I'm controlling the Marvel universe with the Infinity Gauntlet and 3D glasses.

I'm controlling the Marvel universe with the Infinity Gauntlet and 3D glasses. Can't get any more rad than that.

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    >Now, when I snap my fingers, it's gonna get rid off all the bullshit!
    >No more SHITTY GAMES, no more bad load times, no more ear-grating music, no more terrible fricking controls, and best of all, NO MORE FRICKING TIME LIMITS!

    • 1 week ago

      >not using those powers to get a gf

      • 7 days ago

        >>not using those powers to get hair

        • 7 days ago

          >WHERE DID THE HAIR GO?!

          • 7 days ago

            >>not using those powers to get hair


            • 7 days ago

              Ah yes, the 8 infinity gems.

              • 7 days ago

                It needed an extra one to go with the extra finger.

      • 7 days ago

        First off, all ops are gay. Period. Second, even if he wasn't the Gauntlet isn't anywhere near that powerful.

      • 6 days ago

        Didn't work when Thanos tried

        • 6 days ago

          It worked fine. he just forgot to let her breath in space.

    • 7 days ago

      >No more SHITTY GAMES
      He wouldn't do that.


  2. 1 week ago

    He loses his powers at 5:40 every day

    • 1 week ago

      Go back

      • 1 week ago

        you're the balls on the dick

        • 1 week ago

          Does he want you to suffer?

          • 1 week ago

            take a wild guess

            • 7 days ago

              As if I'm not aware.

      • 6 days ago



        How did you know those were plebbit memes to begin with, homosexuals

        • 6 days ago

          because redditors spam them here. Is fake outrage because he had to cut a stream after just starting.

    • 1 week ago


    • 7 days ago

      you're the balls on the dick

    • 6 days ago

      you're the balls on the dick


    • 5 days ago
  3. 1 week ago

    My fuarking heroes

  4. 1 week ago

    So is Silver Surfer actually as durable as wet tissues as his game suggests?

    • 1 week ago

      Depends on who's writing

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

      Yes, despite having all the powers of Galactus he can be defeated by a simple armbar from Black Panther. Another herald, his equal, was defeated by Spider-Man.

  5. 1 week ago

    >Documentary is done on the nerd
    >Turns out he's basically CWC if he had gotten mental help early on

    • 1 week ago

      He’s Chris if his parents weren’t complete scumbags.

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      He’s Chris if his parents weren’t complete scumbags.

      AVGN is a stealth sequel to Home Movies

      • 7 days ago

        >2008-2010 era episode
        >Screwattack/Gametrailers logos appear

        there's a new video talking about James and it's pretty depressing seeing it laid bare there. Like, he's in his 40s making sequels to movies he made as a 10 year old

        • 7 days ago

          Folding ideas guy right? Is kind of weird he and the internet as extension frame James as this failure for still doing the nerd stuff when most people do the same IRL, is called having a job. Curious thing is the moment that job has a camera involved we consider only two acceptable outcomes, either you become rich or you become a failure. With other jobs few actually expect to become top dog of the company they work in or making their small business an Amazon level corporation but for entertainment is either go big or go bust as fart as most are concerned.

          I do think is a shame he kind of reached the peak of his online popularity before it was easy for content creators to make buck out of youtube. Life is a roulette and working just lets you buy the chips.

          • 7 days ago

            They're just out to farm outrage and feel better about themselves in trivial and asinine ways. James has a successful youtube career and a wife and kid he's raising, he's internet reknown and has largely escaped the cancelling controversies that even Doug found himself in. It says alot that the worst people have to say about him is 'He didn't support FemGhostbusters so he's slime'

            These goons are barely better than KiwiFrickers.

            • 7 days ago

              Heck, Doug barely seems to be slowed down by the whole 'controversy' from a while back. The worst I can say about those two is that they're like Family Guy and the Simpsons for carrying on the same schtick for twenty years. If it keeps them fed, good for them.

              • 7 days ago

                I think the controversies completely humbled Doug and I honestly believe he's a better person now than he used to be, the complete opposite of how most internet personalities go.

                He used to be a delusional shit-stirrer with delusions of grandeur, but now he seems like a guy who is very grateful for his fanbase and the job he has, and seems like a genuinely nice guy. He totally accepts his place and can take jokes that are thrown at him. Him being in Smiling Friends and being able to take all the jokes that the OneyPlays crew has thrown at him over the years has shown that he can laugh about himself.

          • 7 days ago

            yeah it feels like a really mean spirited video but on the other hand he's not really wrong with any of his criticism. James wanted to become a big moviemaker and the only movies he makes aren't real movies, and he's creatively not really grown since like, high school.

