I fricking hate how horribly the DCEU was mismanaged.

I fricking hate how horribly the DCEU was mismanaged.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    I hope it keeps you up at night and make you dust your amiibos and pop vinyls in frustration

  2. 2 weeks ago

    They really fricked up by firing Snyder.

    • 2 weeks ago

      lol you are moronic he basically started it with batman vs superman flop

      • 2 weeks ago

        Batman v Superman only flopped because WB edited it down to something incomprehensible. If they had released the Ultimate Edition in theaters it would've done well.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Keep telling yourself that.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >more literal shit that somewhat explains why the rest of the dogshit happened makes it good

        • 2 weeks ago

          This. Studio execs keep fricking with Snyders vision and it always bites them in the ass.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Snyjeets should be rounded up and shot. You are the most annoying subfaction of jeets and that is a high bar.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The ultimate edition still has everything people make fun of BvS in it

        • 2 weeks ago

          Simply untrue. A longer runtime means fewer showings per day, and while you're right and the Ultimate Cut is marginally better, it doesn't fix enough of the major problems and word of mouth still would have killed it in its second week. I guarantee you it would have made less money if it came out as intended.

          • 2 weeks ago

            2016 was the peak of capeshit and audiences were willing to give world building a chance if it properly explained what it's going to do. UE would have grossed same or better in theaters

        • 2 weeks ago

          bvs fricking sucked on all levels no one wants to stomach ten hours of melodramatic bible reference circlejerking every time the justice league comes together

        • 2 weeks ago

          my uncle who went to the theaters just cause it had superman and batman name in it left cause it was over an hour into the movie and still nothing was happening

          idk wtf DC is doing when even dumbass boomers cant stomach a movie that had such an easy pull
          they literally killed their two most recognizable brand names for atleast 2 generations

        • 2 weeks ago

          >WB edited it down to something incomprehensible
          The extended cut had like a few scenes of gore and a subplot revolving around some woman character who gets pushed on the train is frick all. The movie sucked because half of the run time was directionless with different plot threads that aren't clear what they're about or leading to besides from setting up the Justice League. But the narrative drive is basically non-existent, you just know that Luther is up to something and getting Batman and Superman to kill each other is somehow part of it.

          This. Studio execs keep fricking with Snyders vision and it always bites them in the ass.

          WB had full faith in Snyder's vision until BvS came out and was laughed out the theater. All this "hurr muh meddling" shit is a cope because all the problems of the film come from the writing. Nothing that was cut out in the extended cut had any significance to the plot or fix any of the issues like the lack of a narrative drive.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >But the narrative drive is basically non-existent

          • 2 weeks ago

            >WB had full faith in Snyder's vision until BvS came out and was laughed out the theater. All this "hurr muh meddling" shit is a cope because all the problems of the film come from the writing. Nothing that was cut out in the extended cut had any significance to the plot or fix any of the issues like the lack of a narrative drive.
            You mean the movie that was already written ages ago for Michael Keaton? The movie that was pushed on Zack Snyder and David S. Goyer despite both of them wanting to do a MoS sequel? The movie that was rewritten several times even during its production phase? That movie.
            The movie didn't lack a narrative, since anyone with fricking eyes and brains can tell you it is one of the best capeshit movie ever done despite its messy production.

            Everyone complained about the theatrical cut lacking character building scenes, and when the Ultimate Edition came out a bunch of people and magazines praised that version of the movie.

            Funny how the same thing happened with Justice League.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You definetly didn't watch the extended cut. Let me put it this way. A scene where the courts blame Superman for brutalizing a village in Africa despite Lois having a bullet is the theatrical cut. In the extended cut the mercenaries burn the village and shut down givernment satellites so they can do it in secret. The woman who testifies that it was Superman is some b***h living in Gotham. She's in on it. Lois is investigating all this to clear Superman's name and lands herself in trouble with Luthor.

            All of that context is cut out in the theatrical cut and ends up making everyone look more moronic.

