall feeling of a hunt.

      • 2 years ago

        Hunter hunt in any weather. Mofo go to alaska to hunt moose. Thats one of the points of it being cold in that it shows they hunt in any conditions

        • 2 years ago

          It would also allow the predator to wear cold adaptative armor or clothing of some sorts.

  39. 2 years ago

    remember how shane black turned the shoulder canon into being part of the helmet? Yah that really happened, what a stupid frick

  40. 2 years ago

    I think defining the Predator as something that hunts warriors for sport really subtracts from its mystique and makes it less compelling overall. Dutch surmises that it hunts for sport because it didn't kill the unarmed woman, and she mentioned a legend about a "Demon that hunts men for trophies", but in the film its still possible that the Predator was stranded and only capped the people who tried to kill it. That possibility draws parallels between it and Dutch, who both have a sense of pride instilled in them from combat but they aren't defined by it. "I want more trophies" trivializes the entire conflict.

    • 2 years ago

      I think making the Predators space injuns on an honor code is what hurts them because it is so loosely knit together. It, the franchise, should take more time to point out the culture and how autistic they are about their code and what can qualify as a proper trophy.

      • 2 years ago

        I agree but not because it's loosely knit. The entire culture/code of the aliens seems unnecessary. If the sequel had a squad come looking for the one that Dutch killed, similar to Dutch's squad, then that would have been enough. The less we know about them the more of a threat they pose, but I think the lore already kind of blew its load by revealing too much about them. The first film had a couple of revelations that helped Dutch fight the Predator, I think a similar battle could have been played out with various other aliens that have their own specialties in combat.

  41. 2 years ago

    Unironically go back to the old novels, and make a western about a japanese woman becoming an alien space weeb and travelling off with them after getting her burn tattoo.

  42. 2 years ago

    Whatever they do they should make the Predator HUD have the 1980s non HD aesthetic.

  43. 2 years ago

    >How would you personally save/revitalize the Predator film franchise?
    Get a director with conservative, old-fashioned mindset and values that won't sabotage the whole thing with contemporary Hollywood bullshit ideas.

  44. 2 years ago

    I want comfy flick where Predator and his buddies wander the galaxy hunting all kinds of things. All the dialogues are done in Pred language

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