what the frick did he mean by this?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    its the same principal as the solar system

  2. 5 months ago

    He can get away with anything because it is all meaningless, including the good times. That's why he didn't remember saying that in season one when AJ reminds him in the series finale over onion rings.

    • 5 months ago

      i like this theory, it fits with the nihilistic attitude livia branded him with

  3. 5 months ago

    There is no consequences for his actions so he can be the most evil greedy self centered piece of shit in existence and get away with it.

  4. 5 months ago

    >>I GET IT.

  5. 5 months ago

    James Gandolfini should have put down the fork. By the end of Tony Sirico's life he couldn't even remember who James was.
    >You remember, Jim. Tony Soprano?
    >Eh? Huh...yeah yeah, I was in Gotti...hey watch it...heh
    literally the last video appearance Paulie made. All for what?

    • 5 months ago

      >By the end of Tony Sirico's life he couldn't even remember who James was.
      you bettah be trolling

      • 5 months ago

        he was on some podcasts and at sopranos events and he was far into his dementia. it was sad but not his fault but james was certainly at fault for being a fat frick. he should have been there for paulie.
        >where's jim

        • 5 months ago

          oh? thats nice.

  6. 5 months ago

    He was having a gay drug trip unlocking the universe moment

    • 5 months ago

      This. If you've taken psychedelics it makes you feel like you've come to a deeper understanding of..... something. But it's really just degenerate drugs

  7. 5 months ago

    this was the moment when he came up with that coke commericial

  8. 5 months ago

    Gabbagool and capicola are the same thing

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        Tony literally looks like the devil here, kino

        • 5 months ago

          Tony's not a devil. I saw a devil; he's white

  9. 5 months ago

    Sopranos is such soi nonsense. When you get older, this show trying to present mobsters with teenage emotional drama is fricking embarrassing to watch. I watched some truly grimdark mafia media from Europe and holy shit, is Sopranos just unbelievably lame. In those shows, characters go through way more suffering than the privileged funny mobsters in this show and never act like such gay homosexuals.

    • 5 months ago

      what did you watch?

    • 5 months ago

      Tell me you're referring to fricking Gomorrah LMAO

    • 5 months ago

      Go shit in your hat.

    • 5 months ago

      Congratulations on being a room temp IQ slop lover. The whole point of the show was that gangsters are spoiled primadonna petty bourgeois scumbags.

      • 5 months ago

        But they're not, not like this anyway. these people are dumb, they don't have any profound realizations on their lives. It just feels so fricking lame to me. They don't cry or whatever, they're a step above apes. Perhaps I'm only talking through my experience in actual Europe but I don't know. Just could never get into it. It's tonal whiplash up the ass. One episode it's fricking ridiculous and the next I'm supposed to take it seriously? It's too episodic anyway. Every season is the same structure. New guy who's never mentioned causes trouble and then is killed by the end, rinse and repeat.

        Tell me you're referring to fricking Gomorrah LMAO

        Only S1 though. The rest is when it basically turns to Sopranos due to wanting American audience. The atmosphere in the first season is unmatched. Pure grimdark Eurocore.

        what did you watch?

        Gomorrah, Suburra (the movie), some episodes of the Anti mafia squad, along with some lesser known movies revolving around the mafia. Europe makes great crime movies, if nothing else. I'd recommend French ones but they're not quite about the mafia but nafris and blacks.

        • 5 months ago

          >Only S1 though. The rest is when it basically turns to Sopranos due to wanting American audience. The atmosphere in the first season is unmatched. Pure grimdark Eurocore.

          I like Gomorrah, it's a fun show, but you're a fricking dimwitted. The Gomorrah movie is actually higher concept and closer to real life than either the Sopranos or the Gomorrah show. I'm assuming you havent seen it?

          • 5 months ago

            I have and I did say only S1 so I don't know what you're trying to say here. I agree it turns to schlock and the movie is better. I'd recommend every anon to at least watch the movie. It's massively blackpilled about the state of Europe. Though it hits harder if you're actually European but still.

