I blame DC for causing the superhero bubble to burst and ruining it for everyone else.

I blame DC for causing the superhero bubble to burst and ruining it for everyone else. MCU was putting out consistent well received movies for years but DC kept having bomb after bomb, reboot after reboot, to the point nobody had any idea what was going on and there's no point getting invested in any of these worlds because they're just gonna reboot it again in a couple movies. And the average cinemagoer has no idea what the difference between these two companies are, so what they see is a bunch of crap superhero movies from DC and they think "All superhero movies are crap. Better stop watching them."

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  1. 3 months ago

    Whoa thanks DC!

  2. 3 months ago

    No, it doesn't matter what DC did or didn't do.

    The only cinematic universe arc anyone actually cared about was Iron Man up to End Game. That is the real truth of it.

    • 3 months ago

      >This narcissistic drunken frickboi died for my sins.

    • 3 months ago

      I feel like iron man disappeared for 90 percent of marvel movies until finally popping out in the finale

      • 3 months ago

        That's the problem I've always had with Marvel movies, it feels like they're trying to do a series of connected movies as if it's a TV show but they're limited by the format, each movie has to be about a different character and end in a climactic battle so even though we've had so many movies, Iron Man's total screentime isn't all that high. It'd be like reading a book where every chapter it jumps on a different character and by the time it cycles back to the character you want to see, it's already been 100 pages.
        In theory, actually taking a break from movies and doing some TV shows should have helped with the problem, but somehow it's made things worse.

        • 3 months ago

          I never even watched any of the tv shows they all looked bad.

          • 3 months ago

            Because it's just more of the same problem, they should be doing TV shows of people we actually care about like Thor or Spiderman but instead they're just splintering of with even more characters nobody has any attachment to. It's clear that they only make the shows because the characters aren't important enough to get their own movies.

        • 3 months ago

          I never even watched any of the tv shows they all looked bad.

          Because it's just more of the same problem, they should be doing TV shows of people we actually care about like Thor or Spiderman but instead they're just splintering of with even more characters nobody has any attachment to. It's clear that they only make the shows because the characters aren't important enough to get their own movies.

          The only MCU TV shows that were worth it was Loki and Wandavision. Everything else is trash.

          • 3 months ago

            None of those shitty shows are good at all.
            And just for the record, same goes for Netflix slop as well.

            • 3 months ago

              Daredevil was good

      • 3 months ago

        at the last few years he was in at least a marvel movie a year, 2015 was avengers 2, 2016 was civil war, 2017 was spiderman, and 2018 and 2019 were avengers 3 and 4

  3. 3 months ago

    Cuz Marvel shitting on the source material every 30 seconds was really working for them.

    • 3 months ago

      It was working great for 10 years, you were just okay with it because they were shitting on the source material while still having mostly white people. Once they started having non-white people, suddenly the source material started to matter for you.

      • 3 months ago

        >suddenly the source material started to matter for you.

        • 3 months ago

          Shut the frick up, dumbass. Everything you say is fricking stupid.

      • 3 months ago

        >Once they started having non-white people
        it flopped 🙂

      • 3 months ago

        once it started having non white people it became bad becasue people who flood entertainment with non white people can't create and aren't there to entertain people

  4. 3 months ago

    Holy Based. Thank you DC and than you Snyder. Will turn on Rebel Moon on Netflix while I'm doing laundry so that it counts as a (view).

  5. 3 months ago

    The MCU fricked themselves by releasing shitty shows and movies. Cope homosexual

  6. 3 months ago

    I blame plebbitors for b***hing about BvS.
    >noooo it's le dark
    >noooo it's le serious
    >Superman would never do X

    • 3 months ago

      No one was complaining about those, it's more about the movie being shit, the cardboard cutout characters and nonsensical decisions they take, and the lame ass fricking villain

      People loved the dark knight, nobody has ever had any issue with dark and serious capeshit, Snydergays just can't admit their beloved movies are trash and that's why they are hated.

      • 3 months ago

        But the Nolan movies aren't superhero movies, They're philosophy 101 lectures.

        • 3 months ago

          not at all

        • 3 months ago

          I can see why they would feel like that to someone with the intellectual """capacity""" to enjoy BvS

          • 3 months ago

            Hey I just want Batman to kick Killer Croc in the throat, I don't need to hear him spew his life story & motives.

            • 3 months ago

              So you liked the 2016 Suicide Squad, which is quite possibly the worst movie ever made?

              • 3 months ago

                Haven't seen it yet.
                I liked MoS because of DBZlike fight scenes & didn't have a normie joke every 30 seconds.

              • 3 months ago

                Well Killer Croc is a random as frick villain to bring up but he's actually in that movie so maybe you'll be happy with it.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah but they play up his blackness.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean there's that part at the end where he asks to have BET and you see him in his cell watching black women shaking their ass, but that's the only thing I remember. Most of the time he just does crocodile stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                >I liked MoS because of DBZlike fight scenes
                What was it that Anthony Mackie said? There's a 1 hour worth of boring moping by a wooden Henry Cavill before that shit happens. As for
                > Philosophy 101
                Pic related.

              • 3 months ago

                How about theology 101?

              • 3 months ago

                >Examples of subtle symbolism in film.

              • 3 months ago

                What was Snyder thinking? Amateur level stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                >Anthony Mackie said

            • 3 months ago

              >I don't need to hear him spew his life story & motives
              Should've told that to Snyder then.
              "I'm older than my father ever was"

              • 3 months ago

                Nolan's Batman quits twice.

              • 3 months ago

                And Affleck still came off as a bigger whiny b***h.

              • 3 months ago

                Nolan's Batman is afraid of Bats & Ballet dancers.

            • 3 months ago

              Haven't seen it yet.
              I liked MoS because of DBZlike fight scenes & didn't have a normie joke every 30 seconds.

              You don't want a dark and serious movie, you want meaningless spectacle, which is fine but don't come crying people dislike it.
              If you are going to have nothing of depth in your movie at least try to not make it boring. Snyder made a dumb marvel movie but without actual characters and without humor, it's literally a lesser product, that's why people shit on him, not because he is "serious" or "dark" which is something normalgays love.

              • 3 months ago

                >Snyder made a dumb marvel movie but without actual characters and without humor
                If character for you are nothing but banter and quips, maybe.

