Is Joker going to become a Batman movie series, and if so how is Warner gonna have three concurrent Batmen running around?

Is Joker going to become a Batman movie series, and if so how is Warner gonna have three concurrent Batmen running around?
The title of Joker 2 is Folie à deux, meaning “delusion or mental illness shared by two people in close association.”
There are three candidates fans propose
1. Second copycat Joker
2. Harley Quinn
3. Batman
Second copycat Joker is really unlikely. The only reason people say that is because of the Gotham show, the comic Three Jokers, and because Willem Defoe floated it as something he’d like to do. No offense to him, he’s a great actor with an impressive career, but I doubt Phillips or Phoenix are going “oh man, what does Willem Defoe want to do? We better get Willem Defoe in on this!” Todd Philips has never expressed anything remotely resembling this idea. Batman or Harley Quinn are both a billion times more likely
I doubt it’s Harley just because Todd Philips seems to be more of an old school kind of guy. Joker is based on The Killing Joke, The Dark Knight Returns, and 70s/early 80s drama films. I can’t imagine him thinking “alright, now all the Joker needs is his spunky clown girlfriend from the 90s Saturday morning Batman cartoon.” Especially because his comic sources both deal a lot with Joker/Batman relationship, and Joker (2019) made a big deal out of Bruce’s first meeting with him, and had the Batman origin.
Out of the three possibilities, the only person Todd Philips has ever mentioned, is Batman. Back before the sequel was announced, and it was probable Joker would be a standalone, he said “what I would like to see someone tackle is what Batman looks like from that Gotham. I'm not saying I'm going to do that.“
It doesn’t mean the next movie is gonna be a punchy superhero action film where Arthur flies his Jokercopter, but yeah it’ll probably have Batman.
So, my initial question stands.

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  1. 2 years ago

    They are introducing Harley or a faux proto version of Harley in name only or without
    Casting call is out there and the names floating around are Gaga, anna taylor joy, or emma stone
    Margot Robbie has been approached but she is likely busy and a longshot for consideration

    The role is likely to be a oscar contender for female lead so they are commanding top talent

    No idea why people think any of the comics canon has any merit to these movies Joker is not Arthur Fleck nor is Bruce Wayne so much younger than Joker

    • 2 years ago

      Those rumors are all bunk btw. 99% of Hollywood rumors are made up

    • 2 years ago

      It's just hard for me to imagine a take on Mad Love working in this world. This Joker isn't the the charming, guileful kind of psychopath. It's hard to imagine somebody so socially autistic successfully manipulating a woman into being infatuated with him.

      Also, the whole"I love him because he's damaged/look at out dark, twisted love" thing seems to work better in a traditional melodramatic dark fantasy comic booky universe than something trying to go for the gritty urban realism '70s crime vibe.

      it's 100% gonna be about bats, but the movie isn't going to be anywhere near as good as the first thanks to them ruining the standalone meta so why even bother

      It is funny how Phillips and Reeves made their movies independently of each other and in different universes, which The Batman being in production so long that the story was done before Joker even came out, and yet the films seem to share a DNA. They are both love letters to '70s crime movies. They both play with class conflict and the idea that the Waynes maybe weren't so great. They both play with the theme of other people interpreting your actions in a way that suits their own personal narratives (Gothamites seeing The Joker as a revolutionary figure when he's just a mentally ill guy who wants attention; The Riddler seeing Batman as in solidarity with The Riddler's own views). The major difference is that Joker is a pretty cynical film that ends on a "frick people, you don't owe them shit" note as the protagonist indulges and amplifies his worst traits, and The Batman is an optimistic film that ends with the hero wanting to rise above his flaws. The Batman also doesn't go as far in trying to be as "raw" as Taxi Driver, and is content to retain some of the more romanticist elements of Batman's world.

      Seeing as Keoghan Joker doesn't even seem interesting, it almost makes me wish that Joker 2019 and The Batman 2022 were in the same universe instead. Joaqer & Battinson seem to have had similar experienxes, but their views of personal responsibility made them go different ways. It would add more tension to their rivalry than Joker just being a freak.

      • 2 years ago

        i didn't watch the batman so i have no idea what you're talking about. The Joker does better standalone imo bc the ending didn't set itself up for a sequel. the only way they can go from here is introducing arthur to bats and I have no idea how that would even work given that arthur would be almost elderly by that time

    • 2 years ago

      Those rumors are all bunk btw. 99% of Hollywood rumors are made up

      It's just hard for me to imagine a take on Mad Love working in this world. This Joker isn't the the charming, guileful kind of psychopath. It's hard to imagine somebody so socially autistic successfully manipulating a woman into being infatuated with him.

      Also, the whole"I love him because he's damaged/look at out dark, twisted love" thing seems to work better in a traditional melodramatic dark fantasy comic booky universe than something trying to go for the gritty urban realism '70s crime vibe.

      It is funny how Phillips and Reeves made their movies independently of each other and in different universes, which The Batman being in production so long that the story was done before Joker even came out, and yet the films seem to share a DNA. They are both love letters to '70s crime movies. They both play with class conflict and the idea that the Waynes maybe weren't so great. They both play with the theme of other people interpreting your actions in a way that suits their own personal narratives (Gothamites seeing The Joker as a revolutionary figure when he's just a mentally ill guy who wants attention; The Riddler seeing Batman as in solidarity with The Riddler's own views). The major difference is that Joker is a pretty cynical film that ends on a "frick people, you don't owe them shit" note as the protagonist indulges and amplifies his worst traits, and The Batman is an optimistic film that ends with the hero wanting to rise above his flaws. The Batman also doesn't go as far in trying to be as "raw" as Taxi Driver, and is content to retain some of the more romanticist elements of Batman's world.