        • 2 weeks ago

          DCEU failed because it was a blatant attempt to cash in on what Marvel perfected and it was never more than, at its best, the edgy version of the most lackluster Marvel movies, and at worst screaming, violent, janky, confusing garbage.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The frickup was hiring him in the first place

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hiring him for MoS was the death sentence for the franchise

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Shazam was good

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Should've had Mary go nudist.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I would do anything to have sex with this woman

      • 2 weeks ago

        Sadly, she's happily married.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >watch tower movie with gf
      >have to act like she's below mid
      >could feel my gf looking at me at all the booba scenes

      I banged her after it ended so I think she knew.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I liked the Shazam films

  6. 2 weeks ago

    same and i hate marvel even if they handled it better, Justice League Unlimited was dope way better of a hero crossover series, getting rid of all the main stars right after justice league was a big mistake that and taking forever to release sequels like aquaman

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I hate cinematic universes period. They ruined good stand alone movies.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    We got 12 years of straight kino, it's fine.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    who FRICKING CARES? in 20 years all this shit gets rebooted anyways

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Black Adam was kino.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Go to bed Rock.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why would i want to meet the Flintstones?

    • 2 weeks ago

      could have been

    • 2 weeks ago

      It really wasn't, it was mediocre, boring and a rip off of Terminator 2

    • 2 weeks ago

      That is literally the only good scene in the whole movie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Reminder that the Rock ruined a perfectly good Shazam film because he wanted to have his own movie and didn't want to play a bad guy.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nobody gives a frick about Shazam, moron.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Nobody gave a shit abot GotG yet now the average moviegoer caan tell you who Rocket Racoon is.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Trannies who watch ''extended universe'' shit should be killed on sight

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Here’s the problem. Many of these characters are going to be entering the public domain not that long from now.

    They do not care about good storytelling and lore building because they’re just trying to pump out as many of these as they can before anyone can make one.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That’s not really how public domain works.

      • 2 weeks ago

        that's actually exactly how it works
        whatever depiction was first trademarked will be public domain, subsequent depictions will still be under copyright. that's why winnie the pooh doesn't have his red shirt in any of the horror films, it was an addition by disney to anthropomorphize the character

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes, so there are plenty of loopholes that WB/DC can use. Action Comics Superman entering the public domain doesn’t pose much of a problem for them.

          • 2 weeks ago

            right but when they hit the public domain it means they'll only make money on whatever they own. so i'll be able to start my own superman canon in 2034 where he kills israeli versions of his villains and wb/dc won't make a dime off me.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Sure, but ultimately that doesn’t amount to much of anything. A few shitty direct to video horror movies featuring public domain Pooh and Mickey isn’t really moving the needle much.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >A few shitty direct to video horror movies featuring public domain Pooh and Mickey isn’t really moving the needle much.
                it moved enough that the poohniverse is a thing

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                I still believe the best use possible for something like Steamboat Willie should be an honest to god animated family film. Imagine some small studio using Disney's mascot in a truly heartfelt film, one that puts modern Disney to shame, the humilliation would be legendary.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    They should've just gone the joker route and make R rated stand-alonish movies that just reference other characters and events for the nerd comic book audience but don't necessary have to be watched in a certain order like it's fricking homework

    • 2 weeks ago

      they did do that
      it failed too
      picrel, also applies to gunn squad

  14. 2 weeks ago

    3 things happened
    > 1 - Snyder didnt have a plan, he just picked what he thought was cool from different comics and pasted them together in one mess of a project
    >2 - WB fricking up with meddling and other moronic shit we all know about
    > 3 - disney shills giving the movie low ratings, le man of murder, le too much distruction in an end fight, it was all moronic points that they forgave on mSheU flicks but were unforgivable sins in DCEU

    • 2 weeks ago

      > 1 - Snyder didnt have a plan, he just picked what he thought was cool from different comics and pasted them together in one mess of a project
      That isn't true at all. He had an entire outline mapped out for his movies that was made during BvS pre-production phase.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    DCEU with Zack Snyder overseeing things (with interference from WB executives and certain competing producers)... and DCEU without Zack Snyder.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >that double-aquaDAB on every other DCEU movie

