Is it really that unreasonable?

>Asking for a faithful adaptation is UNREASONABLE
But why?
>Why do you want the same story a third time?
Because it didn’t get properly adapted and tons of things were cut
If Invincible can get a full adaptation why can’t Scott Pilgrim?
God I hate these people who probably never read the comic and watched the movie 10 years ago

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  1. 7 months ago

    Go shill your video elsewhere, OP

    • 7 months ago

      No, he's saying DON'T watch the video.

  2. 7 months ago
  3. 7 months ago

    >>Why do you want the same story a third time?
    I genuinely hate the casuals who spout that shit. Let alone for stuff that hasn’t even been adapted yet.

    >w-what you just want the thing adapted 1:1!? Ha if I like wanted to read the comic I’d just like read the comic, guy, amirite!?

    Frick, I hope they all die of AIDs.

    • 7 months ago

      >>>Why do you want the same story a third time?
      cause people wanna see the full story animated like the comics, i don't see the problem. the first time was a movie that cut out a lot from the comics and the second was a game that was unplayable for 10 years and was only re-released fairly recently and still isn't a full retelling it's like the cliffnotes version of the story

      • 7 months ago

        I literally said that anon, you replied to the wrong person

  4. 7 months ago

    Nothing unreasonable about asking for an adaptation but whining that you get more stories featuring the same characters you enjoy in addition to the original is bizarre. If the new story id bad, that's one thing, but that doesn't seem to be the problem you have with it.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah but that’s exactly the issue the new story IS bad
      Is a fricking whodunit mystery for 6 straight episodes with very lackluster and rushed character development and the story in general isn’t even on bar as the original comic

      • 7 months ago

        I disagree. It's best viewed as supplementary to the comic and in that context the character development works fine. An episode or so to each evil ex works well enough, especially in an animated series where by nature you can't be as dialogue heavy as a comic.

      • 7 months ago

        It’s a who dubnit you can predict ep 1 with the robot yet the future stuff practically comes out of nowhere with no build up.
        It fails on all accounts

  5. 7 months ago

    Don't care, Julie and Gideon are cute

    • 7 months ago

      And we could've had it in a real sequel

      • 7 months ago

        It is a real sequel homosexual

        Besides no we couldn't have had it because Gideon is fricking dead in the previous canon you moron.

        • 7 months ago

          No it's not. Ramona still got her bag.
          None of them actually die.

          • 7 months ago

            >None of them actually die.
            says who?

            • 7 months ago

              In Takes Off the world has respawning, the comics use a 1-Up system instead. Because some mentally damaged people assume this is Rebuild of Scott Pilgrim they forget the rules of the books for the sake of making points that aren't really accurate.

            • 7 months ago

              Brian. The show itself also says that the evil exes respawn afterwards

        • 7 months ago

          It's not a sequel, it's a different continuity altogether. It's not even a Rebuild, or FFVIIR situation like people assumed. BLOM confirmed it a week or so ago.

          • 7 months ago

            Wright outright said it's a sequel as an alternate continuity so yeah pretty much a FFVIIR situation

            • 7 months ago

              And Brian literally says it's its own timeline.

              • 7 months ago

                in that pic he never said it's not a sequel, he says it's its own thing, the same way FFVIIR or Rebuild are their own thing while also being sequels.

                Also, Brian himself accepts the story is a sequel in the form of REBUILD so checkmate.

              • 7 months ago

                >alternative reality sequel
                Not how it works. Take that requel and shove it up yours.

              • 7 months ago

                It's exactly how it works. Stop being a crybaby

            • 7 months ago

              No. In the case of Scott Pilgrim, it was a pretty simple alternate continuity. It just happened. In FFVIIR you spent 50% of the game with Nomura up his own ass about how he's sooo smart and how quirky and meta it all was. Frick FFVIIR. if it had been like scott pilgrim takes off it wouldn't have been an issue.

  6. 7 months ago

    >Original creator wants to make something that isn't the same story again but make how it'll differ a surprise
    You quite literally, unambiguously got better and hate it because it wasn't what you wanted. How many of these fricking shows are ones where the original creator comes and makes a new story?

    Because Netflix is very well known for maintaining their animated programming and if you get a contract with them it's a sure thing that you'll get as much time and money to do literally everything no matter how many seasons it'd take. Shouldn't it be a good thing when the creator of something still cares enough about it to /want/ to do more than the bare minimum?