            I've also noticed that Europoors tend to massively overstate the quality of their network television crime shows, because they think that the way their shows (uniquely) reflect the cultural mileu of their countries has NEVER been done before. I will never forgive the dumbass britbong that trolled me into watching Top Boy.

            I won't insult or say anything more than our shows reflect reality and not some weird bizarro world where insane degenerate criminals are le whole some chungus with relatable emotions

            • 5 months ago

              Nobody in the sopranos is portrayed as wholesome, meanwhile you are championing Jason Bourne: Italian Tracksuit edition as the epitome of intelligent crime drama. Did you think Ciro drinking a glass of the Don's piss in a night club because both of them wanted to prove how macho they were seemed true to life? Lmfao

              • 5 months ago

                It just portrays criminal life and life in general in a more palpable and dignified manner to me. It wasn't about machoism, Don Pietro did that to emasculate and embarrass Ciro for not listening to him and because he was losing it, which convinced Ciro to betray him by the end of the episode. They may not be portrayed as wholesome but they go from caricature to what the show wants me to take as a serious character and the tonal whiplash is too great. In Gomorrah, there's no such thing. You have them get somewhat emotional and then kill and destroy the lives of others with no real thought. What Ciro did to that one kid, I wager, is probably more cruel and evil than anything any Sopranos character did. I suppose it's a trailblazer so judging it by the standards of today is not smart on my end but even then I felt like they wanted their cake (comedy) and eating it too (drama and stakes) without it really meshing well for me. I don't know, I'm not American so from the outset it's all unfamiliar and ridiculous to me so perhaps this whole argument is moot.

              • 5 months ago

                In dignified, I didn't mean dignified in that it portrays the criminals as dignified but more true to life rather than making it caricatures.

              • 5 months ago

                >What Ciro did to that one kid, I wager, is probably more cruel and evil than anything any Sopranos character did.

                See this is what I'm saying, and it's a thing a lot of Europeans seem to really respond to in these shows. Oh wow, how shocking, he burned this teenage girl alive because he wanted some information and needed to cover his tracks.

                As a matter of fact, there is a character on the Sopranos who beats a pregnant teenager to death by bashing her face into a metal fence. The main difference between a show like Gomorrah and a show like the Sopranos is 1) when a sopranos character beats a teenage girl to death, he does it purely because she insulted his manhood, and he gets away with it because his "mafia code" makes no secret of sanctioning callous murders done by made guys 2) Ciro killing that girl wound up serving his 'master plan' to take over the mafia and otherwise had no lasting impact on him or anyone else as a character 3) the sopranos actually spends several episodes meditating on the ruthlessness of a criminal murdering a teenage girl in cold blood, and explores the reasons why he was able to get away with it.

                Anybody can script a "totally fricked up scenario" like a guy having to shoot a child for his petty gangster agenda. A good show actually treats the murder of a child as something more than a salacious plot point which has no lasting effect beyond the three episode arc its conceived for.

              • 5 months ago

                Tbf, that kind of 'horrible thing happens and then the show moves on' is why it hits so hard, here in Europe you hear of the worst crimes and it doesn't phase you, it's almost trivial. Doesn't mean the show treats it as edgy schlock, it's just how life here works. I'll concede this entire argument circles back to lived-in experiences which is why, as a euro, Sopranos doesn't resonate with me. but then again neither do most american shows but I like them, it's just this show I can't get into. Anyhow, it's all which side you are and what will remind you more of your life that you'll gravitate towards more.

              • 5 months ago

                Don't get me wrong, I like Gomorrah the show, but I personally like the movie a lot more because it paints what I think is a much more accurate picture of organized crime and corruption: crooked capitalists see an opportunity to make a lot of money on land redevelopment, and the second order consequences of that for the ghetto dwellers in proximity to their operations is that some teenager has to shoot a mother in the back of the head. I think sopranos comes closer to looking at that kind of larger picture, but thats just a matter of taste.