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why did Shazam flop?
      It was pretty good

      • 2 weeks ago

        >shazam when most people still call him Captain Marvel
        >a whole group of Power Ranger Shazams which is a holdover from Nu52
        already the fans of the character are alienated
        >Levi acts like a 9 year old while the kid playing Billy acts far more mature
        >Even if you're okay with the Shazam Family there isn't enough focus on them to care and all are one note
        >Shazam is the leader, green is gay, blue is smart ass, girl shazam, black girl is cute, black asian is the smart
        >boring villain in the sequel
        >literally Rita Repulsa
        >mfw its just a power rangers reboot

      • 2 weeks ago

        It didn't, low budget meant a decent profit for Shazam which was pretty good for a Superhero most people outside of hard-core DC comics fans had never heard of, look at Ble Beatle for an example of what can happen when you do that kind of thing with a "meh" film.

        Shazam 2 didn't make as much because of Black Adam salting the earth before it. A lot of people went to see that hoping for The Rock does Shazam, but it wasn't funny and was also kind of boring. People disappointed by that were unlikely to want to take a chance on Shazam 2, despite it doing what a sequel should and having more action, more laughs, and more of the chick with the breasts.

        It didn't help that there seemed to be an actual organised media campaign briefing against it, and that a lot of movie critics actually seemed properly angry that the first film has been profitable despite them giving it fairly poor reviews.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Shazam 2 didn't make as much because of Black Adam salting the earth before it. A lot of people went to see that hoping for The Rock does Shazam, but it wasn't funny and was also kind of boring. People disappointed by that were unlikely to want to take a chance on Shazam 2, despite it doing what a sequel should and having more action, more laughs, and more of the chick with the breasts.
          Shazam 2 came out BEFORE Black Adam. Can't blame that on The Rock.

          • 2 weeks ago

            No it didn't.

            Black Adam October 2022.

            Shazam 2 March 2023.

    • 2 weeks ago

      2 points to consider:

      1 the Gunn era hasn't really started yet, they are just cleaning out the Gunn left in the sink from before they took over at the moment. It won't be as big as Snyder, because not as many people go to cinemas post covid, and it's hard to match up with Snyder when it comes to making mature action packed superhero kino. Gunn will lean into comedy and smaller but more human stories made in lower budgets, he's there to just make profits not blockbusters.

      2 where are Joker and The Batman in that graphic? The Batman did 750 million worldwide box office and had an actor who has only been in one noteworthy film between that and 2012. The Joker did over 1 billion.

      Slot them into the graphic and it doesn't for the narrative so well anymore.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >2 where are Joker and The Batman in that graphic? The Batman did 750 million worldwide box office and had an actor who has only been in one noteworthy film between that and 2012. The Joker did over 1 billion.
        Because they weren't part of the DCEU. That's obvious.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >1 the Gunn era hasn't really started yet, they are just cleaning out the Gunn left in the sink from before they took over at the moment.
        Peter Safran, the co-CEO for the new DC Studios, produced the Aquaman movies, the Shazam movies, and James Gunn's The Suicide Squad movie. Gunn also made The Suicide Squad before. Not to mention that The Peacemaker show that they did together before wasn't so hot either despite the marketing.
        Gunn also rewrote and reshot all the movies mentioned in "his era": Shazam 2, Blue Beetle, The Flash, Aquaman 2.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Joker and the Batman would give Hamada 2 wins. And we cant allow that

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Joker and the Batman would give Hamada 2 wins.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >and it's hard to match up with Snyder when it comes to making mature action packed superhero kino.

        Imagine being this delusional.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think from Justice League to Birds of Prey(or maybe just the Justice League) The person in charge was Geoff Johns. Who did work on the comics but ultimately he had to step aside FOR Hamada.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Geoff Johns gained the spotlight with Suicide Squad.
        Because Batman v Superman was met with such hard criticism over its tone, producer Jon Berg hijacked the Suicide Squad movie during its post-production phase and brought Johns along to rectify the movie tone wise.
        From there both of them would go on to temper other movies that were already in production, ie Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Justice League.
        Justice League bombing so hard ended up ruining Johns chances of remaining as a consultant and producer, though he did work somewhat on Shazam.

