If They Took Us Back


The most important film of the year, perhaps the decade. One that really makes you think about what could have been.

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  1. 1 week ago

    Uh, isn't there still slavery in Africa?

    • 1 week ago

      Human rights violations are ok as long as it's Arabs doing it.

    • 1 week ago

      There are more slaves in Africa today than there ever was at any time in the USA. America was small time. Around 300,000 slaves went to North America. About 4% of the African slaves shipped to the new world.

      • 1 week ago

        I believe you, but is there a study that shows proof for this?
        I'd love to be able to use it in debates.

        • 1 week ago

          There's a professor from Emory University that has set up a database detailing slave trade voyages across the world with data from 36,000 from the Transatlantic slave trade. There's 2410 pages of data and 32 pages of sources. Go nuts.

          • 1 week ago

            Holy shit. Thank you.

  2. 1 week ago

    I really wish they would.

    • 1 week ago

      You wish they would take you back? I do too, Black person.

  3. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Why when Haiti exist
      it’s closer and more “colorful”

  4. 1 week ago

    Dear black people: you created the institution of black slavery, and had it for thousands of years and for as long as black history is recorded and known. Whites were only a very small part of it throughout that long history, and it was whites who fought the wars both against other whites as well as against black slavers in Africa that fricking stopped it. Your freedom came from whites, not blacks. Let that sink in for a minute. If all you have is to demand the world put up with your shit because of a past your own fricking people are 100% responsible for, then that's pathetic.

    Now frick off.

    • 1 week ago

      They have a country called Liberia. It's actual, irrefutable proof of what happens when you just send them back to Africa and let them do whatever. Frankly, the entire continent of Africa is proof of this, it shows how they develop without the white man meddling. This movie is probably just more inspo-propagranda like Black Panther and I don't have a problem with that, it's all fantasy obviously.

      Just remember that movies aren't real, they're fantasies.

      • 1 week ago

        Liberia was doing pretty well right up until the 80s, when it became the only time Reagan didn't intervene, and paradoxically only of the only times he should have.

        • 1 week ago

          Weren't they raping babies to cure aids since the start?

          • 1 week ago

            When did AIDS start?

      • 1 week ago

        Yep, and then there's Haiti, which is an example of what happens when you scare whitey off of the plantation and try and run things yourself. And that's even more of a shithole.

        • 1 week ago

          Exactly. Let them have their fun fantasy movies, let them LARP, let them make believe. This is our burden to bear; it hangs from our neck like an albatross.

          • 1 week ago

            >footjob from a girl with psych ward grippy socks
            that's bizarrely specific

            • 1 week ago

              Goals should be specific. Use the STAR method:


              This is unironically a useful way to accomplish things, and it's how I was able to bang multiple slampigs last summer. Same goal this summer, as I now have a system that works.

              • 1 week ago

                fricking fat chicks is not difficult

              • 1 week ago

                You only say this because you're a kissless virgin who doesn't even have the guts to approach a fatty, let alone a hot girl. Keep jerking it to your cartoon dogs, homosexual, I'll be over here balls deep in primo 250's.

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                >y-you only say that it's hard because you haven't done it!
                This site makes you dumber, I swear

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                I'd say the same, for thinking you are hot shit for banging fatties. But I support people feeling good about themselves. Especially those who need it

              • 1 week ago

                Vive la France.

          • 1 week ago

            I'm chafing under the yoke of this burden and I want to be rid of it.

          • 1 week ago

            >psych ward grippy socks

      • 1 week ago

        i think its time to recognize the problem isnt white people or racism, its just black people. They simply are not compatible with our society or our values. They get arrested more because they dont follow the rules, and they are unemployed more often because they fail at the jobs they do try. We do not need them in our society and its been a massive burden to take care of them for hundreds of years. I wish every single one of these fine upstanding people would get on a boat or plane and go directly to africa. We should let them live there in peace and harmony with the lions and the gazelles. There they can practice their traditional beliefs and be free from our harmful meddling. They would probably live short, but meaningful lives, and thats for the best. They are never going to be like us, and its cruel to try and make them.

        Why make movies about it? just give everyone a ticket. One way of course.

    • 1 week ago

      Uh… isn’t racism outside of /b/ and /misc/ a bannable offense?