            The worst part for me was that he shits on James' "The Dragon in My Dreams" video, which I always thought was something really personal to James but he dismisses as shitty film school pablum

            • 7 days ago

              I wouldn't call it mean spirited, more like brutally honest. The guy seem to project on James, that much is clear by the ending where he sees himself as the Nerd. I think there is something to be said about all the film school rejects that never made it to Hollywood and found other ways to live of their skills. Sure they do stuff people enjoy and they get enough to eat but Youtube famous is not real fame, and in that way I guess someone could feel like they fail even when they are successful.

              If the AVGN ever fricked up I think was by no fault of its own, the show just came to early in the internet days when it was hard to monetize your fame. Even when youtube made it easier you seen how it has evolved now a days you can't even say frick without getting demonetized, but that is a whole different can of worms.

              I do think James as both a film critic and a film student has to take criticism about his work. Other critics are dumbasess just pointing out plot holes and acting like clowns but he in theory at least should know better yet his movie is barely better that the stuff channel awesome put out.

              • 7 days ago

                >yet his movie is barely better that the stuff channel awesome put out.
                It's certainly better on a technical level, but I would unironically rather watch Kickassia than the AVGN movie.

              • 7 days ago

                Definitely, say whatever about kickassia, at least is entertaining.

              • 7 days ago

                No it's not.

              • 7 days ago

                Kickassia is amusing like a bad B movie. Suburban knights and boldly flee are terrible.

              • 7 days ago

                I liked Suburban Knights.
                Boldly Flee was trash though, I agree

              • 7 days ago

                How could you not like kickassia? Its so bad its good without being absolutely unredeemable like to boldly flee.

              • 7 days ago

                No it's not.

                >So bad it's good
                morons like you are why The Room is a meme.

              • 7 days ago
              • 7 days ago

                You're an idiot. You're an idiot who doesn't understand B movies.

              • 7 days ago

                This guy gets it. FA video is as much about himself as it is about Rolfe. He doesn't condemn the latter as such - the closest he gets to is lampooning Rolfe's lack of self-awereness in calling his childhood doodles films (mentioned with a year in brackets every time) while having obviously failed to learn from film school in both the theoretical and practical aspects. FA is also aghast at how seemingly little appreciation Rolfe has for the Nerd, someone the former held up as a cultural icon in the early internet landscape. So it's more about him coming to terms with the fact that Rolfe is just some dude who liked fricking around with a camera when he was a kid, instead of a visionary pioneer of anti-establishment entertainment. And that this reality-check hit close to home, he himself being a youtuber and a perpetual wow streamer.

                Overall, it's much more favorable towards Rolfe than whatshisname the british-commie-bisexual-bald-guy who-makes-similar-videos about Penny Arcade and CAD, where the conclusion is that their only redeeming feature is that they offer insight into the chud mind and help with fine-tuning the future reprogramming camps of marxist utopia.

              • 7 days ago

                Its interesting to see this essay in contrast to his video about Doug which I feel comes from the same core place but is obfuscated by having worked with the man and having had friends who had bad experiences with Doug as well.
                Ultimately the difference between the two just comes down to ambition, taste, and the intimacy of knowing.

              • 6 days ago

                they're both callout posts but Doug doesn't have the sympathetic fanbase James does so he has to go easy on James while he can really sink fangs into Doug

              • 6 days ago

                I think it's also what

                Its interesting to see this essay in contrast to his video about Doug which I feel comes from the same core place but is obfuscated by having worked with the man and having had friends who had bad experiences with Doug as well.
                Ultimately the difference between the two just comes down to ambition, taste, and the intimacy of knowing.

                Olsen (and his circle of friends from Channel Awesome like Lindsay Ellis, Todd in the Shadows, etc) do have a grudge against Channel Awesome.

                Plus there was the theory that Olsen released the Doug Walker video when he did to take the heat off Lindsay Ellis to make her return (with the Mask Off video)

              • 6 days ago

                I thought Lindsay was still in exile after cancellation

              • 6 days ago

                She took a six month paid vacation after receiving very light pushback on a few tweets. Lindsay is a white woman in trouble tulpa.

              • 6 days ago

                what was it they got her for? I remember one thing was when she said that dragon movie was like Avatar

              • 6 days ago

                She made a tweet comparing Raya to Avatar the Last Airbender, came back to see tweeters pissed off and pissed them off more when she used the word squint. This happened during all that StopAsianHate hashtagging on Twitter

                She went away, then came back with the Mask Off video and pissed off more people

              • 6 days ago

                I wouldn't call it mean spirited, more like brutally honest. The guy seem to project on James, that much is clear by the ending where he sees himself as the Nerd. I think there is something to be said about all the film school rejects that never made it to Hollywood and found other ways to live of their skills. Sure they do stuff people enjoy and they get enough to eat but Youtube famous is not real fame, and in that way I guess someone could feel like they fail even when they are successful.