              • 3 months ago

                >banter and quips
                "Is she with you?"
                "I thought she was with you."

              • 3 months ago

                Go watch Iron man, tell me why you think it worked so well.
                You are fricking moronic, there is a reason marvel movies are not going well anymore. They still use the same formula but the writing is now what you describe: just quips.
                It used to have more.

                >You are My Son.
                >You think you can threaten My Mother?!
                Has more rawness than any Marvel movie.

                It would if the context around it wasn't fricking moronic. Superman's father in MoS is absolutely fricking terrible. Superman protects his mother by throwing the bad guy into civilian buildings. This could be good writing if it was ever acknowledged, but it fricking isn't, he acts irresponsably and is a shit hero and this is never questioned or brought up by the movie, and in BvS it is acknowledged... until it isn't, because his mom is named Martha so batman kind of forgets about all the destruction.

                In civil war wanda accidentally blows up a building trying to stop the bad guy. This escalates in the whole movie happening. It's not comparable, the conflicts in BvS are missing punch, they lack awareness of the scenes that come before or after.

                Keep in mind I don't think all marvel movies are good, some are genuinely fricking shit, even worse than BvS in some cases. I'm just trying to show you the problem is not that Snyder is "too gritty", the problem is that he's a moronic toddler when it comes to writing scenes and characters.

              • 3 months ago

                >It would if the context around it wasn't fricking moronic. Superman's father in MoS is absolutely fricking terrible. Superman protects his mother by throwing the bad guy into civilian buildings. This could be good writing if it was ever acknowledged, but it fricking isn't, he acts irresponsably and is a shit hero and this is never questioned or brought up by the movie, and in BvS it is acknowledged... until it isn't, because his mom is named Martha so batman kind of forgets about all the destruction.
                Holy frick, stop posting. You're a braindead moron.
                Superman's recklessness is constantly addressed in both movies.

              • 3 months ago

                >Superman's recklessness is constantly addressed in both movies.
                In BvS only, and it's immediately dropped when Batman finds out about Martha, and never mentioned fricking again.
                Stop lying, you fricking moron, in MoS his addressed recklessness is risking getting discovered, and it's addressed by making his father figure a fricking psycho who tells him to let kids drown.

                Addressing it properly would BvS starting with a depressed superman with ptsd about all the death he let happen in metropolis by committing several mistakes.
                This doesn't weight on his conscience at all because Snyder's superman is a fricking psycho, like his father taught him

              • 3 months ago

                Throughout MoS and BvS Superman often frick things up whenever he tries to use his powers, because he always go over and beyond what's necessary. This is constantly shown. This when he saves the bus, or when he wrecks the truck, or when he saves the oil drillers, and so on. His entire journey is about learning how to find proper balance.
                >In BvS only, and it's immediately dropped when Batman finds out about Martha, and never mentioned fricking again.
                What do you think Doomsday stand for? Doomsday is a reminder of all his failures as well a dark reflection of who he could be and what most think he is. Doomsday is literally Superman's sin made manifest. Which is why its parallel is Mordred, King Arthur's sin.

              • 3 months ago

                Mordred is Arthur's son, not his sin. Are you saying that Doomsday is also Superman's son?

              • 3 months ago

                In the Excalibur movie, Mordred is absolutely King Arthur's sin. He's a being that shouldn't exist. King Arthur in a moment of weakness bedded his own sister, the witch Morgana.

              • 3 months ago

                >This when he saves the bus
                Which is not fricking up if you have any kind of moral standard, something Snyder clearly lacks as shown by his father telling him to let people drown.
                All the frick ups you list is him revealing his powers, none about the death he sows with his irresponsability
                >His entire journey is about learning how to find proper balance.
                There is no such journey, he never grows, we are never shown this growth
                The movie pretends to have themes but it doesn't.

                >What do you think Doomsday stand for? Doomsday is a reminder of all his failures as well a dark reflection of who he could be and what most think he is. Doomsday is literally Superman's sin made manifest. Which is why its parallel is Mordred, King Arthur's sin.
                >You see you don't actually need characters, you can just allude to stuff with vague symbolism and never actually address things, THAT is good writing!
                You fricking mongoloid, show him being sorry for what he does not him fighting a big CGI monster because you can't write dialogue for shit

              • 3 months ago

                There were ways for Clark to save the bus without revealing his super-powers. That's the thing that Clark had to learn: restraint. See

                >I liked MoS because of DBZlike fight scenes
                What was it that Anthony Mackie said? There's a 1 hour worth of boring moping by a wooden Henry Cavill before that shit happens. As for
                > Philosophy 101
                Pic related.

                . Jonathan Kent is constantly telling Clark to use his head, to think things through, to use restraint, and so on. He is constantly struggling with that.
                >There is no such journey, he never grows, we are never shown this growth
                >The movie pretends to have themes but it doesn't.
                You don't know what you're talking about.
                >All the frick ups you list is him revealing his powers, none about the death he sows with his irresponsability
                What do you think Clark talk with his father up in the mountain his about?

              • 3 months ago

                This is what you say
                >There were ways for Clark to save the bus without revealing his super-powers. That's the thing that Clark had to learn: restraint. See >197420417. Jonathan Kent is constantly telling Clark to use his head, to think things through, to use restraint, and so on. He is constantly struggling with that.
                This is what's actually in the movie
                >I should have let them drown then?

                I don't care if you have a really cool headcanon for what's in the movie, what is actually in there is shit
                Also your pic is ironic because cap's stubborness leads to conflict in the team and thus the plot. The movie doesn't present him as the only person with a valid point and shows the other side. It's dishonest to present it that way.
                Also wanda in that movie has to deal with the death she caused and its done much better with much less screentime than superman

              • 3 months ago

                >This could be good writing if it was ever acknowledged, but it fricking isn't, he acts irresponsably and is a shit hero
                I haven't seen MoS in years but isn't he just becoming Superman? Of course he sucks at it.

              • 3 months ago

                >movies is about X but:
                >it's not X yet
                >it's not X anymore
                >it's not the X we know and love
                >it's not your grampa's X
                >it was never meant to be X

              • 3 months ago

                So you want a superhero movie to just skip right past the origin story? You must have loved Civil War then since they just dropped Spiderman into the series out of nowhere and he was already a superhero. Oh what's that, you're about to tell me you DIDN'T like Civil War? So why bother pandering to you then, you'll hate it no matter what they do.

