Is Magneto still a legitimate threat or has he been power crept into a standard mutant?

Is Magneto still a legitimate threat or has he been power crept into a standard mutant?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Power crept, he's only a legitimate thread as a "hero" and I use that term a loosely. As a villain he'd a complete b***h without author fiat

  2. 2 years ago

    Magneto like Storm is immensely powerful but they are mid-tier if compare to the other Omegas like Nate Grey, Vulcan, Mister M, and etc at their peak. And like most Omegas, Magneto and Storm are literal glass cannons.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't forget mid or even low tier outside of the X-side of things. I can only count two times Magneto has fought anyone close to his power level (Thor in the 60's and Ironman during AvX) and he got obliterated both times.

      • 2 years ago

        Doom kicked his shit in more than once. Magneto just bullies weaker mutants, or fights Sentinels.

        • 2 years ago

          If Magneto was actually allowed to use the full extent of his power (mastery over electromagentism) Doom wouldn't stand a fricking chance. Magneto could tear the eyes out of his sockets from miles away.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, yes we all understand that israeli power/ revenge fantasies will be fulfilled at the detriment of everything else.

            • 2 years ago

              Aren't Magneto and Doom equal when it comes to holocaust revenge fantasies? The Nazis went after gypsies too.

              I wouldn't mind seeing the two team up to kill all Marvel's supernazis, actually. It's been so long since we've had any good old fashion Nazi killing pulp in cape comics.

              • 2 years ago

                Doom has kicked the Red Skull in the nuts sufficiently to have any revenge on Nazis he might crave. He's moved past that shit.
                Wholesale mayhem in the service of world domination is just a typical day at work for Doom, (and really it is for Magneto too).

              • 2 years ago

                Doom is entirely an butthole and is most time treated as a megalomaniac rather than a victim. Him being a Gypsy never really mattered beyond when people thought gypsies were magic. Even most Holocaust survivors hate Gypsies, even other Gypsies.

                Magneto is worse then most of the Nazi's in Marvel to an absurd degree. His kill count is higher then the Red Skull's by a factor of 10,000. Ideologically and by a matter of his methods he's worse. He did a worldwide EMP that knocked the power out and likely killed multitudes of people who had no clue who he was. Babies, old people, kids. Gruenwald sort of addressed that during Acts of Vegenance, but that was him siding with Claremont against Byrne turning Magneto back into a villain.

          • 2 years ago

            Doom is the sort of guy who keeps contingencies in case ODIN wakes up pissed at him and seeks revenge.
            Magneto ain't gonna do shit. He could probably break all the mailboxes in Latveria, but even the power grid is probably shielded against his mag-frickery.
            Some writer will wank Magneto to "everything is made of electromagnetic energy, he's the Molecule Man!" but like Flash and Attoseconds, it's nothing more than 1 page writer bullshit.
            And for the record, Doom ain't scared of Owen Reese, either.

            • 2 years ago

              >Doom is the sort of guy who keeps contingencies in case ODIN wakes up pissed at him and seeks revenge.
              And in case people think Anon is exagerrating, Doom LITERALLY has pieces of the True Cross to protect from vampires.

              • 2 years ago

                >Doom LITERALLY has pieces of the True Cross to protect from vampires.
                I fricking love that man.

              • 2 years ago

                How pissed is Jesus that this gypsy is rubbing the cross on himself? I love the "Doom thought of that and did something crazy" schtick.

            • 2 years ago

              >Doom ain't scared of Owen Reese,
              Because Molecule Man consider Doom a friend.

      • 2 years ago

        Really, the Iron Man fight was moronic, as most things in AvX were, and should be disregarded. Didn't that even have a scene where Gambit blew up Cap's entire costume with him in it, and Cap not only survived but didn't even lose consciousness?

        Magneto's never been on Thor's level, though. Thor can solo most superteams. He makes the rest of the Avengers irrelevant.