      • 1 week ago

        I HATE Black folk

        • 1 week ago

          Black folk SUCK DICK

      • 1 week ago

        That's not racism because I said it with absolutely no hate of blacks or anyone. That's history, and how it's constantly distorted by people using it for modern social and economic leverage.

      • 1 week ago

        >Teacher! teacher! The bad posters are saying racism! Help help! Words on the screen are making me unhappy!

      • 1 week ago

        Someone should tell the trannies on /gif/ that.

    • 1 week ago

      They have a country called Liberia. It's actual, irrefutable proof of what happens when you just send them back to Africa and let them do whatever. Frankly, the entire continent of Africa is proof of this, it shows how they develop without the white man meddling. This movie is probably just more inspo-propagranda like Black Panther and I don't have a problem with that, it's all fantasy obviously.

      Just remember that movies aren't real, they're fantasies.

      >Least disingenuous and seething /misc/tards

      • 1 week ago

        They're right though

      • 1 week ago

        Was Liberia a success story then?

    • 1 week ago

      The best part? Africans are still enslaving other Africans to this very day.

      • 1 week ago

        yeah but it's empowering when they do it, like when they use the N word

        • 1 week ago

          I can see the Guardian headline now
          >the black women reclaiming slavery

          • 1 week ago

            >An enthralling story about how Oprah and other women of color started a business to relive black culture
            >BIPOC women are taking back their voices by enslaving other BIPOCs and whipping them to death
            >Relive history and connect with your roots by use a sledgehammer to hobble an unruly slave
            >Cut out their tongue for speaking their native language
            >March them for hundreds of miles to see who is strongest, or settle in for the long haul with eugenic breeding programs
            >Too busy to attend our camp? Well try your hand at buying and selling people in real time with our new mobile game "Amistad Adventures"

            • 1 week ago
          • 1 week ago

            They just had a semi historical major movie called "the woman king" about an African woman who took over a village and became a huge slaver irl

  5. 1 week ago

    African nations don't want American black people. Black people go to Africa expected to be welcomed as brothers and the local Africans just think they're moronic Americans. African American culture isn't welcomed anywhere in the world, and they somehow STILL think white people are the problem.

    • 1 week ago

      And that wouldn't be an issue if we had sent them back, as the movie explores.

      • 1 week ago

        Some of them were granted passage back along with their own country, in which they then proceeded to institute slavery. Look up the history of Liberia.

    • 1 week ago

      >African American culture isn't welcomed anywhere in the world
      I wish this were true, but the sheer amount of European wiggers tells me it’s false.

    • 1 week ago

      >African American culture isn't welcomed anywhere in the world
      sadly that isn't true

    • 1 week ago

      And that wouldn't be an issue if we had sent them back, as the movie explores.

      Just watching the trailer that seems to be a theme in the movie the main character is faking an African accent and all the descendants of American slaves still have old Southern accents from the 1800s. The African natives consider them disgraceful.

  6. 1 week ago

    it's really crazy how you have this money pit that can never be filled and pretty much even the most simple things needed to maintain a civilization are impossible because a small handful of guys centuries ago wanted to use slave labor to pick their cotton.

    One simple decision made long ago will mean that a country with every advantage and an abundance of resources will never reach its potential and likely slide into a third world status in a few decades. It's really sad thinking of what America could have been.

  7. 1 week ago

    I watched the trailer and I didn't really understand the premise because I couldn't understand enough of the Black folkpeak.

    • 1 week ago

      Blacks got sent back to Africa after slavery, now they want to come back or something idk.

      • 1 week ago

        I think it's less so they want to go back, but that whitey is apparently paying them to come back??? You have the black woman talking about free things, because even living a decent life in Africa, they still need gibs.

  8. 1 week ago

    America would have collapsed. They built it, and they are its soul. I hope that's what this movie shows.

  9. 1 week ago

    >They don't want you back
    >They sold you to us in the first place

  10. 1 week ago

    >black art
    >it's about slavery

    For frick's sake, get some new material.

    • 1 week ago

      We can't since you stole our entire future.

      • 1 week ago

        Your uncles sold it for musket money lol

        • 1 week ago

          Muskets *and* horses Anon. Come on we didn't stiff them.

