>humanity was the most technologically backward and unimpressive civilization

>humanity was the most technologically backward and unimpressive civilization
>somehow became the dominant race in the Federation, in population, politics, relevance, and positions of power
Explain this.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    They didn’t take shit from anyone and stood up for what was right no matter the odds against them.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    They insisted upon themselves

    • 2 weeks ago

      How very shallow and pedantic

  3. 2 weeks ago

    That's not how Gene Roddenberry saw it. The next gen commie writers see it that way. buttholes.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    The canon reason is they were propped up by time travelers, so they got away with more shit than could ever make sense, so the rest of the galaxy either fell in behind them or fought.

    • 2 weeks ago

      We are also the only race that has common sense.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This, more or less. The advanced humanoid species like Time Lords and the Q preferred humanity to all the other stuff those weird bald precursors made, so they got preferential treatment and subtly nudged toward dominance.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Europe was behind Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Humans don't fall into patterns of nihilism or stagnation as easily as Vulcans. They are more trusting than Andorians and easier to get along with than Tellarites. They're less warlike than Klingons, but willing to defend themselves fiercely. They're pragmatic like Romulans but not so brutally that they degenerate into an ouroborous of paranoia. We are balanced. It's not a new concept.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    That's not how it happened at all. It was a long road getting from there to here.

    • 2 weeks ago

      but we've got faith of the heart.

  8. 2 weeks ago
  9. 2 weeks ago

    Faustian Spirit, can't beat it, no way.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    How Star Trek galactic politics works:
    >Alien Race: "What if we myopically do one thing over and over again even if it bites us in the ass?"
    >Humans: "Uh, we used to do that until we decided to build an egalitarian socialist utopia instead."
    >Alien Race: "What? Why didn't I think of that..."

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Because as that early episode in Enterprise showed, humans managed to make more progress with an alien race in a few days than Vulcans had in centuries. Being social, co-operative, diplomatic and adaptable is more important than having tech. Vulcans are up their own ass, Klingons & Andorians too militaristic & authoritative, Ferengi too greedy etc. Humans have charisma and a good heart in comparison to the other races.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >Explain this.
    Because Romulans.
    If the Romulans hadn't tried using false flag attacks to trigger a regional war, then the Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites never would've had a reason to set aside their long-standing grudges to beef with the Romulans. Never underestimate the unifying power of "MAN, FRICK THIS GUY."
    Then Earth gets into a brutal war with the Romulans, and singlehandedly kicks them back into their own turf. Since everyone else in local space was beefing with the Romulans, they're like "OK, let's buddy up with these guys."

    Throughout Star Trek lore, the Klingons pull off the occasional nasty tricky, but the Romulans are a bunch of frickwits from beginning to end. They literally cannot stop themselves from undertaking a futile, self-destructive scheme. From the Chameleon Ship thing with Archer right through burning Mars just to kill a few synths at the cost of their evacuation fleet.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Akoochimoya we are pretty fricking far from fine

    • 2 weeks ago


  14. 2 weeks ago

    It probably has something to do with how diverse our planet is. All the other civs look uniformly the same and only squabble over petty shit like who gets more space heroin, we actually had to work through our genocidal tendencies. Notice the only real threats to the feds were organizations made up of multiple species, Borg, Dominion, Xindi. Romulans being somewhat of an outlier, but even they had their golem subservient species.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >USA was the most technologically backward and unimpressive New World colony
    >somehow became the dominant race in Earth, in population, politics, relevance, and positions of power

    Explain this.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Material resources
      >geographic isolation
      >No monarchy
      That is literally all it takes to have freedom and prosperity.

  16. 2 weeks ago
  17. 2 weeks ago

    maybe because humans, mostly white humans, like to explore.

    the Vulcans don't really care to explore for the sake of exploring. even on Earth and in Earth's history, did anybody besides Europeans really explore. don't even say Zheng He because it was a diplomatic mission to show off China's power and it wasn't like he went to places they didn't know existed.
    so what others do stupid shit like climb mountains, explore polar regions or just do shit to do it?

    you do see other species in Star Fleet but the majority are human. the Federation is all about sharing scientific information and letting each culture take care of their own planetary concerns.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Zheng He tried to push the envelope, but his Emperor would have none of it.
      At least he didn't get eaten by natives.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Do any of the series go into the first contact between humans and aliens. I'd like to watch the show on chronological order and don't mind mixing episodes of different series. Has any autist created an episode list like this?

    • 2 weeks ago

      one episode and one movie show the "First Contact" with different perspectives, but both imply time travel and cannot really be watched out of context, in particular the movie.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Humans are always innovating.

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