    • 7 months ago

      For some reason cartoons can not and fricking will not properly adapt any source material. I would love to see at least one company take that approach to just about anything but it is never gonna happen.

      >Posting this dogshit opinion with a Devilman reaction image
      Speaking of things that need an actual good adaptation.

      • 7 months ago

        >Shitty manga
        >shitty adaptation

      • 7 months ago

        >For some reason cartoons can not and fricking will not properly adapt any source material.
        Not only that, showrunners seem very smugly proud of it.

        You can argue whether that's a good or bad thing, but before that we must find the source/motive behind this despotic enmity for the audience, and my theory is that it has something to do with Californian culture, since media in the west is 99% made in California by Californians.

    • 7 months ago

      >Because Netflix is very well known for maintaining their animated programming
      If only one thing exists, it should have been the story people know and like.

      • 7 months ago

        But it already exists :^)

        • 7 months ago

          Only in comic form.

  7. 7 months ago

    I'm not a Scott Pilgrim fan. In fact, I probably dislike a lot of the influence Scott Pilgrim has had over web comic artists and some cartoonists sense of humor. This has only been on my radar because I think the animation is kind of nice to look at even if I don't plan on watching the show at all.

    Did the initial marketing mislead people into thinking that this was an adaptation? Sort of like a Kevin Smith He-Man scenario where the trailers gave off this bombastic "HE MAN ADVENTURES!!!" only for him to die early on with the protagonist being shifted over?

    • 7 months ago

      Kind of. Scott Pilgrim is usually referred to using the title of the second book, because that's what the movie used. Anyone who was already interested in this because they liked the books ideally was paying attention to news about it because Brian literally said outright this isn't going to be like the books because that story was done and he wanted to try something different with the cast. The title being Scott Pilgrim Takes Off was a double entredre, it referred to Scott Pilgrim literally taking off but could be interpreted as him becoming popular. The Netflix marketing intentionally used scenes only highlighting the scenes Scott's in (he's around for about three of the eight episodes) because while differences were coming, the team wanted to keep it under wraps what was going to happen. I think the Kevin Smith He-Man is part of why some people are being way more reactionary over this, because they're using it as a direct comparison even though for all intents and purposes the context here is completely different and the focal point in an ironic way is still on Scott.

    • 7 months ago

      >Did the initial marketing mislead people into thinking that this was an adaptation? Sort of like a Kevin Smith He-Man scenario where the trailers gave off this bombastic "HE MAN ADVENTURES!!!" only for him to die early on with the protagonist being shifted over?
      Pretty much, though it's nice that the focus isn't on the heroine having a hate-boner for the title character, but rather getting to the mystery behind what happened to him. And it's cool to see all the other characters get explored in ways the original never did.
      Still, the bait-and-switch leaves me torn. I liked the bait enough to be upset we won't get another chance to see a more straightforward adaptation, but I also like the switch enough to want to see where it goes.

  8. 7 months ago

    nobody says you have to like the new thing but acting like getting the same story again is better gets you made fun of

    • 7 months ago

      Spotted the Witcher season3 fan.

  9. 7 months ago

    >Because it didn’t get properly adapted and tons of things were cut
    point still stands, why do you want more of the same? The story, in full, is over there in the comic.

    • 7 months ago


      >>Why do you want the same story a third time?
      I genuinely hate the casuals who spout that shit. Let alone for stuff that hasn’t even been adapted yet.

      >w-what you just want the thing adapted 1:1!? Ha if I like wanted to read the comic I’d just like read the comic, guy, amirite!?

      Frick, I hope they all die of AIDs.

      and go back to plebbit you massive homosexual

      • 7 months ago

        will you answer the question now?

        • 7 months ago

          >U MADDDD
          pure Black person mentality. Other’s anger and frustration isn’t really all that much to celebrate.

          Let alone the fact that I’m not that anon

          • 7 months ago

            >Other’s anger and frustration isn’t really all that much to celebrate
            I have to disagree. The seething in these threads is almost more entertaining than the show itself.

            • 7 months ago

              And this is why media sucks these days. It’s made by and for you spiteful homosexuals

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                Well...Spider-Man ongoing at least. Seems like that series really and truly is run on pure spite for anyone who was ever a Spider-Man fan for some reason I cannot understand.

          • 7 months ago

            Glad you got that out of your system

            will you respond now?

  10. 7 months ago

    Asking for a faithful adaptation is unreasonable because everything made in the past is problematic and must be fixed if it ever wants to see the light of day. Get it through your head, chud.

