Iron Man

Most underrated trilogy hands down. Not a single bad movie.

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  1. 5 days ago

    Except 1, 2 and 3

  2. 5 days ago

    >Not a single bad movie.
    except for 2 and 3

  3. 5 days ago

    Yeah besides part 2 and 3 the iron man trilogy is perfect

  4. 5 days ago

    Second is bad. First is okay. Third is good

    • 5 days ago

      >Third is good
      3 was a dumpster fire. At least 2 had Sam Rockwell hamming it up.

      • 5 days ago

        You just didn't get it.
        Iron Man 3 is a classic Shane Blake's metahumor and post irony movie. Mocking the capeshit.
        He's done it before with action movies or classic Universal monsters.

        • 5 days ago

          >He made it shitty on purpose
          Ah. So he's the Wimp Lo of directors. Got it.

        • 5 days ago

          >classic Shane Blake's metahumor and post irony movie. Mocking the capeshit.
          Directors who do that shit can frick right off. Also see

          >introduce the most based villain in the series
          >it's a fake-out
          Nah, Iron Man 3 was trash.

          I fricking despise directors who do stuff like that. "Hehehe, I really subverted your expectations, didn't I? Aren't I clever?" It's just tiresome and doesn't belong in this kind of genre film.

      • 5 days ago

        >Sam Rockwell hamming it u
        No love for Mickey Rourke's overacting?

        • 5 days ago

          To be fair, Rourke said they fricked him and cut a lot of his part out, and I find that credible. They were trying to combine the Crimson Dynamo and Whiplash, which is a stupid concept, and the execution turned out even worse.

          • 5 days ago

            >and the execution turned out even worse.
            i liked it 🙂

        • 5 days ago

          Unironically my favorite phase 1 villain. He was entertaining and that's all I needed.

          • 5 days ago

            That's like not knowing what Lex Luthor is supposed to be like and seeing the Jesse Eisenberg version and thinking, "That guy was pretty entertaining". The problem is you don't know what you're missing.

            I understand them not wanting to use the Crimson Dynamo after the first movie due to similarities with Stane's Iron Monger suit at the end, (which during production there was some question about who the villain would be and the Dynamo was one possibility). But if you ever learn what you missed out on and what a weaksauce version he is of better villains he's based on, you're going to see how much they took from you.

            Even Stane is so much better in the comics it sticks in my craw a bit. The guy's whole schtick is he's a Chessmaster thinks multiple moves ahead and has backup alternate strategies out the arse. Stark can only beat him by dealing with every single one, and is still denied the full satisfaction of victory, not to mention Stane living up to his name so Tony is still trying to deal with his remaing corrupt business bullshit for years after.

            Did you see the chessboard in the background on Stane's table that is never used or mentioned? If you read the comics you did, but that's all you got of that aspect of his character, he was just otherwise a ruthless and shrewd businessgay. All the shit with the earpieces and double-crossing the terrorists would have worked so much better if there was a little bit more of the comic book Stane before and after. This was part of him that was filmed but got cut:


            His death in the comics is better and more memorable but at least this shows they were trying to do something with him that far into production.

        • 5 days ago

          He was fun, but that scene in particular was pretty dumb. He survives getting hit by a car and punched by iron man multiple times.
          He didn't even wear a suit, he just had whippy things. His bones should have been pulverized.

    • 5 days ago

      second is good. third is bad. first is goated.

  5. 5 days ago

    >Can't have a bad movie when all 3 are trash.
    9000 IQ move, OP. Well played

    • 5 days ago

      Yeah you can. The three trash movies would fall under “bad”

  6. 5 days ago

    don't listen to them. I like all 3

  7. 5 days ago

    1 is solid and can stand on its own as a real movie
    2 has really dumb writing, but at least has cool action scenes
    3 is a mess writing wise and the suits are suddenly all made of paper mache. Also the conclusion of the movie is instantly retconned in the next cross-over movie.

