I'm watching the Terminator series for the first time.

I watched the first one yesterday and am finishing up Judgement Day right now.

What does Cinemaphile think of these movies? Do they get worse as the series goes on?

What are some good and bad parts of the movies?

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  1. 11 months ago

    1 and 2 are all time classics. 3, Salvation and Dark Fate are all bad but unremarkable. Genisys is one of the worst films ever made.

    • 11 months ago

      If that's the one where SkyNet becomes Alexa, I kind of liked that idea but it was stupid how the movie goes 'NO WAIT SHIT UH.... If SkyNet is already in everyone's homes is an integral part of human society then it wont' have any reason to attack! Shit frick okay it just goes apeshit'

      Like, no, sorry, the movie accidentally solved the "how does AI make itself feel safe enough to not kill all humans" problem. It makes itself completely indispensable to humans, then makes humans a platform for its own technology and the two march together into a bold new future with both gradually becoming more like the other until the differences are largely academic.

    • 11 months ago

      I consider Genesys bad but it had some neat ideas to it. Dark Fate is the one I consider unredemably bad.

  2. 11 months ago

    T1=classic with surprisingly good romance in addition to being a tight action movie
    T2=classic action movie
    T3=underrated but still a bit of a rehash of 2. Kino ending though.
    T4=underrated but also a bit bland
    T6=slop with some ok concepts and moments
    TV show=good but I've only seen the first few eps.

  3. 11 months ago

    You already watched all that's worth a shit. Lots of failed potential from here on out.

    • 11 months ago

      I bought the first 3 movies. I like to watch trilogies.

    • 11 months ago

      Chill out, dickwad.

  4. 11 months ago

    1 is incredible. 2 is great. the rest don't exist.

  5. 11 months ago

    1 is good and 2 is one of the greatest films ever made. everything after that is garbage but terminator salvation from 2009 has some really cool parts and kind of delivers on the future war we were teased in the first two films.

    • 11 months ago

      Salvation delivers frick all

      Terrible film

      One of the franchises with the biggest disappointments after the second film. Like they're trying to actively spite the viewer

  6. 11 months ago

    2>1>>>3>>>>>>>(power gap)>>>>> all other terminator films

  7. 11 months ago

    Watch the 1st & 2nd movies, then watch the Sarah Conner Chronicles tv show & ignore and avoid everything else

    • 11 months ago

      The TX was better than the t1000

  8. 11 months ago

    I watched them for the first time earlier this year.
    T1 is fantastic.
    T2 is alright.
    T3 is alright and is on par with T2 despite what people say.
    T4 is so fricking boring.
    Haven't yet bothered with the other two, though I hear T5 is unimaginably awful and T6 is the best since T2 if you're not overly sensitive to wokeness, which I'm not.

    • 11 months ago

      >watched them for the first time this year
      T2 is alright...
      You are absolutely fricking moronic ZOOMER SHIT

  9. 11 months ago

    They get better as they go along, the first two were a bit slow.

  10. 11 months ago

    Bros I love skynet designs. Hunter killers were so kino looking.

  11. 11 months ago

    > The Terminator

    > T2 - Judgment Day
    Strongly Great to Amazing

    > T3 - Rise of the Machines

    > T3 prequel comic with the TX fighting naked

    > Terminator Salvation
    Very Good to Near Great (frick this universe for not giving this a sequel)

  12. 11 months ago

    Reddit Black person zoomer. Get fricked.

  13. 11 months ago

    Terminator Dark Fate? More like Terminator Dark Flop, that movie was atrocious

  14. 11 months ago

    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronicles was awesome and I hate that it was canceled.
    Summer Glau would be the best terminator waifu.


    • 11 months ago

      I never watched this series but is it basically:

      >SkyNet sets terminator back in time (female)
      >it's seduced approximately 30 seconds after making contact with humans
      I mean, because if so, that's basically what's happened to GPT et al

      • 11 months ago

        It's actually really good and they basically sent John Conner the perfect Terminator waifu. There is some scenes in that where he's talking to her and I got so jealous. I also realize that women are fricking garbage and I want an irl android gf asap.

  15. 11 months ago

    As others said 2 is the peak of the franchise. Pure action, badassery, car chase is awesome, etc. 1 is a more classic blockbuster action flick. Good but not kino. 3 was sorta weird, not as good as its predecessor. I personally liked Salvation, at least more than 3 maybe comparable to 1 but I haven't seen it in like a decade. Also saw Genesys and it was garbage, didn't bother with Dark Fate but I could tell it was also garbage.

