Is clone wars actually worth watching?

Is clone wars actually worth watching?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago


      The duality of anon

  2. 2 weeks ago


  3. 2 weeks ago

    Anakin‚ some Ashoka and clone episodes are the only thing worth watching

  4. 2 weeks ago

    It fixes the prequel lore and makes everything before Luke less moronic. Filoni did what Lucas couldn't.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It fixes the prequel lore
      Ahsoka's existence takes a giant shit on all the lore

      • 2 weeks ago

        What lore?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It fixes the prequel lore
      There was nothing to be fixed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It fixes the prequel lore
      like what

    • 2 weeks ago

      >george controlled all of tcw
      >george came up with the plots of tcw
      >george reviewed, accepted, and rejected every script
      >george reviewed, accepted, and rejected every story reel
      >george reviewed, accepted, and rejected every line of dialogue
      >george reviewed, accepted, and rejected every finished episode
      >filoni co-wrote a single episode during tcw original run
      >filoni is seen as the sole creating visionary of tcw
      I don't get it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It doesn't really fix anything. I think the show does a good job working within its limitations, but the shitty things about the PT are still very shitty.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It fixes the prequel lore

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, you just need to skip the filler (which means skipping 70% of the episodes)

  6. 2 weeks ago

    is the movie worth watching?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes, but only because it introduces important characters.

    • 2 weeks ago

      No. All you need to understand is that Anakin has a Padawan and that's it.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Yes. In fact, it's the only Star Wars shit worth watching, other than the original 3.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Apronsoka will never grill burgers in the backyard for you.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    I thought it was boring, the villains were all goofy losers but not fun or funny, the fight scenes were somehow worse than the sequels even though they are fully animated rather than live action, Anakin end up just some b-list jedi doing average missions rather than that legendary hero people thought he was.

    • 2 weeks ago

      forgot to add there is nearly no lore, no worldbuilding, no stakes, no alien species with unique powers or culture or interesting new factions, no humor, no creative strategy in warfare, nothing

    • 2 weeks ago

      forgot to add there is nearly no lore, no worldbuilding, no stakes, no alien species with unique powers or culture or interesting new factions, no humor, no creative strategy in warfare, nothing

      Why are you lying?

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm not, the fights were simply boring as frick compared to basically any other sci fi or action series the worldbuilding was bland the villains were all simple and generic

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I'm not
          You are.
          >the fights were simply boring as frick compared to basically any other sci fi or action series
          Oh, yeah? Show me any other sci-fi or action series. More so, the CG animated ones. I'm waiting.
          >the worldbuilding was bland
          No, it wasn't. Mandalorians alone that had fully developed, unique architecture, art, starfighters, clothing, language that are all rooted in the culture's history and have a real historical reference to them prove you wrong. Then there are Nightsisters, Umbarans, Raxus, Mon Cala, Zyggerians, Onderon, Scipio, etc.
          >the villains were all simple and generic
          Not any more generic and simple than the rest of Star Wars.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Show me any other sci-fi or action series. More so, the CG animated ones.
            Ok?What about starting with another Star Wars series?

            >No, it wasn't. Mandalorians alone that had fully developed
            Into a group that is nothing but a name and a training program that is not a species or ethnic group or political faction, not really being united by anything
            >Not any more generic and simple than the rest of Star Wars.
            In the original star wars you had no idea what Lucas would throw at you, first it was an armored warlord, then it was a crazy guy wearing a mask in the desert then is was a disgusting fat talking slug and mafia boss then it was the yeti, now it's just totally predictable, bunch of evil wizards, bounty hunters and the same goofy robots

            • 2 weeks ago

              A bunch of 2D blobs running into each other with lasers shooting.
              Droids standing in place and completely ignoring the hero characters for "le badass" scenes.
              "Choreography" which is just characters smashing their glowing bats in the same 3 repetitive moves, over and over again.
              homie, you've defeated your own point in this very instance. You have no legs to stand on. It has no camera work, no interesting framing, no cinematic sensibility, no common sense. I ought to dismiss you entirely, right off the gate.
              Genndygays are genuinely insane.

              >Into a group that is nothing but a name and a training program that is not a species or ethnic group or political faction, not really being united by anything
              Huh? What are you rambling about, idiot? What training program? Are you moronic?

              >In the original star wars you had no idea what Lucas would throw at you
              Yeah, dumbass, because it was original. It established the DNA of the franchise, and it's been like that ever since. Ever since then, the villains of Star Wars have been evil wizards, bounty hunters, evil aliens and robots.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >everyone just flying practically perfect straight and some a bit of flashes of light here and there
                Wow great action there moron

              • 2 weeks ago

                You better look into what the WW2 bomber runs that inspired this sequence looked like.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >WW2 bomber runs that inspired this sequence
                This is the moronic line of thought that gave us the bombers in The Last Jedi, but that aside I was making fun of his reductivism by being equally reductive.

              • 2 weeks ago

                oh so you are going to be like that huh
                >Huh? What are you rambling about
                the absolutely only thing that unite all mandalorians is knowing how to use the equipament and fight, there are peaceful mandalorians, warmonger mandalorians, honest, dishonest mandalorians, not united by a political goal, hardly united as a group, any religion, any race, any culture any background, any political view, nothing is uniform
                >Yeah, dumbass, because it was original
                and the force forbid the galaxy having new challenges like in the EU when the Jedi and Republic had to face Yuuzhan Vong as the main villains for a very long time and it didn't end up with Darth Sidious or any other dark side evil wizard showing up and saying "pranked bruh I hired those guys to pretend there was a villain other than me!"

              • 2 weeks ago

                >oh so you are going to be like that huh
                Well, since you want to pretend it was any good... Yeah, I have to be like that.
                >the absolutely only thing that unite all mandalorians is knowing how to use the equipament and fight, there are peaceful mandalorians, warmonger mandalorians, honest, dishonest mandalorians, not united by a political goal, hardly united as a group, any religion, any race, any culture any background, any political view, nothing is uniform
                I am really having a hard time following you here. Are you an ESL? You type like an Indian. Try to form your thoughts coherently. More so, you are outright lying - again. The goals, culture, political allegiance, the reason for said allegiance, the reason for splinter extremist groups existing and their goals are all elaborated on in the show. They are all a single, uniform ethnocentric group, united y a singular past and culture that defines their present and future, and which is the source of the conflict.
                >like in the EU when the Jedi and Republic had to face Yuuzhan Vong
                moronic fanfic crap Warhammer 40K ripoff? Yeah, I member. What does it have to do with Star Wars, though? It was moronic. You are moronic.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Well, since you want to pretend it was any good... Yeah, I have to be like that.
                fine then
                >More so, you are outright lying - again. The goals, culture, political allegiance, the reason for said allegiance, the reason for splinter extremist groups existing and their goals are all elaborated on in the show. They are all a single, uniform ethnocentric group, united y a singular past and culture that defines their present and future, and which is the source of the conflict.
                So, be my guest and describe it.
                >moronic fanfic crap Warhammer 40K ripoff?
                Star Wars IS supposed to be heavily inspired by other works, Darth Vader was inspired by Dr Doom and Darkseid, the sand people were inspired by the Fremen from Dune just like the rest of their planet, and those are not minor inspirations or small details.

