I'm bored. Pitch me a cartoon.

I'm bored. Pitch me a cartoon.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    you eating a penis for 11 minutes
    interspersed with clips of your parents frowning and shaking their head in disappointed

    that'll be uhhhh 27 bucks

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dude, that already happened last week-end. Find better material.

      • 2 weeks ago

        no, see, it's a running gag thing
        it happens every week

  2. 2 weeks ago

    A bunch of representations of gods (yes including pagan gods) fight evil and absolutely demolish everything they fight with.

    • 2 weeks ago

      do they eat penis too

      • 2 weeks ago

        Only the one female egyptian and only one guys penis

    • 2 weeks ago

      Would it be something serious or like that cartoon with martial artists of different religions with silly names like Ninjewtsu or something?

      • 2 weeks ago

        More serious then that. Deffintly not overtly goofy.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    anyway frick this thread we're already doing this


  4. 2 weeks ago

    MINDHACK the animation

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago


  5. 2 weeks ago

    A Mexican has a smelly penis but all the water gets turned into chamoy so he can't wash it.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >Working Title: Lights, Camera, Cut!
    A kid wants to become a famous filmmaker and finds a special film projector in his Grandpa's attic that allows him to pull props into the real world for him to use. The only problem is that the genre of movies is tied to whatever is being watched in the living room.
    >Dad is watching his WW2 Movies again?
    > You're pulling out parachutes, rations, and the occasional Trench Gun.
    >Mom is watching her romance movies?
    >Enjoy endless plates of fancy food, flowers, chocolates, and a wedding ring.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Cool concept. What would be the conflict?

    • 2 weeks ago

      This could have a lot of potential.

      Cool concept. What would be the conflict?

      NTA but you give a kid a nearly limitless source of props and possibilities and chaos will naturally ensue.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    america's founders and early leaders are transported to the current year where they engage in comical misunderstandings an hijinks trying to adjust to their new life, that'll be 22.45

  8. 2 weeks ago

    A band of 5 Astronauts with martial arts and laser guns fighting against a hostile alien empire taking over the galaxy

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Saiyan girl goes on moron schoolkid fart adventures with some beanmouth b***hboy

  10. 2 weeks ago

    A(nother) comedy/mystery show where a chubby kid who's nosey but sweet and a jaded fat chick in her early 20s who wageslaves her life away team up to unveil the secrets of a vast amusement center.

    As bland as it sounds, you know Netflix or Disney TVA would greenlight it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Isnt that just dead end paranormal park?

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, it'd be indoors and neither characters are trannies.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    An alien man lands on earth and seduces the First Lady of the United States.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Popular fight game adaptation.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm genuinely floored by how much more I'd want to watch this than OP, despite it really being the exact same characters. Art is magical.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's street fighter I think.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >show set in a fantasy world
    >magic empire was oppressing and conquering everyone to the point where one kingdom remained while doing fricked up shit
    >things were looking grim until some alchemist invented gunpowder
    >tide is turned and alchemists and inventors are lauded as heroes
    >scientific revolution begins
    >flash forward 200 years to when our story is set there is aiIndustrial revolution going on (aesthetically similar to Arcanum)
    >protagonist is a descendant of the alchemist and joins the military against his families wishes so he can achieve greatness on his own terms
    >but he ends up getting entangled in a tangled mess of cutthroat politics, ancient magic, ancestral blood feuds, and learns that war is not hell, but close.

    • 2 weeks ago

      forgot pic related

  14. 2 weeks ago

    A little girl is obsessed with villainy and plans to become a super villain when she gets older. But for now, she acts like a mix between Dennis the Menace and a Bond villain. She has a plus sized best friend who wouldn't hurt a fly but acts as her muscle and a bunch of "evil weaponry" made out of kitchen utensils and junk yard crap. She hopes that by committing enough nefarious deeds, she'll draw the attention of real bad guys who'll take her under their wing. Such scandalous schemes include:
    >Intentionally making the high school cliques hate each other and in order to create a teenage civil war.
    >Sabotaging a bake sale with nasty ingredients with the hope that people who eat the food will turn into zombies she can control.
    >Acting as an arms dealer for the neighborhood by supplying everyone with the latest and most destructive in water gun technology.
    >Creating a hostage situation by kidnapping a rich kid's prized teddy bear and holding him for ransom.