    • 5 days ago

      >Also the conclusion of the movie is instantly retconned in the next cross-over movie.
      What was retconned?
      I always found Stark getting surgery to remove to the shrapnel at the end of 3 stupid since it was the entire basis of 2

      • 5 days ago

        The whole conclusion of the movie is that he has to be Tony Stark, who is not reliant on his suits, and give up on being Iron Man. He removes the shrapnel and the reactor for his chest and destroys all the suits.

        Then next movie it's all shrugged off and he is back to being regular old Iron Man. Makes the entire third movie pointless.

  8. 5 days ago

    Iron Man 2 is my favorite MCU movie

  9. 5 days ago

    2 is probably the worst. There's not a lot of good things it has going for it. Villains are trash. Even the quips aren't as funny.

    However, Scarlett Johanson in a catsuit.

    What a trilogy.

  10. 5 days ago

    2 and 3 are underwhelming

  11. 5 days ago

    Iron Man is an interesting case, because you can clearly see the effect of the MCU felt most clearly.

    Iron Man 1 is a movie that Disney would not make. It has Tony bring a bunch of strippers serve as flight attendants on his private jet. It's relatively down to earth, set is "Afghanistan" and fighting "Afghanistan terrorists" which is just one-step removed from reality. It was pretty gritty, some of the shots in those movies would not be put in a Marvel movie these days. Tony takes headshots with bullets, he shoots to kill, he murders people visibly on screen, like 12 at a time. You see men with actual guns, assault rifles that you can see in real life.

    Iron Man 2 started as a sequel to the original Iron Man, mostly down to earth with a tone consistent with the original, but then you clearly see the MCU taking over about halfway through. The movie that Favreau wanted to make was tossed out and they wanted to shoehorn in MCU characters to establish them in the narrative. Still, the movie is 75% original MCU and 25% Disney MC.

    Iron Man 3 was a full product of the modern MCU. Tony doesn't use guns to murder people, he mostly blows them away to disable or disarm them. Heavily leans on the comedy, very shlocky and silly all things considered. The plot is several layers removed from reality, it's almost entirely in its own fictional universe. Safe and clean, very little blood or grit.

    • 5 days ago

      Totally agree.

      The best MCU movies are IronMan and WinterSoldier because of their grounding.
      The totality of Stark's coolness (MCU's coolest character) originates from the first 30minutes of the first MCU movie, where he fricks strippers and mudslimes.

    • 5 days ago

      good summary

    • 5 days ago

      good one

      Totally agree.

      The best MCU movies are IronMan and WinterSoldier because of their grounding.
      The totality of Stark's coolness (MCU's coolest character) originates from the first 30minutes of the first MCU movie, where he fricks strippers and mudslimes.

      captain america has the merit of having three good movies. civil war is a universe done right because it has weight if you saw the prior movies

      • 5 days ago

        The only canon MCU movies are :
        a. Thor 1
        b.c. IronMan 1,2
        d. Captain America 1
        e. Avengers 1
        f. Captain America 2
        g. Avengers 2
        h. Civil War
        i. Black Panther
        j. Infinity War

        10 , perfect number

        • 5 days ago

          >homie panter

          • 5 days ago

            I am not saying BP was good, or that I tolerate watching Black folk on my screen, but Infinity War took place in Wakanda.

            • 5 days ago

              The two homie pantha movies are the only mcu movies I haven’t seen (and the ones after endgame of course because frick disney)

              • 5 days ago

                The real tragedy of Black person Pather was that character was actually cool until he got his own movie. I loved him in Civil War and his interaction with Zemo. Was really thinking they were going to make a great and noble Black person character. But then you see Wakanda, which is like seeing Zion in the Matrix instead of just hearing about it, what a fricking joke. He could have survived his own first meh film, (if you'll pardon the pun), but by then these morons were just going full anti-white male and diversity shit, so the character ironically never had a snowball's chance in chance in Hell going forward.

        • 5 days ago

          I remember being awfully disappointed at avengers 2 for how inconsequential it felt. Guess compared to today it has the merit of being just average... Good list , I dare add gardians of the galaxy because they are funny on their own

          • 5 days ago

            This is not a quality list.
            I intentionally left out some movies because they work better as surprises e.g. Hulk in Avengers 1, GiantMan in Civil War, the Guardians....wait.....SHIT they are way too canon! That's where we meet Thanos and the Collector explains the nature of the Inf.Stones !... frick frick

            Guardians are in, and Black Panthera is out I guess ? or just add Endgame (yuck) to make it a nice list of 12 movies.

