I don't get it.

I don't get it.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >saving face is LE BAD
    I get it and I love the movie but its underlying message is so fricking dumb.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, I though it a good film and that's it. The massive overrating it got in the last decade in letterboxd and the likes is absurd.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's just another common case of
      >Thing 🙁
      >Thing, Japan :O

    • 2 weeks ago

      This. It's overrated. You don't have to "get it", it's just whatever to alright.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Name better jideaki movies, then.

        No Kurosawa.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Sword of Doom and it had better Tatsuya Nakadai perfomance.
          Checkmate incel.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    What's not to get? It's a very straightforward movie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's elliptical in its straightforwardness, thoughever

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Those who uphold tradition don't follow tradition when it suits them. Brainlet.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    It's easy to judge people in hardship when you've never been through hard times yourself, is the point of the movie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This plus theres stuff about soldiers getting fricked over when they're not needed anymore, "justice" being an excuse to revel in cruelty, and that rich buttholes who talk big but have never been tested are generally less honourable than people who have suffered and grown from it

    • 2 weeks ago

      This shit is so infuriating to me. moronic ass message, doing bad things will always be bad no matter who you are or what you're going through. I'm literally convinced at this point that there is no choice for me but suicide because my whole life is ruined BECAUSE OF OTHER PEOPLE'S ACTIONS OVER ME, and I've been offered many times to do immoral things just to save my life and I've said no to all of them. morons without honor deserve death, I will an hero to save my pride. Frick everyone that believes that desperation is an excuse to be trash.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Tsugumo literally says that what Chijiwa did was wrong, its just that the Iyi clan jumped out at the chance to brutally murder someone over a petty scam without analyzing the situation at all, when the fact that the dude's wife and baby son were right on death's door were pretty important fricking details

        • 2 weeks ago

          For me, if that was his situation then what he did wasn't wrong. I am talking about doing shit like killing another person to save your life, even when that person is innocent. I'd rather die than do that shit then become a slave for the rest of my life (due to blackmail, regret, etc.).

        • 2 weeks ago

          You are a clueless weeb who doesnt understand asiatic culture which is why you missed the fact why the only retainer that was forced to give him a fair one on one only did it in the middle of nowhere with no seconds.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >guy doesn't bring a second to a duel thats cause is private and embarrassing to the clan
            Damn so deep and complex

    • 2 weeks ago

      The point was that militarism and warrior codes are bullshit idealistic doctrines that ultimately end to serve the masters, for whom whether one upkeeps these codes or not is a win-win situation.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Lol you are so stupid it hurts.

        • 2 weeks ago

          He's right dumbass, the movie is explicitly anti bushido

  6. 2 weeks ago

    homosexual thread, top kino, don't (You) me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Based closeted anon
      Always keeps his nose colon deep into that gay shit.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Sort of like Unforgiven

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Why is this called Harakiri in America instead of Seppuku?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think Harakiri was just a better known word in the west at that time, I've heard it used in old movies

    • 2 weeks ago

      Seppuku is when you have a nice day out of dishonor. Harakiri is just when you want to die.

      • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      No idea, mate. I just go by this picture that some weeb drew.
      Note how the kanji are the same in both words, but just in different orders. Basically probably means the same thing tho.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    It challenges certain ideals of honor.
    The samurai being avenged was treated like trash because he was willing to grovel and plead for help and even sell his sword, which was seen as cowardly by the other samurai by the rules of their code, but he was setting aside his own pride in order to take care of his family first, which is arguably more brave and admirable.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Only seen the Takashi Miike version how does it compare?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I've not seen the Takashi Miike version but I've seen enough (two) Miike flicks to know that it's in a whole different class of film.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    You just watched the best movie ever made (along with fellowship of the rings and ran)

    Not much to get other than that

    • 2 weeks ago

      >you just watched the best movie ever made
      >along with fellowship of the ring
      lmao, even

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Of course not.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    I dunno,making the guy kill himself with a blunt wooden blade was pretty fricked up

  14. 2 weeks ago

    I'm usually not the "POPULAR THING OVERRATED" kind of guy, but this is just pure insanity.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a power law. Those are very common and not "insanity".

    • 2 weeks ago

      I forget what I rated it. Lemme check.

      • 2 weeks ago

        4 stars I rated it. I dunno that seems fair.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I gave it 3.5 when I watched it about ten years ago, but I honestly don't remember a single thing about it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Maybe you didn't pay attention. I watched it years ago and I can remember quite a few of the story beats. Ending was kino, going berserk and fighting off a whole dojo until you die is pretty sick

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm definitely not a Hara Kiri dick rider by the movie is great, it gets better with each viewing. I'm not into the whole "actually the movie is about.." discussion, it's just a solid film.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    The best Samurai film.

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