                If the AVGN ever fricked up I think was by no fault of its own, the show just came to early in the internet days when it was hard to monetize your fame. Even when youtube made it easier you seen how it has evolved now a days you can't even say frick without getting demonetized, but that is a whole different can of worms.

                I do think James as both a film critic and a film student has to take criticism about his work. Other critics are dumbasess just pointing out plot holes and acting like clowns but he in theory at least should know better yet his movie is barely better that the stuff channel awesome put out.

                >FA video is as much about himself as it is about Rolfe

                I do not agree. I think that's the video he set out to make, and I think that's the video he THINKS he made, but I don't agree that the video is as honestly self-reflective as it's presented. His navel gazing is done through ironic detachment instead of being raw and honest, and he's a lot more preoccupied with his condemnations of James as an egotist failure than he is in showing his own genuine weaknesses.

              • 6 days ago

                >So it's more about him coming to terms with the fact that Rolfe is just some dude who liked fricking around with a camera when he was a kid, instead of a visionary pioneer of anti-establishment entertainment.
                So James is basically store-brand George Lucas?

              • 6 days ago

                Do people really saw James Rolfe as a inpiring figure? I saw his stuff because its funny, and I think he has a place as one of the first on yt, but I never saw his as anything worth obsessing about.

              • 6 days ago

                Yeah he's George Romero for a whole generation

              • 6 days ago

                I see Rolfe as an inspiration, but in a sort of bland, authentic everyman sort of way. The suburban success, the american dream of a modest passion without too many strings attached. He's not an industry plant or secret millionaire from youtube videos. He's not some pretentious Auteur or egotistical visionary, he's just a humble normal guy doing what he loves and making a living off it.

              • 6 days ago

                people saw his vids and thought "if i scream in camera i'll be famous" ignoring all the extra effort in literally everything james did.
                The rest just thought "if i say is shit people will follow me" or "videogames gives me clicks".
                Both takes have been proven to be correct, creating the godafwull ecosystem known as youtubers, destroying both reviews and youtube as a whole.

              • 6 days ago

                Did you somehow miss the wave of Angry Reviewers from the late 00s/early 10s?

                people saw his vids and thought "if i scream in camera i'll be famous" ignoring all the extra effort in literally everything james did.
                The rest just thought "if i say is shit people will follow me" or "videogames gives me clicks".
                Both takes have been proven to be correct, creating the godafwull ecosystem known as youtubers, destroying both reviews and youtube as a whole.

                Not just that but the fact that some of the imitators miss that he's doing an act.

              • 6 days ago

                I don't know if I'd use the word inspiring but he is one of the first youtube creators to achieve a degree of genuine fame off it.

              • 5 days ago

                It comes with being a pioneer. He was the first big one in the genre so naturally a lot of people will draw inspiration

            • 7 days ago

              >which I always thought was something really personal to James but he dismisses as shitty film school pablum
              Dan is nothing if not completely lacking in any self-awareness.

          • 7 days ago

            I think it's less that he's a failure because he's still doing the same thing 20 years later and more that it's really weird and maybe a little sad that he's seemingly incapable of growing or getting better. You would think that someone would kind of get good even in spite of themselves just purely from doing reps, but in some ways it seems like he's gone backwards.

            The saddest thing to me is that James could make an ass load of money on patreon, only making one or two movies a year, and not be beholden to horrible sponsorship deals, shady frickers taking advantage of him, or a grinding weekly schedule. But dude is stuck in, like, 2007.

            • 5 days ago

              I think the best thing from James I've seen was that second season of Board James
              I remember in my youth halfway hoping MatPat would start speculation videos on it

              • 5 days ago

                I'd give to a Patreon for another Board James, but only if Mike and Bootsy come back.

              • 5 days ago

                you know you just made me realize that the Olsen video never mentions Cinemassacre's other projects like Board James. I guess they're not as big a deal but James has done other stuff besides AVGN and remaking Snix.

              • 5 days ago

                Part 2: Board James Broke Me (James Rolfe Now Owes Me Sex)

            • 5 days ago

              But does it really matter that he's not at 100% efficiency?

              • 5 days ago

                For me, it matters that he's obviously being taken advantage of because he doesn't know any better, or at least it sure fricking seems that way. Efficiency doesn't really factor into it; a lot of YouTubers are incredibly inefficient, they produce one or two bigger things a year and they manage to do really well. James could do that, without a bunch of fricking vultures making money off of his name, and without having to grind out a video very three to five weeks to make brand deals. I disagree with the premise that "avgn has always been bad." The old episodes are cringey maybe, but it's obvious he's having fun. I haven't watched a new one in a few years, but they've obviously just devolved into a content mill.

                And like, yeah okay "boo fricking hoo, dude has to make dumb videogames YouTubers to pay the bills what a horrible life," I just think it's kind of sad that he could conceivably have a reasonable work/life balance, and make enough money to do well, and be creatively fufilled and good videos, all without having to pay a bunch of schmucks who really seem like they just want to ride the guy for as long as they can.