              • 2 weeks ago

                "good thing those bugs can't aim"
                >North Korea

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Crying about CW Genndy while posting an example of TCW’s mediocre action scenes
                TCWdrones are moronic hipster contrarians.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Genndygays are hipster contrarians. Everyone with a modicum of common sense knows that TCW is superior in virtually every aspect, and that Genndy shorts, while fun for its time, were never anything more than that: fun, over-the-top shorts. Yet the circlejerk by certain people surrounding them has single-handedly made it overrated and obnoxious. That "mediocre" scene blows any Genndy's scene out of the water, by virtue of cinematic sensibilities that are not achievable in the 2D-medium to begin with: framing, camera work, actual detail, VFX, lighting. You can't do any of that in 2D. Which is why all of Genndy's scenes look static as frick and flat, there is no detail and the movement is jerky and unrealistic.

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                I like how this scene does not make you feel bad for Anakin but rather put you in his shoes, to not feel sorry or sad but feel the absolute terror of losing control of yourself, see yourself destroy everything and then your own personality getting twisted beyond recognition until there is nothing you can recognize, everything you know is gone including you.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >by virtue of cinematic sensibilities that are not achievable in the 2D-medium to begin
                I bet you're one of those tards who keeps asking for live action versions of anime, or maybe for all of Disney's live action reboots.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anime is better than Genndy's work. At least it's aesthetically pleasing. Genndy's style is fugly.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Genndy's style is fugly.
                TCW's cgi might be good for a 2008 cartoon but that's still leaves it as ugly ass cgi

              • 2 weeks ago

                >but that's still leaves it as ugly ass cgi
                Not really. TCW pioneered the "painted models" look, which made it age much more gracefully, than any of the super expensive CGI feature films of that time, where everyone looked like glossy, bloomy plastic. Combined with great lighting work and matte paintings used in the series, TCW still looks really really good today. And the style has evolved even further, with The Bad Batch and Tales, being one of the best looking CG-shows still.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Dude you're arguing just about which has better action, No one has ever called Filoni a master of action scenes while Genndy is renowned for his directing of action sequences, there's no contest you're out of your god damn mind if you think TCW has better action scenes.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't think so. It's more over-the-top and ridiculous - sure. But I would not call it better. I would not want to see it in the actual movie or anything that attempts at more grounded storytelling. Because it does not belong there. It's cartoony to the max. I simply don't give a shit about Genndy's style. Never did it to me. Mace Windu flying in the air like a canon ball while droids stand still and wait for him to punch them to death does not do it to me. Glad you enjoy it, though.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >or anything that attempts at more grounded storytelling
                Like a guy holding a sword running in the middle of warzone where everyone is using riffles with a bright colorful uniform without any cover in a place where hundreds of soldiers can see, aim and shot at him at any moment from countless angles?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >likened to Cate Blanchett
            Man, kind of headcanoned to look more like Nicole Kidman in live-action.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >Is clone wars actually worth watching?
    Frick no even it's fans tell you to skip like 40% of the show, that should tell you all you need to know about how bad it is.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >even it's fans tell you to skip like 40% of the show
      No one actually says that. You made that up.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >No one actually says that
        Obviously not in those words moron but the amount of episodes those episode guides tell you to skip is around that much

        • 2 weeks ago

          No, lol. There are no episode guides. The only episode guide is called "chronological order", in which you watch all of episodes in chronological order, because some episodes were released out of order. That's it. No one is actually telling anyone to skip anything. Unless you are referring to a Cinemaphile meme guide that has been denoted as a troll guide countless of times over the years.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >There are no episode guides
            oh sweet summer child

            • 2 weeks ago

              There aren't. No one actually ever tells anyone to skip shit, other than Jar-Jar episodes and droid episodes, which would be in total less than 10 out of 133. And even those have their admirers. The only guide anyone ever receives is the chronological order guide, because the episodes originally aired out of order.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >There are no episode guides

  10. 2 weeks ago

    It's last thing SW thing Lucas had a hand in before Disney bought Lucasfilm.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    It has some really great moments, but like anither anon said, most of the show is filler.
    It doesnt start getting genuinely decent until the end of season 2.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is the anthology series. It cannot be filler by definition. It's just "stories set in the Clone War". It doesn't even have a single narrative: it always jumps around, changes perspective from place to place, from character to character. It is episodic television. There is no one main story arc. As opposed to something like Rebels or Bad Batch, which follows a single group of characters, has some pretense of a main story arc, and yet constantly deviates on irrelevant shit, while at the same time still holding us hostage with the same group of characters. These shows are serialized, but plagued with useless filler.

      • 2 weeks ago

        so should I watch rebels, bad batch or clone wars?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Clone Wars. You can also check out Tales of the Jedi.

          Rebels is a downgrade in every possible aspect and is only good when it's about Clone Wars characters.

          Bad Batch is like Rebels, but with Clone Wars artstyle and animation. Has some cool episodes, but mostly shit.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >You can also check out Tales of the Jedi.
            Ew no.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I disagree. Bad Batch has some bad episodes, and the rest are seriously horrible.

  12. 2 weeks ago
  13. 2 weeks ago

    Very much so.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    No Ahsoka is 100 times worse than Jar Jar. Imagine an obnoxious kid appeal character like Jar Jar that fights with like every major antagonist in the and series and gets away from every fight without a scratch (in a series known for characters losing hands and limbs). Now imagine that character also has a totally all along close relationship with one of the MCs of the series despite never appearing before and not possibly fitting anywhere in the timeline and you get Ahsoka.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >No Ahsoka is 100 times worse than Jar Jar.
      Nah, she's not. Also, Jar Jar was never bad to begin with.

      >Imagine an obnoxious kid appeal character
      She's not obnoxious, though. She's also not a kid appeal. She is 14. The series was made for teens. Her age reflects that. As opposed to, say, Anakin, who was 9 in TPM.

      >fights with like every major antagonist in the and series and gets away from every fight without a scratch
      That's a lie on multiple levels. For one, she doesn't fight "every" major antagonist. She never fought Dooku. Cause he'd smoke her. And then, almost every other fight she had lost. And "gets away without a scratch?" Straight up lie.

      >Now imagine that character also has a totally all along close relationship with one of the MCs of the series
      So? Ahsoka was created by Lucas. Anakin was created by Lucas. Star Wars was created by Lucas. It's his series, and he decided that Anakin had a Padawan. Just like he decided that Obi-Wan had a master named Qui-Gon Jinn, and not Yoda, as originally presumed in ESB.

      >despite never appearing before
      Well, there was no Clone Wars series before. That's where she appeared, that's where her story is.

      >and not possibly fitting anywhere in the timeline
      She's fitting in the timeline of the Clone Wars, which is between Episodes II and III.

