Ignoring the boomer sensibilities in picrel, it is kind of surprising that a Disney show like TOH can get away with being literally set in "the D...

Ignoring the boomer sensibilities in picrel, it is kind of surprising that a Disney show like TOH can get away with being literally set in "the Demon Realm", having characters that practice witchcraft
Remembering the satanic panic stuff back in the 90s with parents getting up in arms over trivial stuff in Pokemon, it's wild how far tolerance has changed

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  1. 8 months ago

    Why do you need to attach a shitty Twitter screenshot to make your point? Why can't you think for yourself?

    • 8 months ago

      Its not about OP's opinion, its about getting (You)s. A twatter screenshot gets the most replies for the least effort

  2. 8 months ago

    Seeing boomers react to this kind of shit is just so funny.

    • 8 months ago

      Problem is the animation industry really is full of a bunch of people who enjoy harming children instead of being concerned for them, like Alex Hirsch. You "laugh" because you're participating in their culture which thinks they're getting away with it, but they deincreasingly believe that with everyday.

      • 8 months ago

        >enjoy harming children
        Your niece will never forgive you, you hideous moron.

        • 8 months ago

          Boil making pedophile threads and then sputtering out of your mental illness is not making any legacy for yourself. Give up. Nobody likes you

      • 8 months ago

        You idolize a guy that's a pedophile

  3. 8 months ago

    And yet Disney, who props themselves up as an ally, stabbed Owl House in the back. Woke a lot of my fellow gays up. Even more are aware that the pride flag in June is just cheap marketing.

    • 8 months ago

      IMO I can buy the show "not fitting the brand", whatever that entails. Probably had more to do with the occult stuff and Dana being hard to work with over homosexual material, given the rest of Disney's material these days they don't seem to have issue with gays

      • 8 months ago

        >Don't have issues with gays
        >Dana has to fight to get her vision to be made reality
        >But Disney doesn't have issues with gays
        lmao, even.

      • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        When its time for a company to put its money where its mouth is they'll choose the money every time. They don't want to practice what they preach. They want to give LGBT people lip service and nothing more.

    • 8 months ago

      Talk about blowing your foot off

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, honestly. Harry Potter has no witchcraft at all except female magic users being referred as witches, magic is okay with fundamental Christians, even magic is the bible if I'm not mistaken.

      The owl house was cancelled because Dana was an uncooperative b***h. From their other shows, Disney is okay with inserting gay shit.
      >Even more are aware that the pride flag in June is just cheap marketing.
      Did you really think big corporations actually care about gay pride? No, it's to earn money from homosexual paypiggys like you. This is why I hate pride month, not because I'm homophobic, but you gays slurp up that rainbow capitalism slop.

      • 8 months ago

        >Harry Potter has no witchcraft at all

        • 8 months ago

          Not really no
          Really a surface level understanding of folklore and nothing actually occult.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah it's supposed to be fun stuff for kids instead of actually pagan

            • 8 months ago

              wingardium leviosa is an occult phrase stemming back from Crowley's involvement in O.T.O

              • 8 months ago

                Yes and magic appears in both Lord of the Rings and pagan myths, but it has different meaning. Harry Potter isn't nearly as good as Lord of the Rings but the same principles apply

              • 8 months ago

                What the frick did Crowley know?

            • 8 months ago

              homie can't we just have cartoons to shut our minds off to? Not every cartoon needs to have deep psychological stuff to it. Go watch live action if you want that stuff.

      • 8 months ago

        Do you not remember christgays losing their abosolute minds about HP years ago? Borderline book burnings. Now magic CAN be in, if your other shit is tight, ala CS lewis, but there's weird rules there

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but HP still came out and was highly successful.
          Same can be said of any of the old Rocker types.
          All they ended up doing was providing free advertising.
          Leftists annihilate careers

  4. 8 months ago

    slippery slope isn't real, kids shows have always had demon protagonists and blatant occult symbolism

    • 8 months ago

      Could you name some examples? They might be from before my time
      Incidentally, not a kids show, but I can't picture Hazbin Hotel getting picked up if it had been made 20, or even 10 years ago

      • 8 months ago

        here's just one example; the bars on the playpen are forming the sigil of saturn. You could chalk that up to coincidence, but with this COMBINED with Chuckie's shirt...