              • 3 months ago

                removing attributes from accomplished characters and giving them back some (but not actually) is nether an origin, nor character developement nor interesting.
                Glad you want to watch Sherlock Holmes who cannot dected.

                And I don't care about what marvel did at all, capeshitter.

              • 3 months ago

                You're a midwit.

              • 3 months ago

                >You are My Son.
                >You think you can threaten My Mother?!
                Has more rawness than any Marvel movie.

      • 3 months ago

        Snyder's problem was he leaned too hard into the magical bullshit. TDK was good because it felt like real characters that could exist in real life. BvS the villain was just a big CGI monster that is impervious to nukes.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't know, take out the final part and the movie is still bad.
          I don't think your second movie in the cinematic universe should feature 3 heroes at all actually, but that's probably WB's fault and not sneeder's.

        • 3 months ago

          >BvS the villain was just a big CGI monster that is impervious to nukes
          Because it's Doomsday you dumbass. Seriously. Do you guys just speedwatch movies? You're surprised an Alien isn't a "real character"? You ever read a comic book? A movie about Batman fighting Superman (who is basically a God) is magical bullshit?

          You people are tarded for real

          • 3 months ago

            Maybe you should leave the bad parts of the comics in the comics.

        • 3 months ago

          >BvS the villain was just a big CGI monster that is impervious to nukes.
          I don't see people complaining about Logan ove that shit.
          X-24 was just a dark reflection of Logan and it was a mute beast that is just there to slash and get slashed.
          BvS did the same with Doomsday being a dark reflection of Superman, a mute beast that is just there to punch and get punched.
          They were meant to be pure archetypes.

          • 3 months ago

            It helps that X-24 is actually played by Hugh Jackman and not awful-looking CGI.

          • 3 months ago

            Made more sense in logan, in bvs they just wanted to shoehorn in a CGI monster for the finale and ended up with a blob that snydertards love to glaze

      • 3 months ago

        Nah. Plebittors and Youtubers were spouting this moronic quote for years like a mantra. It was almost as common as the moronic "show don't tell" meme.

      • 3 months ago

        Snydergays were BTFO the minute Joker and Logan were huge successes.

  7. 3 months ago

    And then Marvel started making shit movies for no reason at all? have a nice day, moron.

  8. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I thought "I need that on a t-shirt" and not only is there a t-shirt but it has Rick Sanchez on it so it's even better.
      Also I have that owl on the top shelf, not sure where it's from but I've had it for years.

    • 3 months ago

      The worst part of this is that's exactly the kind of shit you're likely to see in the office of a female law school grad in the last decade or so. It's goddamn embarrassing.

    • 3 months ago

      Funny how the past few years that ginsbader b***h started being reviled by liberals after being worshipped by her, because she was too selfish to resign during Obama's term, meaning she died in Trump's term which led to him appoint replacement conservative judges which made the court a conservative majority

  9. 3 months ago

    Rare DC W

  10. 3 months ago

    These aren't even made in good faith.
    It's like your meathead older brother got a hold of your toys.

  11. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Gamora and Carol haven't used those outfits in the comics in a very long time. Probably decades at this point.
      >Muh faithfulness!
      >*uses their current comic outfits*

      • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        In Carol's case, that's her most iconic look that someone like me would recognize from X-Men TAS or Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
        The neck to toe uniform was clearly intended to desexualize her for the respect and adoration of sexless morons who don't even read it.

      • 3 months ago

        >Gamora and Carol haven't used those outfits in the comics in a very long time.
        Shut up normie, they only changed their costumes by order of Kevin Feige, he has total power over comics, games, tv and animation and everything he touched has turned to dust, nothing makes a profit anymore, the image posted there

        clearly shows that one day people would get tired of this Feige shit, the day has come

      • 3 months ago

        they stopped to get them ready for the MCU.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes it's no only a MCU problem it's problem with cómics too, SJWs killed comic books

  12. 3 months ago

    Marvelslop is equally shit and to add to that, Havent they replaced iron man by some black girl, captain america by some black guy and semi-replaced spidey by some vibrant inner city bipoc youth?

  13. 3 months ago

    I'm looking forward to The Brave & The Bold

  14. 3 months ago

    Daredevil was the only good show because of the fight scenes & Kingpin.

  15. 3 months ago

    No, Marvel has been putting out only shit ever since infinity war

  16. 3 months ago

    You chuclkefricks are gonna love Gunn's Superman with Boomer Rock & Silver Age references in every other scene.

    • 3 months ago

      I hope so, I was actually disappointed with TSS because it hardly had any licensed music in it.

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe some will, but I quite dislike the silver age so if it's heavily based on that, I doubt it

    • 3 months ago

      I like Gunn but I am not sure about him making superman, his light tone works best with other kind of heroes, I'd say the flash could have been better to give him.
      I liked TSS but I am not sure what kind of fricking direction DC wants to go wtih these batman and superman reboots that are not actually in the same universe apparently.

  17. 3 months ago

    >pointing fingers as the ship goes down
    baste DC tho

  18. 3 months ago

    Reminder that the Russo brothers, directors of Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame, went on record saying that they mostly took ideas from Zack Snyder's DC movies and storyboards and used them for their own movies. They even tried to copy his tone and style.

    The ironic truth is that once Zack Snyder was fired by WB execs that also spelled the end of the MCU because the Russos and Kevin Feige were left without material to steal from.

    • 3 months ago

      The MCU is nothing without Zack Snyder.

      • 3 months ago

        yeah as we kmow wanda vision was famously the defining product that first spelled success for mcu and paved its way for its future success

    • 3 months ago

      Snyder movies still suck ass, dc or otherwise, no matter how many snydertards like you love to ride his dick

    • 3 months ago

      >Winter Soldier, made before Snyder's DC movies, is the best Marvel movie
      >They start copying Snyder
      >Their movies turn to shit
      Yep, it checks out.

    • 3 months ago

      The problem is DC waited until 2013 to kickstart their cinematic universe while Marvel started theirs in 2008. The entirety of phase 1 completed BEFORE the first DC universe movie came out. Why did they wait that long? If I was a studio exec at DC I would had seen the writing on the wall back in early 2010 at the latest.

