I dont get it

I dont get it

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Stratton Oakmont Wolf of Wall Street Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Cancel culture allegory. Doesn't work that well because the way EVERYONE starts hating him is not realistic with this specific scenario. There should have been various opposing groups with different opinions on the situation.
    Also the reveal near the end comes out of nowhere. I think there should've been at least one scene of scientists studying him or something. Plus the reveal happens too late in the movie while adding a bunch of other thematic points without having enough time to develop them.
    Visually the movie is excellent, Cages performance is great. And like most of the film works well and is funny, it's just the last third where it starts to really fumble. I'd say overall it's decent but flawed, around 7/10.

    • 2 weeks ago

      ... no. getting canceled is like getting executed, it doesn't matter if some people don't agree with it, you're still dead.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You didn't need to have literally everyone hate him to drive this point in. It wasn't believable that literally all of America started hating him. They acted like he was a pedophile or something. Borgli thought it's gonna be as affecting as The Hunt or something, but it just felt awkward and too on the nose, didn't fit in with the situation.

        • 2 weeks ago

          he was still a moderately successful writer at the end, just not as successful.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >he was still a moderately successful writer at the end
            No he wasn't. Even though the entire world knows who he is they relegate him to a basement for a book signing where he gets covered with dust from the rafters because a more popular event was going on upstairs. On top of that they cut out the majority of his book and retitled it to "I am Your Nightmare" (which means he's merely being used and no one takes his actual self seriously and he has no control over how others perceive him).

            • 2 weeks ago

              >where he gets covered with dust from the rafters because a more popular event was going on upstairs
              Oh, I forgot that a light fixture comes down and nails him in the head. "Insult to injury." Wow, so clever.

              Thanks for agreeing with me.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I get you're a moron and the best you can do is associate between superficial similarities but it's obvious I'm not agreeing with you. He doesn't find success even in the way you put forward (i.e. being put in a basement despite being internationally famous and the literalization of "insult to injury") and having his book heavily edited because no one gives a frick about him beyond a perception of him that's counter to how he wants to be perceived.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anon. You're the one being superficial here. His status slightly decreased, that's it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >no you
                The point of the movie is that he has no status, moron. Again, despite everyone in the entire world knowing who he is his he still gets put in the basement for the book signing (the "insult to injury" part is pretty on the nose and you're dumb for missing it) and no one cares about anything he has to say (his publisher edits his book down to try and sell it).

              • 2 weeks ago

                Someone with zero status is homeless, my dimwitted friend.

                Which is another reason the movie falls flat. You're supposed to feel sorry for someone who still never has to work again.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >where he gets covered with dust from the rafters because a more popular event was going on upstairs
            Oh, I forgot that a light fixture comes down and nails him in the head. "Insult to injury." Wow, so clever.

      • 2 weeks ago

        A female definitely typed this response.

        • 2 weeks ago

          explain your reasoning while I have sexual intercourse with your mom.

  2. 2 weeks ago


  3. 2 weeks ago

    The whole premise is everyone dreams about him.
    I personally didn't like it, it was poorly paced and didn't fully embrace the premise. I kind of think we should've seen more of his family. I think there was a implication that Cage's emotions were affecting the kinds of dreams people were having, but it wasn't made clear.
    The ending also subtlely implies he had some control over the dream powers which he was unaware of.
    Call me stupid but I actually think him being a demented Freddie Kruger type in the end would've been a funny twist.
    Anyway, the awkward almost sex scene in the middle got the biggest laugh from me and seemed to be what the movie's main focus was, awkward cringe comedy.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Writer had an idea
    Doesn't mean he had a point
    Plus it wasn't even his own idea

  5. 2 weeks ago

    amazing movie, like a nightmare scenario, but in a hilarious way - highly recommended
    and Cage is on TOP!