        • 5 days ago

          ok new list

          The only canon MCU movies are :
          a. Thor 1
          b.c. IronMan 1,2
          d. Captain America 1
          e. Avengers 1
          f. Captain America 2
          g. Avengers 2
          h. Civil War
          i. Black Panther
          j. Guardians of the Galaxy
          k. Infinity War
          L. Endgame

          10 , perfect number

          • 5 days ago

            I detect a slight bit of autism in you, do you per chance only put your volume at an even number

            • 5 days ago

              you don't?

              • 5 days ago

                I do and am weird

          • 5 days ago

            The Captain America films had the best throughline in the MCU, varying from serviceable to excellent, and the later one retrospectively made the prior ones better.

            Evans was pitch perfect. Didn't like the Peggy actress though which kind of undermined it a little.

        • 5 days ago

          ok new list

          The only canon MCU movies are :
          a. Thor 1
          b.c. IronMan 1,2
          d. Captain America 1
          e. Avengers 1
          f. Captain America 2
          g. Avengers 2
          h. Civil War
          i. Black Panther
          j. Guardians of the Galaxy
          k. Infinity War
          L. Endgame

          10 , perfect number

          PROTIP: Ultron gets better the more you watch it. Underrated.

          I hated it at first, because it's very jarring how quickly it rushes through shit like
          >create Vision
          >hey guys I'm Vision
          >two seconds later
          >hey you're an Avenger now let's go fight Ultron

          It's extremely rushed, but it's all there if you pay attention. Like if you just assume everyone is quick on the uptake, a bunch of geniuses who think two steps ahead and communicate in shorthand, (and to be fair there is not shortage of those in the Avengers), then it all makes some kind of sense.

          It's not a good way to for them to have done it, to jam everything in that tight, but I kinda understand why, and once you've seen it and you know what's coming that gives you the information you need to catch up and stay with it.

    • 5 days ago

      You'll notice another effect that you can compare to the 90's Batman films too.
      >First movie, no "serious actor" wants to be in superhero shit. Comic books are for kids? I'm a THESPIAN!!! I played Richard the Third. I wont dirty my hands being in THOSE kinds of movies.
      >Get some washed up, unknown, or actor just looking for a paycheque and stick him in the role, some director nobody really cares about because it's all considered risky anyway.
      >Breeds more success, draws more money and higher budgets.
      >Suddenly even homosexual actor in Hollywood wants into the superhero money trough and popularity, also directors, etc.
      >Start using their Hollywood clout to get in and start changing shit to what they think capeshit should be about.
      >Whole thing becomes a big self-aware shitfest full of Libshit actor politics and perceptions about what comic heroes are.
      >"Ice to see you".
      >When you hear every homosexual actor saying "I did it for my kids" in interviews that's when it's pretty well fricked.

    • 5 days ago

      Based high effort poster. My brother and I saw Iron Man in theaters expecting nothing and being blown away.

    • 5 days ago

      Absolutely this. First Iron Man has more in common with Nolan's Batman trilogy, tonally, than any of the following MCU movies. There's a difference between action movies, who just happen to have comic book characters, like Nolanman and Iron Man (2008) and full-on capeshit like the MCU and DCEU.

  12. 5 days ago

    Based. Been saying this always. Iron man 2 is straight kino. Idk if people forget he straight out synthesisizes a whole new element into existence. Actually badass

    • 5 days ago

      >he straight out synthesisizes a whole new element into existence
      That's not as hard as it sounds, anon.

      See this periodic table? All the purple elements were made in basically the same way. Basically anyone who has access to a particle accelerator can make new elements.

      • 5 days ago

        The heavier ones usually aren't stable though. Not that Iron Man 2 cared much about being scientifically accurate.

      • 5 days ago

        Why haven't we made more elements wtf. Still cool to see Iron Man do something science related.

