If this isnt the most bullshit handwave I've ever seen.

There is no logical reason the Jedi and especially Sith dont keep other weapons on them other than vague handwaves around tradition and orthodoxy.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >peackeeping order of monks that only wants to use force as a last resort using a weapon with limited offensive capabilities, that also requires dedication, patience, discipline and attunement with the universe and the mystical force they believe in to be used even remotely effectively
    >this is "handwaving"

    • 2 years ago

      >peackeeping order of monks that only wants to use force as a last resort
      What are you talking about they literally lead entire armies to war, act as generals and then brutally split people with a sword. The fricking lightsaber is a warcrime like flamethrowers

      • 2 years ago

        >they literally lead entire armies to war, act as generals and then brutally split people with a sword.
        That was supposed to be a bad thing, a sign the Jedi order lost its way.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        I'm not really sure I follow. Nominally, the Clone Wars was about corporations seceding from a corrupt government to make their own corrupt government with sabacc and hooker droids. In reality, though, both governments were puppets for a space wizard as part of a scheme to exterminate a rival religious group and install himself as dictator. The soldiers were all just puppets in that scheme. Assuming the "cops" are the Jedi, then they did try to overthrow the government. It blew up in their face and led to people cheering on their extermination.

    • 2 years ago

      >peackeeping order of monks that only wants to use force as a last resort
      then whyaren't they using weapon less lethal than plasma blades of death? You can't use it on someone without at least severly burning them.

    • 2 years ago

      >peaceful monk order is the only force capable of stopping evil but choose not to
      How would Salmon Dinner fare in the Star Wars universe?

      • 2 years ago

        Depends on how he's translated to the setting. His story is pretty fitting with a Jedi turned Sith lord who attacks the Order. Happens all the time. Best case, he manages to wipe out the Jedi for a generation. Also happens all the time. He does have some self-awareness for a Sith in that he deliberately avoids training up an apprentice who will inevitably turn on him. Ultimately, he'd be defeated by some light sider and probably have some last minute redemption before dying.

      • 2 years ago

        Between being able to make suns and stop time within the stopped time, he mogs everyone who isn't on the level of Legends Luke, Aboleth and Palpatine. Who are "merely" just going to put up a good fight before getting dunked on.

        Remember, this dude killed his first Demiurge with his bare hands before ever picking up a Key.

  2. 2 years ago

    They actually used one of those lightsaber-blasters early in the Vader series. Melted after a half dozen shots, iirc.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah I remember that. You'd think any other Jedi would have tried to replicate and improve it.

      • 2 years ago

        Doesn't the kid from Rebels use one?

        • 2 years ago

          He's got a Saber built into a blaster. Not the same function.

  3. 2 years ago

    No you don't get it anon! Obi-Wan said one off-hand comment in a movie forty years ago about blasters being "crude" so it has to be treated as gospel and define the entire philosophy of the Jedi! Just like how the robes of some old hermit are the official Jedi uniform! And how there being two central antagonists in the original trilogy means that there's ALWAYS going to be two central antagonists in every Star Wars story ever!

    I sure hope they don't introduce any new changes to the Star Wars universe though, otherwise I'll snap my $2000 custom built glass lightsaber in half

    • 2 years ago

      I'd always assume the distaste for blasters comes about 20% from actual practical reasons of them being easy and destructive and thus, not very in line with the Jedi way (Nevermind the fact that weilding one well requires heaps of discipline and training just like any other tool, and most come with a non-lethal stun function) and the rest of the 80% was just dogma. If you sought to use anything else it was one step toward individuality and desire thus you were one step closer to the dark side and frowned upon. Even if whatever you came up with was likely far more useful to the Jedi mission than a standard saber.

      • 2 years ago

        The whole individuality => ??? => Sith thing was supposed to be a failing of the prequel era Jedi who were more dogmatic and hesitant to act as a consequence, even while Anakin is basically radiating red flags to a bunch of psychic empaths for literal years. Unfortunately the iconography from that era became so strong that even though originally the OT was about Luke correcting the excesses of the Jedi orthodoxy, none of that survived into the tv shows or sequels. Apparently Luke is a fundamentalist until Kylo kills his first class now. All that shit about him finding his own way despite Yoda and Obi Wan telling him to abandon his friends and kill his father? Yeah, that doesn't count and also frick you for remembering that far back.