    • 11 months ago

      >1 is a more classic blockbuster action flick
      Into the trash it goes

  16. 11 months ago

    The Terminator: the only one anyone really needs to see
    Terminator 2: bigger budget, but less grimdark and therefore not as interesting
    Terminator 3: goyslop, but well put together goyslop with decent action sequences
    Rest: didn't see lol

  17. 11 months ago

    >I watched the first one yesterday and am finishing up Judgement Day right now.
    Then stop there.
    Therminator is T1+T2. The rest is dogshit and moronic

  18. 11 months ago

    T1: great
    T2: even better
    T3: weird tone, some neat ideas - overall 'meh'
    T4: bad
    T5: awful
    T6: bad-to-okay
    TSCC: surprisingly good (genisys ripped it off and did it badly)

  19. 11 months ago
  20. 11 months ago

    As others have said, T1 and T2 are far and away the best in the series that I've seen.
    You might want to watch some of the rest for laffs, but be aware that they're significantly worse.

  21. 11 months ago

    T1 and T2: are the peak of cinema, and been down hill from there
    T3: at the time it was shit but now it’s a fun enough movie
    T4: I think it’s alright but I understand why people at too keen on it
    T5: :(, :(, >:(
    T6: eh, some stuff I didn’t like, some that I did
    I haven’t seen the tv series but will eventually

  22. 11 months ago

    Saw that Terminator 1 was on Amazon Prime yesterday, so watched it again after years. I was a kid when it first came out and my parents never let me watch it on broadcast TV because from the promos they thought it was about some psycho serial killer going around killing people and shooting up a cop station. I guess they did the right thing and didn't go out of their way to spoil the robot shit back then, but goddamn it. Everyone was talking about nothing else at school the next day.

    Showing it's age, but still kino as shit, and good solid film, with writing homosexuals these days can only dream about. Notice things like Sarah yelling, "On your feet soldier!" to Reese, (actual character development and shit foreshadowing what she would become in the next film. Dialogue and events matter in more ways than one.

    • 11 months ago

      T2 is one of the best movies ever made hands down. I read the screenplay before I saw the film. Some of the written details were interesting, but I read right over shit that looks spectacular on screen and blew me away when I did see it. I especially remember when the T-1000 shoves a knife-hand through the elevator doors and then separates it into two hook arms to pull the doors open. I read right over that like it was nothing, but one of my favourite visuals.

      Screenplay had some interesting details about the T-1000 and what's going through its mind, like it walks a lot of the time, but it has a kind of confidence about the inevitability of killing its target. Though the movie is great with it running when it has to and John having to escape by the skin of his teeth. Really looks like it's going full on and he's legit just escaping, like when it's smashing the back window of car.

      Also has interesting little details like how far away a piece of the T-1000 can detect another piece to move back together again, etc.

      Sarah becoming a Terminator herself and not realising it until later is the most kino shit I've ever seen though, because you're 110% with her up until that point and then you're like, "Oh yeah ... frick. FUUUUCK dude. She almost ... yeah ... shit." Read right over that too, and only hit me seeing the film.

      • 11 months ago

        T3 the biggest disappointment for me was the Terminatrix not taking advantage of her sexuality or human psychology more. Would have been a step up from the T-1000 doing that kind of shit, (also mentions in the screenplay how the T-1000 modulates it's voice to gain trust, unlike the earlier model - "Do you have a photograph of John?", etc.)

        It's like the bust inflation scene in T3 promised something that was never delivered on later, and it just turns into two robots slugging it out, and not as good as when it happens in T2.

        Female Terminator could have gone full Amber Heard and have the entire LA police force trying to find John Connor from day one, or something like that. Should have been more psychological and clever about it, in contrast to the brute force T-800, and a cut above the T-1000's more natural manner and tactical sophistication.

        The pity of it is there was some elements like that in there like taste blood analysis, etc.

        I found the casting kinda ... okay ... but kinda odd too. Not the actress I would have picked.

        • 11 months ago

          The remaining sequels are a blur of some maybe interesting ideas, but mostly shit I didn't care about and was definitely disappointing to unsatisfying. Some movie about a guy with a heart, and a nuclear sub dude thinking John was a fraud nutbag, iunno. Watched them at the time and forgot them just as quickly, (and I consider that a good thing). Genysis, and troony Terminator were just derivative and soulless. Last one gave me high hopes for seeing Linda Hamilton again, and thought Matt Smith thing could be cool, but meh.

  23. 11 months ago

    >Screw your freedom.

  24. 11 months ago

    I think Jannie's banned me

    • 11 months ago

      Jannies are trannies.

      Do nothing but frick up interesting conversation on this board. Ban and prune shit that's actually interesting, leave stuff that is absolute shit. Nobody needs them doing it for free and they should all frick off.

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