      • 3 months ago

        Not only that but MoS bombed so hard that they hesitated another three years before making BvS. They could have had a movie a year and been well into the DCEU by then but they kept pussing out.

        • 3 months ago

          >Not only that but MoS bombed so hard

          • 3 months ago

            >film from 2013 took until 2017 to merely break even

            • 3 months ago

              So it made its money back 4 years after the movie came out? That's a bomb bro.

              Are you stupid or something? The movie broke even before it was even released thanks to all the product placements. Everything the movie made at theaters was pure profit.

          • 3 months ago

            So it made its money back 4 years after the movie came out? That's a bomb bro.

      • 3 months ago

        >Why did they wait that long?
        MOS wasn't supposed to kickstart their cinematic universe. Pic related was. But when GL crashed hard WB shoehorned their cinematic universe plans into MOS even though it was never planned to be anything more than a standalone trilogy like TDK.

        • 3 months ago

          I actually don't think Nolan's Batman was even intended to be a trilogy. He planned to end it with TDK, was convinced to come back by money, and that's why TDKR was lame and phoned in.

          • 3 months ago

            85% of The Dark Knight Rises is just homage shots from the previous 2 films.

            • 3 months ago

              It's funny how even the title is half-assed. Just take the previous movie's title and add "Rises." Bravo.

          • 3 months ago

            Idk, seems like if you do a sequel, a third movie always seems to follow. There's no avoiding it in Hollywood. Nolan knows this.

            I like your take though. I'd wager that Nolan didn't want to do another Batman film so soon, especially after Ledger's death. But he always had a 3rd film in mind where Bruce is a broken down old man. They just forced him to make it sooner while the Batman hype was at it's zenith.

          • 3 months ago

            back in the 2000's, there was always this talk after Begins that movie 2 would be the Joker and 3 would be the trial of the Joker and Two-face coming from that.So the plan was always at least 3.

    • 3 months ago

      Christopher Nolan always telling the truth.

    • 3 months ago

      Good morning, sir

  19. 3 months ago
  20. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      So Snyder inspired the worst mcu flicks? Bravo Snyder

  21. 3 months ago

    mcu had been turning to shit for a long time

  22. 3 months ago
  23. 3 months ago

    Begun, the webm posting war has.

    • 3 months ago

      Kek, I don't have any webms 🙁
      But I do know I've seen more Marvel babes naked than I've seen DC bawds nude. So Marvel wins the webm war!


  24. 3 months ago

    You're on the right track! But Sony does deserve a little blame. Both DC and Sony released some stinkers that turned capeshit fans away in droves.

    • 3 months ago

      I think people actually liked the Venom movies, Morbius not so much.

      • 3 months ago

        Certainly Venom 1. It was an accidental hit for the Sonyverse.

  25. 3 months ago
  26. 3 months ago

    I blame israelites for making intentionally bad assembly line films.

    • 3 months ago

      The only problem I have with israelites is that they haven't made any movies about Magneto, hands down the coolest israeli character ever.

      • 3 months ago

        He was a Gypsy before they retconned him into a israelite.

        • 3 months ago

          No, you're getting him confused with Dr. Doom, who I would also like to see a movie about, and the correct term is Romani.
          I suppose I should at least watch First Class, even if it's an X-Men movie and not a Magneto movie. But I don't think I'll bother with any of the others since they aren't directed by Vaughn.

          • 3 months ago

            No they retconned him into a israelite.
            It happens. Next your gonna say April O'Neil was originally Black.

          • 3 months ago

            First class should have been just Magneto hunting Nazis as a Mossad agent. Strip out more of the capeshit and tone it down.
            The Dark Knight was really well received and they haven't done any imitations and that baffles me

  27. 3 months ago

    >I don't like synder Superman because he isn't smiling 24/7 & hasn't told me to drink my milk!

  28. 3 months ago

    >Building falls down.
    >9/11 IMAGERY!
    You people are weird.

    • 3 months ago

      MoS and BvS are both an allegory to America post-9/11, you idiot. It is entwined into the whole story. It takes the immigrant’s tale already present within Superman’s story and plays it out in a modern context.

      Superman represents the alien culture, the portion of it trying to assimilate to our American cultura and way of life.
      Zod and the banished Kryptonians represent the fanatical element of Superman's birth-place bent on wiping us out, basically Al Qaeda.
      Superman isn’t responsible for their actions, but some people hold him thus, and so does he to a degree, giving him a healthy dose of guilt over the loss of life his fellow Kryptonians wrought.
      Batman represents the people of the West. You've him quoting Dick Cheney during the War on Terror.
      Lex Luthor represents the elite playing both sides off each other for his own benefit, something that happened in the real world where the military complex profited from the Middle East destabilization and the war effort.
      Doomsday is the resurrected Zod, brought to life by the blood and meddling of the amoral elite, basically ISIS.
      The New Gods represent the Saudis, taking the Kryptonian Codex as their own to mass-produce brainwashed, subservient Kryptonian soldiers.

      Reminder that “Codex” is just another word for “book.”

      • 3 months ago

        Member when Marvel did a crack 9/11?

        • 3 months ago
  29. 3 months ago

    Good. Frick Disney, Marvel, funny books and their gay readership.

  30. 3 months ago

    >"No, it's Marvel's fault!"
    Great comeback as usual, DCgays

    When it comes to capeshit, competition breeds success. Marvel went toe to toe with DC in the beginning. Remember how Civil War and Justice League were both to be released on the same day? And how both studios said they wouldn't change premiere dates?

    DC knelt down before Marvel and switched dates. Justice League was hated by fans. Marvel won. And with no one left to compete against, they got complacent. That's why I hate DC, because compared to Marvel characters like Iron Man and Captain America (A-Listers), DC characters just don't measure up.

    • 3 months ago

      Justice League was delayed because Snyder had to step down from the movie for personal reasons. Then they got the Joss Whedon guy to finish it and people agreed that because he was Joss Whedon, he made it suck.

  31. 3 months ago

    >Hulk: A literal manifestation of child abuse &
    >She-Hulk: Is just a bawd because she didn't party in college.

  32. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      I miss when Cinemaphile used to talk like that. Everything was ruined in November of that year when the tourists started flooding in.