  6. 2 weeks ago

    The Mary Sioux from Prey shows up in the background (nonspeaking role) of the infomercial about "dreamfluencers" scene near the end. I guess her career didn't take off as the media was predicting, lol.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They found a native american actress with even less native blood to parade around instead

      • 2 weeks ago

        Just note that I was wrong. I just rewatched the scene and she has 1 line (but it's exposition).

      • 2 weeks ago

        found another one English Only Language dumbass - too DUMB to learn a foreign one
        one down, more to go 🙂

    • 2 weeks ago

      i didn't need to be reminded of the commercials beamed into your skull subplot. I'd kill myself via insomnia or getting blackout drunk every night.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    What didn't you get?

  8. 2 weeks ago

    movie needed another 20-30 minutes to wrap everything up. it feels like they got to a point where they just didn't know how to resolve it and so they just stopped. besides that, it's a pretty fun movie and has some interesting ideas, but the lack of any satisfying resolution to the themes or story kind of sours it for me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >movie needed another 20-30 minutes to wrap everything up
      It needed to have 20-30 minutes cut. The resolution is fine.

      • 2 weeks ago

        disagree. it feels like it's building up to something more in the last act with the dream advertisement technology, before it just kind of ends. it was a really jarring ending to everybody I watched it with. it just needed like 2 or 3 more scenes to drive it home.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The resolution is:
          A techbro takes what he accidentally discovered and turns it into advertising technology--they mention him in a negative light in the infomercial ("he used it to torment people"). This is a replay from earlier in the movie where the other academic takes an idea he tangentially touched upon and runs with it to great success. His book comes out and they cut out most of it and retitled it to "I am Your Nightmare." Everyone views him based on the resentment he carried around with him throughout the film and sees him as an butthole. He uses techbro's technology to enter the dream of his wife, it's unclear whether or not he was successful or if it was just his own dream, and says "I wish this was real." The end can either be his wife still sees what's best about him (which the movie failed to establish because it isn't very good) and he realizes he deludes himself OR he's still deluding himself.

          The resolution is fine. You were just filtered.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >movie needed another 20-30 minutes to wrap everything up
            It needed to have 20-30 minutes cut. The resolution is fine.

            the resolution was fine, the pacing of that part of the movie was bad.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I agree. I watched it a long time ago so I don't remember everything but they spent too much time hammering home just how much of a loser he is instead of establishing any redeemable qualities that would make you feel bad for him or sympathize with his plight. The scene where he meets up with that girl and tries to reenact her rape fantasy dream goes on way too long as do the scenes involving the pretentious dinner party to which he really wants to be invited.

              The comedic aspects of the movie just didn't land at all (fart jokes in a rape fantasy scene is the best they could come up with) and it tries to have sentimental aspects that just make it drag. The tech bro social commentary shit was way too on the nose to be interesting (and I'm pretty sure Futurama did the joke of putting advertisements in people's dreams well over 20 years ago).

  9. 2 weeks ago

    I dreamed the movie ended before everything started falling apart for him and we got the feel-good ending we all deserved to see.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    honestly that it was louis

  11. 2 weeks ago

    There is nothing to get. A24 was introduced as some new vehicle for original high quality movies made with a low budget. But ended up being just another israelite propaganda tool. As seen here in this movie.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    this was sexy as hell

    • 2 weeks ago

      The fact that he could've just ravaged her then and there without holding back and she would've been into it... hnngh

  13. 2 weeks ago

    dreams are le social media. That's the whole story

  14. 2 weeks ago

    this sounded like a great use of cage but was executed as poorly as a 20s movie can be. you couldn't come up with a more sterile execution. I would call it pozzed but it was just... bad. it didn't even have an agenda other than being completely cookie cutter

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Shit movie. Only Lighthouse garbo I have ever watched, but I hear that are all pretentious do nothing g flicks that shit the bed in the 3rd act. Unfortunate too, because Nick Cage was great and I was drawn in by the first act, but the story betrayed my feelings with it's insincere hack of a 3rd act.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Pig was much better

    • 2 weeks ago

      there aren't many films where that wouldn't be true.

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