      • 1 week ago

        Nobody is forcing you to rape, murder and steal, Jamal

    • 1 week ago

      This is just the beginning of America, and therefore the world, reckoning with what it did to black people. You think it ends when black people are 50% of the population? 80%? It's like what Manifest Destiny was to whites. Remembering black slavery is what will propel America into a black nation, and once they're on top, they will never forget where they came from.

      • 1 week ago

        Your own "bruthas" conquered you and sold you into slavery.

        Never forget that, Jamal.

      • 1 week ago

        >You think it ends when black people are 50% of the population? 80%?
        If that happens, it will be followed by a precipitous drop in population after one of the world's major food exporters can't grow enough due to incompetence. Rhodesia was a breadbasket and Zimbabwe is dependent on food aid.

      • 1 week ago

        Blacks are delusional
        That’s why they get shot all the time

  11. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Did I say something wrong?

      • 1 week ago

        History is not a debate, facts are facts and denying slavery will get you nowhere.

        • 1 week ago

          What about when facts aren't actually facts though? Like certain numbers or death tolls being inflated? Do movies function as a disservice to humanity when they spread falsehoods? Or should we consider every movie to be a fantastical work of fiction, including things like Schindler's List?

        • 1 week ago

          When did I say I wanted to deny slavery?

      • 1 week ago

        It's just funny when Cinemaphile incels think they're "debating" and they're actually just making harebrained arguments on the internet. I call people like you debatelords. You love using Wikipedia terms like "ad hominem" and "appeal to authority" (incorrectly).

        • 1 week ago

          You don't even know me.

          • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          >the pretentious reddit troll rears its ugly head once again

          kek, nta but you gays are amusing.

        • 1 week ago

          When did he do that you homosexual?
          >ugh Cinemaphile incels and their "debating" with "facts" and not letting me use my favorite fallacies I picked up from preddit


          >when the twitter twatt forgets he can't look through post histories and gets btfo

  12. 1 week ago

    What would we do without Blacks?
    Erm... would we even notice they were gone?
    Of course we would. So few crimes would be committed the cops would be sat in police stations doing jigsaw puzzles and watching NetFlix.

  13. 1 week ago

    Why does nobody ever blame Brazil or South America for slavery?
    People act as though slavery is the founding sin of America. But Brazil has no founding sin

    • 1 week ago

      Because they aren't white and don't have guilt so you can't milk them for free shit

    • 1 week ago

      Without Blacks the usa would have never had slavery.
      We are right to blame Blacks for all the problems with modern day usa.

      • 1 week ago

        I too get my information about the world from random jpegs I see on Cinemaphile

        • 1 week ago

          Better than getting it from the Fact Checkers.

    • 1 week ago

      I've heard activists in Brazil do try. I don't know how successful they are though. Brazil anons would have to chime in.

      • 1 week ago

        As Brazil gets wealthier and there's money available, suddenly the Blacks will start to demand gibs.
        Nothing to be gained from stealing from the poor.

      • 1 week ago

        Well activists in Cuba would have a point too
        But Cuba like Venezuela is too poor for that.

    • 1 week ago

      I've heard activists in Brazil do try. I don't know how successful they are though. Brazil anons would have to chime in.

      Here in brazil we just copycat whatever [current thing] garbage goymerica produced culturally or politically

    • 1 week ago

      because the purpose of giving black people money in the usa is so israelites can take white people money then pay them selves for doing the hard job of redistributing it to blacks. Brazil doesnt have white people to take advantage of or money to steal on behalf of blacks. welfare socialism is basically communism (lite). It's a way for a group of parasites to enrich themselves while pretending to help others which is why they never accomplish their goal.

  14. 1 week ago

    >Send them back
    >"Wait, how much did the crime rate go down by?"

  15. 1 week ago

    We need more fictional black people movies.

    • 1 week ago

      I missed the breakfast meme can someone explain

      • 1 week ago

        Black people don't understand hypothetical situations.

        • 1 week ago

          Lol gotcha

        • 1 week ago

          >fishing for an empathetic response from a Black person the way you would a toddler

      • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago

        How would you feel if you understood the breakfast meme but were asked how you would feel if you missed it

  16. 1 week ago

    >The most important film of the year
    wrong, that is Codex Pajeeta

  17. 1 week ago

    >if they took us back

    frick, if only

    • 1 week ago

      We can’t wait for someone else to do it
      We have to do it on our own

  18. 1 week ago

    >These Black person pretending Liberia is a thriving modern nation

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