        • 8 months ago

          Compare with:

        • 8 months ago

          Compare with:

          Seems far-fetched enough for plausible deniability, unlike TOH or Gravity Falls where the creators use symbolism intentionally for the aesthetic

      • 8 months ago

        I feel like if Helluva Boss had instead come out just 10 years ago, everyone would have laughed it off and put it in Youtube cringe compilations and Vivziepop's career would be over.

  5. 8 months ago

    What is an adrenochrome patch?

  6. 8 months ago

    Oh please you'd be screaming if they showed a character with big knockers and would call it every ism in the book. You zoomers are just boomers 2.0

  7. 8 months ago

    Satanic panic has always been viewed as a joke by the majority of the population, because the people that believe in it are jokes, and most people see them for the delusional lunatics they are. It got bad in a few of the dumber spots in the states, but that's it. Most news was like "look at these idiots"

    • 8 months ago

      People were b***hing at TOH too, but they were b***hing at it because it's a Cartoon Network reject rather then anything witchcraft.

      If Disney was having EVERYTHING be like The Legend of The Three Caballeros art wise and have that be frame by frame animation (and have all the characters be straight and leave the lesbians to Paheal and Sad Panda) no one will be complaining (that and have the Fox stuff be upgraded to match that of The Legend of The Three Caballeros).

      >Remembering the satanic panic stuff back in the 90s with parents getting up in arms over trivial stuff in Pokemon
      This shit comes and goes in cycles. It always plays out the same way, too.
      >popular thing with badwrong undertones (or even overtones) gets popular
      >a couple of out-of-touch pearl clutchers freak out, as they always do, normally nobody would care except...
      >grifters jump the bandwagon, fan the fire, and get the media involved
      >entirely artificial "Satanic Panic" happens as the media infect every gullible drone around
      >the rest of the world spends this time in a mixture of disgust and amusement while the hype burns out
      >badwrong undertones become more popular than ever because everyone who still hates them only gets ridiculed, so they're now "safe edgy"
      (you are now here)
      >after a while the hype dies down and people entirely forget about the last time it happened, setting us up to start all over again later on

      Doesn't matter whether it's rock music, D&D, video games, Pokemon, Harry Potter, or even all the moronic QAnon stuff about how everyone who they don't like is actually a secret satanist pedophile. It's always the same shit and the ones who lose are always the gullible pearl clutchers investing themselves into a bogus cause promoted by frauds and grifters.

      Not true.

  8. 8 months ago

    >Remembering the satanic panic stuff back in the 90s with parents getting up in arms over trivial stuff in Pokemon
    This shit comes and goes in cycles. It always plays out the same way, too.
    >popular thing with badwrong undertones (or even overtones) gets popular
    >a couple of out-of-touch pearl clutchers freak out, as they always do, normally nobody would care except...
    >grifters jump the bandwagon, fan the fire, and get the media involved
    >entirely artificial "Satanic Panic" happens as the media infect every gullible drone around
    >the rest of the world spends this time in a mixture of disgust and amusement while the hype burns out
    >badwrong undertones become more popular than ever because everyone who still hates them only gets ridiculed, so they're now "safe edgy"
    (you are now here)
    >after a while the hype dies down and people entirely forget about the last time it happened, setting us up to start all over again later on

    Doesn't matter whether it's rock music, D&D, video games, Pokemon, Harry Potter, or even all the moronic QAnon stuff about how everyone who they don't like is actually a secret satanist pedophile. It's always the same shit and the ones who lose are always the gullible pearl clutchers investing themselves into a bogus cause promoted by frauds and grifters.

    • 8 months ago

      >so what if I want to frick kids

      being this trivial about things that are legitimately happening makes me so happy we are going into ww3. I really want to purge the homosexualry from the world, and it looks like im getting my way.

