>Introduce the big bad guy in the first movie

>Introduce the big bad guy in the first movie
>kill him off in the second movie before explaining who he is or what his goal is
>they need the comics to give him a backstory
>third movie retcons the comics and turns him into a failed palpatine clone

What's the matter?
When they started the trilogy they said they hired a guy to make sure the lore was consistent between movies, comics, books, tv series, etc. so WHY?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I feel like his entire purpose was to hide palpatine was alive. Which is pretty lame and lazy writing if that's the case.

    • 2 years ago

      if that was the case then at least that would mean they had a plan from the start, but I think the writing was worse than that and they just wanted a new villain with a new design, without any forethought about the next flicks or his origins

      • 2 years ago

        Even if they did have a plan, Rian wanted to subvert the expectations so hard that he fricked up the whole trilogy

    • 2 years ago

      Sheev being alive wasn't made up until well after last jedi had bombed. They literally had no story. TLJ had destroyed or closed off everything from TFA and set up absolutely nothing for the finale. The original director for the third movie left since it was obviously dead on arrival. Then JJ just made up a bunch of shit and crammed in a trilogy worth of nonsense material into one movie to try and salvage something. It's the most baffingly poorly made multibillion dollar project I've ever seen and they should all be ashamed.

      • 2 years ago

        I disagree, Ren should have been the only badguy

        • 2 years ago

          That's dumb though. Ren was not interesting or memorable. It was super stupid to have leia, han, and their son all be moronic failures. It was insanely idiotic to make soft reboots of the OT and have him be a vader wannabe. No one was ever going to give a shit about him or his redemption, he never even had a good reason to turn to the dark side except being an angsty, edgy moron.

    • 2 years ago

      He didn't have a purpose when they made him. They had no plan for him except that he is le mysterious deformed wizard of oz man and gives kylo ren orders. It's literally that shallow and the Star Wars drones ate it up.

      • 2 years ago

        I can't believe this. Surely there was some greater plan with him?

        Can any anons Darth jar jar up some potential snoke-kino that could've been?

        • 2 years ago

          His actor kept saying how amazing his backstory was, which was a lie.

    • 2 years ago

      the absolute icing on the cake was
      >give the audience a stupid shot of snark's lightsaber rumbling a bit
      >have him give a big stupid speech about how there's no way kylo would ever betray him
      which 100% tipped off the fact that kylo was about to kill 'em. on no level of filmmaking can i understand that decision. you don't have to set things up and prepare the audience FOR SHOCKING PLOT-TWISTS 'cause it's like what's the point then? you've completely removed the moment of surprise. as hacky as it would be should have just been
      >everything is going as normal
      >kylo backstabs snark out of nowhere
      because at least then you've got a shocking moment. they did the worst of both worlds

      >I feel like his entire purpose was to hide palpatine was alive
      you're giving 'em too much credit for forethought and planning. pretty sure it was just one director being left with the last's mess over and over again

  2. 2 years ago

    Because Star Wars is run by incompetent diversity hires who do not give a frick about Star Wars. The women in charge don’t want to do any work except soak in the limelight and take all the positive credit, they don’t want to actually do any work. They thought they could just sit back and let the men do all the work, and they didn’t have any proper oversight or put in any guidelines because that would require work. As a result the directors just went in and made their own movies with their own ideas and it was a mess.

  3. 2 years ago

    Did Vader know about the Sheev clones?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Vader knew about the massive Star Destroyer fleet and for some reason never told Luke as a ghost

    • 2 years ago

      There’s a comic where sheev takes Vader and that stupid assassin to exegol and shows them all the moronic plot points from the movie

  4. 2 years ago

    > be bad guy
    > 3 minutes screen time over 2 movies
    > refuses to elaborate
    > dies

    • 2 years ago

      >be bad guy
      >then be the spy
      >then die

      • 2 years ago

        Did this guy ever even have an arc or was he simply the evil, stuck up Brit archetype?

        • 2 years ago

          he went from being serious and kylo's rival to a complete joke

  5. 2 years ago

    >Be responsbile for the son of two major characters going evil
    >Through that also be responsible for the destruction of the new jedi order
    >Be responsible for the destruction of the new republic, the one thing the heroes of last trilogy worked towards
    And they simply killed him off and said his story didnt matter

    • 2 years ago

      But the important thing is that it subverted expectations.

  6. 2 years ago

    They also made a point of saying in publicity stuff that Snoke wasn't a Sith. Turned out he was basically THE Sith.

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    They've alluded to the reason they didn't plan it out was because that was how the OT did it. The implication being that they would somehow recapture the same magic, what these idiots don't understand is that the OT was both great in spite of that. It is very jarring going from Empire to Jedi because there was clearly a bunch more movies planned out and Empire didn't set up for a finale (Luke's sister question, Luke becoming a fully experienced Jedi, skipping the Empire Rebellion war, etc.)

    • 2 years ago

      That's also why Jedi is the worst one.

  9. 2 years ago

    >When they started the trilogy they said they hired a guy to make sure the lore was consistent between movies, comics, books, tv series, etc. so WHY?
    They lied, there was never a guy. They made everything up during filming, there wasn't even a script they just adlibbed the entire thing.

  10. 2 years ago

    >introduce emperor in empire, just a brief 30 second scene and that’s it
    >see him in return, don’t know anything about him except he’s evil
    >he just dies
    >they need 3 shitty prequels, comics and novels to give him a back story

    • 2 years ago

      The movies were new and they told us all we needed to know about Palpatine. He's the emperor, a dark side user and Vader's master.

      Now we have a million cartoons, comic books, tv series, video games, etc. You can't just introduce some random frick who's stronger than everyone else and owns an army a million times bigger than the original empire without any explanation

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly. The EU understood this. They made the continuing story at least a bit logical with the empire breaking up into little warlord fleets and having one of their best admirals become the new antagonist. Thrawn was actually believable as a new threat to a fledgling new republic.

        But they did eventually run out of believable nearby threats and had to bring in the Vong from outside.

      • 2 years ago

        The implication with the emperor was logical and sufficient. The board room scene established there was a republic which was slowly whittled away and taken over by a dictator/emperor. There was pre existing infrastructure that he took over. With Snoke you have someone who out of nowhere and reconstituted the empire more powerfully that they could build an entire planet death star and a planet sized capital ship along with a bunch of star destroyers. Why is an alien leading the human only empire? He's really old where was he before if he's so powerful? Who the hell is he?

  11. 2 years ago

    There was no plan. All they had for Snoke was that he wasn't a Sith, was supposedly designed to have been good looking before dark side shit messed him up and corrupted Ben.
    Killing him off in the 2nd film was a jest against israelite israelite by Rian and israelite israelite making him a clone to bring back Sheev was an emergency nostalgia thing.

  12. 2 years ago

    It was stupid from the very beginning. The premise of TFA was to basically redo the OT. You can't run a franchise on old beats. Even doing a MCU version of the old books would've been better. At least you'd have had some people give a shit.

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