        • 2 weeks ago

          So pretty much the only movies under "Snyder Era" are Man of Steel and BvS. Everything else is decidedly not his. Explains why the tone suddenly whiplashes in another direction. To this day WB hides the numbers that the Snyder Cut recevied in terms of viewership. I'm willing to bet even a regular theatre release would've seen it surpass Aquaman

          • 2 weeks ago

            MoS, BvS, and WW were his. That is, WW was his until WB executives and Geoff Johns decided to change the third act since the original third act was decided to be too grim and dark. So they filmed an entire new third act that was more action-y and ended on an hopeful note.
            But yes, Johns was ruling the movies behind the stage back then. Specially tone wise with him just rewriting scenes and forcing directors to reshoot the movie because of test audiences.

            • 2 weeks ago

              According to James Wan and Jason Mamoa, Snyder also helped with Aquaman during the pre-production phase to the point where Wan kept trying to keep Snyder in the loop despite WB executives protests.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I thought Snyder had a specific version of Wonder Woman. That photo of her with the heads and a samurai and cowboy next to her seemed like she had a completely different backstory than what Patty Jenkins came up with. I think when she fights Doomsday in BvS she even says "I've fought monsters like this before." WB changed all that huh?

              • 2 weeks ago

                That photo was merely a placeholder for BvS.
                Zack Snyder originally entertained the idea of Wonder Woman being active doing the Crimean War because he felt redoing the WW2 was going to make it too similar to the Captain America movie.
                But then he partnered with a screen writer that worked before on the Wonder Woman comics and the guy persuaded him to make it WW1 and focus more on the love story, which previously Snyder hadn't considered it.
                So they two created the story for the movie, with Snyder later on going as far as producing and second unit directing the movie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think from Justice League to Birds of Prey(or maybe just the Justice League) The person in charge was Geoff Johns. Who did work on the comics but ultimately he had to step aside FOR Hamada.

      Play I tried and the only conclusion I can come to is the Justice League, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and Aquaman were released under Geoff Johns. I would go as far to say the reshoots of Suicide Squad were under him. Well. Just before COVID he seems to drop off for Hamada.

      • 2 weeks ago

        People forget. Somehow its been adjusted to just Joss Whedon to blame for Justice League. But everyone was cheering because Le Comic Book Man was in charge instead of stinky religious thinky man. And now that Gunn is heading the ship its all happening again. By the way what happened to Zazlov? Everyone called him based for axing Batgirl despite it being basically done. All he did was let The Snyder Cut see the light of day and now Gunn is in charge? Who runs this ship?

        Thats why the DCEU failed. Too many producers simply wanted Snyder out and kept collecting random dudes so they could be blamed for the universe failing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      meanwhile in reality

  16. 2 weeks ago

    you really care about children's cartoons from the 1950's?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes. Superheroes are cool.

    • 2 weeks ago


  17. 2 weeks ago

    Zachary Levi will die mad over Shazam 2 flopping. It's funny so frick him. I hope the chick with the breasts goes on to better things though.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Man of Steel was ok but fundamentally flawed.
    Y'know what Marvel's opening salvo was? Iron Man.
    So the very foundation of the multiverse is broken.
    Snyder is a shit writer.
    And they just kept letting him dig deeper and deeper.
    There were some good ideas in BvS, but again, built on top of a flawed foundation.

    It was never going to work.

    They HAVE to stop trying to explain anything to fricking normies.
    Comics have like 80+ years of lore.
    That's never going to be communicable to the average moron.

    They just have to absolutely own the absurdity with sincerity.
    Skip over showing Superman punch hard, and have him deal with a real problem.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I just wanted a decent Flash origin movie

    • 2 weeks ago

      A decent Flash origin would have Jay Garrick in it, the Rogues or Gorilla Grodd, Wally West or at least Iris West, and a Flash that the whole city loves.

