is meth actually that addictive?

is meth actually that addictive? it's cool but whenever i've tried it the comedown makes it a "once every year" drug not a daily thing

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  1. 5 months ago

    So the obvious thing to do is to never come down

  2. 5 months ago

    Breaking Bad portrays it as considerably less addictive than it actually is. Jesse and his friends seem to be "casual" users, and I have never encountered nor heard of a casual meth user. At least not ones who have done it more than two or three times.

    • 5 months ago

      >and I have never encountered nor heard of a casual meth user
      You would be actually shocked how many people use it casually

      • 5 months ago

        Smoking/snorting it? Like, I can picture a casual user if they took small oral doses (at that point it's basically just a longer-lasting Adderall) but full-on railing the stuff seems to be a recipe for addiction lol

        • 5 months ago

          gays manage to do it and not get addicted basically the protip is using it for sex

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah right

    • 5 months ago

      >I have never encountered nor heard of a casual meth user. At least not ones who have done it more than two or three times.
      I did it casually 5-10 times over a one year period. It had a noticeable effect on my health and appearance so I stopped. I guess I craved it sometimes but it wasn't a strong addiction yet.

    • 5 months ago

      >there still are people who believe in this anti drugs propaganda
      how addictive is alcohol?

  3. 5 months ago

    Everyone who complains about "muh addiction" is just a weak person who probably was raised by a single mother. It's just willpower. I've quit meth, heroin, cigarettes, and all kinds of other drugs multiple times. It's easy if you have a little intelligence and foresight.

    • 5 months ago

      >I've quit meth, heroin, cigarettes, and all kinds of other drugs multiple times

      My homie that's not beating addiction, you are just moronic.

      • 5 months ago

        This. It’s just relapsing for another drug. Not much different than idiots who claim that beating alcoholism is easy because they’ve done it 10 times. But junkies and alcoholics arent exactly renowned for their astounding cognitive function

  4. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >that qt3.14 on the left
      I can fix her

    • 5 months ago

      Id give anything to see them today

  5. 5 months ago

    The problem is getting into a zone where you just don't come down, keep going and keep going then one day you've been high every day for weeks or months and you're fricked

  6. 5 months ago

    >it's cool but whenever i've tried it the comedown makes it a "once every year" drug not a daily thing

    That's the point. Junkies want to feel good so much they do use it daily, and burn out their bodies doing so.

  7. 5 months ago

    >watches fictional characters do drugs
    >bUt Is iT rEaLlY?
    no anon it's dramaticized go ahead and do some drugs it's fine

  8. 5 months ago

    Really depends on your personality, I guess. I knew a dude who was homeless who got free housing through the city's social services. When I went over to his place, there was this chick sitting in the corner of his room who did nothing but shoot up meth the entire time. She told me she hadn't gone to sleep in 3 weeks. But that's seattle for ya

  9. 5 months ago

    It's cocain that lasts 2 hours or more not 2 minutes. So yeah it's addictive

    • 5 months ago

      Uh try 8-12 hours. Also, insufflated coke lasts for about an hour. Crack cocaine lasts for like 15 minutes. Whatever drugs you've done must have been straight garbage.

      • 5 months ago

        They haven't done any drugs. They just heard someone say that once and are repeating it.

      • 5 months ago

        Possibly, I've never done meth but I have friends that say it's like coke (I've both smoked and snorted) that lasts for hours. I was just keeping the 2 number for literary semetry

        • 5 months ago

          I pray for the poor soul who one day asks you for directions

          • 5 months ago

            Imagine being this dude's dealer
            >Yeah thats an ounce of the puro, fishscale
            >It's 2 grams cut down to 2 percent coke 98 percent motrin and baby laxatives

          • 5 months ago

            Imagine being this dude's dealer
            >Yeah thats an ounce of the puro, fishscale
            >It's 2 grams cut down to 2 percent coke 98 percent motrin and baby laxatives

            You guys are such badasses holy frick I wish i were as cool a you guys! Hunter S.Thompson is my hero not for his literature, he's just so fricking cool because he does DRUGS!!!

            • 5 months ago

              No one here is cool but it's a discussion board so if you say something kind of dumb people are going to say something about it

              • 5 months ago

                Forgot my reaction image

  10. 5 months ago

    >Everyone who complains about "muh addiction" is just a weak person who probably was raised by a single mother. It's just willpower. I've quit meth, heroin, cigarettes, and all kinds of other drugs multiple times. It's easy if you have a little intelligence and foresight.

    • 5 months ago

      I would have become such a good looking adult if I wasn’t addicted to eating. I want to blame my dad for dying when I was 9 but in the end I am responsible for my own actions. At this point, I don’t know if I can change for good

      • 5 months ago

        Of course you can, but you already knew that.

  11. 5 months ago

    I could go for some meth right now, so I guess I am addicted. My life is not in shambles in terms of the basics though. I am gainfully employed and have housing, but I am very lonely.

    Hopefully the hypersexuality that the meth provides can convince me to make a bad decision with another person, starting a new relationship with someone who doesn't know I'm on meth.

    • 5 months ago

      Ew, nasty homosexual getting your ass failed? There’s a whole board for your type.