    Imagine if they gave Professor Chaos a show, but he's a girl now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sounds cool. Would the show be relatively grounded or over-the-top à la EEnE?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Grounded, but the kids blow things wildly out of proportion. The girl's evil tools are shoddily assembled crap, kind of like the KND's tech but more plausible. Her evil lair is just her bedroom adorned with cardboard cutouts of sinister evil genius technology. Other neighborhood kids see her as an actual villain to contend with, adults see her as a domestic terrorist and local teens are split on seeing her as either adorably naive or annoying. Most of the evil plots start out as a normal kids game, but she either takes things too far or all the other kids get involved and elevate the problem in their heads.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Sounds pretty funny and cute. Would watch.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    A man trying to navigate a world that finds his favorite franchise toxic yet he refuses to give it up since it’s his core identity.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Star War show focusing on a force sensitive droid that was designed to kill Palpatine, but never got the chance to, as he tries to finds his creator as well as what his purpose is now

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Alright fricker, check it:

    Tagline - “In Space no one can Take you off Hold”
    Futurama + the Office + Casette Futurism Horror
    Connor is a bored, burnt-out middle achiever stuck in a dead-end call center job at Re:Call, a subsidiary of a megacorp. His annoying GF (who works at the center, yes he’s that stupid) has been pushing him to chase a promotion - but with his shitty performance he has no shot.
    After having this fight *again* with her in the office kitchen, he hears over the intercom that he needs to go to the Director’s office.
    Terrified he’s about to be fired - though part of him finds the notion liberating - he enters the office to find a JK Simmons type bossman always partly obscured like Dr. Claw.
    The Director congratulates him and tells him to pack up his desk. As of today he’s being transferred to the Escalated Calls Division.
    At first Connor is concerned - no one ever lasts long at ECD - but the $3/hr raise is too tempting to turn down.
    He gets to the ECD’s floor just in time to see paramedics dragging out a body bag. He finds one of the Supervisors - Jules - who directs him unceremoniously to the desk the body was being dragged away from.
    >”What happened?”
    >”Shot himself. Twice.”
    >”He always was thorough.”
    Connor gets a 5min orientation from Regina, the Division Chief, and is immediately set to take calls. He is told to direct any questions to T3, his AI assistant.
    T3 whirs to life as a clippy-like hologram, the first indicator so far that the story is set in anything other than early-90s suburbia.
    >Formula Introduced
    Connor proceeds to work his first half shift at ECD, which consists of providing support for a sci-fi B plot set somewhere on the Cylinder / Space Station the series is revealed to be set on.
    Outside of the Call Center the aesthetics are retro-futurist, think Alien and Aliens.

    • 2 weeks ago

      For the pilot this B plot is a clear homage to The Thing, with an alien parasite threatening to take over the station.
      With the (wildly inconsistent) “help” of T3, Connor manages to help the callers quarantine the sector, ID the doppelgangers, and kill ‘em all in a slapstick rip and tear montage.
      Connor ends the call exhilarated, vicariously having lived through the adventure. He cheers at his desk to many eye rolls.
      Maybe this is all he needed! Some actual purpose!
      T3 Chimes in and Connor looks to see that they only left him a 3 / 5 star satisfaction score and he immediately deflates.
      After all, he’s still in the call center. He’s not mr. Cool guy.
      He sits down and his terminal rings.
      “Thank you for calling Re:Call, how can I help you today?”
      >Camera zooms out to show the space station, with little where’s waldo scenes of various other disasters going on and the sound of ringing phones
      >Title Drop
      Something like that.
      Would work best as a short form, maybe 15min episodes.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    What about...a kid version of the count of Montecristo done in the style of hey arnold where he is sent to a juvie

    • 2 weeks ago

      Like Juvenile Offender?

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Very minor tweaks could make that a great show. Mostly if the black chick is a sex pest and fricks the dragon thing... Also the villain is a cuckold who wants to watch everyone frick while he jerks off in the clouds... The black girl wants to do the villain because she's a pervert, and hijinks ensue because hero has to keep her away from him and stop her flirting.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Pitch something else!

  21. 2 weeks ago

    An island girl who is sacrificed to her gods discovers that they're actually aliens who have been taking all the sacrifices and looking after them.

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