        • 7 days ago

          I ask what's more depressing; Making sequels to passion projects from when you where a child, or being the guy who's only claim to fame is slagging on the guy who does the former. i can't say I care much for any of this internet critics, angry or otherwise but it's still a rung above being a critic's critic.

          • 7 days ago

            I'd say the latter because at least the former seems passionate about something even if misguided, and usually is mostly harmless unless it's a dangerous/stupid thing to do.

            • 7 days ago

              Considering that AVGN is a character and James' interest is mostly in film, I think that still makes him a better person than Breadtubers and Fandom Menace types

              Yeah. There's certainly a lot you can criticize him for. His completely backwards way of doing things immediately springs to mind, but he's at least doing something in an attempt to be creative. What do other online critics do? They point at the guy having fun and try to make a buck off his back by pretending to be superior but what have they honestly created themselves? A video about finger pointing at someone who's done no harm to anyone.

          • 7 days ago

            Considering that AVGN is a character and James' interest is mostly in film, I think that still makes him a better person than Breadtubers and Fandom Menace types

        • 7 days ago

          >gets to literally continue living in his fantasy world and sustaining himself with the income generated from doing so
          What the frick are you on about? That's the dream.

          They're just out to farm outrage and feel better about themselves in trivial and asinine ways. James has a successful youtube career and a wife and kid he's raising, he's internet reknown and has largely escaped the cancelling controversies that even Doug found himself in. It says alot that the worst people have to say about him is 'He didn't support FemGhostbusters so he's slime'

          These goons are barely better than KiwiFrickers.

          Kiwis provide a valuable service in outing sex pests (who are often other kiwis), Folding Ideas provides nothing of worth.

        • 7 days ago

          What's wrong with that? Should be slaving away in the wage cage?

        • 7 days ago

          What's depressing is all the comments in that video from the cult just lapping up Dans seething that a moderately moronic man achieved success and that calling people fat isn't a heckin' crime.

        • 6 days ago

          I know people where Salty about him saying Castlevania 4 is the best game but making a whole documentary shitting on him feels a bit much

          • 6 days ago

            >People salty over someone's personal opinion.
            At that point people just want to hate someone.

          • 6 days ago

            but SCIV is the best

            • 6 days ago

              I like Rondo better, SCIV has a problem where you are never 100% you are going to land where you want to land.

        • 6 days ago

          Yeah but he still has a wife, kids, and Youtube is his sustainable income. It's a bit weird and parasocial to make a whole essay about how Youtubers get stuck doing these and not making "real" movies. Most of the people getting big were never going to become the next big shot director, and Youtube is a way for them to achieve some level of recognition.

      • 5 days ago

        Ace Venture Junior is the origin story of JonTron.

    • 6 days ago

      The only thing the documentary proved is that Dan Olsen is a bitter, do-nothing homosexual who hasn't even made a movie. Even LINKARA has made a movie. Dan has no vision, no passion, and the personality of a moist piece of toast.

      • 6 days ago

        i like that your takeaway from the video is that olsen should just do a kickassia.

        I mean I would watch it

        • 6 days ago

          Who should be in it?

          • 6 days ago

            HBomberGuy and Lindsay Ellis definitely. I don't know any of the rest of his friends.

            • 6 days ago

              What is it called?
              >The Bakery

              • 6 days ago

                I like The Bakery

              • 6 days ago

                The Bakery: Rise of the Yeast
                The Bakery: Sourdonia
                The Bakery: Twilight of Breatopia

              • 6 days ago

                A trilogy? Now we're really baking.

              • 6 days ago

                My favorite was The Bakery: Rise of the Moldies

            • 6 days ago

              Todd in the Shadows

            • 6 days ago

              But both of them where in Kickassia, would this be a stealth Kickassia sequel? Imagine it being all pretentious and pseudo intellectual and then the makeover fairy shows up.

              • 6 days ago

                >But both of them where in Kickassia
                Bomberguy was? Was he just one of the people that stands in the background and has maybe one line in the entire movie?

              • 6 days ago

                Sorry I meant Todd in the Shadows.

        • 6 days ago

          I'm pretty sure that Nebula or whatever it's called platform is trying to do their own movies

          • 6 days ago

            can we trick these ex-Channel Awesome people into repeating the same beautiful mistake twice

    • 5 days ago


      • 5 days ago

        You're a sped, Harry.

    • 5 days ago



      James is not CWC by a long shot but his book does detail that he was in Special Ed classes as a kid. It was supposedly due to temperment issues, but yeah. It's pretty scummy that Olson talked about how stilted and childish the book was considering the fact that he'd KNOW James was in special ed.

      • 5 days ago

        >supposedly due to temperment issues
        I read this as "He used profanity one too many times like boys and young kids do and some special snowflake teacher clutched her pearls and made him attend tard classes with an IEP."