      >and you get Ahsoka
      Very nice.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The series was made for teens
        It's made for 10-12 year olds. It being made for teens would mean it'd be TV-14, not TV-PG.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Lucas: The TV series is exactly like the movies, exactly. I mean, you can see it in the clip. It’s basically just the movies only with cartoon characters. It’s basically a dramatic series, there’s a lot of action, a bit of humor. It runs along at the same level. It’s unusual for an animated film, because it’s not really hardcore like say “Beowulf” and it’s not a Pixar movie, so it kind of falls in between in this funny world where “Star Wars” is, which is kind of hard-edged but not really, sort of on the verge of PG-13, flips over once in a while, but sort of the high end of PG.

          >Lucas: Well it's basically like Star Wars [in that it] takes place between, obviously, [the films] Episode II [Attack of the Clones] and Episode III [Revenge of the Sith], but it's the same kind of action. Unfortunately, it doesn't fall into the realm of what animation [typically] is, which is either adult, kind of off-color humor or kiddie stuff. This is, like Star Wars, sort of in between those two things. It's a lot of battle stuff, and it's obviously the Clone Wars, so it's a war picture. So it's kind of a PG-13 animated TV series, which is something that has never been done before and obviously doesn't fit in any of the conventional slots that these things fall into. In that, it's very different, and I think it's very exciting. It's got a very, very sophisticated look to it. It's very much like the features. We're still trying to figure out how to put it on the air.

          The highest CartoonNetwork could give it and still make it marketable was TV-PG-V, and they still had to censor it and cut scenes out that were too much for the channel, despite it airing at evenings and in the AdultSwim block. The intent of Lucas and the creative team was PG-13, and it often edged that realm, with children explicitly being killed, suicides, dismemberment, sexually suggestive themes, etc. And no Disney live-action series, despite all being rated TV-14, has reached CW.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Well, there was no Clone Wars series before. That's where she appeared, that's where her story is.
        There was, Gendy did it. But Lucas retconned that series out if its existence and created an important character that wasn't even mentioned in the movies.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >There was, Gendy did it.
          That wasn't really a show. It was just a bunch of shorts slotted into the ad segment. It was, essentially, a toy ad - as Genndy himself had said.

          >But Lucas retconned that series out if its existence
          To be fair, it was never canon. Not even in the EU, where Ventress and K'Krukh lived after clearly being dead in the shorts, Anakin's knighting being different and at a different time, Chancellor's abduction being different in LoE. Not to mention that it never happened in George's world, where everything was entirely different. So you can't really retcon something that had dubious place in continuity to begin with.

          >and created an important character that wasn't even mentioned in the movies.

          >it gets better after one movie, 2+ seasons and dozens of hours: the show

          It gets good in S1E1, thoughever. Movie was fine. Christophsis and Teth parts were cool, but Tatooine and Padme shit dragged. S1 is good, and S2 is actually great with not a single bad episode. S2 has Cad Bane, second battle of Geonosis, Boba Fett, Zillo Beast, Cut Lawquane, Mandalore. It's awesome.

          • 2 weeks ago

            And yet Gendy's cartoon fit better in the movie's continuity than the CG Clone Wars.
            No, it's bad. She is supposed to be this big character for Anakin but there's nothing about her Episode 3, despite being set right after the end of the war. Ahsoka is a poor retcon.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >And yet Gendy's cartoon fit better in the movie's continuity than the CG Clone Wars.
              Ha-ha. No.

              Genndyshit is claimed by its fangays as the "bridge" between the movies and "fitting with the continuity." It does not. While it is consistent with itself, it is not consistent with anything else, thus making it an isolated piece of fanfiction that does not deem necessary to oblige by the rules and mythology of the setting, and therefore it cannot be considered a "bridge" or a part of the saga. If you take it as a whole, if you watch the movies and then you watch Genndyshit, you get absolutely bewildered by the idiotic powercreep that retroactively makes the previous and the next film nonsensical in the context of what the same characters are capable in the Genndyshit. For example, holding a pillar was a great effort for Yoda, and Dooku used it to escape. Because using the Force requires great effort and concentration. In Genndyshit, you have Yoda casually throwing around massive starships and entire armies. AOTC is in line with the actual Star Wars, because it is actual Star Wars. Genndyshit is moronic powercreep fanfiction. You simply cannot watch them together. It does not work as a "bridge" between the movies, because they fundamentally do not fit together. You are left scratching your head, "How come Yoda didn't do that before? How come so many Jedi died in the arena, if Mace could single-handedly wipe out entire droid armies with his bare hands?" Because Genndyshit is moronic powercreep fanfiction.

              >No, it's bad.
              Yes, it's good.

              >She is supposed to be this big character for Anakin but there's nothing about her Episode 3
              And it's explained why.

              >Ahsoka is a poor retcon.
              Your reasoning is poor, and your arguments are not convincing.

              >Anakin was a Jedi Knight. Jedi Knights get Padawans. Makes sense to me.
              Is this even said in the movies?

              Yes. It says so in the opening crawl.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >it is not consistent with anything else,
                The only inconsistency between it and the movies is powerlevels and only gay homosexuals care about powerlevels. Hell the prequels aren't consistent with OT's powerlevels anyway, Star Wars has never really had consistent powerlevels.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Star Wars has never really had consistent powerlevels
                The only consistent thing is that Darth Sidious is the strongerest, always all the time.
                God they turned ol Sheev into an annoying Gary Stu

              • 2 weeks ago

                not only the strongerest but the most strongerest, the maximum most strongerest, the maximum most big strongerest

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Hell the prequels aren't consistent with OT's powerlevels anyway
                They are fairly consistent. Characters fight faster, because they are younger - which makes sense. In the OT everyone is either old or a cripple. Luke doesn't have fancy moves, since he hasn't really trained all that much. But when it comes to the Force, it is consistent. Unlike Genndywars, which is in the same timeframe and features the same characters, and where powerlevels literally dictate the narrative. The plot of Mace Windu's shorts and many others cannot happen with the movie powerlevels, ergo it could not have happened at all, therefore it cannot be consistent. Because it's not. You can't claim it to be perfectly consistent and a perfect bridge, when the entire point of AOTC was that the Jedi were overwhelmed by sheer numbers, and Mace Windu was there - yet most of them got killed anyway, whereas in Genndywars he singlehandedly destroyed hundreds of droids with his bare fists and fricked up a giant stomping machine. All alone. Herein lies inconsistency, and the story of Genndywars, therefore, could not have happened, unless it is its own separate universe - which it is. As Lucas had said, Genndy did not follow the mythology and rules of the features. Which does not make it bad. It's fun in and of itself. But it sure as hell isn't consistent with the films.

