If your parameters of what makes good writing are "What appeals to the most amount of people" you are corporately brain rotted.

If your parameters of what makes good writing are "What appeals to the most amount of people" you are corporately brain rotted.

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  1. 2 years ago

    who fricking gives a shit

  2. 2 years ago

    I honestly have gotten to the point where I don't care whether you think my writing is good or not.
    I care if I think my writing is good or not.
    People either enjoy it or they don't.

  3. 2 years ago

    But why though? Why isn't that a criteria?
    If you want to add a few more variables into it that's fine,like "To the most amount of people with the most rewatchability", but on its own it's a fine definition of what "good" entertainment is.
    After all, what is the point if something is "deep" or "unique" if only like 1% of all humans enjoy it?
    Or what, do you feel triggered that what you personally enjoy is considered bad by the majority? Do you really care that much of what other people call your taste?
    That sounds to me like a real brain rotting moment

    • 2 years ago

      Thats why there's no discussing anything with people like you. Your brain operates on absolutes and prerequisites you just expect people to agree with like this dumbass statement right here. It's moronic and wrong and you don't even seem to understand why because you just stated it like a fact and moved on with your rambling fart sniffing post. So in order to respond one has to seemingly agree with your idea that movies only exist to entertain as large a group of people as possible, which is wrong. If filmmakers operated with this mindset, their greatest works may have never been created you absolute half wit. Do you think Tarkovsky was trying to appease the largest group of people posssible with a logical masterstroke when he was shooting scenes for Nostalgia?

      • 2 years ago

        Since you seem to be fricking obsessed with continuing this obvious shitshow of a bait thread, maybe you should consider the fact that everyone has different reasons for doing what they do and there's no fricking point in getting on someone's ass for liking or not liking braindead entertainment.
        I went to an art gallery. I thought a lot of the art wasn't terribly good, and I told the person I was with that I thought so. It didn't do anything, it didn't communicate anything to me. He got pissy with me for criticizing art and attempting to objectify a non-objective format, but I honestly didn't give a frick. I like what I like, I give my own reasons for liking it, and you can frick right off.

        • 2 years ago

          >He can't even respond, much less make an argument.
          Every opinion you disagree with isn't bait.

          • 2 years ago

            >Every opinion you disagree with isn't bait.
            Well, what opinion DO you have, other than "I hate everyone who doesn't share my artistic aethseethic?" You seem to be doing a lot of projection, and I normally wouldn't even bother, except that I'm tired as frick of dealing with people like you. You are not entitled to have the world kowtow to you, your personal image of a fricking comic character, or anything else, really.

            • 2 years ago

              I hate the idea that everything needs to be made for a wider audience. I want niche shit. I want different shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, well, nobody is going to pump the tires for you. When a creator makes something, they make it for one of three reasons, generally.
                >Because it makes them money
                >Because they want the glory
                >Because they want to make it
                1 and 2 are parallel and 3 is based on what they like, not what you like. The only way you're going to get what you want is by making it yourself. Tough shit.

              • 2 years ago

                If Tarkovsky stopped to think about this during his career he wouldnt have made anything. Real artists create because they must, not to appease others.

              • 2 years ago

                So the third option.

              • 2 years ago

                >Real artists create because they must, not to appease others.
                Yeah, well, whenever I create what I must, it doesn't make me any money and people complain about it anyway, so I'll take my money when I can get it, thanks.
                It's always
                >This character is unrealistic
                >That's not how that actually works
                >But what about X I want to see more of X
                to the degree where I don't wonder why more people don't just make their own. In principle, I agree with you, but I've seen so much entitlement I can't help but think you're a critic who complains about artists not giving him enough of what he wants to appreciate.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm gonna level with you, anon. I'm not like that. I'm just tired of blockbusters and the insane fanbase of them that think this way. I actually want artists to do whatever they want instead of having to appeal to people.

              • 2 years ago

                >I actually want artists to do whatever they want instead of having to appeal to people
                The problem is that ends up running headlong into reality, where you spend all this time doing something, or you're just doing something casually, and for every ninety people who ignore you and nine people who smile and nod thankfully, there's one guy who jumps up your ass about Batman not being that kind of person and you're a terrible moron who doesn't understand the subject you're covering.