        • 5 days ago

          A lot of teachers were pretty quick to write off students and send them to special ed rather than just deal with them.

          • 5 days ago

            I'm glad we're starting to see a movement of parents not just blindly trusting whatever the public education system says regarding their children. The whole institution has abused that trust for too long.

            • 5 days ago

              Perhaps, but I worry we might be heading into the opposite extreme.

  6. 1 week ago

    Is the 9/11 and super contra part from his book fake?

  7. 1 week ago


    • 6 days ago

      it's crazy how if things were a little different, the MCU would end up starting in japan, in fricking 1979

  8. 1 week ago

    >2008-2010 era episode
    >Screwattack/Gametrailers logos appear

    • 7 days ago

      I Miss that site

    • 7 days ago

      >2009-era Gametrailers video content
      Literally the highest tier of kino in web video content

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

      to-do-to-do to to
      to-do-to-do to to
      *guitar starts*

    • 6 days ago

      >Screwattack attacking the MVC2 and Sonic R soundtracks for being jazz
      >Screwattack attacking Street Fighter EX saying it was bad because it was 3D
      >Screwattack attacking JoJo Heritage for the Future for having 4-buttons instead of 6
      >Craig straight up admitting that some of the Top 10 choices were due to Tom and Nick's input, and he wouldn't have put Guardian Heroes on Best Beat em' ups because "nobody gives a shit about that game or the Sega Saturn"
      >Placing the Guy Game at number one in the Top Ten Sexiest Babes or whatever despite the fact that it was long after the controversy where a 15-16 year old bared her breasts and got the game shelved due to CP

      Those videos aged pretty badly. Even more so after Craig got the culture war brainrot.

      • 6 days ago

        The one about the PS3 having no games and putting the Superman movie aged badly.

        • 6 days ago

          Okay the PS3 DID get its shit together but you have to admit the PS3 having no games memes are still hilarious

  9. 7 days ago

    Why do people make fun of him for balding so much? Hes a white guy in his 40s. All of you are going to go bald too.

    • 7 days ago

      Not all white people bald, maybe their hair doesn't grow as much but balding is genetic. Unfortunately my mother's father lost his hair so I'm just awaiting the inevitable.

    • 7 days ago

      I am bald. But I also don't sit my mug down in front of a camera. And more importantly not everyone balds, and not everyone balds well.

      • 7 days ago

        >Making fun of how others look
        Post face homosexual

        • 7 days ago

          Normally I wouldn't do this

          • 7 days ago
          • 7 days ago


            Are you bald? Yes.

    • 7 days ago

      Not everyone can pull the bald look like you Doug

    • 7 days ago

      I don’t, I just don't understand why anyone balding would want to keep that hair
      Just go full lex luthor

      • 7 days ago

        Contrary to popular belief the human skull rarely looks like in anatomy books, is full of small bumps and indentations that hair helps conceal so it doesnt look so bad, but without it, unless they won the skull shape lottery most people look closer to an inbreed hillbilly rather than Vin Diesel

        • 6 days ago

          Yeah but I don't think looking like pennywise is a better alternative

    • 7 days ago

      I always thought this was unfair and unironically of the buttholeish variety. He cannot control getting old.
      What he can control is wearing that dumb Mortal Kombat hat all the time to try and hide it, but even that I don't understand the hate for.

      Honestly the only thing I dislike James for these days is the fact that he can't just be honest and say he's checked out of his channel ever since he had kids. There's no shame in wanting to prioritize his family if that's what he wants to do, but he should stop lying and saying he still has the same passions as he used to, and claiming he still plays and writes every review.

      • 7 days ago

        This is the problem with a lot of these youtube celebrities. They very much want to do something else but won't give up the fame they already cultivated.

        • 7 days ago

          Well fame brings money, in a way I don't envy any of them, unless they where smarts with the money they gain for selling out most of them are stuck in this internet thing. What the frick is Doug, Linkara or James suppose to do? get a real job? just imagine trying to get a job with internet reviewer written as the last 10 to 20 years of working experience.

          • 7 days ago

            >just imagine trying to get a job with internet reviewer written as the last 10 to 20 years of working experience.

            That's why you don't write that. James could easily pad his resume as a filmographer and video editor.

            • 7 days ago

              This. Or Doug could say he did a commercial and voice acting.

              I'm not even sure "internet reviewer" is even an impediment to a resume nowadays unless they shittalked the company they're trying to work for, in a video

    • 6 days ago

      I always thought this was unfair and unironically of the buttholeish variety. He cannot control getting old.
      What he can control is wearing that dumb Mortal Kombat hat all the time to try and hide it, but even that I don't understand the hate for.