  12. 5 months ago

    I'm considering it. I never got into alcohol or drugs but living is just becoming unbearable

    • 5 months ago

      You might think that you're already close to reaching rock bottom, but if you become a meth or heroin addict you'll soon discover that you still had a long, long way to fall

  13. 5 months ago

    I'm smoking meth everyday and never had any issues

  14. 5 months ago

    I'm an addict but I'm just addicted to weed and gooning luckily.
    Tried almost every drug and nothing just synchronises with me the way weed does.

    Amphetamines make me super autistic to the point where I become so uncomfortable with myself. Opiates I just find boring.
    I drink a bottle of scotch every saturday night but I don't have the constitution to do that every night.

    • 5 months ago

      opiates suck and amphetamines arent worth the commitment

      >Amphetamines make me super autistic
      this is weed for me. eye contact gets difficult and simple conversations turn into machiavellian puzzles. i still get high though

      • 5 months ago

        I don't get high around other people. I only stone alone. I turn into a complete mute while stoned because I'm so absorbed in my own thoughts.

        By amphetamines making me autistic I mean the last time I took them I was ranting about geopolitics to a bunch of hipsters in a bar for 3 hours

      • 5 months ago

        >opiates suck
        Opiates are like a 6 hour long orgasm.
        Uppers are like anxiety pills that tortures your already hyperactive mind.
        I'm genuinely sorry, you're missing out.... or maybe I'm not, probably a good thing you don't like them, it sure as hell hasn't been good for me.
        Goodluck anon

  15. 5 months ago

    for me it's tripping on research chemicals

    • 5 months ago

      stop leaving them lying around then

  16. 5 months ago

    The most unrealistic thing is just how mentally sound Jesse is. Basically his only flaw is that he's kinda lazy, has mild emotional problems and is a bit stupid.
    When he's not using drugs in the show he's basically just your run of the mill normalgay.

  17. 5 months ago

    > Actually knowing what you are talking about is... LE BAD!!!!!1

  18. 5 months ago

    Casual meth user here, getting shit done, being productive, even shifting some excess pounds. It makes me nearly impotent most of the time but if you ever manage to get horny you will frick a woman to death. Or jerk off for 6 hours...insanely horny to the point where even if you are straight you will find homosexual shit arousing. A lot of people will have 24 hour fap sessions. It makes me incredibly horny to the point gay shit turns me on. I snorted daily for a year then smoked daily for a year before I got off. Caused myself to get psychosis. Sucked a few dicks. Life is better without but I still get a gram every couple months for old times sake. It eliminates the weak. Smoked a few bowls last night, fapped for 12 hours. Now I'm drinking beer and about to get some food. Idk when I'm on it I can work 80 hours/week no probs. Made me stink so bad. I was always paranoid I smelled. Of course I was too afraid to ask anyone if I did out of fear of letting on that i was on meth. I'm clean too, no problems over here. Pump up the jam.

    I got molested multiple times as a toddler by my teenage sister.

    It's made me "discover" myself too early and I probaly fricked up some other kids lives by passing my trauma onto them...

    Because of this, I just can't have sexual relations now. Totally ruined relationships 🙁 🙁

    When I was about 6-7 I got molested by a girl of the same age twice, the police got involved since I wasn't the only boy she was doing it to, i wasn't told about it until about 7 years later when mum casually brought it up, I always knew it happened and how bad it fricked me up in the long term but overall I never thought it was that bad. I'd say I blame it for how I am today and how I act, I was pretty afraid of girls and stuff like that in general.

    I've got a girlfriend now though and even though I consider myself bi-sexual purely because I trust men a lot more than women, I have gotten a lot better and would say I'm recovering.

    • 5 months ago

      Jesus christ dude lay off the meth

    • 5 months ago

      this post is authentic lol

      ps i had a stint with meth, holy shit there were a few times i beat/edged off for HOURS and hours on end, only moving to smoke more meth and drink some water. eventually when i stood up it felt like i was drunk and learning how to coordinate my muscles again and my dick would hurt for DAYS

      meth is so fricking fun jesus christ

    • 5 months ago

      sounds like you are a closet homosexual, bro.

  19. 5 months ago

    I got hooked first time I smoked it

    did it every day all day like a fiend for three months

  20. 5 months ago

    I'm gonna go downtown today and overspend twenty bucks on just enough 'cide to get high as frick for a day, it's my monthly routine, keeps the edge off/on
    When I was addicted (daily use) I had a hookup who'd sell me a ball (3.5 grams) for 100 bucks, I'm very grateful they OD' d on fent or I'd still be buying a ball a week, the entire ordeal of getting it downtown keeps me mostly clean

    • 5 months ago

      what the frick is this. don't use your gay lingo without explanation

  21. 5 months ago

    I'm pretty sure I have undiagnosed adhd because whenever I've taken any dosage of amphetamines I get into this zen like relaxed trance state and my mind is crystal clear but not running fast.

    • 5 months ago

      That’s the effect it has on the vast majority of people and why you see every soccer mom who decides to try one of their kids adderalls suddenly decide that they have adhd themselves. Like 30% of students in my country are on adderall or ritalin due to the effects you described and the vast majority of them dont have adhd. It’s an amazing drug when it comes to studying or getting shit done, but it comes at a heavy price later in life for people who keep using it

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