      Keep supporting hamas please. They are totally on your side, and wont kill you the second you try to tell them you are a non-binary bird person.

      • 8 months ago

        You're a joke to the world, bro. Learn to live with it.

      • 8 months ago

        Hamas were let in to Israel so Netanyahu could distract from his massive corruption charges and initiate a casus belli purge against the gaza strip to wipe it off the map and make way for Israeli expansion.
        >nah bro the 3rd most militarized and heavily armed border in the world just let people hanglide over without a shot fired
        Come the frick on.

        • 8 months ago

          You're a joke to the world, bro. Learn to live with it.

          Found the socialist losers. Mom almost done cooking your chickie nuggies boys?

          • 8 months ago

            >corrupt leaders often do unethical things to remain in power
            >you must be a socialist neet
            Very convincing thx

          • 8 months ago

            Its best to just let them argue. Its all they have left as shut ins from the world. Like imagine wasting years of your life on political shit.

            • 8 months ago

              Indeed, seething over other people being political is much better than seething over political shit directly

        • 8 months ago

          >what no I'm not an antisemite I just hate israel and wish it didn't exist

      • 8 months ago

        >please stop pointing out the obvious truth, it hurts me too much!
        >I know, I'll imagine a long meaningless string of ridiculous things to accuse you of, in the process proving that you're entirely right about me!
        You're a joke to the world, bro. Wise up or learn to live with it.

        • 8 months ago

          You're a joke to the world, bro. Learn to live with it.

          Imagine getting so mad you have to respond twice.

          Take your meds please.

      • 8 months ago

        >so happy we are going into ww3
        Never habbening

    • 8 months ago

      the jk rowling pearl clutching is still in full effect though

  9. 8 months ago

    >Remembering the satanic panic stuff back in the 90s with parents getting up in arms over trivial stuff in Pokemon
    That was wildly overblown by liberal groups who wanted to feel oppressed. It was never a big issue.

  10. 8 months ago

    The satanic panic is still going on, people instead complain about media being "woke" and "progressive" not that it's actually promoting satanism.

    • 8 months ago

      >Step 1: It's not really happening
      >Step 2: Yeah, it's happening, but it's not a big deal
      >Step 3: It's a good thing, actually
      >Step 4: People freaking out about it are the real problem
      We are at this step now.

      • 8 months ago

        Another Matt Walsh aficionado. Very based but he loses me when he starts going full on keeping up with the Joneses, "men should always throw their lives away for the sake of chivalry and masculinity" tradcuckery.

  11. 8 months ago

    King is cute yo

  12. 8 months ago

    >satanic panic stuff back in the 90s with parents getting up in arms over trivial stuff
    that's because satan panic (or any panic for that matter) is artificially created by politicians and grifters to distract the masses, and some people unfortunately are just that sheep enough to fall for it.

    • 8 months ago

      Distract them from what?

      • 8 months ago

        i'd put us all on a list if i gave examples

      • 8 months ago

        Rolling back reproductive rights, economic injustice, genocide of ethnic and sexual minorities

  13. 8 months ago


    >supporting the woman behind the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises

    • 8 months ago

      what a moronic take, HP series mogs Avengers shit

  14. 8 months ago

    >it's wild how far tolerance has changed
    Yes and no. Christgays are irrelevant. The far left loonies are pretty much just as bad.

    • 8 months ago

      >The far left loonies are pretty much just as bad.
      Much worse because they are much more successful.

  15. 8 months ago

    Not a single person ITT has a child. Stop "thinking of the children!!!!" and go out and actually find a partner to breed with if you want to raise a generation of good, "morally correct" children so badly instead of pushing your views onto people who don't give a frick and never will (or should). Same goes for whatever Twitter moron OP's pic was pulled from.

    • 8 months ago

      >go raise an entire generation of good children by having a couple
      specious logic

  16. 8 months ago



  17. 8 months ago

    Why are there so many atheists who are satanists? It doesn't make sense.

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