  33. 3 months ago

    My favorite part of She-Hulk is when she calls all the men that died in WW2 losers.

  34. 3 months ago

    All WB had to do was demand a better, bolder cast, go further and do something different from the MCU, but they've done worse than the MCU, they've forgotten that audiences want: entertainment. Another simple thing, Snyder's don't sell his skinny Wonder Woman, Fatman, WTF is that Flash lol, kids don't like them. And with Gunn the path will be even worse than with Snyder

    • 3 months ago

      The MCU's relevance is 10 years in the past now.
      DC picking up Gunn to do an imitation of it at this point is more than embarrassing.

      • 3 months ago

        Optimally he would be doing his own thing instead of imitating it, but I don't know if he's capable.

    • 3 months ago

      I though Gal Gadot looked fine as Wonder Woman. The main issue is that she can't fricking act.

      • 3 months ago

        >I though Gal Gadot looked fine as Wonder Woman.
        lmao no

      • 3 months ago

        I thought she was a good Wonder Woman it’s just most of the movies she was in were bad I thought she was awesome in BVS

        • 3 months ago

          She was a shit WW (that shit was no WW at all) in a shit movies. And she was godawful in BvShit

  35. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Wow... deep...

      • 3 months ago

        >Y'all need to BE BETTER!

        • 3 months ago

          Well yeah that scene sucks ass too, your point?

    • 3 months ago

      >Although the Scout Ship, which served as Superman’s Fortress of Solitude in Man of Steel, was destroyed, the hero isn’t without his place for reflection. Snyder referred to the scene between Clark and his father, Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) at the top of a snowy mountain as the Fortress of Solitude being internalized. Rather than the idea of a giant crystalline structure, Snyder wanted the Fortress to be “organic,” part of Clark himself. The answer he finds from his father in that moment of solitude is that “trying to do the right thing can have tragic results, but the lesson is you have to try because it is the right thing.” Snyder said that it is important that the lesson Jonathan imparted on Clark be related to farming, and tied to nature, which is what he sees Superman as inherently tied to. Bruce’s own moment of solitude in the ruins of Wayne Manor in which he reflects on his family’s fortune being built on hunting is tied to commerce and industry. Snyder said he saw both characters as being represented by natural elements.
      But according to the idiot in the thread Superman doesn't learn shit throughout the movie nor deals with his actions. LMAO.

      • 3 months ago

        That's not in man of steel
        That's not even in the theatrical release of bvs, showing snyder knew it was a secondary scene at best
        that's a one liner and we are never shown superman sorry for his actions before this
        You have LITERALLY proven my point mongoloid
        All you have is a cut scene that has this whole arc shoved in because none of it was explored beforehand.

        Also his father is shown in MoS as a deranged psycho, which makes it hilarious

        • 3 months ago

          >That's not even in the theatrical release of bvs, showing snyder knew it was a secondary scene at best
          Look at this dude argument.

          When it comes to Snyder's movies, the only cut that matters is the director's cut.

          • 3 months ago

            Look at how you ignore my argument of the whole ""arc"" being one scene in the movie AFTER the one you claim this arc is in
            You are a fricking weasel on top of being stupid.

            • 3 months ago

              >All you have is a cut scene that has this whole arc shoved in because none of it was explored beforehand.
              BvS is a tragedy about self-deception that ultimately leads to certain doom.
              Throughout the movie you've Clark wrecked with guilt over what happened in Metropolis but he goes on ignoring everything while lying to himself and Lois that everything is fine. Things take a turn to the worse once Lex Luthor start to orchestrate thigs so everything Superman involves himself in ends up in chaos. To the point where Clark is unable to ignore anymore. Every time his name comes up in the news he's glued to the TV wrecked with guilt. Everything said about him he takes it to heart. Once the capitol is bombed he just can't go on anymore and is ready to quit. The entire journey is so Clark can finally confront his guilt and resolved it in a healthy way. Because ignoring his guilt is leaving him open to be used and manipulated. The same thing happens with Bruce.

              • 3 months ago

                What you say
                >wrecked with guilt
                What actually happens
                >ignoring everything
                Then how does this get addressed and resolved?
                > confront his guilt and resolved it in a healthy way.
                >muh martha!
                >lets go beat up a cgi monster now!
                And like that this whole arc is thrown out of the window before it can even begin. Beating up a monster is not "confronting your guilt"
                You need to realize all that you are writing is headcanon, all of it, none of it is in the movie.
                You maybe would be a decent writer, but Snyder clearly isn't. I don't care if he intended to have an arc, he failed, and everyone sane who watched the movie realized he failed and that's why nobody likes it.
                A quick look at Sndeeder's filmography will reveal this is not the first time this happens, he shits out one terrible movie after the other.

              • 3 months ago

                BvS is about Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman being consumed by their demons and instead of confronting their problems head first and resolving their issues in a healthy way, they just brush things away and instead blame it on something else, or someone else.
                Superman instead of confronting his guilt over what happened instead focus his attention on Batman, because he feels that the media isn't attacking Batman for the wreckage he is leaving, they're just focused on Superman being a problem, and Superman feels that isn't fair.
                Batman instead of confronting his many traumas, is giving up on everything and shifting his hatred for the way things are onto Superman. His idea is that becoming Batman was a mistake, and here's a new guy in town repeating the same mistakes but on a much bigger scale.
                Wonder Woman instead of confronting her grief, over the death of Steve Trevor, and moving on, is actually blaming his death on humanity's nature. She's giving up on humanity all together.

                So because these characters won't solve their issues in a proper way, they're leave themselves open to be manipulated by Lex Luthor through the use of the media. So all three end up running into a conflict by Luthor's hands. But is by confronting each other that they are able to see themselves.
                Superman is able to understand that he does have a hand in what happened, even if it doesn't seem fair, and that despite it all he should continue acting as a hero.
                Batman is able to realize that there is still worth in being a hero, and that he needs to be better.
                Wonder Woman is able to realize that mankind is worth defending, because Steve sacrificed himself for the good of mankind, after all.

              • 3 months ago

                You can keep writing headcanon but this is either not explored in the movie, explored superficially, or not explored at all
                As already pointed out, Batman arc's amount to "oh shit, Martha? I guess everything changes now" and that's the depth of it
                Whatever snyder's intention was, he failed at portraying it.

