How would you redo the prequels so they aren't fricking awful? Please be as autistically specific as possible.

How would you redo the prequels so they aren't fricking awful? Please be as autistically specific as possible.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Watch the plinkett reviews

  2. 2 weeks ago

    I would have one director for the first movie, a second director for the second movie, then bring back the first director for the third movie. This is a proven recipe for success.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    1. shoot on actual sets rather than lazily bluescreening the entire trilogy
    2. hire proper writers rather than alllowing Lucas to sperg out. I understand the intentional melodrama and all the references to old cinema he was making, but it wasn't done skillyfully. You can make a campy movie without it actually being shit if you get good writers. The story itself is really good, it's just ruined by dogshit dialogue

    • 2 weeks ago


      Kino rewrites

      Also this - if you want to keep the general structure. If not, I would completely cut TPM (cause barely anything important happens there), ep. I would be AOTC, ep. II would take place in the middle of the war (as a child I always found it moronic that ep. II ends with war starting and in ep. III it's already ending) and ep. III would be ROTS.

    • 2 weeks ago

      > The story itself is really good
      Sheev becomes emperor of everything because he uses the force to make everyone else stupid. That’s the story.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Maybe if you're a 102 IQ redditor

        • 2 weeks ago

          >y-you have a higher iq than me lol loser!

          it’s amazing you’ve been convinced this is an insult

  4. 2 weeks ago

    I wouldn't change a thing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      and that's what no one did .

      • 2 weeks ago

        Well done

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I would've listened to them again and tell george he didn't do anything wrong. AOTC is better than last jedi

    • 2 weeks ago

      >AOTC is better than last jedi
      that's not saying much

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >hey Cinemaphile
    >write my content for me
    literally frick you homosexual israelite shill

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Make Padme 10 years older. Only age up Anakin to teenage in Attack of the Clones. Include a sex scene.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    For TPM

    -Anakin should be the main character
    -no Jar Jar
    >Naboo is still invaded, the Queen flees to get help
    -no Tatooine, they should land on a junk planet, Anakin's home, something new to the series that maybe explains Anakin's affinity for fixing machines
    -things should be much worse for amidala she should be alone with few people to turn to, perhaps she crash lands on the junk planet with Anakin, possibly being enslaved herself
    -Obiwan's mission was to protect and escort her to Coruscant, he ends up recruiting Anakin to help him
    -Anakin has to be a teen at youngest probably 16-18, the romance part with the Queen should already be beginning in this episode
    -the pod race could be about winning her freedom/buying transport off whatever shithole planet they are on to get her to Coruscant
    -the Republic should have a standing army, it's moronic that it doesn't, the "political" part should be about Amidala being alone and friendless having to beg for them to send their army
    -Obiwan, Anakin and Amidala end up recruiting a small army of volunteers when the republic fails to follow through
    -the final battle is the volunteers going to Naboo, Anakin blowing up the federation ship, etc
    -Anakin's escapades convince Obiwan he must be trained.

    You don't have to change too much, this is the crisis that sets off the beginning of the Clone Wars by convincing enough systems that the Republic has become worthless. Palpatine still uses the crisis to gain power, etc.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Attack of the Clones

      -only a few years later, not ten years, you don't have to age up "lil orphan annie"
      -Obi-wan hasn't had that much time to train Anakin, probably explains why Anakin isn't well trained enough to master his emotions,
      -the Separatists just outright start the war, there's no point in having the whole convoluted mystery angle before it starts
      -the Anti-Republican forces are the ones with the Clone armies like in the EU
      -the initial well meaning separatists are over taken by the more ambitious warlords using the clones to take over the galaxy
      -Sidious is probably influencing these warlords, perhaps Grevious and Dooku could be among them
      -only later does Obiwan start to unravel that jedi defecting from the order were the ones initially manufacturing the clones. He becomes suspicious of Palpatine and others.
      -Anakin has already started to suffer greatly in the war, losing limbs, friends, etc and is very worried about his wife/children (there's no ban on marriage for Jedi, he's already married). Anakin is full in on seeing the war to the end, will want nothing to do with Obiwan's schizo theories setting up conflict in Ep 3