      Honestly the only thing I dislike James for these days is the fact that he can't just be honest and say he's checked out of his channel ever since he had kids. There's no shame in wanting to prioritize his family if that's what he wants to do, but he should stop lying and saying he still has the same passions as he used to, and claiming he still plays and writes every review.

      its funny. I like james but his hairline makes me laugh.

    • 6 days ago

      Lmao I won’t, both grandpas have a full head of hair in their 80s. Get fricked genelet

    • 5 days ago

      his hatedom is full of manchildren and actual reddit children who hate him because... they saw a video essay made by a troony (this is real look it up, it's called the decline of avgn or something)

      • 5 days ago

        James also had a short period of hate for the no review of Ghostbusters 2016, luckily for him not falling into the trap of replying the attacks made it a short-lived thing.

        • 5 days ago

          It was so funny seeing the mainstream spillover of activists and minor celebrities screaming "WELL, WHO THE FRICK CARES IF YOU DO OR NOT, YOU FRICKING LOSER?" when the video was made specifically to address his fans who were asking him to review it, and wasn't made to be a "message" directed toward the studio or anything.

          • 5 days ago

            It's funny that such a mild video pissed off a lot of people, when the vast majority of reviewers directly mocked and trashed the movie.

            • 5 days ago

              I think Sony was in panic about it, because they were already getting bad buzz over how the trailer looked and so wrangled a lot of activists and minor celebrities to call James out. It backfired because it came off like an excessive overreaction to a mild video. Hell, it even turned out James watched the movie some time later--he says it in an interview that I don't remember--and thought it was mid, so all the screaming and gnashing was for nothing.

            • 5 days ago

              it's like velma or primos nowadays where no one really likes it but if you're apathetic towards it and don't have a hate boner that means you're against the hive mind and therefore bad

        • 5 days ago

          This was a great move, just calmly explain he doesn't want to see the movie and the internet going crazy about it.

  10. 7 days ago

    I don't know what (You) guys discuss itt
    from what I remember James is just a unsuccessful somewhat-autistic filmmaker whose biggest success is screaming FRICK on camera

  11. 7 days ago

    >Guy rambles on and on about Jame's setup and camera issues, calling him sloppy and unprofessional essentially
    >While he sits on a random ass floor filming way too close to his face laying by a wall
    Weird hypocrisy

    • 7 days ago

      I think that's part of the gimmick but you're right that it's bad form when your gimmick looks like an error.

      • 7 days ago

        You should at least, if only for the moment, break form to at least show you know better.

  12. 7 days ago


    • 6 days ago

      >Brown Bricks

  13. 7 days ago

    Ok so then what is the solution to balding?

    • 7 days ago

      Learn how to wear a hat correctly.

    • 6 days ago
  14. 7 days ago
    • 7 days ago

      the quality of that shelving seems suspect

      • 7 days ago

        Video game boxes don't weigh that much

  15. 7 days ago

    All these video essayists that would decry kiwifarms and their lolcows basically just spin their voyeuristic obsession with minor e-celebs as "analysis"

    Swap out Rolfe with literally anyone else and the Folding Ideas video would be seen as insanely creepy.
    >but AVGN is a public figure!
    You could swap it out with Kanye West or Taylor Swift and recreating a room they were in would be psychopath behavior even if it was for a self-aware bit

    • 7 days ago

      It is disgusting how these types try to act like they're above the places they're clearly using to gather all their material before repurposing it into their undergraduate project for ad monies.

  16. 6 days ago

    I really dislike the pseudo-Intelligensia of Breadtube. It's this attempt at creating a vry srs bsns culture based around YouTube of all things. Yes, Nostalgia Critic and AVGN are massive middle-aged dorks, but some Breadtuber making an hour(s)-long video essay speaking about how dorky or bad at reviewing they are reflects worse on the Breadtuber for going to all this effort "critiquing" something so ephemeral than it does on Doug or James making 20 minute comedy reviews of some movie or game every week. This attempt at high culture pretends to be authoritative and smart, but when it's about other YouTubers or whatever sundry internet personalities, then it's really only a much longer version of Keemstar's Drama Alert with better Twitter PR.
    HBomberguy is probably the worst of the Breadtuber lot, just for how bloody sanctimonious he is.

    • 6 days ago

      It's honestly astounding. We've reached a point where nobody is able to create anything so the only thing they can do is try to point fingers at others doing something. And I've seen (not watched) all these multi hour videos and it honestly confusticates me to think how they can not have that much to say (which I doubt) but think if they spent even a fraction of that time doing literally anything else why might sprout.

      • 6 days ago

        It's also just inherently anti-art. A bad review is still a personal experience. Sometimes there are bad reviews colored by preconceived or financial bias which should obviously be ignored, but NC and AVGN's "bad" attempts at analyzing media are very clearly their earnest opinions. If they didn't get something, that's fine and normal.