              • 2 weeks ago

                nta but
                >Characters fight faster, because they are younger
                >60 year old Obi Wan in New hope can not even run
                >70 years old Palpatine in revenge of the sith can do 3 blackflips in 2 seconds

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Well, there was no Clone Wars series before
        Obviously he was talking about the series Star Wars and how Ahsoka is apparently such an important person to Anakin yet is never mentioned in any of the movies. That and probably the fact that Anakin having a padawan in between episode 2 and 3 doesn't make sense.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Obviously he was talking about the series Star Wars and how Ahsoka is apparently such an important person to Anakin yet is never mentioned in any of the movies.
          Why should she be mentioned in the movies? Anakin in the movies had a lot more important stuff to think about, like his dying pregnant wife, and not his ex-padawan who had left the order not on the best terms, who had left him, and whom he considered his failure. And it's not like at any point in the movie she could have helped him.

          And, again. We have Qui-Gon Jinn - super important Jedi Master, actual master of Obi-Wan, the first Jedi to ever learn how to become a Force Ghost - yet he never appeared in the originals, and was never mentioned. That's because Lucas created him later. Originally, Obi-Wan was supposed to be alone and older. But then Lucas created a new mentor character and made Kenobi younger. Who cares?

          >That and probably the fact that Anakin having a padawan in between episode 2 and 3 doesn't make sense.
          Anakin was a Jedi Knight. Jedi Knights get Padawans. Makes sense to me.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Anakin was a Jedi Knight. Jedi Knights get Padawans. Makes sense to me.
            Is this even said in the movies?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Jedi Knights get Padawans.
            Not when they're still sticking with their master and busy being in the middle of a war they don't.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Not when they're still sticking with their master and busy being in the middle of a war they don't.
              When Padawans become Knights, they are not sticking with their master anymore. They can work together, but they are not tied to each other anymore. Which is why Kenobi can be sent separately from Anakin on missions, and vice-versa. And war is no excuse. Live goes on. Padawans are not Younglings. It's the Younglings, who stay at the Temple. Padawans are there on the battlefields, learning at the time of war.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Which is why Kenobi can be sent separately from Anakin on missions
                Don't be daft Obiwan or Anakin going on a separate mission once in a blue moon does change the fact they went on far more together than normal for no longer being padawan and master. They went on the vast majority of there missions together and very blatantly still had a master and student like relationship.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You have not really refuted anything I have said. They can still work together. Just like they can be sent on different missions. Anakin may still respect him as a Master after being his padawan for 10 years. All of which we see in ROTS: we see them on a mission together, we see them on a mission separately.

                Where the frick do they breed you, people? You all are legitimately moronic idiots.

            • 2 weeks ago

              The war actually accelerated the pace of Knights getting padawans. They had to train faster and deploy them on battlefields since they kept dying. The moral failings of the jedi is the main theme of the prequels.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    I just knew this thread would end up into a crazy debate about Ahsoka

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Absolutely fricking not.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    the gendy one is

  18. 2 weeks ago

    only if you're a child or enjoy DEEPEST LORE

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Season 6 was amazing. I haven't watched the new stuff yet.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    It flicks between:
    >Comfy adventure
    >Fun battles
    >I know you made jokes about politics here is some politics
    >Care about the Clones!
    >Ultra kiddy stuff
    Does it *fix* the prequels? No, it just gives more adventures. The lack of humanity and the problems of the prequel lore, especially when it comes to the Clones, is still present. But it gives people an excuse to say the prequels are redeemed or to talk about the built up cartoon characters. For me it suffers from a lot of the issues that the Extended Universe did in general, it is all over the place and demystifies so much. Palpatine is reduced to a pantomime villain, Dooku tries each week to come up with some scheme to kill his boss and the Maul shit is just:
    >Everyone liked his aesthetic so lets try and redeem him by making him a completely different character for Lucas' idea of a crime syndicate sequel trilogy.
    I don't hate the prequels, they aren't my cup of tea, I still think they lack a great deal of humanity and human feeling. Clone Wars attempt to humanise Clones and do all this character stuff feels like artificial humanising and still doesn't compare to the OT. I'll leave on this:
    >Boba Fett was very popular because he talked back to Vader and looked cool, mystery is better for world building because it leaves things to the imagination.
    >Didn't live up to Lucas' ideas, so Lucas said to kill him in RotJ,
    >Regreted the choice.
    >Mandalorians get expanded in a bunch of ways to a culture of warriors.
    >Then Boba is revealed to be a Clone.
    >Then the show comes along, Mandalorians are a peaceful race now (apart from one faction) and are neutal blonde nordics.
    >But after getting fricked time after time it seems everyone was hiding their family armour because everyone is a warrior again?
    >Now they are super diverse too.
    >All the shit with Maul and Siege of Mandalore stuff.
    >Then the Mandalorian comes along and says it is a creed again, but also not.
    >Sure you can try to rectify all this shit but it is still messy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >wrong pic

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The lack of humanity and the problems of the prequel lore, especially when it comes to the Clones
      Pretty sure originally the clones were supposed to be lacking in humanity, with the whole genetically engineered and raised to be the perfect soldiers.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The problem occurs when you have a war in which both sides use disposable armies, there is far less to root for. If anything, the CIS should have used Clones and Palpatine should have manipulated the Republic forces into becoming centralised under him, forged in fire and then made into true believers.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >there is far less to root for
          You have the jedi but, you're not really supposed to root for either side they're all just puppets dancing on Palpatine's strings. Both sides have some legitimacy but both had very corrupt rulers to there cause that's why Lucas but heroes on both sides in ROTS's title crawl.

          The lack of humanity is more how so much of the prequels does nothing for a lot of people. So many characters don't feel real. The prequel lore is messy, especially with Clones and the cartoons explanation of chips as a get out of jail free card for its characters.

          >So many characters don't feel real
          None of the clones qualified as characters in the prequels so this has nothing to do with what we're talking about

          • 2 weeks ago

            >None of the clones
            I wasn't referring to the clones there, I meant the characters in the prequels in general, sorry I should have been clearer. I find there is a hole in the prequels.
            >you're not really supposed to root for either side
            The problem is it feels like there is no consequences. The problem is the prequels feel clinical, and not just because of visuals or CGI. In a war people should die, there should be destruction. Why would anyone support Palpatine when the war mostly felt far away and was fought between disposable armies? The cartoon tries to rectify this by having episodes talking about resistance. If anything, the soldiers fighting for the Republic should have been normal humans who come to see that safety and security are worth it because of what they experienced. I know the explanation, the defense of and Palpatine's plans. But the central war just lacks a lot to actually give credence to any normal person's motivation in supporting the Empire. (Also the CIS using alien clones to brutal effect would explain the military being human in the Empire).
            >heroes on both sides
            This is funny because that line was so memed because the movies don't really do anything to suggest this so even the cartoon had to push episodes precisely on this subject almost like a frick you.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >I wasn't referring to the clones there,
              Then don't jump in the middle of a discussion about the clones

