I know I am not the only person to say that but damn, what a fricking asshole!

I know I am not the only person to say that but damn, what a fricking butthole! It is not possible to be worse than this jerk!

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  1. 4 months ago

    >pizza is one and a half days late
    >they actually fricking forgot the drink
    0/10 I'll reviewbomb the place

    • 4 months ago

      >>they actually fricking forgot the drink
      Spongebob explicitly checks the receipt and sees he didn't actually order any drink.

      • 4 months ago

        Mr. Krabs took the order. He's the one who "forgot" the drink before sending Spongebob and Squidward off for delivery.

        • 4 months ago

          >implying Mr. Krabs would forget a chance to gouge the customer out of more money for anything

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Anon if I order a pizza and you arrive the next fricking day with an ice-cold pizza and no diet Dr. Kelp I'd shoot past sympathetic and into "what the frick is wrong with you."

      Everyone has car troubles, I get that, but how are you both so committed to your job as to deliver my pizza despite your every ordeal, but also incompetent enough to think I'd want a truly frostbite-inducing cold slab of coagulated grease, AND incompetent enough to have forgotten my drink from the moment you left the restaurant. You have the gall to ensure the delivery of my order even after the point I'd chalk it up as eaten (I can get a refund on doordash easy, yknow), WITH the original pie as cold as fricking Antarctica. You would have been better off driving that rock (nice rock by the way, 3200 BC original?) back to your store and bringing me a fresh pizza instead. I worked at the Krusty Krab once too, I know that fricking skinflint Eugene but the ingredients cost less than the sales tax on the sale, he can bite my tailfin.
      Who knows! Maybe while remaking it you'll check the fricking ticket and realize there was supposed to be a soda there as well.

      Frick you, Robert. I have genuinely had better restaurant experiences with doordashers who've eaten my food on my fricking curb and claim they couldn't find my house. 0/10.

      The Krusty Krab doesn't even have pizza on the menu. Be grateful they went through the effort of making one for your dumb ass anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        >we don't serve pizza but we're gonna make the pizza anyway instead of just directing you to another service and we're gonna make you wait a full day for its delivery without your full order
        >what do you mean you don't like that? Where's my tip?

    • 4 months ago

      It was an exaggerated 15 minutes

  2. 4 months ago

    Anon if I order a pizza and you arrive the next fricking day with an ice-cold pizza and no diet Dr. Kelp I'd shoot past sympathetic and into "what the frick is wrong with you."

    Everyone has car troubles, I get that, but how are you both so committed to your job as to deliver my pizza despite your every ordeal, but also incompetent enough to think I'd want a truly frostbite-inducing cold slab of coagulated grease, AND incompetent enough to have forgotten my drink from the moment you left the restaurant. You have the gall to ensure the delivery of my order even after the point I'd chalk it up as eaten (I can get a refund on doordash easy, yknow), WITH the original pie as cold as fricking Antarctica. You would have been better off driving that rock (nice rock by the way, 3200 BC original?) back to your store and bringing me a fresh pizza instead. I worked at the Krusty Krab once too, I know that fricking skinflint Eugene but the ingredients cost less than the sales tax on the sale, he can bite my tailfin.
    Who knows! Maybe while remaking it you'll check the fricking ticket and realize there was supposed to be a soda there as well.

    Frick you, Robert. I have genuinely had better restaurant experiences with doordashers who've eaten my food on my fricking curb and claim they couldn't find my house. 0/10.

    • 4 months ago

      >Anon if I order a pizza and you arrive the next fricking day with an ice-cold pizza and no diet Dr. Kelp I'd shoot past sympathetic and into "what the frick is wrong with you."
      See, I always thought it was implied that this wasn't even the guy who ordered the pizza, since when the door opens he says, "Hey, I've been dyin' for one of these!" as if it was just a coincidence they showed up. Then he gets greedy and demands a soda because he's a bad person and an opportunist. All of this makes the viewer hate him more for blowing up at Spongebob, and it makes it more cathartic when Squidward smashes his face in.

      Plus, I think we've all dealt with the kind of person in real life who gets something good dropped in their lap, and then becomes indignant that they don't get even more. That's how I always interpreted it, anyways.

  3. 4 months ago

    >Order a pizza from a place that doesn't even sell pizza
    >It arrives instead of just telling you to frick off

  4. 4 months ago

    >Spongebob is partially about how the service industry sucks
    >"Why does this episode have an extremely rude and entitled customer receiving a sub-par service?"

  5. 4 months ago

    This episode had squidward's most badass act in the show

    • 4 months ago

      yeah when he ate the coral effortlessly

  6. 4 months ago

    It is speculated that he placed the order as a prank call knowing they didn’t serve pizza and when they arrived he acted angry as an act so he wouldn’t have to pay. When Squidward goes back to knock on the door he doesn’t ask if he found the drink.

  7. 4 months ago

    He was hungry.

    • 4 months ago

      He’s got his food right there and he still complained the prick

      • 4 months ago

        The food was cold and covered in sand. Are you telling me you would accept a day old pizza that's covered in sand as food, anon?

        • 4 months ago

          We literally see it in flawless condition right before this scene anon.

  8. 4 months ago

    Do we ever see him again?

  9. 4 months ago

    He was actually polite after they arrived like 12 hour waiting, the moment he lost his cool was when he waited 12 hours and then the order wasn't complete. He's a better person than me.

    • 4 months ago

      The order was fricking complete! Why has no one seen the fricking episode? Spongebob checked the shit, there was no drink on the slip! Frick.

  10. 4 months ago

    Surely he had already ordered pizza from somewhere else an hour after his order didn't arrive.

  11. 4 months ago

    You can't defend the guy for yelling at spongebob. It's not Spongebob's fault he didn't have the drink. The drink wasn't even on the slip. It's either mr. krabs's fault or his own fault. And you can't say he doesn't know that Spongebob wasn't the one who took his order. He heard mr. Krabs voice. Spongebob's voice is so insanely different there is no way he wouldn't know. Even if he forgot mr. krabs's voice he would still know that it didn't sound so weird.

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