              • 5 months ago

                Lol acting like any EU country is a favela in Brazil where people are so profoundly callous that they don't give a shit about crime. Quit pretending to be cool, please, dude.

              • 5 months ago

                the south of italy and the shitty balkan are not representative of Europe. Please frick off

              • 5 months ago

                It just portrays criminal life and life in general in a more palpable and dignified manner to me. It wasn't about machoism, Don Pietro did that to emasculate and embarrass Ciro for not listening to him and because he was losing it, which convinced Ciro to betray him by the end of the episode. They may not be portrayed as wholesome but they go from caricature to what the show wants me to take as a serious character and the tonal whiplash is too great. In Gomorrah, there's no such thing. You have them get somewhat emotional and then kill and destroy the lives of others with no real thought. What Ciro did to that one kid, I wager, is probably more cruel and evil than anything any Sopranos character did. I suppose it's a trailblazer so judging it by the standards of today is not smart on my end but even then I felt like they wanted their cake (comedy) and eating it too (drama and stakes) without it really meshing well for me. I don't know, I'm not American so from the outset it's all unfamiliar and ridiculous to me so perhaps this whole argument is moot.

                In Sopranos something bad or horrible happens, it's just part of the job. Of course it still affects them but they carry it around.
                >It just portrays criminal life and life in general in a more palpable and dignified manner to me
                While Sopranos does get a bit silly and feels more like a dark comedy, I think those movies and shows that try too hard to be serious all the time are worse. It just tries too hard to be serious

              • 5 months ago

                You're making this show sound gayer than the sopranos. Just stop posting if you want people to watch it.

              • 5 months ago

                Try it again in a few years.

        • 5 months ago

          I've also noticed that Europoors tend to massively overstate the quality of their network television crime shows, because they think that the way their shows (uniquely) reflect the cultural mileu of their countries has NEVER been done before. I will never forgive the dumbass britbong that trolled me into watching Top Boy.

          • 5 months ago

            >Huh, I’ve never heard of Top Boy I wonder…
            >produced between 2011-2023, five seasons with 32 episodes total
            Why the frick are brit shows like this, it’s like they start making tv shows only to realize they don’t have the money 1/4 way through the first season.

        • 5 months ago

          >Perhaps I'm only talking through my experience in actual Europe but I don't know.

          You spend a lot of time alone in the car with gangsters? That's where 95% of the crying scenes happen. I think you might be a little bit of an ape for assuming that crooks and thugs have no emotions.

          • 5 months ago

            They do not, it's a prerequisite for them to be dumb fricks with no mental constitution hence them being crooks and thugs. You know how most people don't have internal monologue and can't picture an apple with their eyes closed? Imagine how lesser of a mental capacity these fricks have. Not much room for Le emotions is there? I've seen people like this and they're like headless chickens.

            • 5 months ago

              Feel like you have a very narrow view of what constitutes a crook. There are fat buttholes raking in a quarter of a million dollars a year off their parochial crime enterprises who are surely not the gypsy stereotype you are imagining. They're still moral subhumans, but many of them definitely have theory of mind and probably the ability to feel bad for themselves to the point that they get weepy.

        • 5 months ago

          >But they're not, not like this anyway. these people are dumb, they don't have any profound realizations on their lives. It just feels so fricking lame to me. They don't cry or whatever, they're a step above apes. Perhaps I'm only talking through my experience in actual Europe but I don't know.

          Are you insulted that the mob is portrayed too poorly/immature? I don't get your issue.

          • 5 months ago

            it just feels unrealistic to me in a bad way. i don't think guys like christopher or tony would be talking about depression, over here that's not even a concept, talking to another man about that. it's way beyond taboo.