              • 2 weeks ago

                I just worded it badly is all, anon. I didn't just jump in. I was just continuing my thoughts in general. The prequel films have issues for me when it came to the humanity of the characters overall. The cartoons try to have more humanity in the characters but it doesn't work well for me either, it feels artificial in the way it tugs at your heart strings. The mixed messages from what the clones should be is just another issue on top of that because the cartoon introduced lore stuff that was really only for protecting characters from backlash like the chip stuff as a get out of jail free card. And none of the other stuff in the cartoon really fundamentally changes anything for the better.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah I hate how the replaced something with a good message, interesting worldbuilding and great twist for a fricking generic lazy ass plot device that means nothing

      • 2 weeks ago

        The lack of humanity is more how so much of the prequels does nothing for a lot of people. So many characters don't feel real. The prequel lore is messy, especially with Clones and the cartoons explanation of chips as a get out of jail free card for its characters.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    I'm satisfied with knowing about most of what happens in it but not actually watching most of it. The last two episodes are worth watching if you're familiar with at least Ahsoka and the clones.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >it gets better after one movie, 2+ seasons and dozens of hours: the show

  23. 2 weeks ago

    speaking of the clones I'm disappointed how that tiny clone rebellion in the official works was originally intended to be massive in the original plans to the point everybody was afraid of them at Luke time, seriously Star Wars original plans were so much better, it was far less black and white, far more grimdark

    • 2 weeks ago

      also in the original works Palpatine seems less like Snow White Witch and more like just a guy in an cursed setting doomed to fail no matter what, he was forced to face a civil war and would lose unless he used a massive number of clones then in the war the Jedi grew so powerful they started to challenge the goverment leading to the purge and at some point the clone armies rebelled almost destroying the republic

      Palpatine had a damn hard life in the original plans

  24. 2 weeks ago

    I like to imagine Filoni's depiction of the Clone Wars is a first hand account of the war while Genndy's is more of a second or third hand retelling. Maybe Mace Windu did take down the pulverizer single handedly, or maybe the Dantooine kid's imagination poisoned the depiction of the battle. It'd also explain how Fordo's boys took on Grevious.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It'd also explain how Fordo's boys took on Grevious.
      Considering what a joke he is in the first hand accounts (in your explanation) there's nothing to explain there. Also I'm pretty sure the "while he had cybernetic enhancements and training from dooku without the force and it's precog he can not one man army against blaster fire, epically against a gunship" is a fine explanation as it is Grievous is a specialist he's not good at everything.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Ahsoka is a boring asexual character.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    >TCW has the better fight scenes even though Genndy’s Clone Wars was directed by the dame guy who gave us Samurai Jack, a universally beloved action cartoon that no one ever has anything bad to say about, I’m definitely not saying this because I’m upset there are people who prefer his cartoon to the CGI show given to me by my god George Lucas who can do no wrong

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Not really, for a series called ''The Clone Wars'' there's barely any battles and the episodes and arcs that have them are usually filled with shitty moment,
    >for example, one of the ONLY good battles in the entire series, the Ryloth last stand, is filled with cuts to Jar Jar fricking dancing on a dinner table
    The characters and plot itself are sequel tier, the Clone chips, Anakin somehow already being a knight and getting a fricking padawan (Filoni's fetish) and the entire atmopshere of a war and seriousness in the films cut short,
    >Anakin and Obi Wan fight Doku hundreds of times only to act as if they've never met since Episode 2 in RoTS
    >Obi and Wan grevious become the shitty comedic rivalry of ''the smart and funny hero vs the dumb but loud villain that always loses''
    >Droids are turned into a joke and no longer are a threat even in battle scenes, making the whole point of action scenes useless
    >Clones are not genetically-trained/top-of-the-line soldiers, instead they're also idiots who will charge into a droid and punch them only to get shot along other dumb comedic slaps
    There is very few moments and episodes worth watching, I for myself enjoyed the Supply Lines episode, the Battle of Kamino, some of the moments in the early Mandalorian episodes showing Satine dealing with corruption and plots (though I would agree to any criticism considering they're stupidily simple and irrelevant to the rest of the show or story).
    None of the clone characters are charismatic or unique enough to like them, Rex is a dumber version of Fordo, Fives and Echo had barely any time to be established before becoming ARCs, Gregor is a interesting character, however instead of a sacrifice or interesting return hes just used as a fan-service in Rebels and dies like a fool, almost none of the other clones mentioned are memorable and the units created for this series fricking suck, except for maybe the Doom one.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >the Clone chips
      Makes sense. Also, George's idea. Clones were programmed. AOTC made it perfectly clear.
      >Anakin somehow already being a knight and getting a fricking padawan (Filoni's fetish)
      What do you mean "somehow"? Lol. Of course he'd be a Knight. Why wouldn't he? Makes much more sense anyhow, than the EU, where he'd been a Knight for a whole 6 months. That makes ANH retroactively even more moronic, where Obi-Wan remembered Anakin as his equal throughout the war, whereas the EU crap made him a Padawan for the most of it, lol. Also, Ahsoka was created by Lucas, and he wanted Anakin to have a padawan. So that's a miss on your part, again.
      >and the entire atmopshere of a war and seriousness in the films cut short
      Oh, you mean "This is where the fun begins" atmosphere? You are right, the films were so dark and griddy! With the droids going roger roger, screaming and running for their lives, too! The show, at a lot of times, was far more serious than the films.
      and Obi Wan fight Doku hundreds of times only to act as if they've never met since Episode 2 in RoTS
      The only thing that was stated in ROTS was "since the last time we've met, Count." What was "the last time" was never specified. It works either way. Since Lucas had said that it's possible that Palpatine pitted Anakin and Dooku multiple times to see if he's ready.
      are turned into a joke and no longer are a threat even in battle scenes
      You mean like in the prequel films themselves? Where they were running for their lives in fear, and R2 single-handedly fricked over Super battledroids in a slapstick comedy scene?
      are not genetically-trained/top-of-the-line soldiers, instead they're also idiots who will charge into a droid and punch them
      So, like in ROTS, where clones also punched droids in the background? Interesting.
      >Rex is a dumber version of Fordo
      lmao even
      Fordo literally has no fricking character other than having two pistols.

      Jeez, you're a moron.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Makes sense. Also, George's idea. Clones were programmed. AOTC made it perfectly clear.
        NTA. George did seem to want the clones to be more dehumanised. The chips feel like an excuse to defend TCW that people felt attached to. Conditioning seemed to be the original intention.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >NTA. George did seem to want the clones to be more dehumanised.
          In AOTC maybe. He changed his mind by the time of ROTS, even suggesting the Republic Commando devs to paint the clones in different colors and have different actors voice them, and add jokes and lighten the mood of the game. We see in ROTS that clones are all customized, Obi and Cody are pals. We see them a lot of times without a helmet, smiling, chatting in the background.

          This is what Lucas had to say:
          >GEORGE LUCAS: The Jedi won't lead droids. Their whole basis is connecting with the life force. They'd just say, 'That's not the way we operate. We don't function with nonlife-forms." So if there is to be a Republic army, it would have to be an army of humans.