        It's actually a perfect example of everything wrong with review culture nowadays where it's quite literally just virtue signaling. Am I cool because I liked this? Oh you didn't like this, that's not very cool of you. You didn't say the right things and that's bad.

        It's the self-importance of certain strands of criticism combined with the inherent narcissism of being a YouTuber™ in the YouTube™ Community™ and the moral righteousness of culture war politics. Not all these kinds of YouTubers are on the same level, but I find it generally unpleasant.

    • 6 days ago

      It's also just inherently anti-art. A bad review is still a personal experience. Sometimes there are bad reviews colored by preconceived or financial bias which should obviously be ignored, but NC and AVGN's "bad" attempts at analyzing media are very clearly their earnest opinions. If they didn't get something, that's fine and normal.

      It's actually a perfect example of everything wrong with review culture nowadays where it's quite literally just virtue signaling. Am I cool because I liked this? Oh you didn't like this, that's not very cool of you. You didn't say the right things and that's bad.

    • 5 days ago

      >HBomberguy is probably the worst of the Breadtuber lot, just for how bloody sanctimonious he is.
      I used to dislike him more but his last 2 videos made me realize that the format works if he's whinging about something of actual consequence. Calling out a serial plagiarist who made tangible monetary gains through said plagiarism is a topic that works with his smarmy contempt, but when he uses the same tone to b***h about Sherlock or whatever it just seems forced.

      • 5 days ago

        You're a part of the problem I was talking about. It's YouTube, it's really not that serious

  17. 6 days ago

    >I can't believe this! This storyline is ASS! What happened to Marvel, man? They made all these classic comics like Secret Wars and Infinity Gauntlet... and now this? What were they thinking? This story arc is so bad it doesn't even deserve to be printed in What If? as a joke! I'd rather have Magneto draw all the iron out of my blood than read another page! This comic is the Wolverine of bad comics, no matter how much you want it to go away it just keeps coming! I'd rather eat Krakoa's manure than read this comic! I'd rather have Mystique transform into a buffalo and ram me in the ass than read this comic! What were they thinking? Everything's ruined! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

  18. 6 days ago

    Since redditors had their "AVGNTruth" page ...what is this obsession with James and imagining that he's a LOLCow?
    He posts youtube videos , thats all. he's not chronically online arguing with strangers or anything. He has no personal issues all over the internet
    Its such a weird obsession from a group of people that I can't understand.
    Like its just never going to happen. He's not going to become Chris Chan

    • 6 days ago

      I don't know if there's already a term for it, but they're a "LOLherd". A group that insists they're following a lolcow despite they themselves having more closely the attributes of a cow.

      As for why they're so mad about James in particular. Well there's a bunch of reasons. tldr; married, children, successful, doesn't make as many videos as he used to. All of which vary in importance from mad person to mad person.

    • 6 days ago

      some people are bitter that he doesn't really care about the series as much as other stuff in his life. Also the era where they had the fat guy doing podcasts and shit made a lot of people mad

      • 6 days ago

        The slobs made a very tiny but very very loud crowd really really angry because they got to be "friends" with James. It was fun while it lasted, they were so easy to poke and watch them go off.

      • 6 days ago

        For me, it was because the Cinemassacre crew was very firmly established as Mike, Bootsy, Kyle, Kevin, etc. You know, his fricking friends that came in at the ground floor of his projects because they're the real ones.
        Once my subscription box started getting filled with thumbnails of fat fricks who you can tell smell bad just from looking at them, and who don't even seem close to James, I just unsubbed.
        I don't even have any ill will toward Justin Silverman. His Gabe Newell interview is one of my favorite videos on youtube.

        I just view Cinemassacre as something personal to James and his friends, and didn't like seeing these hanger-ons clinging to it, filling the video list on the channel with bullshit.

        • 6 days ago

          Oh yeah, he really needs to stop associating with the fat fricks. Like good lord.

        • 6 days ago

          What made me unsubscribe was the terrible Monster Madness from a couple of years back.

          • 6 days ago

            Truly the 9/11 of Cinemassace.

            • 6 days ago

              you don't come back from that.

        • 6 days ago

          >For me, it was because the Cinemassacre crew was very firmly established as Mike, Bootsy, Kyle, Kevin, etc
          I really miss those guys, especially Bootsy

          • 6 days ago
            • 6 days ago
        • 6 days ago

          You wanna know something crazy about Gabe in that video?

          • 6 days ago

            Everyone knows by now. Call him Gape, by the way.

            • 6 days ago


              • 6 days ago

                You know, a gaping butthole. Like a giant, gaping anus.

