>identified the most with Asher, viewing him as a flawed but ultimately well-intentioned character

>identified the most with Asher, viewing him as a flawed but ultimately well-intentioned character
>nearly every online retrospective paints him as the biggest piece of shit in the entire series

Are they wrong or am I?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Everybody is a piece of shit in this show, but he was definitely not the worst.

  2. 5 months ago

    He was a narcissistic butthole but also so pathetic I almost pitied him. Whitney was definitely the worst with how delusional and stupid she is.

    • 5 months ago

      How the frick

      • 5 months ago

        Did he do a single kind thing for someone else unprompted? Seemed to me he was too busy wallowing in his own head to do so. I just think he’s pathetic, while Whitney thought he was evil, but the end result is the same.

        • 5 months ago

          He is still the opposite of a narcissist, considering his absolutely horrid self-esteem. Moreover, to answer your question, yes, he does do things for someone else, namely Whitney. By the end of the series he has basically relinquished his personhood for her.

  3. 5 months ago

    I actually think they are wrong. There's certainly a lot of reasons to hate Asher, but some of his intentions were more than just serving himself. He wanted a family, he wanted to be loved, and he wanted to support the people he loved. There is certainly a level of ego in all of these desires, but they are all very human and I think it's cruel that so many people seem willing to punish people for wanting normal human comforts. Ultimately he's just too weak to truly despise. I think the show does kind of recognize how vicious people can be to people who are already struggling with self-esteem, and how nightmarish and lonely life can become for people and those around them when basic kindness is neglected. Asher is certainly unkind in a lot of ways as well, but his lack of kindness stems more from the fact that he was never taught to feel kindness for himself. As opposed to Whitney who is unkind because she feels she is owed something, or Dougie who is unkind because he feels like the world is out to get him. I guess I'm willfully choosing to interpret that the ending is more of a joke on the audience's bloodthirstiness, that they would see Asher who is the one deserving of such a fate. That he is so problematic that he simply must be expelled from the earth in order for anyone to be happy.

  4. 5 months ago

    So much of this series was left ambiguous it's almost infuriating. Even the video footage from the news segment of Nathan laughing with the casino boss, you could believe his explanation just because of how pathetic and submissive he is with everyone else he interacts with.

    • 5 months ago

      And that’s why it’s kino. I feel like I’ve learned more about myself and other people from how they interpret the characters than about the characters themselves.

  5. 5 months ago

    >Are they wrong or am I?
    >Winner mentality
    >He got the girl
    >He got his fame
    >He was going to become a father
    >God literally picked him and transported him directly to heaven
    What was the demographic of the people who thought he was the biggest piece of shit? Single moms and black kids?

  6. 5 months ago

    He was a wimp, and you cannot be a man and a wimp. Noone will ever respect that.

  7. 5 months ago

    I identify with him because I’ve got a small penis

  8. 5 months ago

    I don't see it. Asher, much like the protagonist of Uncut Gems (which was made by the same people, I think) is really only sympathetic in so far as there's clearly something parhological in the way they can't help but screw others and themselves over.

  9. 5 months ago

    Whitney is easily the most despicable character and I think the only people who disagree are the twitter users who secretly identify with her. Asher and Dougie do shitty things but they at least have some degree of self awareness. Everything Whitney does is an attempt to make herself look good. She doesn't do it because she empathizes or relates to peoples suffering, she doesn't do it as an act of friendship, she does it for her own twisted sense of approval.

    • 5 months ago

      I agree, the only reason Asher suffers the consequences is because he decided to 100% enable her.

    • 5 months ago

      But her completely fake persona birthed Asher 2.0, who became so charitable even Whit was freaked out

    • 5 months ago

      Whitney and Asher are annoying. Dougie actually kills two people. How is it even possible to put them in the same tier as that?

      • 5 months ago

        I don't think Dougie actually killed Asher, he is just self-centered

    • 5 months ago

      >Whitney faking a genuine moment with her shirt stuck
      >Whitney in the massage parlor until she tipped

      She is consistently terrible and never even showed self awareness. They really went out of their way to make a Junji Ito tier ending.