          >“Even though they’re clones, clones are people,” Lucas emphasized. “Everybody starts out the same, but in time, as they grow up, they change.”


          >Lucas: Yeah, now we get introduced to the clones, which we didn't get in the movies. Now, they're like main characters and they really are central to the whole thing, and you can identify them and know who they are, and it's sort of like "Band of Brothers" only with Jedi. (laughs)

          >During development, Lucas was adamant that the clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic showcase unique personalities, haircuts, and even personalized armor.

          And here is Lucas saying that the clones are programmed, all the way back in 2010:

          Timestamp: 3:35

          Already back then they were working on seasons 5 and 6. Lucas was inspired by Manchurian Candidate, i.e. clones being programmed sleeping agents. Which was a part of their genetic manipulation - organic inhibitor built into their genetic code.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I wish some of these ideas had been in the movies more.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Makes sense. Also, George's idea. Clones were programmed. AOTC made it perfectly clear.
        NTA. George did seem to want the clones to be more dehumanised. The chips feel like an excuse to defend TCW that people felt attached to. Conditioning seemed to be the original intention.

        afair the original plans before the prequels were that the clones were dumb warmongers like a more brutish version of what mandalorians are
        then it turned into cold brainwashed soldiers
        now they are good boys with a chip on their brains

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Makes sense. Also, George's idea.
        Ok and? George has proved to have done absurdly stupid ideas before, you acting as if it's some kind of golden rule that prevents any criticism. Clone weres genetically bred and supposed to be competent and consciously loyal, not dumb.
        >What do you mean "somehow"?
        Anakin according to the shit-filoni wars instantly becomes a knight after the events of AOTC even though he was not seen as ready at all and still just a troubled padawan.
        >Also, Ahsoka was created by Lucas
        Again, still a incredibly stupid decision, is your entire arguement ''Lucas could never do nothing wrong!"
        >Oh, you mean "This is where the fun begins" atmosphere? You are right, the films were so dark and griddy! With the droids going roger roger, screaming and running for their lives, too! The show, at a lot of times, was far more serious than the films.
        >Droids are turned into a joke and no longer are a threat even in battle scenes
        Yes the droids who say roger roger when their commander gave an order, and proceeded to blast Naboo Royal Guard for the first half of the theed battle, the same droids who obliterated the ARC-170s following the ''this is where the fun begins''

        What is even that point? Anakin is a kid who loves starfighters and flying, Men in war have to take sadistic ways to cope in battle and this is a simple way to interpret that into Revenge of the Sith (i.e. showing Anakin has been fighting in the war for a long time and has dealt with starfighters before).
        >The show, at a lot of times, was far more serious than the films.
        Not at all beyond very very very few moments.
        >Palpatine pitted Anakin and Dooku multiple times to see if he's ready.
        Glad you ignored the Obi Wan V Grevious comment since it would literally answer this, dumb over-use of battles.
        >So, like in ROTS, where clones also punched droids in the background? Interesting.
        a easter-egg is not a excuse to completely flip upside down the way the clones were portrayed in the films.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Ok and?
          And that you don't know what you are talking about, and your "arguments" ought to be dismissed outright, you absolute moron.
          >Clone weres genetically bred and supposed to be competent and consciously loyal
          And they are.
          >Anakin according to the shit-filoni wars
          Lucas Wars. Created and executive-produced by.
          >instantly becomes a knight after the events of AOTC even though he was not seen as ready at all and still just a troubled padawan.
          How so? Seen by whom? He survived the Geonosis arena, where many had fallen. He had faced a Sith Lord and lived. Besides, after the loss of many Knights on Geonosis, it is not unreasonable that he would be promoted. The Jedi were now at war, and the rules have changed.
          >Again, still a incredibly stupid decision, is your entire arguement ''Lucas could never do nothing wrong!"
          Decision was good and enriched Anakin's character. Lucas can sure do better than (You), or people at Disney it seems.
          >Yes the droids who say roger roger when their commander gave an order, and proceeded to blast Naboo Royal Guard for the first half of the theed battle, the same droids who obliterated the ARC-170s following the ''this is where the fun begins''
          I am glad you conceded the point where the droids were literally running in fear for their lives and a bunch of SBDs were easily rekt by R2 in a slapstick comedy scene. SO DARK AND GRIDDY!
          >Men in war have to take sadistic ways to cope in battle and this is a simple way to interpret that into Revenge of the Sith
          Holy cope, nice headcanon, my dude.
          >Not at all beyond very very very few moments.
          In a lot of moments, actually. We see children die on-screen, not implied like in the film, we see suicides, we see raw slavery, which TPM flattered a lot.
          >the way the clones were portrayed in the films.
          The clones were portrayed accurately to the films. It seems to me that (You) have not seen the films and series in ages, since you don't know what you are talking about.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >And that you don't know what you are talking about, and your "arguments" ought to be dismissed outright, you absolute moron.
            Here you go again ignoring the rest of the sentence pointing out George isn't a golden rule that can't be criticized.
            >And they are.
            Not in the show.

            >Lucas Wars. Created and executive-produced by.
            he coukd never dun noffin bad! Filoni is a center piece in the making of TCW and you can't fool anyone about it. Lucas involved or not it does not change the facts.

            >How so? Seen by whom?
            The Jedi Council? Hello? the literal jedi council that still up to the end of the Clone Wars wasn't even keen on giving him the title of Jedi Master (which is even more funny considering The Slop Wars gave him ashoka to train).
            >The Jedi were now at war, and the rules have changed.
            Why did they not show that then? Even Gendy's wars that you consistently shit on at least demonstrated Anakin going from Padawan to Knight and then even further becoming the greater general that is reflected in ROTS.

            >Decision was good and enriched Anakin's character. Lucas can sure do better than (You), or people at Disney it seems.
            It did not enrich Anakin's character in a proper relevant way that tied to ROTS, I'd argue even not at all, all that ''I am le mad they don't trust her!" could've been used in a far greater plot involving politics or Padme, which would've made it better to fit in with ROTS anakin's fear.
            Changing the topic to ''heh hes better than You or Disney!" is as pathetic as people who counter fair criticism with ''why don't you make it yourself?!"