        • 2 years ago

          >Just ignore AvX
          How convenient. So what are some other 1v1 fights Magneto has had against opponents that are at his level and is in nominal condition. As far as I can tell all he's ever used for is fighting weak opponents

          • 2 years ago

            >How convenient.
            For what? Events like AvX tend to be ignored simply because they're poorly written, and usually designed to create drama among fans rather than tell a consistent or thoughtful story.

            Magneto has trashed Apocalypse before. He's been shown manipulating planetary bodies from galactic distances. He can stand in the middle of a nuclear blast and just completely tank it. Iron Man beating him up is extremely silly.

            Granted, I personally think all these characters should have their powers pulled back a bit (or boosted up somewhat, in a few cases). A lot of the shit writing in cape comics comes from writers grappling with the dilemma of ensuring that all these people can work together or fight one another despite many just making the others entirely irrelevant. The thing with Cap, for example, wouldn't be so ridiculous if Marvel dropped the pretense of him being 'peak human' and just went with the Ultimate version of him being a low level superhuman.

            • 2 years ago

              For all the haet the MCU gets from power level wankers, it does it better than comics for the most part. Just throwing that in there.

              • 2 years ago

                I honestly agree with the decision to reign back the infinity stones but this current phase really has been fricking up. The writers are incapable of handling characters like Doctor Strange or Scarlet Witch because they are infinitely stronger than those around them but have to behave like drooling morons otherwise either of them would have ended the plot of the Multiverse of Madness.

              • 2 years ago

                Without the time Stone, Strange's biggest move is "throw all my problems into the mirror dimension", which isn't effective against pan-dimensional threats. Most of his other heavy magic is of the "this will do X, and also threaten to unravel the fabric of reality" flavor.

                Wanda spent the whole story being mentally compromised by Book of Evil, she's in classic villain trope mode at that point.

              • 2 years ago

                >Strange's biggest move is "throw all my problems into the mirror dimension"
                He has magic buzzsaws, demon dogs, whips, giant fists. They never say what he can't do nor do they establish how gimped he is because no time stone. I think he could even still do that multi-clone trick he pulled against Thanos on Titan. Hell, he could have just knocked Wanda's soul out of her body like he did Spiderman. Maybe that would have stopped her rampage before it started or maybe she bullshits her way out of that too like she did the mirror dimension.

                >Wanda spent the whole story being mentally compromised by Book of Evil
                That does not explain her just limping at people down a narrow corridor nor why she took fricking forever to steal America's powers when she finally succeeded in grabbing the girl. The only thing I could appreciate is her slipping up and telling Steven she knew America was in the Sanctum or her name, I forget which. But even then why didn't she just go get America herself instead of sending the eye monster? The scroll demon made sense because Wanda cannot traverse the multiverse so conjuring a creature to do her dirtywork made sense.

              • 2 years ago

                >Hell, he could have just knocked Wanda's soul out of her body like he did Spiderman.
                Even Spider-man's very limited connection to psychic powers/mysticism? kept the soul push from taking him out, and you expect it to work on Wanda with Stone powers/Darkhold magics?
                Magic Fists and demon doggies aren't going to beat her up, she has a plethora of insanely powerful physical effects on top of pure reality frickery.

              • 2 years ago

                >Even Spider-man's very limited connection to psychic powers/mysticism? kept the soul push from taking him out,
                He has peter tingles. Wanda doesn't. And it's just as valid an option as dropping her in a realm she shouldn't have been able to leave.
                >Magic Fists and demon doggies aren't going to beat her up
                She's till just a human at the end of the day, a glass cannon that had to actively shield herself from stuff like Black Marvel's blasts otherwise she'd be toast. Hell, if that one sorcerer had just stabbed the witch in the face while she was dream walking that would have ended the plot.

                >That does not explain her just limping at people down a narrow corridor
                Raimi being Raimi
                >nor why she took fricking forever to steal America's powers when she finally succeeded in grabbing the girl.
                This is a trope of EVERY master villain scheme ever, the ticking clock of your imminent destruction, that the heroes must race to save X.

                >This is a trope of EVERY master villain scheme ever, the ticking clock of your imminent destruction, that the heroes must race to save X.
                Yes, but the writing has to make it make sense and not just be a contrivance so the story doesn't have a bad ending. Just saying "it's a cliche" doesn't mean it's good it happened like that.