  13. 5 days ago

    >series that grossed billions is somehow underrated
    capeshitters need to be culled

  14. 5 days ago

    Except it's not a real trilogy because you have to watch the other marvel movies for 3 to make any sense

    • 5 days ago

      Thanks for highlighting what actually sucks about the MCU. Just reading comics isn't enough, you have to watch 1000+ shows and movies to even understand what the frick is going on, even for characters you don't give a shit about.

  15. 5 days ago

    >introduce the most based villain in the series
    >it's a fake-out
    Nah, Iron Man 3 was trash.

    I fricking despise directors who do stuff like that. "Hehehe, I really subverted your expectations, didn't I? Aren't I clever?" It's just tiresome and doesn't belong in this kind of genre film.

    • 5 days ago

      >I fricking despise directors who do stuff like that. "Hehehe, I really subverted your expectations, didn't I? Aren't I clever?"
      I notice it's because they have nothing interesting to say. Nothing that would justify the seriousness. I think that's what they feel. It's a way to avoid ridicule that someone like Nolan gets because he's sincere even with the most ridiculous of concepts.

    • 5 days ago

      3 had little iron man in it until the end.
      most of it was tony

      • 5 days ago

        There was nothing wrong with that in principle. Stark has been without his armour in the comics, or pared-down versions, but again the execution kinda sucked, and adding the kid was just fricking moronic.

    • 5 days ago

      Again I know what they were TRYING to do, and maybe it could have even worked with Kingsley if that scene wasn't so silly and off-putting.

      But basically since it was all a result of them tripping over themselves to be 'not racist' and reserve the 'Ten Rings' for the Shang Chi homosexual, you just wound up with a cool supervillain being skuttled and then the moronic "I AM THE MANDARIN!" line, which fricked AIM in the arse too.

    • 5 days ago

      >doesn't belong in this kind of genre
      Shane Black is a master of deconstruction.
      He exists to annoy stupid people. And smart people love these mocking cliches.
      Universal monsters, last action hero, The Predator, Capeshit.

      If you don't like Black. You're a fanboy of something stupid.

      • 5 days ago

        Yeah, that's what I'm totally wanting to watch. An iron man movie with 90% of it with no iron man. Genius. Give Shane all the awards possible.
        Maybe hand out one to you for being the biggest imbecile on the planet.

        • 5 days ago

          >wanting to watch
          Most people on earth are stupid.
          It doesn't matter what they want.
          For stupid people there's avatar, guardians of the galaxy and Zack Snyder.

  16. 5 days ago

    I've been a big IRON MAN gay since decades before the movies came out. I was dreading the first film thinking they were going to totally frick it up and was impressed at how they managed to compress and update decades of comics even passably, let alone it being 'good'. It definitely has some stupidly rough edges but to get a thumbs up from someone like me was not easy feat.

    The only thing I really hated was the ad-lib dialogue from the moron actors. Gweneth Paltrow can shove her 'at least three olives' up her stupid arse. Holy shit why would you let that dumb c**t come up with her own dialogue? Nobody who gets paid to write could put that on paper without blowing their own fricking brains out.

    I appreciated all the little Easter Eggs that didn't intrude on the movie for normies, but were that little bit extra for long-time fans. Best of all I love that my lesser-known hero is now a household name, and normies now know who I'm talking about, and why he's so cool.

    Having said all that, the second and third movies were really shitty and rubbed me the wrong way pretty bad. They had their moments, like it was great to see Stark and War Machine standing back-to-back going to town with all their weapons, but frick the surrounding dialogue and story mang.

    I know exactly what they were trying to do, but it just didn't work for the most part. Like Tony Stark is like fricking MacGyver whether he's in the armour or not, and that's what truly makes him the 'Invincible IRON MAN' and not just another guy in a suit - and nobody can just put on his armour and be anywhere near as formidable.

    I wish kinda they stuck with the alcoholism angle instead of the nebulous 'muh PTSD' thing which was the popular bullshit at the time, and a waste they way they showed him drinking all the time prior - like his key scene with Loki. That shit just kinda went to waste.