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Here you go again ignoring the rest of the sentence pointing out George isn't a golden rule that can't be criticized.
              What can be criticized, however, is your utter ignorance, arrogance, your absolute certainty in every single claim you make — even though you literally have your facts wrong.
              >Not in the show.
              In the show, too.
              >he coukd never dun noffin bad! Filoni is a center piece in the making of TCW and you can't fool anyone about it. Lucas involved or not it does not change the facts.
              Are you really upset that you press the wrong buttons on your keyboard, or do you have fat fingers? Yeah, Filoni was a spokesperson on the project. But you should actually watch the documentaries on the making of the show and read the interviews.
              >The Jedi Council? Hello? the literal jedi council that still up to the end of the Clone Wars wasn't even keen on giving him the title of Jedi Master (which is even more funny considering The Slop Wars gave him ashoka to train).
              Of course, there is a huge difference between Jedi Master and Jedi Knight. And also coupled with the fact that it was Palpatine who literally put him on the Council, thus creating tension. They were not going to give it to him on principle. Also, hilarious, yet again: you don't know what the frick you are talking about. You don't have to be a JEDI MASTER to have a Padawan. Kenobi was a Jedi Knight in AOTC, when Anakin was his Padawan. When a Padawan becomes a Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight becomes a Jedi Master. Holy frick, you literally don't know shit.
              >Why did they not show that then?
              It was not necessary to show. We had seen Anakin being a Padawan in AOTC. Which is why we immediately have Anakin as a Jedi Knight in ROTS. This minutiae is irrelevant. Just like how Anakin got his scar.
              >further becoming the greater general that is reflected in ROTS.
              We literally never see him commanding troops in Genndywars, lmao.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It did not enrich Anakin's character in a proper relevant way that tied to ROTS
                Yes, it did. It was a good way to show Anakin's rift with the Council, his own trust issues and the feel of abandonment, him being salty that he did not get the rank of Master. It also showed another side of Anakin that we could not get to see otherwise, we got a taste of what he'd be like as a father having to look after someone else, we got to see him as a good friend that Kenobi was reminiscing with fondness, we got to see Anakin himself coming to understanding of what he put Obi-Wan through when he was a Padawan, given how difficult Ahsoka herself was, thus enriching their friendship and understanding of each other.
                >Changing the topic to ''heh hes better than You or Disney!" is as pathetic as people who counter fair criticism with ''why don't you make it yourself?!"
                Your criticism is not fair, thoughever. Half of the times, you don't even know what you're talking about. How long are you gonna go at it, you utter clown?
                >The droids running in fear for their lives where? when Grievous abadons the ship and the crew-droids without weapons have no way to combat them
                In ROTS, clown. If they are fearless le ebin dark and griddy droids, why do they have fear and why do they run? Why don't they jump at them and try to kill them? Why do they start joking and act like morons all of the sudden in the elevator, going "Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger" with Ani and Obi looking at each other like in a comedy skit before cutting them down? You are a moron.
                >R2 still brutally burned those droids alive
                Holy frick, you are an actual embarrassing clown. R2 clowned on them. And SBDs had pathetic, squeaky voices - which TCW rectified, btw.
                >The Slop Wars will make a child throw a rock at a droid
                The Clone Wars never did that. We've had shit ton of scenes of droids being menacing and killing shit. So you're just lying again.

                >It's literally basic portrayal of veterans in most war medias
                It's literally your headcanon, my dude. Anakin is wienery and he likes it. He likes this shit. This isn't some traumatic, dangerous, dArK aNd GrIdDy war picture. This is a swashbuckling adventure. You LITERALLY don't understand Star Wars.
                >No they weren't, refer to past posts.
                Yes, they were.
                Refer to this: [...]
                And then refer to my ball sack.

                >ignoring the counter arguements and shitfting the answer to insults and bait
                Slop Wars really fricked over with your head huh?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >all of his shitty points were refuted
                >y-you are actually ignoring me!
                Argument 404: not found.
                I guess you're too mentally weak to engage them, given how many typos you make, or you simply have got no more legs to stand on - but you never really had any, given how half of the times you blatantly lie, and the other half of the times you misremember and misinterpret shit. Many such cases with Genndygays and EUgays. I suppose, I will just accept your concession, then. Thanks for playing, friend.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >heh you're mentally weak kiddo, th-thanks for playing friend.
                Don't think even Filoni could have such a ego, and his entire slop wars revolve around his little girl alien fetish.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >>heh you're mentally weak kiddo, th-thanks for playing friend.
                Yeah, you sure are. Glad you admitted it.

                >and his entire slop wars revolve around his little girl alien fetish
                Too bad, you got your shit wrong again. At that point, however, is anyone surprised? You quite literally don't know shit. Your entire "arguments" consist of:

                Not gonna lie, you're about the dumbest moron I've encountered on this god-forsaken website in a while.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you admitted I WIN I WIN!!
                >you're moronic cause you don't agree with my stupidity!
                If you're gonna make yourself look dumb at least be charming, what a loser you are.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >We literally never see him commanding troops in Genndywars

              • 2 weeks ago

                >DO IT NOW TROOPER!
                Woah, what a general.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Don't move the goalpost kid you'll only embarrass yourself further, you said something that was objectively wrong now just own up to it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah, my bad. We see it for all 10 seconds. How could anyone forget such an iconic scene? You are right. I own my mistake. What a great general he was in that show...

            • 2 weeks ago

              >I am glad you conceded the point where the droids were literally running in fear for their lives and a bunch of SBDs were easily rekt by R2 in a slapstick comedy scene. SO DARK AND GRIDDY!
              The droids running in fear for their lives where? when Grievous abadons the ship and the crew-droids without weapons have no way to combat them or are you making up a scenario in your head?
              R2 killing the droids is slapstick comedy yes but that is a SINGLE event in a movie, that does not excuse turning the ENTIRE DROID ARMY in EVERY SINGLE BATTLE into a joke. R2 still brutally burned those droids alive, The Slop Wars will make a child throw a rock at a droid that then proceeds to kill the entire platoon in the most pathetic way possible instead of showing actual battle scenes with competent enemies
              Battle of Utapau in ROTS and every other battle slightly shown in Order 66 either has the droids pinning clones down and brutally fighting or destroying entire tanks and units, this does not appear in any proper tone AT ALL in Slop Wars.

              >Holy cope, nice headcanon, my dude.
              ? It's literally basic portrayal of veterans in most war medias, you're the one coping that the entire thread disagrees with your slop war shilling.

              >The clones were portrayed accurately to the films. It seems to me that (You) have not seen the films and series in ages, since you don't know what you are talking about.
              No they weren't, refer to past posts.