            Lol acting like any EU country is a favela in Brazil where people are so profoundly callous that they don't give a shit about crime. Quit pretending to be cool, please, dude.

            It's pretty bad around here, man. I mean it, most countries are in complete fricking dissaray and the ghettos are absolute hellholes plus if you think liberalism on your side is bad, you've seen nothing. this continent is a joke, it doubles down on insane rhetoric the US created just for american eyes. Not much hope for the future, things are drought and miserable and in stasis.

            the south of italy and the shitty balkan are not representative of Europe. Please frick off

            Sweden declared martial law due to blacks and muslims a few months ago.

            You're making this show sound gayer than the sopranos. Just stop posting if you want people to watch it.

            deal. just stop after S1, it's the only good one.

            • 5 months ago

              Have you met the modern man, or a modern criminal?

            • 5 months ago

              There is also a huge debate in Iraq right now about gangsters from Sweden coming to Iraq and causing problems and the need for stricter immigration control into Iraq from countries like Sweden, after one iraqi-swedish gangster was assassinated on a crowded street by an albanian-swedish gangster which had never happened in Iraq before. No, I'm not making this up

    • 5 months ago

      Don't really care about subhuman euroids tbh

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      It did intoduce me to some great music.

    • 5 months ago

      It's a sublime comedy making fun of people from New Jersey. It's not a deep show, a gay israelite thought "what if Whites acted like nigs" and made the show.

    • 5 months ago

      you sound like a pretentious homosexual. Rethink the way you carry yourself please

      • 5 months ago

        I'd ask you to elaborate but what the hell. Let's concede we have two radically different worldviews and leave it at that.

    • 5 months ago

      > Sopranos is such soi nonsense. When you get older, this show trying to present mobsters with teenage emotional drama is fricking embarrassing to watch. I watched some truly grimdark mafia media from Europe and holy shit, is Sopranos just unbelievably lame. In those shows, characters go through way more suffering than the privileged funny mobsters in this show and never act like such gay homosexuals.

      • 5 months ago

        not now Albert

    • 5 months ago

      i watched it for the first time around 2 years ago and it instantly became a top 5 show for me so your argument is stupid and you are a moronic contrarian homosexual who just hates popular things lol

    • 5 months ago

      The mafia in Europe is very different from the mafia in the US.

    • 5 months ago

      That’s the point, dumbass, it’s about how fake and pathetic these dumbasses are

    • 5 months ago

      give me 1000 dollars

  10. 5 months ago
  11. 5 months ago

    Sergio Leone's movies are too long

  12. 5 months ago

    Man i'd really like to do some hard hallucogenic drugs sometime to get an experience like this, but im really prone to panic attacks and would likely lose my shit. What would you reccomend?

  13. 5 months ago

    He finally understands Stephen Kings IT miniseries

  14. 5 months ago

    When you take psychedelics you often get these sudden realizations that are really meaningless. It's just the impression of having had an epiphany. After the trip for some time you will think that you just can't put it into words, but the more time passes the more evident it will become that it was just nonsense.

    • 5 months ago

      the last time i tripped, and probably ever will, I had this "amazing" epiphany that
      >a group of happy people gives off an incredible positive energy
      >a group of negative/upset people gives off a negative energy and takes yours away
      >the larger the group, the larger the "sphere" of energy becomes
      >being alone just traps you inside your own mind where you're an echo chamber of emotion
      it took me a few days before realizing how moronicly obvious and unnecessary it was to require drugs to come to those conclusions. but it did encourage me to seek social events more.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah lmao people are like ‘wow I learned something and figured out the world on drugs!’, no dude you took some happy tabs and now you’re happy. Best drug trip of my life, I took some acid and sat there like ‘damn I really just poisoned myself for fun huh Lmao’

  15. 5 months ago

    He finally understood the sneed joke

  16. 5 months ago

    he realizes that he and all his problems are insignificant, all his guilt is meaningless. life will go on without him when he is gone. there is no need to fear death.

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