      • 2 weeks ago

        You forgot jar jar was going to be a sith in AOTC but George got scared

      • 2 weeks ago

        >time skip a few years later to the Separatist attack on Coruscant and the abduction of Palpatine
        >almost the entire Jedi Order is dead already thanks to the war, making Order 66 redundant, the entire war itself was Order 66
        >some of the last few remaining jedi die trying to save Palpatine, incredibly ironic
        >Obi wan and Anakin defeat Dooku, who knows Palpatine's real identity, when he's about to snitch on Palpatine Palpatine orders him killed, which Anakin obeys to avenge all his dead friends, while Obi-wan wanted him spared and questioned, this leads to the rift between them.
        >After the battle Obi-wan makes his views known to whoever is left, reveals what he knows and is 100% convinced Palpatine's behind it all. He speaks to Amidala, Anakin, any disaffected politicians, etc. This is the start of the rebellion. Anakin doesn't believe it
        >Under Obiwan rebels actually try to launch a coup which Anakin sees as treason to the republic and spitting on everyone he knew who died in the war
        >Anakin and Palpatine launch a counter-coup
        >obviously no scene where Anakin is outright killing innocent children just him cutting down "traitors"
        >Palpatine sends him to Mustafar to decapitate the Separatist leadership since that psyop is over, that's where Obiwan finds him
        >duel plays out mostly the same, Anakin gets horribly disfigured, left for dead, only survives because he's already so full of machine parts from the war
        >Palpatine saves him lies about Amidala and their kids being killed in some rebel attack, ensuring he always hates the rebellion, even after Palpatine reveals he really is a sith. He convinces Anakin that under their management they can keep the galaxy in order and prevent further war and destruction, Anakin's in too deep now and has to go along with it.
        >Amidala actually just went into hiding and is now involved with the rebellion along with Obi-wan and others.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's fricking stupid, why would she never show up in the original trilogy?

        • 2 weeks ago

          ive never read anything as badly as this even redditlettermedia in their dogshit sub 20 iq takes wouldnt do this,actually go have a nice day unironically and spare some oxygen.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >actually go have a nice day unironically and spare some oxygen.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Attack of the Clones

      -only a few years later, not ten years, you don't have to age up "lil orphan annie"
      -Obi-wan hasn't had that much time to train Anakin, probably explains why Anakin isn't well trained enough to master his emotions,
      -the Separatists just outright start the war, there's no point in having the whole convoluted mystery angle before it starts
      -the Anti-Republican forces are the ones with the Clone armies like in the EU
      -the initial well meaning separatists are over taken by the more ambitious warlords using the clones to take over the galaxy
      -Sidious is probably influencing these warlords, perhaps Grevious and Dooku could be among them
      -only later does Obiwan start to unravel that jedi defecting from the order were the ones initially manufacturing the clones. He becomes suspicious of Palpatine and others.
      -Anakin has already started to suffer greatly in the war, losing limbs, friends, etc and is very worried about his wife/children (there's no ban on marriage for Jedi, he's already married). Anakin is full in on seeing the war to the end, will want nothing to do with Obiwan's schizo theories setting up conflict in Ep 3

      Kino rewrites

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Have Anakins disillusionment of the Jedi be more apparent in Episode 2 and 3 so that his fall makes more sense.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    The Phantom Menace is background material with some changes and the trilogy starts with the start of the Clone Wars. The original plot concept is good but the characters need better writing, the principal issue being Anakin's fall to the Dark Side was rushed.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    The cartoon should have taken the lead, the story writers there were way more competent than the movie ones. They turned Grievous into a scary badass that had slain several Jedi. It's important that the villains are built up more in order to emphasize what a feat it is that ones like Mace Windu and Obi-Wan could beat them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This, the movies spent way too much time on things people didn't care about instead of building up the villains more in a way that actually created stakes. What you do is establish a lovable cast, have the villains kill/injure the ones you care about, and then the remaining ones build their legacy by stopping them. They had something with Obi-Wan avenging Qui-Gon to stop Darth Maul but should have built that up more and cut out all the fat. It never felt impactful for me that Qui-Gon died because I already went in knowing he doesn't stick around, so they needed to do more legwork to make me feel bad he died.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Qui-Gon died because I already went in knowing he doesn't stick around, so they needed to do more legwork to make me feel bad he died.
        Or, better yet, just merge him with Obi-Wan.

        There's no saving these films. Darth Vader works better as a villain when we DON'T know his entire backstory. It's a story that was simply better untold.

        That is the correct answer.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Please have a nice day

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Just make AotC a good movie and that'll do it.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Movie 1: Teenage Anakin kidnapped from his home/parents killed by Jedi - Anakin trained by Jedi. Anakin is not building C3P0.