  11. 7 months ago

    The thing is it's not about what you ask for. Art isn't made for the audience, if you start doing that then what you're really making is goyslop "content", pandered to a precise group.
    This didn't occur because anyone asked for it, this occurred because BLOM felt there was more of the story that needed to be said. For months leading up to the release of this, he and the animation studio were both stressing that this wouldn't be a direct adaptation and posting things that suggested Scott's absence, like pic related. As a result all the b***hing and whining about "false advertising" is fricking absurd, not even counting how the trailers show stuff that was in neither the comics nor movie, or how the title is literally "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off" - implying he fricking vamooses in Canuck slang.
    The bottom line is it really doesn't matter what you ask for, there is no obligation for it to be given to you. We would be in a much much worse situation if BLOM had done that, because then we'd get a disappointing, pandery, Netflix-cucked adaptation that fails to capture some crucial essence about the original work by trying to kowtow to short-sighted fan desires. Cause I swear, none of the frickers in these threads get the point of Scott Pilgrim.

    • 7 months ago

      Why didn't they tell it straight?
      Did they want to trick me or not, tell me

      • 7 months ago

        Who gives a shit? You sound like you're making it personal - do you really feel genuinely tricked and personally wronged that the show didn't live up to your expectations? Cause if you don't, what's the point of this question?

        • 7 months ago

          You’re not entitled to seeing nothing but praise on the internet homosexual. Get over it.

          • 7 months ago

            I didn't ask for that, there's still plenty of reasons to fault this adaptation like the godawful voice acting and the weird ending that seems to miss the point of the comics. You know, genuine criticisms, rather than shitflinging about personal grievances.

            >then we'd get a disappointing, pandery, Netflix-cucked adaptation that fails to capture some crucial essence
            Oh frick you and blow your fricking brains out, that’s exactly what the frick this already is you shitsmear.

            Who is being pandered to with this then? Cause I don't see anyone mindlessly chowing it down and going "thank you daddy Netflix for shitting on my meal again", but I am seeing a lot of people who refuse to recognise any worth in this whatsoever.

        • 7 months ago

          Anon don't bother trying. These people don't want an answer, they want to circlejerk about how much they hate this because Scott isn't the main character therefore it's cucked and pozzed and just like He-Man. They don't want to acknowledge everything that was leading up to it because they didn't care until the show came out and they sure as frick don't care about what the creator of the goddamn book series they wanted adapted so badly wanted to do considering. So many of these brainlets wanted it to be a sequel so they could complain about how it invalidated the comic just for BLOM to turn around and say it's completely independant from the books or movie. At this point it's a waste of time to try and apply logic.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah, you're right Anon, especially given how many secondaries I've seen jump in these threads and admit they've only watched the movie if even that at all. Still, you really hate to see it. This isn't criticism, this is the exact same reactionary bullshit we all mocked about the gamergate homosexualry, so why is it suddenly ok for people to flood the internet with septic behaviour this time?
            >BLOM turned around and said it's completely independent from the books or movie
            This I didn't actually hear, I must've missed the memo on. That explains a lot then.

            • 7 months ago

              Post series he did a small post elaborating on some stuff now that the cat was out of the bag and he didn't have to keep being coy about the differences he was talking about prior.

              • 7 months ago

                Ah gotcha, that explains it - as soon as it released and the shitflinging started I withdrew from keeping up with the news about the show. Still insane the difference in thread quality immediately before release, where people were long-term invested and having intelligent, earnest discussion and making actually funny jokes for the first time in decades, compared to the low-effort shitposting immediately after.
                Thanks for letting me know!

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah, you're right Anon, especially given how many secondaries I've seen jump in these threads and admit they've only watched the movie if even that at all. Still, you really hate to see it. This isn't criticism, this is the exact same reactionary bullshit we all mocked about the gamergate homosexualry, so why is it suddenly ok for people to flood the internet with septic behaviour this time?
            >BLOM turned around and said it's completely independent from the books or movie
            This I didn't actually hear, I must've missed the memo on. That explains a lot then.

            Who gives a shit? You sound like you're making it personal - do you really feel genuinely tricked and personally wronged that the show didn't live up to your expectations? Cause if you don't, what's the point of this question?

            Samegayging is for gays

      • 7 months ago

        >BLOM doing anything straight

    • 7 months ago

      >then we'd get a disappointing, pandery, Netflix-cucked adaptation that fails to capture some crucial essence
      Oh frick you and blow your fricking brains out, that’s exactly what the frick this already is you shitsmear.