              • 2 years ago

                >He has peter tingles. Wanda doesn't.
                Exactly. He has minor magic/psy powers he barely understands, and it's enough to give him solid anchor. Mordo and Strange can't soul push each other because they are trained to resist it. Wanda has been spending all summer studying the Ultimate Book of Evil Magic, she's not susceptible to that sorta shit.
                >She's till just a human at the end of the day, a glass cannon that had to actively shield herself
                Just like every master of the mystic arts, including Strange.
                >Yes, but the writing has to make it make sense
                Not particularly. You are indulging in a piece of genre fiction, and complaining that it contains a trope that's consistently in that genre, the Master Villain's "final victory" taking an unreasonable amount of time to succeed so the hero can struggle against a (now) slowly ticking clock. You may as well complain about villains abandoning heroes to their slow deathtrap while they piss off to go make phone calls or some shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >Freeza destroys planet instantly
                >Freeza destroys planet Goku is on, now it takes "5 minutes", or an hour of DBZ episode.

              • 2 years ago

                >she's not susceptible to that sorta shit.
                Based on your flawed reasoning that studying how to project demons and consciousness between realities is the same as being specifically trained to resist something or having an innate mutation that circumvents this situation. At least I'm honest in saying she would still probably bullshit around it but at least try.
                >Just like every master of the mystic arts, including Strange.
                Exactly, so stab her in the face. Problem solved.
                >You are indulging in a piece of genre fiction
                There are still limits to my suspension of disbelief and it is a case by case scenario not a blanket limit. Wanda had spent the entire movie tearing through anyone and anything that stood between her and America. killing without remorse and chasing her across the multiverse. The only logical countdown she gave Steven was her ultimatum to hand over America by the next day or she goes on her rampage. That works and makes sense, she's trying to be "nice" in her fricked up way. Spending 15 minutes not sucking America dry however makes no sense. They could have made the ritual elaborate and lengthy but both Defender Strange and the scroll monster trying at the drop of a hat implies this process is quick.

                MCU Wanda isn't much of a glass Cannon

                Remember when White Vision was trying to pop her head like a zit? She recovered from that quickly, she seems to be able to heal pretty quickly through her powers

                >Remember when White Vision was trying to pop her head like a zit?
                Admittedly I didn't watch Wandavision so I didn't know that specific thing happened. I just remember either Ironman or Warmachine punking Wanda with sonic blasts and figured the Black Bolt scene was them being cheeky about sound being one of Wanda's hard counters since she doesn't seem able to block sound waves like she can other forms of energy.

              • 2 years ago

                >Based on your flawed reasoning
                No, based on the fact that magicians are trained against it working on them, or they'd constantly use it as a close ranged attack to end a fight.
                And she's been training with the Ultimate Evil Sorcery Book. It'd be stupid for it to just work on her.

              • 2 years ago

                >based on the fact that magicians are trained against it working on them
                She's a witch. And she has no formal training like Strange received.
                >And she's been training with the Ultimate Evil Sorcery Book
                Which is ill defined in the sheer scope of what it would teach her. You could say it has a chapter on guarding ones soul or I could say it's focused on projecting and searching the multiverse and honing wanda's reality warping powers and illusions.

                >There are still limits to my suspension of disbelief
                That's your problem then, particularly when dealing with fiction full of wizards and dimension-hopping and macguffins.

                I mean if you want to accept characters wasting their own time when their goal is within their grasp every single time it would be convenient to the plot because 'muh genre'. More power too you.

              • 2 years ago

                It's literally the ultimate libram of dark magic, the counter to the book of Vishanti.
                I'd feel comfortable accepting that it covers all the basics too. Wanda had ZERO training in magic to that point, and now she's doing high-tier sorcery that Sorcerors Supreme have trouble dealing with. Plus, by bloodline she's the Scarlet Witch, the literal chosen one of the Dark Powers.

              • 2 years ago

                >There are still limits to my suspension of disbelief
                That's your problem then, particularly when dealing with fiction full of wizards and dimension-hopping and macguffins.