          • 6 days ago

            NTA but I know exactly what you're talking about

        • 5 days ago
          • 5 days ago

            Was the guy on the left the one playing the ninja in Ninja Gaiden?
            Also Kyle was the best guest, Battletoads and Ikari Warriors are two of my favourite episodes. Wish he had done more music for AVGN, he and Bootsy made some great tunes

            • 5 days ago

              I heard Bootsy got fricked over because they weren't paying him. Sad that the whole crew are gone now. Somebody earlier sad Matt still works with James but for some reason is off camera and they never speak publicly

              • 5 days ago

                >because they weren't paying him
                He b***hed about not getting paid for extra for work he did after he'd done it. The AVGN hatesub has spun this into him never getting paid for his work. If he'd been a teenager or even early twenties I could let that slide but doing it as a middle aged man was pathetic as frick.

              • 5 days ago

                >He b***hed about not getting paid for extra for work he did after he'd done it.
                you should get paid for doing work you do though?

            • 5 days ago

              Rewatching the show from the start you realize how many of the best moments were from Kyle and Mike episodes.

            • 5 days ago

              >Was the guy on the left the one playing the ninja in Ninja Gaiden?
              Yes, that's him, he's also the one who played the glitch gremlin, Kevin Finn.

          • 5 days ago

            I miss them

  19. 6 days ago

    I liked the doll nerd segment, he does get the nerd meanerism really well

    • 6 days ago

      I feel like he did not. In the script he intellectualizes too much, like talking about the immersion and depth in the story when James always approaches things very surface level. The part where he was in the empty 3 rooms channeled James well though.

      My problem with it is that I can't figure out how much can be attributed to the "I am a parallel of James" meta-text and how much is him just not doing a good impression of James, which hurts it both artistically and as parody.

      • 6 days ago

        I dunno man, after a while it became clearer and clearer that he saw himself as a projection of James, to the point where he even copies all his shticks. (And he literally projects James Rolfe onto himself)

        The video is more akin to examining one mid life crisis and discovering you're having one too.

        • 6 days ago

          It's easy to watch a take down on James and see it framed as someone who's wasted his chances to become a film maker on a silly video game review show when he has no real passion for games in the first place, but half way through all that you really have to wonder what you yourself have done by his point and this applies to both the creator and the audience. I never made a movie. I never really made anything people actually wanted to see. And nobody was asking for some rando online to do a dressing down of someone who's down more than they have. If I were to suddenly make a video about the faults of low budget film makers like Ed Wood or Roger Corman even if I was correct I'd still just be some butthole shouting at people who have made more than I have seen.

      • 6 days ago

        I think he copied the matter of fact the Nerd talks like when describing the game, also the part when complains about the old man ripping him off for the anti gravity belt.

  20. 6 days ago

    James is interesting because it's never seemed like he's been super fulfilled by AVGN despite it being such an influential and popular series.
    Last year he made a big deal about his dumb childhood "Snix" movies turning 30 years old, but the AVGN movie is gonna be 10 years old this upcoming month and I will be surprised if he even acknowledges that, despite it being an actual movie (regardless of how bad it is) that got a pretty wide indie release.

    • 6 days ago

      AVGN has been a job to him for the last 15 years. Most of the passion for the series came from Mike, who was muscled out by April and the Screenwave fatties.

      • 6 days ago

        The situation with Mike is strange to say the least
        >Still records basically all of James' game footage
        >Appeared in 1 video two years back as a puppet
        >James and Mike Mondays stops, James basically replaces Mike with his boring but nice neighbor
        >James and Mike don't really talk about each other much, if at all
        They read to me like a couple who divorced but still have joint custody so they're still involved in each others' lives.

    • 6 days ago

      that's a big running theme in the olsen video

    • 6 days ago

      He's doing a 10th anniversary screening of it at a con.

    • 5 days ago

      A lot of artist seem to be obsessed with their early work, maybe they see their darling project not reaching their true potential either because of lack of budget of their own inexperience and trying to retread their work in a way to "do it right"

      Some other creators just have 1 story in their heads and they just tell it in different ways in all their future works. Like the Evangelion guy using and reusing the same 5 ideas over and over again.

  21. 6 days ago

    Does anyone else feel sad that James has not made something as good as Mike Matei's Elmo in Grouchland Review in the past ten years?

  22. 6 days ago

    I wish he would do a multi-episode review of old DC and Marvel games. There's still a lot he hasn't touched.

    • 6 days ago

      just read the wikipedia on any game rolfe hasn't reviewed at periodically add "ASS" and "DONKEY BALLS" while you're reading it.

  23. 6 days ago

    i have never found bootsy to be funny

    • 6 days ago

      He was fun in Board James. That's it, really.

  24. 5 days ago

    >hes gone full schizo again

    • 5 days ago

      >Dr. Disrespect
      Literally who?

      • 5 days ago

        >Greentext Anonymous
        Literally who?

  25. 5 days ago

    Any chance of James actually retiring the nerd? or he just gonna keep doing it until he runs out of games

    • 5 days ago

      >until he runs out of games
      from time to time he makes episodes about good games, so I don't think he is able to ran out of topics to discuss as the Nerd

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