I swear to god no one cared about this hokey girlpower shit in movies until like three years ago

I swear to god no one cared about this hokey girlpower shit in movies until like three years ago

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  1. 2 years ago

    The women are ugly now

  2. 2 years ago

    I guess that's why the Charlie's Angels movies flopped right, idiot?

  3. 2 years ago

    People have always cared but it used to be in movies everyone universally agreed were dogshit but now they're doing it in basically everything especially shit where it used to be a boys franchise

  4. 2 years ago

    people were always sperging out when women filled traditionally masculine roles, you just dont remember because you were still in middle school

  5. 2 years ago

    >I swear to god no one cared about this hokey girlpower shit in movies until like three years ago
    No one did, no one does. Movies such as the Charlie's Angels woke remake, Red and The 355 have all flopped at the box office because neither men nor women were interested in them.

  6. 2 years ago

    Alice is not even a strong female character, she's a frickin invincible mary-sue. The typical horribly writer OC that humiliates existing character.

    Not sure who is the worst between Alice and Rey

  7. 2 years ago

    You are wrong. Nobody cares even today.
    In fact, people find it very off-putting and cringy.
    The only people who pretend to like are the ones who were brainwashed after their 25th seminar on unconcious bias.

    • 2 years ago

      >people find it very off-putting and cringy.
      That's what I mean, moron. I didn't hear any complaints about Resident Evil or Underworld, but for some reason the new Predator causes a massive spergout and it's the exact same shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >You are wrong. Nobody cares
      *proceeds to whine like a textbook chud*

  8. 2 years ago

    Let me give you an example:

    Aliens has a well-written 'challenging the gender roles' scene.
    Ripley approaches Apone and Hicks asking if there is anything she can do, she says that has a Class 2 rating and she can pilot the loader, Apone and Hicks look at each because they don't believe her and say "be my guest".
    Ripley gears up, mans the loader, grabs the crate and smugly asks them with a smile on her face "Where do you want it?".
    Apone and Hicks laugh because wow, she CAN drive it.

    If this scene was written today it would have Ripley saying "I'm gonna drive that loader because you think I can't", then lecturing them about women being just as good as men, and have Apone and Hicks being ashamed of their words.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Women in older movies proved their worth through actions and the director didn’t feel the need to beat the audience over the head with it. Ripley is a badass. She knows what’s up and that she has to work extra hard to earn respect. She doesn’t utter a word, she just does what she does and ends up being the most capable in the movie. I didn’t even have a problem with AVP. The b***h impaled a Leno and the predator was like “damn b***h here some face tats and a spear”

    • 2 years ago

      >then lecturing them about women being just as good as men
      The story is always that women are better than men in every way. Even in Supergirl they had Superman say "you were always stronger than me, Kara." It's made me enjoy videos of women getting the shit beat out of them. I never wanted to be this way.

  9. 2 years ago

    There was no anti-white male propaganda years ago also women were more attractive. You should skip movies like that if you really want to help.

  10. 2 years ago

    it's hard to care about hokey girlpower shit when the movies (resident evil) are shit

    and no zoomie, these movies are not suddenly great. they were trash then and they are trash now.

    • 2 years ago

      So people only care when the movie is good?
      That don't make no sense, anon.

  11. 2 years ago

    >I swear to god no one cared about this hokey girlpower shit in movies until like three years ago
    They still don't. The only reason there is such an "uproar" over this is because its part of a well established franchise that USED to be really good (compounded with the OG being exceedingly macho). I don't recall anyone giving a shit about the massive influx of girl hitman/spys such as
    >those in the John Wick franchise
    >James Bond: No Time to Die (excluding the sheboon)
    >Atomic Blonde
    Can you legitately name any other uproar outisde of Marvel horseshit?

  12. 2 years ago

    Predator wipes out an entire trained and heavily armed military squad except one.

    >5'1" and 102lb girl with a primitive longbow made from a fricking tree branch will take him out.

    GTFO Hollywood.

    • 2 years ago

      Arnie beat the first with sticks and stones and the second was killed by an old Black person. Preds are weak shit.

  13. 2 years ago

    No one cares now. Hollywood just keeps pushing it to audiences of no one.

  14. 2 years ago

    In the olden days the movies everyone treated these movies as they deserved: As cheap, cheesy garbage where you can see a HOT woman look cool and sexy.
    In recent years, it's all about representation and being worthy and shit. Frick that, I want movies like Underworld back.

  15. 2 years ago

    The least they can do is have her just be naked the whole movie. Then I'll watch the girl power shit.

  16. 2 years ago

    We had one or two of these girl power movies a year moron. Now we have one every fricking week.
    Plus the new stronk girls are ugly as frick

  17. 2 years ago

    >movie and tv writing have catastrophically cratered in quality over the past 5 years
    >like three ye
    checks out

  18. 2 years ago

    1) some men did
    2) movies with female action protagonists weren't 100% murderous misandry and antiwhite hatred like they are now.
    before it was "look this woman is a strong badass fighter"
    even a moron like you can appreciate the difference right?

  19. 2 years ago

    Sexy women doing cool things in style = good

    Screeching mystery meat feminist who don't need no man being an unstoppable god = bad

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