    Movie 2: Anakin is pawned off by the Jedi order into an arranged political marriage

    Movie 3: Anakin falls under the influence of the Dark Side. Goes after the Jedi Order

  15. 2 weeks ago

    There's no saving these films. Darth Vader works better as a villain when we DON'T know his entire backstory. It's a story that was simply better untold.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah they were onto something since Revenge of the Sith was pretty interesting in concept, it's just that the delivery was muddy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Lucas had a rough idea of what he wanted to do with love breeding hate with Anakin's desire to protect Padme leading him to be manipulated by Palpatine, but the execution needed improvement and refinement and fat trimming.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I would hire JJ Abrams the dude made a great job making movies morons like

  17. 2 weeks ago

    I would have made Obiwan the main character of all three movies. Make Anakin an older teen in TPM, an adult in AotC and middle aged in RotS. Lean harder into Jar Jar's character culminating into the sith lord reveal that he's Darth Plagueis. We already know Palpatine is evil since this is a prequel, so actually show him conspiring to take down his own master as a sort of parallel to Anakin's eventual betrayal of the jedi. I would reduce the importance of Padme and just have her as a tertiary character that Anakin gets with in between movies. R2 and 3P0 should be reduced to mere cameos or removed entirely.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    3 Vader movies, early days, movie starts with the birth of the twins, Padme's death and the beginning of his tutelage under Palpatine's
    Second movie, Jedi hunting which leads to Rogue One which could be used as Episode III but with more Vader scenes

    • 2 weeks ago

      This post reminds me that Rogue One felt like the only good Star Wars movie in the last decade.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Prequels had great ideas, designs and background lore but they didn't elaborate them much.
    Some random ideas from the top of my head:

    -make the writing and dialogue like in the Legacy of Kain series
    -recurring villain to all movies, Maul, Dooku or Grievous or whatever
    -Obi wan the main character of the trilogy
    -Anakin much older from the start, maybe they're rival students of Qui-gon and after his death become friends
    -maybe not much screentime for the love story between Anakin and Padme, it can happen in the background
    -Anakin's turn should happen slower and through all movies, maybe show more of his relationship with Palpy
    -lightsaber dueling would look like wuxia since jedis are at their peak
    -Anakin shouldn't instantly become Vader in suit, I always imagined it took years to him slowly get in to that point

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Have Anakin actually go back and try to free the slaves. The Jedi make life hard for him, maybe because of bureaucracy or maybe some "upsetting the balance of the force" or whatever.

    He could even be successful for a time, but his actions have unforseen consequences. Instead of learning a moral lesson about trying to control everything, he instead blames the Jedi's passivity and that sets him down the path to the dark side.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Gratuitous shots of the porthole.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    I wouldn't change anything.
    I would watch.

    And that's what no one did.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    >Jedi wear practical clothes instead of desert robe crap
    >Anakin as teen/young adult like Luke
    >No trade embargo bullshit, just bad aliens invade
    >no R2/threepio or Chewie
    >Maul as recurring antagonist in all 3 movies, no Doodoo or Grevious
    >Ani killing disarmed (lol) Maul in ep3 is catalyst for Dark Side turn, mirroring Luke in throne room
    >no Mace Dindu, can't act outside black gangster roles
    >Ani resigns from Jedi and hands Obi his blue saber, making a new red one for final fight
    >Padme is a nudist

  24. 2 weeks ago

    merge quigon and obiwan back into one chatacter
    start anakin as a padawan in his teens
    keep the reason he's so powerful untold
    have the clone wars in progress before the first movie even starts
    this is exhausting I'm not doing the other two

    • 2 weeks ago

      kek, Jar Jar looks like he's been taking some Thalasin

  25. 2 weeks ago

    1) Age up Anakin to 14-15
    2) Nix Jar Jar or make him less moron bunny and more noble savage
    3) Nix the gungans or characterize them less moronic
    4) Change the trade dispute into something less fricking dull, but with the same result (outer planet's sovereignty is threatened and the stagnant decadent republic is unwilling to act)
    5) Have Darth Maul survive the movie

    1) Make grown Anakin less immediately fricking insufferable and make his complaints about Obi Wan less whiny and remove his moronic interjections into her Naboo conversations (Padme would literally never frick this dude after a tantrum like that)
    2) Play up the loss of his mother way more and have his going to check on her be more clearly defined as defying the will of the order
    3) Return George's original concept of Obi Wan's thread being something of a murder mystery with implications he can't quite work out that lead back to Palpy (likely doing nefarious shit to consolidate power)
    4) Recharacterize the clone war entirely. Utterly moronic that there's been an illegal army of clones commissioned by a literal ghost for use by the Republic for unknown reasons and no one bats an eye when Palpy just says sure and uses them for war. I always assumed the Clones were an aggressor from the OT. Something like a great threat that required heavy militarization to meet and Palpy used to consolidate power again.
    5) Have Darth Maul return (and probably get killed off here)

    1) Follow up on Obi's investigation from last movie to set the state for his suspicion of Palpy here
    2) Better define Palpy's patronage of Anakin other the previous two movies
    3) Have Palpy involve Anakin in his murderous schemes earlier and play up George's original idea of a trail of dead Jedi Obi is investigating leading back to Anakin
    4) No clone order 66, but a similarly kino scene wherein Palpy brings down the might of the Empire on the Jedi for discovering his plot and paints them as traitors
    5) Cut the Mustafar fight way down

  26. 2 weeks ago

    I would cut the child section, ep 1 down to anakin being bought. Midichlorians get the axe, they bring a device that simply measures the reactivity of the force surrounding anakin's body and say the force is unusually strong within him. No pod race, sorry, the jedi warriors simply convince and or threaten the insect israelite to release anakin and then they leave. Jar jar is coded white and does not make silly noises. His people are dignified and operate at at least 100 iq, they are not played for laughs.

