I finally figured out what bothers me about shit like this: it's all a fricking vanity project.

I finally figured out what bothers me about shit like this: it's all a fricking vanity project. If you make a show about what is essentially yourself, you're just jerking yourself off.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    the one time youre right, ipad boy
    if all the characters in your show have the same personality and that personality is who your target audience is, youre basically making media for people who wanna watch themselves on screen for 11 minutes

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not on an ipad i guess my resolution's just weird

    • 2 weeks ago


      I finally figured out what bothers me about shit like this: it's all a fricking vanity project. If you make a show about what is essentially yourself, you're just jerking yourself off.

      Name your preference then

      • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Is that really a bad thing though?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yes, for the reasons laid out by

        Yes, that's the problem with most entertainment projects today. They are all made by people that have never done anything interesting in life and don't have imagination. It's the same reason we have a ton of coffee shop and prom things. It's a bunch of narcissistic nepotism hires lazily destroying pop culture.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, that's the problem with most entertainment projects today. They are all made by people that have never done anything interesting in life and don't have imagination. It's the same reason we have a ton of coffee shop and prom things. It's a bunch of narcissistic nepotism hires lazily destroying pop culture.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Yes, that's the problem with most entertainment projects today. They are all made by people that have never done anything interesting in life and don't have imagination
      >the problem with most entertainment projects TODAY
      But the Entertainment industry has been dominated by out-of-touch weirdos for literally 100 years, possibly longer if you extend the idea to books and pamphlets and theater performances.

      What really changed to make things suck RIGHT NOW more than any other time in Western History?

      • 2 weeks ago

        The (first) world is incredibly safe despite how much alarmists whinge, people's lives are all the same and kinda boring in exchange for safety.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >What really changed to make things suck RIGHT NOW more than any other time in Western History?
        A confluence of things:
        1 - Advertising revenue and Box Office revenue dropped off a cliff due to internet streaming and the industry can't (and won't) figure out a way to get the kind of cash flow they used to have so funding gets cut. Fewer writers, cheaper writers, less time in the room, less time editing and rewriting.
        2 - The Writer's Strike drove a large chunk of good writers out of the industry and gave a group of talentless scabs a foot in the door and credits on their resume. Writers rooms tend to be an incestuous affair from show to show so once these hacks get in it's fricking impossible to kick them out
        3 - Producers are fricking ancient and were out of touch dinosaurs back when the most convenient internet service provider was motherfricking Prodigy. They have absolutely no idea what they're doing, assuming they're even trying to succeed and not just offloading debt.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Yes, that's the problem with most entertainment projects today. They are all made by people that have never done anything interesting in life and don't have imagination
          >the problem with most entertainment projects TODAY
          But the Entertainment industry has been dominated by out-of-touch weirdos for literally 100 years, possibly longer if you extend the idea to books and pamphlets and theater performances.

          What really changed to make things suck RIGHT NOW more than any other time in Western History?

          Yes, that's the problem with most entertainment projects today. They are all made by people that have never done anything interesting in life and don't have imagination. It's the same reason we have a ton of coffee shop and prom things. It's a bunch of narcissistic nepotism hires lazily destroying pop culture.

          Of course, none of that has anything to do with this show. This seems to be the exaggerated experiences of a modern artists/insta model. The issue here is mainly that the show isn't funny and everyone in it is a piece of shit that deserves a beating.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Of course, none of that has anything to do with this show
            Why not? You think Williams St is somehow immune to any of those factors?
            >The issue here is mainly that the show isn't funny
            That's the disease, but we're trying to track symptoms.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Why not?
              Because this is an independently developed pilot by someone that has spent way more time as a teacher, artist, and model than they have as a writer. Corporate limitations and issues with career writers fresh out of college clearly don't apply here.
              >That's the disease, but we're trying to track symptoms.
              You mean that the other way around, that it being bad is the symptom and you're tracking the disease.
              But in reality you're not doing either, you're just kind of being a clown and pounding on your pre-established bias like an ape pounding its chest.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Corporate limitations and issues with career writers fresh out of college clearly don't apply here.
                You just decided that because being a contrarian gets your little button wiener hard. Think for more than 5 seconds as to WHY they're hiring someone with such a limited background. They know they're CHEAP.
                >You mean that the other way around, that it being bad is the symptom and you're tracking the disease.
                Sorry, brainlett, I should have used a food metaphor.

                Media being bad in general is the disease, midwit. The symptoms are shrinking corporate profits in the same way inflammation is a symptom of infection.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >You just decided that because being a contrarian gets your little button wiener hard.
                You're moronic and mad about it.
                >think why they hired this person!
                Anon this is a PILOT.
                We are talking about why a PILOT is bad.
                Do you know what a PILOT is?

                >the end result is the disease and the causal factors are the symptoms!
                You're really fricking stupid m8
                Like, god damn, this pilot was dog shit full of buttholes but somehow the biggest c**t is you

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I doubt anyone working on this crap is anything like anyone in the show
    Though I assume at least one person there WISHES they were like someone on the show.

    It just feels like it's lazy and derivative, something someone made cynically thinking it had all the ingredients that Adult Swim shows need (pimps! Robots! Drugs! Violence! Mildly racist stereotypes!). The problem being that it wasn't funny and all the characters suck ass. If you're going to have an butthole protagonist they still need to be an butthole the audience likes and this b***h is no Liz Lemon.

    • 2 weeks ago


      I finally figured out what bothers me about shit like this: it's all a fricking vanity project. If you make a show about what is essentially yourself, you're just jerking yourself off.

      I owe you an apology, OP
      Upon doing some looking into the creator the pitch is based on "relatable" comics she drew while working as a painter and model.

      Somehow this show actually is meant to be relatable and about the author and that's...that's just fricking awful.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >ITT: borderline autistic manchildren on a digitized Cambodian halal symposium declare themselves to be the epitome of cultural authority
    You assclowns wanna talk vanity, start with a mirror

    • 2 weeks ago

      Except OP is apparently right - after doing a little digging the pitch came from the creator's "relatable autobiographical comics"
      Which is not something I think a sane person would ever admit considering the main character and her two friends and her boyfriend are all massive c**ts without a single redeeming factor among them

      Is it ironic or just coincidental that "black art" from "black artists" stereotypes black people so incredibly hard?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Woman moment.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Dante's Divine Comedy is a self-insert power fantasy about the writer being selected by angels and revealed the secrets of the universe because he's a super duper good writer.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >If you make a show about what is essentially yourself, you're just jerking yourself off.
    And you will like it!

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's cool when Hunter S. Thompson did it, he did drugs before cool people were telling people to do drugs.

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