    They tried to be as loosey-goosey as the first one, but should have used that success to pay a good writer.

  17. 5 days ago

    >dude quip quip quip quip quip quip quip: the character

    Into the trasherino it belongerinos.

  18. 5 days ago

    Iron Man 3 was so bad I thought mcu was basically over . People weren’t going to keep watching this trash
    Turns out they would

  19. 5 days ago

    Idk why Americans dislike Iron Man 3, an ~~*American*~~ turning out to be the villain instead of an Arab is about as redpilled as it gets.

    • 5 days ago

      There's a good movie in there somewhere, but it's not on the screen. It winds up a hodgepodge of ideas that if you piece together and squint you can make yourself think you saw a good film.

      It bugs people who know the comics not because of the 'le twist' but because they know what they took from you and how it compares unfavourably to that.

      The perfect microcosm of what's wrong with this film is the Gweneth Paltrow shit and the ending.
      >Mwhahahaha Tony, I'm going to inject your girlfriend with Extremis so she has a good chance of getting superpowers, which she can then use to escape and/or kick my arse!
      >She might explode, but the audience knows that's never going to happen!
      >Mwhahahahaha, I'm so clever and evil!
      >Hey JARVIS active that House Party protocol that gets all my other suits of armour that I didn't use until now, as if they couldn't have dug or blasted their way out of the armoury easily - especially all the one specifically designed for heavy construction and shit
      >fight fight fight
      >Paltrow falls in fire because Tony fails to catch her like a loser
      >audience knows she's not dead
      >cleverly put armour on bad guy and blow it up
      >he's still alive
      >Extremis Paltrow hits him with a pipe and that does it
      >blow up armours even though will be reversed next movie
      You didn't see a good movie, maybe their was one before they inserted girl power so Paltrow gets to save Tony, etc. but all the good beats you think are there, just aren't, or they're undermined so they're just stupid.
      A stereotypic Fu Manchu supervillain with magic rings is looking like a much better option at that point.

  20. 5 days ago

    You can see what they were trying to do with Rockwell in the second film, but boy did that ever not work. The comic book Justin Hammer is an old frick who looks and talks suspiciously like Peter Cushing, and I can see why they would feel a need to differentiate him from Stane by making him a young Internet Age gay, but it was a bit like Silicon Valley Lex Luthor and his peach tea. Boring Millenial/Zoomergay shit.

    Also they were obviously giving the actors way too much latitude, so it comes off as self-aware horseshit along the lines of Arnie's "Ice to see you" Mr. Freeze, instead of being any kind of serious threat. Like if you can't make the shit with the stupid bird even mildly interesting when you have Sam fricking Rockwell you best be cutting and reshooting some shit.

  21. 5 days ago

    1st was LUDO
    2nd WAS KINO

  22. 5 days ago

    Iron Man 1 was so good it started off the whole Marvel craze for 10 odd years.

  23. 5 days ago

    >Iron Man 1: Iron Man fights another Iron Man
    >Iron Man 2: Iron Man fights a bunch of Iron Mans
    >Iron Man 3: Iron Man fights even more Iron Mans

    • 5 days ago

      In the third one he fights a bunch of dragon dudes. Get it straight.

  24. 5 days ago

    third one is pure shit
    >oh no space alien, i am having mental breakdown
    >oh no, my suits are le bad, i have to destroy them all in a spectacular way
    >at his point i am fricking macgyver with bare hands fighting skills
    >did i said i am suicidal because of this purple alien?

  25. 5 days ago

    The only good MCU trilogy are the Captain America movies, with it peaking at Winter Soldier which is the best of the entire franchise.

    • 5 days ago

      >Captain America movies
      Those are shit except for Winter Soldier and that one basically a cross-over movie.

      • 5 days ago

        Remember when Falcon was introduced in Winter Soldier and he was actually pretty cool, but then the MCU decided that they needed to 'do better'. Same story as Black person Panther. Great introduction, likeable cool character, transformed into another stupid, boring, anti-white mouthpiece.

  26. 5 days ago

    2 shit movies and one decent and best. The only good MCU movie is Winter Soldier. Everything else is pure trash

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