    • 7 months ago

      >BLOM had done that, because then we'd get a disappointing, pandery, Netflix-cucked adaptation that fails to capture some crucial essence about the original work
      So is it that or

      I didn't ask for that, there's still plenty of reasons to fault this adaptation like the godawful voice acting and the weird ending that seems to miss the point of the comics. You know, genuine criticisms, rather than shitflinging about personal grievances.
      Who is being pandered to with this then? Cause I don't see anyone mindlessly chowing it down and going "thank you daddy Netflix for shitting on my meal again", but I am seeing a lot of people who refuse to recognise any worth in this whatsoever.

      >the weird ending that seems to miss the point of the comics. You know, genuine criticisms, rather than shitflinging about personal grievances.

      Seems awfully hypocritical.

      • 7 months ago

        They don't necessarily contradict, I think I just framed it/phrased it wrong. If we overlook the thing

        Anon don't bother trying. These people don't want an answer, they want to circlejerk about how much they hate this because Scott isn't the main character therefore it's cucked and pozzed and just like He-Man. They don't want to acknowledge everything that was leading up to it because they didn't care until the show came out and they sure as frick don't care about what the creator of the goddamn book series they wanted adapted so badly wanted to do considering. So many of these brainlets wanted it to be a sequel so they could complain about how it invalidated the comic just for BLOM to turn around and say it's completely independant from the books or movie. At this point it's a waste of time to try and apply logic.

        said here about how they're independent (which I didn't realise), what I meant to say was it gives Older Scott a characterisation inconsistent with the previous work and inconsistent with his central character arc.
        This character arc inconsistency was what I was referring to about missing the point of the original work, but that was a poor choice of words on my part, because it's a very surface level way of seeing "the point of Scott Pilgrim" - the real recurring theme is about adolescents learning to confront themselves and stop being such asshats to one another and then defending themselves from the consequences with insane copes (Scott's selective memory, Ramona walking out on people, etc).
        Therefore, disregarding the new information that this is apparently a separate continuity, I meant to fault it for being inconsistent with one (albeit major) character arc, but that that major character arc is only an extension of the underlying themes and focuses of the story. That theme and focus was entirely retained by forcing Ramona to own up to her past for Scott's sake, and is something I fear would've been missing if people did get what was so often requested - another movie-paced story that focuses on the action rather than the slice of life shit, or a more slice of life focused story that focuses too hard on the setting being "comfy" - overlooking the fact that the comfort is manufactured by the characters so they can live with themselves.
        Hence also why I make the point that if fans were just given exactly what they wanted, it would've been an even lesser work that missed the real point.

        • 7 months ago

          Autistic mental gymnastics: the post

          • 7 months ago

            Are you here to discuss shit or are you here to deliver pre-canned quips?

  12. 7 months ago


  13. 7 months ago

    >Netflix said they were making an adaptation
    >Everyone wanted an adaptation
    >Screenshots and trailer showed us popular scenes from the movie animated
    >End result was an AU, that was never ever stated or even hinted at being an AU
    Why is it unreasonable to assume the series would be exactly what we were told it was going to be? I genuinely do not understand this weirs sense of frick all of you fans for wanting something attitude that keeps showing up over and over again.

    • 7 months ago

      >BLOM had done that, because then we'd get a disappointing, pandery, Netflix-cucked adaptation that fails to capture some crucial essence about the original work
      So is it that or
      >the weird ending that seems to miss the point of the comics. You know, genuine criticisms, rather than shitflinging about personal grievances.

      Seems awfully hypocritical.

      But yet again no one has been able to answer


      • 7 months ago

        Grug hate reading

        • 7 months ago

          Then maybe you might not actually be a fan at all since the comic you said you liked, you never read never read at all?

          • 7 months ago

            I was joking

      • 7 months ago

        It's cool to see a story you loved in comic form fully animated and voice acted. This is not some kind of alien concept, it's quite common. Japan does this kind of adaptation all the time.

        • 7 months ago

          Then read the comic, no one needs to waste time and money giving you what you already have. It's meaningless and entitled to demand it.

          • 7 months ago

            Okay, you've told me. Now go tell the rest of the billions of people that have enjoyed faithful adaptations of stories to other media formats for the past hundred years or so.

          • 7 months ago

            >no one needs to waste time and money giving you what you already have.
            You are given money to watch stuff on Netflix?