                None of the three people learn to handle anything, they just beat up a cgi monster
                I will once again bring up Ironman as a case of this kind of arc but actually done right.

              • 3 months ago

                >You can keep writing headcanon but this is either not explored in the movie, explored superficially, or not explored at all
                It is all there in the movie. Just admit you got filtered the frick out.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                I am clearly talking about the movie, this is just pathetic whatabaoutism.

                >You can keep writing headcanon but this is either not explored in the movie, explored superficially, or not explored at all
                It is all there in the movie. Just admit you got filtered the frick out.

                Ah yes, the classic fallback

              • 3 months ago

                >Ah yes, the classic fallback
                Because you were clearly filtered. Your stupid comebacks that everything you missed is nothing but headcanon is proof enough. You're the reason certain movies have voice overs.

              • 3 months ago

                >Oh noes I sold weapons that hurt people!
                >I didn't know weapons hurt people!?!
                >Cries in a bottle.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, when shown the consequences of his actions he starts his arc. Good eye for noticing the obvious
                >Cries in a bottle.
                He stops arms production, goes hunting the terrorists his company used ot sell weapons to, and starts doing everything he can to fix the damage he has done.
                He actually changes. Clark doesn't, he's still literally the same guy as highlighted by his fight with Batman.

              • 3 months ago

                >Prof Tony Stark has a Heart

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah. That's the "reward" for his arc.

                Clark hikes to the mountains to reflect, and remembers his father. Clark remembers Jonathan telling a story in which he was trying to help in a dangerous situation, but didn’t realize that his good intentions would have negative consequences for others. This parallels when Superman fought to stop Zod, (but inadvertently caused destruction in Metropolis), how in Africa Superman intervened to save Lois, (but unintentionally acted as the US intervening in a civil war), and at the Capitol Building, Superman tried to do the right thing by testifying and engaging in conversation, (but didn’t realize it would be a target for Lex’s terrorist attack). Clark asks Jonathan if “the nightmares ever stopped?” It’s clear from this question and his reactions throughout the film (watching the debates and protests) that Clark takes everything to heart, and he has also had nightmares due to the unintended consequences of his actions. Clark is not only feeling guilty, but is also having a crisis of faith regarding his purpose annd towards the inherent goodness of humanity. Jonathan tells Clark it was love that stopped the nightmares, “when I met your mother, she gave me faith that there was good in the world: she was my world.” He also affirms his love for Clark as he tells him “I miss you son”.

                Though Clark’s peace is short-lived, as Lex tears it down by using his vulnerable human connections as blackmail against him (pushing Lois off the Lexcorp building and kidnapping his mother) to manipulate Superman to fight Batman. This is Clark at his lowest, after everything he's been through in the film, he's being forced into a no-win situation, just like he was with Zod at the end of MoS. This interaction with Lois had to be brief, because Lex said that his mother would be killed if he didn't directly go to face Batman, and the clock is ticking. He tells Lois “convince the Bat to help” showing that he still has hope, and his preferred option is to prevent a fight with Batman, and seek to work together with Batman to find a way to beat Lex. But then he adds "or he has to die", the look on his face when he says this is dread, at the sheer notion of having to kill him, though he is open to the possibility rather than having his mother die. Given that it may be one life or the other, and that Clark has been primed to see Batman as ruthless vigilante who is responsible for other's deaths, it is plausible that Clark in his distressed state, may rationalize to himself that it is justified to kill Batman. Anticipating how he will resolve this dilemma gives the audience another reason to anticipate the Batman/Superman fight.

                And even when he lands to meet Batman, he immediately tries to connect to Bruce, admitting fault and trying to reach past his hardened heart. “Bruce […] I was wrong,” referring to their last exchange, where he judged Batman from afar with incomplete information and used threats and a show-of-force as the answer to conflict. However, nothing Superman could say would change Batman’s mind: Bruce has been trapped in his fixed mindset of projection and powerlessness. Bruce is closed off and has convinced himself he needs to take out Superman for the future. Batman to activates his traps, and Superman, while under the stress of Lex’s time limit, returns to exerting his power to put Batman in his place.

                Are you copypasting these? Do you have a folder of prepared responses you deploy? Is this why you repeat arguments I have already addressed constantly?

              • 3 months ago

                >Yeah. That's the "reward" for his arc.
                But he regresses in 2.

              • 3 months ago

                Well yeah, 2 is shit, and 3 is even worse. I am not a generic marvel fan, most of the MCU is shit.
                Ironman 1 is a good movie though which is why I bring it up

              • 3 months ago

                It was made by Paramount.
                Did you know that the Friday the 13th flicks funded the Star Trek movies?

              • 3 months ago

                >Did you know that the Friday the 13th flicks funded the Star Trek movies?
                No, I did not

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, because there have been so many morons filtered by BvS that it is easier to just post pasta;

              • 3 months ago

                >"filtered" is when you don't like shit
                Prometheus, BvS, Cpt Marvel, Madame Web... all filters kek

              • 3 months ago

                Ah so they did foreshadow that scene it actually does make sense that would effect Batman, I think it’s cool that the world is obsessed with Superman but Batman still manages to be very relevant

              • 3 months ago

                >And like that this whole arc is thrown out of the window before it can even begin. Beating up a monster is not "confronting your guilt"
                Superman confronted his guilt when he went to the mountain top, you idiot. That's when he had a heart to heart with his father where he realized that he should shoulder the guilt over the tragedy of MoS, even if it doesn't seem fair since all he wanted to do was help.

                Him confronting Doomsday is just him putting to bed the remnant of his sin.

              • 3 months ago

                >Never show guilt beyond vague looks
                >Never explore what could have done better
                >never show him doing better or trying to be more careful
                >he dreams of his father saying to do the right thing
                >alright now that my arc is done let's go beat the shit out of batman (I have learned so much I will stop trying to explain after he pisses me off because I am still a childish moron, my arc meant jack shit)

              • 3 months ago

                show him doing better or trying to be more careful
                What do you think the capitol scene was about, you fricking braindead moron? Goddamn.

              • 3 months ago

                Not that at all? He needs to stop throwing people into buildings, yet he does it again with Batman who thankfully chose an abandoned area to fight in.
                He literally shows that he is not more careful.

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry Clark never donated to your charity of choice.

