>insanely skilled. >blindly loyal. >extremely adaptable

>insanely skilled
>blindly loyal
>extremely adaptable
Why did the Empire stop with the clone troopers?

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  1. 10 months ago

    they were too expensive and they didnt need them anymore, also i think canonically they didnt have enough clones to police the entire galaxy (as opposed to fighting localized skirmishes in the outer rim).
    stormtroopers were comparatively cheap and obedient enough to do the job.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah but you'd still want to keep the clones on farm, right? You know, as your special elite squad?
      Storm troopers are nice and cheap and it's probably a great source of steady jobs coming out of the Empire, but you want someone who can get the job done, too, right?

      I was led to believe the Empire wasn't exactly lacking on credits, considering they ruled a galaxy, so dedicating a couple of planets to clone-growth to maintain the best army in existence sounds like a good investment.

      • 10 months ago

        Death star was hideously expensive so they probably had to cut the budget somewhere

      • 10 months ago

        they did keep them, the 501st legion (the one led by darth vader) was made up of clones, it was the only one.
        no idea if nuwars changed this.
        also the cloning facilities on kamino were destroyed at the end of the clone wars so they couldnt make more even if they wanted to.

  2. 10 months ago

    The nu-lore is that Tarkin thought that ideologically loyal recruited humans were ultimately more reliable than genetically loyal clones.

    I think the more reasonable explanation was always that the clones were purpose-made for that one conflict, and weren't really useful for long term galactic police/peacekeeping work.

    • 10 months ago

      How is high combat skill, insane discipline and zealous loyalty not ideal for peacekeeping?
      I kinda get that it probably wasn't the cheapest way to build an army, but you'd think they'd have a couple of million on hand.

      • 10 months ago

        One idea from the Karen Traviss Republic Commando books that wasn't dogshit was the idea that the Clone War wasn't THAT big. She took the "200,000 units, with a million more well on the way" line from AOTC literally, and extrapolated it to conclude that the war was actually a pretty small manufactured conflict deliberately being fought in unimportant systems, by two disposable armies, then blown up for public consumption to make people believe it was this massive, galaxy-rending disaster, just to make people willing to turn over control to Palpatine.

        Granted the books did a lot of shit that was blatantly non-canon because Traviss thought she knew best, but I liked that one. It fit the series well, and felt very GWOT.

        • 10 months ago

          That was the ultimate dogshit idea that everyone hated her for the most and the one she doubled down on, because she was fricking moronic.

          • 10 months ago

            Everyone hated her for constantly making the Jedi look like chumps just to build up her fanfiction Mandalorian lore, and just disregarding canon whenever she felt like it. She was trying to write Metal Gear political skunkworks shit in Star Wars and it just doesn't work. I still liked the way she wrote her clone characters, though, and how she dealt with Order 66 without brain chips.

            • 10 months ago

              You are a fricking dumbass. She literally wrote a short story called "Odds" in Star Wars Insider after receiving frickton of hate for her 200,000 clones in a galactic fricking war nonsense, and she doubled down on it. She was nuts. More people fight in the Eastern Ukraine right now than in the GALACTIC FRICKING WAR, according to that insane b***h. And her Order 66 was moronic, and she wrote it by making everyone out of character and fundamentally misunderstanding Star Wars, the Jedi, the Republic, and the conflict as a whole.

              • 10 months ago

                >More people fight in the Eastern Ukraine right now than in the GALACTIC FRICKING WAR, according to that insane b***h

                >take line from the movie literally
                >what a moron

                That was her exact point, how could you fight a galactic scale war with 1.2 million dudes on one side? If the droids have the ability to just hyperspace jump directly to Coruscant with their quintillions of droids, why didn't they just do that instead of fricking around on Felucia?

  3. 10 months ago

    clones dont live long or at least they didnt back in the old canon. that was the reason.

  4. 10 months ago

    Storm troopers were no originally clones. Lucas rewrote the events of the clone wars between the OT and PT so the "clones" in question were an army of jango fett storm troopers. This was very dumb. It also meant there had the be a reset between the PT and the OT to make the storm troopers recruits again.

  5. 10 months ago

    They aren't an elite force, but essentially cheap riot police you can use as an army if need arises.
    Once the Empire was established, the Republic was dissolved, and the Death Star was under construction the "war" was essentially over. You don't need soldiers in peace times, you need peacekeepers and hardened veterans that are bread for war tend to not do well as mall security.

  6. 10 months ago

    >Why did the Empire stop with the clone troopers?

    The Clones were intended for a war. After the war Palpatine wanted to use regular citizens in the military to gain the loyalty of the people. If your brother or father is in the navy then you're going to be more sympathetic to the military. If the military is composed of clones bred to kill then you're going to view the military with distrust.

    • 10 months ago

      Not to mention the labor. You're less likely to have a problem with the Empire if they're your meal-ticket.

    • 10 months ago

      A clone army also insulates your public from having to personally fight the hordes of nightmare death robots and demanding peace before demanding you become Emperor, like when the Union resorted to mass-drafting the Irish.

  7. 10 months ago

    The force is female chud

  8. 10 months ago

    they were loyal to whoever made them. regular army is always better than a private army no matter how good is. look what happened to wagner irl and what happened to countless mercenary armies during the course of history

    • 10 months ago

      Weren't they loyal to whoever bought them? I thought loyalty to the manufacturer's customer was ingrained?

      • 10 months ago

        Is your Intel computer loyal to you or to Israel?

      • 10 months ago

        kamino rebelled in both canons. the point is that you don't want an army that can change its allegiance on a whim

  9. 10 months ago

    A bunch of people recruited from around the galaxy in mixed units (different planets) all becoming part of a new empire is a lot smarter than just stationing creepy clones from the republic all over the place and being seen as an outside force.

    Also if he could give them secret coup programming, someone else could potentially do it to him. A bunch of randoms having to do an old fashioned coup is a lot harder.

    Now everytime some rebels get a lucky win, they blew up poor old Johnny from your neighborhood down the street, instead of an npc clone.
    >Johnny just wanted that GI bill and to learn how to pilot space transports.
    >Frick those anarchists. I just want some peace and stability.

  10. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


      The empire is modeled after nazi germany and it is canon they are human supremacist and look down on aliens

      So yes, the stormtrooper is unironically racist, little timmy.

      kamino rebelled in both canons. the point is that you don't want an army that can change its allegiance on a whim

      This is what I know from the story too. Kamino did a coup and the empire btfo them. Then started using recruits.

  11. 10 months ago

    EU clones were still vulnerable to a force hijack. I don't keep up with the demake.

  12. 10 months ago

    The idea of even using humans in Star Wars universe is incredibly stupid.
    You can turn an entire planet into a fricking forge that automatically cranks out bots armed with human or superhuman level AI.
    There's no way the droids should have lost due to the numbers game alone.
    Especially when the droids above the B1 shitkicker tier have been shown to be very capable soldiers, some of them being able to put a fight against the jedi themselves.

  13. 10 months ago

    EU slop written by uplifted fanboys-turned-writers. They get fricking clowned on every time they appear on screen.

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