  10. 5 months ago

    Seeing Asher "man up" and retaliate against the potential buyers of the first house for disrespecting Whitney, against Fernando when he showed up to their house with guns, against Bill at the bowling alley, it's all so blackpilling. Whitney completely emasculates him for it and talks shit about his attempts to show masculinity behind his back. The audience, too, seems to agree that Asher looks pathetic in all of these exchanges. Thankfully I'm pretty good at being a ghost in public and avoiding confrontations like this, but I've pretty much always imagined that standing up for myself would look just as pathetic as when Asher does it. The scenes from this show basically confirmed that suspicion that's been floating in my head for years. I think it has a lot to do with personality and physiognomy, for people like us there is no context that makes fighting look good. That isn't to say that Asher shouldn't be defending himself or the people he cares about, but trying to puff out your chest and look physically threatening is not one of those "fake it till you make it" solutions, he's better suited for trying to keep a calm demeanor while engaging in intellectual threats. I get that Whitney is particularly abusive when it comes to this aspect of Asher, but there is some truth to what she's saying; she's only being called a b***h because she's telling the truth in a way that hurts people.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't agree, I think the problem was that when Asher did 'man up' it was nearly always behind Whit's back because he knew she wouldn't condone blowing up on potential buyers due to optics
      So when he does rarely act tough infront of Whitney, it comes off as out of character and trying to pander to her, even though it's probably much closer to his real character than what he became

  11. 5 months ago

    wow he's literally me

  12. 5 months ago

    Lmfao what would a perfect movie for you be, goy? One where someone le HOLDS TRUE TO THEIR ESTABLISHED LE BELIEFS and is free of LE """PLOT HOLES"""

    >art quite literally does not have to follow any convention. all movies are art because that's how art works.

    >Many goys are terminally socially moronic and uneducated [a byproduct of a focus on individualism and nuclear families instead of community prosperity and big extended beautiful families] so they want digestible, easy-to-swallow trash that reinforces their immediate, kneejerk instincts of the world and soothes their existential dread. Not anything that relies on having a cursory understanding of art history, not anything that challenges their intellect and aims to shatter their worldview so that something new and better may rise. Just le good guys, le bad guys, and le """making sense"""

    >By the way, whether or not something """makes sense""" is a laughable concept too and shows that a lot of goys don't understand art. Art is subjective and can be anything. Therefore it's impossible for something to "make sense", because art exists separately from traditional modes of logic.

    >Within the subjectivity of art however, we can obviously all come to a general lighthearted consensus on what constitutes a "good movie" which is where this inane demand of a movie "making sense" comes from.

    >Demanding a movie "make sense" is a fundamental misunderstanding of art. You are supposed to watch it and give your thoughts and feelings on the piece as a whole. The acting, the way the music went with the camera, all that shit.

    >Movies are paintings. You take the entire thing as it is, as art, and discuss it. It's not a fricking puzzle where writers can get something "wrong" lmfao

    • 5 months ago

      You can make a painting that is just a blank canvas in order to “confront the audience”, but I’m going to call you a pretentious lazy butthole for doing it.

  13. 5 months ago

    Asher was a mentally ill loser, people will always find or make up reasons to paint them in the worst possible light. Dougie is a Brad and Whitney is a woman so normalgays, even if not defending them, will not despise them as much as people like Asher.

    • 5 months ago

      can you explain without using buzzwords

      • 5 months ago

        No since everything is a buzzword for you nowadays, Black personhomosexual

  14. 5 months ago

    the most with Asher
    That was your first mistake. If you watch tv and treat it as anything else than a nature doc, you're a sucker

  15. 5 months ago

    mfw the holocaust is funny

  16. 5 months ago

    For me it was the Indian girl. Disgusting savage

    • 5 months ago

      i liked when dougie straight up told whit that Cara is ugly.
      dumb Indian b***h had it coming.

    • 5 months ago

      Dunno, I think this series and Killers of the Flower Moon made me understand that I have a thing for mid native american girls. Don't worry, I won't pursue them, for I know that they age like milk. Still, very cute.

  17. 5 months ago

    Haha they were just joking about Nathan Fielder having a tiny dick right haha his is just average sized right haha

    • 5 months ago

      Nah, it's rinky dink. It made me feel good about my penis

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly this was HORRIBLE pr for growers. My dick can be as small as Asher's when Im flaccid, but when erected it is almost 7 inches.

  18. 5 months ago

    Is being an awkward loser that egregious to normies that they wish for your death

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