        • 2 years ago

          You're saying like three different things. What, precisely, is your critique of the jedi?

          • 2 years ago

            I didn't offer any, except that the Jedi of the prequel era should be considered more orthodox than organized Jedi in "normal" times. Jedi should be able to dress in different outfits, use a wider and more personally chosen arsenal of weapons, and have a greater sense of the needs of the present as opposed to the wider struggle against the dark side. That might even include different opinions on aspects that the prequel era Jedi consider dogma, such as should a Jedi, who has done all he can to keep himself spiritually in line with the will of the force, answer to Republic officials who probably have not? Is that really what the force wants?
            The need to homogenize the Jedi in Star Wars media after the prequel trilogy into a single dogmatic entity with a fricking uniform when that is explicitly treated as a *bad* thing that leads to a loss of their empathy, impotence, and downfall is one of many, MANY mistakes that have been made writing Star Wars over the last 15 years or so.

        • 2 years ago

          That's what I was thinking. In reality, Obi-Wan basically used a bunch of dogma to justify the use of sabers instead of actually considering the merits of other weapons and tools. The Jedi have wrapped a bunch of pomp around it and believe it wholeheartedly at the expense of everything else which speaks to their failings as a whole.

      • 2 years ago

        >I'd always assume the distaste for blasters comes
        ... from real life elitism and a dislike for innovation, especially when you come from a time before said innovation.
        George did watch Japanese samurai films remember, so it's no surprise he put in a sword fetish.

    • 2 years ago

      >Just like how the robes of some old hermit are the official Jedi uniform
      Why do people keep parroting this as if only Obi Wan used robes?
      Jedi clearly showed it was indeed the typical jedi garb.

      • 2 years ago

        People wear robes in Star wars too, its not just a Jedi thing

        • 2 years ago

          Wait, Uncle Owen was Jedi?

          • 2 years ago

            He's wearing robes so I guess he is

            Wonder why he never told Luke?

        • 2 years ago

          Nobody said it's just a Jedi thing, nothing's stopping any Glup Shitto in the galaxy from putting on a robe, but if three out of three Jedi we saw in the OT were seen wearing robes, took those robes with them to the fricking afterlife and only one lived in a place that actually merited wearing one then it seems reasonable to assume that's what the average Jedi was wearing on the regular.

          • 2 years ago

            It is kinda weird how no one was able to tell who Obi Wan was with the same clothes, beard and haircut even though he was the second most dangerous terrorist to the goverment.

            • 2 years ago

              Literally happens all the time in real life. Some of the most wanted men in the world spent decades casually walking the streets because nobody ever assumes the guy they see at the bar every week is a highly wanted criminal.

    • 2 years ago

      >there being two central antagonists in the original trilogy
      What? Vader was the only central antagonist

  4. 2 years ago

    Hey, Mousecuck, keep it to one thread.

  5. 2 years ago

    I prefer it when the lightsaber is the ultimate defence: You can handle fire, gas, and grenades with telekinesis, but the lasers and blaster fire can't be adequately blocked by energy shields below ship-level batteries.
    You also can't defend against lightsabers without another lightsaber, creating this funny little almost inverted arms race where the sword is the peak.

    Of course, militarized Jedi as seen in the prequels should be carrying a blaster in their off hand, not a single fricking reason not too.
    Sith should also readily use heavy weapons and whatever they can get their hands on, but both of these are conceits of actual people trying to survive, star wars is a fantasy sci fi journey at the best of times.

    • 2 years ago

      I always thought that Luke should have kept a blaster range in his new Jedi Temple in the Extended Universe.

  6. 2 years ago

    All that wise bullshit he said immediately loses all merit when you remember just how horrifically Jedi butcher their opponents. You can't look at something like RoTS ending and then come away with the impression that Jedi are even remotely heroic.

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