              • 2 years ago

                >I want niche shit
                Go look for it then. There's plenty of it around.

              • 2 years ago

                Not when Disney actively pushes out indie films.

              • 2 years ago

                >muh indies aren't popular enough
                That's a terminal hipster syndrome if I ever seen one.

              • 2 years ago

                It's not exactly not being popular as so much buying out theaters and only promoting capeshit instead, rather than indie films.

              • 2 years ago

                There's literal festivals dedicated to indie movies/productions multiple times a year all around the world. If the big screen is what is important to you then you never cared about the scene to begin with.

              • 2 years ago

                And Disney usually tends to buy those out too. It is absolutely dire for indie films.

              • 2 years ago

                >muh disney owns everything
                you are not even trying anymore, just have a nice day.

              • 2 years ago

                You have no argument against an objective reality.

              • 2 years ago

                Neither does OP.

              • 2 years ago

                How? Good writing isn't predicated on what appeals to the most people.

              • 2 years ago

                They literally choke out other movies like some massive weed. When you set movies to play only capeshit, that's what happens

    • 2 years ago

      >if only like 1% of all humans enjoy it
      can you even imagine how many people that is? try to gain that audience and come back here

  4. 2 years ago

    Depends completely on if you want to just create art or live by doing art. Creating a product with mass appeal is on itself a focus, and if it does what it was meant to do, then it's objectively good.

  5. 2 years ago

    DFW's much-memed Germany interview actually has an insightful bit about this, I forget exactly where it is but it's somewhere in the latter half:

    He criticizes television in general for the fact that in order to achieve maximum appeal it has to focus necessarily on the simplest things that unite everyone, e.g. seeing attractive faces

    • 2 years ago

      This is an incredibly based interview. I wish that more people got this message.

    • 2 years ago

      Capitalism is what ruins art.

      • 2 years ago

        In what economic system are you allowed to frick off and make art that no one likes? Explain this to me.

        • 2 years ago


          Thats why there's no discussing anything with people like you. Your brain operates on absolutes and prerequisites you just expect people to agree with like this dumbass statement right here. It's moronic and wrong and you don't even seem to understand why because you just stated it like a fact and moved on with your rambling fart sniffing post. So in order to respond one has to seemingly agree with your idea that movies only exist to entertain as large a group of people as possible, which is wrong. If filmmakers operated with this mindset, their greatest works may have never been created you absolute half wit. Do you think Tarkovsky was trying to appease the largest group of people posssible with a logical masterstroke when he was shooting scenes for Nostalgia?

          Do you think Tarkovsky was trying to appease the largest group of people posssible with a logical masterstroke when he was shooting scenes for Nostalgia?

  6. 2 years ago

    >I've always found ideals,
    >Can't take the place of MEALS!

  7. 2 years ago

    I think it is a balance if you want to achieve a popular show. You want something that normies can sink their teeth into to begin with then throw in the crazy shit that makes your work to stand out. If you want to make something that like minded people can appreciate, who gives a shit if normies like it or not, it's people that have similar tastes to you that will eventually give you a feedback loop on what works and what doesn't, and hey by word of mouth it might even pierce the normiesphere.
    At the end of the day, make what you want to make to the best possible degree, which might mean taking in criticism from the audience. The main problem with media these days is that they use the test audience as their feed back loop and not the general audience when the media is released. Test audiences used to be great when entertainment was more general, but now even normies have found their niche bubbles to congregate in thanks to the internet and streaming services. It's a symbiotic relationship between artist and audience that unless you are an auteur, you need to understand to achieve the best of your art.

    • 2 years ago

      Viewers are ungrateful, uncultured pieces of shit, but that's fine, because most artists are terrible, pretentious morons. The only way you get better as an artist is by being less of a terrible, pretentious moron by understanding what the ungrateful, uncultured pieces of shit are actually right about.

  8. 2 years ago

    >you are corporately brain rotted.
    Is your brain being deprived of oxygen, no? Then it's not rotting is it.

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