              >It did not enrich Anakin's character in a proper relevant way that tied to ROTS
              Yes, it did. It was a good way to show Anakin's rift with the Council, his own trust issues and the feel of abandonment, him being salty that he did not get the rank of Master. It also showed another side of Anakin that we could not get to see otherwise, we got a taste of what he'd be like as a father having to look after someone else, we got to see him as a good friend that Kenobi was reminiscing with fondness, we got to see Anakin himself coming to understanding of what he put Obi-Wan through when he was a Padawan, given how difficult Ahsoka herself was, thus enriching their friendship and understanding of each other.
              >Changing the topic to ''heh hes better than You or Disney!" is as pathetic as people who counter fair criticism with ''why don't you make it yourself?!"
              Your criticism is not fair, thoughever. Half of the times, you don't even know what you're talking about. How long are you gonna go at it, you utter clown?
              >The droids running in fear for their lives where? when Grievous abadons the ship and the crew-droids without weapons have no way to combat them
              In ROTS, clown. If they are fearless le ebin dark and griddy droids, why do they have fear and why do they run? Why don't they jump at them and try to kill them? Why do they start joking and act like morons all of the sudden in the elevator, going "Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger" with Ani and Obi looking at each other like in a comedy skit before cutting them down? You are a moron.
              >R2 still brutally burned those droids alive
              Holy frick, you are an actual embarrassing clown. R2 clowned on them. And SBDs had pathetic, squeaky voices - which TCW rectified, btw.
              >The Slop Wars will make a child throw a rock at a droid
              The Clone Wars never did that. We've had shit ton of scenes of droids being menacing and killing shit. So you're just lying again.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >I am glad you conceded the point where the droids were literally running in fear for their lives and a bunch of SBDs were easily rekt by R2 in a slapstick comedy scene. SO DARK AND GRIDDY!
              The droids running in fear for their lives where? when Grievous abadons the ship and the crew-droids without weapons have no way to combat them or are you making up a scenario in your head?
              R2 killing the droids is slapstick comedy yes but that is a SINGLE event in a movie, that does not excuse turning the ENTIRE DROID ARMY in EVERY SINGLE BATTLE into a joke. R2 still brutally burned those droids alive, The Slop Wars will make a child throw a rock at a droid that then proceeds to kill the entire platoon in the most pathetic way possible instead of showing actual battle scenes with competent enemies
              Battle of Utapau in ROTS and every other battle slightly shown in Order 66 either has the droids pinning clones down and brutally fighting or destroying entire tanks and units, this does not appear in any proper tone AT ALL in Slop Wars.

              >Holy cope, nice headcanon, my dude.
              ? It's literally basic portrayal of veterans in most war medias, you're the one coping that the entire thread disagrees with your slop war shilling.

              >The clones were portrayed accurately to the films. It seems to me that (You) have not seen the films and series in ages, since you don't know what you are talking about.
              No they weren't, refer to past posts.

              >It's literally basic portrayal of veterans in most war medias
              It's literally your headcanon, my dude. Anakin is wienery and he likes it. He likes this shit. This isn't some traumatic, dangerous, dArK aNd GrIdDy war picture. This is a swashbuckling adventure. You LITERALLY don't understand Star Wars.
              >No they weren't, refer to past posts.
              Yes, they were.
              Refer to this:

              >NTA. George did seem to want the clones to be more dehumanised.
              In AOTC maybe. He changed his mind by the time of ROTS, even suggesting the Republic Commando devs to paint the clones in different colors and have different actors voice them, and add jokes and lighten the mood of the game. We see in ROTS that clones are all customized, Obi and Cody are pals. We see them a lot of times without a helmet, smiling, chatting in the background.

              This is what Lucas had to say:
              >GEORGE LUCAS: The Jedi won't lead droids. Their whole basis is connecting with the life force. They'd just say, 'That's not the way we operate. We don't function with nonlife-forms." So if there is to be a Republic army, it would have to be an army of humans.

              >“Even though they’re clones, clones are people,” Lucas emphasized. “Everybody starts out the same, but in time, as they grow up, they change.”


              >Lucas: Yeah, now we get introduced to the clones, which we didn't get in the movies. Now, they're like main characters and they really are central to the whole thing, and you can identify them and know who they are, and it's sort of like "Band of Brothers" only with Jedi. (laughs)

              >During development, Lucas was adamant that the clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic showcase unique personalities, haircuts, and even personalized armor.

              And here is Lucas saying that the clones are programmed, all the way back in 2010:
              Timestamp: 3:35

              Already back then they were working on seasons 5 and 6. Lucas was inspired by Manchurian Candidate, i.e. clones being programmed sleeping agents. Which was a part of their genetic manipulation - organic inhibitor built into their genetic code.

              And then refer to my ball sack.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I am glad you conceded the point where the droids were literally running in fear for their lives and a bunch of SBDs were easily rekt by R2 in a slapstick comedy scene. SO DARK AND GRIDDY!
            The droids running in fear for their lives where? when Grievous abadons the ship and the crew-droids without weapons have no way to combat them or are you making up a scenario in your head?
            R2 killing the droids is slapstick comedy yes but that is a SINGLE event in a movie, that does not excuse turning the ENTIRE DROID ARMY in EVERY SINGLE BATTLE into a joke. R2 still brutally burned those droids alive, The Slop Wars will make a child throw a rock at a droid that then proceeds to kill the entire platoon in the most pathetic way possible instead of showing actual battle scenes with competent enemies
            Battle of Utapau in ROTS and every other battle slightly shown in Order 66 either has the droids pinning clones down and brutally fighting or destroying entire tanks and units, this does not appear in any proper tone AT ALL in Slop Wars.

            >Holy cope, nice headcanon, my dude.
            ? It's literally basic portrayal of veterans in most war medias, you're the one coping that the entire thread disagrees with your slop war shilling.

            >The clones were portrayed accurately to the films. It seems to me that (You) have not seen the films and series in ages, since you don't know what you are talking about.
            No they weren't, refer to past posts.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    Now that the animation is actually good I watch some of the Star Wars animated stuff. Bad Batch was pretty good now that it's over.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If you liked bad batch you'll like anything.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    The fact that the same people who cried the prequels raped their childhood then praised this garbage and say it fixed the prequels is the most bewildering and infuriating thing ever.
    And no I'm not saying the prequels didn't have serious problems but this is so much worse and so much more childish, this shit is Disney wars before the actual Disney wars.

    Filoni really is the perfect fit for Disney's vision of star wars. Honestly Star Wars fans don't seem to have a clue what they actually want I mean it took until The last Jedi for everyone to turn on Disney Wars.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The fact that the same people who cried the prequels raped their childhood then praised this garbage and say it fixed the prequels is the most bewildering and infuriating thing ever.
      Really? Most of the people who hated the prequels hate it too, as an extension of the prequel era and featuring the same characters, featuring Jar Jar extensively, featuring space politics extensively, featuring more midi-chlorians, kid Boba Fett - all the stuff that they had hated. So your argument is kinda weak and makes no sense.
      >and no I'm not saying the prequels didn't have serious problems but this is so much worse and so much more childish, this shit is Disney wars before the actual Disney wars.
      Oh, really? How so? Seemed similar, or at times more serious than the films even. Well, at least the show did not have poop jokes. And how is it arbitrarily "Disney Wars before the actual Disney Wars"? Even though it was in development since before ROTS was out in theaters? Just because you don't like it? Very strong argument, indeed.
      >Filoni really is the perfect fit for Disney's vision of star wars.
      Oh yeah? What did he do, I am curious to hear?

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Give me the Star Wars special.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Rewatching the Clone Wars made me realize that 'member berries were a much more pervasive problem with Star Wars even before the Sequel Trilogy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's been a major problem since TPM.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    yes, and so is the genndy tartakovsky clone wars

  33. 2 weeks ago

    Very much so. It's genuinely a crowning achievement on the level of BTAS, redefining what TV animation was capable of, both in art quality and theming.
    First season's kinda rough, though, and not necessarily because of the 2008 era CGI.

  34. 2 weeks ago


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