              • 3 months ago

                Clark hikes to the mountains to reflect, and remembers his father. Clark remembers Jonathan telling a story in which he was trying to help in a dangerous situation, but didn’t realize that his good intentions would have negative consequences for others. This parallels when Superman fought to stop Zod, (but inadvertently caused destruction in Metropolis), how in Africa Superman intervened to save Lois, (but unintentionally acted as the US intervening in a civil war), and at the Capitol Building, Superman tried to do the right thing by testifying and engaging in conversation, (but didn’t realize it would be a target for Lex’s terrorist attack). Clark asks Jonathan if “the nightmares ever stopped?” It’s clear from this question and his reactions throughout the film (watching the debates and protests) that Clark takes everything to heart, and he has also had nightmares due to the unintended consequences of his actions. Clark is not only feeling guilty, but is also having a crisis of faith regarding his purpose annd towards the inherent goodness of humanity. Jonathan tells Clark it was love that stopped the nightmares, “when I met your mother, she gave me faith that there was good in the world: she was my world.” He also affirms his love for Clark as he tells him “I miss you son”.

          • 3 months ago

            Wouldn't that mean that MoS doesn't matter at all since there's no director's cut of it?

    • 3 months ago

      >Although the Scout Ship, which served as Superman’s Fortress of Solitude in Man of Steel, was destroyed, the hero isn’t without his place for reflection. Snyder referred to the scene between Clark and his father, Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) at the top of a snowy mountain as the Fortress of Solitude being internalized. Rather than the idea of a giant crystalline structure, Snyder wanted the Fortress to be “organic,” part of Clark himself. The answer he finds from his father in that moment of solitude is that “trying to do the right thing can have tragic results, but the lesson is you have to try because it is the right thing.” Snyder said that it is important that the lesson Jonathan imparted on Clark be related to farming, and tied to nature, which is what he sees Superman as inherently tied to. Bruce’s own moment of solitude in the ruins of Wayne Manor in which he reflects on his family’s fortune being built on hunting is tied to commerce and industry. Snyder said he saw both characters as being represented by natural elements.
      But according to the idiot in the thread Superman doesn't learn shit throughout the movie nor deals with his actions. LMAO.

      Why is he facing a different direction in each picture?

  36. 3 months ago

    DO Snyder fans actually like Rebel Moon? I still to this day see them typing essays about the DC movies but I never see such effort towards Rebel Moon even though it just came out a couple months ago and is made by Snyder.

    • 3 months ago

      "Snyder fans" don't discuss Rebel Moon, Army of the dead, Dawn of the dead, Guardian of Ga'hoole and Sucker Punch i.e... most of his non-comics filmography.

      • 3 months ago

        I actually have seen Snyder fans bring up Sucker Punch, usually when they're asked to name a female character they actually like LMAO. But yeah other than that I think you're right.

      • 3 months ago

        >Dawn of the dead,
        I liked the sickly green-yellow lighting of that flick.

      • 3 months ago

        I actually have seen Snyder fans bring up Sucker Punch, usually when they're asked to name a female character they actually like LMAO. But yeah other than that I think you're right.

        homie, how the frick you guys missed the absolute schizo tier Sucker Punch threads? There is a resident Sucker Punch fan who's completely boinkers and think MK Ultra is real.

        • 3 months ago

          Exception that proves the norm.

        • 3 months ago

          MKUltra IS real. Just probably not in the sense that the schizo thinks it is.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't see the point of discussing Rebel Moon when the cuts we're getting are butchered and completely missing most of the actual meat of the story/point.

      This is the same reason i never cared for the theatrical cut of Justice League.

      • 3 months ago

        and the "real" cut will be the same shit but longer, again

      • 3 months ago

        and the "real" cut will be the same shit but longer, again

        Glad I saw this thread, been thinking of watching Rebel Moon but had no idea they're actually making a 6 hour directors cut. I'll just hold off on it till that's out then.

        • 3 months ago

          >I'll just hold off on it till that's out then.
          Your loss kek

  37. 3 months ago

    Superman doesn't need an arc.
    He's fully formed character like Conan & Mario.

  38. 3 months ago

    It's not that we don't need a Superman it's just we don't deserve one.

    • 3 months ago

      You are right I don't deserve a moron throwing supervillains through my fricking window and then going to kiss lois like nothing happened
      I didn't do anything to deserve it but here we are

      • 3 months ago

        It's your fault for living in the city.

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago
            • 3 months ago

              Sorry, that reference is probably older than the average poster on this board.

  39. 3 months ago

    The thing is that comic books are campfire stories that are told by the village idiot.

  40. 3 months ago

    DC was slightly better than Marvel because at least DC movies had a bit of personality.

  41. 3 months ago

    Kek just like batman and robin did in the 90s. DC needs to stick to cartoons

  42. 3 months ago

    225 Million dollars went into this.

    • 3 months ago

      The only thing worse than the vfx is the rancid dialogue.

    • 3 months ago

      that's what happens when you hire a twitter addict to write dialouges

  43. 3 months ago

    >the guy sperging out about a filler TV show while everyone else is talking about actual movies

    • 3 months ago

      We can talk about the games if you like?

  44. 3 months ago

    >Makes a Tinder account on a work PC.

  45. 3 months ago

    Though Clark’s peace is short-lived, as Lex tears it down by using his vulnerable human connections as blackmail against him (pushing Lois off the Lexcorp building and kidnapping his mother) to manipulate Superman to fight Batman. This is Clark at his lowest, after everything he's been through in the film, he's being forced into a no-win situation, just like he was with Zod at the end of MoS. This interaction with Lois had to be brief, because Lex said that his mother would be killed if he didn't directly go to face Batman, and the clock is ticking. He tells Lois “convince the Bat to help” showing that he still has hope, and his preferred option is to prevent a fight with Batman, and seek to work together with Batman to find a way to beat Lex. But then he adds "or he has to die", the look on his face when he says this is dread, at the sheer notion of having to kill him, though he is open to the possibility rather than having his mother die. Given that it may be one life or the other, and that Clark has been primed to see Batman as ruthless vigilante who is responsible for other's deaths, it is plausible that Clark in his distressed state, may rationalize to himself that it is justified to kill Batman. Anticipating how he will resolve this dilemma gives the audience another reason to anticipate the Batman/Superman fight.