      • 7 months ago

        First off it’d be a second time. Not a third. Learn to count. The original comic doesn’t count because this is a discussion of adaptations and of course people want direct adaptations this has been a thing since the fricking golden age Hollywood and book/play adaptations.

        Secondly the movies only adapted some of the books, they never finished and you can’t have a clean adaptation of later material without a direct one of the first chapters.

        Third, this isn’t even the same medium, it makes it a convoluted mess like .Hack at this point.

        Now stream your suicide and make it snappy so we’re all entertained for once.

        • 7 months ago

          So you admit it was an adaptation, you had your adaptation. Go watch that and leave the rest of us alone.

        • 7 months ago

          NTA but here's the thing about all of this. Everyone wanted an adaptation because nobody could've possibly known how to follow up on what was essentially a finished story. I'm sure everyone STILL wants an animated adaptation but if it happens it won't be with the actual creator at the helm of it because the reason this isn't in the first place was because he wanted to do something else. Also it's not a convoluted mess, people are just moronic overthinkers who need to connect all their media together in a giant amorphous blob, it had to be said outright that this was its own continuity and even then you'll still have people arguing it's somehow tied into the original. In the context of the other anon's post, it's about the story, and you could certainly argue it's still two because of the movie's vastly different finale but let's make no mistake about what's being discussed here. Finally the only reason so many dipshits on Cinemaphile are mad isn't even because of the twist but because they're looking at it like He-Man because of the Netflix connection.

          • 7 months ago

            Brian, fricking have a nice day.

            • 7 months ago

              I agree with you but his name is Bryan

              Please watch the show before jumping to conclusions man, it's just not a good habit to be in - not like you have to give Netflix money, it's easy to pirate

              have a nice day Bryan

        • 7 months ago

          >this isn’t even the same medium, it makes it a convoluted mess like .Hack at this point.


        • 7 months ago

          the game exists homosexual

          • 7 months ago

            Even more like .hack like

            First off it’d be a second time. Not a third. Learn to count. The original comic doesn’t count because this is a discussion of adaptations and of course people want direct adaptations this has been a thing since the fricking golden age Hollywood and book/play adaptations.

            Secondly the movies only adapted some of the books, they never finished and you can’t have a clean adaptation of later material without a direct one of the first chapters.

            Third, this isn’t even the same medium, it makes it a convoluted mess like .Hack at this point.

            Now stream your suicide and make it snappy so we’re all entertained for once.


      • 7 months ago

        The full story of the original comic has never been adapted into animation before or even live action. So people where hoping we'd get to see the comic animated.

        I still enjoyed what we got, but I also would of really liked to of seen the comic faithfully adapted into animation.

      • 7 months ago

        THIS IS WHY
        JoJo Part 3 has the OVA Heritage for the Future and the Anime that are ALL faithful and Fans love
        Scott Pilgrim has yet to get one adaptation where one of the central characters for Scott’s development as a person (Lisa) has been in for example
        The movie cuts half of Books 3 and 4 and mixes them together in the movie while not even adapting 5 and half of 6
        People just want a full adaptation of the source material that doesn’t cut anything
        Did you even know that Knive’s Dad was a secondary antagonist in Book 4 for example?
        Why is this so hard to understand?

        • 7 months ago

          >Knive’s Dad
          Yeah, I remember when the first Scott Pilgrim animated short came out on the movie DVD and announced Steve Blum would voice a character, and people thought he'd show up as Knives' dad, but it turned out he was just doing minor characters and the short was about the time Scott dated Kim. Even Lisa was in it.

          You can see it here:

          • 7 months ago

            Oh, I forgot it was on Adult Swim.

          • 7 months ago

            >All this time and this is still the most Lisa we see outside of the comics

      • 7 months ago

        An adaptation by definition is the the "same thing". People wanted the comic adaptated, because it would be cool.

        Amd after re-reading the comic, it is indeed better than the show.

        Its very bizarre. Anime never has this issue, its usually tries to be in line with the mangas, and people love it. Why this is such a hard concept for a person like you to understand? Is it autism?

        • 7 months ago

          Excel Saga, the best anime of all time completely diverged from the source material.

          • 7 months ago

            Your personal taste in anime is irrelevant to the point.

            Specially because the comics are actually much better than the show, and I say this as someone that liked the show.

    • 7 months ago

      The only difference is Ramona, she is now the protagonist. You now hate a series you claimed to have loved because a girl is now the protagonist. This is you lashing out and screeching over and over again because of a girl protagonist.

