If I was spider editor

I would kill off/sideline characters like picrel because at this point outside of gimme events and shit and boring uneventful five issue minis, what the frick do these characters bring to the table? They don’t really interact Peter Parker, for all intents and purposes theyre always off doing their own thing. Which is all the more pathetic when you realize they’re supposedly on an island that’s 2 x12 miles big. They’re not the bat-family (and even they are getting a bit too overcrowded) and unless these characters are doing something important or their stories are pretty good don’t keep them around

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  1. 2 years ago

    Nice diary.

  2. 2 years ago

    I don't really care about the non-parker spider people outside of jessica drew but that more has to do with the avengers than spider-shit.

  3. 2 years ago

    Genuine question: how do you feel about bringing back characters like Barry Allan and Hal Jordan? Because killing off one of the few relatively new, non-legacy characters with their own book, purely to focus on characters who've been around forever is exactly what DC has been doing for decades, and people are really sick of that

    • 2 years ago

      I’m not saying kill off any new characters because “muh originals”. I’m saying that for most of the characters that kind of revolve around the central character being Peter Parker, if all you can muster with most of these characters are just:
      >Appearances in B character plots (Anya corazon in black widow)
      >multiple five issue mini series that are mostly filler or things that can be explained in a panel or 2 (silk, especially her last mini)
      > A character whose only real John point at this point is just “WOAH MY MULTIVERSAL CHARACTER DESIGNS AND OCs” which is beyond derivative (spider-Gwen/ghost spider)
      > whatever the frick spider woman’s doing
      Then kill them off. Specially if you’re not interacting with them

      Miles ironically gets a pass because at least the writers WANT to do stuff with him however derivative it is of Peters shit

      • 2 years ago

        Drawing point*

  4. 2 years ago

    I would too, at least silk. Kill off silk or unmake her

  5. 2 years ago

    Reducing characters isn't going to make Parker more interesting. In fact it would just highlight the rampant stagnation that he's been through for like 40 years.

  6. 2 years ago

    Kill off Miles, Spider-gwen, silk, anya, spider-woman
    Write heroic sacrifices for Ben and Kaine
    Remarry peter and mj and let them frick till mayday is born

    • 2 years ago

      >Write heroic sacrifices for Ben and Kaine
      Enough of this shit, it already happened multiple times, move on.

  7. 2 years ago

    >dude just kill off the characters, that would be so epic bro!!!
    >they come back to life as soon as you leave
    if you don't like the characters, ignore them
    comic book deaths are a fricking joke

    • 2 years ago

      they are still dead

      • 2 years ago

        She got fricked, dear lord.

      • 2 years ago

        She came back in absolute carnage

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Mattie Franklin

            No thanks. Silk's limited series are actually interesting. Instead they should kill of Ben and save him from his new status of evil clone Spider-man. Kaine should be Scarlet Spider again and be transfer to either a different state or back to Texas. Miguel should be segregated to his own universe and have no interactions where he is in 616. Anya should be either killed off or given back her original powers. Julia needs to lose the Madame Web shtick and become Spider-woman again. Jessica can remain as Spider-woman but have little to no interaction with Spider-man outside of the Avengers book or her potential solo. And as for Miles or Gwen, they need to be either killed off or deported back to their original univers

            >put everything back to the 1980s even though Spencer's run was literally just that and was shit.

            Tired of going back retreading old ground. Nick Lowe might be shit but you fricks are unbearable.

            • 2 years ago

              >Mattie Franklin
              I don't remember that ever happening in absolute carnage and can't find anything on google about it. Marvel wiki says she's dead. Are you sure she came back? Post pics

              • 2 years ago

                She came back but she almost instantly got sacrificed to awaken Knull. It was only like a page. The point is, she was ressurected. She'll probably come back in a more permanent capacity with Mutant ressurection going haywire or something.

              • 2 years ago

                I think you're confusing Mattie Franklin with Scorn/Tanis Nieves

                Mattie did come back during the Clone Conspiracy in Silk's tie ins. She reunited with JJ and helped Silk investigate and stop part of the Jackal's plan. She ended up dying again

                But it was Scorn who was leading a cult that worshipped Knull in the lead up to Absolute Carnage. They ripped out her spine to give her codex to Carnage, and then he started hunting down other symbiote users

  8. 2 years ago

    Anon, you have to understand something important

    Spider-Man and everyone with spider powers exists for the sole purpose of being fricked over by the writers for their own amusement.

    The sooner you understand that, the sooner you understand why they don't kill them all off. At this point, they already killed so many spider counterparts in Spider-Verse that death is not enough. Hell, you could say it's the easy way out if you've got radioactive blood.

  9. 2 years ago

    She should have become Chasm, not Ben

  10. 2 years ago

    No thanks. Silk's limited series are actually interesting. Instead they should kill of Ben and save him from his new status of evil clone Spider-man. Kaine should be Scarlet Spider again and be transfer to either a different state or back to Texas. Miguel should be segregated to his own universe and have no interactions where he is in 616. Anya should be either killed off or given back her original powers. Julia needs to lose the Madame Web shtick and become Spider-woman again. Jessica can remain as Spider-woman but have little to no interaction with Spider-man outside of the Avengers book or her potential solo. And as for Miles or Gwen, they need to be either killed off or deported back to their original univers

  11. 2 years ago

    If I was a spider editor I would make a whole comic series called "Mary Jane gets Cucked in All Universes" and each issue would be Mary Jane finding out Peter is cheating on her and leaving her

    One of them would involve Silk breaking out of her containment and finding Peter on the day of his wedding

  12. 2 years ago

    Why do you keep making this thread?

  13. 2 years ago

    Main book Peter is just as trash as Miles. I honestly don't know you are hung up on Peter.

  14. 2 years ago

    If I was editor I would do the opposite, the Spider franchise should be as big as the Bat for DC

    • 2 years ago

      lmao the spider-people will never be anything like the bat family. Not only does Bruce already have years of history with his child soldiers, Peter has little to no meaningful interactions with any of the spider folk outside of his clones

      • 2 years ago

        Also they don't add anything to Peter's character

        • 2 years ago

          Ironic, by doing away with the pheromones they severed the only link Cindy had with Peter.
          >muh spider

      • 2 years ago

        Because Marvel editors and writers are idiots and cannot capitalize off of their biggest property

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