  46. 3 months ago

    And even when he lands to meet Batman, he immediately tries to connect to Bruce, admitting fault and trying to reach past his hardened heart. “Bruce […] I was wrong,” referring to their last exchange, where he judged Batman from afar with incomplete information and used threats and a show-of-force as the answer to conflict. However, nothing Superman could say would change Batman’s mind: Bruce has been trapped in his fixed mindset of projection and powerlessness. Bruce is closed off and has convinced himself he needs to take out Superman for the future. Batman to activates his traps, and Superman, while under the stress of Lex’s time limit, returns to exerting his power to put Batman in his place.

  47. 3 months ago

    Reminder the only real Hero in the Marvel universe is Frank.
    Everyone else is just a celebrity with powers.

  48. 3 months ago
    Craig T. Nelson

    That Elfquest doc really got to me, bros. Why not do an anime,

  49. 3 months ago

    I hope you guys like Mister Mxyzptlk.

    • 3 months ago

      The movie hasn't come out though, Gunn has never had issues creating flawed characters for his capeshit

    • 3 months ago

      Reeve's Portrayal is what they should shoot for.

      • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Die mad, edgelord

    • 3 months ago

      DCU Mister Mxyzptlk played by Danny Devito would be pure kino.

  50. 3 months ago

    if you really think about it, Ezra Miller killed capeshit

    • 3 months ago

      People don't like criminals, same reason Fantastic Beasts 3 bombed.

      • 3 months ago

        The problem is he didn't actually do anything, which is why that production designer they interviewed thought the public would get over it (how naive he was).

        • 3 months ago

          They undeniably did a ton of shit. This isn't even up for debate, they admitted to it. Only some of the charges were dropped, and that's because of the fricked up legal system in this country. It sounds like you either have no clue what you're talking about or you get a kick out of downplaying the things Ezra Miller did.

          • 3 months ago

            he specifically and directly called out people and the media for lying/chasing clicks, so where or when did Ezra admit to "it"? what even is "it"?
            not even you know what it is, because it was a fake news campaign designed to confuse and defame the target

    • 3 months ago

      I genuinely do not understand
      DC right now has battinson, who is not in the same universe as gunn's superman which is in the making
      But also they release a flash movie in the snyderverse
      What the FRICK are they doing? What's their plan? Do they even have a plan?

      • 3 months ago

        Flash movie was supposed to be a soft reboot a la Flashpoint, that would then lead into them being able to start over again with Gunn's universe. It's the whole premise of the movie, that he does some stupid shit and changes the universe.
        Meanwhile Battinson's movie is so good they're like "We don't want to risk tarnishing this by associating it with a cinematic universe, this is just going to be a standalone movie with sequels." Same with Joker.

  51. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago
  52. 3 months ago

    Is the Flash better than Black Adam?
    Because Black Adam was a weird vanity project.

    • 3 months ago

      No, Flash isn't even a complete narrative.

    • 3 months ago

      Black Adam changed the hierarchy of power in the DC universe.

  53. 3 months ago

    Naw. Both DC and Marvel films disappeared up theirboen asses and ruined superhero movies, just like how the comics went to shit.

  54. 3 months ago
  55. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Gunn doing his thing of using an absolute fricking nobody character from the comics so he can do whatever he wants with them.

      • 3 months ago

        silver shape shifting when?

        • 3 months ago

          I'm sure that Zaslav wants to piss away his remaining Barbie-bux on the best Poo CGI for the next entry in his Cancelverse.

          Really though, he's looking forward to canceling so many Gunn projects, for "savings". He's directly compensated as CEO of WBD for how many millions he "saves" the company, instead of revenue.
          And the board thinks this is a splendid idea.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't think Zaslav is going to last much longer. He's pissing off too many people. Cinemaphile loves him because he keeps canceling superhero shit but he's not actually making WB any money. They're gonna get rid of him soon.

    • 3 months ago

      >Gunn: I'm bringing back color & wholesomeness back to the DCU

      >Also Gunn: I'm crowbaring The Authority into Superman.

      • 3 months ago

        There's a popular Superman comic called "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?" where they take a parody of the Authority and have Superman basically shit on everything they stand for. My hope is that he plans to do the same thing here, but with the actual Authority.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh and before anyone says "then why are they also planning an Authority movie", I could point out that Peacemaker didn't exactly come out of The Suicide Squad looking like a very good guy and yet he still ended up getting his own show, so there's precedent for it. That or it's some 5D chess trolling tactic and he doesn't actually plan to make an Authority movie and it's just a placeholder for something else.

  56. 3 months ago

    Absolutely all of capeshit is trash.
    Normies are just waking up and finally realizing it because the illusion that it was ever good is gone.

    • 3 months ago

      Nah. They're just going back to being selective about it. There were a ton of terrible comic book movies in the 2000s that bombed, and then a couple here and there that actually made money. We're going back to those days when they only give money to the ones that are worth it.

      • 3 months ago

        >"worth it".
        It's all trash for toddlers and manchildren.

      • 3 months ago

        They are unable to be selective. Particularly modern audience, who have no standards at all

  57. 3 months ago

    Marvel has beed shit since after Avengers 1

  58. 3 months ago

    Nah, DC movies were irrelevant when stuff like Endgame came out, people had already stopped caring about the DC movies before the super hero craze ended. I do think DC movies can do well if James Gunn makes them interesting again

  59. 3 months ago

    WB should have changed their approach and embrace the multiverse.
    >Man of Steel TV series with Cavill
    >Smallville Sequel series with Welling
    >Donner Superman series with Routh
    >Batfleck movie
    >Wonder Woman series with Gadot

    • 3 months ago

      >multiverse shit
      no thanks

    • 3 months ago

      Embracing the multiverse seems to have been disastrous for Marvel so I think they dodged a bullet there. Or the bullet bounced off their eye like how a bullet bounced off Superman's eye in Superman Returns.

  60. 3 months ago

    Ah, I see the lonely resident snydertard is seething ITT, vomiting blood and headcanon.
    Good, good

  61. 3 months ago

    Warners didn't know what they were doing, didn't seem to care, but were determined to play catchup

    • 3 months ago

      Can't really be worse than snydershit.

      • 3 months ago

        They shit started bombing without Snyder. So yes, it can.

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