    Next we see the council arguing that anakin is too young but ultimately giving Qoifish Qan Gin permission to train him.

    The last you see of child anakin is him needing the princess. Then it goes through Naboo politics and the remaining trade federation crap, plays the sequence where they storm the place, plays the gungan sequences, and ends.

    In attack of the clones there is no hovercraft city chase scene. Every jedi who fights is depicted as a 1 out of a million fighter monk and they only die heroically. Yoda fight with grievous is duplicated frame for frame. Any scene where a clone speaks is cut, you never see a clones face, only the explanation for them.

    Return of the King is almost entirely cut except for scenes with Anakin. At the end instead of shouting "nooooooooooooo" we only get the sound of his breath and his implied fury. The end.

    Maybe i would include a psychic jedi who sees parts of the disney films as "the bad future" in a matrix of possible futures, and he does something to ensure that after anakin dies, we have a good future instead. He can even make obscure monkprophet comments about "the famine mouse come to poison its host" or some such.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Saying anakin is too old*

  27. 2 weeks ago

    The prequels are great. With that said I would make these adjustments:

    >TPM Anakin is 12, not 9, AoTC is 20, ROTS 28
    >less CGI, more practical FX
    >write the trilogy a little more from Anakin's POV, not 3rd person, so his dilemma is more evident. While the facts line up with the actions, the way the show plays out doesn't convince the audience that it's reasonable.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    in the pre-prequels EU, it was sort of implied that the decline of the Jedi and the transition of the Republic to the Empire were both more like social trends rather than a secret evil plot, and they happened over generations
    There was no dramatic fall, but the gradual decline
    a timeline like this could totally fit with what we know from ANH, ESB, RotJ
    100 years before ANH: the Jedi Order has become largely defunct, with only a few Knights remaining in scattered enclaves
    50 years before ANH: Empire officially replaces Republic, some trappings of the old Republic exist, like the Senate
    19 years before ANH: Anakin knocks up some chick with twins and bounces

    • 2 weeks ago

      Isn't that kind of implied? The Republic was not in a healthy state. One enterprising man took advantage of that. It's kind of like how the Roman Republic declined for decades before Julius Caesar finally took advantage of it and put his plans in motion. The transition is swift even if the decline is gradual.

      • 2 weeks ago

        right, but also the timeline of the prequels completely and utterly fricks the OT
        also "darth" was just a first name and not a title until episode 1

    • 2 weeks ago

      >There was no dramatic fall, but the gradual decline
      that's what implied in the movies but you unironically have shit media literacy and need characters outright say it to you while looking at the camera

  29. 2 weeks ago

    i'd give Anakin some more scenes with him slicing his way through other jedis before the Mustafar face-off
    >younger jedis/older masters attempting to hold off the clones
    >they close a big ass door or whatever, clones cant get in
    >Ani shows up inside the Temple, they expect him to join the defence
    >starts fighting his former friends/allies instead
    >easily pulls off a 8v1 or whatever because they were taken by surprise and Anakin is now powered by Dark Side™
    culling off the younglings happening off screen as in the actual film is fine

    i never felt that we truly got to see the strength and malice that are attributed to Vader throughout the main films
    something like the above would be step in the right direction, and Anaking hacking his way through other Jedis (older and more experienced than him) would also make Obi-Wan beating him a far more impressive feat

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Damn, prequels weren’t perfect but this thread has made me realize they could have been so much worse if one of you autists were responsible

  31. 2 weeks ago

    As an autist, I would have gotten the story down from the start, not made it up as I went along with a bunch of production assistants doing all the work for me. Some filmmakers can run on an outline, but George can’t. He thinks he can because he “reinvented” Hollywood style of filmmaking or whatever, but he can’t. Prequels would have been at least 5x better just by understanding the purpose of each scene BEFORE they shot them. Making everything in editing hurts sometimes because you only have so much material to work with (cough cough normalizing major reshoots cough cough). Absolutely embarrassing that Lucas whines like a child about people not understanding his art when he can’t even get a final draft done on time to save his fricking life. “Cinema is the art of moving image, not a filmed play” then why are they based on Greek tragedies?????? Just get some scenes more concretely down before you throw $100 million at it, for fricks sake

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