  20. 2 weeks ago


    >Jessica Chastain or Deborah Ann Woll
    Or them as Poison Ivy.

  21. 2 weeks ago


    Flash movie could've still worked but they should've either done an origin story or stuck to Flashpoint. Imagine Michael Keaton playing Thomas Wayne Batman and not... LITERALLY 89 Batman. That shit in the Time Bubble where all the universes look at Savitar? Cut that. Cut Savitar. Make it Professor Zoom. Keep Henry Caville as Superman or even bring back Brendan Routh. Have the War be the Amazons and the Atlanteans instead of a rehash of Man of Steel. I'm not saying anything new. This is all shit that happens in the comic. And THEN reboot the cast. Make Robert Pattinson THE Batman and replace everyone else that needed replacing. Maybe even bring some characters from CW to the big screen

    • 2 weeks ago

      Savitar was the only good idea in that movie, save Professor Zoom for the sequel

  22. 2 weeks ago

    I prefer real movies about real threats, not magical-pebble Black folk or anything-goes-verses.
    Lazy writing for children has polluted the usa's industry now. They're finished.

  23. 2 weeks ago


    Never ever...

    > Man of Steel 2
    > Directed by Brad Bird (Iron Giant, Mission Impossible 4)
    > Superman & Power Girl teamed against Brainiac.
    > Brainiac played by Ralph Ineson (The Witch)
    > Power Girl played by Betty Gilpin
    > Power Girl has the boob window & Kingdom Come thigh high boots. She is sexualized.
    > Power Girl is not woke or girlboss-ish. She gets along great with Clark and never mocks or degrades him.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >> Brainiac played by Ralph Ineson (The Witch)

    • 2 weeks ago

      >> Directed by Brad Bird (Iron Giant, Mission Impossible 4)
      Give Gilpin a Ghost Protocol style sexy catfight with Rebecca Ferguson as Maxima.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Star Wars
    Indiana Jones

    it's all being poorly handled

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ghostbusters is fine.
      Star Trek got vastly worse mistreatment until SNWs and Picard - S3.

  25. 2 weeks ago



  26. 2 weeks ago



  27. 2 weeks ago



  28. 2 weeks ago

    >hire a 50 year old kid as Billy Batson who walks around all depressed
    >looks older than Zachary levi
    >the whole point is that Billy is a carefree kid who tries to act serious as Shazam but cones across as a kid trying to act serious
    >Zachary is just a rebbit incarnate le whacky randomer shazam

    The only good thing these movies brought around was seeing a little older Cavill as Supes at the end of gay Adam .

  29. 2 weeks ago

    shazam shouldve teamed up with static shock

    two inner city teens saving their city from the big bad

  30. 2 weeks ago

    the only smart choice Dwayne made was staying as far away from Zack Levi's corny ass interpretation of Shazam as possible.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Really annoying how he was 17 years old in Shazam 2 yet as soon as he turned into Shazam he became mentally 8. what the frick

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Here is a list of almost every DC movie/TV show that was announced from 2012-2022 until Gunn came in

    >Black Canary
    >Static Shock
    >Plastic Man
    >A female Plastic Man
    >An animated Metal Men
    >JJ Abrams Superman
    >Michael B Jordan's Superman
    >Sasha Calle's Supergirl
    >A Supergirl movie set in the 1970s
    >Joker and Harley
    >Joker vs Harley
    >Milestone animated movie
    >Justice League Dark
    >Rose & Thorn
    >Wonder Twins
    >Every Black Adams Spin-off
    >Gotham City Sirens
    >Birds of Prey vs Gotham City Sirens
    >Booster Gold
    >Lobo, the Michael Bay one
    >Madam Xenadu
    >JJ Abrams Justice League Dark
    >A Batman Beyond animated movie
    >A Batman Beyond Standalone movie
    >Affleck's Batman
    >Man of Steel 2
    > DC Super Hero High
    >Strange Adventures
    >Green Lantern
    >New Gods
    >Justice League Part 2
    >Bizzaro World

  32. 2 weeks ago

    all the hype for the new superman film died when gun posted his suit

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