      Seeing as Keoghan Joker doesn't even seem interesting, it almost makes me wish that Joker 2019 and The Batman 2022 were in the same universe instead. Joaqer & Battinson seem to have had similar experienxes, but their views of personal responsibility made them go different ways. It would add more tension to their rivalry than Joker just being a freak.

      The rumors are being manufactured by WB in order to make people seem surprised when they cast Rooney Mara

      • 2 years ago

        They’re not having Harley Quinn at all

        • 2 years ago

          You expect them to put Joaquin in old-age makeup and have a 60-year old Joker fighting Batman?

          • 2 years ago

            Likelihood ranking. 1 is most likely, 4 is least likely
            1. Neither Batman nor Harley appear
            2. Batman appears, Harley doesn’t
            3. Batman and Harley appear
            4. Harley appears, Batman doesn’t

            • 2 years ago

              When's the last time a movie's sequel name was chosen simply because it sounded cool?

              • 2 years ago

                almost every time, what kind of question is that? Otherwise they wouldn’t be all named “resurrection”

              • 2 years ago

                A name as specific as Madness of Two directly implies that there is more than one main character, doofus

            • 2 years ago

              In case of 1, who do you think it will appear? Will it be some obscure character or a Joker/Fleck copycat like OP mentioned?

              • 2 years ago

                A name as specific as Madness of Two directly implies that there is more than one main character, doofus

                I should have clarified a bit, Bruce Wayne will appear no matter what. The question is will it be as Batman, or just wealthy private citizen Bruce Wayne?

              • 2 years ago

                And what info do you have that confirms the sequel is set 20 years after the original

              • 2 years ago

                Did you mean to respond to someone else? I never claimed anything of the sort

              • 2 years ago

                You claim Bruce Wayne will appear as an adult, implying 20 years have passed

      • 2 years ago

        That would honestly be great.

    • 2 years ago

      >Margot Robbie
      I hope not.

      Post yfw it’s Punchline

      I'd dig a "Harley" that's more Punchline in character
      >Arthur finding someone who adores him and appreciates his existence
      >Harley romanticizing the Joker as a mythical gigachad anarchist
      Story will end with them breaking down as they realize the other side is actually pathetic.

  2. 2 years ago

    it's 100% gonna be about bats, but the movie isn't going to be anywhere near as good as the first thanks to them ruining the standalone meta so why even bother

  3. 2 years ago

    I'd prefer it if they left Joker alone but if I had to make a sequel I'd focus on adult Bruce and rip off Aronofsky's Year One script

    Arthur is just locked up if he's still alive

  4. 2 years ago

    Probably like how this Joker is a bit grittier and more grounded, we'll probably get Batman without him being Batman outright. A traumatized Bruce Wayne, probably now a teen, going around in hockey gear with improvised weapons trying his hardest to stop criminal activity and take down the Joker.

  5. 2 years ago

    Post yfw it’s Punchline

  6. 2 years ago

    I goddamn hope they don’t try Harley, she’s just not going to work in a gritty 70’s atmosphere. Joker was good exactly because it was willing to tell a comic story without being a typical comic movie, but if they make the mistake of taking a step towards one, it’s gonna be garbage. Not that I would have high hopes for a sequel either way, Joker was one of those movies that doesn’t really seem like it could or would need to go anywhere with a sequel, the first one worked so well as a self-contained story with no major sequel hooks.

  7. 2 years ago

    Musical, Gaga as Harley

    • 2 years ago

      >sources say

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          So it’s made up, it’s rubbish

          • 2 years ago

            No, that's not what it means. That's not how it works.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes it is. “Sources say” = “I made it up”

            • 2 years ago

              It's like a pitch from the Crazy Days and Nights Entertainment Lawyer

          • 2 years ago

            It's coming from the hollywood reporter dumbfrick lmao you clearly have no idea how any of this works.

            • 2 years ago

              And where are they getting it?

              • 2 years ago

                I can't tell if you're trolling but when THR, Deadline, or Variety puts out a story like this the sources are coming directly from the studio.

              • 2 years ago

                “Sources say” = “I made it up”

              • 2 years ago

                You really think Studios will disclose every real detail about their film to a would-be leaker?

  8. 2 years ago

    it's a two-face movie, screencap this

    • 2 years ago

      Would honestly be cool and make sense. Joker’s portrayal, the whole modern Joker concept, is based on The Dark Knight. In that movie he is responsible for Two Face

      • 2 years ago

        also it's wish fulfillment because if I'm being honest I've always been iffy on Two-Face's coin flipping as a gimmick. I still like the character, and the coin works for him as a villain, but I've never been sold on why he does it, that part of his origin.
        I think he needs the Joker treatment more than any other Batman villain.

  9. 2 years ago

    It's a prequel to The Batman. It explains why Barry Kehogan is this dude almost a decade younger than Bruce, and how Batman would face off against a Joker who's far older than him realistically, old Joker inspires nuJoker to continue his work.
    Sneedchuck this now.

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