IP Mining is killing cinema (and has probably already killed your favourite IP)

>fanfics can be good tho!
Sure. its rare, but sure. However, a good fanfic is just that; fanfiction.
>but sometimes the creator comes back and ruins it themsekves!
Sure. But i'll take a sincere, authebtic suck, over a disingenuous suck. Its the difference between a rubbish suck from your wifr vs a rubbish suck from a hooker.

Additionally, a creator is not always the director. For example, Alien was the passion project of Dan, who wrote Alien 1 & 2, whilst Ridley Scott came to the project last minute as a director for hire.

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  1. 1 week ago

    based and accurate

    • 1 week ago

      baskin and roberts

  2. 1 week ago

    >a good fanfic is just that; fanfiction.
    okay? i'm fine with that as long as it's good

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Good for you. Thread is not about what you personally enjoy Brian.
      Its about the cancer that is IP mining

  3. 1 week ago

    That's you. You automatically lose the argument.

    • 1 week ago

      You must play dodgeball. Considering how impressively you missed the point.

  4. 1 week ago

    I will not watch any new Star Wars with George Lucas involved.
    I want 5 seasons of the Acolyte.

  5. 1 week ago

    so where do you drive the line?
    John Carpenter's the Thing is a remake of a movie which is both a Frankenstein ripoff and a adaptation of a book.
    They are planning into making a JC Thing sequel. who's to be consulted?
    How about that last spiderman movie? it added to the maguire movies, should Sam Raimi be consulted? or should Stan Lee stolen ideas be consulted?

    • 1 week ago

      This is not hard.
      You know exactly what OP is about.
      If a corporation/studio tries to mine a property, that's IP mining.
      Good olf exist.
      But they are rare.
      JC The Thing is an example of a good olf.
      The 2011 The Thing is an example of a bad olf.
      And there are far more of the latter than the former.

      • 1 week ago

        I don't really. if somebody has a new, good and """"""soulful'"""""
        interpretation, it should be done.

  6. 1 week ago

    >implying the original creator being involved matters
    They're given a wad of money to put their thumbs up.

  7. 1 week ago

    Basically yes unless it’s good then no one cares

  8. 1 week ago

    >fanfics can be good tho!
    >Sure. its rare, but sure. However, a good fanfic is just that; fanfiction.
    >but sometimes the creator comes back and ruins it themsekves!
    >Sure. But i'll take a sincere, authebtic suck, over a disingenuous suck. Its the difference between a rubbish suck from your wifr vs a rubbish suck from a hooker.
    >Additionally, a creator is not always the director. For example, Alien was the passion project of Dan, who wrote Alien 1 & 2, whilst Ridley Scott came to the project last minute as a director for hire.

    • 1 week ago

      Kys corpo

  9. 1 week ago

    >The guys who made Ninja Turtles sold the IP to Nickelodeon who continues to produce produce garbage
    >Where's Wally/Waldo sold the rights
    >Lucas sold Star Wars
    Who else?

    • 1 week ago

      IP Mined OLF List
      >Star Wars
      >Jurassic Park
      >X Files
      >Die Hard
      >almost every Horror IP
      >Pirates of the Carribean
      >Indiana Jones
      >Lethal Weapon
      >The Excorcist
      >Blair Witch
      >Home Alone
      >Men in Black
      >Star Trek
      Ans jfc, just so many more

  10. 1 week ago

    Abolish intellectual property. All culture belongs to the commons. Is what I would usually say. But I wonder if big budget projects would get made in a world without IP. Maybe we would get some really good big budget fanfiction through some sort of kickstarter arrangement. Like Final Fantasy 7 Remake but better. The IP freed from Nomura's Hot Topic clutches. Give the story to the real geniuses out there and let them work their magic. Piracy is already an option even if illegal, wouldn't be much different. Most people want to pay for the official copy if they can afford it.

    • 1 week ago

      if cinema wasn't profitable, we would have government funded movies. the same with art galleries, museums and symphonic orchestras.

      • 1 week ago

        Hi! That's how the Australian donestic film and television industry works.
        We invented film, then the government immediately banned the only genre at the time so that, now all media in Australia has to be made with government involvment.
        Everything is hyper pozzed, hyper safe, characterless grool that is so flat its not even worth exporting. Leading some to believe that we don't actually have a film and tv industry in the first place.

        • 1 week ago

          but nowadays with the internet, you can upload your own stuff, right?

          • 1 week ago

            Australia exists behind a digital iron curtain.
            We have sometbing called "The Office of the Esaftey Commissioner".
            All net traffic is run through this office, and it geoblocks most content from Australia, whilst "shadowbanning" all uploads from the country.
            Very VERY few creators get through. And they are always the "safe" ones.
            I hate it here.

            • 1 week ago

              >thread dies the second Julie Inman Grant is mentioned
              Auztralia is a prison

      • 1 week ago

        I think without commercial or government funding, cinema would be a patronage-based arts system.
        Rich people would fund filmmakers to produce movies for their own personal tastes. These films would then be shown at the patron's home or maybe shared within his circle. In the past this would mean that plebs would see few to no films, as public theaters would scarcely exist and home media would be prohibitively expensive and in the hands of a few collectors.
        However in the digital age, the economics of distribution become trivial, and you might see a patron make his collection available for the public to download the same way that he might donate his art or books to a public gallery or library.

  11. 1 week ago

    Alien: Isolation can be both IP mining and fanfiction but is genuinely the best thing that has happened to the franchise.
    Is so weird seeing such movie franchises such as Alien, Predator, Terminator, Robocop, and even Avatar being reinvigorated though the gaming medium.
    You do imagine those frickhuge studios and people that worked on the movies would be apt to do new ones, but no. I've come to accept the fact that a good movie is good in spite of the people working on it, lighting in a bottle if you will, the executives and filmmakers will bicker about with each other and never really grasp their own creation, "fanfiction" can be made by people that understand the bigger picture as a whole without the creator's own bias about their project.
    Again, go watch sequels to Alien and then play Isolation, they all pale in comparison despite having it's creators attached to them.

    • 1 week ago

      Good post.

      if cinema wasn't profitable, we would have government funded movies. the same with art galleries, museums and symphonic orchestras.

      Movies here in Brazil are State-financed and 99% of them are irredeemable trash. Not even so-bad-it's-good trash, just the absolute most worthless trash.

      >Everything is hyper pozzed, hyper safe, characterless grool that is so flat its not even worth exporting.

      Same thing here in Brazil. I chalk it up to classic Brazilian corruption, ineptness and nepotism, but it seems to happen elsewhere as well. Aren't European movies State-financed as well? And come to think of it many lesser known European films have that same low-effort, too-politically-correct feel to them, but they're at least somewhat interesting. I miss watching generic euro movies on Eurochannel.

      • 1 week ago

        Whoops, I was quoting

        Hi! That's how the Australian donestic film and television industry works.
        We invented film, then the government immediately banned the only genre at the time so that, now all media in Australia has to be made with government involvment.
        Everything is hyper pozzed, hyper safe, characterless grool that is so flat its not even worth exporting. Leading some to believe that we don't actually have a film and tv industry in the first place.

  12. 1 week ago

    Is fan fiction bad tho

  13. 1 week ago


  14. 1 week ago

    fan fiction implies it was made by fans, not greedy corporations who don't give a shit about it
    QED homie

  15. 1 week ago

    Frick Eye Pee, imo

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