              • 2 years ago

                MCU Wanda isn't much of a glass Cannon

                Remember when White Vision was trying to pop her head like a zit? She recovered from that quickly, she seems to be able to heal pretty quickly through her powers

              • 2 years ago

                >That does not explain her just limping at people down a narrow corridor
                Raimi being Raimi
                >nor why she took fricking forever to steal America's powers when she finally succeeded in grabbing the girl.
                This is a trope of EVERY master villain scheme ever, the ticking clock of your imminent destruction, that the heroes must race to save X.

            • 2 years ago

              >Magneto has trashed Apocalypse before.
              To be fair, they've only ever fought in AUs, and Magneto is 2-1 against Apocalypse, with both of his wins coming from the writer giving him a sudden instant-win move.

        • 2 years ago

          Captain America got great plot armor.

          • 2 years ago

            The next page should have been Captain America drooling like a moron. Also, writers cannot decide if 616 Cap is a liberal who fights for the ideas of freedom and individual rights or if he's like Ultimate Cap; a fascist nationalist who will do anything to protect american interests.

            • 2 years ago

              Still asshurt about AvX huh

            • 2 years ago

              I can think of few characters who have successfully fought off mind-frickery more than Captain America.

            • 2 years ago

              >or if he's like Ultimate Cap; a fascist nationalist who will do anything to protect american interests.

              Ironically, Ultimate Cap is loyal to nothing but the dream.

              • 2 years ago

                He executed a literally unarmed teenager. After promising he wouldn't do just that.

            • 2 years ago

              >missing that he is a liberal nationalist
              Get your brain out of the current year political divide

          • 2 years ago

            Mary Sue Cap. Nuff said.

          • 2 years ago

            Humans are canonically super special in the Marvel universe, and Cap is *the* peak of humanity, so take it up with Marvel for being so vague about how powerful he should be.

          • 2 years ago

            This isn't really plot armor, Cap does canonically have a stronger brain than the average human.

            • 2 years ago

              This happen a year prior. Humans like Batman and Captain America definitely get wanked and thus appear superhuman.

              • 2 years ago

                This really isn't that big a deal in context, Gambit was obviously not trying to murder him, so it's not like Cap took the maximum explosive charge he's capable of. It's just Gambit underestimating how much Cap could take.

              • 2 years ago

                For all Marvel tries to rationalize Cap being just peak human, he does things beyond other characters defined as peak humans. Batman can't do a 70mph sprint and maintain that speed as a part of his morning jog.

    • 2 years ago

      >"They're only mid S-tier"
      an S is an S

    • 2 years ago

      In olden days Magneto and Storm weren't considered Omega Level at all. Omega level had a specific meaning - potentially limitless in growth and application. A mutation that is the end of its line, one that doesn't need further adaptation because it can theoretically do anything.

      • 2 years ago

        Omega should have been reserved exclusively for reality warpers

  3. 2 years ago

    Magneto is like any villain that joins the good side. He loses a lot of his bullshit advantage. Still very powerful though.

  4. 2 years ago

    Why's he still alive? isn't he like 100 years old, even if he was alive he shouldn't be mobile.

    • 2 years ago

      He we de-aged into a literal baby back in the Silver Age, and then re-aged into his prime during Claremont's run.
      Or maybe they were both in the same rough era. Anyway, point is that he's been de-aged before.

    • 2 years ago

      >isn't he like 100 years old, even if he was alive he shouldn't be mobile.
      Dude is on his third body not that it matters with the mutant clone bodies now.

  5. 2 years ago

    What? How do you power creep to standard when since introduction he's been above standard?

    • 2 years ago

      By never having fights against anyone at or above your power. Magneto has only been used to bully weaker opponents, most writers only use him when he has a significant advantage

  6. 2 years ago

    >Be Master of Megnetism
    >Get btfo by a guy clad head-to-toe in ferrous iron
    Magneto was never a big deal. He terrorized a bunch of weak kids with glass cannon powers. (or were literally made of/infused with steel).
    It's like Slade trying to be scary because he beats on High School kids.