  14. 7 months ago

    The movie only adapted three books then went off on its own thing that was wildly different.

  15. 7 months ago

    >If Invincible can get a full adaptation why can’t Scott Pilgrim?
    Invincible isn't getting a proper adaptation.

  16. 7 months ago

    No matter what anyone says... the real reason we didn't get a faithful adaptation is because NETFLIX won't fund a show in <current year> that's about a man rescuing a woman. Or fighting for a woman. Or a woman being a goal. They took one look at the plot and recoiled in horror.

    Every property is getting this "women are the main character" treatment because OVERCOMPENSATION is a political platform now.

    • 7 months ago

      And you had what....a century of media made specifically for straight white males? And you are still complaining?

      • 7 months ago

        At least you aren't even trying to deny it. Hey, make all the shows you want for any tiny fringe audience. Just don't come crying to me when "chuds" aren't watching.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, it's someone else's turn.

          It's amazing to finally discover straight white males are actually not the only people that exists in the world, in fact there are not that many of them compared to everyone else.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah I'm sure the real majority are butch man-hating lesbians like you. America is a predominantly white market. Males are THE fiction market. Fringe minorities will never take that away, and deserve just the bones tossed to them they usually get. And as for "the rest of the world" you know every other nation is capable of making their own media, right? They don't need white women taking Star Wars or Bat Man and making it for fat trans asians or paraplegic black gays.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah it would be "fine" if they were new characters with their own stories but they are 9/10 times they are not.
        They are new characters or old ones turned into b***hes, and are made this way to put down the main character of a previously established franchise.
        Because the writers are incapable of writing anything and only know how to alienate existing fans.
        And then cry about it on shitter and blame white men when their dogshit failed.

        • 7 months ago

          you sound mad

          • 7 months ago

            How am I mad when every time they do this it bites them in the ass.
            Movie flops.
            Streaming shows flop.
            Games flop.
            No toys bought so no return on any investment.
            The best part is most big companies are going in the red and they can't back out of the social justice paradise they have painted themselves as.
            Because people would be mad that stopped and let the so called "C.H.U.D.S" win.
            They chose ESG now they don't get anything from any one else besides Blackrock and the like.
            But when you spend 100s of millions on top of what you are getting from ESG and you don't at least break even you lose.

            • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                Careful now, don't overdose.

      • 7 months ago

        but why is it always shitting on the main character of a previously told story?

        • 7 months ago

          Scott is a fricking loser, he deserves to be shit upon.

          • 7 months ago

            He is also a rapist, and a pedo, and a murderer, and a sociopath

        • 7 months ago

          What's wrong with shitting on a known pedo anon? Are you identifying with him or something?

          • 7 months ago

            >t. got no pussy in high school

    • 7 months ago

      >Scissor Seven
      >Tear Across the Dotted Line
      >Captain Fall
      Now I await your excuse as why none of these count

  17. 7 months ago

    Who is this nobody

    • 7 months ago

      someone that should've bought an ad

  18. 7 months ago

    >If Invincible can get a full adaptation
    You mean the same animation the cut a bunch of stuff, reordered scenes, blackwashed the first love interest, changed characters personalities and killed off characters that are still alive in the comics?
    The animation is good, but it isn't a faithful adaptation of the comics, far from it, it's more like a woke version of them for the 2020s crowd which seems to be the case for Scott Pilgrim too (I didn't watch it yet)

    • 7 months ago

      Please watch the show before jumping to conclusions man, it's just not a good habit to be in - not like you have to give Netflix money, it's easy to pirate

      • 7 months ago

        >Please watch the show before jumping to conclusions man
        I will, I just find it weird to see everyone saying the Scott anime isn't faithful to the comics and OP saying Invincible is a full/faithful adaptation.

  19. 7 months ago

    >watching western animation on Netflix
    >expecting anything but a crapshoot
    tbh I just use it to keep up with JJK, western animation is dead and buried as far as I care.

  20. 7 months ago

    >Why do you want the same story a third time?
    I want a fourth version of A Series of Unfortunate Events, and I want it to be both shorter than the Netflix series and slower-paced, and animated. The movie had better direction than the series did.

    Sometimes you don't get things right the first two times.

    • 7 months ago

      >I want it to be both shorter than the Netflix series and slower-paced

    • 7 months ago

      And get Jim Carrey to voice again

  21. 7 months ago

    >expecting a loyal adaptation from israeliteflix

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