  7. 2 years ago

    Also, the Fox-Men, for all their other heinous flaws, got the power scaling decently too.
    You really have to minimize the amount of characters that are as "Strong as Plot".

  8. 2 years ago

    He's so Pringles. Where yo curleh mustache at?

    • 2 years ago

      Oh please, he's got nothing compared to the King.

  9. 2 years ago

    It's impossible for Magneto to not be cool.

    • 2 years ago

      Magneto is a b***h of the highest order

  10. 2 years ago

    Punk ass

    • 2 years ago

      b***h homie

      • 2 years ago

        Get fricked

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago
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              • 2 years ago
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              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                This 8s bullshit to the highest order.

              • 2 years ago

                Good will always find a way to triumph over evil eventually anon.

    • 2 years ago

      Jokes on you, son of Odin! This is merely part of Maggie's masterstroke to make you look anti-semetic! You may be immune to most kinds of magic, yet you have fallen for the oldest spell of Mags' vile israeli sorcery!

  11. 2 years ago


    Sorry that was for all the ant posters

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Last one, hope you all enjoyed this exhibition of gayneto getting what he deserves, hope one day it's permeant (for comics)

        • 2 years ago

          Ok I lied one more for the road

  12. 2 years ago

    It's safe to say mags can't beat people outside of mutants.

    • 2 years ago

      He can barely beat other mutants

  13. 2 years ago

    He's always been a legitimate threat. But he's also a kid with a magnifying glass who thinks torturing ants makes him invincible. Against anyone that would legitimately outclass him like Thor or Nova, he's a total jobber.

    • 2 years ago

      Magneto is the super hero equivalent to those guys who try and avoid ranking up in competitive games so they can keep shitting on noobs and casuals

    • 2 years ago

      >guy not only cancels out your gimmick, but he is very superhuman and has strong powers to back it up
      Too bad they ended up stopping the fight, Magneto needs to be humbled a lot more often, especially against those he knows truly well he's fricked against. That little bit with Richard didn't even humble the fricker, he was just as much of a smug bastard afterwards.

  14. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
  15. 2 years ago

    He still controls one of the four universal forces. Writers aren't educated enough to fully understand his powers.
    It's like how Iceman is super OP, but isn't the problem solver for everything.
    Some superpowers will never be properly shown, due to creators not being smart.

  16. 2 years ago

    Magneto is invincible.
    He may suffer some setbacks but he always bounces back, stronger.
    One day, he will rule the world and save the Mutant race!

    • 2 years ago

      >and save the Mutant race!
      99% of the problems faced by mutants are entirely Magneto's fault for announcing the existence of mutants to the world by starting a race war.

  17. 2 years ago

    I don't think that's really power creep. Just magneto using his helmet in a somewhat clever way. Though one that leaves me with questions as to how it allows his own abilities to work with it on.

    • 2 years ago

      Magneto's power ain't psionic in nature. It's knowledge and stamina based.

    • 2 years ago

      Helmet grants immunity to psychic attacks. It is not resistant to magnetism.

      Magneto's power ain't psionic in nature. It's knowledge and stamina based.

      Based on electricity + knowledge + stamina

  18. 2 years ago

    Magneto is the type of character that have a powerset so high that he needs to be a jobber now and then and when he uses such powers to the extent they could achieve they either sweep under the rug or retcon away
    >that EMP blast that killed up to millions in Fatal Attractions
    >that destruction of NY or whatever in Grant "comics are real" Morrison era
    If they don't do that, all his appearances would end with people impaled like Zaladane was at the end of his Savage Land trip

    • 2 years ago

      Even stories like Fatal Attractions don't dwell on the death toll for very long, and Marvel do their best to avoid addressing the millions of people Magneto has killed in that one story alone, let alone the rest of his life. Even in the Apocalypse movie when he cuts loose and starts devastating cities, he's welcomed back onto the X-Men like nothing happened by the end of the movie.

      He got so popular that none of his crimes ever seem to matter or get held against him by fans the way they would with most other characters, and most of the writers and fans want to pretend he's the hero of X-Men.

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